Treasured Keepsakes

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"Uhmm..." Meredith's mumble quickly turned to a soft groggy moan, then another as she became increasingly aware of his lips on her leg, then higher on her thigh right above her knee then his tongue teasingly on her inner thigh.

Derek smiled as her soft moans grew louder, no longer groggy, and then as his mouth traveled higher, in pleasure and he delighted knowing he was exclusively responsible.

Meredith moaned and then quickly became alert, "Derek..." she gasped, "what are you doing..."

"Uhmmm..." he chuckled, "that should be clearly obvious..." and kissed her inner thigh, lingering over one particular spot as she thread her fingers through his hair.

"It's..." she moaned softly again, "the middle of the night...and we just went to sleep..."

"That's " he said, his lips moving slowly up her thigh, "not quite the case, at least that's not what you told me..."

"Really," she smiled, "I'm talking in my sleep now," and she glanced at the clock. "That clock shows 1:31 ... "

"So it does," he said, continuing his exploration of every inch of her legs.

"And you still haven't told me what you're doing," she teased him, fully enjoying the feel of his lips, his mouth, his tongue on her body.

"Connecting the dots," he smiled, "any complaints?"


"Yes..." he teased, raising an eyebrow.

"I used to hate freckles," she giggled.

"And now..." he said, biting her inner thigh playfully.

"I love," she paused, enjoying his continued sexual taunting, "how you connect the dots."

"I know you do," he said cockily, and further elicited a pleasured filled moan.

"Kiss me Derek," she told him.

"What have I been doing," he laughed, as his mouth found hers.

"Teasing the hell out of me," she murmured upon his lips and began her own seductive and taunting caresses.

"Well, what am I supposed to do as my wife taunts and entices me ..."

"I did all that," she laughed, wide awake now, "being sound asleep..."

"No," he said as his hands cupped her breast, "being sound asleep and naked in our bed with a sheet barely covering your body...which I crave...constantly..."

"Guess," her breath caught in her throat, "that's fair, since I crave yours, constantly too."

"Happy anniversary Meredith," he said breathlessly, as his mouth captured hers.

"Happy anniversary Derek," she said, pulling away from their kiss ever so briefly, "make love to me..."

"I plan on it," he nibbled her lip, and his mouth moved down to her neck and then lingering on that spot, discovered that fate destined prom night, along the base of her throat and the swell of her breasts, and thus began the first of many exquisitely intimate moments that would make her cry out in complete ecstasy in celebration of the first month's anniversary of their surprise and unexpected wedding.

"Just like our wedding night..." she said a long while later as her mouth trailed kissed along his chest, her tongue on his nipples as she teased him.

"Not quite..." Derek mumbled.

"That's true," she said in a low throaty tone, "you made me wait that night..."

"Don't recall any complaints..."

"None," she said, smiling at the unequivocal deeply satisfying groan.

"Except..." he said huskily," you testing my self control...again."

"Why would you say that," she teased, as she caressed the length of him, and smiled knowing she was entirely responsible for his state arousal.

"Meredith," he said breathlessly and effortlessly pulled her under him allowing her to continue having her way with him, until she shifted rubbing against him, her hands squeezing the length of him and he took complete control. Their bodies intimately molded against each other, the heat and hardness of his desire pressed against her, their moans of pleasure enticing the other and then he breathlessly stopped to tease, "my turn..." he said, "to make you lose control."

"Derek," she said moments before he joined their bodies, and their gazes locked, as they once again discovered the depth of each other's souls and simultaneously whispered, "I love you," and then gave in to their unbridled passion and mutual sounds of ecstasy and pleasure echoed through the small confines of the place that held memories that would last a lifetime, always reminding them of that one moment in time where they first discovered love reserved for soul mates.

Bodies still intimately joined, Derek whispered, "you're my life Meredith Grey," and she heard the deep emotion in his voice.

"As you are mine," she whispered back and they basked in the afterglow of a night made to celebrate a love of legends.

"Derek," she whispered softly.


"It was a night celebrating many's special..."

"Our first month of marriage," he smiled, "a very important anniversary, indeed..."

"Are you mocking me..."

"No," he said, holding her closer.

"Do you remember...that night," she spoke quietly, a smile holding secrets revealed to him only, "the first time we told each other we loved each this..."

"I do," he said, holding her closer. Long after, their bodies and hands entwined, she lay with her head on his chest, the glare of the moon illuminating the area of the trailer through the glass window above their bed.

"Derek, are you sleeping?"

"Do you want me to be," he teased her.

"No," she said, and he shifted their bodies so they lay on their side, facing each other.

"Why did you say it was a very important anniversary and then stopped?"

"Because you, my lovely wife, interrupted me."

"Oh," she smiled, "but you interrupted me too."

"Ok," he leaned in to her, cradling her face in his hand, "I love you."

"I love you too," she said as their lips met in a tender kiss. "I have a gift for you."

"You mean...mind blowing sex...wasn't it?"

"'s somewhat related," she smiled seductively.

"I've a gift for you too," he kissed her again. "I was going to give it to you tonight at dinner."

"You're taking me to dinner?"

"I thought we'd do something special, I made reservations."

"Derek," she locked gazes with him, "just being with you, like's all I need."

"I like the way you think Mrs. Shepherd," he chuckled.


"I was going to say Dr. Grey..."

"Derek," she pouted slightly, "I'm beginning to get jealous of Dr. Grey."

"You," he held her face in his hands, "have nothing to ever be jealous of. are all I need."

"I love you Derek," she kissed him.

"Do you want your gift?" He asked a bit nervous and she noticed.

"Derek...why are you nervous?"

"I just...I hope you like it..."

"I'm sure I will...and I could say the same thing about yours, I mean...maybe it was silly and you'll think I'm foolish...but when I saw it, it just seemed so perfect...and I knew I wanted to get that for you...but, it's a good thing I did, because you got me something, but I really didn't know you're supposed to get one month anniversary gifts...and you did..."

"Hey, stop rambling, I'm sure I'll love what you got...and Mer you don't have to get one month anniversary gifts, and I think what's important is that both of us wanted to acknowledge this day as special."

"When did you decide to get something?

"In Venice," he said softly and smiled.

"In Venice...when, I mean...Derek...there was no time...we got married and we left, and I was with you all the time."

He silenced her with a kiss. "The day we got our wedding rings," and then another kiss. "Now, do you want your gift or want to wait till tonight?"

"No, yes...I mean, yes I want my gift and no I don't want to wait, but you knew before we got married?"

He turned and reached over to open a small drawer and took out a small dark blue box that was embossed in small gold letters with the name of the jewelry store in Venice and placed her in her hands.

"You got me jewelry?" she whispered a bit surprised that he'd done it that day.

"Wait to see if you like it," he said, and truly was nervous about her reaction, especially as she lifted the lid from the box and then held the gold charm bracelet in her hands and gently touched each charm, and then when she looked at the last one, almost reverently, he heard the broken sob and saw the tears slide down her face.

"Meredith," he reached for her and held her, "I'm sorry...I'm was insensitive, I shouldn't have done that...and today...I should just have put it away...not reminded..."

"No," she whispered as she held herself back from his embrace, and held his face in her hands and kissed him. "Derek, it's..." she paused, "it's beautiful...and that you thought of's beautiful," she cried softly, "and I was so horrible to you...what I said...and you'd already thought of this...and I knew how much you cared...and I hurt you..."

"Hey," he said, and holding her face in the same way kissed her lips and tasted the tears, "we've put that behind us...please...don't cry," he said and wiped her tears away.

"You...this is beautiful..." she said and held the small charm in her hands. "A treasured keepsake...for always..."

"I knew how important it was to you...not to forget her..."

"I love you Derek," she said, and the tears did not stop, "I love you so much."

"I didn't want to make you cry," he said, his own emotions in turmoil.

"They're not sad tears, I promise...they're not...just...overwhelming...that you bought this...and then, your Mom had me wear her bracelet...but said you did this the day we got our rings?"

"I always remembered how special it was to my Mom, and even though I knew she was joining us it didn't really register, but it seemed like it would be a perfect gift, and I hoped you'd like it...and was meant at first more as something private...between us...what we'd shared in laughter...and then...I knew it had to include this," he said, as he held the charm between his fingers, an intricately designed silhouette of a baby angel and in the back inscribed the word Brianna and a single date.

"You only put that date...the day...she was conceived," Meredith looked at him.

"We agreed," he said, his voice filled with emotion, "she'd be with us...beyond a lifetime."

"Oh, Derek," she sighed, "you are my prince charming...our little girl's daddy...for always."

"I love you Meredith," he said, once he swallowed past the lump in his throat, and then they simply held each other.

"Derek," she whispered softly, "thank you..."

"Thank you...for sharing my life...for spending the rest of our lives...together."

"Derek," she said wanting to get them back to the earlier lighter mood, knowing the depth of their emotions for all they'd shared in the past month would never diminish. "How did you decide on the rest of the charms?"

"Well," he said, both now on their sides, facing each other, "you should know all those answers," he teased her.

"Just want to make sure..." she smiled, "not sure about this one..." she said as the charms were obviously small, "it could be one of two..."

"I thought these would have meaning...just for us," he told her, "we can add more later."

"Our three children," she smiled, "just like your Mom's."

He laughed heartily, "Mom's three children, you eliminated Nancy...who else?"

"You ass," she laughed. "I'm not having five."

" two...or none...whatever you want, that's what it will be."

"We're having three babies's my dream...and you promised..."

"To make your dreams come true."

"Yes..." she said and kissed him with all the tenderness and love she felt for this man that had become her soul mate.

He took the bracelet and held it up, "I'm surprised at you Mer, you don't recognize these?"

"Shepherd," she teased, "don't be an ass..."

"She loves me, still..." he teased her, "twice in less than..."

"Derek..." she warned playfully.

"Otters Mer," he said smiling, "they mate for life..."

"I knew that one Derek."

"The bridge of sighs," he continued, "and we needed the gondola to ride under it at sunset..."

"For eternity..." she smiled, and kissed him, "I did manage to figure those out..."

"And notice," he said, "no horse's ass..."

Her laughter filled the trailer, and his heart warmed that she was happy. "Obviously, then, this is my panther..." she captured his mouth, "my insatiable untamed beast..."

"Yours," he said when they broke their kiss, "exclusively...yours..."

"For always..." she said.

"For always Meredith," and their lips met and in with that kissed sealed yet another promise made by lovers for a lifetime.

"Now..." she said, "you have to open mine."

"So you did have a gift," he teased.

"Of've done nothing but buy gifts for me...and I wanted to have something special for you...all I got was that lame lion tamer...and this was special...for today, and I told you when I saw it... I think you'll like it...more so now...I'm hoping you'll like it," she said and started to get out bed.

"Hey," he stopped her ramble and getting out of bed. "I loved that lion tamer...and the iron key we can pass on to our children...and anyone else that gets married that we want to wish them the same kind of happiness we have."

"I've got to get your gift..."

"Where is it? I'll get it."

"In your car," she smiled.

He laughed, "my gift is in my car, and I didn't know about this?"

"Go get it," she interrupted him, "I'll explain later."

"Bossy, Mer...very bossy."

"You like bossy..."

"I really do..." he smiled. "Where is it?"

"Be careful with it, it's a heavy box in the trunk."

"How'd you get it there...if it was heavy..."

"Derek," she told him, "get the box, and don't look inside."

Derek threw a robe on and walked outside and was back within a couple minutes, and brought the box to her. "It is heavy."

"I know..." she smiled, "I had them ship it, because there's no way for you to miss it with our bags when we came back."

"You got this during our trip," he asked just as surprised as she'd been.

"Yes," she said, "open it."


"Just open it," she told him.

"I told you before you opened yours," he pouted.

"Derek," she laughed, "you like surprises, I'm the one that doesn't."

"You've liked my surprises..."

"I've loved all your open it, before I start on another ramble."

He took the box and noticed the label he had not see outside in the dark, "you had this shipped from Lugano, Meredith, this is from the antique store."

"I know, will you just open it already...and be careful with it..."

"So it's fragile...and you got it at the antique store...and I had no clue..."

"Derek," she raised her voice in frustration.

He just smiled and proceeded to take the item out, "it's bronze," he commented, and with that, she pushed his hands away and carefully took out his gift and placed it on the bed.

"It's..." he said and remained silent as he ran his head over the bronze statue.

"Derek..." she said, fidgeting with her bracelet, "you're very chatty...overly would be a good time for that..."

"It's ...I just didn't expect this..."

"You don't like it," she said, sounding very disappointed.

"No...I do...I's beautiful Meredith, truly...and...our own private..."

"My untamed beast," she said and placed her hand on top of his.

"A panther..." he smiled, "absolutely perfect."

"I thought you could have it in your home...when we build our house...for your office...if you liked it...but I hope you would...and it was sculpted by a well known French..."

"Meredith," he smiled, and then silenced her with a passionate kiss.

"You liked it," she said later, "really?"

"I do..." he smiled, "very appropriate..."

"I thought so," she said, "when we walked by and I saw it, I knew I wanted to get it for you..."

"Wait," he said, "you told me you wanted to see the frame in the window...the one I bought."

"I couldn't very well tell you why I wanted to go in..."

" didn't really like the frame..."

"I loved the frame...but, this is what I wanted to see..."

"When did did you manage to get it? I was there the whole time..."

"I asked for the ladies room...and you didn't question it."


"No..." she kissed him, "determined."

"It's an amazing sculpture Meredith, the detail is incredible," he said as he ran his hand over the back of the feline, a patinated bronze on a stepped brown and black two color marble base.

"They told me it was a well known French artist, Rochard and probably from 1930, but what really sold me is when the gentleman told me its name was Panther."

"The name, huh..."

"And the way it looked so lithe...muscular...ready to pounce... made me think of you," she smiled seductively.

"Mrs. Shepherd," he smiled, "are you suggesting...I pounce..."

"I'm going to demand it," she smiled, and teased him with her lips, "often."

"Happy anniversary Meredith," he said and kissed her softly again.

"Happy anniversary Derek, I love you."

"I love you too..."

"Derek," she smiled, "it's really late..."


"Do you think we should get some sleep," she said mischievously.

"Sleep..." he chuckled, "whatever for?"

"So..." she smiled, and entwined their fingers, "you can pounce on the crack of dawn..." she said, and their joyous laughter filled the trailer they called home.

"Derek," Meredith whispered quietly as she sat on the side of the bed hours later, her fingers lightly caressing his naked chest, "good morning," she said and kissed his lips softly.

"Uhmmm...tired..." he said.

"I know," she laughed, "'s late..."

"It's still dark," he said, "come back to bed..."

She giggled and kissed him again, "it's eleven Derek."

"What," he opened his eyes, "it can't's still dark..."

"It's been storming since dawn..."she said, "and we can't sleep the day away..."

"Why not," he teased her now, "it's why we're off today..."

"Well..." she smiled, "here I thought we were going to be busy all bed..."

"Mer..." he laughed, "you really do have to remember I'm old...your old beast..."

"My insatiable beast," she kissed him, "and that is why I cooked we have the energy..."

"You cooked breakfast," he said, unable to keep the alarm from his eyes.

"You ass," she smacked his shoulder, and leaned back to get up.

"Mer..." he said, as she walked away from him wearing only his robe, "I'm kidding."

He closed his eyes, he thought for a second, which actually were a few minutes that took her to come back to the bedroom, and she sat next to him again. This time, a tray held breakfast, and he opened his eyes when he felt her sit next to him and got a whiff of her scent.

"Mer," he asked, "what are you wearing?"

"You don't like it..." she said matter of factly, as she was sitting in red panties and bra.

"This is new..."

"It is..." she smiled.

"Your shower gifts..." he smiled.

"Uh huh..."

"And..." he said, glancing over at the tray she'd brought, "you cooked breakfast."

"I thought I'd give you an eat..." she paused, suggestively, "faster..."

"You really cooked," he smiled.

"I told would be my specialty...scrambled eggs."

"From the internet recipe..."

"Down pat...and your other"

"Mer," he said, as he reached for her and pulled her body into an embrace. "You know what's really my favorite thing for breakfast..."

"Fruits...crap, I forgot..." she teased.

"My wife."

"Derek," she smiled, "if this gets cold, I'm not sure I can guarantee two perfectly cooked breakfasts in one day..."

"Are you suggesting...we actually eat breakfast first..."

"Yes," she said, "I'm starving...and we'll need energy..."

" quiet and eat," he teased her, and they in fact ate breakfast before becoming lost in each other again.

"Derek," she said a while later as she lay with her head on his chest.


"Are you sleeping?"


"But you're not..." she giggled.

"I was trying to follow your orders," he said and smiled, "you said we should nap after breakfast. What are you thinking?"

"You woke me at 1:31...that was 14 minutes earlier...than our anniversary..."

"I know," he laughed, "our vows were officially later...and you woke me up right on time...but," he teased, "I wanted extra seduce my wife..."

"Derek," she smiled, "you don't need extra time..."

"Uhmmm..." he caressed her hair, and then lifted her chin so they could look at each other, "good to know..."

"You've always known..." she said, "all you need to do is look at me..."

"That's what you do to me too...a look...from you...anytime...anywhere...and I crave being with you."

"Derek..." she said, as her hand caressed his chest, and the rest of his naked body, "remember...when you wanted 48 uninterrupted hours..."

"I do...but you gave me a lifetime," he said and shifted their bodies so they were facing each other, intimately pressed against the other.

"Derek," she smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist and met his gaze, "that...can be this weekend..."

"Ah...she gets it," he laughed, "what I wanted...uninterrupted sex..."

"Derek," she looked deep into his eyes, "it wasn't...what you wanted..."

"No," he answered with deep sincerity, "it was you...all I wanted was for you to commit to me...for a lifetime."

"I'm yours now..." she said, "it took me a while...but...I'm yours for that lifetime..."

"And..." he smiled as he kissed her, "no reason we can't...have that weekend...or 24 hours of uninterrupted ..."

"Derek," she smiled, "technically, we have thirty six hours..."

"Uhmmm...since yesterday...well, we did leave at eight, but had dinner and didn't get home till after eleven and then," he laughed thinking about their lovemaking in the shower when he told her it was already their anniversary in Italy and began their first celebration of their month's anniversary.

"Shepherd," she bit his shoulder playfully, "just go with it..."

"Whatever you want...Meredith...whatever you want," he laughed.

"Are you really tired?"

"What do you think..." he asked, taking a deep breath as he felt her hands on him.
"You took advantage of me in the shower...and then..."

"Then, " she said, "you woke me up for 1:31 in the morning..."

"Didn't hear you complaining," he teased her.

"Nothing to complain about, not even that you kept me up till after three with gifts..."

"I kept you up," he laughed, "you sure about that? Who woke me up this morning?"

"I brought you breakfast..."

"You certainly did," he laughed, "best meal...ever..."

"Think you'll be in the mood for pouncing...again?"

"Is that a demand," he said his voice low, already his desire for her quite evident as he pulled her on top of him.


"Uhmmm..." he said as his tongue teased hers.

"Let's take a nap first," she giggled and they shared a kiss before falling asleep.

They napped for a couple hours to be awakened by Meredith's phone vibrating.

"Kat," she said, "is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine, but you sound like you were sleeping, are you ok?"

Meredith laughed, "yes, we were napping."

"You were napping, as in during the middle of your shift," Kathleen laughed. "Mer, you two are incorrigible, you are a respectable married couple now."

"We're both off today," Meredith laughed.

"Oh shit," Kathleen said, "I didn't know that, last time we spoke you were working, you were trying to get the day off..."

"So did Derek," Meredith told her, "so we ended up having the day off."

"Tell her to get off the phone," Derek said, "we were sleeping."

"Here's your grouch of a brother," Meredith laughed.

"Oh Mer, before you do that," Kathleen said, "happy anniversary."

"Thanks Kathleen," her sister in law continued talking, "yes, he liked the sculpture, indirectly, that's why we're napping," she laughed at whatever her sister in law said before handing the phone over to Derek.

"Thanks Kat," Derek said smiling, "yes, I got her a gift as well, yes she did like it, she can tell you about it later...better yet, we'll email you a picture, she's wearing it," he said, and roared laughing, "no's bracelet. Now you know how I feel when you talk sex...with Kevin," he said and they spoke a few more minutes.

"Derek," Meredith laughed after he repeated Kat's side of the conversation, "I hope we're like that Kathleen and Kevin...their relationship, when we've been married that long..."

"Count on it," he kissed her softly. "Now, you can also count on my sisters calling if we don't put a stop to it now...before she tells them we actually had anniversary gifts, and they decide to weigh in on" he said, "put your hand out, and I'll take a picture of your bracelet," and he did, "and the panther, and we will preempt any further interruptions," he said as he snapped a photo of the sculpture that had been placed on one of the small shelves that framed the bed area. Their photo, now permanently assigned to her side of the bed.

"Derek," Meredith laughed as she read the message he was composing, "you know that's not going to stop them if they want to call."

"We can give it a shot," he said finished the message with the two photos attached.

Yes, it's our first month anniversary, and we did the sentimental gift exchange thing, and the five of you can laugh about it or whatever it is you'll do at Sunday dinner, but don't call us. We're off today and are spending the day alone, without interruptions, except you probably already know that since Kat will have filled you in. Jenna, tears won't work if I can't see them, you will meet Meredith soon, I promise. We'll answer emails tomorrow. Love you Mom, keep your daughters in line, please...I'll call you tomorrow.

They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening enjoying their time together, silencing the phone, determined to ignore all but each other. The rain continued throughout the afternoon and they spent it snuggled up to one another, and probably wouldn't be believed that they actually spent the time talking about their life, the home they would build, their future hopes and dreams. How they each had arranged for Patricia to accept their packages. She made them sandwiches for lunch, another specialty of hers in the kitchen she told him, especially since she couldn't very well burn anything. He cancelled their dinner reservations after she convinced him she just wanted to be alone, and while she napped, he went to Real Foods and picked up steaks and her favorite dessert for dinner.

The rain had stopped by early evening, allowing for his plan to grill the steaks. Meredith walked outside and set a bottle of wine and two glasses on the small table on the deck, and wrapped her arms around his waist, and placed a kiss on his back, "I brought wine."

"We need a toast," he said, and turned to wrap his arms around her and kissed her.

"Happy anniversary...kind of boring," she smiled.

" think..."

She looked at him, and he became lost in the secrets concealed in her smile, as he ran his hands through her hair, and then cupped her face, "I love you."

"Derek," she said, "remember when we were leaving on our doubts..."

"Your doubts," he said, and wasn't concerned as she smiled.

"About...married sex..."

"Oh you mean your lack of faith in your husband's ability up to..."

"I did not say that," she teased him, "I was just joking..."

" bring it up again..." he pouted playfully.

"I just wanted you to know..."

"Yes..." he said, kissing her softly, and still holding her face tenderly in his hands.

"Married sex...from that first night...our wedding've given many nights of always remember."

"So..." he joked, "I've passed the married sex test..."

"With flying colors," she said, "I think..." she teased him, "you just needed to be married..."


"To me," she said with full confidence, "not the wicked witch from the east," and their laughter once again brought them closer together, and the wound that had remained opene and once separated them for months, now was finally put to rest, whole and healed.

"Meredith," he kissed her again, and reached for her hand and pulled her down to sit on his lap, then gave handed her a glass of wine. "A toast," he smiled, "to our future dreams," he said and they each sipped after the other's comment.

"To married sex, and my untamed...insatiable beast," she smiled, and kissed him deeply.

"To spending the rest of our lives...together."

"To," her voice broke slightly, as she ran her thumb over her bracelet, "precious memories...and treasured keepsakes."

"To soul mates...and legends..." he said.

"To our once upon a time..." she smiled, yet tears filled her eyes, "to the fairly tale that you brought to my life," she said, and he brushed her lips and they shared a kiss that sealed the promise that no matter what life brought, each was committed to making each other's dreams come true. Fairy tales did not always guarantee happily ever after, but for these legendary lovers it was about the commitment to never turn away, to never allow the other to push each other away, to be there for a lifetime.

They ate dinner and continued talking, Meredith teasing him about the chatty kids they would have that would of course take after him, and he teased that she was the one that would not stop talking, and both admitted each was right, as they walked hand in hand along their land and stood embracing each other as a sliver of a half moon was visible in the evening sky.

"You know," Derek whispered in her ear, before he pulled her hair up kissed the back of her neck, "nobody that knows us...your sisters...hell, even my mother it would seem, would believe we spent hours in bed together on our first month's anniversary, talking...being chatty...not making love."

"Or that you reneged on your promise..."

"Oh," he said, biting her neck playfully.

"Ready to pounce again," she smiled, and turned to face him, "we need to pick up..."

"Right where we left off this afternoon..."

"Your lady..."

"Ready to roar," she laughed , "Derek...we will never hear the end of it from Mark."

"Hell, I hope we never hear the end of it..." he joked, as they began to walk back to the trailer, "our roars...ever..."

"I'll clean up," she said, when they reached the deck, "go ahead take a shower, and I'll join you in a few minutes."

"We'll do it together," he said.

"Go ahead," she insisted, and he complied, understanding without words that she needed a few minutes alone. Theirs continued to be a relationship where emotions were often times overwhelming and today had been no exception. He knew that she would periodically need that time.

"Hey," she said as she walked toward their bed, and he was already in it, "sorry I took so long, I sat down for a minute and my thoughts just...time got away from me."

"It's ok Mer," he smiled, "there's enough hot water for you..."

She walked over to him and leaned down and kissed him, "thank you...I needed a few minutes," she told him, the feeling of being totally and completely honest with him was a new experience, and she loved that she could be open with him, that they could be open with each other, unafraid of being found lacking or considered ordinary.

"I know you did," he kissed her back, "you ok?"

"I'm ok," she smiled, "I'm going to take a quick shower...don't fall asleep."

"Mer," he laughed, "it's not even nine o'clock...and we've been had plenty of sleep today."

"I just wanted to make know...we started our anniversary..."

"With sex," he teased.

"Making love," she corrected, brushing his lips softly, "and that's how I'd like it to end."

There was but a dim light illuminating his side of the bed when she walked toward him, only a towel wrapped around her which she dropped at the foot of the bed, and joined him and he immediately reached for her and gently pushed her back against the pillows behind them, and she lay silently, his eyes devouring her before he reached to touch her face, and she brushed a lock away from his forehead.

"I love you Meredith," he said, and he captured her mouth, leaving her unable to respond. All sense of time was lost as they paused to gaze into each other's eyes, their reflections exact in the love and passion silently communicated while their tongues joined in the eternal dance of legendary lovers each certain of the pleasures to come; reveling in the celebration of the night they promised their love for a lifetime and rediscovered their passion.

His mouth found its way to her breasts, over and over again, and his hands added to the sensuous pleasure as they traveled her body as did hers, finding and lingering at all of the places they knew so intimately, and brought each other to the brink of fulfillment.

Derek..."she said arching her hips toward him, against him, aching for him, needing him, wanting him again desperately, as he muttered unintelligible things, and she brought him near to her, "I want you...inside," and as their eyes met he was totally lost in the depth of the grey green eyes he adored, and without any further delay he complied with her wish.

"I..." she began to say, feeling him deep inside her, as their gazes locked, "love you."

"I ..." he said, his breath labored, "I adore you..."

Her hands caressed his back and her lips found his, and much like the night one month ago, this night would bring similar memories and familiar words to cherish, "I love you Derek..." she said, and gently contracting she squeezed him, "don't hold back," she urged as her tongue played with his, and thus began the timeless ritual of two bodies joined as one, finding the perfect rhythm, the perfect fit as their movements rose to its inevitable climax. His groans, her moans, further kindling the familiar passion and desire and seconds before his release, they each whispered I love you, and as the sounds of her pleasure echoed through the room, just as he'd done on their wedding night, he looked deep into her eyes and witnessed the ecstasy of her surrender, and she his as their love was consummated and their mutual ecstasy sealed what was undoubtedly a love of legends.

Neither knew how much time elapsed as they lay in each other's arms, his body still joined with hers, and as he attempted to leave her, her body reacted by contracting gently and holding him within her, "don't ..." she whispered, "stay inside me."

"I love you," he said.

"I love you Derek...I love you so much," she said and he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Hey," he kissed her softly, "I love you...please don't cry."

"I..." she paused, "just remembering...our wedding night...just like this," she said, "and today...again you made this special."

"We made this day special..."

"We're going to make it Derek," she said softly and a tear escaped, which he kissed away.

"We are," he agreed, "never walk away..."

"When things get bad...we won't allow pushing the other away..."

"There was never any doubt...not since we got back together," he said referring to the night they had hit rock bottom, and in spite of their despair had discovered that being apart would never again be an option, and then they'd survived the unforeseen shattering of their hearts, their loss and sorrow bringing them closer, and fate now smiled upon them, for the worst had passed, and the tapestry of their life continued to be woven, rich vibrant colors and silver and gold threads would be symbolical as all darkness was now firmly relegated to the past.

"Derek," she whispered, "we're going back to Venice..."

"We are," he kissed her, "next year."

"No..." she said, and before she could continue, he interrupted.

"Of course we are..." he said.

"No, I mean...our forty years Derek...we'll have to go back there...just like Salvatore told us...he least forty years..."

"Mer," he teased her, "I'm not sure we'll be able to get in and out of a gondola then."

"But, we'll be there...that's all that matters..."she smiled, "with our chatty children and grandchildren."

Hours later, sometime in the middle of the night, they awakened wrapped in each other's arms and once again the undeniable passion between them erupted and made love, leisurely at first then fully unleashing the beasts until they were completely exhausted.

"Satisfied," he said, smiling at her, nipping at her lips as they lay in each other's arms, "that the old panther can still rise to the occasion?"

"I never had any doubts..." she giggled, "that sculpture is unequivocal proof." Their laughter filled the place they called home as their bodies instinctively curled into each other, the light of the moon illuminating the trailer the only witness to the smiles of fulfillment on their faces.

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