Enchanting Moments

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"Uhmmm..." Meredith whispered, "I could say the same things about you."

"Mer," he muttered nuzzling her neck, as they stayed just far away enough from the table to ensure their conversation was private. "I know you haven't been drinking...so...how could you possibly think..."

"That you're enchanting...almost like that Disney movie...your proposal...our wedding...all of this...Derek, almost like a fairy tale...my prince charming,"she said, as she caressed his face.

"You saw that Disney movie..."

"Well...you seem to know about it..."

"Nieces...Mer...I bought two for them for birthday gifts."

"You never tell me these things..."

"Now, their Aunt Meredith can do their shopping...women are better at that anyway."

"Ah...Derek...you're not getting away with that...that's very sexist."

"My sisters tell me what to buy Mer," he laughed, "we can do it together."

"That's better," she said against his lips, "beautiful...not the nose so much..." she continued but was cut off by his chuckle.

"Handsome may sound a little better..." he said kissing her softly.

"Gorgeous...sexy ...and dreamy...and I can't keep my hands...off you..." she said, as she kissed him back, "and I love the feel of your stubble against my hand...my face...and oh...Derek...how it feels when you..."

"Meredith...you are going to pay for every bit of teasing...dearly...slowly..."

"Ah...and a tease...always...taunting me with promises of slow...passionate..." she said and then finished by whispering seductively in his ear, "exquisite...hours..."

"These..." he groaned, "are going to be the slowest three hours of my life."


"Meredith..." he said, holding her closely and looking deeply in her eyes.

"It's going to be longer than three hours...we still have to drive to your unknown secret destination," she commented before she felt his lips capturing hers, and then both smiling contentedly she led the final distance to the table.

"Decided to grace us with your presence," Kathleen teased, while she smiled and rested her head on Kevin's shoulder, "very appropriate gift Meredith."

"Derek thought so," Meredith replied just playing along.

"Uhmmm....yes," Derek said with a serious expression, "we've been talking about having a small zoo on our property."

"What..." the echoes of all the women, except Meredith were heard.

"We do have forty acres..." Meredith said without missing a beat.

"And..." Derek said, "we already know we may have bears, so why not..."

"Derek Shepherd, what the hell are you talking about," Meredith turned to him, "bears...you...you promised me..."

"Mer..." he laughed as he leaned over and kissed her, "I'm joking...there're no bears..."

"But..." she said.

"Meredith, we have six meddling nosy guests...just feeding their curiosity."


"Mer...no bears..."

"Would..." Ailene started to say after clearing her throat, "you mind telling me what this talk about bears is all about?"

"Oh...God..." Derek mumbled.

"Derek Christopher," Ailene said, "stop mumbling and answer my question," she said, but was spared the explanation when Mark told the story about the bears and the fence on the property.

"You're building a house on a cliff ..." his mother enunciated each word slowly, "where there is a possibility there are bears..." and immediately reached over and smacked his head, "are you out of your mind...your sisters are right Derek, you are brainless. Meredith and you...how can you possibly let him do this?"

"Well...he...Derek...he told me we'll get a fence...and there's no bears...it was just a fluke, and I didn't have to worry about it, and he wouldn't lie to me...he told me he would never do anything to jeopardize..."

"Ok...enough rambling..." Ailene said, "I'm coming out there, and Derek you damn well better be right about no bears on that property ...because if there are...you're not going to be able to live there...and your sisters and my grandkids are not visiting or living in that ridiculous piece of property out in the middle of nowhere."

"See what you started..." Mark leaned over to him and laughed.

"Oh shut up," Derek laughed.

"Ailene," Meredith turned to her, "wait...is that what I should call you...you signed Carolyn...Derek said there was a story..."

"There really isn't much to tell," she responded, while everyone except Lexie, Cristina and Meredith laughed.

"It's part of her rebellious nature," Kevin said and got a look from his mother in law, "what, it's true...you know it...it was just..."

"I'm telling the story," Ailene interrupted.

"Go ahead Mom," Derek said, while Kathleen, Kevin and Mark snickered.

"What is so funny," Ailene asked.

"Just wondering if it will be the same story we last heard," Mark laughed.

"Same story..." Meredith mouthed to Derek.

"Go with it," he said.

"It's not a big deal... but there may be more than one version of the story," Ailene said, "or rather more than one fact to the story, except that when I was born I was named Carolyn Ailene Maloney. But my mother only agreed to that middle name because my father truly loved his great grandmother, and she never imagined he would register my name as Ailene Carolyn, which let me tell you, it caused plenty a fight when she got the birth certificate and forced him to change it...but he told everyone in his family that my name was Ailene, and he was not going to correct them, and she told everyone my name was Carolyn...which by the way, is my legal name. But, whenever I'm feeling sentimental and remembering my father...and my husband...who would call me Ailene, but that's for other reasons," she smiled, "though mainly he called me Irish, and he did think Ailene was the prettier name...so, you see, not that big a deal...just that these past few days...I've thought a lot of my father and all his stories and how well he and my husband got along, and I just went with Ailene when you asked me."

"Amazing," Mark muttered.

"What was that Mark Sloan?" Ailene asked him.

"You rambled...unbelievable."

"Well..."Meredith said, "I think it all makes sense."

"Thank you dear, unlike these children that try to make more out of everything."

"Mom, come on...you're not telling your cousin was also named Caroline, and you refused to use that name because you thought she was a silly spoiled brat," Kathleen reminded her.

"Well, she was...and I didn't want a similar name, but that was in the first grade ..."

"Mom...you refused to use that name at the family reunion five years ago, even though everyone knows you as Carolyn, and you insisted the name and seating tags be changed," Kevin laughed.

"Kevin, whose side are you on here?"

"Yours," he laughed, "but Meredith should learn..."

"All she needs to know..." Ailene said, "is she can call whenever she wants...and I'm going to be there, whatever she needs."

"Mama Shep, you disappoint me," Cristina said, "here I thought you'd have a great story about the need for an alias, like helping someone hide a dead body..."

"Oh, I've done that," Ailene said, "but only for a few hours."

"What," Cristina said, "are you kidding me?"

"I was a navy nurse for twenty five years...we had to hide a body or two, or at least make them disappear for a few hours."

"Just when I begin to think you could be boring..." Cristina said looking at Meredith, "you rise," and both started laughing.

"You were a navy nurse," Lexie said, "no wonder you've the tenacity of a sergeant."

"That had more to do with having five kids," Ailene smiled, "and what are you two laughing about? Cristina that comment had a double meaning."

"Yes," Cristina said while Meredith gave her a warming look, "yes, it did..."

"Oh...this is definitely interesting...Yang, what is it Grey wants to keep a secret here?"

"Sloan, it had to do with ..." Cristina started to say.

"Cristina," Meredith warned.

"Mer...I can be discreet. Mama Shep, we'll tell you about it when you visit."

"I hardly think I should be kept waiting," Ailene commented, "I'm old...you never know if I'll make it," she said and heard the laughter from the entire table except Meredith.

"You win," Cristina said, "you are old."

"Cristina," Meredith reprimanded.

"Oh, Mer, she's egging me on," Cristina shrugged, "and it's about Meredith dating two men at the same time."

Meredith interrupted, "it was not a good period in my life."

"Yes...and finally she came to her senses and stopped seeing McVet after her appendectomy," Cristina said to finalize the story.

"Meredith, who was the other man you were dating?" Ailene asked.


"Me, Mom, she was dating me..."

"That's interesting dear...I'd never thought you'd...

"Mom," Derek interrupted, "it's a long story, we can fill you in when you visit, not today."

"Ailene, just so you know...there was never any question in my mind who I wanted to be with...and we didn't date for very long."

"Cristina," Ailene said seriously, "if you bring up one more story like that, I won't hesitate to muzzle you."

"It's ok Mom," Derek said trying to lighten the mood, "it all worked out for the best."

"Well, since this seems to be confession time..." Kathleen said, "Kev, honey, I have something to tell you."

"You're pregnant," he said, not at all upset.

"What is it with you," Kathleen said, "always jump to that conclusion. Oh my God, you lied to me...you didn't have a vasectomy, you keep saying that because you lied to me, and all of this time...how could you?"

"Kat, honey..." Kevin said, but his wife was ready for a tirade.

"You...how could you, Kevin...I can't believe you'd keep ..."

"Kevin shut her up," his mother in law said, "even I'm beginning to think she's pregnant with her irrational childish comments just now."

Kevin did as him mother in law suggested and silenced her, placing his lips on hers, which she of course fought.

"Seriously, Kathleen, if we'd been having sex all this time without a vasectomy, we'd have a baseball team," he said and heard everyone's snickers.

"Shut up, all of you," Kathleen said teary eyed, "and you...why do you keep asking me that?"

"Honey...because...sometimes, you're all emotional and sentimental...just like when you've been pregnant, and because...if you were...I wouldn't be unhappy."

"Kev," she said, ignoring the fact that everyone was listening to them, "are you forgetting I'm too old for more kids..."

"Are you forgetting...what you always tell me...forties are the new thirties...and Kat, you don't look past thirties to me..." he said quietly and kissed her again.

"I love you Kevin," she said kissing him back.

"Me too Kat, don't forget it.

"Ok...now that things returned to normal," Ailene said, "why don't you go ahead and tell him what you were going to say."

"Mom knows," she whispered, a bit of humor in her voice.

"She knows what..." he asked unsure of what she meant.

"That I was pregnant," she said quietly, "on our wedding day."

"How the hell does she know that? Shit, I'm going to lose son status...and become a mere in law...it's not fair, after twenty years...you know."

"Kevin, dear...an eight pound premature baby," Ailene laughed, "you're my son in every way that matters."

"Mom..." he said, "we...we didn't plan it...it just..."

"I know..." his mother in law told him, "I was young and had those same feelings dear."

"Mom..." Derek started to say.

"Derek...surely you know your father and I..." his mother smiled, "well...let' s just say...."

"Mom...don't say," Derek finished, "you don't have to."

His mother laughed, "I guess it's true, that boys are a lot more protective of their mothers, and fathers of their girls," she said, "so...I'll have to remember that when you boys have girls thinking of boyfriends and marriage and ..."

"Enough..." Kevin said, "Mom, that's nowhere near happening, right Kat?"

"That's right honey," she said and actually rolled her eyes, "we're years away from that."

"Meredith," Kevin said, "just a warning...when the Shepherds agree with you...they are just being indulgent, and it's time to worry...or pay very close attention."

"Thanks Kevin," Meredith said, "I've had a bit of that experience already."

"Since it's confession time," Derek said smiling at Meredith, but winking at Kathleen, "Kat, I should tell you what Meredith thought was your type of hotel."

"Derek!" Meredith admonished.

"Oh, this I have to hear," Kathleen laughed.

"Derek...don't you dare..." Meredith told him.

"Oh come on Mer... " he teased her, "it was funny."

"It wasn't funny when you started telling me about it," she reminded him.

"Kat," he said, ignoring her, "she was convinced, and I'm quoting her, it was one of those porny places with round beds and mirrors on the ceilings."

"Derek," Meredith just slightly raised her voice, "that is not what happened...if you're going to tell the story...tell it the way it is...Kat, it was actually as a result of his irrationality and pouting a little."

"I was not," he laughed.

"Oh...really..." Meredith challenged.

"Fine," he said, admitting she was partially right.

"Derek," she leaned over and kissed him before she told the story, "you know I'm teasing...don't you?"

"Meredith..." he smiled and kissed her softly, "yes..."

"Kat, we were flying over and I'd finally guessed it was to Venice, but Derek hadn't told me where we were staying and he was pouting and frowning, and finally told me he was worried I would not like our hotel, and how he'd made you change reservations several times, so I told him it didn't really matter, and that ...well, that's not important, but I told him if you picked it out I was sure it was fine, and of course he said...you loved this kind of hotel..." Meredith laughed, "and to tease him, I said what I did...so you see... he took that completely out of context."

"Uhmmm," Kathleen said smiling and leaned over to say something to her husband and they both laughed.

"Oh God..." Mark laughed, "it's right up your alley, round beds and mirrors."

"It's been twenty years Mark," Kathleen laughed, "we've visited one or two of those, and...well..."

Derek groaned, "You two are unbelievable..."

"You see Mom," Kevin said, "Kat was right, he's turned into a prude."

"He has not..." Meredith defended him.

"We can certainly vouch for that," Cristina said, "their escapades are bet making worthy."

"That is interesting dear," Ailene said, "must be how he got that...what is it, burger type name?"

"Burger type name?" Cristina asked.

"Yes, what he and Mark are called," she said with a purposely deadpan expression.

"McDreamy and McSteamy," Lexie laughed, "burger type names."

"I thought it was time to change the subject," Carlolyn Ailene Shepherd commented.

"You're right," Mark agreed, "it's time to make a toast...but first, I think it's fair that Meredith and Derek share what that lion tamer was about."

"Not on your life Mark Sloan," Meredith laughed, "that is not ..."

"Grey...come on, we all know what it means...you two are circling around each other like two wild beasts...and if were to take a bet on who's going to be doing the taming," he laughed.

"Mark, grow up," Derek told him.

"More than thirty years later," Ailene said, "and they are still acting like children."

"I bet that won't be the case tonight," Mark smirked.

"I bet that you're right," Meredith told him and everyone laughed.

"There...she admits there is to be some beast taming tonight, especially since their evening last night was shall we say...interrupted..."

"You may not know everything..." Lexie smiled at him.

"Of course I do..." he told her.

"If you say so..." Lexie smiled at him again.

"What do you think you know, that I don't know?" Mark asked.

"You just never know," Lexie said a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.

"She's right Mark," Kathleen said, "Derek and Meredith did spend the night together."

"What is this," Derek asked, "a dissection of our personal ..."

"Give up Shep, we know you haven't had sex, you both have that look...and before Mama Shep kills me with her look, let's get on with the toasts."

"Always was too smart for his own good," Ailene said, "get on with it...they don't want to be here all day."

Mark cleared his throat, "when Derek called and told me he was getting married, and that he wanted me to get Lexie and Cristina here, I thought he was absolutely insane..."

"Mark Sloan," Lexie spoke up, "that is not a very nice thing to say...it's my sister he was marrying."

"Xena," he smiled indulgently, "let me finish...I'm on her side, and I'm the bestman, so it's my turn to talk."

"Fine then," Lexie told him, as Meredith reached for Derek's hand and covered it with her own.

"I thought he was insane because there was no way I would get away with getting time off for these two interns, but...he only had to say what he felt...how he wanted to make this special for Meredith, and I knew...I would do whatever it took to help him make this a very special day ...you see...in a very short period of time...not only did my brother forgive me...but I gained a sister...and just as his Mom welcomed me as family years ago...this moment...here today...is priceless," he paused, emotion evident in the tone of his voice. "Today, I'm honored, more than I can ever say that they wanted me here...and that Meredith...made me her knight...her semi knight, because that full position belongs to Derek...and that she trusted me...for a role I will never forget," he finished, and everyone knew he meant godfather.

Meredith leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You became a full knight...before I even realized I needed one, and I will never forget ...and that role," she said as tears gathered, and Derek squeezed her other hand "it was and will ...always be yours..."

"Thank you," Mark said, as he kissed her cheek, "whenever you need anything...I will be here....for you both," he said as he and Derek exchanged glances that spoke of lifelong friendship and affection.

"Mark," Derek said, "there was no question about you being here...or being best man. Thank you for understanding how important this was to me...after just one sentence..."

"It's time to make the first toast," Mark said, "to Meredith and Derek, that as they begin their life together, here in this city that holds special meaning to them both, will be filled with the romance and passion of legends...as they have often been labeled, and that their dreams...whatever they are today...and may be tomorrow...will always be fulfilled."

"Cheers," they all echoed as they made the first of several champagne toasts.

"Now...for a lighter toast," he joked, "let's drink to their first night together. Who'd have thought this couple would be waiting for their wedding night to consummate their marriage?."

"Indeed," Cristina agreed.

"Not according to the bets," Lexie laughed, "what was it Mark, two years?"

"They bet it would take two years to consummate their marriage?" Kevin asked. "Is that bunch there insane?"

"No," Lexie laughed, "their sexcapades are well known, just that Mark bet it would be two years before they got married."

"Not to mention," Cristina said, "the twenty three days..."

"Well, we know I lost that bet..." Mark admitted.

"What bet dear?" Ailene asked.

"How long it would take Derek to become McDreamy again," Mark told her.

"Again?" Ailene asked.

"Long story Mom," Derek said.

"But, it only took him nine days," Meredith said and kissed him.

"My turn to make a toast," Kevin said as they began to go around the table and each of their family members had something to say.

"Mer," Mark said, "I have a special request."

"I can only imagine," Meredith said.

"If you heard your civil vows properly...each of you pledges financially according to their means, and since Shep makes a shit load of money, I think not only should you go on an unlimited shopping spree while you're in Italy, but he should replace the three hundred dollar shoes he ruined when he took me to the cliff."

"Mark," Meredith teased, "you can't be so dense as to wear three hundred dollar shoes through the mud..."

"He did not tell me where he was taking me, that is the point."

"He lives in the wild...Mark," Kathleen added, "what can you expect?"

"Stay out of it..." Mark said, "just wait till you have your things ruined."

"I was smart...I brought sneakers," Kathleen smiled.

"Smart ass."

"Children," Ailene said, and almost immediately Kathleen's blackberry vibrated and she laughed as she read the email.

"Speaking of children Mom, listen to this," she said, "Kat, read this to Derek he's not picking up his text or emails and we know they are already married. We know you and Meredith spoke to Nancy, and it's not fair. You're not being very nice Derek, but we love you, tell Meredith welcome to the family."

"Care to guess who that is Mom," Kevin laughed.

"Can only be Jenna," she said, "now just send her and your sisters one of those pictures you took Kathleen and keep them quiet, tell them we will call them later."

"Mer," Lexie said, "you need to tell us about the proposal...you sent us the photo of the engagement ring, but you never told us about it."

"Oh..." Meredith said softly, "it was the most beautiful...perfect...romantic proposal you could ever imagine."

Derek whispered something in her ear that made her giggle as she mouthed yes.

"Until I realized I forgot to give her the ring," he told them.

"You did what?" Kathleen jumped.

"He forgot to give me the ring," Meredith smiled, "but he made up for it."

"Wait," Cristina said, "after all your non proposals...you forgot the ring?"

"Cristina," Meredith warned her.

"Cristina...don't make me live up to my words," Ailene told her.

"Mer," Cristina said, "Mama Shep it's funny...it's hilarious actually...he finally proposed and he forgot the ring."

"We were too busy to remember," Meredith told her, "and actually I accepted before he even proposed," she said and leaned into him to kiss him.

"You two are crazy," Mark said, "Shep how the hell did you forget the ring," he said while he started laughing, "shit, that's twice now."

"What's twice," Meredith asked.

"Never mind, you two are made for each other. He forgot the ring, and you said yes before he proposed," Mark laughed, and they all continued to tease them as they heard the entire story, including Salvatore's mention of their return to Venice which they all agreed was romance at its best and indeed the stuff of legends.

"Then," Meredith said, "he asked me to marry him...in Venice..."

"But " Derek started to say something but she interrupted him.

"And...I could only say yes..."

"I love you Meredith," Derek told her.

"I love you too," she smiled, "I learn well," she said for his ears only.

"You do love...diversion...well done."

"The rest Derek," she whispered, "the rest of that night...it's ours...memories...all of them to be cherished forever...just ours..."

"Come on guys," Lexie said, "no secrets...you have to share."

"Then...my lovely sister in law..." Derek said, and briefly told them they'd gone out to dinner and on the way back he asked her to marry him in Venice, and she had said yes and while she slept he called his Mom and Mark to make all the arrangements, and how they'd gone to Milan the next day and provided them with enough details to keep them from delving deeper for more intimate details.

"Now, Mer..." Kathleen said, "you really have to tell us how you thought of that gift, and what you gave Derek ...it looked like a key that he took out during the ceremony."

"All about traditions Kathleen," Meredith began to tell he just as they started to serve their meal, and then she continued to provide some answers as they all continued to share stories related to this most unexpected wedding.

"Let me tell you," Cristina said, "when Sloan told me about this trip, I thought he was just trying to be a smart ass..."

"You do realize I'm your boss," Mark interrupted.

"Lighten up, Mark," Lexie told him, "you know it doesn't matter...here, we're family."

"Xena...she calls you Three..." he said, "and you defend her?"

"She's not so bad Mark...her bite is worse than her bark."

"That's what was missing," Meredith laughed, "my sister...with her ever present quotes."

"Don't knock it Mer," Lexie smiled, "you knew the one that was important..."

"Yes...you are right about that," she said. "Derek...did you remember that...when you chose the music today?"

"I've told you...I remember everything about you."

"Back to the present you two," Ailene told them, as they seemed to be wrapped up in each other only.

"Actually," Lexie said, "it has to do with my sister having no appreciation for Romeo and Juliet, and I believe I agree with her, and so on this very special day... as another happy couple long ago, I'll make a toast that as night falls, their house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds be blessed.** I wish her and Derek...all the best life has to offer, and pray that God will always bless them... and most of all, as Mark said, that her dreams, their dreams will be fulfilled."

"A Midsummer's Night Dream," Kathleen muttered, "that's why you chose the music for this morning."

"Yes," Derek said, "Meredith much prefers that story to Romeo and Juliet."

"That is truly very romantic Derek," Kathleen told him, "and the gondola...the Bridge of Sighs, you have made this a very special trip."

Kevin reached over and put his arms around Kathleen. "Honey, we need to do that...before we leave...I want nothing less than eternity with you."

"Me too Kev...me too..." she said as she leaned into him and he hugged her.

"Mark," Derek said, "this is something you'll appreciate it, not only did Mer accept before my proposal," he teased, "but little did we know her need to "mark her territory" on the flight here, would turn out to be..."

"Our reality," she said, "and don't even get me started Derek...those women were flaunting themselves at you, with me sitting right there."

"Shep..." Mark said, "what's she talking about."

"She claims the fight attendants were flirting with me..."

"Claim...Derek," Meredith told him, "you know damn well they were...and you were loving it...and when they called me Ms. Grey, I told them I was Mrs. Shepherd," she laughed, " who'd have thought it turn out to be prophetic."

"Speaking of which," Kathleen said, "Mer, when you dropped me off at the airport and we talked about this feeling...and you thinking you'd meet mom sooner than expected, seems we're all able to trust those feelings."

"Kat, no one was more shocked when I saw all of you here...and Ailene...it was just the perfect moment for us to meet."

"It certainly was sweetheart, the absolute perfect moment, which means I'll have to deal with the trio back home when we call Jenna later and give them all the pertinent details, so you need to tell us about your gift."

"Mom," Derek said.

"Derek, stop being childish," his mother said, "we all know it's related to sex, just let her tell us how she found the gift."

Meredith giggled before telling part of the story, "it's just a joke between us...the last few days it seemed several stories about animals came up...so when I saw that, I knew we'd both get a kick out of it...that's all."

"Right..." Ailene laughed, "she's a fast learner Derek...diversion tactics 101...mastered."

"Boring Mer...you're going to have to do better than that," Cristina sneered.

"Cristina dear, I'm going to enjoy your plunge into romanticism..."

"Mama Shep...won't ever happen."

"Yes dear...you're probably right, just like Mark," she said testing the waters.

"Damn right," Mark said, "I'm too practical for that...leave the romance out of it...I just don't let women know about it."

"Mark..." Lexie said, "you are not so bad...surely...there is some romance in you."

"I'm not so sure about that Lexie," Ailene said, "I think he's probably better off the way he is...one woman to the next...living up to his name...and what was that club?"

"You know about the club?" Mark asked incredulously, "how the hell do you know that?"

"Duh..." Cristina said, "she sat next to Three here...hours on end...she must know everything."

"You told her about the club?" he asked turning to Lexie.

"Mark...it's not a secret...everyone knows about it," Lexie laughed.

"Yeah...well, you don't have to be so happy about it," he said with just a slight hint of a pout. "You could have defended me...you know, I stick up for you."

"She did dear," Ailene interrupted him. "In fact, I think Xena is a bit protective of you too, and was only trying to make up for what Kathleen had said, and told me it was rather unfair," she said and changed the subject. "Now Meredith, what was the key about?"

"Where I bought Derek's gift, I mentioned it was a wedding gift for my husband," she said, and smiled at him as he did hearing her refer to him as her husband, "and the shop owner told me it was very important that the groom carry a piece of iron in his pocket on his wedding day, in order to avoid the evil that might be tempted to visit him on day of happiness. I didn't know that tradition, but they insisted it was important, and I wasn't taking any chances and told them I'd look for something, but the man's wife found that key, originally she said it probably opened a small jewel box about a couple hundred years old, but since they only had the key, she wanted to make sure I had good wedding memories of Venice and priced it very reasonably."

"The words Meredith," Derek said, "what you wrote..."

"The voice of my heart Derek" she told him again, as earlier this morning.

"As was mine Meredith," he said, "as it will always be."

The first hour and a half passed quickly as they all continued to exchange stories and laughter and when the meal was finished, the music that had remained in the background shifted to old and familiar tunes, beginning with the Clash.

"The Clash," Meredith laughed, "Derek, seriously?"

"I had nothing to do with it," he said, just as surprised.

"You expect me to believe that," she joked.

"Mer..." Kathleen spoke, "he didn't...the music for the reception... that was all of us."

"All of you..." both she and Derek said.

"Yes...Mer..." Cristina said, "we all somehow knew your taste in music."

"Come on Mer, we've got to dance," he said when he saw her face light up at a familiar tune.

"Derek...dance...you don't dance...you've said that...you don't dance in public, and this music...the selection is not..."

"Dance with me...you're my wife...you like to dance...and with you...nothing matters but you...making you happy...even dancing in public."

"Derek...it's ok..."

"Dance with me Meredith...but promise me...one special slow dance..."

"We don't even need music Derek..." she said as she got up and he led her to the small area set up for dancing, a young man nearby used a laptop to select the music that filled the air, "with you...when I'm in your arms...making love with you...it feels like a timeless dance...as we're in perfect tune with each other."

"You realize...you are doing nothing to tame the beast," he said as their guests laughed a bit at his dancing moves, but Meredith and Derek were totally engrossed with each other not even aware that Kevin and Kathleen joined them as a slow tune played and Mark escorted Ailene to the dance floor.

"I love you Meredith," Derek said as a familiar tune and voice he recognized as Andrea Bocelli drifted through the gardens, and then another song whose words made her take a deep breath made him hold her closer and whispered tenderly, "that could be our song."

"It could," she said, and he heard her sniffles and held her closer, "those words...we've said them often...these last few weeks..."

"For always..." Derek whispered first, and then as the refrain was heard again, sang softly in her ear, echoing the Josh Grobin lyrics that touched them deeply, "and for always forever, now we can fly...and for always and always we will go on beyond goodbye."

"You sang to me..." she whispered as tears escaped, "those words...Derek...they too speak what I feel in my heart."

"For always...love, you and I...our love...beyond this lifetime," he said as they held each other and as the music ended, no doubts existed, only a certainty that their love on this morning, their wedding morning had never been stronger. Yet, their hearts held a truth they shared as they looked in each other's eyes, and caught a glimpse of the depth of the other's soul, and reflected back was love found only by soul mates and promises yearning to share a once in lifetime commitment, a glimpse of dreams about to be fulfilled.

The tunes shifted to old favorites of the bride and groom, including Eurythmics' Here Comes the Rain Again, and had Meredith and Derek hearing only some words and smiling as lovers do.

"Grey, come dance with me," Mark said pulling her with him for the next slow tune.

"Mark," she said, "you've been an amazing bestman...and most wonderful friend, thank you."

"Thank you...because of you, I have my family back and I hope to be around for a long time Meredith."

"I'm counting on it...for Derek...and me...and our family."

"Count on it..." he said and kissed the top of her head as Derek who'd been dancing with Lexie came up to them.

"I'd like my wife back," Derek told him.

"I just got her...surely we can finish this dance," Mark joked as Derek didn't give him an option, "I guess not," he said and took Lexie in his arms, "Lexie...do me the honors."

Lexie batted her lashes at him mockingly. "Of course Dr. Sloan, not every day a girl gets to dance with..."

"No more joking," he said, "I'm not a manwhore today."

"Mark," Lexie said gently, "I was teasing...you've been a very good friend to my sister, even when you try to hide your emotions behind all the joking."

"You think so..." he said, "think I'm not so worthless?"

"I know you're not...I think you're a wonderful friend and how you've looked after Meredith the last several weeks, that makes you very special to me too."

"You're a good kid...Lex...you've got a good heart...don't ever lose that."

"You've got a good heart too Mark," she said, as she rested her head on him and gave in to the slow rhythm of the music and followed his lead, both of them unaware of the glances and speculation directed their way by the entire wedding party.

"Derek," Meredith said as the music slowly came to an end, "she's vulnerable, if he toys with her, I'll kill him."

"Yes...I know...but he won't. Meredith, you and Lexie are both right, he's too old for her."

"Don't tell him that Derek...that will only make it a challenge."

"Don't worry..." Derek said so very certain, yet something told her there would be more to this in months to come and she was determined to keep an eagle's eye on Mark"

They had all returned to the table and basked in the warmth provided by the proximity of the gas heaters when Lucia indicated it was time to cut the cake.

"We're getting closer to being able to leave," Derek whispered to her.

"Counting the minutes are you?"

"I've been counting the seconds all day," he laughed.

"No more waiting...Derek...we have the rest of our lives..."

"Mer...let's cut the cake and get out of here."

"Your wish is my command," she teased him.

"I'll remind you of that tonight," he murmured against her lips.

"You won't have to..." she said, kissing him softly and allowing him to deepen their kiss.

"Promises...promises..." he smiled and encircled her waist bringing her close to him, enjoying the final moments with their family as they stood ready to cut the wedding cake and the beginning of their life together.

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