Wedding Traditions

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They were about a half hour late by the time they met up for dinner at a small restaurant Mark guaranteed, and was proven correct, worthy of the highest Michelin rating. They dined on a variety of local dishes including handmade black pasta tortellini with lobster sauce, baby octopus and specifically for Meredith dessert was chocolate soufflé, its core filled with molten chocolate.

Several toasts had been made when Lexie commented, "did you guys know Casanova was a frequent visitor to the café where we had lunch today?"

"Casanova," Cristina smirked, "as in the world's greatest lover..."

"Yes, he was Venetian... actually imprisoned right by our hotel, for his outrages against religion, he had lots of public scandals and seductions, you name it...debauchery in general."

"Is that why we were there, Mark..." Cristina laughed, "you picked the place, you wanted to gain some tips by osmosis."

"You never know Yang," he laughed, "when new techniques..."

"From everything I've heard, I hardly think he needs lessons in that area..." Lexie laughed.

"So...Grey," Mark said with sheepish grin, "that photographic memory of you remember any specific details..." hr paused drawing out the rest of the comment, "on the scandals?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Lexie laughed, "actually it's quite interesting, he escaped what was referred to as the "inescapable" prison and left a note behind that said "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord," and then moved to Paris.

"You are full of interesting information," Mark told her.

"Lexie Grey, what are you doing," Meredith scolded, "we agreed, and you flirting with my sister."

"Lighten up...Mer...we're having fun," Mark laughed, "not even married and you're getting to be a prude...just like Derek."

"Derek...a prude..." Kathleen teased him, "I forgot, Kevin, he was so shocked, that I'd call you...and we..."

"Kathleen..." Derek warned, "Mom is here...have you forgotten?"

"Derek...I had five kids, and have been around these two for twenty years, more...really, you think they shock me?"

"I'm not sure that was a compliment Mom," Kevin laughed.

" shouldn't be surprised Kevin, you know me well enough by now..."

"You'd think...right..." he laughed.

"Though...I do's good to surprise my children...every now and then."

"You mean like the real secret admirer you don't want to tell Derek about," Kevin teased her.

"Well, no..." she paused, "not really....more like..." she stopped and winked at Meredith, "more like the fact that I knew you and Kathleen were living together months before you got married," she said without missing a beat.

Meredith laughed and they all looked at her curiously before she said, "what...both of you, Mark and Derek you wanted to bribe her..."

"Cat got your tongue Kathleen," Mark joked, "no pun intended..."

"You knew were living together?"

"There's not much I don't know about dear...sooner or later..."

" knew...and you coerced me into moving back home...a month before the wedding...telling me it made sense not to have to pay rent...for that month at my apartment...and you knew..."

"I have to set the moral tone dear...if I don't...who will? So that remains a tradition," she said smiling, "especially since apparently the groom should not see the bride on the wedding day."

"You old fox..." Kevin laughed.

"Trying to flatter me now..." she laughed, and reached over the table and patted her son in law's hand, "just you wait, you'll be thanking me when it's your daughters..."

"Mom, bite your tongue, my girls are not having sex till they're married," he said and everyone including his mother in law laughed.

"'re not...seriously...they're not old enough..."

"No honey, they're not," she indulged him.

"Let's make another toast," Mark said, "to living in fantasyland ..." he laughed.

"You ass," Kevin said, "just you wait...till you have daughters."

"Who says I'm having daughters...or kids..."

"Fate's gonna come back and kick your ass...Sloan," Kevin laughed, "mark my words."

"Mark dear," Ailene said, "somehow...I get the feeling he may be right."

"Stop with the feelings," Mark said, "Mom...just don't even think're too damn accurate with those feelings of yours for my liking...I'm not planning on getting married or having kids."

"Of course dear, I'll just instruct my brain to stop," she laughed and looked over at Meredith and smiled, "you agree, don't you Meredith, that we can just stop those feelings?"

"How the hell did Grey get involved in this," Mark asked.

"I don't know dear..." Ailene said in a mock surprised voice, "how does a Grey get involved in this..." she said and again had Meredith giggling at her choice of words.

"Mom..." she heard the echoes from four adults, while Derek whispered to Meredith, " does a Grey get involved in this conversation...fess up and Mom are up to something."

"What are you talking about?" she said.

"I love," he said looking at her intently, the rest of their family forgotten, "that there would be something the two of you would conspire about," he smiled, "that you and Mom...have so easily accepted each other...but...Mer..."

"You didn't do so bad..." she murmured against his lips, "with a Grey...did you..."

He looked at her with a questioning glare before he laughed, "God help him..."

"He helped me," Meredith giggled before he found her lips.

"He helped me too...finding saved me..." he said more seriously.

"We saved each other..."

"Yes...we did," he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and kissed her again softly, "Meredith, I love you."

"I love you Derek," she said, reaching for his hand as she leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around her, just in time to pay attention again to what his mother was saying.

"What is this...the peanut gallery," Ailene laughed. "Meredith and carry on, don't mind the rest of us here. Lexie,'re very quiet."

"Just saving the comments..." Cristina said, "for later."

"As long as they're not all..."

"Ailene," Lexie interrupted before she finished the statement, "don't you think we better go...I mean...we have all of Mer's shower gifts...and it's already close to ten, and the wedding is tomorrow, and we ...well, especially Meredith needs to get a good night's sleep and all, and be nice and rested have no dark circles..."

"I don't have dark circles," Meredith protested, "and...why are you so interested in me getting to bed're the one that has dark circles after not sleeping for so long...and jet lag, at least I've had a few days..."

"Ok...lassies no arguing..." Mark said.

"Lassies..." Kathleen laughed, "manwhore used the word lassie..."

" your language," her mom said, but ruined the effect by smiling at her.

"Hey...they know...fittingly Irish in honor of Mom here...and they're sisters, they shouldn't be arguing."

"Since...when," Derek asked, now a bit more curious over his Mom & Meredith's comments, "are you a peacekeeping force member?"

"Since I like both Greys."

"Huh," was Derek's reply, and felt the gentle squeeze of Meredith's hand on his thigh, and smiled at her.

"You're happy," she said softly, "aren't you?"

"You know I am...and as long as you are..."

"I want that...for her too..."




"I want her to be day...just like we are."

"All right you two, break it up..." Mark's booming voice resonated in the small restaurant. "'Lexie's right, we need to get going. Shep, we have a bachelor party waiting to happen."

"Really..." Meredith asked with feigned interest, before telling him, "you better not get him drunk..."

"Don't worry Grey, he'll be in top shape for tomorrow night."

"Mark," Derek warned.

"What...we all know you two had a night of sex planned, and Mom thwarted that, so now... you have to wait," he laughed.

"Ass." Derek said.

"Now...Shep," Kevin said, "come on, we don't want to screw with tradition."

"Just because you..." Derek started to say.

"Listen, Derek Cristopher, stop whining, you're not five," his mom said and smiled.
"Mark is right, we do have to get on with the guys do your thing, we're going back to the hotel."

"I have a better idea," Derek said, "we can do a joint shower...we can be there."

"No...absolutely not, seriously..." they got as a response from the women except Meredith.

"Why not?"

"Derek...don't make me think your sisters are right," his mom said jokingly.

"All right..." Meredith said, "stop teasing him..." and then kissed him softly, "he can't help it..." she giggled, "Ailene, he is brainless...but it's one of the things I love about him..."

"Seriously....Mer..." Cristina said, "seriously sappy..."

"Oh hush..." Ailene told her, "she's entitled to be sappy on the night before her wedding...and just you wait...just like that one," she pointed to Mark, "is going to be in way over his head, so are you," she said and reached over the table and as she'd done earlier with her son in law, patted her hand.

"Ah..." Cristina started, "Mama Shep," while the rest of them gawked at her expression, "what...she told me to..."

"I did... tell her to call me whatever felt most comfortable."

Meredith giggled and Derek laughed, earning a death glare from Cristina, "you two seriously need to get..."

"Ok..." Kevin laughed, "on that note...we are leaving...ladies, we'll walk you back to your hotel, unless you want to take a night tour on a gondola?"

"We don't have time tonight dear," Ailene said, "but, tomorrow would be lovely, Cristina finish what you started to say."

"That they need to get ..."

"No dear, we all know that," Ailene laughed, "before they so rudely interrupted."

"Oh...that...just that I wouldn't bet on me and manwhore...and all that head over heels crap..."

"I didn't say that...necessarily...but...Cristina...I've pretty good odds in the bets department , just ask Kevin...and my other sons in law..."

"Think it will be more fun to watch," Kevin said, "Mom...don't give away all your secrets."

"You're probably right dear," she chuckled, "a lot more fun to watch."

"Kevin honey," Kathleen said, "do not get him drunk..."

"Kat, what fun are you?" Mark said. "We need strippers and drunken..."

"He, is here..." Derek said, "and I don't need either of those..."

"This is it man...your last chance," Mark laughed, "no more whoring after this."

"Mark," Ailene scolded, "that is inappropriate."

"Wait a're picking on me...what about everything else...everyone else got to make comments..."

"Derek is not like that..." she defended her son.

"Thanks mom," he smiled, and as she was sitting next to him, kissed her cheek.

"You're welcome, dear. Now, it really is time for us to get back to the hotel, so we can spend a couple of hours with Meredith ...just the women."

Mark settled the bill as the friendly banter continued, and before they got ready to leave, Meredith said, "I know we've run out of wine...but...I'd like to say something." She paused. "Tonight...before we go...because tomorrow...I want to think of happy things..."

"Meredith," Derek said, certain he knew what she would bring up, and wanting to protect her from any more emotional turmoil this day, "it's been a long day," and pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her head, "you don't..."

"I can... I can do this," she interrupted him, and as she reached for his hand and met his gaze, spoke quietly, reassuring him, "I'm ok."

Everyone was quiet, understanding that whatever she had to say was important.

"When Derek and I came back from the spa...after ...after losing the baby...I couldn't say anything, my emotions got the best of me, and he spoke...for us both...but tonight..." she said softly, "I want...need you to much it means to me that you are all here. Each of you, except Ailene," she said, and gave her a gentle smile, "knew what we'd been through...and made...that moment," she paused and closed her eyes and her lips trembled slightly, "of absolute heartbreak and sadness," she opened eyes, now filled with tears, "in our much easier to deal with...knowing how very much you cared."

"Meredith..." he whispering in her ear, "don' this...don't make it harder."

"It's not," she said and wiped a tear away, "it's not...Derek," she whispered, though it did not go unheard in the silence filled room. "She was our baby...and it's talk about her,'s ok."

"Sweetheart," she felt her mother in law's hand in hers, "go ahead..."

"I've never been very good...with family...but...tonight I know, that family...those ties that bind us are not always dictated by blood...because, what you've shown me, without really knowing me... your affection ...and that each of you is here with us tonight, means so very much ...that you'd take the time...and be here...even though often times there were many doubts we'd ever make it...or," she said looking at Cristina, "more often than not thinking we were totally wrong for each other, and still you are here...all of you...we...Derek and I... could not ask for a better gift than to have our friends and family here our wedding."

Derek drew her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her, "I love you."

"Uhmm," she murmured so quietly only he heard it.

"You ok," he whispered against her ear.


Mark was the first to speak and the tone of his voice revealed how deeply moved he was, though he tried to conceal it with humor. "All this sappy and sentimental talk and you two all over each other, guys it's embarrassing."

"Really Mer," Cristina said, equally touched by her words.

"I'm not done."

"What...more touchy feely..." Cristina said, "Derek, do honor of our ...."

"Truce..." he smiled.

"Please..." Cristina responded.

"'s our rehearsal dinner, I get to say anything I want... right Mark?"

"Not really Grey, I mean we didn't rehearse anything," he winked at her, "but since when is anything ...traditional with you two?"

"Meredith, it's your rehearsal dinner...and you get to say whatever you want dear," her mother in law commented.

"I admit...Mark, to being overly sentimental...but...I never expected to find myself proposed to...much less about to be Venice..." she said smiling.

"Actually, haven't told us about the engagement...and you promised you would," Lexie commented, "and it was great you sent us a picture of the ring right away and all, but we want details..."

"You'll get them..." she smiled, "but...I really do want to be serious...just tonight."

"Mer..." Cristina said, "Lexie is right it's late...we should get to your presents."

"It won't take long..." she was adamant she'd finish what she wanted to say and then put it behind them. "Almost a month ago, it seemed as though Derek and I were not going to make it..."

"Meredith," Derek said, "please...don't."

"Trust me..." she replied, "please."

"And...I wasn't sure if things would ever work out...if we could get past it all...then, that night...I found my sister...I found what it meant to have a I pushed away...and treated horribly..."

"Mer...that's not true..."

" was... but she didn't give up on me...and I'm grateful...very grateful...that I have my sister...who was determined that Derek was going to be her brother in law, even when I was not even considering speaking to him..."

"I was right...Mer...about him..."

"Yes, you were..." she smiled. " person...who'd always been there for me...wasn't...and she may been some ways...about our past...but...that she's here...that this afternoon she chose to stay and be here...I will never forget..."

"Mer...really...touchy feely...too much..." Cristina added with a smirk, more so to coceal her own emotions, how she felt about her person.

"I'm ignoring your comments," she said to Cristina. " knight...who along with Cristina bet against us...but at least gave us 23 days..." she said smiling.

"Grey...that's not fair..."

"No, it's not..." she said, " have been the most wonderful friend to us...and we will never will forever be my day,'ll ..." she smiled as she felt her hand being held in his as he reached across the table, "but're here...the bestman..."

" don't play fair," he said to her quietly, and brought her hand to his lips, and met her gaze and she understood she indeed had found a friend for a lifetime.

"Kevin...finally, we meet...and I can't thank you enough for understanding...our need to have Kathleen be with us... she was there because we'd reached the end, Derek called her after I said terrible things, and then...somehow...even before she got there...we knew...we realized that we were meant to be together...and then we had a moment of unexpected happiness..." she said quietly, "but like a thief in the night..." she said, now unable to hide her tears, "each hope...and dream...was shattered...but in that family...Kathleen...another sister...each of you...and Alex and Izzie, George ...your words...your card...your support...we won't ever forget that you were there for us... that you I had a family."

" don't have to do this..."

"I do...Derek...I's therapy...think of it that's me... trusting...trusting my family...with our ...with putting our past behind it...and starting tomorrow...with new dreams..."

"Honey," he heard his Mom say, "let her..."

"And then...Ailene," she said and leaned over to kiss her, " my wildest dreams...did I imagine... that one day...someone like you would be in my life...that with just a few emails...and'd be able to warm my heart...and" she paused as her mother in law pulled her close, and hugged her.

"You," Ailene said, "are so very welcome to this in my heart as my daughter."

" see...Cristina, Mark...when I'm sappy and sentimental...they've made me like this, the Shepherds ...and the rambler there," she indicated at Lexie, "that so certain in telling me our loved over us...always...and they do..."

"You only need to trust your heart...Mer...that's all it took..."

"Unlike her older sister...she's the wise one I guess," she said rolling her eyes.

Derek had been quietly listening to her, proud of how much she'd much she was proving him wrong, that she didn't trust anyone.

"Meredith...all you've said," Derek spoke to everyone, "we...we will always remember your support...during this time...and that you're here to celebrate ...tomorrow."

"But..."she said, "I'm not done yet....I've saved the best for last," she said, first leaning to him and brushing his lips with hers, " my life... my strength when I thought my heart would shatter, not just once but all over strength each time I doubted, each time I hurt you...each time I pushed you saved so many ways...and there are no words for me to thank front of our front of these people that know and love us best...they have to know...that my life is nothing without you...and I will spend the rest of it...loving you...always..."

In the silence that followed, words were not necessary as the overwhelming emotions and love between two people, whose legendary love would one day be a treasured legacy for their family, spoke volumes and blended in perfect synchronicity with the romance of the night, as the distant strings of a gondolier could be barely heard in farewell to another Venetian night.

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