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"Derek," she said softy, the side of her face warm against his chest, "are you sleeping?"


"Is that a yes?"

"If I don't answer," he said, enjoying teasing her, "will you accept that I am."

"No," she said, equally enjoying their lighter mood.



"We've been married just over twenty four hours and you're already a nag."

"I can't believe you called me a nag," she said raising her head to look at him.

"'re nagging."

"I am not," she giggled, as her hands reached under his sweater and her fingers played at unbuttoning his shirt.

"Nag away," he laughed, burying his face in her neck.

"Wait," she said, "twenty four's already eleven..."

"Just about," he said looking at his watch, "ten thirty seven exactly."

"Derek..." she smiled, looking up at him.


"That's sort of an anniversary."

"Uhmmm ..." he agreed, returning the smile.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like...with our look..."

"It's our look...Mrs. Shepherd."

"Yes, but it makes me feel..."


"I can't do what I'd like to do right now...outdoors... in broad daylight," she teased.

"Let's go inside," he said, and quickly got up and pulled her after him, and laughing they walked towards the open door that lead to the kitchen, and wrapped their arms around each other right before she pushed him lightly against the wall, making him laugh again, "this reminds me...of our first elevator kiss."

"Go with it," she giggled, as she brought her mouth to his and kissed him hard.

"More kissing I say," he joked, after they broke away from their kiss.

"Me too," she giggled.

"Happy Anniversary Meredith," he said as they heard the clock chimes.

"Happy Anniversary Derek," she said, as her arms circled his neck, and he devoured her mouth.

"Angela, they are on their honeymoon."

Meredith heard a man's voice and pulled reluctantly away from their kiss, as the man continued his comments, "Derek, listen," she said as he continued to kiss her, "stop."

"You've left enough food for three days, and believe me, they don't want us here. Let's go, and we can do a bit of remembering of our honeymoon," the man said and the woman's laughing response was heard, "I can be talked in to that."

"Derek," Meredith laughed, "Angela and her husband, they're here."

"Antonio," Derek said, right as they walked in the kitchen, "it's good to see you, thank you for all the arrangements you've made."

"Dottore Derek, it's not a problem. Angela and I we are just leaving, but if you need anything, just call us."

"Yes," his wife said, "please if there's anything you need, you have our number."

"Yes, we do," Derek said, "and actually, we're probably going to spend part of the day out, maybe even dinner. Can you suggest where we should go this evening? I was wondering if there's a local bar for us to have a drink tonight, after dinner."

"We can recommend a very nice place. Just locals, usually you don't get the tourists."

"That's exactly what we'd like," Derek said, and saw Meredith rolling her eyes. She got it. She knew what he wanted. "Antonio, please just call me Derek."

"Oh, but no...we can't do that."

"You can, we're asking you to."

"We'll settle for Mister Derek, it's not proper otherwise."

"Signore Antonio then," Derek joked with him, "what's the way to Cernobbio and do we need to be aware of any local laws on traffic or parking? We'll probably go there for a stroll, maybe a bit more sightseeing around the Lake."

"Dottore Derek," Angela said a bit hesitant.

"Ok..." Derek laughed, "I give up."

"I know in America it's not proper to ask about patients, but's different and we know you were Kelly's she all she going to be all right? She is such a precious and beautiful little girl."

"You know Kelly, of course."

"We have known her since she was born and I've known her father since he was a boy. My grandmother and his grandmother are from the same town."

"You're Irish too?"

"Oh no, his grandmother is Swiss, from Lugano, still lives there."

"Here we thought you were Italian," Meredith told her, her arm familiarly draped around his waist.

"I was born here, but my mother is from Lugano, and actually, if you're going to be doing sightseeing, you may want to go there. It's not far and Lake Como is beautiful...breathtaking indeed, but Lugano is very beautiful too and it's only thirty minutes away."

"Angela," Derek said, "to answer your question. Kelly is going to be fine. Her surgery went very well, and she's home and I expect she is going to recuperate completely."

"Grazie a Dio," she said clasping her hands together, "and thank you. La Nonna, she wanted me to say that. She was so worried, but she said that the children, that's John and Colleen, told her they had found the best doctor in the country for her."

"Angela, you're very generous, but..."

"Angela," Meredith said, hugging him gently, "he was the best. In fact, the only neurosurgeon that could have done that surgery, and I'm very proud of him. Kelly is going to grow up to be a beautiful lovely girl."

"Signora Meredith, you have met Kelly, you have seen her after the surgery?"

"I have seen her a few times, and she's just fine. I also saw the baby and he is just adorable."

"He looks just like his father," Angela smiled, "and they've emailed that Kelly is doing well since she's home. We know that you saved her life and that there's nothing that the family would not do to show their appreciation."

"We realized that, once we got here. But please, you must understand there was no need for them to do any of this," Derek told them.

"Oh, but Signore Derek, they really wanted you to stay at their Villa and what we're doing now, it's nothing compared to that, and we would have been able to have all the staff take care of you. You saved their little girl. You have what that means to them."

"I think we do," Derek said reaching for Meredith's hand.

"We've met Kelly and her family," Meredith smiled, "we know how much it means. How much it would mean to us, if it was your daughter," she said as she felt Derek hug her closer to him, and the kiss he placed on the top of her head was meant as a comforting caress.

They continued to talk for a few more minutes, learning more about the couple and Kelly's family as well as the location of the Villa, which Angela insisted they should visit and at the very least have afternoon tea. Derek declined and thanked them for all their thoughtfulness before they left with the understanding that Meredith would call them for breakfast in the morning.

"Oh..." Antonio said as he got ready to walk out, "get diesel in Chiasso, before you cross the border back to Italy, it's cheaper than here."

Merdith and Derek went upstairs to get their coats and she walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth, "oh my God, Derek," she said, her toothbrush still in her mouth.


"This is embarrassing," she spoke as he walked in, "they've left enough towels for us to shower five ...six times before tomorrow."

"I guess they figured we'd need it," he said as his hand moved playfully on her ass, before grabbing his toothbrush.

"That's not the point," she said, trying to remain serious.

"Mer they know about honeymoons, you heard them..."

"I guess they do," she laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing a kiss on his back before she walked to the bedroom.

"Ok, then, Mrs. Shepherd," Derek said as he joined her, "get your passport, we're going touring."


"Yeah, into Switzerland."


"Meredith..." he said as he walked to her, and brushed her lips, "you're mocking me...again?"

"You're such a geek," she laughed as she went through her purse.

"Hey...I take offense to that."


"Yeah, those were my band days."

"Band days?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows slightly.

"You've got enough to make fun of me, let's go," he said, as he picked up her coat and held it for her, then faced her and softly pulled her hair up and let it fall against the collar before placing his hand on her neck to bring her face close to his and kiss her.

"I love you Derek."

"I love you too."

"You may need to shave later."

"I thought you liked this look," he said putting his coat on.

"I do...but...well, you know," she said, and spoke quietly in his ear.

"I'll shave when we get back," he whispered in low hoarse voice, "but why are you whispering?"

"Practice," she laughed, "for when we can't say those things around our kids."

"Are you going to practice being quiet while we make love as well?"

"Are you?"

"No," he said with a deadpan expression. "I'm going to have our bedroom walls insulated," he finished and they both started to laugh.

"Don't forget your scarf Derek, if you have the top down, which I'm sure you're going to want to's probably going to be freezing...and don't want us going back with pneumonia," she said as she reached for her scarf and gloves.

"Rambling," he teased, "nag..."

"I'm your wife...I can nag...and ramble...and tease...and..." she was going to continue but he silenced her with his lips.

"You..." he said in between kisses, "can do...whatever you want."

"I'll remind you of that," she smiled, "often."

"I'm sure you will," he joked. "Can we go now?"

" you have the camera? Derek we haven't taken any photos... and we need to do that, it can take videos and we should have some of our trip...and the trip today should be very scenic."

"Mer, I don't think the photos we could have taken...since we got here... would have been appropriate...for the family album."

"You ass," she said as she playfully smacked him on the arm.

"She still loves me," he chuckled.

"Still love you," she said, and then with a small hint of doubt. "You?"

"Adore you, Mrs. Shepherd," he said reaching for her hand.

"Did you take extra chips too?"

"Yes," he smiled indulgently.

"Ok, we're ready," she said as she looked in her purse one more time. "Oh, no."


"Derek, my phone, I haven't even looked at it...I've got twenty text messages, we haven't even looked. Where's your phone? Get it maybe there was something wrong."

"Meredith," he said standing in front of her. "We are on our honeymoon. We got a fax from my mother this morning, we know they are fine. Forget the text messages and the emails and let's enjoy our time together."

"Aren't you curious?"

"No," he lied.


He laughed. "Oh, that fine is going to come back and bite me in the ass."

"Let's go," she laughed, "and bring your phone."

"Why, I'm not curious."

"Fine. But, I am," she said as he handed her his phone.

"There's over thirty messages here Derek," she laughed, "we have to look at them."

"Yeah...I figured we are," he said resigned to hearing about them, and delighted at her playful and lighthearted mood.

Derek had every intention of driving with the top down, and for good measure there were a couple of blankets in the back seat of the convertible, and one of the reasons for him thanking Antonio for all the arrangements made. It had also included finding the right chargers and converters for the camera and their phones, which apparently Meredith thought happened magically. He had indeed known about his many messages, but figured she'd enjoy reading and answering them, while as she put it one of the spouses withheld sex.

"What are you smiling about," she said as she glanced at him before clicking her seatbelt.



"I'm just happy Meredith. Very happy."

"So am I Derek," she said leaning over and kissing him.

"I love you," he said.

"Me too," she said, biting his lip lightly. "Now tell me, why were you smiling?"

He laughed and told her about the blankets, the phones and kept quiet about a few other arrangements.

"Of course I know these things don't charge magically, Derek," she told him, "but..." she teased, "that's what husbands are for."

"So they are," he chuckled, as they pulled out of the Villa and began the day's journey.

"Where are we going first?"

"I thought Cernobbio, but since we've changed plans...maybe just drive to Lugano first?"

"That's fine," she said, "are you sure you know where we're going?"


"I guess that GPS could come in handy if we need it," she commented.

"Yep...and it's going to be your job to put in the addresses."


"You already have a can help...instead of being ..."

"A back seat driver?"

"Well...wonders never cease..." he laughed.

"Yeah...I remember one of those common phrases every once in a while," she said, and smiled as he reached for her hand and kissed it.

"We're about eight minutes from the border, and hopefully it won't be too busy. Read the messages, you know you're dying to."

"You think you know me so well," she smiled, squeezing his hand gently.

"I know I do...intimately."

"So do I do I..."

" do...and I'm looking forward to more of our favorite things..."

"I love you Derek."

"Oh...oh...what did I do now?"

"Nothing, you idiot," she laughed. "I'm not the diversion expert."

"Mer," he said, as he maneuvered through the roads leading to Chiasso, "when we get back tonight..."

"Uhmmm..." she said, knowing fully what he was talking about.

"We can have dinner and go to that local bar...and..."

"I'll wear my black dress..." she said as she placed her hand on his thigh, squeezing it gently, her fingers caressing slightly and felt him take a deep breath in anticipation of what she might do next, but she simply said, "and can..." she paused, a satisfied smile on her face, "take advantage of me the first night."

"Me..." he played along, as they'd often done before, "you took advantage..."

"Derek...are you want to continue this?" she said in a low seductive tone.

"What do you mean," he said glancing at her briefly, enjoying their banter.

"While..." she said, her hand moving higher, "you're driving."

"You're the one with no self control," he teased her.

"Oh really," she said, her hand continuing its agonizingly slow ascent.

"Yes..." he said, reaching for her hand, "and because now...we're at the border...and if you look around Mrs. Shepherd, I'd bet we're on camera."

"What?" she said, quickly pulling her hand away from his.

"Cameras," he said, as his laughter echoed through the air, "border patrol...look ahead. Surely...we're on camera."

"You could have warned me," she glared at him.

"We weren't near here yet, and we have cars in front of us."

"Just you wait," she said attempting to be threatening.

"I can't wait," he laughed and leaned over to kiss her. "I love you."

"Aren't you afraid you're on that permanent videotape now?"

"Makes no difference to me," he said upon her lips, "I love my wife and I don't care who knows it...or sees it..."

"You are so corny."

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you too Derek," she said and kissed him softly before he had to pull forward in the line of cars waiting to present their documents. It took about ten minutes to get through the line and while she read the messages, she smiled at what Lexie wrote.

"That smile seems like it's not Cristina related," he said.

"Nope, Lexie."

"What did she say?"

"She's just...sort of sweet..."

"Yeah...she is."



"I lied."

"About what," he said putting his hand on her thigh, massaging it softly.

"You better stop that, videotapes recording all your perverted thoughts."

"My perverted thoughts," he said, raising an eyebrow at her, "I've just put my hand on my wife's thigh."

"My perverted thoughts then," she laughed.

"The lie?"

"The other day, when Mark commented that Lex had a photographic memory...and I said I didn't know...I lied," she said and scrunched up her nose.


"I wanted to see what he had to say..."

"And?" he prompted.

"She's sort of know what I mean...and I just wanted to see if he's just you know...setting her up."

"You're being the big sister," he said while caressing her hand. "I'm proud of you."

"I'm trying..." she admitted, "and she's nice...and she's not responsible...she...and Susan was nice...and...if she hadn't died, maybe we would have been friends."

"I think Susan would have made sure of it."

"She's... Lexie that is, she's pretty sure that Susan would be happy that we've been getting closer."

"I know she would be," he said and leaned over to kiss her, right before he saw the flash of red tail lights of the car in front of them, an indication they would be next, "and I think it's nice you have a sister."

"It is," she admitted, "and...that's why I don't want him playing with her I'm going to keep an eye on him."

"Xena 2," he smiled as he released the break.

They presented their passports and were allowed to go through without any questions.

"That was easy enough," she said.

"Normally it is. Amazing how simple they've made the process and yet very effective," he said as they crossed effortlessly into Swiss territory and continued on their trip to Lugano.

"So..." she said, "where did we leave off..."

"Exactly, where we are not picking up..." he said grabbing her hand, "not while I'm driving."

"Spoilsport," she giggled.

"I want to be back here and celebrate our anniversary next year...and in forty years."

"No arguments from me," she said, "so...let's see what these messages say."

"Who are they from?"

"Derek, oh..." she said her voice turning soft and sentimental "you have to see this, it's a photo of us at our wedding, Cristina snapped it and sent it to Alex and George and Izzie...Bailey...and well she included us...and everyone at the wedding...and..." she said, as she sniffled.

"Mer...come on...don't do that."

"It's's our wedding...and I haven't seen any other pictures...and ..."

He reached for her hand, "and your person...was thoughtful enough to send it."

"Yes," she said quietly.

"That was very nice of her."

"She sent two photos and Lexie did too, and then it's their responses saying thanks for including them and that they know we'll be to busy to respond, that's Alex and Izzie by the way, and they congratulate us and all of that," she said, as she read each of the messages to him.

"They are very nice messages," he said, her hand still in his, "we'll have to do something with them when we get back to celebrate."

"That would be nice Derek...just...just our friends and family in Seattle."

"You decide love," he said raising her hand to his lips. "We'll include whomever you want."

"Well, Mark and Lexie and Cristina and maybe ... I don't know...we can figure it out."

"Derek, there's a message from Jenna..."


"Yes, because they all got the photos from Kat and also each of your sisters."

"What did she say?"

"Derek, can't believe you haven't responded to any of our messages. Meredith you look beautiful. Can't wait to meet you. I'm speaking for all of us, but not so the messages we each sent Derek."

"She knows it's text messages, right," he joked.

"Congrats look forward to seeing you again, that's Nancy."

"Shepherd finally did something right," she giggled, "guess who that is?"


"She also added, don't make my resident late on Monday," she said, and both of them laughed.

"Mer, I'm surprised Cristina didn't have some biting comment to make."

"She did, but I ignored it and certainly wasn't going to jeopardize your current truce," she said, "you can read it later."

"Are you going to respond to those messages?"

"Already did and told them we'd see them on Monday."

"My sisters too?"

"'re going to that all by your self," she joked, "once we get to them."

"You realize that's one of your wifely duties," he teased.

"Responding to your messages?"

"No, communicating with my family. We're now one, totally lost our independent identities the minute we said I do."

"Think again Shepherd."

"It's true...Mer..." he teased, "from now on, it's going to be you they harass."

"Derek...seriously...I don't do families too well."

"You're doing families just fine Mer...Mom loves you and Kat, and the rest of the girls will, trust me."

"Trust you..." she said and scrunched her nose, "last time I did that blindly," she emphasized the word, "we had a wicked witch fly in from the east," she joked, and he knew at that moment she truly had put that behind them as she laughed, and leaned over in spite of her seat belt and placed a kiss on his shoulder.

"It feels so good to hear you have you be this carefree," he said as his thumb gently massaged the hand he held in his.

"Derek, it's good to hear you laugh too, and it's you that makes me feel this way," she said as she raised their joined hands and placed a soft kiss on his palm, "I don't want to be dark and twisty anymore."

"You're not dark and twisty."

"You know what I mean."

"All I know," he paused, and glanced at her. "Mer, look at me," he said and when she did, "all I know, is you've always brought light to my life."

She was quiet for several seconds prompting him to squeeze her hand and say, " to me."

"I told your Mom," she said very quietly. The wind, in spite of the windows being raised, made it harder for him to clearly hear her words as they traveled along the highway, "you were the brightness in my life."

She felt his hand squeeze hers hard, and his intake of breath, and saw his bottom lip tremble with emotion, and then brought her hand to his lips, repeatedly placing soft, gentle, tender kisses on hand and along her arm, and she felt the same butterflies in her stomach as the day they'd both finally discovered, theirs was the love of a lifetime.

It had only been minutes since she'd spoken, and they had now reached the exit to Lugano, and as soon as he was able found the first parking spot, and stopped along the banks of Lake Lugano.

No words had been spoken as he released her hand and got out of the car and went around to open her door. He reached for her hand to help her out of the car, and pulled her into his embrace.

"You, are unquestionably, the brightness in my life," he whispered, "your gentle, compassionate soul...brought that back to my were and still are like coming up for fresh air...and you are all I ever need...or want."

She held on to him, and he knew if they were facing each other, they'd each see tears in the other's eyes as she said, "thank you...for not giving up on me...for not giving up on us."

"That was never an option," he said quietly, as he released her and looked at her, and then softly kissed her.

"I told her," she said, lowering her gaze, "I...I didn't grow up with family...but, that I'm going to try...I'm going to give you that."

"Hey," he lifted her chin and their eyes met. "You already have...and we're doing this," he said tenderly, against her lips, "together."

"Together," she said in response, kissing him softly.

"I love you, Mrs. Shepherd."

"I love you, Mr. Shepherd," she said and for a few seconds her head rested on his shoulder, allowing him to tightly embrace her.

"Ready for some sightseeing?"

"Yes," she smiled, and leaned back against the car, "but now, tell me. What's this about a band geek?"

"Aren't you going to get to my sister's messages?" he attempted to avoid.

"Not yet, first I want to hear about this."

"It's nothing."

"It's something alright," she giggled, "something you don't want me to know...and as your wife...Derek, I get to know things."

"Not embarrassing humiliating things."

"How bad can it be? We're talking high let's see...uhmmm you had a wild afro and..." she said and saw the stunned look on his face.

"Who told you?"



"Derek," she giggled, "you had an afro," she continued, unable to hide her amusement.

"It's not that funny."

"Oh...Derek," she said still smiling, "now I get it...all those hair products."

"That's not very nice," he pouted.

"I love your hair..." she smiled, "I don't care how many hair products you use."

"Smart ass," he said, wrapping his arms around her, "I only use one product."

"Tell me..."

"It's not that big a deal."

"But wait, who did you think would have told me?"

" sisters...and Bailey...she knows."

"Bailey knows?" she asked incredulously. "Why?"

"It's a long story," he said.

"We have time," she said smiling, "start talking."

"Obviously my sisters and Mark witnessed it, but Bailey," he said and recounted the story of how she knew, and then, "so you see, I had to tell her...and admitted in high school, I was 110 pounds, and I hadn't yet figured out hair product, so I had a big afro. And, um, I had acne... and I too, wore a band uniform and played the sax."

She was trying not to laugh at his expression, "Derek, you turned out really...really well..."

"You think?"

"Absolutely. Beyond any doubts. McDreamy," she teased, "with the moussed up hair, and leaning thing," she laughed making reference to Bailey's comment.

"Moussed up hair and leaning thing..."

"That't what Bailey told Burke, and Cristina told me."

"No respect for their boss."

"McDreamy..." she said, softly running her hand through his hair. "I know I'm going to spend a lot of time fighting off women...coveting my gorgeous husband."

"Are you now?" He asked, his hands cupping her face and kissing her.

"Don't forget're mine...completely...for beast," she added as they both laughed about it, oblivious to the strangers walking along and smiling at the laughing lover's scene unfolding along the banks of one of the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland.

"Your beast," he chuckled, "for always..."

"Untamed..." she said, "don't forget untamed."

"I love you," he said, and repeating what had started the geek conversation, "let's go touring."

"Derek," she said, her voice lower in tone, and her eyes seductively perusing him, "so...the sax...there's something that's very sexy...about a man playing the sax."

"Not in high school," he laughed.

"But...we're not in high school now..." she said and nibbled his bottom lip, "maybe you can play for me sometime."

"I think..." he started to say, then all she heard was a low moan when she deepened their kiss.

"Yes..." she smiled.

"It's all in," he said, nuzzling her neck, "the vocal tracts...and tongue," and biting her lightly, "and mouthpiece...and how you blow..." he finished as she parted her lips to allow his tongue to begin an exquisite exploration of her mouth.

He heard her soft moans, "can't take the heat..." he said, as he felt himself grow hard against her.

"I'm controlling the furnace," she said pressing into him. "Let's turn the heat down, before we get arrested," she said as they recognized the need to keep their desire in check, and simply held each other until Derek was able to pull away from her.

"We have a date Meredith," he said and quickly kissed her, before going around to the driver's seat "tonight at the local bar."

"Looking forward to it, Derek," she smiled. "Turning up the heat, that is."

"Count on it," he winked at her, as he pressed to close the retractable black canvas top.

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