"Our first..." - Part 1

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"Derek..." Meredith whispered as a hint of moonlight illuminated their room.

"Tired...sleep," he mumbled wrapping his arms tighter around her.

"Derek," she smiled as she shifted in his arms and turned to face him, when had she become this sentimental person that wanted to wish her husband a happy anniversary at the exact time their marriage had taken place months before in Venice.

"It's almost one forty five," she lightly brushed his lips, "you can go back to sleep..."

"Mer..." he instinctively pressed his body against hers, "so exhausted..."

"I know," she said thinking of the playful teasing and taunting that would surely follow when he was fully awake. Her shift had ended at six that evening and they were both due back at six in the morning for twelve hours. However, he'd had an emergency surgery that had lasted over five hours and got home past eleven that night. She'd waited up for him, only so she could give him a massage and offer some relief to the inevitable tired aching muscles after a lengthy surgery.

"I love you," she said quietly, tenderly caressing his face, and then another gentle kiss, "happy anniversary," she whispered, as she cradled his head on her breast, and allowed him to sleep through the first minutes of their eight month wedding anniversary; certain he'd make it up to her in the morning.

Derek smiled, though he was annoyed with himself, as he recalled having slept through her attempt at waking him; her instinctive sensual response and much loved familiar moans made him want to forget everything except being buried deep inside her. But, on this morning, they had plenty of time; he'd make sure of it.

Meredith was certain she'd never had a more pleasurable sensual dream, the feel of his hands, his lips, his mouth on her body, a dream; the perfect dream she never wanted to awake from, while her soft moans of pleasure enticed him even more.

Derek was determined to make it up to his wife; the fact he'd slept through the first minutes of their eight month anniversary; fully aware she'd appreciate his efforts of seduction as his lips began to trace a path from the back of her neck, since even in sleep they'd find themselves in the same position each night, her back pressed against his body, more often than not, their hands entwined.

His fingertips, his tongue, his mouth, she moaned softly, felt like perfectly synchronized caresses, each touch carefully orchestrated to drive her to the brink of madness, and they did, and suddenly she moaned at the wonderful...near invasion of her body, the sound of her own voice waking her, as the dream seemed to come to an end, and her body reacted in unfulfilled frustration.

"Not," she said breathlessly, "a dream..."

"I hope not," he said huskily.

"Don't..." she moaned again as he continued his expert exploration of her body, "stop..."

"Wanted to make sure," his mouth on her body brought yet another expected reaction.

"No games," Meredith gasped softly, delighting him.

"Who's playing," he chuckled.

"I want you..." her fingers pulled lightly at his hair, "now..."

"Oh no..." he teased her.

"Derek..." she complained, pulling tighter.

"Mer...patience..." he bit her inner thigh playfully, "is a virtue."

"You've had plenty of time...while," she moaned again, not so softly, and definitely not quietly, this time, "I thought I was dreaming..."

"Nice dream..." he teased.


"Meredith," his mouth continued its playful teasing until he was satisfied his wife would have no complaints about the way he approached some of their favorite things. She in turn made sure he felt exactly the same way, and it was indeed a very long time before both were completely sated and basked in the intimacy followed by multiple cries of ecstasy and fulfillment.

"Mer..." Derek kissed the top of her head, barely any energy left, "happy anniversary."

"You finally remembered," she teased, her face comfortably settled on his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry," he said, "your beast finally succumbed to old age..."

"My beast," she turned her face up to look at him, "wore me out...completely."

"Not last night," he whispered.

"I understood Derek," she kissed his naked chest, "you'd been in surgery for hours."

"I tried to make it up to you...as soon as..."

"You did," she smiled, and kissed his lips, "beyond any doubts..."

"Mer..." he smiled, "you thought you were dreaming..."

"I never wanted to wake up," she giggled, "it was pure...bliss..."

"Did it get any better," he taunted playfully.

"Beyond my wildest dreams," she kissed him again and then laid her head on his chest.

"I was afraid the beast had missed his chance to..." his hands continued to caress her body tenderly.

"My insatiable beast...roared and rose to the occasion ...just fine," she assured him, "or should I say occasions," he loved her laughter. "I don't think I can function."

"We still have a half hour," he told her, "before we need to get up..."

"Derek," she smiled, "today is more than just our eight month anniversary..."

"We're going home tonight," he said, "with the three kids," he laughed.

"Derek," she met his gaze again, facing each other, their fingers entwined, "our first...Thanksgiving..."

"Yes," his lips brushed hers, "our first Thanksgiving...together...and happy..."

"And married..." she kissed him back, and they spent the next half hour fondly remembering the first seven anniversary celebrations; tender gentle caresses that led to whispered words of love, and promises of yet another intimate celebration before the day was over.

Meredith and Derek walked through the doors of Seattle Grace holding hands, nothing could keep them from smiling; it was indeed their first Thanksgiving together.

"Great," Cristina mumbled as they reached the elevator at the same time, "doomed to witness McDreamied moments for the next twenty four hours."

"Admit it," Meredith smiled, "you're looking forward to the trip."

"One thing has nothing to do with you...blatantly flaunting that you're getting sex," she almost smiled, she truly was happy for her friend, "before dawn..."

"Yang," Derek said, "doesn't your shift start at eight?"

"Yeah," she told him.

"Why are you here at 5:45 in the morning?"

"You have to ask? Mer, really...brainless."

"She's an addict Derek," Meredith smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders, "one of our three kids is a surgery junkie; she's hoping people start being stupid early on in the day."

"Thanks Mom," Cristina joked. "Must be the age difference...you need to interpret for Dad," and all three of them laughed good naturedly.

"Good luck," Derek told her.

Yang commented, "Bailey always says holidays are the perfect display of the stupidity of the human race...that means lots of surgeries today, and I'm ready."

"Addict," Derek mumbled.

"Speaking of addicts," Cristina grinned at the sight of the surgeon in question. "Dr. Bailey, I'm ready to assist you...whatever you need...any surgeries...send them my way."

"Ish...Ish..." Miranda's son began struggling to be put down the moment he saw Derek.

"Yang...you're not supposed to be here till later..."

"Neither are you," she dared to snap back.

"I'm your boss," Bailey told her, "I can be here anytime I want."

"Hey Tuck," Derek grabbed him from Miranda.

"Ish..." the little boy grinned, "go ish...peese..."

"Learn from my son Yang," Miranda taunted, "he says please..."

"Dr. Bailey...of course ...ma'am...please...if you can, I'd be so grateful, if you'd schedule me in for any surgeries..."

"Suck up," Bailey muttered.

"Uck up..." Tuck giggled, "ma...uck up ..."

"Do not," Bailey glared at them all, "laugh."

"Tuck," Derek chuckled, "my next day off...which you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm going to take you fishing."

"Ish...go ish..." the little boy said excitedly.

"Shepherd...what's wrong with you? Now I'll have a long weekend with him waiting for you to do that...truly Meredith, his sisters are right, the man is brainless."

"What was I supposed to tell him," Derek argued with her. "I can't be an ogre, like you."

"Ish..." the little boy smiled, "peese..."

"Hey Tuck," Meredith smiled at him, "you're such a big boy...and you get to spend all day playing with your friends...do you want to go play?"

"Pay...ma...go pay?"

"Yes, baby," Miranda smiled at her son, "we're gonna go play with your friends..."

"Ma," the little boy extended his arms to her, "pay...go...peese?"

"Grey," Miranda smiled at her, "thanks for that...good save."

"Kid diversion 101," Meredith laughed, "learning first hand with Kelly and Sean."

"It'll come in handy," Miranda told her, "when you get this one on your next day off."

"I can't vouch for Derek," Meredith teased him, "though he's going to get some kid lessons during the weekend...the girls are going to keep him on his toes."

"I'm here till three," Miranda said, "but...just in case this madhouse is worse than usual, Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels..."

"Happy Thanksgiving as well Miranda," Derek grinned, "you've had a blessed year."

"I certainly have," Miranda spoke to her son, amazing the others with the baby talk, "isn't that right Tuck...your Mommy and Daddy are very blessed that we have you this year...healthy and no side effects at all from that surgery," and the little boy giggled, "and we're certainly ready to give thanks and celebrate that today...and our friends...each of you," she said ever so briefly becoming sentimental. "You're all blessed as well," she turned to the three friends. "Give thanks for every single day...and the two of you...marriage suits you...very well indeed."

"Thank you," Meredith got teary eyed.

"Ma...go...pay," the little boy got impatient.

"Yep...you're going to play with your friends."

"Bye..." the little boy smiled, and pulled on Cristina's hair, "kiss..."

"Huh..." Cristina responded, as they all laughed.

"Yang," his mother replied, "he wants a kiss goodbye."


"Kiss his cheek Cristina," Meredith told her.

"Kiss..." Tuck giggled when he placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek, "bye...pay..."

"Yeah...play and have fun," Cristina told him, clearly not comfortable with children.

"Bye..." the little boy turned to Meredith and extended his arms to her, "kiss..."

Meredith took him from his mother's arms and kissed his cheek and carried on a conversation with the boy that had Cristina rolling her eyes.

"Miranda," Derek spoke quietly to her, "you going to be ok today?"

"Today," she responded to him only, "we're two very grateful parents," she squeezed his arm lightly. "You're a good friend Derek...it means a lot to me."

"I feel the same way," he put his arm around her, and kissed her cheek.

"Bye Tuck...you have fun today, playing with your friends," and the little boy smiled and kissed Meredith back, but also snuggled against her. "We'll see you soon," and he went to Derek, enjoying all the attention he was getting.

"Hey buddy..." Derek smiled, "be a good boy..."

"Boy..." he giggled and pointed to himself. "Pay...go pay..."

"Ok...Tuck," Miranda said, "we're going to go play say bye to Derek."

The little boy hugged Derek and kissed his cheek, obviously used to this, and then insisted on being put down and reached for his mother's hand and tugged at her.


"Let's go," she smiled.

"Bye...Bye..." he waved smiling, "bye Ish...bye..."

Cristina smirked, "Mer...I think he's calling Derek a Fish..." and started to laugh, "that is priceless...Mr. Incredible dubbed a cold...fish..."

"Cristina," Meredith said, "I can guarantee there is nothing but heat...lots of it, in fact..."

"Stop...I take it back...and I do not want to hear about the sexcapades."

Meredith and Derek turned to each other and laughed, and she reached up and put her arms around his neck, "I love you..."

"Even if I'm a cold...dead fish," he joked.

"But...I know better," she brushed his lips, "Mr. Incredible indeed..."

"Mer..." Derek kissed her back, playfully biting her lip, "kind of embarrassing..."

"Shepherd," she teased, "live with it," and their quiet laughter filled their hearts with joy as they remained in each other's embrace.

"I heard," Mark's voice boomed once Meredith and Derek joined the group at the cafeteria table where Izzie, George, Alex, Lexie and Cristina were sitting waiting for them, "that in spite of the reduced staff today, there's a bet spreading like wild," the snickers were immediate, "wild fish I think I heard."

"Really," Derek said, "I'll bite...no pun intended."

"Cristina..." Meredith reprimanded as she and Derek sat next to each other.

"Come on Mer...how could I resist..."

"Easily..." Meredith was not too annoyed, but persisted, "since you're his guest..."

"Guest..." Lexie joked, "you consider your three kids guests," she said, and they all laughed at the joke that had stuck since Derek's family had visited and dubbed the three traveling companions, Meredith and Derek's kids.

"We're really more Mama Shep's guests."

"Cristina," Lexie said, "we kind of are his guests..."

"Dude... he paid for your tickets, Yang...be grateful."

"Hey...I was getting my own..." Cristina protested.

"Kids," Derek joked, "behave...or you're going to stay home, no matter how much your grandmother insists we should bring you with us."

"We'll babysit," George said, the boyish grin adding just a hint of mischief.

"Thanks Uncle George," Alex snorted.

"It's Thanksgiving," Izzie interrupted, "Alex...be nice..."

"I was," he smiled at her, "I've been very nice," he winked, and Cristina and Meredith exchanged glances, something had definitely changed between them.

"Evil spawn, what the hell was that," Cristina blurted out. "You're winking and smiling at Barbie."

"As I said," Izzie tried again, "it's Thanksgiving...and a very special one...since we all have a chance to spend it together and give thanks..."

"Iz," Alex said, "we're not going around saying what we're grateful for...let's just eat, we only have and hour before our shift starts."

"I see I made it just in time," Miranda Bailey joined them; "to taste Steven's baking."

"You did...Dr. Bailey, and I'm so glad you made it...I coordinated it so we could all be here at this time...and Alex and George and I don't start our shift till four...so it was perfect."

"Bailey," Mark asked, "how'd you bet on today's main topic of interest?"

"Dr.Bailey," Cristina said, "don't throw away money. No truth to it at all. Mr. Incredible is no cold fish, and we have that from a very satisfied source."

"Cristina," Meredith warned.

"What..." Cristina teased, "I can joke...and you've said it yourself."

"My luck," Miranda muttered, though she was trying not so smile, "of all the interns that year...I got stuck with ..."

"The best," Alex winked at her, "admit it."

"Best suck ups..." Izzie added cheerfully, recalling the first day they met the tiny formidable woman, doctor and mentor.

"The best," Miranda smiled at them, and left them all speechless, "of the bunch..."

"Close your mouth Yang," Derek said, "cold dead fish bring flies," and their laughter, this unexpected family, including Miranda's, rang out through the cafeteria walls.

"Grey," Miranda winked at her, "how do you put up with that sense of humor."

Derek's body leaned ever so instinctually toward his wife and she became lost in his smile, "kind of hard to resist," she answered honestly, "the rest of him."

"Mcdreamied...to death...and we're only halfway through the day," Cristina said. "Sloan, please tell me you're bringing a sugar antidote."

"All taken care of," he said with a dead pan expression and winked at Lexie, "you're coming with us...the perfect bitter-sweet combination."

"Dude," Alex laughed, "you've got that right."

"Listen you evil...shallow piece of..."

"Children...children..." George smoothed over. "Aunt Izzie's right, it's Thanksgiving."

"Shepherd," Miranda glared at him, "you sure you haven't lost your mind...traveling across the country with these three?"

"Endurance test," Derek mumbled. "Mer and I talked about it," he reached for her hand, squeezed gently, "if we can survive this trip, when we have kids, the teenage years will be a piece of cake."

"Ok," Izzie said as she finished all the arranging and rearranging she'd been preoccupied with the last five minutes while her friends teased and annoyed each other, "we're all set. We can say Grace."

"Iz," Alex smirked, "we're in the freaking cafeteria."

"Alex," Izzie said, "it's Thanksgiving, and we're with our friends...our family..."

"Stevens," Miranda said, "you're right...it's a special day...no matter where we find ourselves ready to share a meal of thanksgiving."

"Miranda," Derek said, "I agree...you do the honors..."

"Derek," she said, emotions evident in her tone of voice, "you...should...it's..."

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith said quietly, "it would mean a lot...to all of us if you would."

"Well..." Miranda Bailey took a deep breath, "then...on this day...when family and friends gather to give thanks...Dear Lord...I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for my beautiful healthy son...and the friends here today...all of us," she had no doubts she spoke for them all, "are grateful for the food to be shared...for the friendship and affection that now binds us together," and as she finished with a few more poignant words, every one of them was deeply touched and indeed gave thanks for the family they'd become.

Bailey was the first to leave, ready to pick up her son and join her husband and his family for dinner, and warning them all to get to their corresponding assignments.

Mark, who was only working till three, smiled when Tracy found him in the cafeteria. "I heard your message," she addressed him, "you don't have to bring anything. I'm just glad you're joining us." Then, she addressed the others, "Happy Thanksgiving everyone," Tracy smiled at them, "hope you have a safe trip back East, and try to keep Mark out of trouble."

"Tracy," Lexie said, "your pumpkin bread was amazing."

"You mean Mark shared it?" Tracy asked.

"Reluctantly," Lexie told her, "but, he'd eaten almost half of it when I dropped off my suitcase last night."

Meredith squeezed Derek's hand, and he chuckled, "taking notes for the nosy sisters."

"And..." she leaned against him, "the bet making gambling nun."

"Not Ma..." he kissed her temple.

"Mom's aren't nosy," Meredith smiled at him, and his heart knew joy; there were so many blessings, in spite of their sadness, to be grateful for since the last Thanksgiving.

"Our kids," he whispered, "aren't going to agree with you on that..."

"You'll just have to tell them...that I'm right, and Mom's are supposed to know everything."

"I can do that," he smiled at her, "as long as you don't keep any secrets from me."

"Tracy," Lexie said, "Mark said you've been cooking for days..."

"I have," the nurse smiled, "and left the turkey in the oven this morning, should be just about ready when we get home..."

"You left a turkey cooking," Cristina said, "unattended...you're brave."

"My boyfriend's Mom's here, so she's making sure it's edible."

"Tracy," Meredith said, "we didn't see Amy and Stephanie this morning, tell them we wished them a Happy Thanksgiving."

"Amy's back on tomorrow, and since she's all excited about her new conquest, and his two kids get along really great with hers, I volunteered to work alone today; Steph offered to cover Beth's late shift since she has little kids, that way Beth could be home by three and enjoy their dinner, she got here a few minutes ago.

Lexie and Cristina were both delighted to be paged for surgery. "Lexie," Mark said, "I already have your bag in the car. I'll be here at eight thirty, make sure Yang's ready."

"We'll be ready," Lexie said, "thanks Mark...for the ride."

"Mark," Tracy said, as she saw the look on Meredith's face, the sister was on full alert; maybe, she thought, at some point she should tell her he really was a decent thoughtful man, once he allowed himself to be vulnerable, but thought better of it. "We'll see you around five?"

"Yes," he told her, and when questioned later by Derek, told him he was joining them for a while that evening and had accepted and was happy for Tracy and her rediscovered relationship. They were friends, he told Derek, and while he had enjoyed their physical relationship, he valued the friendship and genuine affection between them.

"Why," Meredith asked when only Mark and Derek remained at the table, "was Lexie at your apartment last night?"

"Relax Xena 2..." Mark told her. "She dropped off her bag since I'm driving her and Cristina to the airport, whose bag I also have."

"Cristina lives across from you, so that makes sense. As for Lexie, unlike Cristina who drives a motorcycle and hard to carry a suitcase, my sister has a car..." Meredith insisted, "and could have driven or she could have come with us."

Derek didn't say anything, but was pleased at how Meredith had embraced the relationship with Lexie, and his entire family; his wife amazed him, she'd really become whole and healed.

Meredith's phone rang, effectively ending the conversation with Mark, and she smiled as she recognized the number. "Jenna...I thought you'd be right in the middle of dinner..."

"Aunty M," she heard a familiar voice, "it's not Mommy..." the little girl giggled, "it's Meghan."

"Hi sweetie," Meredith smiled, "where's your Mommy...aren't you having dinner now?"

"They have grown up talk...so I take care of my baby sister ...she waked up and I don't want her to be scared cause of she's don't know this house."

"Meggie," Meredith looked at Derek, but he was still talking with Mark. "Is your Mommy with you?"

"No, I with Emma..."

"Where are your Mommy and Granma and Aunt Kat?"

"Tolds you Aunty M...they have grown up talk..."

"Meggie, does your Mom know you have her phone and you're calling me?"

"No silly..." the little girl giggled, "me and Emma we heard Kerry waked up so we put the pafire in her mouth so she don't cry...so Mommy don't know she waked up...so she knows we're big girls and we take care of her."

"Meghan, can you put your Mom on the phone?"

"No Aunty M, cause I gets in trouble...cause of me not supposed to dial any numbers on Mommy's phone ...only if she says it's ergency and she tolds me to dial 9 1 1."

"Honey," Meredith said, "how did you get her phone?"

"In her baby bag...cause of she left it next to my baby sister...she put all the baby things to take care of Kerry..."

"Did you Mommy teach you how to dial my number?"

"Oh no...that be only at home...cause of your number is seven...and Aunty Kat is..."

"Meghan, how did you know to dial my number?"

"Aunty M," she began to whisper, "Emma knows how to do that...and she found your number...cause of I told her Mommy always dials really fast...and Emma is my big cousin and she's really smart and she found your name...but it's short...Aunty M...it only how 3 letters..."

Meredith laughed. Her sister in law undoubtedly had her listed as Mer. "Is Emma with you now?"

"Yep...she talking to my baby sister...cause of she waked up, and when she do that at home...my Mommy calls you...so me and Emma we called you...so you can talk to Kerry and she don't cry..."

Meredith's eyes filled with sentimental tears. "Meghan sweetie, can you go get your Mommy...I really want to talk to her..."

"She be mad Aunty M..."

"I'll talk to her...ok. So she knows why you called me. Will you take the phone to her please," and the little girl did as she was asked.

"Mer..." Derek asked when Mark left, "what's wrong..."

"Nothing," she smiled, "everything's perfect."

"Why are there tears in your eyes?"

"Happy crying..." she said and brushed his lips, just as she heard his sister's voice.

"Jenna," Meredith said, leaning back against her husband. "I heard my goddaughter wants to talk to me...and her godfather."

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