"Should I Stay or..."

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Meredith and Derek spent the rest of the day enduring their friends' taunting and teasing, and took it all in stride, ignoring or acknowledging their comments accordingly, and not necessarily as expected, leaving them both marveling at how much they'd truly healed in the last six months of marriage.

"Looks like Maggie was wrong," Mark drawled as walked up to Derek, and saw his friend using eye drops to soothe the tired eyes.

"About what," Derek mumbled.

"Roaring lions," Mark grinned.

"Is your sex life so lacking," Derek told him, "you have to talk about mine? That you've become a meddling gossip?"

"Hey," Mark told him, "it's not my fault your sisters can't keep their mouth shut."

"Huh," Derek smirked, "because you discourage their comments and don't add any of your own."

"They're your sisters and hey...it's their fault I like to gossip, too many years around them. Plus, they kept in touch with me when you didn't want to talk to me...and they're..."

"I know." Derek acknowledged the unspoken words, "they're practically your sisters too."

"Maggie emailed after you guys left," Mark laughed, "and said she didn't know why such a big deal was made out of the two of you being loud...they didn't hear a peep out of your room."

"Busybody," Derek kept walking.

"What the hell was that about...Grey refused to have sex with you at your moms?"

"Married secrets," Derek chuckled.

"Shep," Mark whined, "that's just wrong...how did you manage? Because, I sure as hell know that look...and you've not been deprived of sex with Grey for one minute."

"Hi Mark," Meredith said as she turned the corner and saw him with her husband.

"How'd you do it?" Mark whispered.

"Do what?" Meredith asked him as she looked over to Derek, who just shook his head.

"Have silent sex with Shep at his mom's?"

"You told him," Meredith blurted out.

Mark laughed, "I knew it."

"You didn't tell him," Meredith said with a guilty frown, "did you?"

"But you did," Mark said and hugged her. "I just won a bet."

"You were betting on this with Maggie?" Derek asked incredulously.

"Yeah," Mark said, "and Jenna, Rob and Mike."

"You've got to be joking," Meredith said.

"That's pathetic," Derek said as he put his arm around Meredith. "Don't you have anything else to do?"

"What about the others?" Meredith asked with a hint of amusement, causing Derek to raise an eyebrow.

"Well, Jenna sent out the email," Mark smiled sheepishly, "we figured you couldn't get too angry at a pregnant woman, especially since you're going to be a godmother and Derek has never been able to get angry at her."

"You actually wasted time making bets about our sex life," Meredith stated.

"Yang and Lexie also talked about it," he said, hoping to share some of her anger.

"Derek is right," Meredith told him, "that's pathetic," and turned to Derek and kissed him hard on the mouth. "Wanna join me in an on call room," Meredith said suggestively and teasingly to Derek, "we haven't had sex in how many hours?"

"That display," Mark said to them, "was embarrassing...really, and Yang was right you're both high on a mcdreamied overdose, and obviously found plenty of time for the mcnasty."

"You've been talking to Cristina and Lexie," Meredith asked him, "gossiping about this...and when did you have time to see Cristina?"

"We had coffee," Mark told her.

"She went home," Meredith countered, "right after I saw her."

"I had coffee for her and Lexie," Mark said, "so we talked."

"Mark Sloan," Meredith told him, "you had better stop gossiping about us...and wait till I get my hands on Lexie...if she thinks that's what being a good sister is about..."

"Hi Mer, Derek," right on cue, Lexie walked up to them smiling.

"Lexie Grey," Meredith turned to face her, "you've been gossiping about us...to Mark...and you think that's being a good sister..."

"She was being a good sister," Mark stopped her. "They both were," he had seen a different side of Yang, not enough to make her human he thought, too intense for his liking, but she was definitely someone who cared about Meredith Grey.

"Gossiping about us...really...all three of you," Meredith challenged as Derek saw the concerned glances exchanged between Mark and Lexie.

"Meredith," Mark said, and both she and Derek took notice of the rarely used first name, "they were both worried about you, we all were."

"Mer," Derek said as he put his arm around her. "I don't think they were gossiping," he said and earned Meredith's glare, "well maybe a little."

"Meredith," Lexie looked at Mark first, "Mark's right, we were worried when didn't hear from you when, didn't answer calls or texts and it wasn't gossiping...well not before Maggie talked to Mark...but both Cristina and I...you know that already, since we spoke the other evening...but, it was Mark who told us...that you were ok...that he'd talked to you, everyone really when he'd been part of the conversation ...rather the champagne toast."

Meredith took a deep breath, and accepted her sister's sincerity, "I know you were concerned about how I would handle the visit, and it really does mean a lot to me...to both of us, that all three of you care. But, what I don't understand," she lowered her voice, "is why are you talking about our sex life...and," she didn't want her to think she was mad, "please tell me I don't ramble like you just did," she teased her.

"Mer," Derek chuckled, "you really do."

Lexie lowered her voice as well, "Mer...Maggie...she said she didn't know what the big deal was, always making fun of how loud the two of you...well...anyway, we kind of joked about it...on email..."

"Derek," Meredith said as she winked at him, "you have got to do something, we have a family ...both our families, clear across the country from each other, are meddlers..."

"You think," Derek joked, "I have any control over my sisters and yours," Meredith reached for his hand and squeezed it gently, she knew about Cristina's comment to him, and loved that he was including her when he spoke of sisters, "and Mark?"

"What," Meredith said, "exactly did Jenna's email say?"

"Only that you were quiet as a church mouse and no need for earplugs," Mark said, "which I found hard to believe, and that she'd bet money we made up all those roaring lion stories..."

Derek chuckled, "and that was the beginning of the bet..."

"Shep," Mark smirked, "kind of hard not to..."

"Really" Meredith challenged as she leaned into Derek, and his hand immediately went to her hip, his hands a welcome caress.

"What was your bet Lexie?" Derek asked.

"I didn't bet. Derek...she's my sister...I don't bet about my sister...and...we were concerned, Cristina and I, and Izzie and George too...even Alex, and Mark was just as anxious to know how things were until he talked to you."

"So," Derek said, as his hand remained on the curve of Meredith's hip, "who won?"

Meredith giggled, "I bet Mark did."

"Not sure yet," Mark said, "Yang's keeping track."

"Cristina," Meredith said, "that conniving... no wonder she wanted to know all about being McDreamied," she laughed, "oh...but I wish Id' known," she turned to Derek, "I'd have lied, or ask for a cut," she said and the four of them laughed.

"Meredith," Mark said in an unusually serious tone, "you get that we were really weren't sure, how you'd feel...with Jenna being pregnant...so close...you know..."

"I do," Meredith told him, "I do know, and we both understand. Thank you."

"Meredith," Mark continued in a gentle tone, "and...now...that you're going to be the godmother...do you understand how much it meant to me to be a godfather?"

"I do," Meredith uncharacteristically hugged Mark as she told him, "you'll have your chance."

"You..." he looked at her, "you're not...wait...you're kind of irrational...you have been during this conversation...but... no...I'd know...so you're not..."

"I'm not," she said, "and when I am...the next time I'm pregnant, which won't be for a while," she reached for Derek's hand, "you'll be one of the first to know."

"Unless," Mark smiled at her, "I just look at you...and know..."

"There could be that," she smiled.

"You're ok," Mark said, "both of you."

"Yeah," Derek said, and brought her close against him, "we are. Thank you, both of you...all of you here, we appreciated your concern."

The rest of the day was a drag for Meredith. However, she would not give up a single second of their extended stay in New York, even when she'd had to agree to all of Bailey's rescheduled changes, and that meant she was on for three consecutive twelve-hour shifts. But, the worst thing was Derek's unforeseen VIP patient scheduled to arrive from Chicago at midnight, with surgery immediately following, and since it was a procedure requiring several hours, they'd effectively given up being at home; alone together on the night of their sixth month wedding anniversary.

"Izzie," Meredith left a voice mail in the early afternoon, "please call me. My shift ends at eleven tonight and I need your help."

"Mer," Izzie walked up to her shortly after the phone call. "You're back, how was it? Was Mcbitchy as bad as when she was here?"

"It was a lovely visit," Meredith smiled. "Wonderful in fact."

"Mer," Izzie said, eyes wide and usual perky tone, "you're putting me on?"

"No," Meredith told her, "it truly was."

"Mcbitchy was nice?"

"I really didn't know what to expect, especially from Nancy, but the whole family was very welcoming, and Izzie, oh my God...he has an aunt, that's a nun," Meredith started to tell her and they shared a few laughs over the fifteen minutes of her break, as well as securing Izzie's help for her evening plans.

"Hey," Meredith heard his voice as she stood in front of the surgical board; she was now scheduled for an appendectomy at eight. "I'm going home, try to get a few hours of sleep before I come back here tonight."

"I know," she smiled as he nuzzled her neck. "Will I see you at home, before you come back here tonight?"

"I'm going to get bite to eat with Mark and he's going to drop me off at home, that way you have the car when your shift ends," he put his arms around her. "We'll have a few minutes alone," he kissed her neck, "before I have to come back in."

"I wish we had tonight together," she sighed.

"Me too," he said as he released his hold on her and reached for her hand, "come with me," he said and they walked to his office and as soon as the door was closed behind them, captured her lips.

A soft moan escaped her, "Derek...not fair...no time..."

"I know," he said, as he kissed her again; slipping his tongue between her lips, playfully, teasingly...enticingly until both knew they had to stop; but neither was willing or able to do so.

Alex Karev happened to be walking by Derek's office and heard the unmistakable, and regrettably, familiar recognizable sounds of two very satisfied lovers. It also made him insist on changing his bet; there was no way in hell those two could have sex in silence.

"Happy," she said as he helped tie the drawstring on hers scrubs, "early anniversary."

Derek smiled and kissed. "We may not be together tonight...but...at least...we got a little prelude," he said, and she smiled at his choice of words.

"Mer...you have that look...that secretive smile..."

"No I don't..."

"Yes," he said, and cupped her face and kissed her, a lingering kiss, "you do."

"Maybe..." she agreed and nibbled playfully at his lips.

"Tell me," he said as his hands rested on her hips and brought her closer to him, pressing himself intimately against her.

"I'll give you a hint," she smiled seductively. "Prelude..."

"Prelude...that's what I said..."


"I just meant..."

"I know what you meant," she smiled, "you'll have to wait and see what I mean..."

"That's not fair," he pouted.

"You're pouting," she giggled, "it's a sexy pout," she teased him and brushed his lips with hers and before they left his office made sure there was no doubt her husband knew how very much she loved him and looking forward to what she'd planned for later.

Meredith drove home several hours later and frowned when she walked in to find the house in total darkness; she'd expected Derek to be waiting for her and felt a bit of disappointment until she walked to their bedroom and a small gasp escaped her when she opened the door.

"Derek," she said softly as she met her husband's gaze and smiled, "this is ..."

"Hopefully...romantic," he smiled as he walked up to her and embraced her.

"Very romantic," she smiled, and looked around the dimly illuminated bedroom, where the only light was provided by a couple of candles, and the same type of lighting was visible through the door that led to the bathroom, "did you know...you were going to do this, earlier...when I saw you?"

"Uhmmm..." was his response as he kissed her and began to undress her.

"Don't you have to go," she asked, as his hands continued to remove every article of clothing she wore, and his lips followed a determined path, and she moaned softly when she felt his mouth on her breast.

"Flight's running fifteen minutes late, I have to be at the hospital by twelve fifteen, they're going to call me as soon as they land in Seattle, I'll have ten minutes to get to the hospital."

"So..." she smiled as her hands found their way to his chest, caressing him, delighting in the fact that he was wearing nothing under his robe, but he stopped her.

"This," he said, "is about you..." and he led her to the bathroom where he'd just finished drawing her bath, and she could smell the lavender as he held her hand and she got in the tub.

"Are you joining me?"

"I am," he said, "we haven't fully enjoyed this...your gift," he said, referring to all the products he'd surprised her with months before; the first gift he'd ever bought her.

"We can certainly change that," she said and allowed her body to relax against him as he slid in the tub behind her and held her.

"As much," he said, "as I'd like to do that...I have less than a half hour to leave here, so for now," he nuzzled her neck and started raining kisses along the curve of her neck, "right now...I'm just going to help my wife...with her bath..." and he did, and they teased each other playfully, seductively with their touch and their words, "remember...I have experience with baths...that are only baths," he said and loved to hear her giggle.

They had indeed found the path to healing, evident by their ability to joke about a time of their lives where all had not been perfect, where insecurities and doubts had reigned, but now had all been replaced by their love for each other and the unshakeable strength of their commitment.

"Yes," she giggled, "you certainly do...but Derek..." she said as she felt his hands on her body, and it was obvious they were both remembering one particular bath long ago, the setting similar with candles surrounding them, yet all was totally different.


"You also," she smiled and then a satisfied moan as his hands continued to roam.

"I also..." he said and loved her quiet moan as his mouth sucked gently on her skin.

"I forgot," she said, as his hands made every inch of skin he touched tingle in anticipation.

"What if I remind you," he said, biting her ear lobe, "later..."

"That's," she said, and turned her face up to his, and he captured her lips, and then much later, breathlessly, "what ...I was thinking...and...our honeymoon...that bath..."

"I thought," he said, once he'd helped her out of the tub and dried her off, and each word he murmured held a pause as he kissed spots only he knew could set her on fire, "since I can't be with you...to celebrate the first second of this anniversary...I could at least...tuck you in...knowing you'll be waiting for me...to come," she silenced him and kissed him, and it was much later when he smiled at her and said, "home."

Derek stood over his patient, methodically and concisely discussing the options and next steps with the team as they approached the second hour of surgery. They'd rushed the patient into surgery at exactly twelve twenty five and it was now almost one forty in the morning. Suddenly, a few minutes later, he knew, she was close by and before he had a chance to look up or wonder why Bokey, one of his favorite nurses, had walked away from the table, music echoed through the walls of the operating room, and his heart was overwhelmed by emotion.

"At last..." the soulful voice of Etta James filled the room, "my love has come along," and he looked up, for a brief second, all he could afford, and met Meredith's gaze through the scrub room's glass pane.

"Bokey," Derek said, "I believe there's a romantic in you..."

"Not me Dr. Shepherd," she said as her smile reached her eyes, and he saw the amusement behind the glasses.

"Thank you," Derek said, as the song came to an end, and he was surprised yet again, "and you were mine...at last," when he heard, "No more talk of darkness...forget these wide- eyed fears," and blinked rapidly as he felt the sting of sentimental tears and looked up to see Meredith's glimmering gaze, even from a distance he knew she too felt what he did, and locked gazes with the equally sentimental teary eyes.

What Derek couldn't see or didn't know was that his wife was fully scrubbed in, and right before the next and last song she'd selected was played, thanks to Izzie's help, she was fully gowned with her mask in place and walked over to him, as he heard the guitar string and then lyrics to a well loved song, "Darling you gotta let me know, should I stay or should I go?"

Meredith stood next to him and he smiled at the scent of her; lavender. The song played out and once it was over, and the room filled with silence again, their eyes met, the smiles hidden behind their masks clearly visible to everyone in the room and she raised an eyebrow in search of an answer, and with a brief pause he leaned in to touch their faces, nose to nose, mouths barely touching but enough for them to remember this as one of their most romantic and beginnings to a memorable anniversary celebration.

"Happy anniversary," she said, before she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you Meredith," he said loud enough for all to hear, and before quickly returning to his patient's surgery, "happy anniversary."

Meredith backed away from him and smiled, "thank you Bokey."

"Anytime Mrs. Shepherd," the nurse told her with a wink, "it was my pleasure."

"Dr. Grey," one of the others in the room asked, "have you changed your name?"

"No," Meredith said, "still Dr. Grey," and she felt Derek's eyes on her, "but no doubt that it's always Mrs. Shepherd."

A couple of people laughed, they were all part Derek's favorite team and thus, none felt they had to hold back, some had even given him numerous glaring and disapproving stares over the Rose fiasco, or as Bokey had told him once, his stupidity, "well done...staking your claim to McDreamy."

"I think" Meredith laughed, "by now, everyone knows that, we have been married six months."

"Oh that they do," one of the younger interns said, "especially after this afternoon."

"Crap," Meredith mumbled, while Derek laughed.

"Actually," Bokey said, "her claim to McDreamy happened long before their wedding."

"Dr. Grey," Derek teased her, "would you like to stay? Wait for me to go home?"

"I'd love to," she said as their eyes met.

Meredith had indeed stayed and found an on-call room to get some sleep. Several hours later she felt her husband's lips on hers, "hey...sleeping beauty...or should I say...my sentimental...romantic...sleeping beauty..."

"Uhmmm...Derek...you've finished?" she asked groggily.

"I am," he said as he joined her in bed and held her. "I love you."

"I love you too," she snuggled into his embrace. "What time's it?"

"Almost six..." he said, "another hour...before sunrise."

"Uhmm...love you," she said as she reached to entwine their fingers.

"Mer...I loved what you did...how did you manage it? Who was in on it?"

"Derek," she mumbled, "sleepy...talk...later..."

"Meredith," he insisted as he nuzzled her neck, kissing her softly, "I have a surprise for you...but you have to wake up."

"Derek," she whined, "it's too early...and we haven't slept in two nights."

"I know this place where there's an amazing view of sunrise over the ferryboats," he whispered and felt her tremble slightly in his arms before she turned to face him.

"Where it all began," she said and he saw the sentimental tears in her eyes, "the night we truly began to fall in love..."

"It was," he told her, "I knew then...without any doubts, that I wanted you in my life," he said and she kissed him as she completely forgot how early it was.

"Derek," she smiled as her lips found his once again, before she said, "take me for a ride..."

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