All Bets Are Off

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Derek locked the door behind them, and reached for her kissing her softly.

"I thought," she teased before kissing him again, "you were too exhausted for anything other than sleep."

"I am. But, that doesn't mean we'll feel that way in the morning," he teased right back, as he pressed their bodies together and tenderly caressed her back, "and your roommates..."

"They're officially yours now too," she laughed.

"Yeah...well, our roommates have no discretion about our privacy," he cupped her face, lightly stroking her cheek.

She sighed contentedly, kissing him softly, then wrapping her arms around his waist, "it was nice," she told him, "even though I am so tired, to have everyone here tonight."

"It was," he agreed and kissed the top of her head, and they found pleasure in simply holding each other.

"I can't even consider unpacking tonight," she said, "but if I don't, it will only get worse with my schedule this week. I have three ten hour days, then a 48 hour shift."

"At least, your next day off is Saturday," he smiled, "we can spend it together."

"I'll probably want nothing but to stay in bed by then," she told him.

"I can live with that," he joked.

"Good luck getting me to be alert at six in the morning after a forty eight hour shift, combined with the first 3 days of jet lag."

"Who said anything about six in the morning," he teased her, nibbling her lips, "thought you'd want to spend all day in bed."

"Sleep and sex," she smiled, nipping his bottom lip playfully, "going to hold you to that."

"It will be my pleasure," he smiled, and kissed her.

"I bet it will," she laughed softly before resting her head on his chest.

"Go on," he said, as he looked at her closely, the dark circles under her eyes a reflection of their long day of travel, and the lack of sleep the night before. "Get in the shower, and I'll start unpacking whatever we may need tonight."

"You don't have ..." he cut her off, with a soft kiss.

"That alarm clock is going to go off way before you want it to."

"You have to get to work too," she argued.

"But I don't have your schedule for the next week," he grabbed her hand, and pulled her toward the bathroom, "get ready for bed, I'll start unpacking."

"I love you" she said, "you could join me..."

"That," he smiled, "would mean we won't get to sleep anytime soon."

"So," she taunted playfully, "you prefer sleep than sex with your wife."


"Uhmm..." she said, as she began to discard her clothing, "maybe I need to talk to Dr. Grey."

He laughed and grabbed her, tickling her, making her giggle, "my wife..." he murmured, "is more than enough for me to handle," he said before he captured her lips, and any ideas of sleeping were put on hold as they finished undressing each other and their playfulness resulted in a delightfully sensuous welcome home.

"Mer," Derek said as he cleaned up the watery mess of the bathroom floor, "we should consider some type of shower curtain or something in this bathroom or we're going to spend a lot of time mopping up floors."

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