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Meredith and Derek walked out of the lounge holding hands until they reached the elevator, when he kissed her softly, "page me for lunch."

"It may not be for a couple of hours."

"That's fine, I'm going into surgery now," he said as he got in the elevator, and she then walked back to the nurse's station.

Neither was aware of the malevolent sentiments harbored by the dark haired nurse, as she watched from a distance, while considering herself the woman scorned.

"Lisette, can I have the charts for 4211 and 4235, please."

Lisette got up to get the charts and when she turned, Meredith saw her become pale and reach out for the cart with the charts to steady herself, and she quickly went to her side.

"Are you ok," she asked reaching out to steady her.

"Yes, part of the I'm happy being pregnant side effects."

"Come sit down," she said, "Steph, would you mind covering for her a few minutes," she said, leading her to the more private office behind them, and sat next to her.

"I'm ok, really Dr. Grey."

"You didn't look too well, and I bet that wasn't a pleasant dizzy spell."

"No, they never are."

"Is there something I can get for you? Anything that helps?"

"Please, I'm ok, really, I don't want to bother you."

"You're not. I'm a doctor, helping a patient."

"I'm not a patient," she laughed.

"But, I'm a doctor, and I say you're my patient," she smiled, while at the same time reached for her wrist and took her pulse. "That's a bit fast."

"Usually it is, after the dizziness, but that's just me, it's not the same with every woman."

"Does it happen a lot, the dizzy spells?"

"Few times a day, but it's not as bad as the nausea."

"I couldn't believe Dr. Sloan, taking bets on you being pregnant."

"He is just incorrigible about that, but I have to tell you, he joked with me two weeks ago, and I had not even started to have any symptoms."

"Are you feeling better?"

"Just a bit."

"Well, I'll keep you company till you're ready to go back."

"That's very sweet of you Dr. Grey."

"This gives me a chance for a break, it's not too often we get those."

"I don't mean to pry, but, you and Dr. Shepherd look happy, it's nice to see you two back together."

"Thank you," she smiled. "So tell me, why were they making so much fun of you?"

"I've worked with Amy for about five years, and when I was pregnant with my daughter, it was exactly the same. But of course the symptoms are not normal, so I never suspected and now, it was the same thing so how was I to know both my pregnancies would manifest the same way."

"Well, you're happy about it, that's all that matters."

"My husband is thrilled, and he kept telling me, and I kept ignoring him. He of course joined he bandwagon of I told you so, including Dr. Sloan, who just insisted I had the look," she laughed.

"I'm curious now, how are your symptoms different?"

"I still had my period, and then it seemed like regular PMS, this last time, just a bit stronger cramps and still had a very light period, finally I got worried when the nausea and dizziness started last week and decided to make an appointment, and thank God everything is fine."

"That is strange, I guess, having your period two months in a row, I haven't really worked with too many ob/gyn cases."

"It seems like it's normal for me, while it certainly wouldn't be for most women."

Meredith tried her best not to react, she was describing very similar symptoms to her own, but it simply was not possible. She would know if she was pregnant, yet, she felt the panic begin to rise, because as Lisette said, hers was not the normal circumstance.

"Are you better now?"

"Yes, I can go back, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm glad I was here to help."

"Have a good day, Dr. Grey."

Meredith started to walk away, "Dr. Grey, your charts."

"Oh, sorry, I guess I became distracted," she said as she began to walk to the patient's room.


She continued to walk lost in her own disturbing thoughts.

"Meredith, are you all right?"

"Lexie, hi."

"Mer, are you ok, I called you, and you kept walking, Mer, really you don't look good," she said and led her to nearby chair, "you've gone really pale...almost like you'd seen a ghost, is the best way to describe it."

"Maybe I did," she laughed, "a little one."


"Sorry, bad joke."

"What's going on?"

"Just an unexpected conversation, that got me thinking."

"A good conversation...good thinking?"

"I don't know actually."

"Can I help?"

"No, it's nothing, really."

"My sister the avoider. Yes, I can see it's nothing."

"Don't push it, I'm still older."

"Yeah, now what they say..."

"Don't...don't even consider coming up with any of your quotes right now."

They both laughed, "you sure you're ok?"

"Tell you what, if I'm not..."

"Meredith, don't joke."

"If I'm not, you'll be one of the first to know..."

"Meredith Grey, this is no joking matter, why do you think there's something wrong?"

"I don't think there is anything wrong," she said defensively.

"Oh my God, you're pregnant, aren't you?"

"No! You and Derek need to stop, really."

"I take it Derek hasn't stopped," she teased her.

"You know, Lexie," she said with a feigned hint of annoyance, "if I was pregnant, the sheer obstinacy of you two, would be enough for me to keep it a secret."

"'re not denying it...maybe..."she smiled.


They both laughed and then a bit more sentimental, Meredith added, "Lexie," she hesitated, "there....there is something...I want to tell you."


"I'm going to start going to therapy, this week in fact...and... I thought...well..."

"Meredith, you can ask... ask me anything...about...Dad and ...well anything...if it can help you..."

"Maybe...maybe I will...but I just wanted you to know...because...I may...I'm not sure...if I will, but I may...ask you for can just be there for me...for me to talk to..."

"I'll be there...whatever you need. Mer, I'm so glad glad we found each other."

"So am I Lexie," and before they continued to walk down the hall, she reached out and softly placed her hand on her arm, and smiled.

"I've got to go, I'll see you later."

"Lexie...if you see Derek, do not egg him on..."

"Are you suggesting he and I would conspire behind your back..."

"Yes," she giggled, "he's disappointed, I mean, not that we're ready for that...but just don't bring it up, ok? I started my period yesterday, so he knows...he knows I'm not pregnant."

"Ok... and Meredith, I'm sorry, for teasing's just...well your symptoms..."

"Just coincidences...but I'm not."

"Three, I paged you, hey Mer."

"Dr. Yang, I was on my way to find you, I've got the test results you wanted, and think we should also recommend an MRI."

Cristina looked over the information, "very good, go ahead, get it scheduled."

"Ok. Meredith, I'll talk to you later."

"Lex, congratulations by the way."

"For what?"

"Meredith, stop the chit chat, and delaying my intern."

"I'm not delaying her, we're wasting more time now," she snapped at Cristina.

Lexie stood watching the exchange, almost as though waiting for permission from the teacher to leave, but this time, it was the older sister.

"Lex, it was great you scrubbed in on Derek's surgery, not too many interns get that chance...repeatedly."

"He's clearly playing favorites, to get on your good graces."

Lexie's face dropped in disappointment, but Meredith interrupted, "that is not true, Lexie go on, get your test scheduled. I'm going to get some sweet pills for Cristina, cause it sure as hell looks like she's been overdosing on bitter ones."

"Oh, that was good. Meredith, just when I think you can't pull off sarcasm, you surprise me."

"Oh stop being a bitch, you know you like her."

"Yeah, well, I thought if I wasn't nice to her..."

"Stop it Cristina. You like her, and she's a good doctor, and I'm happy she's in my life, she's my sister, can't you be pleased... that someone in my family cares about me."

"Ok, do not get all sentimental on me. What the hell has that man done to you?"

"Cristina," she paused and indeed had become sentimental, "he's McDreamy again."

"You had sex with him, finally...oh Sloan's gonna love this one."

"Wait, you and Sloan are talking about when..."

"Lighten up Mer... the whole hospital is talking about your sex life."

"I'm going to have to talk to Derek, really give them something to talk about."

"So, you have time to meet at Joe's tonight?"

"No, I can't."

"'ve been spending all your time with him, and not giving any of us the time of day."

"That's not true, he cooked dinner for all of you, and that wasn't that long ago."

"Yeah, but we're used to seeing you almost everyday at Joe's"

"We have a lot of things to work on Cristina, I need the time with Derek."

"You're no fun Mer, you're becoming like an old married couple."

"We are not."

"Joe's then, tonight."

"I m on till eight."

"So, that's a great time to meet there."

"Not tonight, Cristina, Derek's meeting me after work at my house."

"Just as long as you know you're totally ignoring your friends...that have been there for you, when...he..."

"Cristina, don't ruin it... this conversation, please....don't ruin it with one of those comments. Listen, maybe tomorrow night... we'll get together tomorrow night."


"Don't pout."

"I don't do that."

"Yeah, you do...and Cristina, you're still my person."



"But, now I have to share with Three."

"Now you have to share with Lexie...and she doesn't mind," she teased her.

"She's not so bad."

"She's really not, but I think you intimidate her."

"Good, she's smart and a fine doctor to boot."

"Thank you."

"I'll talk to you later Mer, hey... maybe lunch would work today."


"Never mind...getting trumped by McDreamy again, but Mer, at least make it worth our Sloan and I can settle bets."

The next couple of hours had passed quickly when she got a text from Derek.

-hey ready for a bite
-ur choice
-neck shoulder?
-u love me anyway
-I do
-ok when
-now on call room
-my office 5 min
-we need food

She walked up to his office and knocked lightly before walking in.

"Hey," she said.

"How's your day going," he asked extending his hand for her to join him on the small couch, while still preparing the plates on the table in front of it.

"When did you get all this?"

"It pays to have friends..."

"Who did you sucker into it?"

"You wound me..."

"Right," she said sitting next to him.


"You're joking?"


"Derek...what did you do?"

"Nothing... I can't understand why you have this..."


"Told her I'd give her some embarrassing man whore stories."

"DEREK! That's awful..."

"Why are you defending him..." he said possessively.

"You... are...jealous..." she smiled.

"I am not."

" have no reason to..."

"He knows I'll kill him."

"That's more like it," she said and turned tokiss him. "You should know're the only man I want," she said deepening their kiss and then trailed kisses down his throat, neck, teasing, gently biting...until she reached the opening of his shirt and stopped, smiling at him, and brought her mouth to his again.

"Meredith, " he said a bit breathless, "you realize you keep saying things like that, while laying half way on top of me....and it makes it very hard..." he stopped himself and laughed, "no pun stop..."

"I know...but... you were too tempting to resist...and you, are the one that brought up...bites..."

There was a knock at the door, "come in," he said, as both sat up on the couch.

"Dr. Shepherd, the information you requested was delivered, and you said to bring it in right away."

"Yes, I did. Thank you," he said and took the envelope and placed it on the table.

Meredith had started to nibble at the food, "Derek, this is really good, where did you get it?"

"Tracy recommended it, they were going there for lunch, and I asked them to bring something back."

"We should go there sometime, you know Derek, we should double date."


"With Mark and Tracy, go on a double date."

"Meredith, we're not in high school."

"It would be nice, he's seen her more than once, that's huge for him."

"Doesn't mean I want to double date with him, when I can be spending the time alone with you."


"What does that mean..."

"You may be a way to diffuse... spending time together...before McDreamy really get all his privileges back," she giggled.

"You are truly, pushing your luck."

"I don't think so...just all the right buttons.

"That you certainly are," he said and leaned over to kiss her. "Eat your food."

She looked at him with a mischievous grin..."uhmmm...I wonder..."

Before she could say anything else, he did, "don't even think about it...or your waiting time will be effectively over."

They finished their meal with continued light banter and teasing until her pager went off.

"Interns, but not urgent."

"What's the rest of your day like," he asked, noticing she still looked tired.

"Who knows, except two surgeries starting atfive so I really hope to be out of here by eight."

"How about you?"

"I'm done in a couple of hours, so I'll be heading out of here before five, and have some errands to run."

"Keeping secrets?"

"Nope, look for yourself," he told her and handed her the envelope that had been brought to him.

"What is it?"

"Open it, I think you'll appreciate the contents."

She did and immediately started laughing. "Oh Derek," she said turning to brush his lips with her. "You were listening."

"Of course I was listening" he said as he laid out the various articles on bears sighted at Bainbridge Island and numerous options for fences.

"A fence Derek," she laughed, and laid her head back against the back of the sofa, and looked at him with bright and sparkly eyes, "is not going to keep bears away."

"Those articles were just to assure's most uncommon."

"I see..." she teased, reaching out for his hand. "so the fences..."

"Just looking at options," he said, and brought his hand to rest on her abdomen, "for when the time comes to protect our babies."

"I can live with that," she said, the shine in her eyes suddenly brighter as tears began to pool.

"I can't have you worried about our kids all the time," he said softly as he kissed her, his hands gently caressing her stomach.

"I should go, I'll see you tonight."

"Hey, Meredith, you know, if you ever need to...want to take a break, you can come in here, lay down for a bit, relax, whatever you need."

"I don't...I can't..."

"Yes, you can. I'm telling you right now, that you can, and it would actually make me feel better if you would...especially now, when you haven't been feeling well."

"Derek, I'm fine."

"Yes, I know you're fine. But, you're tired, I can see it, and if you steal a few minutes here and there and come in here nobody has to know you're taking a short break."

She hesitated briefly, then said, "maybe I will, actually..." she paused, " I need to do look into some things, would it be ok, if I used your computer later?"

"Of course, you don't have to ask."

"I won't... I mean, I won't be looking at your personal files or anything, I mean...just...I just need the internet."

"Meredith, do you want to know my password."


"But you can," he said and whispered it in her ear.

She giggled, "very naughty."

"Only thoughts of you," he teased.

"With that password, it damn well better be me you're thinking about."

"Always is."

"I'll see you at home."

"You will. I love you."

She sat up and leaned up to kiss him, leaving him with a satisfied smile on his face.

Derek had long gone home when Meredith entered his office and sat at his desk. She had his key, which he'd told her to give back to him tonight, though he'd said he intended to get a key made for her.

She stared at the computer screen for several minutes and then finally double clicked Internet Explorer. Ever since she's spoken to Lisette, followed by Lexie's comment there was a seed of doubt that prompted her to look further into her symptoms and figure out what could possibly be wrong with her.

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