McDreamied interruptus...

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Meredith, Derek and Carolyn joined the others at the lounge but skipped having a drink, preferring to head back to Seattle and during the almost forty minute drive caught up with the very different getaways the men and women had enjoyed and discussed the plans for the evening.

"Mama Shep," Cristina said, "since Mer and Derek will clearly begin exhibiting sings of frustration over their Mcdreamied interruptus, we're taking you out to dinner."

"Cristina," Meredith reprimanded, though she could not keep from laughing at her choice of words, "show some respect."

"Meredith," Cristina said, "where have you been the last few days, she knows everything and you and Derek have not been discreet, at all."

"Cristina dear," Carolyn said, "that is very thoughtful of you and it would be lovely to have dinner with you and Lexie."

"It is Cristina," Derek smiled at the thought of spending the evening alone earlier than he'd anticipated, "Meredith and I appreciate it."

"Derek," Meredith turned to him, "you can't be serious. Your Mom is here visiting for one week, and we can't just send her off to can you even think that?"

Meredith," Lexie said, "don't worry, we already talked about it and after dinner Mark and I are going to take the ferry and drop her off at the hotel."

"Meredith, she's going to be with family, and she doesn't mind," Derek said, desperately wanting to spend the time alone with her, but at the same time he was pleased she felt this way about his mom.

"Grey," Mark said, "really...enjoy your anniversary, we'll take care of her."

"Absolutely not," Meredith was adamant, "'re crazy if you think I'm going to go along with that."

"Meredith sweetheart, the two of you want to have some time alone together, and I understand, and I've already spent a lot of time with you," Carolyn said, unaware how her comment would rekindle Meredith's insecurities, "now I'll get to spend more time with Mark and the girls."

Meredith spoke quietly, withdrawing her hand from Derek's, "oh...I just thought...we won't see you again for months, but, of course you'd want time with Mark," she attempted to laugh it off, "I understand, you've put up with me since you got here."

"Mom," Derek said, sensing the immediate emotional distancing, "Meredith is right, I'm not being very hospitable."

Carolyn Shepherd was a very astute woman and realized something she said had deeply affected Meredith's mood, and she was determined to find out what it was. "I'm actually tired from all that relaxation at the spa and was looking forward to an early evening and to enjoying the wonderful view at the inn and then curl up with my book and read for a few hours. How about we all get a quick bite to eat at Joe's" and continued without missing a beat, "since that's close enough to the hospital that Tracy can join us."

Derek reached for Meredith's hand as he continued driving, and though she did not pull away, he knew that because of him, the mood had shifted and he'd be spending time soothing her rather than making love to her as he'd desperately wanted.

Meredith was sitting between Mark and Derek in the front seat, while the other three passengers shared the back seat, and the two men nodded their understanding that something important, that they'd obviously failed to notice, had altered the previously light hearted conversation.
"How," Mark said, "did all of this translate to you having dinner with Tracy? You're basically asking that I set her up for the inquisition."

"The inquisition," Carolyn said, "Mark, surely I'm not that bad."

"No," Cristina said, "you're worse," she said and even got a chuckle from Meredith.

"Cristina," Lexie joined the conversation attempting as the others to fix whatever inexplicable misunderstanding had taken place between Meredith and Derek, "it's not like she forced you, but it is a bit unnerving how she knows the right questions to ask, and before you realize it you've spilled about your entire life."

"Lexie," Cristina corrected her, "that was you. I only spilled about Burke's wedding."

"And the honeymoon," Lexie said. "Mer, she was not very talkative about what she did, but did tell Carolyn all about what you did during those two weeks."

"I didn't do much more than lie in the sun and play a bit of tourist," Meredith said without too much emotion.

Derek released Meredith's hand as they came to an intersection and turned to kiss her temple, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Me too," she said and rested her head on his shoulder.

Mark's audible sigh of relief at the brief exchange made Meredith keenly aware that everyone had been affected by her unexpected disagreement with Derek, and wished she'd handled it differently. Family, she thought, there was so much to learn.

"You know," Mark said, "if Tracy joins us for a quick bite, you can't go all motherly inquisitor on her, just let it be, otherwise..."

"Mark," Carolyn said, "I know how to be discreet," and was met with a chorus of laughter.

"Yeah...and as smooth and gentle as a bulldozer," Mark laughed as Derek pulled into the driveway and everyone began to collect their belongings.

"Meredith," Carolyn said when they'd reached the foyer, "would you help me in the kitchen for a few minutes? I want to make sure we got everything this morning."

"Mom," Derek said, recognizing the tone so often used by his mother when she had made up her mind about any given subject, and not about to let it go, "maybe I can help."

"That's quite alright dear," Carolyn half smiled. "Meredith can familiarize me with her kitchen," she said, ignoring the snickers from Cristina and Mark.

"I may not cook, but I know where to find things in my kitchen," Meredith scowled at Cristina and Mark.

"Don't pay them any mind," Carolyn said. "Run along, all of you, we'll meet up with you at Joe's, in about an hour, right Derek?"

"We should be there around seven," Derek confirmed, reluctant to leave Meredith alone with his mother, certain she'd ask her about what had happened in the car, something even he wasn't quite sure about.

"All right then, see you all at Joe's," Carolyn said, effectively dismissing everyone to make their way home, which meant Lexie drove Mark and Cristina to their destinations.

"Derek," Carolyn said, "Meredith was right about the fish smell, and we've endured it during the drive, go take a shower before it continues to permeate."

"Meredith," he said, "would you mind bringing a garbage bag up, I'll wash everything at the trailer, keep the fish smell out of the washer here."

"I'll be up in a few minutes," Meredith told him, and watched him walk up the stairs.

"Meredith," Carolyn said, "it won't take long."

"Carolyn," Meredith said, "let me show you where everything is," but was interrupted.

"Meredith," his mother said, "Kathleen and I got everything we need for dinner tomorrow, and I don't need for you to show me around the kitchen, but you already know that."

"I'm...I'm not sure," she hesitated, her friends might have said, she was about to have a minor freak out, "I know what you mean."

"Sit down dear," Carolyn said and led her to the kitchen table, while she made herself at home in Ellis Grey's old kitchen. "Right now, my son is worrying himself to death because I'm here talking to you," she said, "and you are acting like you've been sent to the principal's office," and with that she got Meredith to laugh.

"I am..." Meredith's ramble began, "and that's just the way it feels, except...I'm not sure about what I did wrong...well I do...kind of, since I think, I know I overreacted in the car...and I do understand that you'd want to spend time with Mark, since you've already spent enough time with me, and that you'd need a break...but still, I shouldn't have allowed it to show how it upset me..." she stopped, realizing how much vulnerability she'd revealed.

"Oh sweetheart," Carolyn said softly as she placed her hand on top of Meredith's, "it's not you that did something's more likely I did, because I realized right away, that somehow I'd hurt your feelings and I really didn't understand why..."

" didn't..." Meredith said, "you didn't do anything wrong, it's just...I'm not good at this...with families, and I'm not sure how to act...but I understand...I do...that you'd want a break..."

"Meredith," Carolyn used her tough yet gentle mother's tone, and lightly tapped the top of her hand in reprimand, "I do not need a break...good Lord why would you ever think that? Mother's don't need a break from their children, well we do sometimes when they're young and energetic and bratty...or water faucets like Jenna, but even when we do...we'd never say that...and I certainly don't need a break from spending time with someone in my family that I care about...with someone that has just come into my life...and from the moment I met you...I've thought of you as another daughter..." she finished and held Meredith's hand in both of hers.

Meredith was speechless, literally, as she took a deep breath and Carolyn saw her lips quiver, "sweetheart, I want to spend time with you and Derek. But I was young too, and the first year my husband and I were married, even though I was pregnant with Kathleen for most of it, all we wanted was to be alone together, not with a meddling mother in law hanging around for dinner every night for a week."

"I..." Meredith, started to say, though it was hard to swallow past the lump in her throat, " mother...she never had time...I was always a bother, and I just's the same...I don't know any other way...she didn't want me around most of the time...I'm used to it...she didn't think much of me...or that I'd amount to much..."

"Well," Carolyn said , she too trying to gain composure, as her heart broke for the child Meredith had been, and as their eyes locked with unshed tears, she thought, if ever there was someone who's eyes were the window to their soul, it was this vulnerable lovely woman who'd become her son's wife, the woman who'd become her daughter. "I want you around, I was just trying to be a very nice mother in law...and give you time alone with Derek."

"I understand," Meredith said, "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I don't know much about mother in law's either, well except Mama Burke."

"That woman was just what you don't want in a mother in law," Carolyn said, "at least from what Cristina said," she smiled, "getting rid of her eyebrows, it shocked me and especially that Cristina would allow it."

"It shocked me too," Meredith admitted, becoming lost in thought, "that day was..."she paused, "a bad day all the way around."

"Meredith, I don't know much about the kind of relationship you had with your mother, but I've heard enough...from you and very briefly from Derek..."

"Derek," Meredith said, "told you about my mother..."

"The day he called me, from Venice..."

"What...what did he say?"

"He did not say too much, but he said enough," Carolyn said softly, "he told me...your mother had broken your spirit, and he had not realized how much until that night, and that in spite of it all, you had been a loyal caring daughter to the end," she saw Meredith wipe the tears away, "he told me that he was supposed to have been there for you and he wasn't...and because of it, it was very important to him that you have family with you on your wedding day."

"And you came, even though you didn't know me," Meredith said barely above a whisper.

"I knew my son loved you, and that was enough."

"I forgave her," Meredith met Carolyn's gaze, "at the end...she tried. She told me I wasn't ordinary, and then my dream, I believe she's taking care of Brianna," she wiped away a tear, and smiled softly, "so I forgave her."

"Oh sweetheart," Carolyn got up and hugged her, "I don't your mother could ever think of you as ordinary...because in the very little time I've known you, you are anything but that...Meredith, and I'm so very proud, so proud that you allow me to call you my daughter."

"You," Meredith said as she got up to return the hug of this caring loving woman, that fate had brought into her life, and she thought, surprising herself, that God had finally answered her prayers for a family, "are make me just like Jenna," she said.

"Oh sweetheart," Carolyn smiled, and after hugging her tightly she pulled back, "that would be absolutely impossible...she has been turning on that faucet since she learned she could get anything out of us, especially her father, and then Derek."

Meredith smiled and paused, the voice of her heart providing one more layer of healing to the child she'd once been. "But," she held Carolyn's hands in her own, as she had done earlier, "you haven't been around when I'm five months pregnant," she said, and those words continued to heal the lingering sadness still felt over the loss of that first child.

"No," Carolyn said, "but I will be...and fair warning...if I call you Jenna, you'll know to turn off the faucet."

"Carolyn," Meredith said, deeply moved, "you have no much I want hear joke and call me have you close by when Derek and I have a baby... and know that you're proud that I'll be calling you Mom..."

Derek, as Carolyn had predicted, had been anxiously waiting for Meredith to come upstairs and after fifteen minutes went by, he gave up and walked in the kitchen expecting the worst, instead found Meredith hugging his mother.

"Derek," Carolyn said, "what in the world are you doing still wearing those clothes, surely you know the entire house will smell like fish in no time."

"I thought something was wrong," he admitted.

"Why in the world would you think that," Carolyn said, "both of you, have to stop expecting the worst...lighten up you two," she said, and Meredith laughed.

"I'm glad," he said, "you two find it so amusing," and then turned to Meredith, "while I worried sick about what the hell Mom could be talking to you about, I've heard enough lectures to know..."

"Derek," Meredith walked up to him, "we had a lovely talk...after she admitted she knew it was a bit like being called to the principal's office."

"Mom, you shouldn't ..."

"Derek," Meredith said reaching for his hand, "she's teaching me...about families."

"You see Meredith," Carolyn said, "that kind of reaction, making me out to be the horrible mother, all those, don't compare me to mom comments, take that own children have no respect for me."

Meredith laughed, "Carolyn, am I going to have to call you Jenna?"

"Oh dear God no," Carolyn laughed, "I'm not that good an actress...not even to make this one feel bad for misjudging his mother."

"You two," Derek said, "are ...I just don't get it..."

"But we do," Meredith said softly, "your Mom and I do."

"All right, we are wasting time here, and we said we'd meet up with everyone at seven. Meredith, go help him get out of those fish smelling clothes," she smiled at her, "yes...I'm telling you to go and greet him properly," she chuckled, "as you've both been wanting to do since he left Wednesday morning. I'll make myself at home, and take the time to answer all the emails from home."

"Carolyn," Meredith told her, freely accepting the teasing affection her mother in, "you can log on to the computer in the den, it's easier than using the blackberry," she finished her sentence just as Derek pulled on her hand and walked to their bedroom.

"Derek," Meredith laughed, "I cannot believe your mother practically sent us up here..."

"To have sex," he finished for her as he closed the door behind him.

"No...I don't think she meant that, but maybe a hello kiss...yes..."

"I think," he said, bringing her close to him, "she probably knows it may be a little more than that."

"Derek," she protested and tried to pull away from his arms, "you have to get out of your clothes..."

"Mrs. Shepherd," he teased as he brushed her lips, "admit it, you just want me naked to have your way with me."

"No," she giggled, "your clothes do smell of fish, and I don't want to have to change clothes before we leave..."

He pulled her closer to him, his arms wrapped tightly around her, "but," he said, "I didn't want to tell you before...but you're kind of smelly too..."

"I am not," she smacked his chest lightly.

" are...after sitting next to me on the couch and then," he nuzzled her neck, "and then in the car," he bit her neck playfully, "you need to shower too."

"Nice try Shepherd," she laughed, "but I'm not getting in the shower with you...not with your mother in the house."

"Come's our anniversary...and...Mer," he bit her bottom lip playfully, "you like showering with me," and his fingers began to unbutton her shirt, while he captured her mouth and without hesitation she deepened their kiss.

"We can't," Meredith said, breathlessly, "your Mom...Derek...she's downstairs."

"She knows," Derek said, breathless as well, "as you women insist on telling me... all about sex."

"She does," Meredith kissed him quickly, "but, that doesn't mean I want her to hear us."

"Mer," Derek insisted as he completely unbuttoned her shirt, and his mouth lingered just above the swell of her breasts, "we can be quiet..."

"Denial," she giggled, "I'm glad you think you can...I know I can't."

"Wanna bet," he said, reaching to unclasp her bra, and then his mouth on her breast made her lose most of her resolve, as she moaned in pleasure.

"No," she pulled back, "Derek...go get in the shower."

"You're no fun and on our anniversary no less," he pouted.

"I'll make it up to you," she smiled as she buttoned her shirt again, "tonight."

Derek began to discard his clothing and she told him she'd throw in the washer before they left, but he reminded her they should do so at the trailer and keep the fish and grime to the machines at the trailer.

"That's ridiculous Derek," she told him, "it's not like we're always going to have two washers and dryers available to do laundry when you go fishing, especially when we build our house."

"Of course we are," he said and walked up to her completely naked, "why would I get rid of the trailer," and pulled her into his arms.

"You are crazy," she pretended not to be affected by him, "why would we keep the trailer?"

"Meredith, we have forty acres of land, there's no sense in getting rid of it, and it would have lots of great uses..."

"Are you," she teased him, "anticipating you're going to need a place to sleep if you become more brainless and I kick you out?"

"No," he nuzzled her neck and trailed kisses to her throat, "because..." he said, and becoming more serious locked gazes with her, "we promised each other...that we'd talk, no avoiding, that we'd be there for each other...not let the other pull back..."

"No," she said, "I won't be kicking you out...ever...even if we're angry ...we're not turning back to the past...we'll talk until we fix things and we'll be there for each other, just like we promised ...I'm sorry...about earlier..."

"You're ok now..." he said hesitantly.

"I'm ok now...I'll tell you about it later," Meredith said, and wrapped her arms tightly around him and laid her head on his chest.

"I love you," he said, kissing the top of her head, "and unless you want me to pull you into the shower...I think I better ..."

"I love you too," she kissed him softly, "and tonight...all of your favorite things."

Meredith took his clothes and the rest of what he'd brought back and put them in the washer, and looked in on her mother in law who was using the computer in the den.

"Carolyn, were you able to get online?" Meredith asked, and when she didn't get a response, she approached her and again called her name without getting an answer.

"Carolyn," she said as she placed her hand on her shoulder, startling her.

"Oh my goodness, Meredith you gave me a scare."

"I called out to you twice but you didn't seem to hear me."

Carolyn smiled and took out the earplugs, "what did you say dear?"

Meredith was stunned, "you're wearing earplugs to read emails?"

"No, I'm wearing earplugs because I've been led to believe it's the smart thing to do around here," she smiled mischievously, "but since you're here...instead of with your husband, I guess I don't need them."

"Cristina is right," Meredith laughed, "you are priceless. We'll be ready to leave at seven," she smiled and walked out of the den and rushed upstairs, confident even though she didn't see her that her mother in law was putting the ear plugs right back in. She quickly slipped out of her clothes and put on a robe, which was promptly discarded after she quietly entered the hallway bathroom reached to slide open the bathtub door, which was of course impossible to do without Derek noticing.

Derek expectedly turned as the door slid open, and smiled as she stepped into the tub, "couldn't stay away?"

"Are you complaining?" Meredith teased right back.

"What do you think?"

"I think," Meredith told him, "that you owe me...big time..."

"I owe you..." he said as he reached to pull her against him, "for what?"

She considered telling him for being brainless and a moron, and how his reaction about pawning his mother off on their friends had upset her, but opted for playfulness, they'd have enough time to talk about the incident later. "For teasing the hell out of me...on the phone...and then..."

He chuckled heartedly, "I teased the hell out of you...Meredith..." he laughed. "I believe it's you who owes me, since it was you that started by telling me..." he smiled as his lips found hers and he eliminated the distance between them, their bodies slick and wet pressed against each other as the massaging shower spray continued to flow.

"I think," she rubbed against him, his evident arousal pressed against her, "that we owe each other..." and began to stroke him. "Even if you're the one that made said you'd keep," her hands continued to pleasure and entice.

"Mer..." he groaned

"I love you Derek...happy anniversary..."

"Happy anniversary..." he said and reached for her hands and wrapped her arms around him, "let me..." he said, as his hand first cupped her breast and he took his time before his mouth followed.

"Derek..." she moaned, "don't make me wait.... want you...inside"

"Why the rush..." he whispered as his hands and mouth caressed every inch of her body and she moaned in pleasure. Later, much later, they shared one more kiss before walking out of their bedroom.

"Mom," Derek said, as he and Meredith strolled in the kitchen, and Carolyn was apparently doing some dishes, "we're ready to go."

Meredith placed her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling in anticipation of Derek's reaction, but walked over to her.

"Mom," he said a bit louder and still no reaction, but saw Meredith place her hand on his mother's shoulder.

"We're ready to go," Meredith said smiling, and Carolyn turned around and smiled back at her and took out her earplugs, "and why are you doing dishes?"

"You're wearing earplugs," Derek said as he shook his head. "Why?"

"Ask Meredith dear," Carolyn smiled.

"Carolyn," Meredith changed the subject, "why are you doing dishes?"

"I had enough time to begin preparing some of tomorrow's meal," Carolyn said, "almost had time to cook part of it," she laughed at Derek's slight grimace, "oh come on, it's not as though I did not know the minute Meredith went upstairs we were going to be late. By the way, I put the clothes in the dryer."

"Mom," he said and reached for Meredith's hand, "we should get going."

Carolyn had refused to sit in the front seat, and as they drove to Joe's commented, "Meredith you're lucky, your hair has beautiful curl when you let it dry naturally."

"It's a great advantage," Meredith laughed, "especially since..."

"Derek," Carolyn jumped in, "has to take the time to dry his."

"What's this..." Derek quipped, "gang up on me night?"

"I hardly think we've done that dear, even if we're about twenty minutes late."

Meredith and Carolyn both smiled without saying a word. "Stop smiling," Derek said, "I love that you two get along,'s not fair that all of you always take Mer's side."

"Derek," Meredith said, "not all your sisters do that..."

"Believe me," he said, "by the time we go home...they will."

"And," Carolyn said, "what exactly is the problem with that?"

"Nothing Mom," he smiled, truly amazed and pleased at the relationship between Meredith and his family over the last three months, and continued to gently caress Meredith's hand, "Mer knows I don't care."

"Good thing Derek Christopher, because," she paused as her phone rang, "oh...speaking of water faucets..."

"Huh?" Derek mumbled.

"Faucets... showers..." Carolyn teased, but before she had a chance to answer, the call went to voice mail, "it's water all the same."

"She's talking about Jenna," Meredith told him.

"I told you Meredith," Carolyn said, "sometimes..."

"Sometimes what?" Derek asked his mother.

"Nothing dear," Carolyn replied.

"Mer will tell me," he said with a pout that so reminded Carolyn of him as a boy.

"Oh,'re pouting just as you did when you were a little boy."

"I am not."

"Yes dear," Carolyn said, "you are."

"I'm not," he said, "and besides, you can't see me from there."

Meredith laughed, "she's a mom, I think she can," she teased him, "and she's right."

"Oh great," Derek said, attempting to sound offended, as his phone rang. "Hi Jenna. Yes, she's with us, and they're ganging up on me...and by the way why are they calling you a water..."

Meredith put her hand over his mouth and took the phone away from him, "Jenna, it's Meredith...nothing, he's just being surly and won't admit to pouting," and Meredith's melodious laughter filled the confines of the car. "Yes, I'll put you on speaker phone."

"Mom," Jenna said, "from Derek's comment, I can only imagine you're enjoying the break from my ever flowing water faucet..."

"You told her..." Meredith said.

"Of course I told her," Carolyn said, "I don't keep anything from them, she knows she drives me crazy with the crying, it's been going on all her life."

"Meredith," Jenna laughed, "that's the good thing about Mom as a mother in a mother too, you know exactly where she stands, and thank God my husband is not relegated to an in law... but you'll meet that son in law when you visit."

"Ok..." Meredith said. "You can't keep doing that...who the hell is the son in law that's in bad graces?"

"Well, it's sort of two," Jenna said, "they take turns in being idiots."

"Which means it's not Kevin or your husband," Meredith said.

"That's about right..." Jenna said. "Though, I'm often thinking of divorcing mine lately."

"Oh dear God," Carolyn said, "Jenna, I swear I'm going to encourage him to divorce you if you don't stop acting like a brat."

"Mom," Jenna laughed, "I'm kidding...he's being wonderful...and romantic...and sweet...and he brought me flowers today," they heard the sniffle, "just..."

"Jenna," Meredith said, not sure how to react, "don't mind your family...I'm beginning to realize you just love to tease and taunt each other."

"We do," they could hear the sniffles, "so don't mind us Meredith...when we do this...and Mom and the rest all make fun of me crying...but now it's really bad and it's not my fault...I swear it's all hormones," Derek brought Meredith's hand to his lips tenderly, silently acknowledging he understood how this conversation could affect her, "he just brought me flowers today because I'm twenty four weeks along...and we're more than half way there...and I'm the one driving him crazy."

"Jenna," Derek cleared his throat, "I'm sure it's not so bad, but even if you do drive him crazy, which I could see happening," and the simultaneous whacks were heard, Carolyn hitting the back of his head and Meredith lightly on his forearm, "shit, these women are violent, just so you know, they both hit me over that comment, but Jen...all I'm trying to that I've seen he loves to pamper you when you were pregnant the first two times...and you know he loves you and he doesn't care about your moods."

"I know he does and he's wonderful...and he had to deal with me being all overly emotional when he got home, so I sent him to Nancy's to watch some game or other..."

"You sent him to Nancy's," Carolyn said, "he's being nice and caring and you punish him by sending him over to put up with my son in law?"

"Your son in law," Jenna said and started laughing, "Mom, wait till I tell him."

"You are all just pulling my leg," Meredith said, "with all this in law crap."

"Mer," Jenna laughed, "I swear, she's not."

"Right," Meredith said.

"Meredith Shepherd," Carolyn said in her motherly tone, "stop pouting."

"Mom," Jenna laughed, "you've got your hands full with two of them pouting."

"It's ok sweetheart," Carolyn smiled as she spoke, "they're just making sure I feel at home, since I don't have you close by to drive me crazy with mood swings, and they're doing a really good job at it."

Both Derek and Jenna laughed and she said, "Mom, I can't wait till you get back."

"I've missed you too sweetheart and the kids."

"Meredith...Derek," Jenna said, "I just wanted to say happy anniversary...I know Mom's cooking tomorrow."

"Is there anything the five of you don't know about," Derek said as he referred to his mother and four sisters.

"Probably not," Jenna laughed, "and now Meredith already knows she's part of the inner circle too...we all will make sure of that."

"You will," Derek said, and then cleared his throat.

"Derek," Jenna said, "Mer already knows...Addie wasn't...not with all of us..."

"She does..." he said, "does she?"

"Yep...she does," Jenna said, "and no, she is not sharing our emails."

"Jenna," Derek said, still holding Meredith's hand, "I love you..."

"I love you too Derek, and don't forget your promise to visit."

"We won't," Meredith answered, "we'll be there this summer."

"Jenna," Carolyn said, "honey we've arrived at Joe's, so we'll talk tomorrow."

"Good night Mom, say hi to Mark...and don't forget to tell me how it goes with Tracy tonight and what you think of that possibility and you know..."

"Yes dear," Carolyn said. "You have a good night too."

"Jenna," Derek chuckled, "he doesn't stand a chance."

"What do you know about our conversation Derek?" his sister questioned.

"I don't know...ask Mer...she's part of the inner circle."

"Brainless moron," Jenna commented and they all laughed.

"Jen," Derek laughed, "for the record, I'm agreeing with Mom, Kat and Meredith."

"You are not," Jenna exclaimed. "You're just trying to get information out of me."

"Jen," Derek said, "in case you're still doubting what I know," he taunted, "Mer's also right, she's too damn young for him."

"Mom," Jenna whined.

"Jenna," Carolyn laughed, "he's actually are Kevin and Cristina."

"Sarcastic Yang," Jenna said, "she's noticed."

"Everyone but the two of them," Meredith laughed. "I'll email you about the bets."

"Mom," Jenna said, "you're falling down on the job, you didn't tell me about the bets."

"I was waiting for tonight, to tell you all about it," Carolyn told her, "now we're here, I'm starving and Meredith and Derek want to get rid of me, of all of us as quickly as possible so they can be alone. So, goodnight sweetheart and be kind to your husband and give the kids a kiss from grandma," the conversation continued a few more seconds with additional banter from all three of them before the call was disconnected.

Derek opened the door for both his wife and mother, and Carolyn walked ahead of them commenting she'd see them inside, allowing them a few moments alone together, which at one point during the conversation with Jenna she'd sensed they'd want.

"Mer," Derek said as he watched his mother walk across the parking lot, "before we go in, I need to tell you I'm sorry, about what happened earlier...while we drove home. You're right when you say we tease and taunt each other...and honestly I saw nothing wrong about not having dinner with Mom...but I understand...I didn't...but I do...this is all new to you...and instead of being impatient about wanting to be alone with you, I should have understood how all this affects I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry too...I overreacted...I know I did, I already told your Mom, and ...all of this...these feelings and emotions they are new Derek...but it feels've given me that...the family I never had and I don't want to screw this up, and to me it meant spending time with Mom...your Mom..."

He smiled, "she will be absolutely thrilled, the day you feel comfortable calling her Mom all the time."

"I know," Meredith said as she wrapped her arms around his waist, "it's kind of slipped once or twice, and she knows... I told her, one day, not too far away I will."

"Forgive me?" Derek asked as he cupped her face, "for being insensitive."

"As long as you forgive me too," she smiled, "for being very sensitive to it all...and how the mood changed in the car."

"How about they cancelled each other out...our quota for the day?"

"I can live with that..." she said.

"I love you Meredith," he said, and softly kissed her lips.

"I love you too Derek," she said, her lips on his, and then they simply held one another before they walked in to Joe's holding hands.

The evening lasted longer than any of them would have anticipated, especially as the phrased coined by Cristina was mentioned more than once, and Meredith and Derek took the teasing with humor and or when they felt like it, simply ignoring them.

Tracy had indeed joined them during her dinner break and Carolyn was a keen observant as she analyzed the chemistry between them as a couple, and the interaction amongst the group of friends in general. Her thoughts would be shared soon enough, though she did exchange a couple glances with Meredith, as she had just done when Mark returned to the tables after he'd walked Tracy to her car.

"Cristina dear," Carolyn said, "you're very quiet this evening."

"Quiet," Derek almost growled. "Stealth before the strike."

"Hell," Mark drawled, "I've heard her talk more around you since the whole time I've known her, not to mention the truce still stands."

"Truce?" Carolyn said, and waited to get an explanation.

"You know," Carolyn said, "it's too bad that two of you can't work out as a couple."

"What?" Simultaneously Cristina, Mark, Derek and Meredith exclaimed.

"You and Cristina," she said, "don't get me wrong, I like Tracy...and I'm very proud of you...being in a relationship this long dear, but you and Cristina just a random thought."

"Mama Shep," Cristina said, "never happen."

"Oh I know," Carolyn admitted, "you're too intense for him...he couldn't handle it."

"Are you calling me shallow?" Mark said.

"No of course not," Carolyn said, and shot Meredith and Cristina a don't contradict me look, "just that Cristina is too intense. She needs ...well...let's just see what the future holds, right Lexie," she said, intentionally making reference to the conversation they'd had at the spa.

"I think Cristina is very intense," Lexie said, "nothing wrong with that...really...there isn't, and she's well, just feels things very deeply even when she tries to hide it...but that doesn't mean Mark's shallow...he's not...I've seen the side that has some depth to know...I have...when...he...he's been a really good friend to my sister."

"Yes," Meredith said, "he has."

"Xena," Mark said, "you're going to ruin my reputation if you talk that way."

"It's true," Lexie said, "and it's not like I'm talking about it to everyone...just here...I mean...we're friends...and she's my sister...and Cristina's her person...and you've been around forever..."

"Lexie dear," Carolyn said, "we're among family...and you can definitely share your thoughts with us."

"Now you're calling me old..." Mark teased her.

"Not...really," she smiled, "'d already finished high school when I was born."

"Shit," Mark said, "I thought you liked me and Derek...instead you're making us both feel like we're old and decrepit."

"I never said that," Lexie laughed, "and I do like you...and Derek...he's old but he and Mer..."

"If you call me old," Meredith winked at Carolyn, as she egged on the conversation. "I swear Lexie Grey...I forgave you for flirting with him...once...but calling me old."

"Mer," Lexie laughed, "I was going to's certainly not an issue, not according to Carolyn, she had to wear earplugs."

"Fine," Mark pouted, "you call me old...and boost his ego...I'll have you know..."

"Don't," Cristina said, "do not let us know anything. Go play a game of darts or something, and beat this other old man," she said to Derek, who actually laughed.

"You're on Yang," Derek said, as he thought they'd just come up with the best way to end the evening quickly, a game of darts he and Mark were sure to win, "bet the two of us will beat the three of you in record time, two out of three games."

"What about me," Carolyn joked.

"Mama Shep," Cristina said, "you play darts?"

"Not only do I play," she whispered to Cristina, "I play to win."

"Mom," Derek said, "you can't play against should be in the elders team," and he stood next to Meredith his hand resting on her butt, whispering something that made her smile.

"Forget it Derek," Cristina said, "get all those mcdreamied ideas out of your mind. Meredith, get your ass over here, we're going to beat the ..."

"We're going to beat the Mc's" Carolyn smiled sweetly.

"Mc's," Derek laughed. "Mom..."

"I's easier lump you both into one name," Carolyn said and they all laughed.

The game was friendly, but rather competitive as Cristina and Caroline were determined to win, and spoke of strategy, at which point Meredith said, "how about we let the two of you play and Lex and I will watch?"

"Fine," Cristina said, "you're too distracted by being mcdreamied."

"Oh," Carolyn said and squeezed Meredith's hand gently, "but I want to watch her fall head over heels in love, and it's going to happen," she told Meredith, "and then we can tease her as much as she teases you."

Meredith laughed softly and said quietly to her mother in law, "more likely she'll need to be mcambushed...mcdreamied won't work with her," and the two women laughed as they shared the private joke.

Joe walked over with a round of drinks for everyone and was surprised to hear Carolyn say, "Joe, how about you bring me a very cold beer."

"Ma," Derek protested. "Since when do you drink beer?"

"Since Kat and Kevin taught me to play darts and I had to spend a rainy weekend keeping them company and locking the kids and their teenage friends in the basement," she said with a deadpan expression.

"My kind of mother in law," Cristina said. "Mama Shep, let's beat these old men," she said and the friendly competition began until they were tied at three games a piece.

"Come on Shep," Mark said, "what the hell's wrong with you?"

"Hey, not my fault you're distracted," Derek taunted, knowing full well, the only one distracted was him as he and Meredith kept meeting each other's gaze, more than ready to spend the rest of the night alone.

Mark caught the last lusty glance exchanged between the couple, " ..."

"Mark," Carolyn warned.

"Now you reprimand me," Mark laughed, "how the hell did I agree to this...I thought I was partnering with mcdreamied interrruptus and instead I get unfocused, lusty, horny mcdreamy...shit...may as well call it quits now, he only wins when he's got pent up sexual energy...either because he's mad at Meredith or not having sex with Meredith..."

"Mark," the chorus was heard, with the exception of Cristina.

"What," Mark said, "it's true...just ask Yang about the infamous dart game between Burke and Shep, both pretending you were..."

"Never mind," Meredith said, "keep the stories to yourself; you're being a sore loser."

"Sore loser my ass," Mark laughed again, "everyone at Joe's knows the story of how jealous he was you were dating McVet..."

"Do tell that story dear," Carolyn said, as she continued with the game and hit the bulls eye, twice.

"Come on Mama Shep," Mark laughed, using Cristina's nickname for her, and put his arm around her shoulder, "telling the story will be worth the loss. Derek, Meredith...go home, Lexie and I will make sure she gets home safely."

"Don't be ridiculous," Meredith said, "and you don't need to tell any more stories. Derek and I will take Mom home."

"She's right dear," Carolyn smiled, her heart warmed by Meredith unexpectedly and casually referring to her as Mom, "we stayed far longer than we'd planned and I did tell these two they'd have an early evening so they can celebrate their anniversary."

"They've already done that," Cristina snickered.

"They sure have," Mark agreed, "can't believe they'd engage in ...s-e-x-" he teased, "with you in the house."

Going along with their friends teasing seemed the right thing to do as Meredith said, "she wears ear plugs, and us being loud wouldn't bother her."

"Mer," Cristina and Lexie both said and laughed, "you didn't."

Meredith shrugged non committal and leaned in to kiss Derek, "we should go, we can make the 10:05 ferry," and they all said the corresponding good nights.

"It is rather late," Carolyn said once they boarded the ferry and walked on deck, "and I'm sorry we stayed so long..."

"Don't be," Meredith said as they walked side by side, while Derek stopped and talked to a doctor from the hospital. "Derek...he's important to both of spend time with you...with our family. We won't see you for months."

"It's important to me too, Meredith."

"Carolyn," she said as they stood by the railing overlooking the city lights, "I know you and Derek will talk tomorrow...a lot...and I just want to tell you that you can ask him anything you want about me...I'm going to tell him tonight...he can share anything he wants with you...and I hope...that you can forgive me for hurting him...because I have...we hurt each other...but when Kathleen came...that night, when he called her...I'm very ashamed of the things I said...and I hope you can forgive me for that."

Unaware that Derek was standing a few feet behind them, Carolyn turned to her, "I know you have hurt each other, and you are right, there are things I want to talk to my son about, but I also believe that whatever happened between you in the past helped you both to get to where you are today...where you were three months ago even, when I met you in Venice...and sweetheart, what I saw then and what I see now are two people that deeply love each other...and I know will do anything to keep from hurting each other as you may have in the past...that's what I believe...because it's what my heart sees and the past doesn't matter to me...and there's no need to share that with me..."

"I want him to," Meredith said, "I do...because..." she paused as emotions took over, and she did nothing to stop the betraying tears, "all my life...I've never been enough, not for my father...and I'm trying...for Derek...for him not to ever feel he made the wrong choice in loving me...and he already knows all my faults...all my dark twisty thoughts...and some of our story is only his to tell...and I want you to know some of that too, because you seem to see a side of me that's not dark and twisty...and I don't want to disappoint you...I don't want for you to find out and then wish you'd known...and that could make you regret thinking of me as your daughter...I want you to you can make that decision ...with case you want to change your mind..."

"Meredith, " Carolyn lightly touched her face, the cheeks still wet with traces of tears, "there is nothing my son can say that will make me change my mind. I've see enough Meredith...more than enough ...and more importantly, my heart has felt the depth of your love for my son...and I've seen the depth of your soul and your love for him reflected in your eyes, and no matter the past, that is enough...and you are my daughter...and I told you tonight, it makes me proud you allow me to call you that."

"You are very kind," Meredith said simply, "and loving...and thank you..." she paused unable to say anything else.

"You never need to thank me for expressing what is in my heart...a mother's heart...that sees a vulnerable beautiful woman that loves my son...and one day has promised to call me Mom..." she said and embraced Meredith and both women understood yet another layer of healing was being nurtured, and then they turned to the man that was their common bond, and Meredith's soft smile brought him closer and he brushed her lips lightly and then embraced his mother and whispered, "thank you."

"You heard," Meredith said.

"I heard," he nodded.

"I meant it," Meredith told him, "you can say anything... whatever you need to talk about Derek," she looked at Carolyn and placed her hand over hers on the railing, "you can tell her everything."

Not long after that conversation the ferry docked and they drove to the inn. Derek and Meredith walked Carolyn to her room, "Mom," he said, "is there anything you need?"

"No sweetheart, nothing at all..." she smiled and suddenly noticed how the summer night's sky was as bright as she'd ever seen, "look...what a view," she said sliding the door open to the balcony, "I have yet to see a night so clear...look at those stars...

"It is beautiful," Meredith said as she and Derek followed her, all three mesmerized by the extraordinary display of nature. "It looks as thought there are millions of stars shining upon us...and there...she said... that cluster...look how bright those three stars are..."

"Mom...Mer..." Derek was awestruck, "look...a shooting star..."

"It was..." his mother said, "oh Derek...your father...he loved to look at the sky on nights like this, and night with all of you the summer, we saw a meteor shower...and there were stars...shooting stars, much like that just now..."

Far away where time and spaced ceased to exist, three souls, now very familiar with each other rejoiced as they sensed the emotions of the people three people they loved. Two had brought them together and now a third, another common bond was there to help them continue to heal. The healing of souls taking place in two different dimensions.

"They noticed," the man filled with love for the wife he'd had to leave so long ago whispered to the wind, communication but mere whispers or thoughts between souls.

"They did," a woman's voice echoed, "you were and your Irish."

"So were you," the man said, "look at your much she's grown...the last three months...she and my son have found true love."

"She is extraordinary...don't you agree..."

"She is...Ellis...she is..."

"In spite of me," the woman's sad thoughts were loud to his accepting quiet soul, accepting that one day his love would join him for eternity.

"Because of you...think of it that way, because of you...the words you spoke, the hug you gave her...your parting gift, Ellis that made her want to be better than ever before."

Then, just as quickly two souls became a grandmother and grandfather who simply loved an angel's gentle soul, impatient as she whispered in the wind, "I want to tell them I love them lots...and lots."

"We know baby...but you can't do that all the time, you can't keep breaking rules, but they know...and they will always hear you when it is most important to them"

"My mommy," the child's voice echoed, "she likes to know I love her..."

"She does know, and she loves you baby and you'll tell her again, when she needs to hear it most. But, right now, she's with your daddy and your other grandmother...and they know...they just know," Ellis, who'd never believed in anything spiritual now wanted nothing more than to rejoice that her daughter did...that her daughter had found comfort in gifts only God could provide.

God smiled, Ellis too had become extraordinary, and somehow Meredith would know.

"Derek," Meredith exclaimed, "look...another shooting star," she leaned back into him.

"Two shooting stars..." Carolyn said, "quite a treat...a special anniversary indeed."

The three stood on the balcony, only silence between, yet each felt an immense connection at that very moment when silent whispers from far away somehow managed to reach them...and then...another shooting star. "I love you lots...Mommy...Daddy..."

"Brianna," there was a soft but gentle reprimand, "you were not supposed to do that..."

"I know granma...granpa..."

"Just have to wait," the gentle man's voice spoke, and then, he thought...why not...and exchanged an understanding with Ellis...just this time.

"I love you Irish..."

"I love you extraordinary child," and the three souls looking up to the sky witnessed yet three more shooting stars...some would find the scientific explanation of summer nights when as many as one hundred in an hour could be seen, but these three knew...somehow...someway...their loved ones had whispered I love you from afar and the shooting stars...their greeting... had been meant for them alone.

"You heard," Derek thought he'd whispered in Meredith's ear.

"I did," both Meredith and Carolyn responded absently, and all three in that moment in time knew they'd witnessed an extraordinarily beautiful spiritual gift.

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