Motherly Affection Part 1

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Meredith was still smiling when she walked in the resident's lounge, and was not paying much attention to the looks she was getting from her friends, when Dr. Bailey spoke up.

"Grey, you may feel like the cat that swallowed the canary, but you're still late."

"Sorry Dr. Bailey, I was held up at the nurse's station."

"With that Mcfool no doubt," Miranda said, but Meredith could tell she was trying not to smile, "why is it none of you have learned to be on time, where's Karev," she said just as he walked in, "about time you joined us."

"Yes, ma'am," he muttered.

"Ok,'ve seen your schedules, there's been some reassignments for the next week, any questions?"

"Yes," Cristina asked, "why?"

" questioning my scheduling?"

"No. Just curious, you don't normally do this."

"Well, sometimes I just follow orders...Yang, from above," she said.

"Yes ma'am." Cristina answered.

"You've got work to do, all of you...get to your interns, instead of having them running around this hospital doing God knows what foolish thing."

Cristina and Izzie started to walk out, while Meredith and Alex changed into their scrubs, and he started to leave followed quickly by Meredith.

"Grey, a word with you," Miranda who'd been seating on the couch called out to her.

"Dr.Bailey, I thought you'd left."

"Meredith, they don't know you're off the schedule."

"Neither did I till last night."

"Seriously, that man hadn't told you..."

"No ma'am."

"Well, he really does want to surprise you," she smiled.

"You mean you know...knew he's taking me on a trip..."

"You people just don't get it, I know everything..." she smiled and then softer, "yes, Meredith, he told me, and I'm glad we could make it work. Now, I'm not sure he told you when you get back you won't be seeing any time off in a long while."

"Yes, he did tell me that," she smiled. "Dr. Bailey, thank you, for everything you've done for us...for me the last few weeks."

"He's been on cloud 9 since I told him you didn't have to be back till Monday, so I hope he lives up to that McDreamy name...and if he doesn't, Grey you come to me," she joked.

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith said, "you're an old softie."

"I may be older than you Grey," she said gruffly, "but I'm no softie."

"Your secret is safe with me."

"Make sure of it," she said and hugged Meredith. "You take care of yourself, and don't over do it, get some rest, plenty of alcohol on your flight, and walk around a bit...don't sit the whole's important."

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Yes, and don't ask."

"I'm not going to, he wants to surprise me and I'm going to let him."

"Let him take care of you too, Meredith, that's part of his own healing, over your loss."

"I know," she said and hesitant at first, she gave Miranda a kiss on the cheek, "thank you again, for caring."

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