Best Laid Plans

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"This is it, what to do you think?"

"Well, it's nice," Kathleen commented.

"It is nice," Lexie told him.

"It's great," Meredith said.

"It's nice...and great, that's all you can say... the queens of rambling and you...bossiness personified," he said looking at Kathleen, "and that's it?"

"Derek," Meredith said, as they looked at the floor plans laid out in front of them on the coffee table, "it's really nice."

"Fine, so there's nothing to look at, it's nice and great and we can just build it," he said, and walked outside to the balcony, and Meredith followed him.

"Derek...what's wrong? That wasn't just about the house plans..." she said softly.

He was leaning against the wooden railing, looking into the distance, "the first time I gave you these, you said it was great...and then told me how you already had a house...and we weren't ready to build our dream house."

"And now," she said going to stand beside him, "I asked that we look at them."

"You don't care do you...this doesn't matter to you..."

"I care so much..." she said quietly, "I'm falling apart...inside...right now, I'm falling apart...because I see you hurting, I've watched you be strong for me...and I don't know if I can ever live up to the dreams you have about that home...a family."


"Don't you see..." she said, laying her hand on his arm, "talking about this...right now...I thought I could...but it involves kids bedrooms and French doors...and dreams...and if I said anything else...if I had to talk about those details...I was just going to let them talk... "

"I'm sorry...I'm an ass, I should have realized..." he said, and turned to face her and she walked in to his embrace.

"Let's...go back in...try this again..."

"I'm not going to put you through that, I'm sorry, we are in no hurry."

"Actually, we are..."

"We are?"

"Yes, because we really don't have any place comfortable to sit..."

" can you be so forgiving?"

"I love you."

He hugged her and then kissed her lips tenderly.

"Do you want to tell me what the outburst was really about?"

"It's not important."

"But it is...share it with me."

"I feel...I just feel like you can laugh and tease when you're with them...but not with me...and when I'm with you...all you've done is cry...and I can tell you're keeping something from me...and I don't want to push I'm not asking you...I'm hoping when the time is right you'll come to me...but I thought looking at the house plans might be good, might take your mind off things... but I screwed up again...that was insensitive, and I should have known to wait...and I'm being a jack-ass reacting the way I did.
I wanted you to like the house...and even Lexie and Kathleen didn' enthusiasm... and instead...I'm acting like an idiot..."

"Derek...what I'm feeling...when I'm with you, in your arms, I'm safe...and I trust that you love me...and I don't have to guard my feelings...and I'm sorry...that we didn't show more enthusiasm...I know how much the house means to let's go back inside..."

"We have time...another time..."

"Let's go...let's talk about our dream house..." she said giving him one last comforting hug and put her arms around his neck and tilted her head up for a kiss.

"Meredith...we can wait..."

"Hey...when we first saw those plans...we had about 100 steps...remember..."

"How can I forget," he said, and felt her swat his arm.

"Don't push it..."

"Where are we now?"

"We're almost there..."


"After all we've been through...hell, Derek...we've fallen...together...and's just walking together...being each other's strength...yeah...we're on our way."

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you too," she said and brushed his lips, and then holding his face in her hands, whispered gently, "you're keeping something from me too," and he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "but you don't have to tell me now," she said as he lowered his head and their foreheads rested against one another, "we have a lifetime."

He held her close to him, and whispered in her ear, "we have a lifetime."

"Let's go face the quiet ramblers," she teased.

"I think Kathleen is going to kill me."


They walked back in the room holding hands and were met with Kathleen's slightly raised voice, "Derek Christopher, you are in so much trouble."

"Yeah, I imagine I am," he said, and he and Meredith laughed.

"You are being such an ass..."

"Yes, Kathleen."

"Don't patronize me, the minute you don't hear what you throw a tantrum."

"He did not throw a tantrum."

"Meredith, don't defend him," Kathleen told her, and winked at her.

"I have to...he's outnumbered."

"Fine...I don't like the plans," Kathleen told him.


"You asked...well, you didn't really ask, but you brought the plans, and you took me to the land where you're going to build, and now you show me these blueprints, and I say they're nice, and you go off in a huff...well, tough, I don't like it..."

"Oh, my God..." Lexie started laughing, " that what we sound like?"

"Afraid so," she said, reaching for Derek's hand as they sat on the couch.

"You don't like's a classic Victorian design with an open floor plan."

"What the hell does that mean Derek? A Victorian designed house in the middle of the wilderness? It doesn't fit."

"Who made you an expert?"

"I don't need to be an expert to know it doesn't go there at all," she said, as Derek studied the house plans, and as she was sitting next to Meredith, reached for her hand and gently squeezed it and said very quietly, "it's going to be fine," and Meredith let out a heartfelt laugh.

"Derek...she's egging you on...aren't you?"

"Nothing like diversion tactics to diffuse whatever that outburst was all about."

"Uh huh..." Meredith commented, "so it's another family trait, that's like Derek telling me he loves me, wherever he wants to avoid dealing with certain issues..."

"I do not tell you I love you for that reason only..."

"I didn't say you did, only that you use it to divert my attention, which I can see through each time."

"Well, I haven't heard you complaining..."

"But I might, there's a lot of years in a lifetime," she smiled.

"You know...I'd never complain about make-up..."

"Make up sex," Kathleen laughed, "a step below reunion sex."

"Is that all you think about..." Derek asked raising his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not...there's all types of sex I think about, especially when I'm three thousand miles away from home."

"Does Mom now she raised such ..."

"Watch what you say Derek Christopher..."

"Go ahead Derek, finish what you started..." Meredith teased him.

"Such a fabulous sister," he said, and smiled at her.

"She knows...even if I'm not your favorite," she smiled.

"You are the oldest one, no need to be the are much more than that," he said quietly, and the gentle smiles exchanged acknowledged the deep bond that had existed a lifetime.

"I'm getting fresh coffee for everyone, Lexie will you help me with the cups?" Kathleen asked her.

"They are so obvious," Meredith laughed, "leaving us alone," and snuggled against Derek.

"It's the bossiness in her..."

"I'm going to miss her, Derek, this is the first time in my life, I've really felt I'm can be part of a big family...well, except Nancy maybe," she said seriously.

"Don't you worry about her, Mom said she'd keep her in line," he told while kissing the top of her head.

"Here you are," Kathleen said handing a cup to Derek and sitting next to him, while Lexie did the same and sat next to Meredith. "Now, let's have a serious talk about these inappropriate plans."

"Kat, how the hell does he put up with you?"

"He worships the ground I walk on," she smiled.

"Meredith, remember that when we go hone and you witness one of their arguments."

"One thing has nothing to do with the other, you jack-ass, it's not our fault we're both Irish and passionately hot tempered."

"Well, we can both agree on that...and the fact I've been a jack-ass, right Meredith?"

"I've only called you a jack-ass twice..."

"Mr. Levangie," Lexie murmured.

"How... do you now about that?" Meredith asked.

"Come on Mer, everything about you and McDreamy is hospital gossip."

"But you weren't there...that was a long time ago."

" two are the favorite form of entertainment, some stories are repeated, like the two of you in the car," she said and Meredith glared at her, "oh...sorry."

"Don't stop now..." Kathleen encouraged, "what was that about?"

"Apparently, Derek was a real jack-ass, kind of were..."

"Xena, I may have to change my mind about you..."

"You are not...I've been you're staunchest supporter..."

"That you have."

"Don't mind me," Meredith quipped.

"You can tell the story," Lexie told her.

"No...go ahead, I'm interested in seeing what's out there."

"Well, Derek and Meredith had been caught by Dr. Bailey..."

"Wait a minute, what does that have to do with anything?" Meredith interrupted.

"It's part of the story Mer...otherwise Derek would be an even bigger jack-ass," she said with a serious expression, and proceeded to tell the story, which had Kathleen cracking up.

"That," Derek said, "was pathetically accurate."

"The best part, that always makes me laugh though, Kathleen, the patient told Meredith, if Derek didn't marry her, he would."

"Derek," Meredith said seriously, "I think we need to start collecting royalties each time a story is told, if we're going to be the entertainment highlight of Seattle Grace, we could pay for part of the house that way," and the room finally echoed with laughter.

"Derek, can I give you a word of advice, as your wiser older sister?"

"Can I stop you?"

"Brainless," she said and swatted the back of his head.


"What is it Kathleen," Meredith asked.

"Whatever you do, when Mom visits, keep her away from the hospital."

"That is an excellent idea Kathleen," Meredith laughed.

"I don't think she'd be ready for your Bailey and tequila story."

"Oh God..." Meredith sighed.

"Meredith..." Derek murmured while giving her their look.


"That was well worth whatever else has happened..." he teased.

Snuggling up to him, she whispered for his ears only, "best ride of my life," and they both delighted in each other's laughter.

"No secrets...what did you say Meredith?"

"Not in your life Xena...not in your life"

Kathleen's phone rang, "oh no...not Jenna again, Derek you answer her."

"I can't answer her."

"I will..." Meredith said, and reached for the phone.

"Are you crazy?" Kathleen told her.

"No, they have to know you were here sometime, "she said, but Kathleen would not let her have the phone.

"Derek, Kathleen, we're going to have to deal with this."

"Mer, you have no idea what can of worms you're opening if you do that."

"We have to deal with it at some point, if the phone rings again, let me talk to her."

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Yes, Kathleen, who better to answer the questions."

"Meredith, we don't have to give anyone any explanations," Derek told her.

"We do Derek. I've just spent four days learning about, yeah...we do," she said just as the phone rang again, and she extended her hand.

"But it's Mom," Kathleen said.

Meredith reached for the phone and answered, "Hello."

"Kathleen, is that you?"

"No, Mrs. Shepherd, it's Meredith."

"Oh dear, I must have dialed Derek's number instead of Kathleen's."

"No, actually, Derek and I are with Kathleen."

"You're what? What's wrong, why didn't she answer, is she all right, did something happen to her, that she can't answer the phone? Oh my God has she been in an accident or Derek...?"

", of course not, she's all right, Derek's ok," Meredith assured her, never having expected that to be the reaction, " it's just they've been avoiding answering the phone when you and Jenna called last night, and Jenna just called again, so I figured it was time somebody answered."

Derek and Kathleen looked at her with a horrified look on their faces, as though she had totally lost her mind."

"Meredith, sweetheart, put Kathleen on the phone."

"Mrs. Shepherd, I can't do that, because, it's really ...the story to tell, it's sort of my fault that she's here, so it wouldn't be fair that she have to tell you about, if you don't mind...I'll tell you why she's here..."

"Meredith, stop rambling," Lexie told her.

"Be quiet," she told Lexie.

"Meredith, did you just tell me to be quiet?"

"No, no...that was Lexie, my sister."

"Meredith, who else is there, are you having a party?"

"Not exactly," she said unsure what to say next, now that she was faced with answering questions.

"Meredith will tell me what's going on right now," she said in her most practiced motherly stern voice.

"Well, it's a long story..."

"I have all the time in the world, and by the way, tell my children they are not too old to get their ears boxed."

"Do you want me to tell them that now?"

"Yes, if you please," she said and Meredith repeated it.

"Mrs. Shepherd, you know, Derek and I have had a bit of a ...well, ups and downs in our relationship."

"I'm somewhat aware."

"We broke up, earlier in the week, we broke up."

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, I had no idea. But wait, you said Derek and Kathleen were there."

"Yes, maybe I'll just tell you all at the same time."

"That might be a good idea."

"Both Derek and I were very upset, so much in fact that Derek had spoken to Kathleen, and he knew she had to fly out west for a consultation, and two nights ago he called her and asked if she would mind coming to Seattle before she went home, and she did, she came two nights ago, and she's going home tomorrow."

Derek and Kathleen looked at each other incredulity in their faces.

"Derek, she lied to Mom, she plain right out lied to Mom, let me have your phone, quickly."


"Just do it."

He handed it over and she dialed, and spoke quietly away from where Meredith was sitting, but Derek could hear, "yes, it's Derek's phone, it's a long story, and I'll call you back, but honey, whatever you do, don't speak to either Mom or Jenna before you speak to me. No, nothing is wrong, but honey, Mer is talking to Mom now, and she plain out lied to her about my being here...I want to laugh, but she'll hear let me wait to see what else she tells her and I will call you and fill you in...oh my God...she lied to Mom...she's making up this whole story. Well not really, but semi-story...what...I'm not rambling..."

"Kathleen, you're not pregnant are you...?"


"Hon, you always rambled when you were pregnant."

"You are a dead man if I am...are you forgetting I'm closer to fifty years old than ..."

"But you're still sexy as hell...can't keep my hands off you...and Kat, are you forgetting I had a vasectomy."

"Oh... you are going to pay for take advantage and say something like that when I'm dealing with a crisis."

"I can't wait."

"I've got to go, I have to hear what she's saying to Mom, I'll call you, and don't talk to them until I call you back."

I love you, Kat."

"I love you too."

"Derek, what did I miss?"

"Nothing, Mom's been doing most of the talking."

"Mrs. Shepherd," Meredith continued, "Derek and I love each other very much, we do...but we thought it was over between us, and we both were very upset, and Derek called Kathleen and asked if she would take a detour on the way home and she did, except by the time she got here, Derek and I had talked and we had made a commitment to work on our relationship."

"Why did she fly out there, if you two had worked things out."

"She was already on a flight here and when she got was actually very important to Derek to be able to see her and spend some time with her, and then we met and it's been really a blessing that she was here for us...because, we were not in very good place..."

"Are you ok, don't sound like everything is ok?"

"We've...we've had to deal with some issues, but we're ok now...and Kathleen helped us a lot...her being here made a big difference to us, and we will always be grateful."

"Why didn't they want to talk to me?"

"Because...well, I'm a very private person...and Kathleen and Derek really weren't sure how much I would want her to discuss about our problems, but...she's looking at me now like I have two heads...because she doesn't know that when she goes back home...I'm going to ask her to tell you about her trip here...and how much it meant to have her here."

"Meredith, sweetheart, is there anything I can do...anything I can help you with?"

"Mrs. Shepherd," she said a bit teary eyed, "you already have."

"How is that Meredith?"

"I have your son to love...and he loves me...and Kathleen...she showed me what it's like to have a family."

Neither Derek or Kathleen could believe the conversation, and each as well as Lexie had glimmer of tears in their eyes.

"Meredith, you do not get to make me cry, and I will tell you something, you and I are not going to wait a year to meet."

"I hope not...Mrs. Shepherd, I hope we won't have to wait," she said sincerely.

"Now you tell my children, I expect a phone call from each of them later today."

"I will make sure they call you."

"Meredith, I can see why they wouldn't pick up my call, since they can't lie to me, but why aren't they answering Jenna's calls."

"Apparently, they can't lie to her either...and didn't know how much of our private issues I wanted discussed with the family."

" day...I'm going to get the full story, and I want you to know...I've already forgiven you for only telling me half the story."


"Sweetheart, I've raised five kids and tons of grandchildren....a mother always knows when one of her kids is not telling the entire story..."

"But...I'm...I'm not..."

"One of my kids..."

"I don't mean to be disrespectful."

"You weren't, but I just want you to know, the fact that Kathleen is there, and she's trying to protect you...protect your privacy ,tells me you're worthy of being one of my kids...and I'm looking forward to the day you feel you can trust me enough to tell me what it is that is making you sad right now..."

" do you know..."

"I'm a mother...who loves her children...and you are already loved by two of mine."

"Mrs. Shepherd," she paused, unable to contain the tears, "one day...I'll tell you."

"Are you all right now?"

"Yes, I have Derek...and Kathleen, Lexie, that's my sister, and Mark he's been wonderful...and my other friends here."

"Sweetheart, tell my kids I love them...and that I'm not going to be mad, and I'm not going to ask any questions, not until you're ready to tell me yourself."

"Thank have no idea what talking to you means to me."

"I think I do...because it's a very similar emotion to what I'm feeling right now"

"Mrs. Shepherd..."

"Yes, dear."

"Tell Jenna...tell her that Derek and I will be there...for the baptism, we'll be there."

"I'm sure that is why she was calling, she is driving us all crazy."

"I know...she's Derek's favorite."

", Kathleen and Derek they are the ones with the special relationship...the special bond...Jenna & Derek...she's just the baby, and he's spoiled her for years, but Kathleen, they're each other's favorite."

"I think you're right."

"Now... don't let them off the hook too quickly, let them sweat it out a little bit before you tell them what I said..."

"I will...that will be part of the fun."



"Will you call a few days...tell me how things are? If you and Derek area ok?"

"Yes, yes... I will."

"Ok dear, you have a nice afternoon..."

"Mrs. Shepherd..."


"We were looking at house plans...the house Derek is building...our home, and Kathleen doesn't like them, so Derek was not really pleased with her."

Derek and Kathleen could only hear Mer's laughter, and knew it was the same at the other end of the line.

"Meredith," Derek and Kathleen said at the same time, a bit in shock at the conversation they'd just heard.

"She's very easy to talk to, I don't now why the two of you could not be honest."

"What?" they echoed.

" just lied to my mother...made up a whole story...well half the story is a lie...she's never going to forgive you...or us...Mer, you lied to her...she's going to be livid."

"She already knows I lied..." she stated matter of factly.

"She mother told you, she knows you lied..." Derek questioned.


"And you are don't think that it's odd, that you are not realizing the seriousness of the situation," Derek said cautiously.

"I'm supposed to wait a little while before I tell you what she said."

"Mom..." Kathleen said, " Mom gave you instructions?"

"Of sorts..."

"Meredith will tell us everything she said right now, or so help me...I' m going to disown you," Kathleen yelled at her.

"You are not."

"If she doesn't, I will," Lexie spoke up.

"Lexie...whose side are you on?"

"Derek & Kathleen's," she stated without hesitation.

"Really..." Meredith challenged.

"Cut the crap Mer...tell them what their mother said."

"You really need to remember, I'm the older sister."

"So should ungrateful..." Kathleen said.

"I'm sorry," Meredith reacted immediately to Kathleen's comment, raising old doubts and insecurities, "I'm sorry...I am being ungrateful, you've been went out of your way to be here...I should not have joked about this, I'm sorry, I'll tell you," she said, and they saw the tears gathering in her eyes.

", Meredith...I'm kidding, I wasn't yelling, I mean I was, but that's the way I'd talk to any of my sisters...or Derek..."

"It's ok," she said and Derek immediately recognized the first signs of detachment.

"It's not, and I'm the one who is sorry, obviously the conversation with Mom was important to you...we could tell...and it's your right to tell us or not. You were right, from what we heard, we should have talked to her."

"Kathleen...Lexie... I have a lot to learn about families," she said, emotion evident in her voice, "but there's one thing I know for certain..."

"What's that," Derek asked gently, as he gently soothed her by stroking her hand.

"I'm very thankful that you are my family...that very old prayer, has been finally answered," she said, as Derek held her close to him.

"I have to call my husband...he's going to kill me if Mom gets to him first," Kathleen said.

"Wait, you have to hear what your Mom said first," Meredith stalled her, and proceeded to tell Mrs. Shepherd's end of the conversation to both the surprise of her children.

"Meredith, you told Mom we were going to be there...for Jenna's baby...we don't have to...we...we don't have to go."

"We do..."

"Honey," Kathleen said gently, "we would understand, it's would be..."

"About the same time our baby would have been born...our baby girl would be about the same age, I know...but we should be there...Derek needs to be there with his family."

" are my family..." he said.

"And I'm going to be with you," she said and kissed him softly, "it will be fine."

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving, " Lexie said, hoping to change the subject.

"I ordered lunch from a really good restaurant in town, they should be here shortly."

"You did..." Meredith asked him, "where, when?"

"While the three of you were planning ways to gang up on me about the house plans."

"We did not..." all three women spoke up.


"We didn't...Derek, honestly, I would not lie to you."



"You'd lie to protect your sister," he challenged.

"Well...maybe, but I'm not lying now," she said and he laughed.

"All kidding aside," Meredith stated, "let's look at these before your Mom gets out here and takes over."

"My Mom is coming, you did not say that..."

"Neither did she...but that doesn't mean she won't, so let's get started."

"So...Kat, why don't you like this?"

"I already told you...I don't think it fits with the location, I expected more rugged, I don't know...Victorian sounds so..."

"Prissy," Lexie added.

"Prissy..." Meredith and Derek said at the same time."

"Yes, you know...a bit prudish..."

"Lexie, that is perfect," Kathleen commented, "it goes with Derek's new prudish ways," she said and all three women laughed.

"Prudish ways..." he said looking at Meredith, "we'll have to see about that."

"Promises...promises..." she whispered.


"As soon as we can..." she smiled, and kissed him.

"Enough you two, we haven't even got through the front door yet," Kathleen said.

"Mer, tell us what you think," Lexie asked her.


"'re going to live there."

"Oh...well...I...I'm not sure."

"Do you like the design how it looks?"

"I don't know Derek... I've never built a house before..."

"But you can certainly look at it and tell me if you like it..."

"I'm not sure."

"Why not?'

"What's the interior design?"

"Do you like the outside?"

"Kind of...but..."

"Tell me... it's your house..."

"But, you're...I mean... you already have these plans..."

"They are sketches....we can change anything you want, all of it if you want..."

"We can..." she asked, and he heard the wistfulness in her voice.

"Absolutely..." he said as he reached for her hand, "tell me what you would like to see in our home."

"I've never done this...but..."

"Tell me..." he said, and the two of the became lost in their own world, as the two sisters watched and marveled at the immense love shared between these two siblings they each loved.

"Derek, is there a fireplace, I guess in the family room..."

"Yes, we may have it open into two rooms..."

"And...maybe... in our bedroom..."

"We can do that..."

"The way it looks right now...I wonder from our bedroom...upstairs it would be a magnificent view, maybe there can be a terrace just for us...outside the doors...the French doors, but...only from our the kids can't reach them...I'd worry about that...if they could reach a balcony upstairs..."

The two sisters and Derek felt the same familiar tightening in their throats, listening to her slip into such easy conversation about the family they would have...most likely unaware what she was doing so.

"We can do that Meredith...that would be lovely...we can have nice romantic evenings out there..."

"Hey you the details for yourselves..."

"What...prudishness from the 900 line queen..."

"You ass..." Kathleen laughed.

"Lexie, what do you think..." Meredith asked her, "I think the kitchen should be in the back, since I'm not going to spend a lot of time cooking...only Derek will," she teased.

"You are not going to cook, ever?" Lexie asked her.

"Well...I don't know...if my recent efforts are a reflection of what you can expect, I think it's best I stay away form the kitchen."

"Mer, you can't stay away for there all the time..."

"No...but still we should keep the front of the house with the best views, the rooms where we'll spend most of the time in..."

"Bedroom..." Derek said.

"Unquestionably," she answered looking at him only.

"Living room...maybe the great room or family room..."

"Are you going to have a basement... not sure if they have basements out here," Kathleen commented.

" will be great to throw the kids down there when they are too loud to handle."

"'re planning to build a house with a basement and throw my babies there if they are too loud..." Meredith said indignantly.

"Meredith...believe me there will be're going to want to lock them down there," he said.

"That is awful...Derek, that is not nice...'m not letting you do that to...our..." she paused ,realizing the magnitude of her word, "our kids..."

"Meredith," he said tenderly, " can choose whatever rooms...wherever you's right for our kids..."

"Our kids..." she said, "well, maybe when their teenagers...we can lock them in the basement."

"Believe me, when they are teenagers, you will count your blessings if you have a basement," Kathleen added.

"Derek, what about the fence?"

"What fence," Lexie asked.

"To keep the kids away from the cliff..."


" promised there would be a fence..."

"Uh... yes... but I haven't looked at that yet..."

"Well, we're not moving there...we're not...I am not going to be worried all day bout kids falling or jumping off cliffs, cause they will...they are totally unpredictable Derek, and I'm not going to worry about my babies all day long."

"You're not going to have to worry...I will make sure we have a fence...or find the solution for that..."



"You are not going to mess around with're already in hot water about the you better not try to pull the wool over my eyes about the fence."

"Mer... Derek said there were no bears..."

"Yeah...well, I'm not sure Lexie, he could be saying that so I'll move there..."

"Do you think I would do anything that would put you in danger..."

"No..." she said rolling her eyes, "you would not put me or our kids in harms' way."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," she said and kissed him softly, and their gazes locked reflecting the fears and doubts of two parents filled with sadness and heartache over the loss of their first child, and the hopes and dreams of the future family they longed for.

Far away in another dimension three parents watched over their children and wished they could see them, instead of those brief moments in time when they could sense their loved ones and feel their presence, their emotions.

A father thankful for the bonds between his two oldest children and the recent unequivocal presence of the woman he'd loved and her maternal instincts reflected in a new found child to love, a child that had been deprived of her mother's love.

A woman grateful for the time she'd had to offer motherly love to the two young women in the room...the two daughters her husband's weakness had kept apart, and she felt their bond and smiled.

Then, a lone soul regretful of the love she didn't give in life and thankful for the extraordinary woman her daughter had become, and most of all grateful for the power that allowed love to transcend all time and space as she felt the close presence of a small child...the gentle loving soul of a granddaughter smiling, at peace in the knowledge she had been loved, that the two people whose presence she felt had loved her and would love her beyond their devastating goodbyes.

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