"Our first..." - Part 2

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Friday dawned at its expected time, on the East coast, on the day after Thanksgiving while Meredith and Derek's family from both coasts were respectively excited or doubtful in regard to the family reunion about to take place; two sets of five individuals, children among them, at two different places were anxious to get the day on its way and acted accordingly; by the end of the day Carolyn Shepherd would wonder how it was possible the younger children were much better behaved than the three west coast kids, and would forever remember the bonds of family forged on this very special day; the first Shepherd Thanksgiving shared with her son and new daughter.

Derek and Meredith smiled as he pulled up the driveway of his childhood home, and before Derek shut off the engine, four bundled up children raced out of the house toward their aunt and uncle, Jake barking and following close behind.

"Uncle Derek...Aunt Merdith...Aunt Meredith," three voices echoed as the two got out of the car.

"Aunty M," the smallest whirlwind of excitement was the first to reach Meredith who shocking her three children opened her arms wide and immediately lifted Meghan and hugged her, "we've been waiting lots and lots...since it was dark..."

"And Granma told us we had to go back to sleep," Emma said as she smiled at her aunt who bent down to hug her and kissed the top of her head. "But we were too excited...so we pretended ..."

"Aunty M," Meghan whispered, "Emma uses big words...cause of she's bigger...but she means we tolds Granma we be good and go back to sleep, but she went back to her room...and we gots to sleep in Mommy's room in the big bed, and my cousin Emma and my big sister Katie and Rebecca we talked and talked...but me was tired and fall asleep and then Katie waked me up when the sun was out..."

"Aunt Merdith," Katie greeted her, grinning as her uncle held her, "we missed you yesterday, but now we get to have Thanksgiving all over again," Derek and Meredith exchanged confused glances as he took Meghan from Meredith and she hugged Katie and Rebecca.

"We missed you too," Meredith smiled at the four girls, "but girls are you supposed to be out here by yourselves."

"Jake's with us," Rebecca said, "to protect us and Granma said it was no use trying to hold us back, cause she's just as excited but the timer went off in the oven and she couldn't risk the pies getting burned."

Mark, meanwhile, had helped to get their bags unloaded and Lexie grabbed Meredith's purse. Cristina looked at her friend in disbelief, as the almost surreal family greetings unfolded before her.

"Uncle Derek," Rebecca said, "who are the other people, are you going to introduce us?"

Meredith laughed at Nancy's youngest choice of words. "Aunty M," Meghan reached for her hand, "I not know them..."

"You will," Meredith bent down to be at eye level, "let's get inside, it's cold out here," and Derek smiled at the motherly instincts; the temperatures, indeed in the low thirties.

"Mark," Derek called out, "you need help?"

"We got it," Mark responded and quipped, "you're better with the kids. I'll handle the baggage," and shot a glance at Cristina.

"Sloan," Cristina said, "are you implying we're ..."

"Mark," Lexie said, "that was not very nice, we're ..."

"Lex," Mark smiled at her, "I needed to see if she was still breathing, she looked like she was going to get in the driver's seat and drive away when she saw Meredith surrounded by the four kids."

"Ass," Cristina said.

"Let me warn you," Mark told her, "the minute you walk in the door...vocabulary becomes G rated...not to be confused with any other G-references you may be familiar with..."

"You're really a manwhore," Cristina told him, "mind in the gutter...all the time."

"See," Mark winked at Lexie, "back to her old self again..."

They'd almost reached the front door when Carolyn appeared. "I was getting as impatient as the girls," Carolyn smiled, opening the door widely, "but the oven timer had gone off."

"Ma," Derek was the first to greet her with a kiss and a hug, "I've missed you."

"Oh sweetheart, it's so good to have you here again," and then turned to hug Meredith tightly, "and you...I can't tell you how special this Thanksgiving has become, a new granddaughter and my newest daughter...here with her family," she smiled as she looked at the three adults walking close behind them.

"Ma," Derek joked, "our first family road trip went remarkably well."

"Grown up talk again," Katie turned to her cousins, "it's no fun."

"I know," Emma echoed, "they'll totally ignore us."

"They're not going to ignore us," Rebecca said, "but they have to say hello first to Granma."

"There's pictures of him," Emma said, "Becky, don't you don't you remember? Mom says he's like a brother."

"Daddy says he's..." Rebecca snuck a peek at her grandmother, "he uses a really bad word."

Meredith and Derek held each other's gaze and attempted not to burst out laughing, while they got all the kids in the house including their three traveling companions.

"Children," Carolyn said teasingly and hugged each of the adult guests. "I'm so delighted you are joining us, we'll have all our family here," and with that comment she flawlessly and genuinely welcomed the three into her living room and the folds of her family.

"Granma," Katie said, as she looked at the scene in front of her, "why do you call them children? They're old."

"Granma," Emma, uncannily sensitive, interrupted, "she means they're grown ups..."

"Baby Kat," Mark remembered her nickname, "you've become a big girl since the last time I saw you."

"I not know you," Meghan said as she looked at Mark. "How come you knows my big sister has that name?"

"You're Meggie," Mark smiled at her.

"You knows my name too," Meghan exclaimed, "because of why?"

"Mark," Carolyn warned, "I need to check on some cinnamon rolls, keep in mind she's three years old."

"I know that," Mark said, "I've been around kids," and he crouched down to be eye level with Meghan. "I was there when you were born."

"I not remember..."

"Meggie," Rebecca said wisely, "if he was there when you were born, you were just a baby, just like Kerry...so you won't remember."

"She's my baby sister," Meghan said defiantly, "she don't forget me, she remembers me...all the time."

"Of course silly goose," Emma assured her little cousin, "cause she sees you every day...and knows you're her big sister."

"Cause I love her...lots and lots, and she knows that," Meghan said, and suddenly her eyes watered. "Emma," she turned to her older and presumably wiser cousin, "you mean if she not see me every day, she forgets me."

"Meggie," Meredith swooped the little girl up in her arms and went to sit on the couch, "of course she won't forget you, sweetie, she even remembers me when I talk to her on the phone...and she doesn't see me every day..."

"But," Meghan slightly pouted, making Meredith smile at the exact expression she'd seen on Jenna over chocolate cake, "Emma says Kerry remembers only cause of I see her every day...and I don't want her to forget me Aunty M...cause I get bigger and gots to go to school...and won't be home all the time."

"Leave it to you," Cristina said to Mark, "to create a crisis."

"I think," Meredith hugged her, "you have nothing to worry about...because you're a wonderful big sister."

"Cause I love Kerry so much, and I help Mommy take care of her," the little girl insisted.

"Yes," Meredith smiled at her, "and because she already loves you too."

Meghan's smile reflected the twinkle in her eyes as she placed her small hands on Meredith's face. "I love you Aunty M and so does my baby sister," and rested her forehead on Meredith's.

"Oh sweetie," Meredith kissed both her cheeks, "I love you both too..."

"Aunt Meredith," Rebecca who was standing by the couch with her three cousins spoke up, "you can't play favorites...Granma says..."

"Granma says what," Carolyn walked in the room holding a tray with several mugs. "For goodness sakes, why are you all standing around? Derek, where are your manners? Cristina, Lexie, please make yourselves at home. I'll show you to your rooms after breakfast."

"Aunty Merdith," Katie made herself comfortable next to her, "Rebecca is right...Granma says no favorites...and you already spent lots of time talking to Meggie."

"Cause of I'm little," Katie's sister said, "but she gots no favorites...just like Granma."

"That's right," Meredith said and hugged Katie to her, "and Granma's know everything."

"They do," Emma said, "even Nana Grace and she doesn't have any kids, but she's still got lots of grandchildren because we love her like Granma and Grandma Alice and Aunt Pat and they're even smarter than mommies."

"Mama Shep," Cristina said, "I'm impressed. Very well trained. Reminds me of Bailey."

"Cristina dear," Carolyn said, "you get my first cup of hot chocolate."

"If you have coffee..." Cristina started to say, as the four little girls looked on.

"Have this," Carolyn insisted, "it's much better dear."

"Sweeter, you mean," Mark smirked.

"Granma," Katie asked, "don't we get any hot chocolate...you make the bestest."

"You certainly will," Carolyn said, "we're all going to have breakfast in a few minutes, but we have to take care of our guests first."

"Granma," Rebecca said, "but you said they're family..."

"Yes, I did," Carolyn smiled, "but, family can also be guests especially when they've been traveling all night and it's very cold out there, so they'll want to warm up."

"And we have to be hospitable," Cristina raised an eyebrow at Emma's vocabulary, "and we get to learn from you, cause you're the best hostess," Emma smiled at her grandmother; a similar one on Carolyn's face as she hugged this very loved and sensitive grandchild.

"She has them brainwashed," Cristina whispered at Mark.

"Drink the chocolate Cristina," Meredith told her.

"What..." Cristina quipped, "you have bionic ears now? Thought it was only Mr. Incredible that has two million dollar hands and..."

"Cristina," Meredith her eyes widened.

"Grown up talk again," Katie rolled her eyes, and had everyone laughing.

"No more grown up talk," Derek laughed and grabbed Meghan from Meredith's lap and threw her up in the air as she giggled delightedly, "Ma, Mer's probably starving," he winked at his wife and put his arm around his mother's shoulder's as he carried his niece toward the kitchen, and the rest followed. "Let's have breakfast."

"Aunt Meredith," Emma was at her side before she had a chance to get up. "I'm really glad you're here. My mommy says you probably can come to our house this time."

"We're going to try," their gazes met, and Meredith knew this child, as Kelly, was meant to be in her life. "But you know it's going to be a really busy weekend."

"I know," Emma said sagely, "it's not like you're playing favorites, cause today we get to celebrate Thanksgiving again and it's Kerry's baptism, and she's still a newborn and you and Uncle Derek are the godparents so you want to spend time with her."

"We do want to spend time with her, but we'll also spend time with all of you," Meredith gently stroked the young girl's hair, and Emma caught a glimpse of her bracelet.

"This is really pretty," she touched the bracelet, "Granma has one and it's very special cause she got it from our Granpa... does your bracelet make you sad sometimes too?"

"Why would you think that?" Meredith was surprised by the question.

"Cause you have an angel..." Emma touched the small charm, "and sometimes Granma is sad that Granpa isn't here...but she tells us he's like our Guardian Angel," she looked up at Meredith. "Do you have a guardian angel Aunt Meredith, is this why you have a special charm?"

Meredith just nodded, marveling at Emma's sensitivity and maturity, well beyond her seven years. "Yes, I have a special guardian angel."

"Like Granpa?" Emma questioned. "Cause Granma knew him and my mommy and my aunts and Uncle Derek...but we didn't, but he's still ours even if we didn't know him cause he's in heaven."

"Yes," Meredith's eyes filled with tears she attempted to blink away. "Like your Granpa."

"I'm sorry," Emma said, and raised her hand to Meredith's cheek, wiping away the revealing tear; one she didn't even realize she'd shed. "I didn't mean to make you sad."

"Happy tears," Meredith said quietly.

"That's what Granma says sometimes when she thinks of Granpa. Are you sure I didn't make you sad?"

"Yes," Meredith paused ever so briefly to regain emotional composure. "I'm sure."

"I love you Aunt Meredith...just like my Mommy does...because you're really special."

"I think you're very special too...and I love you too Emma."

"This is not fair," Rebecca came in the room. "Aunt Meredith, no favorites."

"No favorites," Meredith agreed. "We're just talking."

"Aunt Meredith," Emma said, "Mommy always says common sense is very important," and Meredith smiled; this child was always surprising her.

"Common sense is very important," Meredith agreed, "sometimes we forget that."

"I try to remember," Emma said so seriously, Meredith wanted to laugh; if only she'd been as mature as this young child and remembered that. "Like I know... you're not playing favorites if you don't spend time with me on this trip, cause you promised before, but Mommy explained it to me cause there's so much going on we all have to be at Kerry's baptism ...but, if I visit you...we can spend time together."

"Emma," Meredith laughed and hugged her, "you are delightful...and I promise you...I didn't forget...and we will spend some time together."

"Really," Emma's eyes twinkled with excitement. "But...you're the godmother."

"I'm also your aunt..." Meredith smiled at her, "and I have to learn about that too."

"I can teach you," Emma hugged her tightly, the sensitive child again prevailed, "and so can Katie and Rebecca and Meggie...cause we're the youngest and my other cousins they think they're too big," and she smiled as though she held a secret.

"Ok," Meredith said, "so there's no favorites," and winked at her, "and no secrets..."

"I heard Mommy and Granma and my aunts talking..." Emma smiled at her, "maybe it's a secret, cause they said it's really good you married Uncle Derek...cause he's brainless," she giggled, "can you believe that Aunt Meredith...he's a brain doctor...and he's brainless...but that they'd trust you with the kids way before Uncle Derek..."

"What if I tell you a secret..." Meredith leaned in to her.


"Sometimes...no matter how smart we are...we all act a little brainless," and Emma's giggles reached the children in the kitchen.

"Aunty M." It was Katie's turn to storm through the open door, "not fair...you can't play favorites."

"I can't," Meredith laughed and lifted the Katie in her arms, "not even with you," she teased, as the small child comfortably wrapped her legs around her waist.

"Nope," Katie shook her head, though she laughed as they walked in the kitchen, "that's what Granma says...no favorites..."

"Are you wearing a magnet?" Cristina asked Meredith.

"Mom," Meredith walked over to Carolyn after putting Katie down. "Can I help sweeten the chocolate?"

"Bitch..." Cristina mumbled.

"Granma..." three voices echoed while the tiniest one ran to the kitchen cabinet and pulled the door open wide.

"Granma," Meghan said while holding a bottle of Palmolive, "you need lots of soap."

"Ma," Derek laughed, "I think Meghan is right...we'll let you discipline our children however you see fit," and his mother and wife laughed good naturedly.

"Don't you worry dear," Carolyn pulled lightly on Cristina's ear. "I will definitely be doing that," and all the adults understood she spoke of future days when dreams of their family would become fulfilled.

"What do you think," Derek said wrapping his arms around Meredith, "can she discipline these three?"

"Oh no..." Rebecca said, "it's all gonna be grown up stuff now...when Mommy and Daddy do that, they forget we're in the room."

"I'm not sure about our three oldest," Meredith whispered leaning back into him, "but...I'm going to follow her lead and let her help on how to discipline our babies," and he hugged her closer to him; both silently giving thanks for the priceless gift they had received months before; spiritual gifts through dreams with an angel; an angel named Brianna.

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