Hints? VIPB & L

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"I bought your engagement ring today," she heard, barely a whisper upon her lips before he captured her mouth making her forget all the reasons she'd thought it had been a terrible day, all the doubts she'd allowed to overpower the unquestionable love and commitment she knew existed between them.

"Derek," she whispered, pulling away from their kiss and ever so gently raised her hand and brushed a curl away from his face, slowly running her fingers through his hair, their gazes locked, hers brimming with unshed tears as he became lost in the depth of the emotions she revealed, knowing he was given a glimpse straight into her soul, and she was lost in the clear blue depth of all the promises he had made, while the shimmering lights of Seattle behind them added to the hope and wonderment each saw reflected in the other, as they sailed towards home, towards the beginning of the promised lifetime.

The look in their faces, merely inches apart, set the framework and captured the intimacy of this moment, providing a memory that would live forever in their minds, as softly their lips in perfect sync reflected the others smile, and no words were necessary as she threw her arms around his neck and held on to him, and they accepted the unequivocal knowledge that all was about to change, and basked in the pleasure of their embrace.

"Meredith..." he murmured against her ear.

"Derek..." she whimpered incredulously, "you...do..."

"No more doubts..." he questioned.

"You have a ring..."

"I do," he said and pulled back to look at her.

"What does this mean?"

"What do you think it means?"

"I don't know," she said looking at him intensely and giving him half a smile before brushing his lips with hers.

"You don't know?"

"Are we going to keep repeating what the other says?"

"Are we?"

"You're making fun of me," she said wrapping her arms tight around his waist.

"Definitely not," he smiled back.

"Derek...you haven't answered me..."

"Which question...there were lots of questions in your ramble..."

"What does it mean...that you have a ring?"

"Well, I hope that answers your questions about me changing my mind..."

"I had to ask...it was a valid question..." she challenged him.

"Does this answer your other question," he teased, pressing closer to her, "about me ...wanting you?"

He marveled at the change in her expression. Earlier he'd seen the doubts and fears that turned to surprise and hope of the fulfillment of promises, and now he saw the light teasing sparkle in the grey green eyes that never failed to mesmerize him.

"Does this," she said, bringing her lips a whisper away from his, and then nibbled his lower lip gently, playfully, before covering his mouth with hers and every touch, every stroke of their tongues held the promise of that lifetime. For her all doubts were forgotten with the simple admission he'd made, he'd not forgotten...he wanted to marry her, she thought as they continued to deepen and savor each kiss as though it was the first time, and she smiled as his lips found hers again, "answer ..." she said breathlessly, "how very much I need and want...you."

Pausing to catch his breath, he murmured, his voice hoarse, his desire evident, "I love you, Meredith, I will love you always."

"Derek," she said, breathless herself, "you have my ring..."

"Not with me..."


"I bought it, but don't have it with me..."

"So..." she said, and he saw the change in her expression again, and braced himself for the inevitable ramble and tried to keep from smiling, "you told me you have a ring but you don't have it...and you made me believe you wanted to marry me...and now, this is a half proposal again, you ...you..."

"Jackass," he offered.

"You are such...oh..." she huffed, "why would you say that, if you don't have a ring, and had no intention of giving it to me, and it was just one more time when you say things and then add that but..."

He interrupted her by capturing her lips, and she held back at first, "Meredith...kiss me back, you know you want to," he teased.

"I...do not," she argued.

"Really," he said, setting out to prove her wrong in record setting time.

"Just...just because...."


"Derek, you'd better...you better...I just hope that you're spending every waking minute right now thinking of how you're going to make this up to me."(*)

"What did I do?"

"What did you do," she asked him, "you're joking?"

"No, really, Meredith...I don't know why you're so upset, I told you I got your ring."

"Yes, you moron, but you're not giving it to me, are you?"

"Meredith...I only told you to shut you up."

"What...to shut me up?"

"That didn't sound right..."

"Brainless...idiotic...stupid man...no it didn't sound right."

"Meredith..." he smiled, turning his head slightly just the way she could never resist him, and he saw a trace of a smile.

"I'm mad at you, you know...for making me wait all this time...and then, you tease me..."

"Meredith, you have to admit...and I'll admit too...we were both a bit irrational today...don't you agree?"

"Maybe..." she conceded.

"I just wanted you to know... that you had no reason to doubt what I feel for you, what I want for us, so I told you I got your ring."


"Oh no...not fine..."

"You could have just told me you know, what you just did, instead of mentioning a ring and then not following through...."

"The story of our ..." he said, and wisely stopped, but not soon enough.

"Yes, I know...par for the course lately...not following through," she said and rubbed against him, "but not for long."

"Who's teasing now..." he said and kissed her.

"You're a glutton for punishment," she said, "or have recently developed a fondness for cold showers," and they both found themselves laughing.

"Neither, I love you...it's that simple...everything else...can wait...until you're ready."

"Derek...I love you too...but..."




"I understand why you blurted that out...but you realize it just seems like another half proposal to me...are you sure you aren't having second thoughts..."

"Oh...no...none at all...I promise you...I've done nothing but think about it, and I think you'll agree...I'll be making it up to you."

"Then where's my ring..."

"At the jewelers."

"So you don't really have it..."

"I will tomorrow, it's being sized..." he smiled.

"How do you know it's going to fit," she pouted.

"Because, I scooped around your bedroom and took one of your rings with me," he told her.

"You did not..." she laughed.

"I did...that ring you like so much...it's a gold band with some design on it."

"You really snooped around...I'd never have thought it...I don't snoop around."

"It wasn't really snooping, and it was for a very specific reason, and you always leave it laying around."


"When what?"

"When to all of it...when did you steal my ring, and when did you get the ring...the new ring...Where? What were you going to do when I looked for it and it was gone?"

"Your old ring is already back in its place."

"It is?"

"Uh huh...since this afternoon, when you came looking for me that's where I was," he smiled proudly.

"So...you just bought a ring and plan to keep it around...and not give it to me..."

"Definitely plan on giving it to you...and you have already agreed to say yes..."

"I may have to change my mind...depending on how you do this...I mean, this would have been appropriate on the ferryboat...how we both have a thing..."

"Meredith...too cliché...and trust me...I'm sure you're going to like my proposal..."

"You really have it planned...you're going to surprise me..."

"I hope so..."

"I can wait...but do you remember...I told you to remember the hormones..."

"I do...I have not forgotten, that's why I felt I had to reassure you tonight."


"That doesn't sound like a friendly Derek..."

"There's one more thing, about today..."

"Uh huh..."

"You're still keeping something from me...and it wasn't the ring...you're going away...and it's ok, I encouraged you to go home, I did...but, you haven't told me and you've told everyone else...and I know I've been difficult...but you should have told me Derek...instead of me finding out the way I did..."

"You're very sure of that..."

"Of course I'm sure, the Chief mentioned your trip, and even Kelly said something and you seemed to have discussed it with the Mulligan's and the entire hospital, all except me...are you avoiding telling me you need a break for me..."

"Yes," he said simply, and waited for the next reaction.

"Yes....you're admitting to it..."

"Uh huh...I'm going on a trip..."

She attempted to pull away from him, "that...that is just...not nice...Derek," she said and he saw the tears in her eyes and regretted teasing her because he knew she'd just been reminded of the use of that phrase while they'd still had hopes for their baby.

"Meredith, you're right, it wasn't I was just playing along with you...because there is no way I would be going on a trip without you...I can't leave you...don't you see...don't you understand that I need to be with you right now as much as I believe you need me."


"We're going on a trip together," he said and kissed her softly.

"We are..."

"Uh huh..."

"Where and why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because all my plans are not finalized, there's still a few more arrangements, and the time off was crucial which Richard and Miranda took care of, but there's still a couple of loose ends that will be taken care of by tomorrow, when I had planned on telling you."

"You've really been planning this...a surprise for me..."

"I admit I asked for some help..."

"For what..."

"Hotel reservations and some minor details..."

"Like what..."

"Oh...no...you will have to wait....you've already been given a hint..."

"That was a dumb hint, Derek..."

"For someone who is so brilliant with crosswords..."

"I'm not rising to the bait...I am brilliant with them..."

"Uh huh..."

"Who else knows...who's been helping you?"

"Let's see...other than the entire hospital apparently knowing..."


"Can you ever let me finish a sentence without jumping to conclusions?"

"Not when you're being evasive," she countered.

"The entire hospital knows I'm going to ask you...since your other knight..."

"Semi-knight," she joked.

"Since he blurted it out to the OR and bets are on us breaking up now..."

"We'll show them, right..." she asked hesitantly.

"We will...absolutely...Meredith, Kathleen is helping..."

"She is...was it her idea...or did you...I mean...you though of it..."

"I told you before...this...this moment is ours, for us...only yours and mine."

"I love you Derek...even when you're not telling me everything."

"That's good to know...a man needs to have some secrets," he laughed.

"Don't push it...what is she helping you with?"

"Just hotel reservations and she loved your ring."

"She saw my ring?"

"I wanted to get another opinion...she thinks you'll like it..."

"You picked it out for me...I'm sure I will..."

"So...what do you think now...was it such a terrible day?"

"It's turning out to be one of the very best of days..."

"The first of many Meredith...those terrible days...I really believe are behind us..."

"Derek...we can't do what we did today...we have to really think about what we say to one another...we have to stop doubting and second guessing each other's thoughts and motives," she said seriously.

"I agree...that's part of our commitment to each other...communication...not letting the other pull away...and I'm in this...Meredith...I'm in this for a lifetime..."

"And beyond Derek...for always..."

"We're almost home," he said as they sailed closer to the dock at Bainbridge.

"Can I guess...where you're proposing..."

"You can..." he teased, "I may not tell you..."

"Will you tell me if I guess right?"

"It depends."

"On what," she asked like a petulant child.

"On how close we are."

"You mean how close I am to guessing?"

"No, I meant how close we are..." he laughed.

"I don't like you."

"You love me."

"Yes...Meredith...yes I do..."

"So...if I guess..."


"The hint the other day has something to do with it," she said resting one hand on his chest.

"Uh huh..."

"And I did not get it right ...so VIPB...not the Virgin Islands..."

"Far from it..."

"Vancouver Island..." she exclaimed, "and of course we might need passports with all the new travel restrictions..."

"Not even close, but you are right about needing passports."

"You're not playing fair."

"Wasn't it you who said you wanted to be surprised?" he asked cocking his head slightly.

"Yes..." she admitted... "I suppose..."

"Let me do this, Meredith...I think you will enjoy this ...and I want this to be a very special memory for us...our once upon a time...to tell our grandchildren."



"No more questions."

"Really..." he questioned suspiciously.


"No more questions..." he said.

"Wasn't it you who said...asked me to take it all on faith?"


"I am...and I'm trusting you...completely."

"We...we're going to be fine ...aren't we..." he said pulling her close to him and kissing the top of her head.

"Define that, fine that is..." she murmured against his neck.

"Meredith and Derek fine," he said confidently.

"Oh yes...that type of fine...we are..." she said softly, and snuggled closer to him, content simply to be held in his arms for several uninterrupted minutes, the night breeze making her snuggle closer to him.

"We have to go and get in the car," he said and heard her stomach growling, "you haven't had dinner either?"

"I lost my appetite at some point...but, I'm hungry now, I only had a yogurt at lunch."

"Meredith," he scolded, "you can't do that, you're supposed to be eating well, especially right now..."

"I have been, today was just crazy, I didn't have time..."

"There's not going to be much open right now, you should have said something earlier, before we boarded."

"It's ok, I wasn't hungry then."

"I should have thought about it too," he said, and kissed her soflty, "let's go, maybe that new pizza place is open...if not I'll fix us something at home."

"Derek," she said, reaching for his hand as they walked to the car, "let's just go home."

About a half hour later, they were sitting having a light meal.

"Derek, I know I said I wouldn't ask any more question...but..."

"I knew you would..."

"I'm not going to ask you about your surprise...you jerk," she said smiling.

"Ok then..."

"You said we're going on a trip..."

"Uh huh..."

"Derek, I need to know something about it...so I know what to pack, I mean what kind of weather there is, I know we're not going to visit your family, because we need passports, but how long are we going to be away, when we are we leaving ...coming back...where we are we going," she added just to tease him.

"Ah...she lied..."

"I did not, that last question was just to throw you."

"Let's see...we're leaving Saturday morning at six thirty, and..."

"Derek...are you crazy...Saturday morning...that's the day after tomorrow...and I'm working, and when am I going to pack, and where are you taking me...I mean, do I need to have a dress or just jeans and will be going somewhere that's casual or formal, Derek, I don't have time to get ready in one day's time."

"What happened to the woman that was ready to leave for 48 uninterrupted hours..."

"I do not recommend you bring that up now...you stood me up...and took your proposal of sorts back..." she threatened.

"It was not that way, and we're not going there again...we're moving on...so...in that spirit, I think you can pack tomorrow night, just like I'm going to pack tonight."

"You're packing tonight...you knew this earlier today...when we made plans to sleep here."

"Of course I did...Meredith...trust me...you won't regret it...tomorrow night you can pack."

"Fine," she mumbled "you men are so clueless."

"Uhmmm...just fine," he asked as he got up and brought the plates to the sink.

"Go pack," she murmured, as she walked up behind him and put her arms around him, "I'll clean up, and then I'll help you...see if I can get a hint about what I need to take."

"Ideally..." he said, "we won't need to many clothes," he smiled, "we'll be spending a lot of time indoors..."

"That sounds like my kind of trip..." she said and kissed him lightly.

"Now...to answer your questions, temperatures average between 40 to high 50's; what to wear is just what you would wear here, we are going to have a couple of nights where you may want to dress up for dinner...you can pack as much or as little as you want, because if we get there, and you need anything, you can just go shopping."

"Derek...that's ridiculous...I'm not going to go away and go shopping..."

"Why not, that's what Add..." he started to say, "all women do."

"I am not most women...or lucky for you, Addison, you'd be broke, with me buying Prada and who knows what else she was wearing the day the wicked witch landed," she told him in good humor.

"Meredith...I'd rather be broke...than without you."

"Oh, Derek, that is so..." she giggled.

"Corny...cheesy..." he added.

"Sweet...and lovely," she smiled, "and I guess this means we're not going to a warm tropical island."

"No...we are not."

"How long are we going to be away, can you tell me that?"

"One week."

"What...Derek, I don't have that kind of time off, are you out of your mind, there's no way the Chief and Dr. Bailey are going to allow us that time off, well, me anyway."

"They already have..."

"Are you serious?"

"Richard lived up to what he told me...whatever time we needed."

"Derek, but I'm a resident...it's not ..."

"Meredith, do you want to go away with me?"

"Of course I do," she said.

"Then finish cleaning up, and come help me pack."

"We have a week off...just like that..."

"Not just like that...but we have it off, you won't get two weeks off together like you did at the end of your first year, but we should be able to manage some days away together when we come back."

"You really...really thought all of this through...for me " she asked him, and he heard the deep emotion in her voice, and knew what it meant to her he'd taken the time to plan.

"I hope you will not be disappointed," he said a bit unsure.

"Disappointed...when I'm going to be spending a week with you...and you're planning some wonderful surprise...and, Derek...this is our first real trip together...and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it," she answered, and leaned in to kiss him.

There wasn't much to clean up, especially since Lexie had been there earlier in the week, and she walked over to help him pack, and stood just outside the bedroom area watching him put things away before joining him to help pack.

He felt her presence and noticed the sad expression on her face, and stopped what he was doing and walked over to her, "hey, what's made you sad."

"I'm ok..."


"It's the first time, I've been here...since...we were away."

"Meredith, I'm sorry...I should have realized..."

"Hey, it's ok...we were here...afterwards...just, not since we came back, and it's hard to forget."

"I should have come out here on my own," he said berating himself for nor having thought about it.

"Lexie cleaned everything up, Derek that was nice..."

"Yes, it was, once we get to...once we get our destination... there should be some nice souvenirs we could bring back to her, our friends..."

"And your Mom and Kat...oh my God, Derek, I have to call Kathleen."

"You're going to harass her...about where we're going?"

"No, you ass...I'm going to thank her...and let her know her brother finally got my ring."

"She already knows...."

"I still want to talk to her...since I can't tell anybody else, not till you give me the ring."

"She'll be thrilled to talk to you..." he said and gathered her in his arms.

"I love you Derek," she sighed, "thank you...for understanding."

"Are you going to help, or what?"

"The what sounds better," she joked, "is this what...what would you say I am, your girlfriend, or fiancée ...and is this what wives do...pack for their whatever."

"You can be whatever you want. But, I'm really looking forward to the day you marry me."

"One step at a time...isn't that like the one hundredth step..." she said.

"I don't know...is it...I mean where are we?"

"Almost there..." she smiled, "almost..." she said and before she finished he'd captured her lips and again made her forget any sadness and felt only hope in her heart.

"Packing can be fun, I supposed," she said, watching him from the bed, since he'd insisted she sit or lay down

"Easy for you to say..." he laughed.

"I did offer to help," she laughed.

"I'm almost done," he said as he placed a dark suit in the suitcase, and the closed it placing it aside, near the overnight bag he'd already packed.

"So, I take it I should take at least one nice dress to wear the night you wear that suit."


"Is that a yes?"

"I'm thinking..." he smiled.

"About what?"

"The night we met," he told her, cocking his head to the side and locking gazes with hers they both became lost in that memory.

"The night that changed my life..." she whispered as she reached for his hand and pulled him down beside her.

"Changed our lives..." he said softly and held her close to him.

"Derek...I have a feeling..."

"You do..." he asked cautiously, turning on his side and facing her.

"The most wonderful feeling..."

"Are you going to share it with me?"

"I must...because...Derek...this time...it's a really good feeling..."


"This trip...Derek...I feel so good about this trip..."

"Because you know I bought your ring..."

"Because I know it's the beginning of our life together...for always."

"I know it will be, Meredith...the beginning of that lifetime...those dreams we've been given a glimpse of..."

"Derek...you're planning all of this, and you've been given me this," she said touching her necklace, "and the spa and I'm sorry I haven't done anything for you...but, I..."

"Hey," he said caressing her face, "you gave me the most priceless gift of all," and paused knowing the emotion he felt would bring her sadness, "Brianna...you brought her to life for me."

He heard several short intakes of breaths, "I lost her..."

"No, you loved her and then...you shared her with me...your dream of her...together with my dad...that is the most priceless gift of all."

"Oh, Derek," she whispered, and her eyes were brimming with tears "do you to think...this sadness...emptiness ever goes away..."

"I think...we will never forget...and there will always be sadness, but I also know that our baby does not want us to hold on to that...you saw her Meredith...she was happy...she's our little angel...and one day Meredith...when you're ready, if you want for us to try again, we will celebrate our second's child's birth...and that Brianna will be their little angel too."

"You're going to help me," she said softly, reaching out to caress his face, "you're going to remind me...help me remember that my dream...Derek that my dream can come true."

"Together, we're going to make your dreams, our dreams come true," he said and kissed her, and they lost track of time as every touch, every caress, every kiss they shared erased doubts and misunderstandings and instead a tale of trust, nurturing, commitment and the love they were ready to promise the other for a lifetime began to unfold, just as the image of the tapestry unveiling the love found in legends.

"Meredith..." he said before he fell asleep.


"I can give you one more hint..."

"You will?"

"Uh huh..."

"What...Derek...don't just ..."


"L...as in the letter L...that's it?"

"It's a really big hint..."

"Love...something to do with love, that is so predictable Derek...that's not a clue."

"It has to do with love, but...not the word you need..."

"I'm going to figure it out you know, and when I do, you're going to have to tell me."

"I'll tell you if you guess..." he said as he caressed her body, starting from her shoulders to her hips as she lay with her back nestled against his body.

"Oh my God...you dirty dirty mind..." she giggled and turned to face him to whisper in his ear, and he laughed and shook his head.

"Believe me that will happen...and it will be my pleasure," he said, "but that's not it."

"Oh well, who cares...as long as..."

"Just don't make promises you can't keep," he said.

"Believe me, we're both keeping this promise."

"Meredith, there is something you can do...something I'd like..."

"There is," she paused, "something I can give you?"

"Yes..." he smiled.

"Tell me..."

"Pack your black dress...the one you wore..."

"The night we met," she finished, and smiled, "did you pack your red shirt..." she asked and he nodded and her giggles and then their laughter echoed through the trailer, through the place they'd first, unexpectedly, truly discovered love.

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