Good Friends

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The end of the shift found Cristina and Meredith in the resident's lounge, getting ready to go home.

"Are you going to drop by for dinner?"

"Mer...about earlier, I'm sorry."

"It's ok, it wasn't a big deal, just a gift."

"No, it's not ok, and it was more than just a gift to you."

"There's no reason why you would know that."

"Maybe not, but I know you've been under a lot of stress lately, and you were happy,
and with my bitchiness, I put a damper on that, and I do want you to be happy."


"Lexie's not so bad. She's smart. She's going to be a good doctor."

"That's high praise from you."

"Well don't tell her. Now if she would just stop the rambling."

"Come on, Cristina, join us for dinner."

"As long as you and McDreamy aren't all McDovey all night."

Meredith walked over to her, and very briefly hugged her, "thank you."

"Just don't make a habit of this."

They walked out together, and saw Lexie sitting on one of the benches working on some charts.

"Lex, you're still here? Wasn't your shift over a while ago?"

"George and I rode in together, and he's stuck in surgery."

"That's right, I just left some charts for him."

"Why don't you text him, and tell him you went home with me."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's not going to be long."

"You're doing his charts!"

"It's no big deal...I was there for these cases, and he still needs to look at them and
sign off."

"Three...does that mean I'm not giving you enough work...that you can pick up and help Bambi?"

", it's just that... well, he was stuck in surgery... and I had to wait anyway, cause we rode in it didn't seem like there was anything wrong with that... and I was reviewing the I was learning too..."

"Ok. Go drop those off, and come right back. You're going to help Derek in the kitchen instead."

"Mer...I swear she's you but on pep pills."

"Go away Cristina, I'll see you at home," she laughed.

Lexie joined Meredith a few minutes later and they were on their way out of the hospital parking lot.

"Meredith, was that really bad... I mean ... that I was doing his charts...cause I didn't see anything wrong, but maybe..."

"Stop. No, it wasn't technically bad, but he should do that himself, he shouldn't ask you."

"But, he didn't"

"Well, that makes me feel better. Just don't do it, you have enough with your own."

Meredith pulled into the McDonald's on the way home, much to Lexie's surprise.

"Isn't Derek cooking?"


"Then why are we stopping here?"

"Because I'm starving, and it will be more than an hour before he gets dinner ready."

"But, you ate a late lunch, not that long ago?"

"I have great metabolism... so I can eat just about anything, anytime, and I really want a strawberry milkshake. Do you want anything?"

"No, thanks, I'll wait for dinner."

"So, tell me about your apartment hunting?"

"I know you really want me out of your hair. We're trying to find tonight... we had couple of places to look at... but had to cancel."

"Lexie, I don't mind that you're staying, I'm just making know...trying to find out what's going on with you."

"Oh...we're trying to find a 2 bedroom, maybe not too far from the hospital, that's affordable and nice at the same time."

"Why don't I come with you next time...I said I would the other day, but then..."

"That would be great...I have to reschedule for tomorrow, and there was one place that sounds really nice."

"Lexie, you know, Cristina is not so bad, and don't you dare tell her this, but she thinks you're smart, and are going to make a great doctor."

"Really... she said that... wow... she doesn't let on...except she was really supportive when I lost my patient... you know the night she brought me home with her..."

"Her bark is worse than her bite...well...sometimes..."

"Thanks for telling me."

"Well, I've kind of noticed that you're smart as well...and I did try to ignore you at first....hoping maybe you'd just disappeared...but kind of hard to do...when I had you stalking me all over the hospital..."she said with a smile on her face.

"I was not stalking you...just were my sister...and I had just found out about you...and...well... you were my sister...and I wanted to know you..."

"I'm teasing you weren't stalking..."

"Well, it hasn't been so bad...I mean...we're...we're...talking...and maybe...we...maybe we can be friends...I think...we're kind of getting to be friends..."

"Yes...we are...we really kind of are..."

"Thanks for telling me...about what Cristina said...I won't say anything..."

"I know you won't...and Lex...I agree with are smart...and compassionate...I've seen that with your has Derek..."

"You've talked about me..."

"Just a little bit...and graduating from Harvard Medical School is impressive...and I agree, you're going to be a very good doctor."

Meredith, saw her wipe a tear, and joked, "something else we have in common...lately."

"Mom used to say I was like a watering can."

They talked the rest of the way home.

Derek was already in the kitchen, since Izzie had been home and let him in.

"Hey, need help?"

"No... I've got it under control."

"It's not me Derek, it's Lexie, who is going to help."

"Oh...sure then. Hi Xena."

She smacked him, "you ass."

"What... she knows I've called her Xena."

"Not that."

"Mer, come on, you have to admit, you don't do very well in the kitchen."

" get Lexie. Just don't flirt with her," she teased as she leaned up to kiss him, and slapped his butt, on her way to the laundry room.

"Derek, what did you do with my box?"

"It's in your room, why?"

"I'm going to hang the wreath. Now behave, "she said as she walked out of the kitchen waving the hammer.

"Why do I get the feeling, if she even thinks I'm flirting with you she'd smack me with the hammer."

"Probably, because she would... and now that I know she's my sister, if you dare to flirt with me... I would too... come to think of it, if I see you flirting with anyone else... I might do that as well."

"Just perfect. A combination of Mer's rambling and Cristina's violent streak."

They both laughed as they worked together preparing dinner.

"I'm glad the two of you are becoming friends, I told you she didn't hate you. You're good for her."

"I think we're good for each other."

"Xena and McDreamy," Cristina interrupted, "where's the rest of the frat house?"

"Haven't seen Karev, but Izzie was here a while ago and Meredith's upstairs."

"Let me know when dinner's ready, I'm going to watch one of Ellis' surgeries."

"What is she talking about?"

"Meredith has a collection of her mother's surgeries."

"Wow...she was quite a legend."

"Yeah, just not a very good mother, Meredith didn't get a break on the parent front."

He saw Lexie's reaction, and immediately responded, "look, I'm sorry, it's not your fault, I know Thatcher was a much different father to you and Molly."

"It's ok Derek, I can see how much he's hurt her."

"Do you mind keeping an eye on dinner? I'm going to go upstairs for a few minutes."

"Go ahead, I can manage."

He went upstairs and though he knocked lightly, he went right in without waiting for an answer.

"Hey," she greeted, and walked up to him and hugged him.

"You smell good."

"I tried out some of what you gave me, except the bubble bath... which I hadn't noticed was in the box earlier."

"You didn't like it?"

"I did... I just thought I'd wait... for when we can both enjoy it...together."

"That sounds promising."

" does..."

"Dinner's going to be ready in about 40 minutes."

"Did I hear Cristina come in? Imagine she's watching one of my mother's tapes."

"She is doing just that, and Lexie is keeping an eye on dinner."

"Derek, I'm glad you're here. Thanks for cooking dinner for everyone."

"It's not a big deal, and I know how important your friends are to you."

"But, they don't treat you very well, especially Cristina."

"She's looking out for you. I get it"

"I kind of told her to lay off today."

"Meredith, you don't have to do that, you don't have to defend me."

"You're part of my life Derek, so is she, and I want the two of you to get along."

"I'm surprised she joined us."

"It kind of surprised me too. But, can you try to get along with her. Wait, I know you do try, just don't let her get a rise out of you."

He held her closer, and whispered, "you are without doubt, the only woman that can get a rise out of me."

She giggled and reached up to kiss him, "I better be the only one."

They ended up lying on her bed, and since she was only wearing a robe after having showered, they soon found themselves lost in each others kisses and caresses, and he was wishing he had not promised her they would take thing slow.



"Unless you want us to take things fast and ..."

She ignored him at first, continuing to trail kisses down his neck, and back to his mouth again.

"God, Meredith, I want you so much." He had warned her, he rationalized, as he thrust his tongue in her mouth, and she responded without hesitation.

"Mer...we need...need...a condom..."

She stopped abruptly and went rigid. "Oh, my God... Derek... I'm so sorry...I wasn't thinking...I...."

"I was... I was... thinking... for both of us..." he said, catching his breath, "thought I needed to throw the condom in there... before it was too late."

"Derek...I'm sorry."

"It's ok"

"No, it's not... I shouldn't have let things...."

"Hey...don't worry," he gave her a quick kiss and got out of bed. "Why don't you get dressed. I'm going to take a cold shower and meet you downstairs."

Fifteen minutes later he joined her and others in the kitchen.

"Hey guys."

"Dr. Shepherd, heard you cooked...that was really nice."

"Just threw some potatoes in the oven...and some steaks, not a big deal, George."

"Well, we don't eat a lot of steak around here, though we do get tons of baked goods," so thanks.

"You know, Alex, you don't have to eat my baked goods."

He raised an eyebrow at Izzie and smirked, and she said "here, do something productive, go set the dining room table," and placed seven plates in his hands.

"Hey, why should I set the table."

"Because she just told you to," Meredith answered, "get to it, and you get clean up duty as well."
"Why do I get clean up duty, what about Bambi, and the rest of you?"

"You all do... Derek cooked, Lexie helped, and the rest of you are eating, so you all get clean up duty."

"Mer, you didn't include yourself ...what are you going to do?"

"Cristina, I'm going to enjoy dinner, and then Derek and I ...."

"Oh no, stop. Bad enough we'll hear you... you don't have to tell us in advance."

"I was going to say, Derek and I are going to enjoy a movie."

"We are?"

"Yes, we that takes place in very cold weather," they looked at each other and started laughing.

"That's the best you can come up with," he teased, as he walked over to her and put his arm around her.

"Ok... that's our cue to leave the kitchen."

"Don't be ridiculous Izzie," she said as she walked over to grab a couple bottles of wine, "Derek has to finish fixing dinner," she said, as she saw he and Lexie were wrapping up whatever they had started.

There was a bit of awkwardness at first, given the recent estrangement between Meredith and Derek, but it wasn't long before everyone said pretty much what came to mind, typically, without much thought before speaking.

"This is really good Dr. Shepherd...thanks again, we don't often get steak around here, much less all of us having dinner together."

"Glad we could do it, O'Malley."

"So, is this some sort of celebration, now that you two are back together," Alex asked and felt Izzie kick him under the table and glare at him. "Hey, what was that for? I can ask, he's here, he cooked, what the hell's wrong with that question?"

"That you are not being very discreet, Alex, that's what's wrong with the question."

"Discreet, when have they ever been discreet?"

"To answer your question, Karev, not it's not a celebration. It was last minute plans that Meredith and I discussed."
"So, you two are not together?" he insisted.

"They're obviously together, they're here aren't they?"

Derek and Meredith were side by side, and he reached for her hand under the table, and smiled at her. She squeezed his hand, reassuring him, and they continued to let their friends express themselves freely.

"Wait, Cristina, they're together, but does that mean...Mer...the bet, it's over...I mean technically, it was that Dr. Shepherd...hell, Derek would regain his McDreamy status... but, if you've know...that means the bet is over, and it took less than six days, and thank God, we weren't here to witness the make up sex."

Meredith and Derek both laughed, and took the bantering in stride, never saying a word.

"Why aren't you saying anything, you guys are just eating dinner."

"Isn't that what you do, Alex, at dinner time, you eat dinner." Meredith stated.

"No, and you, Cristina and Lexie, you know something."

"I can tell you the bet's not over, and there's been no sex."

Derek was sipping wine when he heard that, and looked at Meredith questioning how much she had revealed to Cristina and Lexie, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Thank you Yang, for bringing us all up to date," Derek said with a deadpan look.

"Well," Lexie said, "it was all over the hospital this afternoon that McDreamy was on his way back ,after everyone saw the gift that was delivered to Meredith earlier today."

"What...Mer, you got a gift and everyone's talking about it, what did you get her, Mer, what was it," Izzie demanded to know with her usual enthusiasm.

"No wonder they stopped taking bets," Alex commented.

"Mer, what was it?"

She didn't really feel like sharing all their personal moments at this point, so she said simply, "Derek knows I love lavender, and he sent me a very special gift, he ordered from France," she said and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Ok...Meredith... you promised no Mcdovey stuff."

"Oh.... that is so sweet," Izzie commented. "You know what, I think it's appropriate that we make a toast, we don't always get to sit around and enjoy each other's company."

"That's a nice idea, Izzie. But, first, Meredith, if you don't mind, I'd like to say something."

"No, go ahead."

"Meredith and I....but mainly Meredith, as all of you know, we've been through a very rough year, and right now, we are trying to work things out between us."

"We don't know how it will all turn out, but we are trying...and as her friends, I think you should know that. I would also like to thank you for all the times you've looked out for her," he paused, swallowing past the lump in his throat, "and took care of her... when I haven't."

"Thank you," she whispered, and reached for his hand again, and fought to keep the tears that had formed from falling.

Everyone was quiet, understanding the poignant moment they had just experienced in the life of a friend they deeply cared about. A friend that, had Derek not rescued her from the waters of Elliot Bay, would not be sitting there with them that night.

Cristina was the first one to break the silence. "A toast. To friends."

"To friends," Meredith added, as she looked at her sister and smiled, "old and new," and then leaned over and kissed Derek softly, "and new memories to treasure."

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