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"Derek, what did you forget?"

"I'm not sure, Kathleen..." Meredith answered trying not to laugh.

"Meredith...what...this is a surprise..."

"Uh huh..."

"How's the spa?"

"The spa is wonderful, and Derek has been ...well, since you know about it...he's truly earned McDreamy status...but...are you going to tell me what you think he forgot?"

" busybody...I cannot believe you picked up his phone."

"Oh...well, he lied to me...I heard him say Kathleen, so I knew he was talking to you, and then, when I asked him he told me he was talking to housekeeping...but, I knew it was you, and I picked up the phone when he went to take a shower...and it was, and...
uh ...well I called you going to tell me why he called...well, not so much why he called, of course he can call you...but why he lied to me about calling you..."

Kathleen laughed, "I've missed your ramblings Mer..."

"Meredith," Derek called out, "do you want to join me..."

"Oh, crap...Kathleen, I'll call you right back, Derek's calling me..."

"I thought he was in the shower..."

"He is," she laughed, "I'll call you back..."

"You do that...though Mer, it's not nice to tease you know..." she said and heard Meredith's "oh be quiet," before she disconnected the call.

"Derek," she said, and opened the bathroom door, "what are you talking about..."

"Do you want to join me..." he said, as he stood completely naked and began to run the water in the whirlpool tub.

"I...I don't think it's a very good idea right now," she said just a bit shy, "you know...maybe in a few days would be better."

"How about giving me a backrub...casting lines for hours has every muscle aching...I must be getting old," he joked, and reached out to hug her.

"Derek, don't you dare...I've already had a shower and don't want to smell of fish..."

"I already took a shower too..." he said... "got rid of the fish smell...but then, this tub looks inviting," and ignoring her protest, embraced her and brought his mouth to hers, and they got lost in their caresses, eliciting soft moans of desire from each other.

"Derek," she said, pulling away, "this is not a good know...I can't...and it's only going to be more frustrating...and I don't want you to call me a tease again, we can't..." she said, and pulled away.

"Meredith, come on," he groaned in frustration, "I'm willing...I can handle it...and I know you're not a tease."

"I have no doubt you're willing, that is perfectly obvious," she told him as his arousal was evident, "but, Derek, I can't...not now, and we don't have to wait till I can have sex...but, give me... give me just a few days," she said, hoping he'd understand that though she wanted him, emotionally she was not really in the mood.

"Don't apologize...I was only thinking of my needs...we can wait..."

"'s not that...really...I just..."

"'s ok...I was not very sensitive..."

"Derek, no, I don't want you to think've been very sensitive...and I'm just...I'm sorry...I'm not..."

"You're not in the mood...Meredith...I get's, it is...nothing changes...I get it...we can wait."

"You're not mad," she asked quietly.

"Of course I'm not mad...I'll be out in a bit...I'm going to run all these whirlpool options and make the aches in my body disappear..."

"Derek," she said, hugging him, his arousal still evident, "you're not old, quite the contrary."

He kissed her, and laughing told her, "leave now."

She closed the door behind her, and grabbed his phone and settled on a chair by the fire and dialed Kathleen again.

"Meredith, did you drown him?"

"No...but he had a small conversation."

"I'm sure..."

"We did...seriously."

"How are you?"

"I'm ok...oh, Kathleen, I'm so rude, I didn't even ask you how you'd made it home."

"How much do you want to hear?"

"What do you mean?"

"My brother did not want to hear about how we almost didn't make it home in one piece," se laughed.

"What are you talking about...what happened...wait, you tried to tell Derek how you didn't wait to get home for sex..." she laughed.

"Exactly...I swear Meredith, he has turned into such prude."

"Kathleen, trust me...he isn't," Meredith laughed.

"Ok, I guess I get it...I don't want to hear about his sexcapades either," she said and both she and Meredith laughed.



"I didn't really call you to ask you about Derek...about his call to you..."

"You didn't?"

"Well, it was true, I did hear him say Kathleen while he was talking to you, and I did pick up the phone and dialed you...but I wanted to talk to you...needed to talk to you really," she said, biting on her lower lip, "it just ...I didn't want to wait till we got back, and I though it would be ok...if I called you..."

"Meredith, of course it's ok, honey, you don't need an excuse or a reason to call me, you just do tell me, what's wrong?"

"There's nothing really wrong Kathleen, except...well, I'm not sure...I wanted to ask you if it was normal...if you think my I'm feeling is normal."

"Tell me about it," she encouraged.

"Well," she began, "I think I'm overly emotional and I still feel like crying a lot, and this morning," she said and told her what happened at breakfast a swell as her emotional rollercoaster the last few days, which even though Kathleen had been there, she was not aware of it all.

"Mer, what you're telling me, it's perfectly normal, and you'll probably feel this way for several weeks, I can tell you it will get better...each day gets better, but when something like this morning happens, you will feed that sadness all over, and it's's very good that you are talking about it...that you and Derek are dealing with it together...and when you go back to work, and see everyone, you'll probably experience some form of emotions like you had today...and honey, it's normal. It's very early's only been four's very normal.

"Kathleen, thank you...I was so worried...and Derek I know is too...and I don't want him to have to deal with all of this."

"Listen to me...Meredith, he does have to deal with have to deal with this together...don't's important for both of you to talk about this."

"We are...and I wanted to do something for him, and we went fishing today."

"You went fishing..." Kathleen laughed, "you're joking."

"I'm not...and I caught the biggest fish..."

"That's priceless."

"Kathleen, before...before Derek gets out here, can I ask you something else...but not as his sister...I're his sister, but I need for you to forget you are his sister..."

"This is sex related isn't it?"

"Yes..." she said, and went on to tell her a small version of their earlier encounter, "Kathleen, it's not that I don't want to be with him, but, is it normal...that I'm not in the mood, because...I want him...I do...I love him, and...being with him...when he touches's just...but...right now...I just can't."

"Oh, my God, I am going to kill him..." Kathleen said, "he is being such a moron, if I could get my hands on him right now."

"Kathleen, I don't ant you to be mad at him...he's done nothing wrong...he hasn't, I just needed to know...if this...what I'm feeling if it's ok...if it's normal..."

"Of course it's normal, there's not too many women that are thinking of having sex, or rather pleasing their partner after they've just had a miscarriage...and he needs to understand," she said still a bit annoyed with her brother.

"Kathleen, don't be annoyed with him, he is being very sensitive...he is...just earlier...well, I felt bad...I don't want him to feel I'm rejecting him and needed to know if my reaction, what I'm feeling is normal at this point."

"It is...don't worry about it...and don't push yourself to be ready for something you are not...Mer, this is a very emotional time, and your hormones are not helping you ...just take it one day at a time..."

"That's what Derek has said."

"Maybe he's not such a moron," Kathleen conceded.

"Kathleen, he's not a moron..." Meredith said softly, "well, at least not right now."

"Meredith," Derek called out, "who are you talking to?"

"Housekeeping," she yelled back.

"You two..." Kathleen laughed, "are made for each other."

"I think so," she said smiling, "Kathleen, thank you."

"You're welcome, and remember I'm a call away."

"I know..."

"Hey, Mom loved your email."

"She told you?"

"Uh huh, she's already on the warpath with Nancy, warning her she better change her tune, quickly"

"Oh, no, she must hate me even more."

"You have the Shepherd pillars behind you...Mer, you have nothing to worry about."

"That's what Derek said too," she smiled, "you and your Mom..."

"Damn right, she knows better than to mess with us."

"She's pretty formidable herself."

"Yeah...but she's bitchy, and I'm not...and you've got your big sister protecting you, not to mention a pregnant Jenna," she stopped, wanting to kick herself, oh...Mer...I'm sorry."

"Kathleen... you don't have to tiptoe around it, it's ok, really...and you've been here for me, and I really needed you...and thank you...that's what matters."

"You're, get off the phone before my brother joins you."

"I don't care, I'm going to tell him I spoke to you."

"You are?"

"Yes...we're rebuilding our relationship...and it feels good...the trust...and the talking...I won't do anything to risk that."

"Mer...that's great, but's ok to have some secrets."

"I'll keep that in mind, I'll call you soon," she said, just as Derek was coming out of the bathroom.

"Mer, can you let housekeeping know it's three hours later on the west coast."


"Say hello to Kathleen," he smirked.

" jerk."

"Uh huh..."

"Kathleen, I'm busted," she said laughing, "I'll call you, after I get back to work."

" called my sister..." he said, coming closer to her, "you stole my phone and went through my calls and called my sister...I never expected that from you..."

"Derek, I know it was wrong, but I heard you talking to her, I did, and then you didn't tell me, I was curious, but ...honestly...I didn't call her for that, I needed to talk to her, and I'm sorry, I've never done anything like that...I'd never go through your things or anything, but I knew it was her, so I just dialed..."

"You expect me to believe that...that you'd never go through my things..." he said jokingly, though she did not see his smile.

"Derek...I wouldn't, I never have..." she said, and looked away, "I never would have done that, if...if I thought you'd think ...that you can't trust me... I'm sorry," she said quietly, and he heard the sadness in her voice.

"Hey, look at me..." he said as he stood in front of her, both arms resting on the sides of the chair and leaning in toward her, his face inches away from hers.

"I need you to trust me..." she said quietly, still not looking at him.

"I do..." he said, leaning further and kissing her, "with my life."

He heard the broken sigh, and pulled her from the chair and hugged her, and whispered tender words in her ear.

"I've never...never been enough for anyone Derek...and I don't want to do anything to disappoint make you regret being with me," she whimpered in his arms, "and for you to think...I'd careless...with your privacy..."

"Do you want to know what I think...what I thought, when I heard you were speaking to my sister," he said as he took her previous place on the chair, and pulled her with him.

"That I was rude," she asked, barely a half smile on her lips, as she relaxed somewhat after his words.

"I thought...maybe I had done something right...that calling Kathleen to come to Seattle was the best thing I had done...after screwing up so much where we're concerned, that you would feel you could reach out and call her...that made me feel good..." he kissed her lightly, "happy that I was a little responsible for you feeling that way...for you beginning to trust people...let them in, and I was happy it was my sister."

"Really..." she asked, "you weren't mad."

"Really...I'm glad, Meredith, that you felt you could call her..."

"Derek...I have a long way to go...being whole for you...for me...our relationship, I'm going to schedule my appointment with Dr.Wyatt, as soon I get back to work."

"That's good, and remember...I'm always here, whatever you want to talk about, but we have to talk...ok?"


"I'll go with you...if you want me to...I'll go with you to Dr.Wyatt."

"I may need you," she said, lacing their fingers together.

"Then you just ask."

"Derek...I did ask Kathleen why you called..."

"Uh huh..."

"Did you hear my whole conversation?"

"No, I heard you say her name and I heard you laugh, I figured it wasn't housekeeping."

"Well, you started with that."

"So...what did she tell you..."


"Nothing..." he questioned.

"Well, nothing about why you called, I mean, I asked her, but she's not saying a word, though I told her I wasn't calling about that..." then quietly, "I needed to talk to her."

"You've said that before...what did you need to talk to her about? You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to...but if you think it will help..."

"I am...going to tell you, I told her I was," she said, and heard his stomach rumble.

" must be starving, all the time on the river...and it's after one, we should go have lunch."


"I'm not avoiding ...I'm not...but we can talk, during lunch."

"Do you want to order room service," he said, thinking back to their breakfast.

"I'm ok...Derek," she said, squeezing his hand softly, "we can have lunch in the bistro, there's supposed to be a great view of the falls, and we didn't get out there, so it would be nice."

"That's what we'll do..." he said and kissed her.

They enjoyed a light lunch and the restaurant indeed had a great view of the falls, and when they were getting ready to eat dessert, they saw two women sitting close to the fireplace rush over to the entrance and greet four guests, and then the commotion started.

One of the women, angrily confronted her husband, "you stupid, stupid could could you do this to me Michael, you promised it wasn't dangerous," she said and hit him square in the chest, "and you put yourself in danger out front of wild bears...and you're gone for hours after everyone gets back, and you don't think I'm going to be scared and worried, you stupid, stupid man..." she said hitting him again, and he wrapped his arms around her, "Amanda, honey, I'm was just a couple of black bear cubs."

Meredith watched all of this with great interest at the mention of black bears, while Derek attempted to get her attention back to dessert. "This looks great, are you going to share part of your dessert."

"Shhh...let me hear this."

"Meredith, that's rude you're eavesdropping."

"I am not, the whole dining room is listening," she said, and she was right, they were.

"Michael, how can you say that...they were bears, and I heard when the guys got back from fishing earlier, and they said, they'd spotted the cubs, and you know if there's cubs the mother's round Michael, jut like last time, and you promised me it was a fluke, and it wouldn't happen again, and then I had to hear it from the guides, and you stayed another two ...and I was here, and...all worried," she said, and started to cry, as he held her.

"Honey, it was nothing...really, they were really after a couple of deer, and thankfully they got away too," he said reassuringly, while the other couples looked on, the woman not too happy with the story.

Amanda spoke up, "they were after deer, poor little things the deer, that is, and you," she said pointing at her husband, "can forget about me coming up here again, well, I'll come here, but you are not going out into the wilderness fishing again."

"Yes, dear," he said, while looking at the other two men, already making plans for the next expedition.

"And you," Amanda spoke up, and pointed to the remaining couple, the woman who seemed to be her identical twin, "how can you be so calm, you have children at home, children that depend on you, what do you think would happen to them, if you'd been mauled by a bear while you're traipsing along the wood and fishing, for God's sake, what woman likes fly fishing," she yelled at the woman who was obviously her sister.

"Mandy, don't be so dramatic, and if anything happened to me, I would not worry, cause I'd have you to take care of them," she teased, "besides, don't knock fly fishing, until you've tried should see how sexy and rugged Michael looks out there, waist deep in water casting lines," she said and started laughing, while her husband put his arms around her.

"You and Jake are such irresponsible, immature..."

"Yes...and loving every minute of it...and you should join us next time," she challenged, "the deer got away...the bears got away, and we're here...and I spent an amazingly pleasant day with my husband, and if there'd been any real danger from would have been taken care of..."

"Derek...there were bears out there...and that's probably a sign, a very bad sign...omen, whatever about bears...bears on your land...they were right here and you tell me there aren't any bears..."

"Meredith, we're out in the wilderness...there's bound to be's nature, but that has nothing to do with our land...we're not only many miles away, but separated by lots of water in between..." he attempted to appease, giving her his best Mcdreamy smile.

She remained quiet, listening to the rest of the group talking about the incident, as well as a guide that followed them and explained to that they had bear sightings quite often, but there had never been any type of incident, and indeed if there had been any humans in danger they would have taken the necessary precautions without harming the animals.

"Meredith, aren't you going to say something?"

"Yes, don't even're coming back here and going fishing again or anywhere out in the wild for that matter," she stated emphatically.

"Meredith, you heard him, there was never any real threat...and really my only concern is the fact that you may have been in danger...since you saw the deer, and possibly the bears may have been nearby," he said honestly.

"'re not going to convince me...and you better make sure you
there are no bears on your land."

"Our mean..."

"Whatever, nowhere near our land, so when we get've got lots of research to do to prove that to me."

"That's fine," Derek said with amusement, "now, tell me about how you didn't try to find out why I called Kathleen."

"I only just asked her once...and I wasn't going to insist, since..."

"You needed to talk to her..."


"I heard you laughing..."

"I told her I was going to tell you and she thought it was ok to have some secrets," she teased him.

"I agree..."

"You do? You want us to keep secrets?"

"No, but since I'm not telling you why I called her, I thought it was the right answer," he smiled.



"No," she smiled, "jerk is enough."

"Meredith..." he said, lingering just enough, and she knew he was going to say something else.


"The reason I called her, you'll be pleased. I asked her to help me with something...something special I want to share with you."

" don't have to, you've already done all of this...and lately, you've been so thoughtful and ..."

"You'll like this...I promise...and I can't wait to make it happen..."

"How about giving me a hint?"



"Uhmmm...a hint...well, you'll need your passport..."

"You've already said that...when we took her to the airport the two of you were rambling, and it's not like we can take more time that's a long time away."

"We were not rambling...and you'll just need to wait...but,'re going to like... this."

"One more hint..."

"I love you."

"Derek...that's not fair..."

"What, that I love you..."

"No, that's not a hint, and that's just your way of avoiding answering my question."

"Meredith...believe me...that's a very important hint," he smiled, and reached across the table for her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss.

"I have to wait?"

"You have to wait, now let's order lunch, I'm starving," he said and motioned the waitress to come to their table.

"Derek, we can't forget my fish," she said out of the blue, "the guide said they would leave it here at the hotel for us."

"You're going to brag about that aren't you?"

"Oh my humpy red," she giggled, "caught the biggest fish."

"We'll have to come back here and see who has the biggest catch next time..."

"Not on your life...we're not coming back here...there's bears in the woods."

"We can talk about it some other time..."

"Derek...I'm not budging..."

"'re right, we'll find another spot..." he said and started to eat the meal they had just brought.

"It's not going to work you know."

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"'re indulging me."

"Not pretending," he said as he took another mouthful and tried not to smile.

He was so smug, she thought to rattle him a bit, and began to tell him about her conversation with Kathleen, "and that's when she said he understood just how you felt."

" told my sister about...about our...what happened...what happened earlier..."

"Our...the feelings about, sex," she mouthed the last word quietly for him only to understand her.

"How...why...I'll never be able to look her straight in the face," he said incredulously.

"Derek...don't be mad, I had to know...if it was normal, what I'm feeling...I had to know."

"She's never going to let me live that down, she probably wants to kill me...I bet she said that..."

"She did," she admitted, "but, Derek, I told her how sensitive you've been, how wonderful..."

"Oh...God," he muttered.

"Are you angry..." she asked and he saw the genuine concern in her voice.

"No, I'm not angry, embarrassed as hell," he said, and placed his hand on top of hers,
"but not angry...never angry at you for being able to talk about something that's important to us..." and he laughed, "I can just hear her now..."

"She was very understanding..."

"She was?" he questioned.

"After I explained how thoughtful you've been."

"That sounds more like it."

"You're really not angry?"

"No, I'm not. I'm happy you can talk to her, really Meredith, I'm glad you can trust her."

"I'm trying Derek..."

"Yes you are, and that's very big progress," he smiled.


"Yes," he smiled, "it's even worth another hint."

"It're going to give me another hint?"

"Uh huh..."



"Water? That's it?"

"Uh huh..."

"Not fair Derek...that's not a clue...or a hint."

"Oh...but it is..."

"We're going on a trip and there's water... to a beach?"

"Could be."

"Derek..." she said a bit frustrated.

"That's all you get for now...and trust's going to be worth the wait."

"I'll like this...whatever it is..."

"I'm sure of it, but you can tell me if you don't."

"And if I don't?"

"'s not an option," he smiled, "trust me."

"I'm trusting you..."

"Thank you."



"About the bears...I still want to see what you come up with...sightings and all...on the island."

"So much for trusting me," he laughed.

"This involves our kids' safety..." she said seriously, while taking a leap of faith in talking about their future and the hopes of a family, "we can't take any chances."

"I'll look...and we won't take any chances," he smiled.

"Derek...are you sharing your dessert?"

"Last bite is yours..." he said, and placed the last piece on the fork and brought it to her mouth, and smiled as she savored it.

They walked back to their room and snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace, and soon drifted to a long afternoon nap, waking just as the sun had begun to set.

"Hey," he said nuzzling her neck and placing light kisses along her neck and shoulders, "what do you want to do for the rest of our evening here?"

"How about a's our last night here, and look at how clear the sky is...I bet we'll see the stars just as bright as we do from the trailer."

"Uhmmm...quite the romantic..."

"Only with you," she said turning to watch his face, "never though of romance until you."

"Let's go then...and do you want to order in?"

"Derek, all we've done, all I've done is eat and sleep."

"You needed it...and when you get back to work you're going to be back to a grueling schedule."

"I was thinking, when we go back tomorrow, we can stay at my house...maybe I can see everyone...well, Iz , George and Alex there, instead of at the know, it would be easier..."

"Of course," he said, as they started to get up from the couch, "I was also thinking I'd go out to the trailer, and bring some things, you know, we can spend the next few nights at your house it will be closer to the hospital and will let you , both of us have a little more sleep time in the mornings."

She reached out for him and hugged him, "thank you...yes, that would be good."

They were walking along the property hand in hand, when they came to a particular beautiful spot accentuated by the reflection of the moon and stopped while Derek put his arms around her waist and she sighed in contentment. "Derek, this was the perfect place to bring me, thank you..."

"You're welcome...I'm glad you enjoyed it...see surprises aren't so bad."

"Maybe..." she said, thinking back to the morning, "maybe we can come back here some day," and lowered his hands to rest on her abdomen, as he had done so often during the few days they'd been happy in the knowledge she was pregnant.

"We will, Meredith, we will be back one day...and celebrate," he said as he kissed the top of her head, and lightly caressed her abdomen and time stood still as they each lost themselves in their dreams for the future.

"I love you Derek," she said with a small catch in her voice, and turned into his embrace, "and I loved our baby."

"I loved her too...and are the love of my life," he said hugging her closer and each knew the other had tears in their eyes, "don't ever forget that."

They walked back and stopped in the gift shop, and put aside some items she thought would be enjoyed by all, including some spices that Izzie would surely know what to do with and the house pancake mix and syrup.

"Here, add this," he told her handing her two tubes of lavender lotion.

"Derek, I've still got what you bought me..."

"I love this smell on you...and lotion...I can spread it all over you," he whispered, and saw her roll her eyes.

He saw her looking at some gift certificates and frowning a bit, " you think..."

"Get whatever you want."

"I was thinking, well, I'd like to get this for Kathleen, she said she's coming back soon, and she mentioned when we dropped her off, we would go to a spa...and I want to make sure she knows she's welcomed and maybe, I can get her this, if you think she would like it, after you and her husband are camping or fishing nor whatever, when you get back they can come here, I mean, it's just one night, if you don't think it's too cheap, and maybe for your Mom...send her this, so she knows I'm serious...that I want to meet her and have her visit us soon, I could mail them this..."

"Ok...that was almost a new rambling record."

"Jerk," she swatted him gently, "do you think they' d like it? It's not too cheap, just one night? And for your Mom it's really for the spa treatments..."

"What do you mean cheap, it's almost six hundred dollars for one night and massages, how the hell is that cheap?"

"It's only one night, Derek, but she's been so wonderful to me, and I want your Mom to come out, I do...but, the fishing guide today...and this, I don't think I can afford more than one night right now..."

"What do you mean you can't afford...and the fishing today, what area you talking about? You're not paying for this...I'll get it...and the fishing...what do you mean, didn't you put that on our room tab?"

"No...of course not...that was for you...I wanted to do that for can't pay for that..."

"Meredith...that little four hour adventure, I know costs several hundred dollars, and I have every intention of paying for it."

"It's already taken care of," she said, quietly while distancing herself from him.

"Hey," he said noticing the change in her mood, and leading her over to a private corner of the shop, "I love that you thought of it, but that was enough...and that you'd go with me, and even venture into the water to cast a line, that was priceless."

"I...I wanted to give you something...from me...just to show you...I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"I know you do...but, this...these days here, it's my's me pampering you...I've never done this before, so please...let me take care of it all..."

"It's not like I don't work Derek...I do make some money..."

"Yes, you do...but, this ..."

"'s already taken care let that be my gift to you..." and holding his hand, and looking in his eyes, "from baby bear's her daddy."

He took a deep breath, "yes...thank gave me a priceless gift today," he said and brushed her lips lightly with his.

"We...we can...share the cost for these...if you think it would be something they'd like, your Mom and Kathleen," she told him.

"Absolutely not...if you want to get them, I will, and you can send a note from us both."

"Derek...I want it to be from me too and if you pay for it..."

"Meredith, one're going to be my wife..."


"You'd say yes..."

"It's not that..."

"Then what is it..."

"You're going to have to pay for your Mom's, I want to get this..."

" do realize how much money I make?"

"'s not my money to spend."

"It's going to what do you want to get?"

"I told you...a night for Kathleen and her husband, and for your Mom."

"Ok," he said and turned to the woman at the counter, "please charge this to our room," he said while picking up three gift certificates.

"Derek, we should have placed some phantom bets...made some money from the hospital gossip to pay for some of this," she joked.

"It's never too late...and we can always get Mark to start a rumor," he said and they both laughed.

"Derek, I'm kind of hungry, are you?"

"I could eat...and I'm glad you have an didn't have much at lunch today,"
and turning the woman that was wrapping their purchases, asked "do you think this can be sent to our room?"

"Yes, of course, it will be there when you get back, have a lovely dinner."

They got back to their room, and again sat by the fireplace enjoying the intimacy of their time together, and spent time reminiscing about their day and simply enjoying each other's company, and when they both yawned, they rose and got ready for bed.

Meredith joined him in bed, lying on her side facing him and reaching for his hand, lacing their fingers. "So, what's our plan for tomorrow?"

"We sleep in," he said, "and then at 11 we have a massage scheduled for two."

"Derek, you are really spoiling me..."

"Hey, I didn't have a massage...and it's all the rage, a heated rock massage for the fireplace...and Meredith...I like spoiling you."

"Spoil long as you let me do the same," she smiled.

"Do with me whatever you want," he teased, "I'm all yours."

She leaned in to kiss him gently, "so am I Derek...I think I have been since the first day I met you."

"Finally..." he kissed her, "she admits it..."

"Uhmmm... only that once I met one else would do..."

"I love you Meredith."

" you realize how often we've said that to each other..."

"I love you..."

"Yes...for so long...neither of us said it...and now...these last weeks..."

"We're making up for lost time...Meredith, for all those times we should have said it...when we should have been together, and later...all those months we didn't say it."

"No regrets...ok...we just move forward..."

"No regrets," he agreed.

"I love you Derek," she smiled and kissed him softly.

"Me too...I'll never get tired of saying it...or hearing it."

"Goodnight Derek," she said and snuggled up to him, laying her head on his shoulder, knowing sometime during the night they would find themselves close to each other, Derek spooning her, their hands entwined.

"Good night, love."

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