Lifetime Memories

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"Derek, do you remember," she said, as they lay facing each other, her fingers feeling the stubble on his face, "my dream..."

"Of course I do..."

"She was like us..."

" was she like us?"

"She me..." she smiled softly, immersing herself in his gaze, "and she kept chattering," she said placing her fingers lightly, softly over his lips, gently caressing them," just like her grandma said her daddy did...telling stories..."

He rested his forehead against hers, while she continued to reminisce, but the images of her dream would not be silenced.

"What are you thinking," he said quietly and kissing the top of her head.


"Share it with me..."

"Do you think it's normal, that I'm thinking so much about dream...about wasn't that long ago...but I know...I know it's just a dream..."

"It was more than a dream," he whispered, "it was a gift...a bond to our little girl forever...and a glimpse of our future...our dreams..."

"It was a beautiful dream...and what you wrote, today," she said, lifting her head from his chest and looking up to him, "it's beautiful Derek... beautiful thoughts as we begin our life together."

"The voice of my heart...just as I promised..."

"My card...when you read it...Derek, it's the voice of my heart too..." she spoke against his lips, "and my soul..." and words were no longer necessary as their lips touched and their hearts beat just a bit faster as their souls rejoiced in anticipation of the story and traditions yet to unfold and repeated for generations.

"I wish..." he said, his words broken by the necessary breaths of air, "we had hours...for me to show very much I love you..."

"We'll have that tonight," she smiled, and teased him, "unless you fall asleep on me...again..."

"I think we're fell asleep last night..."

"I did not..." she giggled.

" did... drunk on champagne..."

"Drunk on thoughts of you..."

"Mer..." he grinned.

"Do not ever tell anyone I said that," she giggled and kissed him, "that was incredibly sappy..."

"That was beautiful and sentimental ... my sappy bride..."


"I love you..."

"I love you too," she laughed, "and ..."

"And..." he interrupted her with a kiss.

"We have a lot of making up to do... lots of payback...Derek..."

"Uhmmm..." he said and kissed her again, "we have a lifetime..."

"A lifetime..." she said, and suddenly tears sprung in her eyes, "the rest of our lives," she added as melancholy was laced in her tone.


"I love you," she said softly.

"Tell me what you're thinking...what's just made you sad."

"She looked so much like that photograph of me with them...the light hair curls ...and your eyes..." she paused, looking away, "you said you were afraid...about being enough for me... you will always be enough, but Derek," she said, and now he could hear a trace of fear in her voice that he had not heard before, "do you you wonder if maybe...I'll be like my mom?"

"You're nothing like her... you are kind, caring, compassionate and full of love to give...loyal and forgiving..."

"I don't mean that...I mean..." she stopped, before continuing and again he heard the fear, "that she got could happen to me...and if it does...and I can't remember...all of this...if I can't remember," she said and he began to feel her panic, but held her gaze and let her finish as he held both her hands in his, "Derek...if you are...if you want to rethink this...and wait...because...I may end up like my mother too..." she finished as she lowered her gaze and tears rolled down her face, "if I can't remember today...our wedding day...this..."

"Then," he said gently and kissed her tears away, while he felt his heart aching for her fears, "I'll remember for us both...and remind you over and over again, but I would never give up a single moment with you...even if I knew...that could happen one day, what we've shared, what we have yet to share...those dreams that I know deep in my heart will come true...our happiness our arguments...our life together...those will be treasured memories...that will live in our hearts forever...and I know will be engraved in our souls ...for always...Meredith..." he said and without breaking away from her gaze, placed his lips on hers and before deepening their kiss, "even if I knew right this moment that would happen, I would not give up a single second of being with you..."

" wouldn't..." she asked, tears still gathering, "even if you knew..."

"Even if I knew..." he said and kissed her softly.

"Derek..." she said softly, overcome with emotion, "you ...are... my everything..."

"As you are mine...for always..."

"I love you...I do...and it seems those words are not say what I my heart..."

"I can see it in your eyes...that's all I need..." he told her as they reached out and embraced each other.

"I don't want to end up like my mother..." she admitted her fears again.

"Meredith, you're are not going to end up like your mother."

"You don't know that..."

"I my heart, I know that...but, why haven't you said something...talked to me about this before...I could have..."

"I had never made the decision to spend the rest of my life with you...and the thought of having that taken away..."

"Meredith, I never thought about it, but when we did her clinical trial, there was no indication that you'd have to be concerned...the tests...I have those results, we can look at it when we get home, if you want...but, doesn't matter...even if ..."

" never told me that..."

"I didn't think about it...there was nothing there to indicate any concerns, and I didn't know you had been thinking about this. But we can look at it, if you want...further tests...we can talk about it, but Meredith...either of us...there's more chance we'd be in an accident, or any other disease...or die of old age...than for you ..."

"Derek...if those tests showed that I could be like her...would you want to reconsider?"

"There is nothing...nothing that would make me reconsider marrying you today and spending my life with you...building a life with you...Meredith, nothing, would make me give up being with you...would it change your mind...if it was about me...if you knew I would not be there...or that I wouldn't remember twenty years from now?"

"No," she said, and leaned in to kiss him, "nothing would make me change my mind."

"Then...let's forget about this..."

"Derek...can we look at those tests results, when we get day...not right away."

"We can," he assured her, "but it's fine...just trust my instinct."

"I do...I'm trusting you...little steps...became big steps Derek...those one hundred steps," she smiled.

"You're not going to hold me to the rest of those steps," he teased.

"Oh...I am...the fun...and sexy steps..." she teased him back, "but now...each of those steps...we'll be taking them together...and no pulling back..."

"Together...and not pulling back...or avoiding things..." he said.


"So...Dr. Grey...are you ready to enjoy our wedding day," he smiled, and again kissed her softly, then nibbled at her lips, and trailed kisses down her neck.

"Our wedding day," she repeated in awe, " day..."

"Our life's been full of surprises lately...who would have guessed when we left Seattle..."

"Wonderful surprises..." she agreed, "we're going to be Venice."

"Are you happy?" he asked as he caressed her face, smiling at her, cocking his head in the way that made her lose sight of all else but him.

"I'm very happy..." she smiled, "I have never been happier..."

"Well...that's kind of an ego buster," he pouted, "never..."

"Ah...Dr. Shepherd, are we feeling just a bit ...insecure," she giggled and whispered in his ear making him laugh.

"Dr. Grey," he continued laughing, "you are very very naughty..."

"We don't have know, " she giggled, and teased him as he'd done earlier, trailing kisses from his lips along he jaw line and on his neck to find one of his favorite spots, " we can just..."

"Mer...remember the caged beast..." he laughed.

"Uh huh..." she said trying to suppress her laughter.

"He's about to..." he told her with a hint of a dare and mischief.

"Derek..." she giggled, "we better ..." she said as he captured her lips and forgot all she was about to say.

"We better...what..." he teased her a few minutes later.

"Stop..." she giggled, "or postpone the wedding..."

"I knew you'd try to get out of it..." he laughed, "promising all these...."

"I thought you meant the wedding, " she laughed along with him, "because...the rest...Derek...there's no way in hell I'm letting you out of it...the unleashing of the beasts...not a chance in hell...we're postponing that..."

"Not a chance in hell ...I like how you think Dr. Grey..."



"You don't want me to be Dr. Shepherd?"


"When we get don't want me to be Dr. Shepherd?"

"I haven't thought about it," he said sobering just a little, "what do you want?"

"I know I want to be Mrs. Shepherd...everyone to know I'm your wife."

"Meredith, isn't that the same thing?"

"Not really...I mean...everyone knows me as Dr. Grey...but, does it bother you, would it bother you ...if..."

"I want whatever makes you happy...and if you want to be Dr. Grey...I'm ok with long as you're my wife...that's all that matters."

"Derek...I don't want there to be any doubts that you're my husband...that we're together, for if you want..."

"Hey...why don't we see how you feel...after a while..."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure..." he told her and kissed her.

"You still have to wear your wedding ring, Derek...and we're going to tell everyone we're soon as we get back..."

"Yes, dear," he teased her.



"When we have kids...I'll be Dr. Shepherd..."

"Whenever you you want..."

"I love you Derek."

"I love you Meredith...happy wedding day..."

"Happy wedding day Derek," she said and after sharing a light kiss with him, settled in his embrace.

"What are you thinking?"

"How do you know that...all the time?"

"I've told you...I can feel your emotions..."

"You can..."


"What you wrote in the journal... it was beautiful, but..."

"But..." he said, and turned her face to look at him, and nibbled at her lips, "Meredith, I thought that was a word we were eliminating."

"But..." she smiled, biting him back lightly, "how did you know it was going to be a beautiful morning...have you looked outside...I think it's freezing...and ..."

"I don't have to look outside to, our wedding day, no matter the weather...will be a beautiful day...a day to treasure...always..."

"Very...sappy and mushy and sentimental..."

"As we should be..." he said smiling, "especially on our wedding day."

They remained in each other's embrace until they heard a knock on the door, and they moaned in protest, "here we go," he laughed, "unless it's Mom, we're never going to live this down."

"Derek Christopher Shepherd," he heard as soon as he opened the door, followed by Meredith's giggle, "what the hell do you think you're doing," Kathleen reprimanded, to the chorus of Cristina and Lexie.

"Ask Mom," he said, and kissed his sister on the cheek.

"Mer...what the hell is he doing here?" Cristina asked, "Shepherd, get out."

"You can't tell me to get out," Derek argued.

"Yes, she can Derek, you are not supposed to be here, Mom's going to be furious."

"No she's not," he said as he walked back and sat on the bed and grinned.

"He told you, ask Mom..." Meredith replied smugly.

"Ask Mom what," Ailene said seconds later, smiling at Meredith, "Derek what are you doing here at this time?"

"What ! Mom... you told me."

"I did not mean for you to be here at eight in the morning, and need to think of an excuse for the three nosy meddling sisters here," she said with a dead pan expression, and her heart was smiling at Meredith's giggle, knowing she'd done the right thing, "now leave, we have a wedding to get ready for," she said as she continued to walk to where he was sitting, and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Thanks Mom," he said, kissing her back, "it meant a lot to us."

"Derek, it's time for you to leave," Ailene told him, as she walked around him and leaned over to kiss Meredith's cheek as well, "good morning dear, did you sleep well?"

"Very well," she said and in very uncharacteristic fashion sat up to hug her mother in law, "thank you, I'm so glad you're here today."

"I was meant to be here," she smiled and reached for Derek's hand and placed it on top of Meredith's, "just as you two are meant to be together."

"Mom," he started to say, and his mom squeezed his hand where she had placed it on top of Meredith's.

"Derek...don't make me get all sentimental now, I'll have enough of that at the wedding. Go find Mark or Kevin, or the gym and get a good work out," she finished while the other occupants in the room laughed at her suggestion.

"That's probably an excellent idea, Derek, go find the gym and work out your..."


"Mom, you were just teasing him..."

"I wasn't teasing dear," she said as she gave her son a knowing look, and then turned to Meredith, and said quietly, "I told him to sleep with you ...not..."

"We talked...and slept and talked..." Meredith rambled, "and he told me what you said...your traditions," she continued, "and what you'd told him about not...well, about one more..."

"Meredith," Ailene said, "stop's too early," and kissed her cheek again, and in a very quiet voice finished her statement, "don't give them any more ammunition, those three over there are going to tease the hell out of you..."

"Ailene," Meredith smiled, as she got out of bed and hugged her, "you are so very special," she said.

"I'd reserve judgment Mer," Derek said, reminding them of his presence, while he delighted at the relationship developing between his mother and Meredith.

"You are still here, Derek, it's time to leave," his mother insisted, though she had a smile on her face as she watched the look exchanged between the couple.

"Good luck with the meddlers," he laughed and walked over to Meredith to kiss her, but Kathleen intercepted him.

"That's enough..."

"Really, know it's bad luck to see the bride...Kat's right," Lexie said.

"Xena...there's no such thing...not for your sister and me ...not ever again."

"You're probably right," Lexie said as she kissed him on the cheek, "but, let's not push it, not today..."

"I loved the journal you gave her," he spoke to her only, "thank was was the idea."

"She told she liked it..." Lexie asked, still a bit unsure of the relationship with her sister.

"She loved it...we both did, it was very special and sentimental."

"Derek...stop sharing secrets with my sister," Meredith said as she walked around the room, and he saw her put the journal away.

"Derek," his mother said, "out of here now...Meredith, stop flirting with him."

"I'm going...but...Meredith...tell Mom about your conversation with Nancy," he winked as he walked to the door.

The chorus chimed in immediately, "Nancy ... you spoke to Nancy, today?" Kathleen asked incredulously.

"Meredith and I both did."

"You spoke to Mcbitchy..." Cristina blurted out.

"Mchottie," Lexie mumbled.

"Oh God help me," Ailene said, "now I will have to deal with Jenna," which had both Meredith and Derek laughing.

"What' so funny?" Kathleen said.

"That's what Nancy said," Meredith laughed.

"You spoke to Nancy...and you're laughing," Kathleen questioned.

"We did...and I told her we'd be seeing her soon," Meredith told her.

"Mom..." Kathleen laughed, and went over to and gave her mother a bear hug, "we're good...very good...she's mended her ways."

"Kathleen" her mother hugged her back and smiled, "was there ever any doubt? We're better than good...we're exceptionally good," she laughed, "now, Derek, don't make me throw you"

"Yes, Mom...he said and reached for Meredith.

"I love you..." he said as he held her close, and whispered in her ear, "just hours..."

"I love you too," she smiled upon his lips and kissed him, and he deepened their kiss.

"Break it up you two..." Cristina said.

"You're failing Cristina," Ailene teased her, "I thought you'd have the hang of it by now, since you didn't succeed before dinner."

" can't do any better...they're like a suction cup."

"Break it up, you two," Ailene said, lightly snapping Derek on the back of his head.

"Crap...that hurt."

"Leave now Derek," she said and delighted in Meredith's laughter.

"I think you better pay attention. I don't want an injured beast tonight," Meredith teased him.

"Fine..." he said with a feigned pout, while he walked over to his Mom, "I love you Mom," he said and hugged her, "thanks...for sharing a beautiful tradition with us last night, it meant a lot to us."

"We love you Derek, your Father and I...and ...he'd have wanted you to have all that we wanted for ourselves," she said, and did not hide the emotions that filled her heart with hope for her son and new daughter, that their dreams were on the right course to being fulfilled.

Meredith was bombarded with questions as soon as he walked out, "Mer, you have a lot of explaining to do...Mom...what did he mean you knew?" Kathleen started, and both women ignored her.

"Kathleen, breakfast is late, make sure it gets here, she needs nourishment it will be hours before we have lunch."

"Mom..." she protested like a child.

"Did you suddenly turn ten," Ailene asked her, and both Lexie and Cristina roared with laughter.

"What..." Kathleen glared at t hem, but couldn't resist joining in the laughter as well, "just wait your turn."

"Lexie," Meredith said picking up the box from the nightstand, "take this to Derek, he needs to have this for the wedding."

"What is it?" the three meddlers asked.

"Just do it... Lex...take it to him," she said, and pushed her out the door, and whispered something to her before she walked away.

Lexie delivered the box. "Mer said to tell you it's very important you open it and take it with you to the ceremony...what's inside, not the box...she means, just what's inside, it's important you take it with you...she said something about tradition, better not have messed up...spending the night with's not right..."

"Xena...we were going to spend the night together before Mom got's ok...we're going to be fine..."

" better not hurt her...I like you...and I love that you're my brother in law...and I knew it was going to happen and all...but don't hurt her again..."

"I won't...I promise you...but if I ever come close to it, you have permission to ..."

"Kick your ass..."

"Yes...and you can drag Cristina with you..."

"I will...Derek..."

"You won't have to...I promise you..."

"I just want to make sure...she's my sister."

"Yes...she is...and she loves you too..."

"Derek...thank you...for bringing me means a lot to me."

"It means a lot to both of us Lexie, you had to be here."

"Thank you," she said, and she had tears in her eyes as he embraced her.

"You're a good sister, and she knows that...and I knew she'd want you here, I wanted you here."

"Derek...I care about you too...and if you need anything, both of you..."

"We're here for you too Lexie...we both are, now go...before she interrogates you."

Lexie turned around smiling, "I'm glad you're my brother in law Derek."

"So am I Lexie," he said and closed the door behind him and opened the gift to find a small and probably quite old iron key, likely belonging to a small jewelry case, and then the handwritten note that accompanied it, and choked up as he read it, and vowed he'd spend the rest of his life doing whatever it took to make her happy and make her dreams come true.

Derek, I was told it is tradition for the groom to carry a piece of iron on his wedding day ,and then I saw this... consider it the key to my heart, as I hope it will be to yours, for a lifetime. I have looked in your eyes and seen the depth of your soul mate...the love of my life. Yours, for always, Meredith

Meredith's nervousness did not go unnoticed as she placed the fingertips of her left hand over the right and fidgeted with her fingers. "Mer stop with the fidgeting, it's not like three's going to run way with him...he turned her down the first time."

"Cristina," Kathleen scolded, "you better sweeten that orange juice and drink all of it, or I'm going to have Kevin ban you from the rest of the day."

"She knows I'm kidding...and look she stopped," Cristina defended herself.

"Well, today...overload on sugar, dear, or I'm going to find a muzzle," Ailene told her.

"Mer...tell them...this is doesn't bother you," she said and walked up to her friend and saw the emotion in her eyes, "'re crying, I didn't mean anything...I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"'s not, I'm sorry."

"It's not about what you said,"

"Then what you need a hug..." she asked, and without waiting for an answer hugged her friend.

"He loves me Cristina...he did all this...for me..." Meredith replied.

"Yes, he did, and he does love you...and...I'm happy for you...I am..."

"You are?"

"I am...he did this for you...and we have a truce Mer..." she said to lighten the mood.

"You do..."

"Till we can figure it out or something," she said as Lexie walked in the room.

"Did you give it to him? Was he there? What took you so long..."

"You are so predictable," Lexie said. "We talked, and he said I better go before you decided to interrogate me."

"What were you talking about?" Meredith insisted.



"Yes...oh..." Lexie said, "and I thanked him...for bringing me here."

"That was nice of you," Meredith said and waited for more, "but that took a long while."

"And I also told him, I'd kick his ass if he ever hurt you again...and he suggested I'd drag Cristina along," she said, and Meredith stared at her with a blank look on her face.

"Are...are you told him that...he brought you here...and paid for all of you, could you?"

"Mer...he...he suggested it..."

"He suggested you'd kick...his ass..."

"I'm beginning to think this is going to be a very long truce," Cristina muttered, while Ailene was getting ready to step in.

"Mom...don't get involved."

"She needs a happy wedding day."

"She has that Mom, they understand each's ok..."

"She was crying...Kathleen."

"She's still dealing with hormones Mom, and it is an emotional day on top of that, and she and Derek have been through a lot, but she's fine...she's going to be just fine, they both are."

"Is this the psychiatrist talking," her mother asked.

"It's the sister Mom, and the psychiatrist...and," she smiled, "your favorite daughter..."

"You do realize," Ailene said, "you have a very special place in my heart, all of you do...but you..." she said, "my first child...the apple of your father's eye, the day I placed you in his arms...Kathleen, it was the happiest moment of our lives...the wonder of it all...our first precious little will always have a very special place..."

" you know how very much I love you..."

"You mean in spite of all those...take that back comments, when you're compared to me," she said and drew her daughter close, "and lying to me about your email accounts..."

"Those are the moments I love you most...all of us, when we all recognize how lucky we've been, how blessed we are to have you...and know about the email accounts..."

"I love you Kathleen, and I'm so proud of you...every day, I'm so proud of you..."

"We're going to be watering pots, like Derek would say...before we even get to the ceremony," she said wiping the tears away, "and we have a lot of more catching up to do," she said as her mother hugged her tighter.

"Girls," Ailene called out, "you need to have breakfast, especially you Meredith."

"Why...especially me?"

"Because, I'm going to have an early night, most of us are, unlike you and Derek, and maybe Kathleen and Kevin."

Meredith blushed, while Lexie and Cristina laughed.

" are getting the absolute best mother in law in the world," Cristina quipped, "if we'd met her before Mchottie, I may have called a truce with Shepherd earlier, he can't be all that bad with such a great mom."


"Mama Shep...that was a compliment," Cristina told her.

"Ok, breakfast time," Kathleen said, "there's nothing worse than a cold breakfast, and Mom's right Mer, about tonight..." she teased her.

"Can we talk about something else," Meredith said, a bit embarrassed.

"Mer...she had five kids, she knows...what you're going to be doing tonight."

"Oh God," Meredith said as she wrapped the robe closer around her. "Cristina, stop talking."

" is true Mer, and she knows you and Derek have been..."

"Lexie..." Meredith stopped her.

"They're just trying to help out dear," Ailene said softly, "it's easier not to be nervous if you can't think about it, because well meaning friends keep putting their foot in their mouth."

"Mer..." Lexie said, "can we see your dress now... there's no rules about that for the family, only for the groom..."

" can...I's probably not what you're expecting...but, I saw it, and it was just the two of us...and I wasn't going to have a formal wedding, and it's Derek's favorite color, and I saw it...and I thought..."

"Mer...I'm sure it's perfect, and he'll love whatever you chose..." Lexie told her, and placed her hand over her sister's and smiled.

"You can see's the only thing left in the closet..."

"Eat first Lexie," Ailene told her, " before the eggs get cold."

"Oh, I can't have eggs, I'm allergic."

"I almost killed my sister," Meredith mumbled and giggled.

"How did you do that dear," Ailene asked attempting to distract her.

"Well, I was trying to do something nice for her," Meredith started to tell her, and by the time she finished the story they were all laughing.

"That was a very nice thing to do, and you know it's not that hard to cook."

"I think Derek and I have agreed I'll stay away from the kitchen, we should probably have incorporated it into our wedding vows..." she laughed.

Lexie walked over to the closet and removed the garment bag that covered the dress, and held it up for everyone, "Mer, it's a perfect dress and the color is beautiful," she told her sister.

"That is his favorite color, Meredith...he will love that you thought about it," Kathleen assured her.

"It is lovely dear, and it is just perfect for a March morning wedding in Venice."

"I thought so, but now...we're having a reception and it's outside...that's what you said Kathleen, and it's freezing and it won't matter since I'll have to wear my coat the entire time..."

"He'll see it during the ceremony, that's what's important and forget about the weather, they have outdoor heaters and it's a beautiful location."

"All right girls, it's time to start getting ready, I'm going to get dressed and I'll be back shortly, you need anything?"

"I'm going to take a shower...and I just need to get dressed, and it won't take more than a half hour...I still have an hour," she said as she began to fidget with her engagement ring.

"Cristina and Lexie, why don't you stay here...make sure she doesn't need anything. Kathleen and I will get ready and be back...and you can get yourselves ready."

While Meredith showered, Lexie went to get her things, and then Cristina did the same, so it was Lexie that Meredith found in her room.

"Lexie, where's Cristina?"

"She went to get her things, so we'll get ready here, keep you company."

"Lex...did Derek open what I sent him?"

"Not while I was there," she said as they heard a knock on the door, and she opened it to find Mark.

"How's Grey?"

"I'm fine," she teased.

"Your sister lassie, how's she doing, cause Shep is freaking out."

"Mark," Meredith walked to the door, " he ...has he changed..."

"He's freaking out that you're changing your mind..."

"I'm not..." she said, "tell him...there's no turning back... unless he..."

"Grey, there's no turning back, period," Mark said and walked in to stand beside her and kiss her cheek, "he said to tell you he won't forget, that it's already in his pocket, whatever the hell that means."

"Tell read my note..."

"Can I see your dress?"

"No...get out..." Lexie said, pushing him toward the door.

"Keep her calm," Mark said quietly to Lexie, "he's a nervous wreck," and before he walked out kissed her cheek.

"Lexie...stop encouraging him," Meredith called out, and then saw the smile on her sister's face.

"He's fun Mer, and he's the bestman."


"I have something for you...if you want, you don't have to ...I mean, I understand if you prefer something else, but...if you do...I think it would be nice...and it would mean a lot to my Mom, and she ...she was in your dream Mer, so maybe it's idea..."

"Lexie...I'm a nervous can't do this to me...the rambling..."

"Oh...ok...well," she said and took out a small cloth pouch from the bag she'd brought with her, "when Mark called and said we were coming to your wedding, I wanted to give you something special, but it's not like I had a lot of money right now, and it should be a gift for you and Derek...but I thought, you might like this, and they could be your something old..." she stopped and revealed a small pair of gold earrings, "they were Mom's...and I think...I think she'd have wanted you to have them..."

Meredith was moved by the gesture, and overcome with emotions, when she heard Lexie say, "it's was a bad idea...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything."

"No," Meredith said softly, reaching out and placing her hand on her sister's, "I'm...I'm honored...and...moved...but...they were hers and you should have're her daughter..."

"I think she'd like for you to have them...she did nothing but talk about you...and how much she wanted us to know each part of each other's life...and I know she'd be so happy to see you now...marrying Derek..."

"I can wear them means a lot Lexie...that you'd think of this, but, then...I can have them or Molly...."

"Mer... I know...just like that time...that Mom was watching over us...that she's doing the same now...and she'd like for you to have them," she said, and placed them in Meredith's hand, "and maybe we can start our own tradition, and they'll be yours...but I'll wear them at my wedding...and Laura...and our girls...any girls we may have...can remember their grandmother..."

"I think," Meredith said, "that will be a lovely tradition," and the two sisters embraced,
"I think...she's watching over us...Lexie...and she knows...that we've found each other, and how far we've much it means to be sisters."

Cristina walked in and all three began to get ready, and soon, as Kathleen and Ailene returned, there wasn't much left to do but for Meredith to slip her dress on.

"Lexie, Cristina you look lovely," Ailene said, "we just came across Mark, pacing the hall, so I told him, that both he and Derek should walk to the ceremony, and get rid of all the nervous energy."

"What is he nervous about," Cristina asked.

"I guess Derek's threatened to kill him," Kathleen laughed.

"What..." Meredith asked with concern.

"Seriously," Cristina said, "I need to see this."


"Mama're not being fun now..."

"I'm not supposed to be fun, I'm the Mother..."

"Old wily fox...isn't that what Kevin calls you," Cristina teased.

"Kat, why are they fighting?" Meredith asked.

"They're not, they're Mark and Derek, and Mark told him he couldn't find the rings."

"Poor Mark," Lexie commented.

"Poor Mark," a chorus of four women echoed.

"Yeah, he's the one that's going to end up dead, not Derek," she laughed.

"Stop making her more nervous. Meredith dear, what do you need to be ready, just slip on your dress?"

"I think so..."

"You look beautiful, you're positively glowing...even if I can see the nervousness," she said as she put her arms around her, "'s a big day, and that's allowed..."

The phone rang, and Kathleen repeated that Lucia was there and ready to leave in twenty minutes, and the men had decided to walk to Palazzo Cavalli, while the ladies would take the water taxi, offering covered transportation to the ceremony.

"Mer," Kathleen asked, "do you have everything...something old, new, borrowed and blue?"

"Yes...I think so..." she said, fidgeting with her ring again.

"Let's see," Kathleen said, "what's the something old?"

"Lexie...gave me Susan's earrings..."

"Something new," Kathleen continued, "we have covered," she smiled, "with the dress."

"And the lingerie you gave her is also new and blue," Cristina chimed in, "including the lighter blue garter belt."

"What's the something borrowed," Kathleen asked.

"Oh...I didn't think of that," Meredith said, " can also be Susan's earrings..."

"I think I have a better idea," Ailene said as she walked over to her, "if you'd like, I would love for you to wear this," she said and removed her bracelet.

" couldn't..."

"It's all right dear," she said softly, as she gauged the misty eyes, "you don't have to..."

"Oh no...I don't mean that...I's yours...and you always wear it...and I couldn't..."

"Mer," Kathleen said, "we've all worn it on our wedding's been our something borrowed from Mom."

"'re her daughters," she said, unable to keep the emotion from her voice,
"I'm not..."

"But you are," Ailene said softly, "if you let me, I told you...I can be a very gentle mom...but you don't have to...I know it's very personal..."

"I want to," Meredith said, with barely a whisper, "it would mean a lot to me, and...she said...Mom in my dream, she said...she'd be ok...if...if I called you Mom...and if you want me to...I'd love to wear it, and it would be so special to Derek."

"Then, you'll wear it...and all my daughters will have the same tradition..." Ailene said, visibly touched she had accepted, and placed it around her wrist.

"Ailene..." Meredith asked quietly, "did...did she wear it too..."

"No dear," she said and hugged her and quietly added, "Addison did not wear it," and she heard the soft broken breath, "she was my daughter in law, you are now my daughter."

Kathleen was close enough to hear the exchange, and stopped the tears before they escaped, and thought of her wedding day, how she'd cried when her Mom had taken off the bracelet she wore at every special occasion and placed it on her wrist. She thought of how she'd missed her father, and walked over to hug Meredith knowing how she must be feeling having neither of her parents on her special day.

"Welcome to the family," Kathleen said as she hugged both Meredith and her Mom, before stepping away and got busy tidying everything around the room.

"Do you think...she can sense Mother, my happiness today... I miss her," Meredith whispered as Ailene held her, "I wish she could be here...even if ..." she stopped before repeating, I was never enough.

"She is Meredith...all your loved ones...they're here," she said hugging her tightly, and for the first time in her life Meredith felt the warmth and love of her mother transmitted in that gentle heartfelt embrace.

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