Old married couple...

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Meredith and Derek; to the incredulous look from their friends, the inevitable roll of the eyes, and the ever present need for earplugs; would often joke they had become an old married couple. Such was the occasion now, as they laughed and teased each other after an early morning quickie that had expectedly led to lovemaking in the shower.

"Dude, wasn't sex last night and twice this morning enough for you that you can't keep your hands off her?"

"Karev, if you got your own place to live," Derek countered, "you wouldn't have to hear or witness any of it."

"Derek," Meredith said in an unusual and distinct wifely tone.

"Well," Alex back down, "I'm just saying...it's not like you're a horny twenty year old."

"According to Mer," Cristina, who'd ended up spending the night on a couch, said with a smirk, "age's not a factor...and the forty year old remains Mr. incredible."

"Cristina," Meredith reprimanded her, while everyone else laughed, including Derek.

"Mer," Derek handed the cereal bowls to her and kissed her, "you really shouldn't give her any more ammunition against me."

"Against you..." Cristina laughed, "that was positive. Don't worry Derek, Mcdreamy lives on."

"Can you please stop talking about sex," Izzie said, "it's enough we have to hear about it...nights...mornings..."

"You're cheerful this morning Stevens," Derek said, "maybe you and Alex can move in together."

"What," Izzie said, "Mer...you're kicking us out?"

"We're not kicking you out," Meredith said, "Derek stop telling them that."

"He is right Mer," Cristina sided with Derek, "this is worse than a frat house."

"I didn't see you going home last night," Izzie argued with her, and there began the bickering, "you were perfectly happy to stay here...just like Lexie and George did."

Ever since his family had visited and she'd told Derek her living room felt homey for the first time ever, he'd encouraged them getting together at least once a month, and usually he ended up cooking or paying for take out. Mark was often a guest, as he'd been the night before, but had left to spend the night with Tracy. Derek left the group of friend to watch the eleven o'clock news, and it had been just after midnight when Meredith joined him, and made it impossible for the rest of the inhabitants to sleep without relying on earplugs.

Derek drove to the hospital, and in spite of the short distance she'd almost always manage to snooze. However, this morning it was cut short almost as quickly as she closed her eyes by the ringing of the phone.

"It's Maggie," she said, referring to his sister and immediately answered.

"Oh thank God you answered," his sister said, "I'm in between patients, and I thought you should know my kids are arriving tomorrow on the 11:30 flight," she teased Meredith.

Meredith giggled, "feeling like the forgotten sister again," and joked with her sister in law. During these five months of marriage, but especially the last two, Meredith had established a friendly relationship with each of his sisters, and they not only kept in touch via email, sometimes a quick sentence or two, but also spoke often on the phone.

"You kid Meredith," she said, "but it's not easy...not in this family, Kathleen's the oldest Jenna's the youngest, Derek's the only boy...and then Nancy's got her very own category."

"Really," Meredith laughed, "and that would be..."

"Super bitch," Maggie said in an overly serious tone, then laughed, "what else?"

"Maggie, you're horrible," she said and Derek raised an eyebrow, "she's actually been nice to me lately."

"Meredith, I've been dealing with her all my life...trust me, it's temporary, which leaves me, the nicest of all sisters...all but ignored."

"At least you're not married to the son in law," Meredith teased her.

Maggie laughed, "not this week," she said, frustrating Meredith as they still held that joke over her head.

"Be that way," Meredith pouted, "see who's going to pick up your kids at he airport."

"Kids at the airport," Derek turned to look at her, "you're joking..."

Meredith put her phone on speaker, "Maggie, Derek thinks I'm joking about you sending the kids to us this week."

"Hi big brother, or is it still Mcdreamy this week?"

"Still..." he asked looking at Meredith for answers, and she just shrugged, "what is that supposed to mean?"

"Ask your wife," Maggie told him, "apparently you were in the doghouse last week."

"I was not," he looked at Meredith again, "I haven't done anything..."

"Relax Derek," Maggie laughed, "I'm joking...but not about the kids coming."

"I told Mer on our honeymoon we could expect that of you sometime."

"Yeah, well...that really all depends on your answer to my question," Maggie said.

"What's up Mary Margaret," he used her full name to annoy her, something they'd all done growing up; she hated the name.

"You guys need to help me...Jenna is really pestering me, seriously you two the watering pot is over flowing, and you're the only two that can make a difference here," she said, and Derek knowing what was coming reached for Meredith's hand.

"Maggie," Derek was the one to answer, "I don't think there's any way we can make it, there's no way Mer's getting weekends, not after the time she had off for our wedding, she has several weeks to make up for, and the concession we made for her taking two full weeks was giving up many weekends," he told her that, which was at least partially true, "and with our clinical trial in full gear, I don't think I could even manage to get away a full weekend right now."

"Derek," his sister said, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way...but..."

"Here it comes," he said, "what insult are you going to throw my way?"

"Derek...we love you, we all do...and we're dying to see you, it's been so long...but, if you can't make it...I mean, maybe you both don't have the same weekend off, but Meredith, is there any way you can make it for her shower?"

"Are you kidding," he said, "she only cares if Meredith makes it," he said, trying to keep from laughing as he looked at the stunned look on his wife's face, and he brought her hand to his lips.

"Meredith," Maggie said, "she's driving me nuts, and Derek... she loves you...she does...but she he doesn't care if you're here for her baby shower, she said, she really just wants to meet you before the baby is born."

Derek continued to hold her hand and she squeezed gently, "Maggie, tell her she will definitely meet me before the baby is born, and I've already put in for the time off for her shower, but it hasn't been approved, so I don't want to give her false hopes. I'll call her later and talk to her."

"Oh...no," Maggie responded quickly, "I mean...yes, call her, but don't tell her I told you all this."

"You mean," Derek joked, "I can't tell her she's no longer my favorite sister."

"Derek," Meredith smacked his arm, "that is horrible, she's pregnant."

"Meredith, thank you for smacking him," Maggie laughed.

"How the hell do you know that," he asked.

"It's a distinctive sound my dear brother, we've all done it too many times not to recognize it...and your brainlessness...is apparently alive and kicking."

"Fine," Derek pouted, "I'll let Meredith fly home to meet you...and I'll stay here."

"Oh, stop pouting," his sister said, and Meredith laughed at her accurate assessment across the miles, "and whatever you do...don't tell Mom or Kathleen I told you about this, they've told us to stop harassing you two...that you'll get here when you can."

"We'll be there in September Maggie," Derek said, "it will have to be during the week, but Meredith and I will be there."

"That partially saves you from getting my kids tomorrow," his sister laughed.

"You can send them anytime," Derek told her, and Meredith's eyes grew wide.

"Meredith," Maggie laughed, "don't worry...I'll give you more than a day's notice if I ever do that," and the three of them joined in laughter while their conversation continued until they reached the hospital.

"Derek," Meredith said when he'd walked around to open her door and he leaned in to kiss her. "She'd really send us the kids?"

"Probably..." he teased her, and deepened their kiss, and heard a couple of snickers behind them.

"What is it with you two," Mark drawled, "I heard you kept everyone up last night, and couldn't keep your hands off each other at breakfast this morning."

Meredith glared at him, already knowing the answer, "and you know this...how?"

"You know the answer to that Grey," he teased her, "I spoke to Lexie this morning, and," he mocked them in good humor, "aren't you supposed to be an old married couple?"

"Mark Sloan," Meredith said, attempting to sound angry, "you better not be flirting with my sister, and why were you talking with her this morning?"

"Because, she's doing me a favor."

"Really..." Meredith challenged, Kathleen and Carolyn were going to love to hear about this, "just what kind of favor do you need from her?"

"Mer," Derek put his arm around her, "let it go," he said softly; he knew the answer.

"Why," she said, "I want to know."

"Not a big deal," Mark evaded the answer.

"Mark Sloan, we're talking about my little sister, what is she doing for you?"

"Shit Shep," Mark tried to change the subject again, "is she always this bossy?"

"She has her moments," Derek joked, "come on Mer...it's getting late."

They'd reached the elevators and she turned to Mark, "you both know...and it's really annoying that you don't want to tell me, but I'm just going to ask Lexie, she can't lie."

"Meredith," Mark said when they got in the elevator, surprisingly it was just the three of them, "I asked her to help me pick out a couple of baby gifts for Jenna's shower...things from here...that you won't find on her baby list."

Meredith remained silent as they ascended the two remaining floors and exited ahead of them and then turned to face them. "I'm not weak and fragile...I can handle knowing those things...even if I'm not going to go to the shower." Derek placed his hand on her back, and she moved away from him, not in anger, and reached up to kiss Mark's cheek, "I do appreciate your thoughtfulness...thank you," and then hugged him briefly, then grabbed Derek's hand as they walked toward their respective assignments and simply said, "I love you, meet me for lunch?"

The month of July had seemed to fly by and the end of August drew near. Derek walked in to his very small office and found Meredith with her eyes closed and her head resting against the back of the small couch. She heard his approach and couldn't help but smile, her thoughts miles away from their current location.

"Dr. Grey," Derek whispered upon her lips.

"Dr. Nelson," she teased him.

"Low blow..." Derek said, "very low blow..."

"Oh, Derek..." she threw her arms around his neck, "you know I'm teasing you...can you ever imagine...me...and Nelson..." she laughed.

"Meredith," he said, "are you trying to make me jealous...I've seen how you look at Nelson," and they both burst out laughing.

"Derek," she kissed him, "after you..." she deepened their kiss, leaving them both breathless, "after prom...I could never imagine...I could never be happy with anyone but you...never wanted anyone but you."

"I love you Meredith," he said and embraced her.

"Me too..." she said, "but..."

"But," he pulled slightly away from her and raised an eyebrow, "we haven't had problems with buts in a while..."

"But...I'm getting jealous of Dr. Grey...she better not be flirting with you," she said, as her hands found their way to the waist of his scrubs.

"And," he sucked in his breath as he felt her hands on his bare skin, "what if she does more than flirt..."

"She's going to be in very big trouble," Meredith teased him, "is the door locked?"

"Need you ask," he said as his lips kissed her neck, nibbling, sucking lightly.

"Happy...early anniversary," Meredith said as her tongue teased his, just as her hands began the slow and seductive descent...that would lead to some of their favorite things.

"Old married couple," Derek chuckled as he caressed her naked back, her body lying on top of his.

"Old married couples," Meredith giggled, "what did you tell me on our honeymoon, they have sex seven times a month," and they both roared with laughter, and he reluctantly let go of her and watched her get dressed and then pulled her down on his lap.

"What were you thinking of..." he asked, "when I walked in...you had a smile on your face that made me feel sorry for the poor canary," he said, and she smiled, and put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Our weekend..." she kissed him again, "last month...in Friday Harbor..."

"Uhmmm...." he smiled at the memories, "we'll have to go back there again, Dr. Grey was truly..."

"Ass," she smacked him.

"But you love me..."

"Must be hard," she laughed, "no pun intended...ever," he responded by teasingly biting her earlobe.

"Don't start what you can't finish," he whispered in her ear, his hands expertly caressing before cupping her breast.

"Neither should you..." Meredith told him seductively, "we used up all our time...and now you have to feed me."

"Gladly," he told her.

"Food Derek, I'm starving."


"Pot calling the kettle black?" she raised an eyebrow.

Derek brought his hand to his heart, "well wonders never cease...she got one right," and joined her infectious laughter.

"Derek..." she snuggled close to him, "you really enjoyed Friday Harbor?"

"Do you even have to ask," he kissed her softly, "our forty eight uninterrupted hours," he said, and with each recollection, "do you remember..." a kiss.

"It's...you do so many things for me...and I don't think I do...I mean..."

"Meredith," he cupped her face, "waking up every morning...and going to sleep with you in my arms...every night...that's all I ever need."

"Me too...Derek...me too..."

"Tell me," he caressed her cheek, "what prompted this early anniversary?"

"We both need to stay here tonight," she told him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I just scheduled another trial patient, it's really urgent. It can't wait, they'll be here this evening, and from the sounds of it...time's running out."

"Tell me about it," Derek said, and sitting side by side, she filled him in on the medical history and he agreed, the urgency was immediate, but he feared having to face yet another failure. Meredith had come to him the week after their family had visited with an idea for a medical trial, and he hadn't been able to deny her request, even though if given a choice or if it had been anyone else he would never have agreed; the odds were almost never in favor of the patient.

They left his office and walked to the nurses' station holding hands.

"You've got to be joking," Mark took a look at them and laughed, and patted Derek on the back, "Mr. incredible," and laughed again.

"Mark Sloan," Meredith said, but part of her wanted to laugh, "stop making up stories."

"Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Grey," Amy Lynn said, "it's so nice to see you...we've really missed you around here lately."

"The clinical trial's been keeping us pretty busy," Derek responded.

"Making up stories," Mark laughed again, "anyone hear about the lion on the loose," and felt Tracy's light smack on the back of the head, "stop teasing."

"Crap," he brought his hand to the spot she'd hit, "who's teasing?"

"You know Mark," Tracy told him, "I'm going to start believing you're jealous."

"Jealous..." he asked incredulously, "of what?"

"What did you have for lunch, Dr. Sloan," Lisette asked innocently, as she tried to keep from smiling.

"Meat loaf, in the cafeteria," he answered without thinking, "why?"

"Interesting," Tracy said, "the old married couple..." the others laughed at the ongoing joke, "found time to ...what would you say...visit the zoo at lunch time?"

"Touché," Mark said good naturedly, "Grey...am I forgiven?"

"For what?"

"Mocking the boring aspects of marriage," he winked at her.

"Absolutely," she winked back, "but it will cost you."

"You're bribing me?"

"Seems fair to me," Lisette commented, from her seat at the nurse's station.

"Hey," Mark joked with her, "just because you're pregnant doesn't give you license to turn against me, I need the fab4 on my side."

"Dr. Sloan," Steph said as she joined the group, "I think...Lisette's a lost cause, she's always going to stick up for the G-S team first," and the group spent several more minutes enjoying the friendly banter before everyone went on with their day, but not before Meredith told him what it was going to cost Mark.

"Dr. Sloan," Meredith turned to him, "before you go..."

"You were serious," he said to her, "about..."

"You have to call Jenna."

"Oh...no...I already talked to her this week...and she was crying half the time we were on the phone...and that was because she was happy...about a five year old's dance recital."

"Mark," Meredith looked at him softly, and even though it was not her intention, as she truly was teasing him, he remembered her vulnerability months before and the sadness she attempted to hide so well..

"I'll call her," he gave in before she finished her request, "what is it about now?"

"Mark," Meredith said, "I'm kidding, we spoke to Maggie this morning and I'm going to call her, but when you do talk to her...just tell her it's almost impossible for me to get a weekend off."

"I will," he said, and his gaze met Derek's as he acknowledged his gesture.

It was a very long day as the new patient was admitted and the intricate process of testing began. Derek agreed with Meredith's assessment that they had to get the patient to surgery immediately, and they scheduled it for six in the morning, which meant the patient had to be closely monitored through the night.

Somehow they were able to get a few hours of rest, and now in the middle of the night, she lay nestled in her husband's embrace in a small on call room bed, when she heard the words that never failed to warm her heart, "happy anniversary Meredith, I love you."

She turned to face him, still groggy from lack of sleep and exhaustion, and kissed him softly, "happy anniversary Derek...I love you...so much," and he held her closer to him as she lay her head on his chest and closed her eyes, "tomorrow night...we celebrate."

"Yes..." he whispered, and kissed her temple, keeping her warm and safe.

They lost the patient and both took it very hard, particularly Derek, and she knew if given the option he'd end the clinical trial. She went to his office after they'd spoken to the family and she'd cleared their schedule so they could go home, and found him with his face buried in his hands, elbows resting on his desk. "Derek," she said softly and he did not look up, so she went to him, and massaged his shoulders tenderly, "we knew there was very little chance he could make it...but just for a few hours...we gave him hope...and we will get it right Derek...I know we will," she said and respected the silence he craved.

"We will," he said, long after she'd last spoken, "we will. Let's go home."

Meredith and Derek walked down the hall holding hands, saddened yet resigned over the latest trial failure, because somehow it would all work out, and he waited for her to change out of her scrubs.

Neither would have guessed that their mood could changed drastically within minutes, as only the simplest of moments in life can provide. While Meredith changed, his phone vibrated, and he had to laugh.

"What are you laughing out?" Meredith asked.

"See for yourself," he said and handed her the phone.

-hi sweetheart, how are the kids?

"Oh Derek," Meredith smiled, "she is priceless."

"What should I tell her?" he smiled back at her.

"Let's call her on the way home," she said, and knew that it would do him well to speak with his Mom.

Then, fate smiled down on them again, providing yet another heartwarming moment at the end of this long emotional day.

"Ma..mum.." they heard a familiar child's voice, "mum...mum...ish...ish," and then a little dynamo ran into Derek's legs.

"Ish..." Miranda Bailey's son smiled at Derek, "Up...ish..."

"I hope," Miranda said, "you realize...your name is ish...and this child is going to drive me insane...if you don't take him f-i-s-h-i-n-g again, so for the sake of my sanity...he's all yours this weekend."

"We'll take him," Meredith called her bluff, "Tuck," she ran her fingers through the baby's hair, "would you like to spend the weekend with us...at the trailer and go fishing with Derek?"


"Grey," Miranda chuckled, "you are good..."

"What do you mean Dr. Bailey, we'll take him, right Derek," Meredith said, and her husband just stared at her, his mouth slightly open in surprise.

"Shepherd," Miranda said, "close your mouth, you'll catch flies...she's kidding, she called my bluff."

"You mean you don't want me to take him ...you know," Derek said, feeling rather silly if he'd had to spell fishing out.

"Yes, I do, but your wife at least understood I'm not letting him spend a weekend in the woods...where who knows what wild creature lurks ready to pounce on innocent babies."

"Hey Tuck," Derek said, "these are very silly women..."

"Silly," the little boy repeated giggling.

"Yep, they are," Derek said, "we don't have wild creatures in the woods..."

"You keep on believing that," Miranda said, "this boy's not going there without me, for all I know you get so involved with your lure or tackle or line...whatever it is...you'll forget he's even there, and before I know it...oh...no...he can't be there alone..."

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith smiled at her, "what if...we take him our next day off...Derek and I can take him, and I'll be there...in case he gets all caught up with lures...and tackle...and all that."

"Grey," Miranda looked at her, "you feeling ok?"

"Yes...I'm feeling great," she said and took Tuck from Derek's arms, "seeing Tuck is just what we both needed today...and if you'll trust me...we'll take him..."

"I trust you," Miranda said, marveling at the change in this girl over the last several months, over the years she had known her, and knew she could trust her with her son.

"You know Miranda," Derek teased, "Meredith likes to fish too...how do you know she won't get all tangled up with lures," he winked at his wife, "and all."

"Because she's not brainless, like you," she told him a she attempted not to smile, and took her son from Meredith, "hey...Tuck...you ready to go home?"

"Ma- mum," he tried out his new word again, recently mama became mum, "ish..."

"Yes," Miranda looked tenderly at the boy, "you can fish...with Derek and Meredith, but first we need to go home and sleep," she said knowing she'd be repeating that till he actually got to go, and the four walked out of the hospital together.

"Mom," Derek smiled when he heard her voice, "calling to tell you about the kids," and whatever she said made him laugh. "Yes, you can talk to Meredith...but I'm beginning to feel like Maggie said this morning, crap Mer..." he said as he felt his wife's light smack and saw her shake her head.

"Derek," Carolyn said, "what did Meredith smack you for?"

"What are you talking about, Ma...here's Mer..."

"Derek Christopher, don't you dare cut me off...what have you done?"



"Fine...Maggie called and she told us about Jenna's latest ..."

"Oh, that girl, I told her not to call you...but don't worry...Kathleen and I are taking care of this, and no I won't tell her you put our foot in your mouth," she said and spoke to him for a few more minutes before he handed the phone to Meredith.

"Hi Mom," she said with ease. It had become easier as each day went by to call her Mom when they spoke, though she still called her Carolyn half the time, "you want a report on the kids," she giggled, "let me tell you," she began and had Carolyn and Derek laughing as she recounted various anecdotes related to Cristina, Lexie and Mark, including the morning's conversation with Mark and her warning once again not to flirt with her sister.

"Meredith," Carolyn chuckled slightly, "I cannot believe Jenna told Maggie you can come without Derek, I mean...of course you can...you don't need Derek to visit...but Jenna...he is without doubt her favorite sibling, and I don't mean that as in my favorite daughter," she said and Meredith laughed and put her on speaker phone as the finished the conversation so Derek could participate.

"Mer," Derek called down the stairs, "what are you doing?"

"I'll be right up," she answered him, as she placed their dinner in the oven, and set the timer.

"Derek," she said when she walked in the room, "I just put our dinner in the oven and set the timer, we can't forget like last time. Derek where are you?"

"Join me in here," he called out from the bathroom, where the door was slightly ajar.

"What are you doing," she asked as she walked through the door, and smiled at the sight of her husband surrounded by bubbles.

"Mrs. Shepherd," he smiled, "join me?"

"I've already had a shower," she teased, as she began to undress, and he held his hand out to her as she got in the tub and leaned into the comfort of his arms.

"I love you Meredith," he whispered, "thank you...for today, your support," he wrapped his arms tighter around her and he buried his face on he crook of her neck, "your encouragement...your faith in me...as a doctor..."

"You do the same for me Derek," she said softly.

"For that moment with Tuck and Miranda," he kissed her neck, "thank you."

"I love you..." she said, and they simply held each other. They'd found pleasure in each other more than once during this day, and now they basked in the warmth of each other's arms, secure in the knowledge that the depth of their love would withstand all of life's trials and tribulations, and in the comfort of their embrace their heart and soul rejoiced over the depth of the emotional and spiritual bond reserved for soul mates.

"I adore you Meredith," he whispered reverently.

"As I do..." she said with the same reverence.

"What are you smiling at," he said, a bit later.

"You really must love me," she teased, "to be content to just soak in a bathtub filled with lavender bubbles," and their laughter filled the candle lit room.

"Mer," he said, "how long was the timer on for?"

"An hour," she said, "and I set the alarm in the bedroom too, so we wouldn't burn it again this time," she smiled, and in the minutes that followed he helped her out of the tub and dried tenderly tried her body.

Hours later, though still early, they lay in bed talking, "my wife's graduated to cooking dinner," he teased her, "first breakfast...now dinner...I guess we skipped lunch..."

"Are you," she snuggled up to him, her hands reaching for the hem of his t-shirt, "complaining about lunch," and kissed him.

"Not today's lunch," he kissed her back, "that's as good as it can ever get."

"Dinner wasn't bad," she said, "and it was a lot of hard work."

"And," Derek kissed her, "I really appreciated it...you called the order in, got out of the car while I waited for you to run in the restaurant...and even put it to heat in the oven..."

She giggled, "and it didn't burn..."

"Especially that," he said, "we'd never live down another smoke alarm incident."

"Well," she said seductively, "I'd brave another incident...if we had the same kind of...entertainment as we did that night..."

"Mer," he turned to his side facing her and pressed their bodies together, his hands gently caressing the length of her body, "care for an encore," he said, and they reached for each other and slowly began undressing, and their day ended as it began; whispered words of love the ultimate aphrodisiac as two lovers completely enraptured with the other made the other's pleasure a priceless gift of mutual surrender on their fifth's month's wedding anniversary.

"Derek..." she said as they basked in the afterglow of anniversary lovemaking, "what are you thinking?"

"We've exhausted our quota Mer," he chuckled as he kissed the back of her neck.

"Uhmm...I think we have," she giggled, "old married couples...who use up all their month's lovemaking in two days time..."

"Two days," he laughed, "Mer...almost in one day...in spite of your old beast..."

"Thank God," she turned to face him, "for my insatiable...old beast," she said as she kissed his lips tenderly and he held her close as her eyes began to drift and she lay her head on his chest, "I love you."

"I love you Meredith," he whispered, "happy anniversary."

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