Spiritual Journey

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Meredith and Derek fell asleep in each other's arms, secure in the knowledge they were making extraordinary progress, as she had said earlier that evening, because in spite of the doubts that had surfaced during this day, they had also discovered the strength of their commitment.

In the midst of their current heartache, they had faced their issues, rather than avoiding, and though they knew each could falter, they also knew the other would be there, ready to offer a steady hand and loving embrace.

Weeks ago, a day that had begun full of hope for a future together had ended in heartbreak and despair, unaware they would soon face a devastating and unexpected loss that would ultimately bring them closer together, and heal their broken hearts.

Today, miles away from Seattle, their day had begun with hope that the road recently traveled had prepared them to deal with doubts and fears that would undoubtedly arise, but both were confident their love for each other would conquer any future adversities. Then, a small white garment made them relive the feelings of hopelessness of days before, but family and friends were there this time to further strengthen the bonds created as a result of one small soul who had been with them on borrowed time.

The end of the day drew near, as two legendary lovers succumbed too sleep, small doubts remaining in their subconscious minds.

She struggled to dismiss any doubts that arose, and be firm in her desire to trust him, while finally convinced he would never fail or let her down again.

He loved her enough to be willing to give up his own dreams, those of a lifetime, in order to ensure her happiness and that she would never experience the heartbreak he'd witnessed hours earlier.

Physically far away, though spiritually nearby, the energy of three souls recently brought together by the two lovers whose time for happiness had come, gathered closely determined to transmit reassurances to those they loved. Sometimes, it could be whispered words in the distance that somehow reached their mark, or their mere presence proving just a whiff once more of the ones they loved, and then oftentimes, it was through a dream that somehow would leave a lasting and powerful image that would forever change the course of lives, the course of destiny, the dreams of legends.

Meredith fell into a deep undisturbed sleep almost immediately, while Derek awakened with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and forced himself to hold her, and offer the comfort of his embrace as he felt the heaviness in his heart over the decision he'd made.

A father, a mother and a child whose life had barely begun, but whose soul would live forever, had a spiritual advantage in understanding the doubts and fears Meredith and Derek were experiencing, and in ways inexplicable but to those open to the promise of love beyond eternity, began to weave the message that each needed to see or hear. A message that would reach them both, one in a gentle loving dream, the other a harsh and rude awakening, delivered in the midst of sadness and disappointment based on decisions made in desperation in the middle of a dark stormy night.

Meredith felt she was being embraced in a cocoon of warmth and gentleness, and lost herself in the images that began to flash in front of her, like a movie with characters she at first barely recognized yet instinctively knew to trust the emotions she was feeling, and as a result did not notice when minutes later Derek moved away carefully and rose from the bed.

The dream images were familiar, she'd seen this before, experienced this not long ago, and wanted to see more as she again found herself sitting on a rocking chair and hearing her name looked up to meet the familiar an intense blue gaze, but this time, it wasn't Derek she saw.

"Mommy," she heard and followed the sweet childish voice, a little girl that looked so much like her, at least of photographs she'd seen of herself as a child, blonde and light curls framing her face but unlike the green grey shade of her eyes, she saw the intense blue of Derek's eyes. The voice pulled her, almost angelic, needing to hear what her child had to say.

"Mommy...those are my brothers...and my Daddy...but I won't get to play with them, but my grandma and grandpa...they tell me I will always be close to you...you know that Mommy...right...but my brothers, they're really silly...just like boys...my grandma says...always...there's a word...it's a big word...but it means they're silly Mommy."

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