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new chapter coming soon but for the mean time I got tagged in this | by Reylo10___Dramione12

1) I'm bisexual  2) female 3) yes :D 4)why'd you only ever call me when you're high5)brown6) Scorpio 7) my mother LMAO 8) green 9)  enchiladas!10) 40%11) Emma Watson and Evanna lynch and many more of the gorgeous Harry Potter and maze runner cast!...

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1) I'm bisexual 
2) female
3) yes :D
4)why'd you only ever call me when you're high
6) Scorpio
7) my mother LMAO
8) green
9)  enchiladas!
10) 40%
11) Emma Watson and Evanna lynch and many more of the gorgeous Harry Potter and maze runner cast!
12) aa Idk maybe sweet corn
13) brown!
14) I'm a size 6 (uk)
15) Lawyer
16) bahahaha I don't know 20 people

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