Another Thursday Morning

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The moon's reflection on the lake turned golden as the surrounding mountains welcomed the rays of the risen sun, two lovers entwined, oblivious to time as the clock chimed the morning's welcome.

The light glare reflected off the double paned glass doors, as Meredith snuggled closer in Derek's embrace, and slowly she became aware morning had dawned. His arms instinctively wrapped even tighter around her and as he felt her shift slightly, his legs hugged hers closer, and she placed a soft kiss on his chin, the feel of this stubble making her smile as she thought of the different times the night before she'd felt the familiar prickly sensation on her body.

Derek was sleeping soundly on his back, her head resting on his chest where she could clearly see the bright flowers on the terrace basking in the warmth of the first rays of sun as the drops of dew disappeared, just as similarly, her doubts disappeared as she now basked in the knowledge that he loved her, unconditionally.

Meredith was still trying to get used to this new emotion, of being loved, of their love, their commitment. This man, that loved her she thought. Her husband, she smiled as she watched him sleep, for the first time in what seemed like months, heaviness absent from his heart, and she could feel in his breathing the peace that had settled within him, because, she too felt the same. Derek had made sure the last few weeks and most certainly last night to not only show her, with every touch, but tell her with every word he murmured that she was and always would be the love of his life, and all he would ever need to be happy.

Now, she had to find the way to make him feel the same way. For always, she thought as she tenderly caressed the hand that now lay softly on her stomach and her fingers gently touched his wedding band. She wondered what he was going to feel when he read the inscription she'd chosen, as neither had removed their wedding band. Last night, Derek had asked for her to let him love her, and give her a night of romance, but it had been so much more than that, it has transcended all they'd ever experienced before. Last night, their wedding night, she smiled through the misty film in her eyes, they'd bared each other's heart and soul and all of those emotions manifested themselves in the most loving and sensual physical expressions of their love.

Meredith softly placed her lips on his and gently pulled her naked body away from his embrace, then disentangled her legs from his and without disturbing him slipped out of bed and covered his body with the down comforter.

She moved quietly around the room and considered closing the drapes, but thought better of it. He'd risen to let the moonlight in last night, and he'd enjoy welcoming the first morning of their married life, Derek she thought smiling would think of and notice things like that, and she picked up their discarded clothing from the floor and went downstairs.

"Good morning love," he felt the quiet words upon his lips, and smiled.

"Good morning," he replied, slowly opening his eyes, "Mrs. Shepherd."

"I love you Derek," she said as she leaned in and kissed him again.

"Haven't brushed my teeth yet," he said holding back, while gently caressing her cheek.

"Nor shaved," she said stroking the stubble on his face, her fingers lifting his chin as she brushed his lips again, "but...I love you anyway."

"Uhmmm..." he said, "really..."

"Well..." she smiled, "I'm stuck with you anyway...might as well..."

"Stuck with me..." he said with a feigned pout.

"Derek..." she smiled.

"Meredith..." he said, his hand reaching for hers, their fingers laced.

"I adore you..." she said and captured his mouth.


"Well," she said, as she sat on the edge of the bed facing him, her left hand lying on his chest, "I have good news and bad news..."

"Mer..." he said more seriously, "what's wrong...are you ok?"

"I brought you coffee..." she said pointing to the tray on the nightstand, attempting to conceal her amusement.

"Ok..." he said as he noticed two cups, a glass of orange juice and two bowls.



"I may have burned down part of the kitchen...attempting to make you breakfast."

"Oh my God," he said sitting up quickly on the bed, "you didn't."

"You could at least be all husband like...and ask if I'm all right," she said, averting her gaze to keep him from guessing her mischief, just yet.

"Meredith, I already did that, but seriously...what didn't have to cook, all we had to do was call..." he said as he ran his hands through his hair and attempted to get up from the bed.

She laid her hands on his chest, pushing him back softly, "you of little faith..." she giggled, and kissed him and handed him a cup of coffee.

"You..." he said, in between sipping his coffee and her kisses, "you...tease..."

"I thought..." she smiled, "you liked...your teasing...wife..."

"I liked her very much," he laughed, "last night..."

"But," she giggled, "not this morning."

" are wearing a lot more clothing than last night," he said, as he raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Uhmmm..." she replied, "not really..."

"Mer," he said, as he placed the cup back on the nightstand, and reached for the loose knot of the white linen robe she wore and pulled her closer, and kissed her, "this is a lot more than that black..."

"I'm..." she whispered in his ear, "completely naked under this."

"Why didn't you say so sooner," he chuckled.

" were too concerned with me burning down the kitchen," she joked.

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you Derek," she said seconds before he'd pulled her on top of him.

"Completely naked," he said, as he untied the sash at her waist and she felt the warmth of his hands on her body.

"You...however..." she said.

"I'm completely naked under this comforter," he said, kissing her neck, "as you already know..."

"My point..." she said kissing him deeply, "exactly...get rid of the comforter."

"I thought you brought me breakfast," he murmured.

"I can make some more," she giggled and gave in to his devouring kiss.

"You can make..." he laughed, glancing over to the tray, "more cereal."

"It's the thought that counts," she laughed.

"It is," he agreed and they became lost in each other, and soon their naked bodies were pressed against the other, the warmth of the comforter unnecessary.

"Derek..." she whispered, "I've paid back," and nipped at his lips, "all of your favorite things..."

"Yes," he mumbled, "yes..." he said as he kissed her softly and wrapped his arms around her, her face resting on his chest.

"So have you...Derek..." she said, "and Derek..."

"Yes," he said as his hands gently caressed her back

"I do..." she turned her face and softly kissed his chest, working her way up to his mouth, ""

"So do I, Meredith..." he said kissing her softly.

"Derek," she whispered.


"Then, why are you holding"



"Maybe...we should wait...we had a long night..." he said, continuing to caress her back tenderly, and cupping her face his hand gently stroked her cheek.

"We did..." she said as she reached for him, his throbbing erection in her hand, "why do you want to wait?"

"Mer...last night," he said taking a deep breath, "we...maybe...aren't's's soon..."

"Since the baby," she whispered, as she kissed him tenderly.

"Yes..." he said quietly.

"Derek...I'm ok..." she said softly, "and do you know... how... much I love you... so very much...for thinking of me...but...I'm ok, love...I am...and I want you."

"Meredith...I want you too," he said, removing her hand, yet pressing against her, "I just...if we needed to wait...we can wait."

She grasped his hand and whispered, " ready I am..."

"Meredith," he said as he pulled her under him

"Make love to me," she said upon his lips, inching closer, her voice a soft whimper, "please..." she continued rocking against him, "and...let me love you..."

"Meredith..." he mumbled breathlessly.

"It's our wedding morning...Derek... "

"I think," he said, his voice thick with lust, "we greeted the morning in its early hours..."

"Uhmm...we did...but...the sun wasn't out yet."

"So...we continue..." he said, as he began to trail kisses from her neck until his lips reached her breasts, "with all our favorite things."

"Yes..." she smiled, and reached for him again, to guide him to her but he stilled her hand.

"Yes...but..." he paused and pulled away from her to reach over to open the drawer.


"Mer...we took enough chances last night," he said and she consented, taking the foil wrap from his hand and then rolled the condom over him.

"Derek," she urged, "don't make me wait...any longer..." and before she finished her sentenced she felt him gently begin to fill her, " don't have to..."

"What..." he said trying to be as gentle as possible in spite of her reassurances.

"I want" she said, "unleash the panther Derek..." she said as she raised her hips making it impossible for him to continue being gentle, and she felt his first hard thrust.

"Mer..." he said, still trying to maintain some self control.

"Don't..." she said contracting around him, "hold back...please..."

"I don't..." he said, his voice broken, "think I can..." as he thrust into her again, this time, letting her set the pace of their love making, the cries of their fulfillment echoing throughout the room, as well as the words of love exchanged between them.

"Derek," she said long after he'd withdrawn for her and her fingers traced imaginary lines on his chest, as they both rested on their sides facing each other, "I think the beasts need..."

"Meredith..." he said as they simultaneously reached out for each other's hand, their fingers intertwined, "I don't think this beast is as young as you think he is..."

She giggled, "I was going to say food...and sleep..."

"Uhmmm...sleep..." he chuckled, "did we get any last night?"

"We did..." she laughed, as she leaned in to kiss him, "about three hours..."

"That much..." he said kissing her deeper, their bodies, again barely a few inches away.

"Derek," she smiled upon his lips, "I think ..." and kissed him, teasingly...seductively, "my beast..."

"Your beast," his laughter was a roar.

"Yes...all mine..." she teased, " panther...mine..." she separated the almost non existence distance between them, molding her body to his, reaching to caress his face, "for always."

"Meredith..." he paused, "yes..." and his lips settled on the base of her neck, by her collar bone biting gently.

"And...Derek..." she started to say, and lost her train of thought as she felt his mouth give another quick bite before continuing its course, "you're perfect...if you were any younger..."


"Truth..." she said softly, her mouth trailing kisses down his neck, and then up again nipping at his earlobe, whispering words that made him chuckle, "I wouldn't be able to keep up..."

"My...insatiable bride," he laughed softly.

"Ah...and exactly what would we call you..." she giggled, as their hands continued to caress the other's body.

"Luckily, not a dead horse's ass," he joked, and their laughter echoed through the room.

He gathered her close to him, "I love you Derek."

"I love you, Meredith," he said as the clocked chimed the eight o'clock hour, and he kissed the top of her head as she lay comfortably in his arms.



"Did you ever imagine...we'd be like this..."

"You mean...lying naked in bed...after having made love through the night..."

"That's not new..." she said, as she turned slowly and reached for his hand.

" mean lying in bed...naked...and starving..."

"Fine..." she said, "be that way..."

He had no idea, what prompted the change in her tone, but knew better than to continue teasing her. "Meredith...I'm's been so long...I'm just enjoying being in your arms, as we wake up in the morning."

"I know..." she said softly, "I'm just being sentimental."

"I love you being sentimental..."

"You do..." she said turning to him, "you don't think ...I'm too mushy and sentimental...and silly."

"I think you're beautiful...even more so when you're letting me see that sentimental side..."

"You bring that out in me...Derek...only you."

"I'll do my the rest of our make you happy and sentimental."

"Me too," she said as he heard the sniffle.

"I love you Meredith."

"Derek..." she said, lifting her head to meet his gaze, "don't ever stop telling me."

"That I love you..."

"That you love me...just as I love you."

"Mer..." he smiled.


"If we ever lost our job..." he said, as his hands buried themselves in her hair.

"Why would we..."

"Just go with it," he said, cocking his head and giving her that smile that melted away everything but her love for him.

"Yes..." she smiled.

"Maybe we could write Hallmark cards," he murmured seriously before their carefree laughter was heard through the room.

"I'm going to fix you breakfast," she said, "before you turn completely mushy..."

"Before I starve to death, you mean... and unable to satisfy your appetite."

"That too," she giggled, and began to pull out of his embrace.

"Hey," he said stopping her, "stay in bed, I'll get breakfast."

"" she told him, "my first morning as your wife...I want to get breakfast."

"Mer..." he approached the subject carefully, "you didn't really burn down part of the kitchen."

"You ass," she said, swatting him gently, and got out of bed and slipped on the white linen robe she'd been wearing earlier and reached for the phone and dialed the extension they'd been given the night before and ordered a full breakfast, and walked away from the room towards the bathroom with a smile on her face wondering how long it would take for him to join her.

It wasn't long, seconds in fact before he was by her side and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I prefer plush bath towels," he said, "but admit it's much easier to feel your body with this one," he smiled as his hands moved along the contour of her hips.

"We're just not used to it," she said, "linen towels and robes are not used very often at home, it's more European."

"Noticed that last night," he said, "we need to ask for more towels," he said looking over to the linen towels he'd left by the shower after they'd made love a second time before falling asleep. He stood by the sink to brush his teeth, and she turned on the shower.

"Derek..." she said, as she opened a small closet door, "there are plenty of plush warm towels in here," she smiled and took out a large white robe for him, "to keep you warm."

"You think I need that to keep warm," he laughed.

"You've been naked an awfully long time," she teased as she let her robe fall to the marble floor and opened the door to the shower.

"And planning to stay that way for a bit longer," he said as he walked in behind her, "any objections?"

"None at all," she giggled, and then all that could be heard was the water as it reached its destination on the marble floor, before first falling softly on the two bodies intimately entwined.

We don't have very long," she whispered against his mouth, "before they tell us breakfast is served."

"We have enough time...for me to ..."

"Yes..." she said in anticipation.

"Wash every inch of your body..."

"Derek..." she said seductively, "we have time for a little more than that..."

"Maybe just a little," he chuckled, as he captured her mouth, while his hands proceeded to wash her entire body.

"So...who cares if we're late," she smiled, as she reached for the body wash and did the same for him.

Almost an hour later they were served breakfast, "what are you smiling at?"

"Thank God," she said quietly, "they don't sleep here."

He chuckled, " very loud wife."

"Me..." she challenged playfully, "they'd been scared to death," she said as she started to laugh, "if they kept hearing a ...panther's roar."

"I didn't hear any complaints last night," he joked, as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Nor will you..." she said, leaning over and brushing his lips softly, "never...ever..."

"Insatiable," he smiled, as he still held her hand.

"Well...except..." she took a deep breath before she brought his hand to her lips.


"You...seem to satisfy my hunger...over and over again..."

"So do you Mrs. Shepherd."



"Do you want me to be Dr. Shepherd? When we get back."

"I want what you want," he said looking at her tenderly.

"I will...if you want me to..."

"I understand, Mer...that you want to continue being Dr. Grey...I get it."

"I...I just ...maybe till I finish my they can't say the only reason I got in was because of my mom...and comments about royally inbred...and all that..." she finished, a sad smile on her face as she thought of her mother.

"Meredith, I think you will be better than your Mom one day..."

"I don't need to be better...just..."

"You're going to be better...I already know that," he said, and leaned in to kiss her.

"Derek...I may be Dr. Grey, professionally ...just for now...that is, but everything else, I'm Mrs. Shepherd...and I don't want anyone having any doubts...I mean...especially at the hospital..."

"Marking your territory," he said amused at her ramblings.

"Yes," she said emphatically, "and you better..."

"Meredith...I love being your husband...and that everyone will're mine."

"Who's marking their territory now..." she teased.

"Damn right..." he said, and he leaned in to kiss her deeply.

The older woman interrupted them, too late to retreat to the kitchen, "I'm sorry...I just wanted to say..."

"Please don't apologize. Angela, last night's dinner and this breakfast were wonderful," Meredith told her.

"Signora Meredith...grazie, what time would you like for me to serve lunch?"

"Don't worry about lunch," Derek told her, "we probably will be out, explore a bit of the town, and dinner as well."

"It's a very small town," she said and as her husband walked in and helped remove the breakfast dishes, and both told them of the best places to visit around the lake.

"I will leave you dinner, all you need to do is heat it, but if you prefer to call me, just let us know when you get back," she said, though Derek assured they would be fine on their own, and would call them in the morning.

Meredith and Derek walked outside and toured a bit of the property, the temperature had turned warmer and they were able to enjoy a leisurely morning stroll, the view of the lake a perfect compliment to their emotions, smooth and peaceful. Every so often, in perfect sync with the other they'd stop and a gentle embrace would lead to their lips finding each other and new threads were woven into the tapestry of a legendary tale. A tale that had begun yet another chapter in a city of legends, and the unexpected sadness woven in a small corner weeks ago, was now being transformed with the healing power of childhood prayers long ago forgotten, and those of a man who'd almost forgotten their power, and fate continued weaving its magic in the life of lovers long ago destined to be together

"Did I ever imagine," he murmured in her ear, his lips softly kissing the side of he neck, ear, as they rested against the plush red cushions on the outside chaise, his legs raised and spread to nestle her back against his chest, his arms wrapped around her, "you asked...before I so rudely interrupted you..."

"We were naked at the time," she giggled.

"Did I ever imagine," he said again, "that faith...long ago forgotten, would remind me prayers...would be answered...that you would trust me again...that you'd forgive me?"

"Derek..." she said quietly, and was unable to keep the tears from gathering.

" crying."

"You don't know that," she said barely above a whisper.

"I do...I've told you...even without looking at you I can feel your every emotion."

"Derek..." she said reaching for his hand, "you really feel that way."

"I do..."

"Me too..." she said and turned gently in his arms, and he felt her tears, "you had to forgive me too."

He lifted her face to meet her gaze and kissed the tears away, "don't cry...please..."

"They're sentimental tears...I promise," she said as she brushed his lips.



"Ok then..." he said, gently tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears.

"Last night...that song, listen Derek...Angela must like it, she has that CD playing again..." she said as they heard the faint sound of the same music through the open doors of the kitchen, "when I heard it, it make me think...of us...of the last few far we've come..." she said, and though she attempted not to cry the emotions were overwhelming.

"It was," he said, repeating the lyrics softly against her ear as they heard the words again, "let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our days...Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace."

She finished the words softly, "Let this be our prayer, just like every child, needs to find a place...give us faith so we'll be safe." Tears rolled down her cheek, "she found her place...Derek."

"She did..." he said unable to hide his own tears, "she did..."

"I love you...Derek...and you know...what my favorite title for you was..."

"What," he said, bracing himself for her words.

"Brianna's daddy..."

"Oh...Mer..." he said as he engulfed her in his embrace, "I'm sorry..."

"It's is..." she said, "she's safe..."

"She is..." he assured her.

"It's been fifteen days..." he heard her whimper.

"I know..." he whispered, holding her close, hoping she'd like the small token he'd bought to remember their child.

"I'd forgotten...growing up," she told him, after long minutes of being held in the safety of his arms, "how much I'd wanted a family...and gave me yours..."

"It's ours...our family now," he said, he too unable to hide his emotion.

"And one day..." she finished, "we'll tell our kids...our story."

"Yes..." he said tenderly, cupping her face and kissing her, "we will..."

"Maybe..." she smiled, "we'll have a few edits."

"Just a few," he agreed as he captured her mouth, and then breathless, they lay contentedly in each other's arms.

"Hey...sleeping beauty," he said, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm not sleeping," she said and imagined his grin, "and I'm not snoring."

"I wasn't going to say that," he smiled, and she placed her hand over his, tracing his wedding band.



"Your mom still wears her wedding rings."

"She's never taken them off, that I can recall."

"Do you think their inscribed...that your Dad wrote something?"

"I don't know...but you can ask her," he said, and they continued to hold each other.

"Remember..." she said, and leaned in softly to kiss him.

"What..." he said, "there's so many things ...good things to remember."

"Today..." she said, their gazes locked, "it's another Thursday morning..."

"And you still smell like lavender," he said, emotion evident in his voice as he leaned in to kiss her, "except...we will do this...everyday...for the rest of your lives."

"For always..." she smiled upon his lips.

"For always..." he said and kissed her before she settled snuggly in his arms again, enjoying the crisp morning breeze, a hint of flowers in the air.

"You know I had your ring inscribed."

" did I..."

"You did..." she smiled, "but we haven't read them."

"Don't you want to know what it says..." she asked almost shyly.

"I do...I was wondering...why you weren't curious about it," he said.

"I am...but, after this one," she said holding out her right hand, and looking at her gold ring, "your inscription was so perfect...not sure it can live up to it."

"Mer...whatever you had inscribed will be perfect too..."

"I haven't wanted to take off my ring," she said.

"What if we take them off the same time, and then put them back on," he suggested.

"We could do that," she said, and reached for his hand, to remove his ring as he did the same with hers and then placed it on the palm of the other's hand.

Derek reached for his and read, and his eyes filled with tears, the lump in his throat rendering him speechless.

"Oh..." she said in a soft broken sob, "Derek..." she whispered as she let the tears fall.

"It's..." he finally said, "it's the same thing I wrote."

"Yes..." she cried softly, "it must be true..."

"Of course it's true..." he said and kissed her tears away before capturing her mouth, both giving in to the depth of their feelings.

"You said..." she sniffled, "you said the hint...that the L was very important..."

"It was..." he agreed, "in more ways than one," he smiled, his tongue slipping in her mouth again.

"It is..." she said minutes later, holding her platinum wedding band.

"Will you put it on me...again," she asked.

He took her ring, and before placing it on her finger, read the inside again, legends...for always, and his eyes filled with tears as he slipped the ring on her finger, "I love you...Meredith, I will always love you."

"Derek...were you thinking of love...when you told me that? When you said L?"

"I was...but I was also thinking of legends...the Bridge of Sighs...and you me..."

"My soul mate," she whispered, "Derek...when I wrote the inscription was the voice of my soul...legends...for always," she said as she read the inscription on the inside of his wedding band, " I love you Derek, and just as my other ring says...I will love you beyond this lifetime."

"Meredith..." he said, his voice broken by the emotion, "my wife...the love of my life."

" are the love of mine...even when I never knew I wanted or believed knight in charming prince charming," she said reverently, "my husband," she said reverently, "for always," and the taste of tears of joy, love and wonder mingled on their lips as she brought her lips to his before he devoured hers completely.

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