"Our first..." - Part 3

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Meredith reached for Derek's hand, "let's go," her smile warmed his heart, "our goddaughter's here."

"Meredith," Derek hesitated, "did you just hear what Mom said?"

"We'll figure it out," she smiled, as she pulled him along, "besides, Kerry's almost six weeks, Jenna's not getting any sex...she'll understand."

"Ah...Mer," he complained, guided by her toward the front door. "I don't want to hear about my sister's..."

"You're a doctor Derek," she said as they reached the foyer, "surely," she teased him, "you know they had sex...or we wouldn't have a godchild."

"Being brainless again," Jenna smiled at the tail end of conversation, and brought some bags from the front porch.

"I don't like you," Derek teased as he hugged his youngest sister.

"You love me," Jenna said confidently. "I'm your favorite."

"Where's the baby?" Meredith interrupted, "you didn't bring Kerry?"

"Nice to see you too Mer," Jenna pouted.

"I'm sorry," Meredith said apologetically, ingrained doubts slightly resurfacing about her ability to understand family dynamics. "That wasn't very nice of me."

"I'm joking Meredith," Jenna assured her, the slight apprehension in her sister in law's reaction making her better understands Kathleen's original impression of her; the vulnerability she spoke of when she first returned from Seattle.

"Sorry," Meredith surprised both siblings with her candidness. "Still getting used to how your family jokes with one another, though Jenna, you won't be able to use that fake pout all the time."

"You're learning," Jenna smiled and hugged her. "Her daddy's bringing her in, cooing to her and getting her in a good mood."

"She's not in a good mood?" Meredith asked worried, "Is she sick? She's always..."

"She's fine," Jenna smiled at her daughter's godmother. "But..."she winked at Meredith before looking at Derek, " since the two of you delayed our arrival...over an hour, she's due to eat, and if I held her to bring her in, she was going to want to be fed immediately, and I thought you'd want to do that."

"Oh..." Meredith smiled softly, "I'm glad you thought of that."

"Plus," Jenna said, meeting Meredith's gaze, her eyes watering slightly. "I wanted to see you first... know we're ok...that you've forgiven me for the way I acted..."

"We're ok," Meredith told her, reassured and comforted that nothing had changed in their relationship over the incident that sent Derek on an overnight trip across the country.

"She's a piglet Mer," Jenna told her. "Wait till you see her."

"I can go get her," Meredith shifted impatiently, "is that ok?"

"Of course," Jenna smiled, "she's all yours...everyone's been warned."

Meredith walked to the door, "Mer," Derek chuckled, reaching for her jacket on the coat rack. "It's freezing out there." But, before he got a chance to help her, Rob came into view at the front porch and Meredith held the door open.

"Rob," Meredith smiled, glancing at the car seat that held her goddaughter, whose face was currently covered to guard against the increasingly chilling wind. "It's nice to see you."

"Oh, that's nice," Jenna joked, while putting her arm around Derek, "nice to see him...I was just chopped liver."

"Fess up Meredith," Rob teased as he reached the threshold, "it's Kerry you want to see."

Derek delighted at his wife's giggle, "guilty...I couldn't wait to see her, get in here."

Rob stood in front of her and Meredith removed the pink blanket that covered the baby.

"Oh...Derek..." Meredith said softly, "look at her...she's... precious..."

The baby who was sucking her pacifier turned toward Meredith's voice immediately.

"Mer," Derek said, while Kerry reacted with a small frown at the new sound, "she recognizes your voice."

"Hi Kerry..." Meredith cooed, "you're such a smart baby...aren't you..." and when she reached for her tiny hand the baby immediately tightened her hold, and once again captured Meredith's heart. "You're so big...guess Mommy's right," she leaned in to kiss the baby's forehead, and the baby released the pacifier.

"Hey sweetie," Jenna spoke to the baby who instantly recognized her mother's voice. "It's time we get you out of that warm snowsuit," the baby sighed, "cause your overprotective Daddy thought you had to wear today, "don't you agree?"

"It's thirty degrees," Rob said, "it could snow any minute, and you said Mer got it for her...so I thought you'd want her to wear it."

"We were in the car," Jenna laughed softly, "right Kerry...we were only outdoors ninety seconds to get you in and out of the car. Snowsuits are for when we play outside."

Kerry cooed back to her mother, making everyone smile. "She's talkative," Rob said, "just like her mother, and nosy as hell like her aunts. Just look at her trying to follow the conversation."

"You can't say that," Meredith teased him at the use of the word hell, "using that language in front of her."

Rob laughed, "you've been around the girls all morning, haven't you?"

"Mom's been handed the liquid detergent a few times already," Meredith laughed. "Rob," she told him, "that was very thoughtful of you...that she'd wear that outfit."

"Rob," Jenna said, "honey, put her down in the living room, so Mer can take her out of her seat," and the adults followed.

"She's all yours," Rob said as he placed the car seat on the coffee table, then pulled Jenna close and whispered, "told you she wouldn't be upset," and Jenna kissed his cheek and hugged him.

Meredith carefully lifted the baby and held her close to her, then sat on the couch, taking in the sweet unmistakable baby scent. "Kerry Beatrice," she spoke softly, "I've missed you baby, you're growing so fast...and your Mommy's right...you have to be a little piglet," and lovingly kissed the baby's face, "you must weigh twelve pounds already."

Kerry listened intently, her eyes on her godmother, the newborn's innocence and apparent recognition, helping Meredith deal with their loss.

"Your godmother is going to spoil you rotten," Derek spoke to the baby, who again frowned slightly at the sound of new man's voice in her life, "and you've got her wrapped around her little finger already, don't you?"

"Your uncle Derek has a lot to learn," Meredith said, her voice gentle, "he thinks he's going to convince me to give you up right now," her eyes sparkled as she met her husband's gaze, "just because he gives me that smile," she spoke quietly, "and all that leaning ...like Dr. Bailey says...but first, we need to get you out of this outfit..." and she continued talking as she began to remove the pink outer garment.

"Jenna," Derek looked over at his sister, and joked, "will you tell her I can hold her too."

"You had her all to yourself when you were here," Jenna told her brother, "it's up to your wife when she lets you hold her," and she watched, and her eyes watered at Meredith's reaction to the baby's outfit.

"You remembered," Meredith looked at her sister in law and hugged the baby close.

"I wasn't sure...but you said...when we spoke on Monday...you asked..."

"It's perfect," Meredith said. "Derek, your turn to hold her."

"I'm teasing you Meredith," he smiled. "Hold her as long as you want."

"Kerry," Meredith said softly, "there are so many people that love you baby...everybody wants to hold you," she kissed the top of her head. "And I know you're not very familiar with him right now," she got up and walked to stand by Derek, "even if he did see you and take care of you all night a few weeks ago, but your Uncle Derek... he's not just your uncle," she placed the baby in his arms and paused, watching his reaction, she leaned into him, as he cuddled the baby.

"You're," Derek's voice broke as he saw the pink onesie Meredith bought months before, with its baby angel design that proclaimed I love my godfather "our very special angel, Kerry Beatrice..." and the baby's eyes locked with his, as he smiled through a misty gaze at the dark haired beautiful child, the significance of her name; bringer of joy, never more evident. "Your godmother, who I love very much," his eyes were on Meredith, "and your Mom are determined to make me a sentimental sap."

"Sweetie," Meredith stepped closer, the baby gently and safely nestled between them, she brushed his lips softly. Kerry turned her head immediately, making Meredith smile. "You're going to have to learn to recognize your godfather's voice."

"Don't pay any attention to her," Derek teased, the baby again frowning at his voice, "she loves that you recognize her only...even if it's only because she's spent hours on the phone...with you..."

"You know what else," Meredith said, her tone sweet and gentle as she kissed Kerry's forehead, "you're going to have to recognize when your godfather is being brainless," and then the baby turned her head again toward the voice she knew so well and smiled.

"Derek," Meredith gasped softly, "she's smiling...she's smiling at me..."

"Yes," Derek smiled in turn at his wife, whose own smile literally lit up the room.

Kerry's parent remained silent watching the exchange; Rob wrapped his arms around Jenna, "no tears."

"Easy for you to say," Jenna whispered back, he knew her well, even without looking at her. "Do you know how hard that must be for her...after what she...went through?"

"Honey," Rob hugged her tighter, "they're happy. You can see that. Enjoy the moment."

"Jenna," Meredith turned to her sister in law, "she smiled at me...she really did."

"Yes," Jenna admitted, "she really did, she recognizes when she has someone special that loves her..."

"You didn't tell me," Meredith said, "that she was smiling now..."

"The last few days," Jenna said, "it's quite clear it's not gas anymore. It made me cry the first time she did...and..."

"What else is new," Derek chuckled and Kerry turned her face to his voice.

"Listen smartass," Jenna said, "it's a special moment...and it's different with each one."

"I'm teasing Jen," Derek shook his head. "Baby...your mommy is much too sensitive," and the baby frowned.

"Ah..." Meredith cooed to her, "look at that, she knows when her godfather is being brainless," and all adults laughed as the baby for a second time at the sound of that word, met her godmother's gaze and smiled.

"Jenna," Rob laughed, "this may be the smartest of the girls...she recognizes the brainless..."

"You've been guilty of that yourself," Derek countered, "don't think you're scot-free."

Kerry's hand had found her way into her mouth, the clear sign that a hunger cry was imminent, and Rob walked to the foyer to get her bottle.

Meredith took the baby from Derek and settled comfortably on the couch to feed her goddaughter; the men instructed to take the bags of food to the kitchen.

"Derek," Jenna turned to her brother, "help me take these upstairs."

"What's on your mind Jen," he asked as they reached his sister's bedroom and he put down three bags of overnight gear.

"I wasn't sure," Jenna said, "if it would be ok...to put that onesie on Kerry. I didn't want to upset either of you again...but Mer asked me if it fit her, and it's still a little big, but not by much, and she's filled out the one she wore when Mer was here...but she said it would mean a lot to you...if she wore it...and you're her godfather...and..."

"Mer's only been here around you an hour and that was worse than her rambles."

"You jerk," his sister smacked his arm playfully.

"Meredith was right...it meant a lot to see her wear it," and he hugged his sister, kissing the top of her head. "You don't need to walk on eggshells around us...we're ok."

"I love you Derek," his sister said, "and there are no words to tell you how much it means to me that you're here...that you are Kerry's godfather...both of you, but I wish..."

"We don't need words," he looked at the younger sister he'd always looked after and wiped away a tear from her cheek. "We're both happy you trusted us with her."

"Of course I trusted you with her," his sister sniffled. "You've always taken care of me...always looking after me...Derek...Daddy would be so proud of you..."

"Dad," he took a deep breath, as their eyes met, memories of long ago never forgotten, "would be so proud of you Jeni...so very proud...of the woman you've become," and he hugged her once more, the tragic memory of the past the source for the special sibling bond between them.

"I wondered," Jenna said a few minutes later when she and Derek walked back into the living room, and found Carolyn sitting next to Meredith, burping the baby on her shoulder. "If you were going to ignore her, she's very sensitive you know."

"Jenna Patricia," Carolyn looked at her youngest daughter and joked. "Surely you're not jealous I did not come rushing out to greet you...but I'm here now, spending time with the two newest members of the family."

"Ma," Jenna sat next to her mother, "why would I be jealous, I know I'm your favorite."

"Here we go," Rob walked in holding a tray with two cups of hot chocolate, "favorites again."

"Ma, you made chocolate," Jenna smiled, "and cinnamon rolls...I love both."

Carolyn passed the baby back to Meredith as she began to whimper, demanding more food. "You're not my baby for nothing..." Carolyn kissed her cheek. "Now," she said, the bossy navy nurse tone in place, "both of you," it was clearly she spoke to Derek and Rob. "I need some help in the basement."

"She's so subtle," Jenna laughed while Kerry momentarily released the bottle and smiled at her mother, traces of milk at the corner of her lips. "Isn't she sweetie," she wiped the baby's mouth, "Granma is as subtle as a tank."

"Just like you are," Meredith giggled, the baby making it known she was ready to continue eating. "Dragging my husband upstairs."

"I did not drag him," Jenna argued.

"You two ok?" Meredith asked, though her attention was on the baby.

"I just wanted him to know," Jenna told her, "how much it means to me, that you're here. That your Kerry's godparents."

"We feel the same way," Meredith replied.

"But," Jenna said, "I still worry about you..."

"Ah..." Meredith met her gaze, "Carolyn's subtleness..."

"She knows how I feel," Jenna told her, "that I'd want to talk to you...I hadn't seen you since I acted so selfishly...avoiding you..."

"We're ok," Meredith told her, "really...we are, or I would have never asked you to put this onesie on her. Our hearts have healed Jenna and Kerry's helped..."

"I keep thinking," Jenna said, "everything I said to you...going on about babies...and..."

"I'm not going to lie to you," Meredith surprised herself, at how open she could be with Jenna. "I wasn't sure...this trip, how I'd deal with it. Our baby would have been a few weeks old now, but, Derek and I have talked and cried...and we know...we really do know, we'll have our family one day...but for now, Kerry..." she kissed the baby's chubby hand, "she's brought us so much joy, Jenna...and we're ok..."

"My brother," Jenna cleared her throat and Meredith turned to her, the glimmer of tears expected, "is very lucky...we're very lucky ...that he found you."

"I'm the lucky one," Meredith said, both gazes equally tearful, "he's my soul mate...my life," Jenna wiped away her tears, and Meredith decided to turn the conversation to a lighter tone, "my roaring panther...and ...my untamed beast."

"Oh Meredith...I'm so glad ... so thankful Addie cheated on him," and both women laughed, yet another bond of trust and friendship added to their relationship.

"By the way," Meredith told her, "speaking of untamed beasts..."

"You're being mean now," Jenna told her, "rubbing in all the sex...making us wait this morning, when we knew it was because you..."

"Derek and I..." Meredith interrupted her.

"Mer," Jenna giggled, "Derek will die if he knows you're talking about your sex life."

"I'm not talking about our sex life," Meredith giggled; Kerry released the hold on her bottle and focused intently on the two women whose voices she loved so well.

"Really Mer...you just said..."

"Kerry," Meredith cooed to the baby, "your Daddy was right, you really are nosy," and the baby smiled, delighting both women, "just like your aunts...and Mommy."

"Don't change the subject," Jenna told her.

"Derek and I..." Meredith shifted the baby to her shoulder, burping her. "Since it's almost six weeks...I thought...well, Derek wouldn't think of this, but since you told me you'd managed to get your doctor to see you this afternoon, which I don't get since it's Thanksgiving weekend...and he's in private practice, they don't work on holiday weekends..."

"Oh my God," Jenna laughed, "Derek's right. Your ramblings are contagious by osmosis. I just did the same thing to him. Meredith, what are you talking about?"

"You haven't had sex in at six weeks," Meredith told her and the baby gurgled away, holding her head up as she concentrated on her mother's face, "see even she knows," and after two very loud burps, Meredith cuddled her again, talking to her and making the baby smile, "we're going to keep the kids for you...so you and Rob can have some time alone...so it's a good thing, you brought all the overnight gear."

"You're keeping my kids," Jenna smiled, "the next two nights?"

"We are," Meredith told her, "and Kerry's not going to mind at all, are you sweetie," and her goddaughter talked back, "yes, you're right, we're just going to keep an eye on your Uncle Derek...so that he doesn't act brainless with three kids around," and the baby's smiled made both women laugh.

"Mer," Jenna told her, "there must be something about the way you say brainless that makes her smile."

"I can't believe she's smiling...she's really responding..." Meredith told Jenna.

"My sister in law, the one that has to sleep on the couch, dropped by unannounced this week, and Kerry would smile at the girls and me, but frowned at her the entire time. She's very selective with those smiles."

They continued their conversation, enjoying the baby's reactions to their lighthearted conversation and laughter.

"You never said," Meredith asked her. "How did you get the doctor to see you today?"

"Kirk is one of Nancy's partners," Jenna told her, "and one of his patients is on bed rest with triplets, he promised her he'd be here for the delivery, which they expect any minute."

"You do realize what this means," Meredith raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm getting sex tonight, even loud sex," Jenna laughed.

"No," Meredith told her, "you're expected to do the same...for me when I have a baby, we'll have to program the baptism just around six weeks, so Derek and I can have uninterrupted...loud sex..." she said, and suddenly felt Jenna's hand gently squeeze hers.

"You're really ok..." Jenna met her gaze, and felt Meredith's gentle squeeze of her hand.

"I'm really ok," Meredith told her. "I need you to know that," she said and hugged Kerry to her, and kissed the top of her head. "Kerry's made it easy ...knowing what I have to look forward to one day."

"Count on me...all four of us and Ma...to make sure we're always there for you."

"Jenna," Meredith smiled with a hint of mischief. "I'm just going to make sure your doctor's available too...to clear me at five weeks...instead of six..."

"That won't be a problem," Jenna said, "you're lucky Addie's no longer at Seattle Grace, it that bitch was anywhere around...she'd find a way to delay the time...since you have Derek, and she doesn't."

"Satan's revenge," Meredith laughed. "Believe me, I'd make damn sure I'd get nowhere near her or our baby...she probably would say I need to wait eight weeks..."

"Mer," Jenna laughed, "I can't believe we're talking about her..."

"She's in the past," Meredith told her, "Derek and I...it no longer matters, we've built our life together...we know, we're in this for a lifetime."

Derek and Rob interrupted them. "What were you laughing about," Derek asked, "we could hear you on the way up from the basement."

"Satan's revenge," Jenna said, and both she and Meredith laughed, "and loud sex."

Derek shook his head and raised a questioning brow at Meredith.

"As in Addie Derek," Jenna clarified, "and loud sex as is..."

"Ok," Derek said, "you have little ears here..." and he reached for the baby. "Hey, Kerry, if your sisters were here, they'd be having your Mommy's mouth washed out with soap." Meredith smiled at the ease with which he handled babies. "And, then," he cooed at her, "they go around saying I'm brainless," and the baby reacted with a beautiful smile that left him awestruck. "Mer..." he turned to her, "she smiled at me...Jen...she did..."

"She certainly did," his sister said, and winked at Meredith, "she's getting to know you."

"Brainless," Meredith mouthed to Jenna, and then to Derek, "she likes the sound of some words." She figured she could share what word it was later.

Chaos, loving family chaos would soon take over the Shepherd household as family began to arrive for their official Thanksgiving celebration. But, not before Meredith and Derek had a chance to spend time with some other members of the family.

"Grandma," Carolyn's oldest granddaughter called out as she came through the kitchen door, "we got so many bargains...everything you asked for and so many baby things," then she stopped, before rushing over to her uncle. "You're here...you're really here. We've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," Derek said as his niece engulfed in a hug.

"Meredith," Allie turned to her, "it's so good to finally meet you. I'm Allie."

"Kathleen's oldest," Meredith smiled, "I'm glad to meet you too."

"Did you forget I'm here?" Carolyn joked.

"How could I ever forget my favorite grandmother?" Allie went over and hugged her.

"Favorite grandmother," Carolyn teased her, obviously not a new topic of conversation between them. "Has Alice heard about this?"

"We don't have to tell her," Allie kissed her grandmother's cheek. "But she already knows Grandma that I was your first and favorite."

Meredith giggled, speaking to Kerry, "sweetie, no doubt you will be my first favorite godchild," and Derek smiled at Meredith's enchantment with the baby.

"Meredith," Allie said, "no doubt you've learned all about the favorites..."

"I certainly have," she winked at her, happy that Kathleen's daughter was so much like her mother, accepting her easily into the family fold. "But, I still haven't learned where it got started."

"That's Aunt Pat's fault," she said.

"Naturally," Meredith laughed, as did Derek and Carolyn.

"Aunt Jenna said you get priority with Kerry...but," Allie spoke to the baby "I don't suppose your godmother is going to ..."

"Consider sharing her," Meredith smiled as she got up and relinquished her godchild.

"Oh...baby..." Allie cooed at her cousin, "you're so precious...yes, you are...and I wish I was home all the time to see you, and I don't mind sharing you with Granma," she used the little ones' name for their grandmother, "even if you're going to be her favorite for a little bit."

"Ma," Derek said, "this favorite thing is getting out of hand."

"It's always like that Uncle Derek, you've just been away too long. But," Allie turned to her grandmother again, "I really am her favorite granddaughter."

"I have to say," Carolyn Shepherd admitted, "Meredith, the minute they placed her in my arms, and I was the very first to hold her, she's always known she had a special place in my heart."

"Meredith," Allie told her, "it's a mutual feeling...plus I got really sick when I was three weeks old and Grandma took over...and Mom was here all the time...till she went back to work. And there's really a special bond...even if that sounds corny...and sentimental, but, it's our secret, so the rest don't get their feelings hurt."

Carolyn Shepherd took the baby from her granddaughter, "let's show your oldest cousin what you can do..." Carolyn smiled, "how much you've learned since yesterday."

"You see," Allie told Meredith, "she's the absolute best grandmother in the world. Just wait till you have kids...especially since they're Uncle Derek's and there's no other Shepherd babies, they're going to be spoiled rotten...and loved to death."

"She's already told me when that happens, she's moving to Seattle," Meredith said, "and of course they'll become the favorite grandchildren, being the first Shepherd grandkids and all."

"You're what?" Allie said, and caught the smile between her grandmother and Meredith, as well as the smile on her uncle's face as he nuzzled his wife's neck and whispered something that made her giggle. "Meredith, Mom was right, you are perfect for Uncle Derek." and hugged Meredith. "Welcome to the family, it's great to see him happy."

Derek wrapped his arm around Meredith's waist, drawing her close to him before sitting at the kitchen table. "How are things with you, school? Still hell bent on being a lawyer?"

"Uncle Derek," Allie joined Meredith and Derek at the kitchen table, having taken the baby back from Carolyn who was checking on the turkeys. "Please don't start that again...it's really what I want to do..."

"Tell me about it," Derek asked, "it's not often we get some time alone...and before long, it's going to be bedlam."

"First," Allie said, "I already emailed you both saying thank you for the boots, I couldn't believe you got those...but, they're going to be great when I go skiing over New Year's."

"Well," Meredith said, "you are the first grandchild and the first Shepherd graduating from law school."

"Meredith, Grandma jumped the gun on that one, it's only my first year of law school."

"Which proves," Meredith said, "that there's something to be said for favorites," and Kerry began to whimper a bit as she followed her voice. "Mom...are you listening?"

"Yes, dear," Carolyn said, her heart swelled with happiness at the ease with which Meredith was adapting to her family. "I may have shown some favoritism."

"Meredith," Allie said, "I think she wants you...it's amazing, Aunt Jenna told me how she loved your voice since the moment she heard it."

"I'm sure she's fine," Meredith told her, though part of her was amazed Kerry may actually want her, and they found out a few minutes later, after she continued to whimper that it was exactly what she wanted; Meredith holding her.

"Mom," Kathleen, just as her daughter came into the kitchen, "I'm wiped out. But, we got everything on your list and mine. Well, you're happy as a little piglet," Kathleen spoke to her niece kissing her cheek, and then hugging Meredith, "being spoiled by your godmother. Hey little brother," Kathleen hugged him, "has she smiled at you yet?"

"She has as a matter of fact," Derek had risen to greet her, "but I'm sure you were hoping the answer was no, so you could tell me it's because you're her favorite aunt," he teased, and they both laughed.

"I'm so glad you're here," Kathleen told him, turning to Meredith. "Can you believe how big she is? And she definitely knows you Mer...it's amazing how she bonded with you, from the very first time. "

"Tiny, precious miracles," Meredith told Kathleen, "I'm totally in love with her."

"It's a pretty safe bet," Kathleen met Meredith's gaze, and knew her heart continued to heal, "she's totally in love with you too."

"Hey," Derek said, "she's beginning to recognize me too," and took the baby from Meredith, "aren't you little one?" Kerry indeed curled into him, completely trusting this new voice in her life, as she would so very often throughout her life.

"Mer," Kathleen sat next to her after serving herself a cup of hot chocolate, "now you've met my baby," she smiled at Allie. "Laura is on her way with Kevin, she was dropping off all our shopping at home."

"Your baby," Meredith said of Kathleen's daughter, "is lovely."

"She is," Kathleen said, "my own first precious miracle," and reached for Meredith's hand and squeezed gently, and whispered, "you'll have yours...our second babies...will be that special always."

"Our first little miracles," Meredith smiled at her, thankful for Kathleen's acceptance, for her love and friendship.

"Mom, do you need any help? Kevin has everything I've prepared ready to cook."

"We're all set dear, and all your sisters should be here around one, so you and Meredith are free to carry with your plans."

"What plans?" Derek asked, the baby now fast asleep in his arms.

"Kathleen, you really went shopping today," Meredith changed the subject, "on Black Friday?"

"It's practically a tradition, though Mom had most of her shopping done already, since she knew she wouldn't be coming with us this year. I'm exhausted. We were at Macy's at six in the morning ..." she said and went on to tell of the rest of the six hour of shopping."

"Mer," Derek asked again, "what plans?"

"Uncle Derek," Allie said, "we should put her down, she'll nap for a couple hours."

"Why?" Derek asked, cuddling the baby closer.

"Because," Allie said, "you're going to spoil her if you don't."

"We're only here this weekend," Derek argued, "she can't get spoiled."

"Derek," Meredith said, "Allie's right, I think you should...or Jenna will kill us if she wants to be held all the time."

"And," Kathleen said, "you have her tonight, so you want her to sleep in the bassinet," she teased, "I'd bet my life on it."

"We're babysitting tonight?" Derek asked.

"All three girls," Kathleen smirked, "and don't forget they're not sleeping just because their eyes are closed."

"I know that," Derek said, and reluctantly let Allie take the baby and put her down in the portable crib that had been brought to the kitchen. "But, Mer, how does Kathleen know we're babysitting and I don't?"

"Mom," Meredith asked, "I noticed she has her own bassinet in Jenna's room. Do you think she'll be ok tonight, she won't miss the one at home?"

"Sweetheart," Carolyn joined them at the table, "she'll be fine; that bassinet was Kathleen's and all the kids have used it, then the grandkids and they always do just fine sleeping at Granma's."

Suddenly the commotion outside signaled chaos was about to begin, and Carolyn smiled and closed her eyes briefly. "Irish, I'm so blessed...our family is all going to be here, together for the first time in years...and our son...our baby boy...Irish, I wish you could be here and see how happy he is. He found his soul mate...just like us."

The door swung open and little ones were the first to arrive. "Granma..." Meghan ran to her excitedly, "Dr. Cris is so funny...she not know about mouses that gots to become beautiful horses... and they take Cinderella to the ball."

"Dr. Cris," Derek smirked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I bet you told her all about it," Carolyn had the three year old sitting on her lap.

"I did Granma, and Katie and Emma and Becky they helped me cause of I can't read."

"Hi Mommy," Emma kissed her mother; then sat next to her sister. "Allie, I'm so happy you're home, I miss you so much when you're at school."

"So am I Emma," the older sister kissed hugged her little sister. "I miss you all the time."

Derek used the diversion to pull Meredith aside, "why are we babysitting?"

"Because," Meredith smiled at him, "Kerry's almost six weeks old."

"So?" He asked.

"I told you Jenna was going to see her doctor today," Meredith told him.

"Mer," Derek asked, "can you be a little more clear?"

"Sex, Derek," she giggled, "if everything's ok, they'll want time alone...it's been six weeks."

"I had to ask," he shook his head and she laughed, cupping his face and kissing him.

"Derek," she smiled at him, "you don't mind, do you?"

I don't mind," he raised an eyebrow and kissed her. "We already know we can do quiet."

"Mama Shep," Cristina's voice got everyone's attention, "you're going to need a lot more than a bottle of Palmolive to clean up the thoughts going through Mom & Dad's brain right now," and all the adults including Mark and Lexie laughed.

"Grown up talk," Rebecca muttered, "it always happens when they start kissing, just like Mommy and Daddy."

"Mommy and Daddy," Katie added, "kiss all the time in the kitchen, and since my little sister was born...Mommy always tells Daddy he has to stop ...cause she says she can't kiss him like that cause they gots to wait."

"Meredith dear," Carolyn said with a twinkle in her eye, "when Jenna mentions that conversation we had earlier this morning, right before they got here...you may want to remember this one...even out the playing field."

"Allie," Emma turned to her sister who had laughed when her uncle choked on his coffee, "you know what they're talking about don't you?"

"Not really," her sister said, "I just got here with Mom."

"Allie," her little sister smiled at her, challenging her, "you know about grown up talk..."

"Just a little," her sister hugged her. "Did you have a good time last night? Were you girls up talking after Grandma went to sleep," she asked and her sister filled her in on their morning adventure at Carolyn's and then Patricia's home.

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