53 - Pause Button

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He is on fire. Michael is on fire.

I can't stop looking. I can't stop watching.

Michael owns the stage. He is really the king of the dancefloor. The way he performs, the way he sings, the way he dances? Damn! 

Everything is so magical and ecstatic that all I wanna do is to stand up and share the same energy as him. However, these people around me are so calm and quiet like they are not in a some sort of a concert tour. They are so used to it that these kinds of shows are normal in their eyes but still, the fascination and admiration remained in their eyes.

Bill gave me a spot at the side of the stage where I can see every little magic on stage. I am just banging my head with the music and my feet never stop from stomping.

This is not the first time I saw Michael perform. I attended one of his concerts in New York during the first leg of the tour. Of course, he invited me to come and I didn't refuse.

I remembered it clearly. He received numerous teasings from me after that show because the girl from one of his short films was also part of the concert as the lady whom he supposed to chase during the performance. The lady started to flirt with him and ended up kissing his lips.

God, my eyes were sore and my jaw hurt from laughing too much.

He was so embarrassed and he actually got mad at me for a very short while because I couldn't stop teasing him about the scenario. He just gave up from his fake anger when I started to cling around his body like a tarsier. He couldn't resist my charms too just like how I couldn't prevent myself from falling to his softie personality trap.

I'm not sorry though. I really love to tease him whenever there is a woman who keeps on throwing herself to him. Good thing he is a perfect gentleman because if he's not? I wouldn't be surprised if one day, a woman will confess to him that they have a baby or something.

I mean, a baby for real because there's a lot of women who are claiming the same thing. 

I'm waiting for a real baby. Michael's baby.

So far, everything is just a rumor. Michael is so sure about it too because according to him, he is behaving like a very good boy so having a baby with a random girl is impossible.

But then, who am I to judge? We are not sharing our sex life to one another so how would I know that he is honestly not goofing around?

With that skills of his? Humor me.

He asked me one time why I was so obsessed with his love life because I kept on asking and bugging him about it.

Why not? I'm just too excited to mingle with his girlfriend. It's fun, right? Having a shopping spree with your best friend's girl is a good idea. Then, he'll get jealous because his girl spends more time with me than him. I really want that to happen so I can tease him again until his ears become sore red.

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