Beyond a Lifetime

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Music drifted through the gardens as familiar and romantic lyrics captured the essence of the love and commitment manifested by the newly wed couple.

"Derek," Meredith said as she was handed a silver cake knife, suddenly realizing the immensity of the last several hours, and found his gaze, "you're my husband...we're married..."

"Several hours now," he said, as much awe reflected in his eyes, though opting to tease her, "changing your mind already?"

"Not for one second," she smiled, "but then again...that's your area of expertise..."

"Never going to let me forget that...are you...just hours as a wife and you have that aspect perfected..."

"Are you suggesting..." she said quietly, "I'm going to become a nag..."

"If the shoe fits..." he smiled as he nipped at her ear lobe.

"Uhmmm..." Meredith murmured, turning her face and gently biting his lips, "you're thinking of what to wear...and here I am thinking of us completely naked...for hours...and..."

"Think you can get a rise out of me...teasing...and taunting..."

"Oh...I have no doubts...about that," she giggled, and wrapped her arms around his neck after putting the knife down on the table, "and neither should you."

"You...are trying to kill me," he chuckled, "and those vultures are never going to let us live it down...if we can't control ourselves."

"Derek," she giggled again, "that is awful, calling them vultures."

"I may have slightly exaggerated," he smiled.

"Derek," she said, her smile and gaze taunting him, "can we cut the we can get out of here?"

"Uhmmm...your wish is my command," he teased, repeating her words minutes earlier.

"We're going to end up killing each other...or at the very least needing to be hosed down," she said and his laughter echoed through the ancient gardens.

"Are the two of you going to cut that cake anytime soon," Kathleen said, "it's freezing here away from the heaters, so either get going or we can just come stand near you and be warmed by the heat the two of you are generating."

"Kathleen," her mother laughed, "leave them's their wedding day, they can take as long as they want."

"Mamma Shep," Cristina added, "I's the wedding night they want...and I can't imagine they want any more delays."

"Ok...Mer...let's do this so we can shut your family up."

"My family..." she said, raising an eyebrow.

"From now on...whenever they're a pain in the can claim them."

"Derek Christopher," his mother said, "you're both stuck with us, cut the cake."

"Derek," Meredith said, the sentimental tone in her voice betraying her emotions, even before he saw the tears gathered in her eyes, "thank you...for our family."

"I hoped you'd feel that way..." he said, kissing her softly, "that you would be happy with them here."

"I love you Derek," she said simply.

"I love you...Meredith..."

"Shep...come on, stop with the whispering," Mark bellowed.

Derek picked up the knife, "Mrs. Shepherd, are you ready?"

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