84 - Red

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I remember that I claimed last night that we were happy. I was just hoping that those happy hormones will stay until today. It seemed like, the offer already expired last night. It expired the moment we closed our eyes to sleep because when we opened our eyes earlier and the sunlight hit our faces? We were already in a depressed state.

It was so depressing to the point that the lovely London morning can't make us smile. I don't know about Michael's emotions but me? All I want is to cry. I don't know why but I have this sudden urge to cry. I just want to think that the morning view beyond these glass walls is making me emotional but we all know that it is not the exact reason.

It is time.

It is time for me to go home.

We were already awake for the past hour and we both already took our private times but then, we remained naked under the sheets, still staring at nothingness even our breaths were now minty. No one was saying a single word. All we could hear is the sound from the airconditioner and the music of nature that can penetrate the glassy walls.

Nothing about us is peaceful even though the ambiance is technically peaceful and calm. It is just the ambiance. Not us.

Even I am not calm, I remained unbothered when I felt Michael's lips tracing my skin. It started from my arm until it crept slowly up to my shoulder. I was still staring at the white ceiling even if his luscious lips landed on my neck. I let him shower me with his hot kisses until he reached my jawline and now, my lips.

His lips tasted so sweet but my soul was not yet coming back to my body so I can't respond to him properly. He was kissing me in a way that I didn't need to kiss him back for it to work. Maybe he felt it that was why he chose to kiss me in a different way.

I already felt bad about not responding to him. I didn't kiss him back and I didn't touch him too. Michael got tired of me and he pulled away, giving me a dark stare like he was reading my mind. 

My left arm remained resting above my head while my other one was on my stomach. Even I got frozen on my spot, my eyes found his brown ones. He narrowed his eyes before he slammed his body on his side of the bed.

Mentally, a huge sigh escaped from my lips as I tightened my grip on the sheet that was covering my naked body. Michael's lower body is still covered with sheets too however, his arms are crossed and he covered his eyes with it. My gaze went back to the ceiling when he uncrossed his arms and banged it gently on the sides of his body.

Michael sat on the bed without glancing at me. He prepared himself to get off from the soft mattress but my hand was quick to grab his hand so I can stop him. His back is already facing mine and I saw him tilted his head to the right but he didn't look at me. He freed his hand from my grip and sat on the edge of the bed. His body moved when he let out a deep sigh. I took a seat too, hugging my knees as I watched his broad back.

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