Long Journey Home

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Final farewells were exchanged and unexpectedly, Meredith found herself in Angela's embrace while the couple wished them safe travels and again expressed their hope they would see them the following year.

Derek opened the passenger door, but before getting in the car she put her arms around his neck and held him close, "thank you," she whispered, "for the most romantic proposal and wonderful wedding..." and then softly pulling away looked into his eyes, "and honeymoon."

"You deserved so much more."

"What more than our own piece of heaven," she said tenderly, repeating the words he'd used the morning after their wedding night.

"My mushy and sentimental bride."

"Yes..." she said as she leaned up slightly to brush his lips with hers.

"I love you Meredith Grey," he said, the reflection of deep emotion in his eyes.

"I love you," her lips turned into a smile. "My soul mate," she continued, kissing him softly, "my knight in shining armor," she paused, each kiss now a bit longer as she added titles, "my prince charming..."

"Your toad..." he teased, and kissed her lips, but she did not kiss him back, pulling away to look at him.

"What...did I say now?" he joked. "You're not kissing me back...or is..."

"Don't get into more trouble Shepherd," she glared at him.

"Uhmmm... honeymoon's over?"

"Do not," she warned with one look, "mess with my fairy tale."

"You said," he smiled, "I was a toad and a horse's..."

She ignored him, and silenced him with a kiss before she spoke again. "The love of my life," her hand caressed his recently shaved cheek, "my husband..." and then felt herself lifted off the ground as his mouth captured hers.

"I adore you Meredith," he said after his lips left hers, and he held her close to him, "thank you...for forgiving me, for not giving up on us, for wanting to be my wife...for a lifetime."

"Derek," she smiled, through the misty sheen of tears, "loving you...how could I not...and our kiss...our kiss under the Bridge of Sighs...how could I possibly give up on a love guaranteed for eternity...our legend...for always."

"Forty years..." he smiled. Their smile, she thought as she looked up at him.

"At least..." she smiled, as she placed her arms around his neck again, "Derek...I'm holding you to your first non proposal," she teased.

"I can see," he teased back, "how I'm going to need to be constantly on guard to edit our story."

"Our once upon a time," she smiled, kissing him softly.

"Our once upon a time..." he kissed her back. "We'll add more to it next year."

"I plan on adding more to it..." she said, "every day of our lives."

"Definitely," he chuckled, "my wife turned totally mushy and sentimental..."

"Yes..." she raised an eyebrow as their gazes remained on each other.

"Sexy," he smiled, "enticing, beautiful..."

"That's more like it," she laughed, and he joined her carefree happiness, as he embraced her one last time before helping her into the passenger seat, and both waved goodbye to the couple smiling from the nearby steps of the place they'd experienced a bit of heaven on earth as they embarked on a journey of legends, and yet another piece was woven into the symbolical tapestry of lovers fated to be together beyond their lifetime.

The ride to the airport they were told would take less about forty five minutes, and Derek had jotted down a few comments on the directions.

"Mer, keep an eye for A9," he said a couple of minutes after they pulled away from the Villa, "once we're on that for about 30 kilometers the airport signage will be prominent."

"Ok," she said a bit distracted, before she laughed.

"What..." he said glancing her way, and saw she had her phone in hand.

"Oh God, Derek, he is incorrigible," she laughed again, "and I'm going to kill him."

"Mark," he said without any doubt that's who she meant. "He has your email?" he asked, attempting to be nonchalant about it, and she was amused by his reaction.

"You're jealous of Mark?"

"Not a good track record," he said, "with wives."

"Ass," she said, and looked away to keep him from seeing her smile, glad that they could joke about this, secure in their relationship.

"We've already explored the animal menagerie," he joked.

"Do you trust me?" she turned to him, just a bit more serious.

"I do. Completely," he answered without hesitation.

"Derek," she joked with him, glad of the way they could move on from serious to light. "I'm not sure a horse and jackass are considered wild animals."

"You may be right," he laughed, "or otters."

"But, panthers," she teased, "uhmm...that's another matter."

"It certainly is," he said, "the untamed beast you've..."

"Unleashed," she smiled, and reached for his hand, "but never tamed."

"Never," he agreed, as he brought her hand to his lips.

"I loved the roars," she said, as her lips lingered over the back of his hand.

"More roars," he smiled, "more roars I say...out in the woods where no one can hear us."

"Definitely in the woods," she laughed, and leaned over to kiss him, when they came to a quick stop before turning into the highway.

"So, what are you going to kill him about and why are you looking at emails?"

"Because, I was going to email your Mom before we left."

"I'm surprised they haven't bothered us, none of them the last few days."

"Derek, we saw your Mom yesterday," she teased, "and our phones have been off since then."

"True," he admitted and gently caressed her hand with the pad of his thumb.

"Listen to this," she said, "Shepherds," and then paused, "Derek, he's such an idiot calling us that. Drinks with Lex and Yang last night at Joe's and we think you should keep your wedding secret a few days, helps us increase the betting pool. Oh and I might have hinted, not quietly, that I'd heard from Shep and there had been some rather ...loud confrontations between you."

"He said what?"

"Wait, he goes on, copying L/Y here, they agree, the roaring reference was hilarious. Sorry, too good to pass up on, especially after being kept up all night. See you guys Monday."

"He will never grow up," Derek shook his head.

"What I want to know," she said putting the blackberry aside, "is why he's having drinks with my sister."

"You don't care about our confrontation being discussed?"

"Confrontations Derek...more than one," she laughed, "of course I care, but, it will be obvious it's not true."

"Are you going to email Mom?"

"Diversion..." she giggled. "But wait, next message is from Lexie, thirty minutes after his."

"Mer, I am not agreeing with these two, and neither is Tracy. Mark went straight to the hospital, but she was delayed with a patient, so we saw him here and he made the comment about Derek, and of course...Cristina went along, and that resulted in a bet that when you two come back this week you'll have already broken up. OMG, I'm not betting, I'm sure you know that... but I cannot wait to see people's faces when they know you're married...ok so you probably won't read this till you get back, but wanted to give you heads up before you get to the hospital on Monday. Have a safe trip home, can't wait to see you and hear about the rest of the trip."

"Tell me, I don't ramble like she does."

"If you keep reading emails, we're going to get to the airport before you contact Mom."

She laughed, "I do not go on like she does...well, not on email."


"Is that a yes...I agree with you Meredith," she taunted.

"Yes," he said trying not to laugh.

"Yes," she insisted in a teasing manner, "you agree I don't ramble on emails..."

He laughed, as he was certain she would see the humor, "we don't email enough for you to ramble...but, text, that's another story."

She smiled and continued, "I'm not even going to get into the two emails from your sisters."

"Ignore them," he joked, "just like you did my last comment."

"Derek, this one is priceless," she laughed, "Cristina replied all to Lexie's message."

"Mer, you owe me. Sat next to 3, almost 17 hours in a metal tube. You can make it up by keeping quiet about your wedding for a few days. Hide the ring."

"Do you want to hide the ring?"

"What..." she raised he voice, "of course not. Why would? I... wait...do you, are you changing your mind?"

"Oh...no, this is not going to be the first of the jumping to conclusions quota before going home."

"I'm not jumping to conclusions...just asking a question."

"Same thing. You know it's not what I meant."

"What did you mean?"

He reached for her hand again, "just asking...if you want to go along with them."

"Of course not," she responded quickly. "I told you, I don't want anyone having any doubts...that you are completely mine."

"Uhmmm...you mean..."

"Stop while you're ahead Derek," she smiled, and leaning as far as she could with the seatbelt on, kissed his cheek.

"Why don't you call Kat, instead of emailing Mom, I bet they're already up having breakfast."

"It's Sunday morning Derek, and they don't have any kids or responsibilities, they may want to sleep late, or not be interrupted," she added, knowing he was truly being a prude about his sister's sex life.

"You did that on purpose," he told her as he glanced over and saw her smile.


"Email Mom," he laughed.

"Already did."

"We should be at the airport in about twenty five minutes," he told her. "Mer, what do you think about getting a car like this at home?"

"Whatever for?"

"It's nice, a fun car...your jeep is old. You could use a new car."

"Fun for you maybe, and when would we have time to enjoy a convertible with so much rain...and I don't need a new car."

"The rain thing is a myth, we're not even in the top 10 rainy cities in the country."

"A myth..." she laughed, "really, where have you been the last year?"

"It does rain, but we get more cloudy days than anything else, and think about it..."

"Derek...if you want a new toy...an impractical toy...you can get it, but I'm fine with my jeep."

"It's not a toy," he pouted. "It's not."

"Yes, dear," she replied, "you're right. But, have you considered what the wind will do to your hair?You'd have to leave the house an extra fifteen minutes so you have time to fix it when you get to work."


"Yes, dear..."

"You're mocking me...don't push your luck," he said, and their laughter traveled through the wind.

"Derek," she said, smiling indulgently, "you can get any car you want, and you know I'm teasing you," she said, as her hand rested on the back of his neck and played with the loose curls.

"I know," he smiled.

"It's your Mom," she said looking at the incoming message. "I asked for the number at the hotel, but I need your phone to call her, mine's not set up for calls here."

"Mer, you don't need to explain, just use my phone, it's already in your purse."

"It's not like I'm going to do that all the time...you know, I do respect your privacy.... and...well, I know I called Kat that one time...but..."

"Meredith, call Mom before we get to the airport."

She dialed and after asking for the room number passed the phone to him, "here, you speak with her first," she said, and he heard the slightly nervous hesitation in her voice.

"Why...she'd love," he did not get to finish the sentence. "Hi Mom."

"Hello dear, I was not expecting you to call me, are you ready to fly home?"

He told her they were, and that Meredith had wanted to contact her before they left, and after a few minutes and saying goodbye to his mother, "I love you too Mom," gave the phone to his wife.

"Good morning sweetheart, I'm so glad you called and I could wish Blessings on your journey home."

"We're on our way to the airport and I was going to email you, but then thought it would be nicer if we had a chance to speak," Meredith rambled, in spite of their obvious bonding, unsure of how to relate to her mother in law.

"I'm delighted you did. I've been up for quite a while, and ordered room service, a luxury you know, because I didn't want to intrude on Kat & Kevin's morning."

"That's exactly what I said to Derek, but Ailene...Carolyn, he really has an issue with thinking..." she said, but he interrupted, talking over her.

"Mom, stop talking about me being a prude," and all three of them laughed.

"He thinks," Meredith started to tease him, "if he doesn't hear about it, it just doesn't happen."

"Does he remember he has fourteen nieces and nephews," Carolyn joked with her.

"Almost fifteen," Meredith replied, and immediately felt his hand reach for hers, and squeeze gently, and did not let go while she continued speaking easily with his mother as her initial reservations disappeared.

"Meredith, I saw the emails from the girls this morning, it's amusing they are including me since I have the blackberry. I'm going to respond and tell them to leave you two alone."

Meredith laughed, "you do that, and I'll respond to your message."

"All right sweetheart, but don't take them too seriously, because, Jenna and even Nancy can be email addicts. You just let me know when you get home, and the two of you take care of each other and settle into married life, but don't forget to tell me about all the bets, and I'm going to tell that boy to behave as well."

"I won't," Meredith said referring to her sisters in law, "but you do have to stay in touch while you're traveling, so we know you're ok, and make sure...not to carry valuables..."

"Meredith, you're getting worse than my girls."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sweetheart, it's a good thing...a very good thing, it's what family's about."

"I don't do very well...with that."

"You do amazingly well with that..."

"You...you think..."

"I know so. Stop doubting yourself."

"I'll...I'm trying."

"You're succeeding. Now, my son is probably frowning, and wondering what we are talking about."

"Yes...yes...you are right," she said, as she saw Derek's expression.

"Meredith, you also need to keep me posted about Mark and Lexie, and I know he's dating someone, but...I don't know..."

"I think we do," Meredith laughed, "but they don't, and I think...if that's what they're doing," she decided to tease Derek a bit in the way she chose her words, "you'll probably know before we do...since you're spending the next couple days with them."

Her mother in law laughed, "you're trying to make him think we're talking about Kat and Kevin."

"What are you talking about," Derek interrupted her, as he released her hand to grip the steering wheel as they entered into the faster moving traffic.

"Sex, your mother's decided to give me some mother daughter advice."

"You're..." he stuttered, "she's what?"

"Relax Shepherd," she giggled, "we're talking about Mark and Lexie."

"You're going to pay for that," he looked quickly over to her.


"Mer, you're talking with my Mom."

"Oh," she said, momentarily mesmerized by his look, "Carolyn...sorry...that was..."

"I know Meredith...I remember," her mother in law said, and they spoke for a few more minutes before they ended the call.

"Enjoy the train ride to Rome and tell Kat & Kevin we're looking forward to seeing all of you in Seattle. Yes, I will. We...we love you too," she said softly, and her words warmed his heart and he sent a silent prayer of thanks for the bond that was developing between the woman he loved, his soul mate, and his family.

Within a short period of time they arrived at Malpensa Airport and were met by the representative from the car rental company, as well as Angela's cousin who provided a smooth and unequivocally VIP check in process, that included escorting them through security to the airline's business class lounge, and because they were special guests of the Mullligan's, made arrangements for them to leave their bags in a locked area rather than in the usual open storage, leaving them with more than hour before their flight departed at ten forty five.

"Let's go for a walk," Derek said after leaving their carry on bags in the designated area, and thanking their escort, "we're going to be sitting for a long while."

They walked hand in hand through the airport terminal, "we're married," she said suddenly, wonder reflected in her tone, as her hand squeezed his, and she ran her thumb over his wedding ring.

"Almost...four full days," he smiled and their steps slowed to a halt, as their eyes met and uncaring of the hundreds of spectators moving quickly through the corridors he pulled her into his embrace, and heard her intake of breath and soft sigh.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he said, and kissed the top of her head, and continued their stroll in silence, content and fulfilled with each other's mere presence.

"Derek when does our flight get in to Seattle?" Meredith asked, joining him after a stop to the ladies room.

"Seven in the evening."

"We'll clear customs in Atlanta right, so we just have to get our bags at home?"


"I was just thinking it would be nice to have tonight alone, maybe at the trailer, but it's not very practical since we don't have anything to eat there, and we'd probably need to clean up after a week away..."

"I think," he smiled, "your friends may have taken the choice out of our hands."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the message they just sent," he told her, and handed her his blackberry.

"It's from Izzie," she commented.

"Uh huh..." he said, as he looked over her shoulder and read the message again.

"Mer, Sloan and Cristina are CRAZY, you can't keep your wedding a secret. Though we all did agree not to say anything till you get back. You have to tell everyone in front of some of the gossips, you know like Debbie. Anyway, didn't want to bother you earlier in the week but hope you see this message. Lexie and I went over to the trailer, we asked the chief to let us in, and got it ready for you in case you want to go straight there, George also got some groceries for you, just enough for when you get home. But, what I'm really hoping is that you'll want to come by the house and have dinner with us, and we can have a small celebration. We know you'll be tired after the long flight, but really can't wait to see you. We also got your room ready, and did you laundry."

"I think you're right," she said, "we're going to have to spend tonight at my house. I'll email her and your sisters before we leave."

"We can spend tomorrow at the trailer," he agreed. "Besides Mer, but the time we get home tonight, we'll probably be dead, so tomorrow," he said and raised an eyebrow, "we'll really want to be alone..."

"In the woods," she smiled.

"In the woods," he said and they both smiled in perfect understanding.

"More roaring..." she laughed, and entwined their fingers.

"Is there anything you want to get," he asked, "there's the duty free shop or anywhere you want."

"I don't need anything Derek."

"Uhmmm...how about those sunglasses?"

"Ridiculously expensive designer sunglasses...for our cloudy Seattle days?"

"Humor me, try them on."

"That means, Meredith buy them."

"Come on...I like getting you things."

"I'll try them," she said reluctantly.

"Get them," he said, as she looked at him. "I like how they look on you."

"Of course you do," she joked, "but they are unnecessarily expensive, and I'll probably lose them."

"I like the way they look on you, it's not about the cost, and if you lose them, you can replace them."

"Fine, but you try these on," she said, referring to a new display of Serengeti sunglasses.

"You're bribing me..." he laughed, "with couples' sunglasses shopping."

"Uhmm..." she said after he tried on a few different models. "Get these."

"We'll take both ," Derek said providing his credit card.

"Derek," she stood close to him and whispered, "you look much sexier than Patrick Dempsey."

He gave her a confused look, "what are you talking about?"

She laughed, "the actor in that display with the sunglasses...you're much sexier...McDreamy...and all."


"What..." she teased him.

"Now I have to be jealous of you drooling over an actor..."

"Only when he races, he looks hot in his gear."

"Oh that actor," he said, presumably having recognized the celebrity, "maybe I should take up racing..."

"Over my dead body. I bet his wife sits and worries every time he races, so don't even think about...I'm not going to sit at home and worry about you..."

"You'd worry about me," he taunted her, "traveling at speeds close to 200 miles."

"Don't be an ass," she whispered to him. "The closest you're getting to a sports car was the Jaguar you just drove all week."

"Yes, honey."

"Don't mock me."

"I love you Meredith," he said, his smile keeping him from hiding his amusement, as he put his arm around her waist and waited to sign the charge slip.

They went back to the lounge and waited to board their flight, while Meredith responded to Izzie and his sisters, and then both turned off their phones for the long journey home.

Their seats were on the second row and Meredith took the aisle seat, while Derek accommodated their bags, and the flight attendant approached her after he sat down.

"Excuse me," the woman said to Meredith, and looked at her boarding list, and then glanced at Derek and smiled, "may I see your boarding pass please?"

"Yes, of course," Meredith said and handed it to her.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Grey, but, you've taken the wrong seat. Yours is the window seat. Mr. Shepherd," she smiled and looked at Derek, "I apologize for the inconvenience."

Derek simply waited for the reaction.

"It's Mrs. Shepherd," Meredith said, "and my husband," she paused for emphasis, "wanted the window seat during takeoff."

"I apologize, Mrs. Shepherd, I was going strictly by the flight manifest."

"We just got married in Venice," Derek smiled, "the passport still has my wife's," he chose to say that, knowing it would make Meredith happy, "maiden name."

"What would you like to drink before our take off?"

"We'll both have champagne, thank you," Derek said.

"What is it with women wanting to flirt with you?" Meredith muttered.

"She wasn't flirting."

"Right, you didn't watch her smile and bat her eyes at you?"

"She did not," he soothed, and leaned over and kissed her, "and if she did, I didn't notice, because I only have eyes for you."

"Good save," she smiled, and pressed her lips against his, right before they were brought their drinks.

"I love my bossy...protective...jealous wife."

"I love you Derek," she said, and they brought their glasses together.

"To the first day of our life together in Seattle...and the rest of our lives," he said, and they exchanged small talk as the rest of the passengers continued to board the flight.

"Derek," she said wistfully as she saw a smiling couple pushing a stroller to the side of the main door, twin pink bundles sleeping peacefully, and then each held a baby in their arms, and the flight attendant folded the stroller to be checked and brought back to them upon arrival. "Do you really think we'll have that?"

"Without a doubt," he whispered in her ear, as he held her hands in his.

"Sometimes...I think...what if I can't...some women can't, and I've already..."

"Hey," he said softly, "you can...and we will."

"And we'll travel...with our kids, not leave them behind."

"We will, as a family, but sometimes," he said and kissed her lips lightly, "it will just be us, mommy and daddy travel time."

"I hope...I hope we'll have that."

"I promise you, we will."

"But...if...I can't..."

"Do you remember," he whispered to her, "when I asked you to take it all on faith...even when I had no right to do so."

"I do," she said, as their eyes met, hers glimmering with unshed tears.

"Once upon a time," he said "a little angel named Brianna, showed her Mommy in a dream..."

"A beautiful dream," Meredith whispered, her eyes closed, and her hand held firmly in his. "That made me believe...and you've made me believe."

"Yes...love. Meredith, again, we take this all on faith...but now we're married...and we've made a commitment for a lifetime."

"Yes," she said, and felt his lips on hers and smiled softly, and they remained in quiet reflection until the announcement was made of their imminent departure.

"Happy Anniversary Meredith," he whispered against her lips, and her heart skipped a beat as did his, and two hearts beat and soared with expectations of the next forty years, at the exact moment the airplane lifted off the runaway, soaring thousands of feet in the air until it reached a safe altitude, while their hands remained entwined.

"Do you want me to get you a blanket, and you can get some sleep," he told her as he caressed the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Are you kidding," she smiled before opening her eyes and turning her face to look at him, "can't sleep on this trip, I may have to keep an eye on you and those flirty flight attendants."

"It's going to be a long flight," he chuckled, "and you have nothing to worry about."

"I'm not sure I can take any chances," she teased him.

"What if we both get some sleep," he winked at her.

"My panther is tired?" she joked.

"Damn right, there was this insatiable...woman in my bed last night."

"Did she make it worth your while?"

"Every second..." he smiled, "and every hour of lost sleep...well worth it."

"I heard though, about this other woman you had fantasies about," she continued to tease him. "A Dr. Grey?"

"Oh...she's my fantasy come true," he joked.

"It's a damn good thing she's your wife," Meredith glared at him, "or else..."

"I'd be a dead horse's ass," he said, and then they both burst out laughing.

"Derek," she said, "those people across the aisle are not looking at us in a very friendly way."

"Snobs, look at how rigid they look," he joked with her.

"Uhmmm..." she leaned over and whispered, "she's probably never experienced anything remotely near the fantasies between you and Dr. Grey."

"Meredith...those feelings, those once in a lifetime moments, they're only when the right man...and the right woman..."

"You and me..." she smiled, "extraordinary...together."

"For always," he smiled back, and leaned in to kiss her.

Their flight was over ten hours non-stop and throughout they enjoyed their relaxed banter in between meal services, watching a movie, napping and now Derek was reading while she slept and he recognized the familiar breathing right before she'd begin to snore.

"Meredith," he leaned over, "Mer...wake up."

"Uhmm..." she said startled, "what...what's wrong?"

"You were going to start snoring," he said sheepishly.

"And you woke me up?"

"You told me to last time we flew here."

"And you always do what I tell you?"

"I will," he said, with a deadpan expression, "now that we're married, I'm afraid of my wife."

"Oh you ass," she laughed quietly, and reached for his hand. "How long before we get to Atlanta?"

"Another couple hours."

"Did you sleep?"

"A little."

"So you were watching me sleep again?"

"Not really, but I really didn't want you to wake up the entire airplane," he said and felt her smack his arm before she got up and walked to the lavatory.

"You know..." he said, when she got back to her seat, "if you were in an adventurous mood," he teased her, "I could have joined you..."

"Have you seen how small they are and how and filthy those bathrooms get..."

"Uhmmm...I bet Dr. Grey would not have any..."

"Derek," she teased, "you better stop talking about Dr. Grey."

"Think my wife will get jealous?"

She placed her hand on his thigh, massaging lightly, looking in his eyes, "she gets very jealous of her husband fantasizing about another woman."

"Good thing...she told me that," he smiled, and she leaned over to kiss him.

"You weren't serious...were you...about..."

"No...I wasn't...I agree with you about those lavatories."

"But, you know Derek," she grinned at him, "I think...there just may be ..."

"What..." he asked in anticipation.

"I'll show you..." she said, suggestively, "before we get home."

"Before we get home...Mer...there aren't too many places..."

"Trust me," she said, and he grinned along with her.

"Completely," he said, and brought her hand to his lips.

The flight attendants brought a snack of cheese and fruits, and Derek requested a glass of red wine, while Meredith stuck to water during the entire flight.

"You're not drinking anything?" he asked.

"Following Bailey's advise, lots of fluids and walk a bit."

"This is good," he said savoring the wine, and bringing it to her lips, she tasted it.

"Derek," she said, with a wicked smile, and leaned over to him, "before we get off this plane, put a condom in your wallet."

"Meredith," he said, as he almost choked on the wine he'd just sipped, "are you trying to kill me?"

"I only made a suggestion," she smiled.

"A suggestion," he laughed, "more like a..."

"Just keeping a promise," she smiled as she put her hand on his thigh and massaged her way inching higher, teasing and enticing, while she whispered very quietly in his ear.

"Oh God," he groaned, "if you don't want a trip to the lavatory..."

"Can't take the heat," she taunted, and removed her hand from his thigh.

"You're playing with fire..."

"I hope so," she said, and then leaned over to brush his lips with hers.

"These are going to be the longest two hours..."

"You know Derek, while I was talking to your Mom in the car this morning, she suggested we might try..." she said, and then he roared with laughter, again earning the scowl from the passengers across the aisle.

"Meredith, I do love you," he chuckled.

"I thought, it was a good way to...you know..."

"Yes...I know," he said chuckling. "You were not seriously talking to my mother about sex this morning."

"Not about us, just that Kat and Kevin probably were spending the morning..."

"Ok...you're right, you all win... I'm a prude, I do not want to hear about my sisters having sex or my mother's thoughts, or about you and my mother talking about ...sex..."

"That's what we concluded," she giggled, "but we were also talking about Mark and Lexie," she said, and that conversation took a life of its own.

Their arrival was uneventful, and since they were traveling in business class were one of the first passengers to clear immigration and customs, leaving well over two hours before their connecting flight to Seattle.

"Almost home," she said, when they reached Delta's Crown Room and they settled comfortably in the quiet section of the lounge. Derek continued to read his book, while she thumbed through the magazine she'd just purchased, and Derek looked up and saw her smiling.

"What are you smiling about, or do I even want to know?"

"You may want to know," she smiled at him, "here, read this article, though I think..." she winked at him, "Dr. Grey has a lot more to offer, definitely a lot more to offer," she said, and got up and leaned down to whisper to him, "did you put a condom in your wallet?"

"Meredith..." he groaned.

"Did you?"


"I'll be right back, read that article, so you can tell me, well, really show me, what you think later," she walked away leaving him stunned, frustrated and horny as he finished reading the article on ways to spice up your sexual relationship.

"Derek," she said, in a deceptively unaffected tone, "our conference call is in a few minutes, and I was able to secure a room where we can have some privacy."

"What..." he said, as he looked up from the page he was reading.

"We have a couple of minutes," she said, and motioned for him to follow her to a very similar room where they'd made calls in New York, and his mouth hung open when he read the sign posted on the door on an 8 ½ by 11 white piece of paper.

Please do not disturb – medical conference call in progress.

"Meredith," he warned.

"Derek, we only have a minute or so, and the front desk was very helpful in ensuring we have privacy during the conference call."

He followed her in to the small closet like room, where only a wall to wall desktop and chair were found.

"Are you crazy..." he said chuckling, "how did you ever come up..."

"Derek...we don't have forever here....are we going to talk...or are you going to..."

"Shutting up," he said, as he reached for her and devoured her mouth.

"Derek....don't make me wait..." she said long after they'd shared the first kiss, and both were more than ready to join their bodies, and he covered her mouth to silence her moan.

"Mer," he said, attempting to do exactly as he was trying to tell her, and finding it almost impossible not to voice his pleasure, as she held the length of him in her hands, "we have to..."

"Quiet, I know," she said, "Derek," she whispered "don't make me wait...please," she urged him, as he entered her in one quick thrust.

"Shush..." he said, and covered her mouth again, "Mer...we'll probably get arrested," he said, before she contracted gently squeezing him, and then again, and for the first time ever they reached the ecstasy of fulfillment in silence.

He held her against him, both breathless and slightly panting, their bodies still joined, "are you ok?"

"I'm..." she smiled, and their gazes on each other reflected the exact emotions as she said, "just...perfect...amazing..."

"God, Mer...I can't believe...that was..." he said, and she kissed him, softly, tenderly.

"I love you Derek, welcome home."

"I love you too," he said, and in the minutes that followed, as best they could, ensured there were no traces of the pleasures shared as they walked out of the small enclosure and Meredith removed the sign from the door before she went to the ladies room.

Hours later, Meredith slept as they announced the descent of the aircraft on the approach to Seattle, and Derek placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, we're almost home."

"We are..." she said groggily.


"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Almost since we left Atlanta."

"I'm sorry, that's almost five hours, that wasn't very nice of me."

"I slept a while too, and it is after midnight for us."

Her stomach growled, "I guess I skipped a meal," she smiled.

"We both did. I figured it would be ok since Izzie's expecting us for dinner."

"Yeah..." she said, and leaned over to kiss him.

"Our first dinner back home...as a married couple."

"Derek," she smiled "do you remember before we left, that morning at the trailer."


"I had a feeling," she smiled. "The most wonderful feeling."

"You said you felt so good about this trip."

"I was right..." she smiled, and there were tears in her eyes, "it was the most wonderful beginning of our life together...for always."

"It was," he agreed, as they spoke, their eyes smiling and tearful at the same time, "those glimpses of dreams are becoming..."

"Oh...no...not becoming...Derek...those dreams...have come true," she said, and leaned in to him, and said upon his lips, "because of you."

"You...Meredith," he said, and cupped her face, "you are my inspiration, my love...my gift from heaven."

"Oh...Derek...I love you so much," she said, and their hands entwined, and the aircraft continued its descent and their eyes reflected the myriad of emotions of the long journey traveled, the long journey home.

The long journey begun on a night filled with heartache and doubts, the night a heart betrayed shattered in a million pieces leaving wounds of immeasurable proportions, but now restored as faith and love indeed brought healing.

Eyes held and spoke of forgiveness as both accepted that neither would ever take their love for granted, a love they recognized was a gift they now knew to nurture and cherish. Eyes that remembered sorrow filled nightmares turned reality, as an unexpected life created in love and passion, was lost to them, not meant to survive, and again shattered the dreams of two parents longing for their child, and when all was lost, two lovers found strength in each other, found that theirs was indeed a love of legends.

Eyes that refused to break their contact, covered by a light sheen of tears, that now held the joy and promise of the future, certain and unshakeable in their belief that together they were extraordinary, and their lives would find the true joy of fulfillment as each passing day came closer to the reality of the glimpses of dreams shared by an angel, they'd accepted on faith, sent from Heaven.

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