Red Hot Rage

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"Hey Mer, you don't look too happy, thought McDreamy was starting to gain points."

"Izzie, I'm not going to let him off the hook that easily," she said with a hint of sadness.

"Right. You do know you two are the main gossip attraction around here?"

"Yes, Cristina, I know."

"So, we know you spent a lot of time with him in a supply closet this afternoon."

"That doesn't mean I let him off the hook. We talked."


"So," Izzie interrupted what was heading towards another argument, " think you'll join us at Joe's after apartment hunting?"

" going, Izzie, we're just having dinner afterwards."

"Ok, what did he do now?"

"What are you talking about Cristina?"

"You have that McDreamy screwed up again face."

"I'm just tired. I'm going home and then we'll order take out."

"Mer, c'mon then, join us for drinks at Joe's," Izzie insisted.

"I think she just wants to go home and wallow."

"Cristina! Seriously...what did I say earlier?"

"Fine. No comments about McStupid."

Meredith walked over to change and get ready to leave, when Izzie commented,
"Mer, are you sure everything's ok, you look sad."

"Yes, Iz, I'm fine. I'm just exhausted from lack of sleep, way too many nights in a row."

"Ok...I'll see you at home."

"Yeah. Cristina, see you tomorrow."

"Speaking of McS," Cristina muttered as Derek entered the resident's lounge.

"Yang. Izzie."

"Bye Mer, Dr. Shepherd."

"What was that about?" he said as he walked toward her and attempted to kiss her, but she suddenly pulled away.

"What was what about," she said, a definite coldness in her voice.

"Cristina. McS?"

"Imagine it's for McStupid."

"Ah...Meredith, I can tell you're mad at me here, but I don't have a clue what changed from this afternoon."

She glared at him and remained quiet.

"Ok, we're not doing this. This silent treatment is exactly what gets us into trouble all the time. Talk to me. Tell me what happened since I last saw you."

"Go ask your friend Rose," she said, shrugging her shoulders indifferently. "She seems to be quite well versed about your feelings."

"What are you talking about? Meredith, you're not being rational here."

"Oh..." she said raising her voice considerably, "if one more person talks to me about being rational... I swear I'm just going to..."

"So, I'm not the only one that thinks you're being irrational."

"Don't you dare, Derek Shepherd, don't you dare tell me I'm not being rational... lied to me again...and....and...I'm finally seeing things as they really are."

"Would you care to share what those things are?"

"I already told you. Go ask Rose."

"Meredith," he said, carefully choosing his next words, "please, talk to me, tell me what it is you think is going on."

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