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Last minute farewells were exchanged with the clear understanding the family, five of whom were now lounging on the plush green and gold upholstered chairs and couch in one of the lobby's sitting areas, from the east would visit Seattle in the very near future.

Meredith and Derek left the hotel, reservations for two nights secured for their first wedding anniversary, while their family followed for the very traditional send off with confetti. Typically they may have been showered with rice as they exited a church, but theirs had not been a conventional wedding and they were showered and duly covered with colored paper confetti.

Each of their guests held small bags of the multicolored paper, but Mark had somehow managed to get a hold of a large bag and dumped it all over them, for additional good luck he'd laughed, "and be lucky it's not almonds," he'd called out after them, his booming laughter making them look back and exchanging a glance as they both noticed the same thing, Mark was solicitously wiping away the remains of confetti from Lexie's coat, followed by that on her hair.

"Derek..." Meredith said softly.

"I'll have to kill him, I know," he chuckled, "now that we're married...I have to do the killing."

"Only if he toys with her..." she smiled, "she's vulnerable Derek."

"I know," he agreed, "we'll watch out for her."

"It's strange you know," she said as they sat down on the private transport ready to take them to get their rented car. They were alone, as Lucia had left ahead of them.

"What is?"

"Thinking of looking after my sister."

"Good strange...or..." he started to say.

"It's a good feeling Derek...this family thing," she said as she rested her head on his shoulder, "it's a good feeling."

"It is," he agreed kissing the top of her head and tightening his arm around her waist.

"Derek," she murmured as she looked through the windows, as they left behind the ancient city were they had created memories to last a lifetime. "Remember when we first got here, our trip from the airport?"

"The part where I was nervous as hell about you liking the hotel?"

She giggled, "no...I thanked you for making our trip so special."

"I remember," he said and felt her right hand reach for his left and held it gently.

"I couldn't get over how beautiful that morning was, and look Derek this afternoon it looks just like when we got here, the sky is perfectly blue and the water is so clear as the sun shines over it and the buildings Derek...such old...and yet so majestic, like you said, the Queen of the Adriatic."

"It does look just as beautiful..." he agreed.

"But Derek..." she said.

"Oh no..."

"We didn't get that tour..." she laughed.

"Thank God," he said, turning his face and kissing her softly, "I thought we were going to have our first but issues..."

"It's our wedding day," she smiled and kissed him back, "no buts today..."

"We'll take that tour next year," he smiled, "it's not like we had a lot of free time."

"And..." she giggled, "you think we're going to have more time next year?"

"Maybe..." he laughed, "we'll add a day to our trip."

"I think that's a good idea...because Derek...when we come back," she smiled seductively, her voice a low throaty tone, "after our gondola ride...I'm claiming forty eight uninterrupted tame the beast."

"Uhmmm..." he mumbled, "you sure about that..."

"About the uninterrupted ..."

"No...about the taming of the beast?"

She giggled as his grin broadens, "what do you think?"

He nuzzled her neck, biting her softly, "you're going to kill me," he laughed as his mouth moved to her throat.

"So are you," she said breathlessly, "we may kill each other."

"Promise..." he murmured upon her lips.

"Starting tonight..." she murmured back before kissing him softly, quickly as they both remembered they were technically not alone.

"You still have confetti everywhere," Meredith laughed, running her hand through his hair and getting rid of the colorful pieces of paper, and then brushing them off his dark grey coat.

"So do you," Derek told her as he brushed away the excess confetti on her, "but the alternative was being pelted with bags of almonds."


"Yes...bags of candy covered almonds, that are apparently wrapped in odd numbers in mesh bags and thrown at the newlyweds."

"Derek," she looked at him laughing, "you're making that up."

"Haven't you ever been to a wedding where they have those little bags as wedding favors?"

"No," she told him.

"Come on Mer..."

"Seriously...I haven't."

"Well you haven't missed much, but they are apparently very traditional here and they actually toss them at the bride and groom."


"Seriously...Mer, ask Mark when we get back."

"Ask Mark?" she laughed, "how would he know?"

"Kevin told us last night. He said if he had to endure Kathleen telling him about it, we were stuck hearing it."

"So...instead of almonds, we got confetti? Not we might have back home but confetti?"

"That's another story," he laughed.

"We have time..."

"Rice it seems is also customary here, in Italy that is, back to ancient days in Rome..."

" sound like a wedding planner."

"Mer...believe me...I had to hear a lot of this..."

"It's tell..." she giggled, and removed his scarf, "we're going to have to shake off all this excess confetti when we get off this boat."

"Mer..." he said as he took the scarf and shook of the excess confetti to the floor.

"Derek, that's not nice, it's a mess," she told him.

"Love...believe me...they built the clean up into the cost of the planning."

"Oh my God, Derek I had not even thought about that...all of this, Lucia all you had to pay."

"Mer...that's not an issue...I'm just being practical."

"Derek...this has cost a fortune."

"Meredith..." he said kissing her softly, and then caught her off guard, "I'd give everything I know I've made you happy."

"Mushy...sentimental...McDreamy," she said, attempting to tease him, but unable to keep the misty sheen of her eyes a secret from him.

"I love're happy..." he said and suddenly doubts arose, "you are happy, aren't you...I mean...the tears in your don't regret..."

"I'm very happy..." she assured him, and taking his left hand in hers brought her lips to his wedding band, "to be your wife."

"My wife," he whispered, "you are my priceless treasure."

"As you are," she said softly upon his lips, and then hugged him



"Is there anything...anything at all...I can do to make you happier?"

"Uhmmm...other than the untamed wild beast...very very soon..."

"Other than that," he smiled.

"Nothing...nothing at all, you've given me everything the last few days."

"I would you know...whatever you want...all I need is for you to be happy."

"I am Derek...happier than I ever knew was possible."

"Mer...anytime...all you need to do is ask..."

"Derek...that goes for you too...we'll'll tell me'll tell me..."

"Yes...Meredith," he said softly and held her in his embrace.

"Derek..." she said quietly, "there is something I'd like."

"Name it..." he said seriously.

"Finish telling me the story about the rice...the almonds...whatever..."

Derek laughed, "the almonds, yes...let's see...actually, it started with the rice, because the mayor of Venice banned throwing rice outside city hall last year, because the pigeons would flock there, creating a nuisance and they'd actually wait for the next couple certain they'd be getting their meals' worth."


"Mer...seriously, that's happened, in fact the city has created ordinances to help with the pigeon soiling the squares, and also chipping away at monuments, including trying to ban the sale of grain to feed pigeons in St. Mark's Square," he finished almost as they had reached their destination.

"You're a good storyteller Derek," she told him as she kissed his cheek.

"I had good teachers...and don't forget what they say about the Irish..."

"What's that?"

"How can I forget," he smiled, "my wife...the quotes novice."

"Don't make fun of me..."

"The gift of gab Mer..."

"What..." she said, feigning ignorance.


"What..." she smiled.

"You've heard that before..."

"We're married, aren't we..." she smiled, as they both began to laugh, "surely the best example of your...very convincing powers," and as the boat docked, they walked towards the exit to disembark.

"Derek, what have you done?"

"What do you mean," he said, as he signed the car rental agreement.

"It's a convertible, Derek, it was less than forty degrees this morning, the temperature is going to dip again soon...and you rented a convertible, are you crazy?"

"The rest of the week the weather is going to be in the sixties, and Mer...the scenery it's will be worth it..."

"I can see how much it's worth," she said looking at the agreement he was signing, "a Jaguar Derek...we could have just had a regular car."

"Yes...but I was in the mood for a little fun...a sports car," he told her, McDreamy's gaze staring back at her.

"Fine," she laughed, "you can have your toy, but," she teased him, "I thought your idea of fun was going to involve a lot of indoor activities."

"That's the plan..." he said and gave her a quick kiss before they were escorted to the car where their luggage had already been loaded.

"Lucia," Derek said, "thank you for everything, your planning was flawless and you made our wedding unforgettable."

"It was our pleasure Dr. Shepherd, it really was one of the most romantic weddings I've ever attended and incredibly special.

"Lucia," Meredith also added, "it was perfect thanks to you...thank you so much for all the details...and I imagine last minute changes from Derek."

"It was a pleasure for me, but Dr. Shepherd and your family were the ones making sure of all the details. I'm very pleased you will have fond memories of Venice."

"The very best, Lucia, the very best," Meredith told her.

"We will send you the wedding photos and video within the next few days, and we were going to ship the two wedding cakes as we know it's customary to freeze and eat at the anniversary but Dr. Shepherd asked if we could keep them here, that you will be back next year."

They discussed the details and she assured them the cake would indeed be preserved for them and they would have it sent over to the Danieli the following year.

"Married less than six hours and already she's falling asleep on me..." he murmured hours later as they reached the ferry that would take them across the lake.

"I wasn't sleeping..." she argued, even as she felt her eyes close again.

"It must have been that mediation tape that had light snoring sounds the last half hour..."


"Yes dear," he teased her, "is this going to be our first fight."

"At least I didn't fall asleep the entire trip," she mumbled.

"Yes..." he laughed, "there is that."

"Can you tell me where we're going to spend tonight ...I think I've been very patient Derek...and the scenery has been beautiful...but how much longer before we get there?"

"We're here," he said, "Lake Como."

"We've been circling the lake, this is gorgeous did you know to come here?"

"I admit that Kathleen may have suggested it...and then a couple other people had been here..."

"What other people?"

"John and Colleen, I told you they had a house where we were going and wanted us to use it."

"They have a house here? Derek, they must have a mansion because that's what we've seen."

"A villa, as John said, at our disposal including their staff, but I just did not feel right about that, so our hotel...that was all Kathleen's doing, at least searching for it, and I agreed it would be a beautiful location for our honeymoon, though maybe next year...since it's not the height of tourism we can be a bit more adventurous and find something we like when we get here."

Meredith's laughter filled the confines of the car, "you mean it's another fancy over the top type hotel?"

"Let's see," he said, as they drove off the ferry and within minutes arrived at Villa d'Este in the small town of Cernobbio, a seventeenth century structure now a luxury hotel full of marble staircases and priceless antiques and from what Derek had seen on the website, spectacular views of the lake.

They were escorted to register, their bags already in the process of being removed from their car, when they encountered a slight mishap as they began the check in process.

"Dr. Shepherd, we've had to make a slight modification and change your room."

"I'm sorry," Derek said, "all these arrangements have been confirmed, I was very specific about my request and was assured it would not be a problem."

"Other arrangements were made," the young lady smiled, "we're sure you will be pleased, but we had no other options and had to move your accommodations to another site."

"Look, this is our honeymoon...I wanted a specific room...view, and now you're saying it's another site, another hotel?"

"Dr. Shepherd, please take a look at what we've assigned, and if there's any problems..."

"There's already a problem," Derek said, and Meredith saw the tension in him.

"Derek...let's see our room...I'm sure it's fine."

" wanted ..."

"Can you show us to our room," Meredith said.

"Yes...and I apologize if I was not clear, it's on our property, actually it's an upgrade, much more..." the young lady continued, "since you have your own car, we'd ask that you follow our driver, so you have it at your disposal at all times," and they were quickly led outside and they followed the driver as instructed.

"Derek... we can't stay here...this's ..."

"Mer...short of going out to look for a hotel...we don't have much choice, and I don't want to waste time doing that."

"But...this...this is really ... Derek, look at this," she said glancing toward the immensely high ceilings and the red carpeted staircase that presumably led to the second floor where they assumed the bedrooms were located, "Derek, this is not us, this is villa for more at least eight guests."

"You should have seen John and Colleen's place, it's twice this size."

"It's a little overwhelming..." she admitted, as she looked around the white marble floors with the smaller black corner tiles of the foyer and its ten feet windows facing the lake.

"We only have to use the bedroom," he teased her, "why don't we look around and pick where we want to stay, think of it as a hotel where we're the only guests," he said and reached for her hand and began the walk up the thirty plus steps.

"I suppose we could do that...and well," she said, getting in the teasing spirit, "there's lots of rooms for our ..."

"More than forty eight uninterrupted hours," he finished.

"Yes...we could try out every room," she giggled as they reached the landing and then explored the four bedrooms.

"Well..." he said.

"I don't know," she giggled, "Derek have you ever seen more red and orange in your life, it's like a color explosion in these rooms...though it is a beautiful house."

"What do you say we stay in the room adjoining this one," he asked, lightly raising an eyebrow and thinking of the possibilities of the time they could spend enjoying each other in the old fashioned tub.

"I can live with that," she smiled, "it would be nice if we had a balcony too...though I think they all do."

"Let' s see," he said as he pulled her along into the bedroom on the mezzanine floor, "uhmmm...this works..." he said looking outside the doors that led to a beautiful terrace.

"Derek," she giggled, looking at the bedspread, "they really love bright colors."

"We won't really care...once we're under the covers," he smiled seductively, "will we?"

"Not if we close our eyes and forget about the orange draperies and the red carpet," she said as they both roared with laughter and he reached out to her and devoured her lips.

"Oh God," she said when they took a breath, "I'm missed you...I've missed you so much, feels like ages...since we made love."

"Tell me about it," he said, as he captured her lips again, "I love you Meredith."

"I love you...and it's been so long Derek," she said as they gave in to the hunger and weeks' old longing for each other.

Their pent up sexual craving quickly escalated and she felt his arousal against her, and reached to unzip his jeans, when he reached for her hand and stopped her.


"What..." she asked incredulously.

"We can't....I can't..."

"Derek...are you..."

"I'm not crazy," he chuckled, "I'm not."

"This is not funny, Derek..."

"Mer...I want nothing more than to bury myself deep inside you...right now...but...I want to make love to you...I don't want to have sex just satisfy this hunger that has been with me since the last time...this hunger eating away at us...I want to make love to you...with you said...when we're together...we don't need's a timeless perfect tune."

"Derek...we can do that...later..." she said, reaching for him, "let's just ..." she taunted, squeezing him gently, "tame the beast...and then...we can take it as you want."

"'re my wife..." he said, backing slightly away from her, grasping her hand and bringing it to rest against his heart, his eyes shimmering with emotion, "do you have any idea what that means to me...what it means to me that after all my shit...that you trusted me again..."

"Derek, don't," she said and placed two fingers on his lips, "we're not going's a new beginning, we've going back...not tonight."

"I came so close to losing you...not just once," he said, his voice filled with emotion, and she bridged the distance between them, letting her hands rest on his hips and pulling him close to her.

"Derek...I'm here now...and I'm not going're stuck with me...for a lifetime...and promised, and it's even inscribed in my ring."

"I I in the timeless tradition of old wedding vows...with my body I thee worship...let me give you that tonight," he said as he kissed her softly, "let me show you what you mean to me...what it means to be worthy of your trust again."

"Derek..." she said softly, her hand caressing the day's old stubble, "I know what I mean to you...I do...because it's just as I feel for soul mate...the love of my life."

"Let me give you a night of romance...a night to always remember..."

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