Intimate pleasures

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"I love you Meredith," he said and kissed her softly as they reached the front door.

"I love you Derek," she said, as they walked through the front door of the villa and headed to their room, smiling in anticipation of their last, twenty four uninterrupted hours in Italy.

"Uhmmm..." he said as he stopped to kiss her before going upstairs, "Mrs. Shepherd, what do you want to do...these last hours of our honeymoon?"

"Do you even have to ask," she smiled as she nibbled his lips softly, then teasingly as the warmth of her hands caressed his back, and pulled his body closer to hers.

"I just wanted to make sure," he chuckled and whispered to her, "you know...since my wife's been a tease lately...and then just forgets...and leaves me..."

"She has," Meredith played right along with him, "well Dr. Shepherd, maybe you should give your wife a reminder of why she shouldn't forget," she said pressing against his body, "maybe it's because you're not doing a very good haven't let her know just how much you want her," she smiled, as there was no doubt about his desire for her.

"You think she has doubts," he teased right back, his hands on her waist then lower, cupping her butt and pulling her even closer.

"Probably not," she said, "but one can never be to sure," she whispered as she gently and playfully bit his neck.

"You know, Dr. Grey..." he held her close, but his face pulled back slightly so they were looking at each other.

"Dr. Shepherd," she warned, "tread lightly."

"Dr. you think my wife would be jealous if she knew about this fantasy I've had about you..."

"I think...your wife would seriously harm you, if she even suspected you had..." she smiled, "fantasies about anyone but her."

"You mean she's the jealous type," he grinned.

"You better not forget it Derek Shepherd," she said the tone of her voice changing.

"Ah..." he chuckled, "bossy is back..." and she joined in his laughter.

"Derek..." she smiled seductively, "are you going to tell me your fantasy...about Dr. Grey?"

"Tell you..." he smiled, that cocky grin that made her stomach flutter in anticipation, "no...we're going to experience it...completely."

"Why are we wasting time?" she said, kissing him hard and then wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked the last steps to the stairs.

"Why indeed," he laughed, as they kissed and touched, and teased each other every step of the way to their room.

Their ardor was brought to a halt when they entered the bedroom and found a young woman, evidently from the hotel, changing the sheets.

"Mr. Shepherd, Mrs. Shepherd, pardon me, we just wanted to take care of housekeeping early and make sure you had everything you need. We were told you did not want to be disturbed the rest of your stay."

"Yes," Derek spoke. "I asked that we not be disturbed, so thank you, we appreciate you're taking care of this early."

"I will be done shortly Mr. Shepherd, and if there's anything you need please call us," the young Italian said smiling at Derek.

"Take your time. My husband and I will be downstairs till you've finished," Meredith said and pulled on his hand.

"Your husband only has eyes for one woman," Derek joked, as he enjoyed Meredith's territorial statement, "you know that."

"I know..." she giggled, "I just want everyone else to make no mistake about it."

"I love you Mer."

"I know."

"Uhmmm...cocky now too..."

"Derek, you better stop adding derogatory adjectives to that list of yours..."

" call me cocky..."

"Your point," she teased him, as they reached the kitchen and found Angela.

"Dottore Derek...Meredith," she said, as she'd finally agreed to call them, "I have left two meals for you for today, and the staff from the hotel will be done very quickly, and you will not be interrupted the rest of your stay."

"We were surprised to see a young lady upstairs," Meredith said.

"Oh, yes, the hotel staff has been here every day, they have just made sure you were no on the property. But this morning, I wanted to supervise everything myself, and thought they'd have more time while you were with your family."

"Thank you Angela, for everything and especially last night at the last minute arranging dinner for all of us."

"It's been our pleasure. Once we knew you were responsible for Kelly's well being, we were very happy to follow through on John and Colleen's request."

"Angela," Derek commented, "you don't normally do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Be the housekeeper."

"Well, I do love to cook and I've done that for you, but no we don't. Antonio has been the Mulligan's financial advisor for years, as was his father who is semi-retired and I just make sure things runs smoothly at the villa, while my real job is managing a small culinary school."

"Oh my God," Meredith laughed, "no wonder he was so adamant about the gasoline and exchange rates."

"A culinary school," Derek smiled. "I wish we'd known. Meredith could have used some basic cooking tips."

"I gave her the best tip I've got," Angela smiled at her.

"You did?" Derek asked.

"Yes, to let you do the cooking, if you were better at it," and the three adults laughed and exchanged pleasantries until the rest of the previously invisible staff of three gathered in the kitchen and advised Signora Angela that all had been taken care of.

"I hope you will be back," Angela told them, "and you visit the Villa, and accept the Mullingan's hospitality. I shall look forward to seeing you again," she said and Meredith told her they'd see each other in the morning before they left for the airport.

The phone rang and Derek answered, surprising Meredith as he carried on a conversation where he apparently was pleased about changing some schedule.

"Who was that?" Meredith asked him.

"That," he said as he leaned in to kiss her, "was the surprise I told you about during breakfast yesterday."

"Derek...what have you done now? I don't want to do anything...just spent the rest of our time here..."

"It's something we'll do together," he smiled at her.

"And you had to change the schedule...are you getting kinky on me...and now we're on a sex schedule," she joked with him.

"Mer...get the mind out of the gutter..." he teased her.

"I thought that's what we were hours of sex...the rest of our honeymoon."

"We are..." he kissed her, "we definitely are..." he said as he deepened their kiss.

"Then," she pulled back after being thoroughly kissed by her husband, "what was that call about?"

"We have a the beauty center in the hotel. Joint massages and then, the latest treatment the spa has to offer."

"Derek...we don't have to...this trip, already, you've done so much...I just want to be with you."

"I thought you'd enjoy it...but we can cancel it," he said, a bit disappointed in her reaction.

"Hey..." she said, and noticing the change in him cupped his face, "it means a lot to me...all you've done...but I just want you to know, all that matters to me is being with doesn't matter where we are...just as long as we're together, and I don't want you to ..."

"Make it up to you," he said as he looked away from her.

"There is nothing, Derek. Nothing that you have to make up for. We had a fresh start the day we said our wedding don't need to make up for anything. Derek, we started fresh, from that moment...remember..."

"I do."

"Ok, then."

"So, you want me to cancel," he stated.

"No..." she said, and caressed his face before brushing his lips. "We can enjoy a couple of hours of spa treatments."

"Mer...I only want to make you happy."

"You do."

"But...I want to pamper you...and take care of you."

"You've been doing that too...and when we get back home, work's going to be brutal...and I'm going to let you pamper me and take care of me...and yes, even hover a bit..."

"You are?"

"Yes," she said, and kissed him. "Provided you let me do the same."

"Mer...that's not..."


"Fine," he conceded.

"Fine..." she teased him, nipping his lip gently.

"Our fine..."

"Ok. When's our appointment?"

"At eleven."

"That give us at least ninety minutes...uninterrupted..."

"So it does..." he agreed as he gently massaged her back.

"Does that give you enough time to tell me about that fantasy...with Dr. Grey?"

"Plenty of time," he laughed as he reached for her hand and they took the kitchen stairs.

"Are you sure, Dr. Grey," he said, his voice filled with humor, while his hands already roamed her body, "you want to incur my wife's wrath?"

"Her wrath," Meredith laughed, as his mouth found hers.

"Yes," he said, smiling suggestively, "and her tiny ineffectual fists."

"Uhmm..." she whispered, taunting as her hands moved effectively to his waist, than lower, "I think you may want to rethink that..."

"Oh..." he said, as he took a deep breath and their eyes met, both darkened with the promise of impending passion.

"There's nothing...ineffectual," she smiled, "about her."

"You are right," he said, as he captured her mouth, "now..." he said breaking their kiss for much needed air, "let me tell you...all about that fantasy," and began to tell and show her.

"Oh my God, Derek," Meredith said as she whispered breathlessly, "that...we..."

"Yes..." he smiled indulgently as he lay back on the pillow, unable to utter another word.

"We've...we've never done that before..."

"Complaining..." he said as he cocked his head and smiled.

"Are you kidding...Derek...I don't think I've ever..."

"Ever what..." he said as his breathing now became less labored.

"Multiple orgasms...Derek...just took on a whole new meaning..."

"I aim to please..."

"Your aim," she giggled, "was perfect," she finished just as he reached for her and pulled her on top of him.

"I love you..."

"I..." she said, pausing for kisses between each word, " Shepherd."

"Me too...Dr. Grey," he said and they both burst out laughing.

"Happy anniversary Derek..." she said as she heard the chimes, and looked over to the antique clock confirming the time.

"Happy days..."

"Three beautiful...perfect...amazing days," she said as she kissed him and then they lay on their sides facing each other.

"We should get out of bed," he said, "or we're going to be late."

"Derek...I don't think I can manage to've depleted all my energies."

"You mean that's it... no more sex," he teased her, "till we get home."

"Brainless, Derek...totally brainless," she laughed, that infectious delightful sound that never failed to make him smile.

"Get up Mer," he said as he ran his hands over the contour of her body, hips to thigh, back up again.

"You better stop that..."

"You don't like this," he said, as his hand moved to the silkiness of her stomach and further to cup her breast.

"Not if you want us to leave this bed," she said as her hand reached for him.

"You've made your point," he smiled, "we'll pick up right here..."

"I thought that may be your response," she said, but didn't release him.

"You're right," he said, "we can always cancel."

She laughed, "let's go Shepherd...we've got plenty of time later."

"Meredith," he asked softly, his thumb rubbing her cheek, "you okay?"

"I'm perfect," she said and leaned in to brush his lips with hers.

"You'd tell me...if we need to ...if we shouldn't..."

"I'd tell you," she said, reassuring him with a kiss.

They spent two hours at the beauty center, a couples massage had been his selection and then they'd been served a light lunch before they returned to the villa.

"I'm exhausted," she told him, "that massage drained all the tension out of me."

"I thought I did that," he said raising his eyebrow, taunting her.

"All the tension in anticipation of the next chapter of our fantasy."

"Our fantasy..." he joked, "thought that was nine and Dr. Grey's..."

"It's ours now..." she laughed, "at least till that jealous wife of yours finds out."

"How about a nap?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she said, as they walked to their room holding hands.

The almost foreign ring of the house phone woke them and he reached to answer, while Meredith cuddled into him as he spoke.

"Who's calling us?"

"That was the saleslady from Lugano, they will be here shortly, but she wanted to ask if we wanted to have the down comforter and the towels shipped because it is quite a big box, their picking up the charges, so I said it would be fine."

"So they are only brining the sheets?"

"Yes, she mentioned they would not be very bulky at all, and I agreed that they ship the rest."

"How did I miss all that conversation?"

"You always fall asleep on me," he joked.

"I do not."

"Driving to work in the morning...on airplanes...after massages..."

"At least I don't fall asleep during sex..." she quipped.

"Mer...nobody falls asleep during sex..."

"Wanna bet," she laughed.


"You can never repeat this..."

"You fell asleep during sex..."

"Derek...have I ever fallen asleep during sex?"


"Cristina did."

"What? How do you know that?"

"She told us, Izzie and I... she fell asleep while she and Burke were having sex...well I guess ...technically... he was having sex at that point, since she was asleep..."

Derek was quiet until she said the last part and then roared with laughter.

"Mer...that is priceless...she fell asleep...poor Preston..."

"Poor Preston!!! Derek, he was an ass..."

"Must not have been very good I guess...if she fell asleep..."

"Oh no," Meredith answered without thinking, "she'd already...ah...never mind..."

"Guess, this is one of those confessional secrets...during spousal pillow talk," he teased her, and kissed her.

"Damn right it is...Derek, you can never let on. She'll kill me."

"My lips are sealed."

"Only for that..." she said, "never to me..." she said as she brought her mouth to his, and playfully slid her tongue in his, teasing, enticing him and then the game became more intense as they again began the ageless dance of mating of tongues that would ultimately lead them to experience new heights of fulfillment.

They lost track of time, and hours later while the sun shone brightly over the lake, he woke her with a kiss. "Hey sleeping beauty..."


"I brought you a snack..." he said, kissing her again.

"A snack..." she said, "what time is it?"

"A bit past four."

"What did you bring?"

He smiled, "you mean the kiss was not enough?"

"Mushy Derek...very mushy..."


"You can be dessert..." she smiled, and raised herself to meet his lips.

"This is really good," she said, as they sat on the bed and ate, "no wonder we've been getting great meals, Angela has a culinary school. Maybe I'll come back and take some lessons from her."

"You're going take cooking lessons," he asked indulgently.

"I can learn."

"I'm sure you can," he smiled, and she saw the humor in his eyes.

"I could you know. I may not want to waste my time...but I could...and at some point, I'm going to need to make cupcakes and cookies or something for the kids to take to school."

"You can always buy them," he said, and put the now empty plates aside.

"That would be cheating."

"But, might be better than burning down our kitchen," he said and she reacted immediately.

"You jerk," she swatted his arm, "I'll teach you yet."

"I hope you do," he teased her, "I hope you do," he said and pulled her into him so that her legs wrapped around his waist.

"I love you," she said cupping his face in her hands.

"I love you too," he said and kissed her, and then lay back against the pillows and spent the remaining hours of the afternoon talking.

"You did not have a mother daughter talk with my mother," he laughed. Once he'd discovered the matching bra and panties she wore earlier had been a shower gift, she'd given him details of that evening.

"She'd already told Mark, I did not need it, and that was bad enough Derek, then, she told me that lust was one of the important aspects of a relationship," Meredith repeated the entire conversation with Carolyn verbatim, "hell, Derek I'd never been so embarrassed having her talk to me about us...and intimacy and that it was one of the pleasures life gives us to enjoy."

"My mother said all these things?"

"As she said, she did have five kids..."

"I wonder sometimes if she knew that sex led to children," he laughed.



"I know sex leads to children...and we're not having five chatty kids with perfect hair," she said and the sounds of their laughter filled the otherwise silent residence.

"So...they'd inherit chattiness from you I take it..."


"Meredith, you're very chatty..."

"You ass," she giggled, as she bridged the distance between them and their bodies were pressed intimately to each other.

"Well... I have the perfect hair," he laughed.

"Not's going to cost a fortune to pay for hair products."

"So what other pearls of wisdom did you get at the shower?"

" was all lingerie as you know..."

"I haven't seen it all yet..."

"You will," her smile held a promise. "Cristina and Lexie were teasing about the waste of it all since I would spend the majority of our honeymoon naked, and I wanted to kill them because your mother was there."

"But it didn't seem to faze her."

"Quite the contrary, she told me to ignore them...but follow their advise.

"To be naked."


"Let's pretend that wasn't my mother's advise."

"We can do was your sister...Kathleen."

"Let's just pretend it was Cristina. No family ties there."

" Lexie..."

"Is your sister in law..."

"But my person."

"Yes, and she will be our family...but...she will always be Cristina...hard core...biting. It's easier not to think of my mother or sisters...talking about our naked honeymoon."

"Derek...I hate to break it to you," she teased him, "but your sisters know about sex."

"I'm beginning to think they don't either," he laughed, "all doctors, and none of them know one bit about birth control."

"That's mean wouldn't have all your nieces and nephews."

"Mer...I'm joking," he told her and closed the small nonexistent distance between them and kissed her, and they continued their heartwarming and light banter mingled with sometimes gentle, sometimes tender and always loving and passion filled moments, the memories of which would last a lifetime.

They'd given in to the fact they had to pack and had everything ready except what they'd need in the morning and the clothes they'd wear to travel back home. They also decided to have dinner in the dining room, just as they had the first night of their honeymoon, though this time they were alone.

"Very domestic," she said as she gathered the necessary plates and utensils on a tray while Derek heated their evening meal.

"Just think, when we get home," he said, "one of us we'll have to do the cooking."

"I'll cook breakfast," she quipped.

"You do that very well," he smiled, "especially cereal."

"And scrambled eggs," she said, "don't forget scrambled eggs."

"Let's have dinner," he said, and reached for her to kiss her before they went to the dining room.

"Derek, Angela is such a romantic," she said as they were finishing dinner, "the first night we were here she had music playing," she smiled.

"Do you want music?"

"I'd like to we did that night. It's so beautiful as you look out over the lake."

"I'll be right back," he said, and she went ahead and cleared the table except dessert.

She walked back to the dining room, and he was already there, and their eyes met as she heard the strains of music of a now much loved tune, and he smiled and gathered her in his arms.

"At last," he began and whispered in her ear as he followed the tune.

"A dream I could call my own," she said softly.

"Here we are in heaven," he smiled.

"For you are last..." they both echoed as the song came to an end.

"Take me to bed Derek," she smiled and he reached for her hand and they raced upstairs.

"" he took a deep breath as her hand brushed his erection.


"Slow...this time...slow..."

"Slow is fine..." she said and took off her jeans and began to unbutton her shirt, one of her favorites, soon to become his, a light colored indefinable hue of light blue or lavender, and as she reached the third button exposing what she wore beneath, she smiled, as his eyes locked with hers.

"What...are you wearing?"

"Do you like it?" she asked, her voice low...a bit hoarse, purposely and seductively.

"Yes," he said and quickly unbuttoned the rest and taking her shirt off, "this is new."


"You're beautiful..." he said, admiring the delicate lavender camisole and matching panties, "and the same color...the night..."

"You took me for the ride of my life..."

"I love you Meredith," he said, as his hands caressed her, the thin material between them, the small braided detail at the waist begging to be released.

"I love you," she said and quickly helped to take of his sweater, and began leave a trail of kisses from his neck to his navel and then he stopped her as her hands reached to unbutton his jeans and quickly got rid of them himself.

"Mer...I think we may have to wait for slow," he said with a groan as she stroked his erection.

"You wanted slow..."

"I was nuts," he said, and reached for her and embraced her before laying her softly on the bed, and in spite of the words spoken, he proceeded to make love to her, slow, excruciatingly slow she thought as his every caress made her crave him even more, but just as the first night, he took his time.

"Derek..." she moaned when his hands moved from her inner thighs to be replaced by his mouth, "what are you doing..." she asked when it seemed like an eternity had gone by.

"Kissing you...connecting dots..."

"What," she managed to gasp.

"Your freckles..." he laughed, and she felt a light bite.

"Derek...I don't want to wait anymore," she said, and he ignored her, and she conceded because as earlier that day, he played out his fantasy, and she cried out in pleasure.

"Now," she said, breathlessly, "it's my turn..."

"You think..."

"I know..." she said, and with a smile, the enjoyment of intimate pleasures began again, as two lovers, whose lives had been almost shattered and torn apart, and the sounds of mutual ecstasy echoed to the morning hours.

"Meredith..." Derek said at some point during the night, when they lay breathless, panting still, as a light sheen of sweat covered their bodies.


"I love you."


He chuckled.


"No I love you back..."

"Can't talk" she said.



"I think..." he paused, and then with a small groan, "think...the beast was tamed."

"You think..." she laughed, and turned into his embrace and her face rested on his chest.

"I think...the beast is old..." he said.

"My insatiable beast..."

"Think that fits you better..."

"You're calling me a beast..." she teased.

"It's a compliment."

"So it is..." she smiled, and looked up to find amusement in his eyes, and kissed him.

"Think we unleashed the beasts...completely..."

"Uh huh..." she said as her hand caressed his chest. "Derek..."


"I bet..."

"You're smiling..." he said, and kissed the top of her head.

"Uh huh..."

"You bet...what?"

"The beast has not been tamed," she said.

"I bet," he said, "you're right," and he pulled her on top of him, and their eyes locked, in their reflection a promise of passion certain to reignite.



"Let's get some sleep..." she said.

"Taming the beast exhausted you..."

"No, the beast tamed me," she said, and their joyous laugher filled the room.

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you Derek," she said and snuggled up to him. "Sleep...a couple of hours."

"Yes..." he agreed as they both gave in to pleasure filled exhaustion.

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