Dreams and Fairytales

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Holding hands they strolled along the promenade for several minutes, enjoying the stunning view of the tranquil blue waters of the lake and mountains surrounding it.

"Derek," she said releasing his hand and placing her arm around his waist, then contentedly resting her head on his shoulder, slowing down her pace considerably.
"It was a nice idea to drive here, it's beautiful."

"It is," he said, and stopped to wrap his arms around her and softly kiss her. "I'm glad Angela mentioned it was such a close distance."

"It's almost surreal," she said wrapping her arms tightly around him and resting her head on his chest.

"The view?"

"No..." she said quietly, lifting her head to look at him. "Us...being here, the last few days...you and me...married."

"Uhmmm..." he said, as he held her close to him with one hand, and he ran the other through her hair, "there are moments I wonder if it's all a dream."

"You've made this trip one of dreams and fairytales," she said, her eyes never leaving his, both visibly emotional over the other's thoughts, and then softer, even gentler, "you made me believe in things I never thought would be part of my life," she lowered her gaze, "things my mother didn't believe in and actually discouraged."

He brought lifted her chin to meet her gaze, "you inspired all I've done...you made me want to give you at least a small taste of those fairytales...of what love can do...of what my love for you inspires."

"Oh...Derek," she said as she placed her lips lightly on his, "I love you so much."

He kissed her, oblivious to the few pedestrians around them, and delighted in showing her and making her feel how very much he loved her.

"You know...if we were not married..." she teased him, "this could be considered lewd and lascivious behavior?"

"If we were not married," he chuckled.

"Uh huh...technically..."

"You think our behavior is lewd and lascivious..." he looked at her, unsure what she was getting at since there was a slight smile on her face.

"Not really," she said purposely encouraging him to ask more questions.

"Well then..."

"My mother," she smiled, "once told me that sex outside of marriage was considered lascivious, and that some counties in Massachusetts still hadn't updated those laws from two hundred years before."

"Why would she say that to you?"

"Probably her way of trying to keep me from having sex."

"Uhmmm," he chuckled, "that was a good deterrent."

"You ass..." she giggled.

"You seem to love me," he kissed her softly, "in spite of that...and being brainless and a moron and a slew of other things."

"Derek, I love you."

"Now what..." he joked, alluding to their diversion mechanism.

"Only that," she said, softly caressing the stubble on his check and kissing him, "only that I love you."

"Only that you love me," he repeated, kissing her softly and leisurely, and then deepening their kiss, "that...Meredith is everything...all I'll ever need."

"So...you still love me," she asked, "even when I say or tell you things that may make you have some doubts."

"Mer...there are no doubts...none and, I love you more with each passing moment," he told her, "each time you choose to share something with me...I only love you more."

"Derek, after so long...so long without telling you...now...now...I just want to tell you I love you...every time I get the chance."

"I love you hear you say it...every time...and to tell you that I love you Meredith...for always."

She looked down at their wedding bands, "for always...what were the chances...we'd both have the same words inscribed on our rings," she said and holding his hand ran her thumb over his ring.

"Uhmmm..." he said upon her lips, "with us...there was no other option...it's what legends are made of...Meredith, ours, a love of legends...finally getting our happily ever after."

She wrapped her arms tightly around him, "legends...for always..." she whispered, "our once upon a time is now."

"Once upon a time is now..." he agreed capturing her lips.

"Except," she teased, a bit breathless after their kiss ended, "there may be variations to that story..."

"Yes..." he laughed, "a change here and there....but Mer..."

"But..." she said arching an eyebrow.

"Always...the love...and the happy ending...that will never change."

"Never," she said and lightly brushed his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, adore you..." he said as he reached for her hand and began walking, and he heard her laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Derek," she spoke in a joking mood, "we better not be one of those couples that have to have the last word on that," and laughed again.

"The last word?" he asked confused about her meaning.

"There was one time I was stuck on the T with this couple, well not stuck in the sense that I couldn't move, but for about a ten minute ride, and they wouldn't stop touching and kissing and saying I love you."

"Mer...that sounds like us right now..." he laughed.

"Let me get to my point...there's nothing wrong with that, with us I mean...well, we don't have hundreds of people watching us...."

"There were hundreds of people watching them..." he smiled.

"It was rush hour Derek," she said as if that explained everything. "I'd skipped school and spent the afternoon in Boston and was on the way back home before Mom figured it out, and this couple carried on telling each other I love you, and the other would say, I love you more...and after about four times of hearing this I love you more, no I do...crap, I swore I'd never make a fool of myself that way..."

"Oh...so loving someone meant making a fool out of yourself..."

"Remember...I didn't really grow up with public displays of affection from my mom," she paused, "any displays of affection period, and there weren't a lot of role model couples, and what I objected to, you wise ass, was their I love you more crap."

"What do you think now?"

"That love...is the most wonderful amazing feeling..." she said, stopping for a second and kissing him, "and I don't care who knows ... how I feel about you and that I want to tell you and show you...whenever I can."

"So...it's ok if I tell you I love you more..."

"You can..." she said, smiling, "you're just not ever going to hear me argue with you about it..."

"So...you don't love me more..."

"Probably," she teased, "but we're not going to be that couple...it was so saccharine and immature and they probably ended up divorced."

"Oh..." he lamented, "the end of romance..."

"Derek..." she said more seriously, wanting to make sure he understood her, what she was trying to convey. "When I hear you tell me I love you...my heart beats faster and sometimes...when our eyes meet, my heart skips a beat...and it feels like there's no way possible I can love you more than at that moment...then...I know that I do. That love, my feelings keep growing...because when I look in your eyes...I see that you love me just as much...or more sometimes...and that is all I need to know...our love Derek...there's no competition...it just is...and it's the most priceless gift I've ever had. You...your love, in my life."

"I feel the same way, and you're right...there is no competition. Meredith...when you told me I love you...weeks ago...they were the most beautiful words I'd ever heard, and I will remember that moment as one of the most meaningful in my life."

"The voice of my heart...and soul," she said softly.

"As mine," he said, "and that's all we need..."

"That's all we need," she said as he hugged her close to him and nuzzled her neck.

They continued their leisurely stroll along the promenade sharing stories and laughing until they reached the busier business district and crossed the street, casually enjoying a bit of window shopping until they came across a bakery.

"Derek, we can't pass up those pastries," she said as they stopped in front of Munger's, a well known tea room and bakery in the city.

"Mer...it's just after noon, we can have an early lunch instead," he said, his healthy eating habits kicking in at the sight of trays filled with pastries, cakes, chocolates and a variety of artery clogging delicacies.

"Derek...those pastries are calling out to me...and look, they have fifteen varieties of hot chocolate," she said, and he could tell she was already anticipating the drink and when she smiled at him and said, "please..." he knew saying no was not an option, and held the door open for her.

"What would you like," he asked as they approached the overflowing display case and saw her bite her lower lip in thought, and then he laughed, "order one of each Mer."

"Really?" her eyes lit up as a kid's would in a candy store.

"Really," he chuckled quietly and put his arm around her waist, "whatever you want."

She selected five different pastries and saw he was trying to suppress a smile, and glared at him in mock offense, "what...I'm going to share."

"Uh huh..." he smiled, as did the lady helping them, and they went to sit at a small table before their cups of chocolate were served, two different kinds Meredith had said so they could each taste each other's variety.

"Derek," she said, when she'd finished tasting the fourth pastry, and had insisted he at least try a bite of each, reasoning a bite of each was equivalent to just one pastry. "Those chocolates look really good, and this place has been here for over eighty years and if they are as good as these pastries," she said fully savoring the bite she'd just put in her mouth, "they would be great to take back home...like souvenirs, you know Swiss chocolates are some of the best...and it would save us shopping...and wasting time..."

"Meredith," he laughed, "you can get whatever you want," and brought her hand to his lips, "they'll be great souvenirs...who are we buying for?"

"I was thinking a box of chocolates for everyone...you know a thank you for the Chief and Bailey for giving us the time off on such short notice...and the Fab4...and of course Alex , George and Izzy...and Joe...we can get a couple of extra boxes just in case..."

"It's a good thing there's no limit on my American Express," he joked, but it had a totally different effect on Meredith.

"I can pay for them Derek," she said, and he was stunned at her words and the lingering insecurities, but was most upset by the distant look in her eyes as she lowered her gaze and put her fork down.

"Meredith," he said softly, very tenderly reaching for her hand and forcing her to look at him. "I was joking, just making light of it...and happy you're thinking of our friends. I'm sorry if I made you feel any other way. There's no limit to what you can spend...it makes me happy that we're doing this...together as a couple...and we'll be shopping for our friends back home."

She remained quiet. He deeply regretted making the comment and though he knew he needed to allow her to process her thoughts, and nothing he said right now would matter, he insisted. "Mer, I'm sorry. Please don't look away from me."

"Don't be sorry," she said curtly. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

"I do...because I shouldn't have joked about something I realize you're sensitive about, and I've made you sad."

"You don't need to walk on eggshells around me," she said, and he saw the tears brimming and her efforts to fight them back.

He moved the chair closer to hers and placed his arm around her. "Please don't cry."

"I'm not crying."

"You're trying not to," he said and embraced her, "and it makes me sad that I'm responsible."

She buried her face in his neck, "I'm sorry...I was curt...and I don't know what happened. I'm sorry...Derek...suddenly, I had no control of my emotions...and I overreacted...I'm sorry...maybe...it's...it's still hormones playing havoc and my thoughts were all over the place."

"No more apologies..." he whispered in her ear, "ok?"

"Ok," she said and lifted her face to look at him. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said and kissed the top of her head. "Please finish your pastry," he said as he grabbed the fork and cut a small piece of the last pastry and brought it to her lips, "you have to tell me which one you liked best."

"Derek," she said, again surprising him. "Do you want us to have a prenup?"

"What?" he asked incredulously.

"It's...you know...draw up an agreement, well I don't know what they call it...since we're already married, but it would protect your assets..."

"Are you purposely trying to make me angry?"

"No," she said, "of course not...it's just...that...now...I was thinking maybe it was something that would be good...for you...since your assets...your income are far superior to mine and those things are not important to me."

"Meredith," he said in a low serious tone. "I married you for a lifetime, and I thought you did the same."

"Of course I did...I just...I want you to have the option..."

"Listen to me...very carefully...because we are not going to talk about this again. Yes, I currently make more than you do, and I've been doing this a lot longer, and therefore my assets are bound to be more than yours, and one day you will likely make as much or more than I do. But, if you tell me today, tomorrow or a year from now that you don't want to work anymore...that you want to stay home and take care of our children...or simply stay home, with or without children, or change your career...anything...anything you want...that's what our life will be like, and money does not dictate what I feel for you, and I sure as hell," he said looking at her intensely, "know it does not dictate what you feel for me."

"Derek..." she tried to soothe him.

"No. Let me finish. You have your own property and your mother's inheritance...and that will remain yours, and we've already talked about this, it will be for our children, or whomever you choose."


"When we get back," he continued without allowing her to interrupt, "you will be added to my bank accounts, my credit cards... the property deeds and anything I own that is of monetary value. That is a marriage, and I am not going to ever plan for its potential dissolution, because you and I promised each other that no matter what happens, we will not allow the other to turn away ...and you promised me a lifetime...Meredith," he said, and she heard the emotion in his voice, "and I'm not going to let you take that back."

"I don't want to take it back," she said, reaching for his hand, "ever."

"Then," he said, as he swallowed past the lump in his throat, "please, don't ever bring it up again."

"Derek..." she said softly.

"What," he responded a bit harsher than he meant to.

"I won't...but...if that's what you want me to do, then...my house...my inheritance...we share that too...starting when we go back."

"Fine," he said, without looking at her.

"Fine," she teased him, kissing him softly, "Meredith fine?"

"Meredith and Derek fine," he conceded with a smile.


"Yes," he said softly.

"You're still not paying for my gifts to you..."

He smiled, "I guess that means I won't get that sports car for my birthday..."

"Ass," she smiled, and he kissed her, and they knew they'd make it through this and any other unexpected miscommunication crisis.

"What's the verdict," he asked, "which was the best?"

"This one," she said as she brought a bite to his lips, and then kissed him.

"I agree," he said, and kissed her back, "this one's the best."

"As long as we agree," she smiled, both knowing they were talking about the kiss shared after their misunderstanding and mutual overreaction.



"We're making progress..."

"We are...we're not avoiding...we're dealing with our issues right away..."

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you Derek."

"Let's get the chocolates," he said, "and walk off what we just ate," he smiled at her and winked, "well, what you just ate."

"Are you suggesting I can get fat," she joked.

"I love you Mer..."

"Not so brainless," she laughed, "diversion...once again..."

"Mer...you could never be fat."

"Good answer," she giggled.

"You could gain a few pounds..."

"Derek...don't push your luck."

"You're perfect Mer...but even if you gained weight ...I'd feel the same way."

"I'll remind you of that...some day...when I'm as fat as a whale and waddling like a penguin."

"You'll be beautiful...whenever that day comes...you will be beautiful," he said drawing her close to him.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"It's the truth," he said and tightening his arm around her waist.

"We should take a box of pastries for Angela and Antonio."

"For Angela and Antonio," he smiled.

"Yes, and one for us too," she smiled back, "if you plan to keep me up all night, I'll need snacks."

"Who says I plan to keep you up all night," he whispered.

"Oh...I forgot...my old panther has limitations," she teased.

"Bite your tongue," he laughed, and her giggle warmed his heart. All was fine between them once again.

Meredith kept remembering people, and her count was up to eighteen boxes of chocolates.

"Mer...you don't think that's a bit much...carrying eighteen pounds of chocolates?"

"We have to take them something Derek, and they're so good," she said as she savored a sampler they had just given her.

"Maybe we can get smaller souvenirs, that don't weigh as much or we'll need to get a suitcase."

"That is true," she agreed, "maybe we won't get them and try to find something else, maybe even a bit more personal for each person, rather than the same thing. You're right, that could be seen as thoughtless, you know...that we didn't even think enough of each person to find something they'd like."

"Ok..." he said, immediately realizing he'd be spending a lot of time shopping rather than alone with his wife, "you know what, we can have them shipped, I'm sure they'll do that," he said and proceeded to ask the lady helping them.

"What made you change your mind," she said amused by the quick change of mind.

"That I'd rather be spending time alone with you..." he spoke quietly in her ear, "then shopping for eighteen different gifts."

"Smart man..." she laughed, "but there's still a bit of shopping I want to do...not much...but maybe a couple of things."

"You were going to do that anyway, but these are done, and Mer...we're on our honeymoon, nobody is expecting us to buy them gifts, they'll be surprised we found time, much less care what we bought."

They made the arrangements for the shipping, and took three boxes of chocolates with them as well as two with pastries, which she let Derek carry.

"I'm really not big on shopping Derek," she said as they walked holding hands, "but it's more fun when you get to carry the bags."

"I figured I'd be good for some use."

"You're good for many many..." she turned to kiss him, "many things."

"What...less than two days of marriage and already I'm being judged by my package carrying ability."

"You," she laughed, "bring so many talents...I can't believe I didn't marry you sooner."

"Flattery is not going to get you anywhere now," he joked.

"Wanna bet?" she said in a low seductive voice.

"No," he laughed, "I only bet on guaranteed wins."

They were window shopping though not a lot of attention was paid to what was actually in the window displays until they reached a store specializing in linens.

"Derek... do you mind if we go inside?"

"Uhmmm..." he said, pleased she'd seen something she may like to purchase, and especially that it was all somehow connected to bedrooms, and led her inside.

She walked over to several of the displays of linens, and ran her hand over the material, "this feels sinful," she spoke quietly to him, "the quality is really exquisite."

"It is," he agreed, when she took his hand and placed it on the linens. "Get them."

"Have you looked at the prices, Derek, the set is more than a month's worth of rent at most places."

"Meredith...if you like them, please get them."

"We can get sheets at home," she said, as he saw her running her hand through another set of linens she had already looked at. A saleslady approached and spoke to them about the endurance and beauty of fine linens and how they would last for years, and the various textures and linens the quaint specialty shop carried.

Meredith thanked her and said they'd look around, and then Derek was looking at a down comforter and trying to talk her into getting it. "Derek, it's over eight hundred dollars."

"I like it, and so do you...and it will last for years," he said, reading some of the information regarding the Christian Fischbacher design, "and it..."

"You sound like the saleslady," Meredith told him.

"I've never met a woman who didn't like to spend money. Even Mom is spender when she travels."

"I'm not most women," she told him smiling.

"Thank God," he smiled back and kissed her. "Let's get this Mer...our first purchase together...for our home...well, when we build the house...we'll use this before...but then for our bedroom...in the wilderness..." he gave her their look, "it will be cold and this is a great way to keep warm..."

"I was counting on other ways to keep warm...but...if you don't think..." she teased.

"I was thinking about the nights we have to sleep alone when one of us is working," he said right away.

"Uh huh..." she laughed.

"Come on Mer...it will be ours...the first thing we buy as a married couple. Let me do this...let me pamper you...in ways I can..."

"Fine," she conceded, knowing one more look for him and she'd give in to anything.

He spoke to the saleslady and before Meredith realized it, he included a set of the sheets she'd looked at twice, and three sets of towels.

"Derek, are you crazy, we don't need those."

"You liked them, you went over there twice...and they're our favorite red...we love red sheets Meredith..." he whispered seductively, "and you had those towels in your hands twice."

"That...that's beside the point," she said, her objections diminishing "Derek...we have sheets...and towels."

"But, we're going to use these," he told her, and kissed her, "the first night we're back from our honeymoon ...and the first night we sleep in our new home...and the first time we make love...after we have a baby..." he said softly, drawing her into his embrace, "and then...when our second son is born...and each time...we have something special to celebrate," he finished, "which could be all the time...because...each night or day with you...is special."

The saleslady kept her distance as the intimacy of the exchange between them became obvious, and smiled. She knew she'd have a substantial sale in the next several minutes.

"You have to stop doing this Derek," she said, as she leaned in to him, conscious of the people around her, she only caressed his face and looked into his eyes smiling, "you're making me a sentimental watering pot."

"I love my sentimental watering pot."

"I love you too," she said and quickly kissed him.

They did not have the color sheets they wanted in stock, but after several minutes of McDreamy charm they were told they would have everything delivered to them on Saturday morning, and after the lady was compelled to inform them on the care of luxury linens and heard Meredith say they'd just be thrown in the washer and drier, she told them their sheets would be delivered freshly laundered for them to use when they returned home from their honeymoon.

"Derek Shepherd," she said once they'd left the store. "You are a flirt and if you continue to encourage women, you're going to need that down comforter to keep you warm every night."

"You're jealous," he smiled.

"Yes," she said, "and you already know that."

"Meredith," he said, cupping her face, "you never have to be jealous...you're the only woman I want."

"That's not the point," she said, "they don't know that."

"Of course they do, you're my wife," he smiled, "and I think the rings we're wearing give a little indication of that."



"I don't like other women ogling you...and undressing you with their eyes."

"But...they don't matter...you're the only one that matters," he said, kissing her softly.

"Don't encourage them...you did back there," she said, "I don't like it."

"Mer...I wasn't flirting with them..."

"I know, it's just you. But I'm the only that has a right to look at you and undress you," she smiled seductively, "just don't forget it."

"Just thinking of you undressing me with your eyes," he whispered, holding her close to him, "makes me want to forget all propriety and show you how much I want you...only you...right here and now."

"Careful..." she said nipping at his earlobe, "we don't want to get arrested..."

"Uhmmm," he said keeping his want for her in check, "Mer, I wasn't flirting with them..."

"I know...I just wanted to make it very clear...how I feel...and...as Mark would say."

"Mark your territory..."

"You are all mine," she teased, biting his lower lip somewhat gently, "completely mine..."

"Your old beast..."

"My insatiable beast," she laughed as he pressed his body intimately against her, and after several minutes, continued their stroll through the shopping streets of Lugano.

"Meredith," he said quietly, his own insecurities undisguised, "do you doubt my feelings for you?"

"Of course not, Derek...I was just teasing you...I mean...about getting jealous and you flirting...well, I do get a little jealous Derek...but, I trust you...I do... I just don't want other women looking at you. But I trust you...I do..."

"Thank you," he said as he squeezed her hand.

"We've had our share of ups and downs today," she said squeezing his hand back, and then bringing it to he lips.

"Good ups and downs," he said, "we've cleared things up...each step of the way."

"Yes...it's good to talk Derek...it is...and no avoiding."

"It is Meredith, it's very good to talk."
"Derek, do you remember our one hundred steps..."

"I do..."

"We're there...we've made it there..."

"We're there..." he repeated. "What does that mean?"

"That I'm ready...ready...when we get home, for whatever steps come next."

"I love you," he said smiling, and brushing her lips with his.

"I love you too," she smiled back, and they continued their walk with intermittent stops along the way to gaze at a window display or exchange a kiss.

"Derek, let's go in, there's something I'd like to see."

"An antique store?"

"Yes," she said as she pulled him along and walked inside and picked up the item and asked him, "do you like this?"

"It's nice," he said, surprised by her selection as he held a frame labeled, Art Deco 1927.

"Let's ask how much it is. It could be nice for our wedding photo, don't you think?"

"Very nice," he smiled, ready to spend whatever price, for what she'd selected for their wedding photo. The fact she was thinking about it, made it priceless.

The small antique store, apparently quite reputable given the selection and few clients within, held a variety of items that seemed to have caught his wife's attention. She was having a detailed discussion over an item he could not see, while he discussed the price of the frame.

What Derek failed to see was that Meredith provided her credit card and information regarding where to ship whatever it was that had caught her attention, obviously something she did not want him to see.

"Meredith," he said walking over to her, "do you want this?"

"How much is it?"

"That's not what I'm asking."

"It depends on the price," she said ever so quietly.

"Five thousand," he said with a dead pan expression, "it belonged to a queen."

"Are you out of your mind?" she said in hushed tones.

"I'm kidding. Do you like it?"

"Derek...we can't just spend money," she said, a little guilty since she had just purchased something, unaware of its true value, for over half her month's salary.

"Meredith...you said you'd like this for our wedding picture...do you?"

"Yes," she admitted. It had caught her attention immediately, but then she'd seen the other item, and knew she was going to get it for him, whatever the cost. She smiled. Her mom's inheritance had just shrunk a bit. "I saw it and liked it for our wedding photo."

"Ok, then," he said, and walked back to the owner. "We'll take it."

"It's a beautiful frame, Mr. Shepherd, one of a kind, very unique and this is no longer used, it's impossible to duplicate it now. It's also handmade."

Derek smiled, "my wife saw it and liked it for our wedding photo."

"Mrs. Shepherd," the other man addressed her, "you asked about the ladies room, it's right this way," he said and she followed him, and signed the credit card and verified the shipping information.

"We've seen some photos of Belvedere Gardens as we walked today, how far is it," Derek asked before they left.

"It's about a six minute walk," they were told, "maybe four...depends how fast you walk, and well worth the visit," the owner said, "it's promoted as an harmonious fusion between nature and culture, and all the sculptures are made by artists from this canton."

"What were you looking at?" Derek asked as they left the shop.

"They had some nice things, all expensive, but nice things."

"Did you want to get something else?"

"No...the frame is what caught my attention, but the other things were just interesting to look at."

"Mer...I know you're not big on material things, I get that...I do...but, if you want to get anything...please...just tell me."

"I know Derek, I know, and I did, I saw that frame...and I went in to look at it."


"Derek," she said and turned into his arms and lifted her face for him to kiss her, "I will."

The walk to Belvedere Garden took fifteen minutes. Plants, flowers, palm trees, olive trees, magnolias and roses graced the park, with sculptures scattered throughout and benches providing the perfect place for two lovers needing the peace and comfort only the other was capable of offering. Meredith and Derek strolled through the park enjoying its beauty, noting the plaques with names of trees and origin in the subtropical section, and then they found a park bench facing the lake, and rested.

Derek put his arm around her shoulder and she laid her head on his, her left hand reaching for his as they sat, words unspoken, communicating their love for each other in the small simple gestures of gentle squeezes of their hands, and the ever so tender caress of each other's hands.

Derek turned his face and kissed her temple, then the top of her head, breathing in the smell of lavender he had longed for while they were apart.

"When I was a little girl," Meredith began to say quietly, her voice almost a whisper, "and I went to school, the other kids believed in fairy tales, and prince charming...and the white dress you would wear when prince charming would carry you away to a castle on a hill. But, I did not have that. My mom did not believe it was healthy to promote those fantasies."

"Meredith," he said softly, kissing her gently, "you don't have to talk about this."

"I want to," she said. "Then, once I was in school I too got to read those fairytales, and it was contagious. You believed in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy and Prince Charming, and sometimes I would lie in bed at night and close my eyes and had complete and utter faith. But then, my mom would set me straight, and tell me to stop daydreaming, and do whatever task I'd been charged with, and the fairy tales and those dreams slowly disappeared, but somehow, there was the smallest bit of hope, of faith in me, that one day...maybe those dreams could come true."

"I want to make your dreams come true, Meredith...I want to try...I will try everyday, for the rest of our lives, to give you the fairy tale...and like today, I may not always be your prince charming...I'll be your toad...a bit tarnished," he said as he spoke and kissed her hair again, "but I will try...and our once upon a time...our fairy tale...will come true."

"Derek," she said, her voice catching slightly before she continued, as she turned to face him, "I was telling you this morning...you've already made my fairy tale come true, this week, you made my dreams come true."

"Do you have any idea how it scares me...the thought of failing you...how petrified I am, that I will fail you...that you will one day regret trusting me again...that I won't be enough for you," he said with such emotion and sincerity, she knew she never had to worry, and it was her turn to reassure him.

"Long ago," she said as she cupped his face, and ran her fingers through his hair, "I'd given up on all those dreams...and then you came in to my life and took me by surprise...as it happens once in a blue moon...and you brought hope back to my life."

"Meredith," he said, and she silenced him with a kiss.

"Derek, you took my breath away...and made my life complete."

"You...you are what inspires me...do you understand...that only you make me feel this way, just like you...you took my breath away...I was drowning and you saved me and brought faith back to my life."

"We brought that to each other, Derek...and now...we'll be together...for a lifetime."

"And beyond," he said, as tears gathered in both their eyes, "a lifetime and beyond."

Yes," she whispered, as her lips brushed his, "a lifetime and beyond."

Theirs was a gentle kiss, healing and tender, restrained as the passion ignited longed to be unleashed, but accepting that this was only a prelude to the hours that would follow.

"Derek," she said softly, kissing his lips lightly, her hands caressing the back of his neck, the curls of his hair her exclusive playground, "when we have kids..."

"Yes..." he said holding her close to him, deepening their kiss.

"I want them to believe in fairy tales...and Santa Claus, and the tooth fairy and prince charming, well, in our case...the beautiful princess they have to rescue."

"They will..." he smiled, "they will Meredith...they'll have us to remind them."

"They'll have us...and our legend..." she smiled upon his lips.

"Our fairy tale," he chuckled, "with just a few edits," he said and they reached out to embrace the other, as their laughter rang through the gentle breeze of a beautiful and sunny afternoon along the shores of a lake of timeless beauty.

(Shattered...) Dreams FulfilledWhere stories live. Discover now