Legends and Romance...

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Her words touched him deeply, so much so he simply murmured, "your husband," and holding her close to him kissed her lips softly before he spoke. "Do you have any idea how I feel...sitting here with you in my arms," and he too said reverently, "my wife...in my arms in this beautiful place filled with legends and romance...and that you agreed, after all my mistakes...after all I have hurt you...that you agreed to be my wife...and then...your words..." he paused and swallowed past the lump of emotions that had formed in his throat as she uttered her last words to him, "that you love me..."

"Derek," she said quietly, the one word emitting a myriad of emotions, "I've made mistakes and hurt you too...but...we agreed, today...."

"We start a new life..." he finished for her, "all is forgiven."

"Yes...and Derek," she said softly, meeting his gaze, "it's not just that I love you, what I feel right now, but that I will love you more...and..."

"You..." he said, "humble me and I'm at a loss for words...my wife," he smiled, "turned sentimental and romantic before my very eyes."

"You're mocking me," she smiled as she leaned into his lips, "Derek..."

"Meredith," he mumbled, "I feel as though nothing I could ever say...can come close...to your words, today...all you have said."

"We're no competing here...they are the words of my heart...finally... free to say what I feel...what I've felt for you...and left unsaid for so long."

The giggles of a little boy were muffled as his grandfather instructed him to stay quiet, yet they too added to the magic of the day, to the stories to be told as a new tale of love and romance, the tale of a legendary couple began to unfold as the lover's conveyance glided ever slowly to the shores of age old gardens

Salvatore spoke softly, the romance in his voice carrying through the slightly windy morning, and Derek attentively pulled the blanket closer to her legs. "The hotel has seen better days, but the gardens they have been carefully maintained, and one of the few that remain from the days of the Venetian Republic, and it is a perfect place on the lagoon for the beginning of a life together full of romance and love, your very own legend, and I was there to witness it all," the gondolier spoke, "and even took the pictures of the most beautiful and romantic proposal."

"Nonno, what does it mean," Luke asked, "romance and legend?"

"That's like your nonna and me...when we hold hands and walk to church together, and we've been married many years..." the older man began to speak, clearly reminiscing, "just like we used to do when we were young, younger than Dr. Derek and Meredith."

"Nonno...and when you yell and nonna pretends to grab the pan and hit you in the head," the little boy laughed delightedly as Meredith and Derek joined in his laughter.

"A frying pan," Meredith giggled, "is that what you recommend Salvatore, if Derek gets out of line."

"Well, that may not have been the best example," he laughed, "but you know...out of the mouth of these little ones..."

"Dottore Derek," Luke said more seriously, "you will remember to bring the photos...you will not forget?"

"I will not forget Luke, when Meredith and I come back next year, I will bring you the magazines."

"Dottore Meredith, you are now the wife, and you can tell him not to forget, because my nonna, she has to always tell my nonno the same thing many times so he remembers," he said so seriously, the three adults tried not to laugh at his wise observation.

"I will remind him, but I'm sure he won't forget," Meredith assured him, and had to laugh when Luke responded, while she squeezed Derek's hand and smiled.

"That is what nonno always says," he giggled, "but nonna says...quest'uomo, never remember things he'd leave his head behind if I didn't tell him..."

"Ok...Luciano...you're making me sound like an old man that forgets all the time."

"Oh...no...nonno, you are the best remembering, I think it's nonna that just likes to tell you to remember...so she can kiss you and says silly things and you laugh."

"Uhmm, he's too observant this one..." Salvatore laughed.

"It's wonderful Salvatore," Meredith said, "Luke, I am so happy we got to meet you today. You must tell your nonna Maria we are looking forward to meeting her next year."

"I will tell her, and she said when you come back you are coming to dinner to her house, because it's important to be hospital...I forget the word," he said turning to his grandfather.

"Hospitable," Salvatore told him, a proud smile on his lips.

"Yes, that is the word, and nonno said it was for a very special couple...just like he and nonna and that he was sure when you come back...you come on the gondola again and that is the start of many..."

"That's enough Luke," Salvatore interrupted, and Meredith swore he was blushing, "you can help me now," he said as the gondola was gliding on its final approach to the dock.

"Salvatore was blushing," Derek whispered in her ear, "I can't imagine what he didn't want Luke to repeat."

The gondola reached the dock and they were met by Lucia and a member of the hotel staff welcoming them to the Cipriani and ready to lead the way to the gardens where the reception was to be held.

Luke had quickly stepped on the dock even as his grandfather cautioned him to be careful, and followed him.

"Salvatore," Derek spoke, "you have made our trip...from the first day we arrived, one we will never forget, and I cannot thank you enough for being here this morning."

"Derek," the older man spoke, "I saw the look in your eyes for her and I knew you were a lucky couple, but there was sadness ...that day, it is gone now...and I see much happiness, and I am very pleased to have been able to meet you...I know you are going to have a very long happy marriage, I know these things, just like my Maria Luisa and me," and he said quietly, "I did not want Luciano to repeat I spoke of your bambini, maybe one day...we meet your bambini."

Derek extended his hand and they each found a firm handshake, "one day Salvatore...one day...I hope you will meet our children," Derek told him, "and tell Maria, Maria Luisa," he added, is that a Spanish name?"

"Yes, her grandmother was from Spain, and named for her," Salvatore added, while he kept an eye on Luke speaking to Meredith.

"Tell her we are looking forward to meeting her."

"Luke, we will see you next year, and we will bring your magazines...but is there something else you'd like for us to bring you," she said leaning down to his level.

"Dottore Meredith, I cannot do that...my mommy and daddy they say I can't ask for things."

"But, I'm asking you...because we will want to bring you something..."

Luke seemed to be deep in thought before responding, "you can bring a doll for my baby sister..." he smiled, "and mommy can't say I asked for anything...but it will keep my baby sister quiet."

Meredith laughed, "so...I should bring something for her so she's quiet..."

"Yes...because she always wants to play with my things, so if I get the brain photos she will want to see those and she's a baby so she can't see those, but with a doll she will be busy and not want my things."

"Tell you what...Derek and I will think of something and surprise you," she smiled.

"I love surprises..." Luke said, and then very quietly, "and I like chocolate," he finished with a smile on his face.

"You know what, Luke," she smiled, "I bet when we come back we'll have chocolate," she said, "now I know you don't much care for kisses, but can I give you a kiss goodbye?"

"Oh yes, that's ok...cause you're just like a mommy," he said, and she felt a tightness in her heart as she thought of the very brief moments she'd had to think of herself in that way and reached out to hug him and then kissed his cheek.

"You're right," she said softly, "I'm just like a mommy."

"Mer," Derek said, instantly at her side once he'd heard Luke's comment.

She reached for his hand and squeezed it, "Luke, you can say good bye to Derek, and I'll make sure he doesn't forget."

"Dottore Derek," Luke said happily, "I will be waiting for the photos...and the chocolates," he added quietly.

"Chocolates, huh...you've been talking to Meredith, she likes those too," he said, "I'm sure we can bring them both," and shook Luke's hand, "I'm very glad to have met you Luke and we'll see you again next year."

"I be six next year...so I be bigger and in school," he said proudly, "but nonna will make special dinner for Sunday, so I don't have school and can see you," he said logically.

"Yes, you will," Derek said and had his arm around Meredith, when she turned to Salvatore.

"Salvatore, thank you..." she said, "you have made this trip so very special...and our wedding day...thank you...it has meant a lot to me."

"I am very happy to have been here, and I told Derek...you are a very special couple...I saw it in your eyes the day I met you...so I see you in one year...and even when he was doubting my motives," Salvatore smiled, "I knew...you'd be one of those couples that would have a lifetime of happiness...so, you make sure you don't forget about the special gift we gave the young lady, Lucia to bring to you..." he said and kissed Meredith's check, "we will see you next year...and ride that gondola again...for your forty years."

"Nothing will keep us away...Salvatore, thank you again," she said and kissed him on both cheeks, "grazie."

"God bless you both," he said, "you go now, join your guests," and then helped Luke to board the gondola and began to glide away waving goodbye as Meredith and Derek turned to join their family.

"Luke was adorable Derek," she said as they walked toward the gardens.

"Yes...are you ok?" he asked.

"Yes...he said it was ok for me to kiss him. That I was like a mommy."

"I heard," he said.

"I know...that's why you were right by my side," she stopped their walk along the water's edge and turned to wrap her arms around him, "ever my knight."

"I thought I was sharing that title now," he joked.

"I like your new title much better..." she said quietly, "my husband..."

"Uhmmm...so I lost the knight and prince charming...and..."

"No," she said, "it just includes all of those...my husband, my everything..."

"Mer..." he whispered hoarsely, "you're making it almost impossible for me to ever utter anything romantic."

"Uhmmm," she whispered seductively, "I've no doubts...you'll rise to the occasion."

"I thought you wanted to enjoy your wedding reception," he murmured as he drew her close to him.

"Of course I do..." she said.

"Then stop taunting," he laughed.

"Can't take the..."

"Oh...I can take it...but can you..." he said as he kissed the spot on her neck that he knew would make her react exactly as he expected.

"Forget the reception," she teased, "let's get out of here."

They laughed as he told her, "let's join them so we can get out of here earlier," and continued to walk, arms around each other's waist to greet their family.

"Finally," Cristina said, "you got here, did you take a slow motion tour of Venice?"

"Cristina dear," Ailene told her, "just three more hours...you can manage..."

"Three hours...." Derek and Meredith said simultaneously while the entire group laughed.

"Yes," Ailene responded, "three hours, and count yourselves lucky you're not back home where a wedding and reception would have been many hours longer than that."

"She'd never have done it," Cristina said, "she'd have convinced him to elope to Vegas."

"Derek," Meredith said as she looked around her, "you...you planned all this," she whispered overwhelmed by the details in the garden, as she squeezed his hand tightly and walked slowly towards a small round table that was set near the main table for eight.

"I can't take the credit, only that I asked Kathleen to coordinate the details after I spoke with Lucia."

"But...you spoke to her, to Lucia about this place..."

"Yes...she showed me one picture with the gardens, and I thought you'd like this..."

"It's beautiful...Derek," she said wrapping her arms around his neck, "you...you've made this so special, and I haven't done anything," he

"You married me..." he said looking deeply in her eyes, "that's all I needed...and wanted...the rest...it's only the beginning of how much I want to do for you..."

"But...Derek," she said as tears began to gather.

"No buts..." he said and kissed her softly, "and...if I can't match your words right now," he said and kissed her again, his hands tenderly cupping her face, "let me at least show you...how much I love you...how very much you mean to me..."

"You've said it with words, Derek...long before I did..." she whispered leaning in to him and kissing him deeply.

"How about you join us," Mark broke through their spellbound intimacy, "you'll have plenty of time alone later."

"What do you say...Mrs. Shepherd," Derek teased as he lips lingered on hers.

"Let's...so we can get out of here sooner..."

"I would not count on that with this bunch," he said as they walked the rest of the way, and kissed her one last time before reaching for her hand and followed her lead to the smaller round table in the garden.

"Derek," she said as they got closer, "look we have two cakes and powdered dough, do you know where they came from?"

Lucia who'd been standing at close distance approached them, "Meredith, I hope everything is ok...that you like what we were able to arrange."

"It's lovely Lucia, nothing like I ever expected, but we only chose one...where did this come from?"

"It's tradition that started in Italy in the first century, that bread or cake was broken over the brides head to ensure fertility, and that's why you have the two cakes, the one you picked," she said indicating to the two tier white cake, "and this smaller one is chocolate and a gift from the lady at the restaurant last night, and the powdered dough is another tradition and Dottore Salvatore's wife sent that. Usually there can be as many as fourteen courses in the wedding reception and this is one of those traditions....again, as a sign of fertility," she explained.

Derek put embraced Meredith, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her close to him, allowing her body to rest against the length of him. "That's a lovely tradition, thanks for explaining it Lucia," he said as he took in the scent of Meredith's lavender conditioner and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too...Derek," she said softly, "I'm ok."

"I'm sorry..." he said, "about these traditions...the..."

"Fertility..." she said quietly, "we know..." and paused as tears gathered in her eyes, "that's not a problem...and one day, Derek...we'll have our family."

"We will Meredith...we will," he said holding her close to him, "I love you."

Their family made their way to the round table, "this looks beautiful Lucia," Kathleen told her, "it's truly exceeds what I imagined," she said as she glanced at the round table covered in a light blue damask tablecloth with only their wedding cake, the two tiered simple confection covered in white fondant and only small springs of lavender for decoration, something Meredith had insisted be kept to a minimum, after finding most of the wedding cakes decorated too lavishly for her taste. She had accepted after much prompting from the baker that the top be decorated with fondant flowers, but when Kathleen and Derek had spoken he'd asked that something with lavender be included, and the result was the lovely and delicate placement of lily of the valley and lavender springs as decoration.

"Kathleen," Meredith said, "you had them use real flowers...it's beautiful, thank you for taking care of so many details."

"I thought it would be a nice touch...but Mer, everyone has had a bit of participation in this celebration, you'll see," she said as she walked to the couple and greeted them with a kiss on the cheek, "we hoped you'd like the color scheme, we didn't have a lot of choices, but when we saw some photos we thought you'd like this."

"It's beautiful, and the gardens ...and the table and chairs...all is truly perfect," she said as she looked to the oval table set for eight, a blue damask cloth covering it with exquisite settings of crystal and porcelain dishes. The centerpiece had blue hydrangeas and white flowers with a touch of lily of the valley, and petals from both types of flowers were gracefully scattered on the table. The garden chairs, with large cushions obviously selected for comfort, each had a similar blue and white arrangement tied to its back with white satin ribbons.

After everyone greeted the newlyweds again, they were escorted to table and Lucia told Derek they could take their wedding photos before their meal was served in about twenty minutes.

"We can't very well take photos with our coats on," Meredith laughed, "Derek, we're going to freeze to death."

"Maybe I can do something to keep you warm," he whispered.

"It's about forty degrees...any ideas..." she teased, "while we have six pairs of eyes on us...not to mention staff walking around?"

"You of little faith," he said as he took of his coat and helped her with hers, and then wrapped his arms around her.

"Uhmm..." she said, "that is just a little bit warmer," she joked, while she actually shivered.

"Meredith," Kathleen said, "take this shawl to walk around, you can set it aside for the photos and if you look around, there's gas heaters along the gardens, and once you sit down, you'll be fine," she pointed to the two heaters close to their table.

They spent the next twenty minutes posing for photos at various locations throughout the garden, including many with their family, and some of their favorites would find their place at the homes of each of the guests, as they would reminisce and cherish the unexpected memories and treasured moments captured on film on the beautiful Venetian morning in March.

"I'm starving," Meredith said, "no more photos unless I can eat at the same time."

"I was wondering when you'd say something," Derek told her as he nuzzled her neck.

"You're one to talk," she said, "wait...did you have breakfast this morning, because I could hardly eat anything, but your mom would not let me get away without eating something."

"I was too nervous to eat," he told her as they walked along the gardens toward their table and Meredith placed her wedding bouquet on the table by her seat. Lexie had carried it back to the hotel when she'd taken it from her hands at the wedding hall, which was a good thing, because if she hadn't, as Derek was kissing her she'd probably have let it slip to the floor.

"Really," she said, her voice softening at his admission.

"A wreck..."

"You were..." she asked, "really..."


"Why..." she asked.

"I was marrying my soul mate...the only woman that gives meaning to my life...and part of me was afraid...you might change your mind."

"Derek..." she said softly, raising her hand to caress his face, "I was not going to change my mind."

"I knew that, but then Mark told me he couldn't find the rings...and I thought that was a bad sign," he said and paused, "oh my God...the rings..." he said, "I'm going to kill him."

"What...why...we have our rings...he didn't lose them..." she said.

"Not these," he said, almost seeing the humor in the situation, "another gift I had for you."

"Another gift, Derek...there was no need..."

"Of course there was, it was a wedding gift..."

"You've already given me more than ..." she said, pausing as he'd done seconds earlier, "your gift...Derek...I have your gift..." she said and giggled, "we each forgot a gift."

"We're a fine pair," he said, as he looked around for Mark and Meredith looked for her sister.

"Lexie," she said, "where is she, she has my gift for you."

"I thought you already sent me a gift with Lexie," he said as they walked toward the table, "I still have that with me," he said fingering the key in his pocket.

"Not that..." she said preoccupied, "Derek where's Lexie...and where's Mark?"

"I don't know..." he said before he spotted them walking along the gardens laughing, and knew exactly the moment Meredith saw them as she tensed momentarily.

"Derek, I'm going to kill him...I will...he cannot play around with her..."

"Mer...he's not stupid..."

"You wanna bet..."

"I thought he was your knight," he tried to tease her.

"Yeah...but not hers..." she said adamantly, though if he had been looking at her face, he'd have seen the smile behind her words, "let's join them," she said and wrapped the shawl around her shoulders and they walked holding hands toward Mark and Lexie.

"So..." Mark said as they approached, "the newlyweds deign to join us mere mortals."

"What are you doing walking with my sister?"

"Showing her the gardens..."

"Be specific Mark, the gardens where Casanova made many conquests," Lexie said oblivious to her sister's thoughts.

"And..." Meredith said, "are you planning on becoming one of his conquests?"

"What..." Lexie asked in surprise, "Mer...have you been drinking...because if you have, that's not fair, it's damn freezing out here, and we should get to drink at the same time...and are you crazy, of course I'm not going to become one of his conquests. I already told you he's too old for me."

"Ah...Lexie...go easy on the ego, will you..." Mark said, earning a warning look from Derek as he raised his eyebrow at his friend's reaction.

"Mark," Derek started, "what the hell kind of bestman are you when you forgot to give me Mer's other gift?"

"What...are you talking about," he said suddenly remembering the other ring, "oh shit...you're right."

"Of course I'm right...you were not supposed to forget."

"Well, you weren't supposed to have wedding vows that lasted forever and made everyone forget everything but the sentimental romantic ...mushiness between you," he said in his defense.

"Fine," Derek said, "where is it?"

"Where it's been all along," he said and without Meredith seeing what it was took the ring out of his pocket and placed it in Derek's hand.

"Lexie, where's Derek's gift?"

"On the chair, do you want it right now?"

"Yes, let's walk back to get it, Derek, I'll meet you there," she said, and Derek fully understood she wanted to speak with her sister.

"Ok...I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but I was only walking with her, I didn't do anything," Mark told Derek.

"I didn't say anything," Derek stated matter of factly.

"Yeah...but she did...Grey thinks I'm hitting on Lexie, that's ridiculous."

"Yeah, I know, you're too old," Derek taunted.

"You're not so young yourself you ass, so don't..."

"Mark, it's her sister, she's being protective."

"But I haven't done anything..."

"Keep it that way," Derek said, making a mental note to talk to Meredith about it, because there was definitely more to this than she was letting on, and had the feeling it may have something to do with certain looks exchanged earlier between her and his mother.

Cristina and Ailene were already sitting at the table after returning from the ladies room, as were Kevin and Kathleen, leaving room for Meredith and Derek at the center, with Mark and Ailene on either side.

"Derek," Meredith said as she reached his side, and Lexie handed her the gift bag, "it's something simple, but when I saw it...I thought you'd like it..."

"I wasn't expecting anything...Mer, I already told you," he said as he stood beside her and retrieved the gift, while she placed the bag on her chair and waited for his reaction as he unwrapped what looked to be an eight by eleven frame displaying an old newspaper article. His smile was instant as he read the headline and their eyes met, both twinkling in delight as she turned the frame around and he read the note she'd written and taped on the on the back of the frame.

Let's make sure the beasts are never tamed and the passion always burns brightly...brighter than it does today, and our love is deeper with each passing year...yours for always, Meredith.

He read the message and laughed heartily, then placed the note in his pocket and the frame on his chair and quickly grabbed Meredith, swirling her around as he continued to laugh and she giggled, her arms around his neck enjoying the magic of the moment, "where..." he continued to laugh as he stopped swirling her and held her body close to his, " did you find that..." he said as he kissed her, "it's the most perfect wedding gift you could have ever found."

"What the hell did she give him," Cristina muttered, "Sloan pick it up and show us."

"Cristina," Ailene said, "Mark, don't you dare, that's a private gift."

"No, it's not," Kathleen said, "she gave it to him in front of all of us, so we can look at it, Mark pick it up."

"Oh, for goodness sakes," Ailene said, and picked up the frame and looked at it, and read the headline of the one hundred year old clipping, and as she finished, she too began to laugh, while Meredith and Derek continued to enjoy the intimacy of a very special moment.

"Mom, let me see it," Kathleen told her

"It's just an old newspaper clipping, I can't imagine what it means," Ailene said and passed it over to Kathleen. Kevin and Cristina were sitting on either side of her, and Mark and Lexie who quickly got up to stand behind her all read over her shoulders.

The article headline from 1904 read "Girl lion tamer astounds Europe," and continued on to say, young Lady Claire Elliot, the greatest tamer who ever entered a den of wild beasts, with her laugh and a love pat on the nose, tamed the beast, and the sketch showed the dainty lady sitting on a sofa while the gentle beast allowed to be petted.

"Derek," she said after she stopped giggling, in fact a low seductive voice her choice as she spoke to him, "let that be the opposite for you... never tame, my very own panther...always...ready to pounce," she whispered as they barely heard the rest of their family now joined in laughter, successfully guessing the meaning intended by her gift.

"Meredith..." he said huskily, "you give me that...and say this...and expect me to remain totally..."

"Not totally," she said, as she felt his arousal against her, "but just this once...think we better tame the beast..." she giggled as she grabbed his hand and walked away from the group allowing each other a moment of much needed intimacy and privacy.

They joked about the article while she told him that she'd found it the day they were window shopping and it had seemed like the perfect gift, which he agreed, and told her he was looking forward to living up to her expectations of never being tamed and their passion always burning brightly. "Now," he said, "get ready for the teasing, because that group is never going to let us live it down."

"I don't care," she giggled, "they are just jealous...well, not Kathleen and Kevin. Derek, are they as happy as they seem?"

"Absolutely..." he said, "of all my sisters, her marriage, I can tell you they have always been like that...always there for each other."

"I want that for us," she said as they got closer to the table, her hand in his.

"It will be that way...and better..."

"Just remember our promises...Derek...all of them..."

"I do...and we'll keep them...and remind each other...we will Meredith...we'll keep our promises."

"I love you Derek," she said wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply before they returned to the table to face the inevitable good humored ribbing.

"I love you Meredith, my enchanting...beautiful...teasing...wife."

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