Promised Dreams - Part 3

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Meredith pretended to ignore Jenna's question and turned to her mother in law. "Carolyn, is it ok if I help myself to some of the chocolate cake?"

"Of course dear," Carolyn said, "make yourself at home...there are no more surprises planned to keep you out of the kitchen."

"Meredith," Kathleen said when she saw her sister in law get up and walk toward the stairs. "Kitchen's in the opposite direction."

"I know," Meredith called out, "I'm going to get Cristina's gift for Mom first."

Carolyn Shepherd chuckled softly, and Meredith turned to her, "what?"

"See saws sweetheart," Carolyn smiled.

"Oh..." Meredith smiled back and giggled, "yes..." and hurried toward the stairs.

"Mom, what's that all about?" Kathleen asked.

"She keeps alternating between Carolyn and Mom," Carolyn told Kathleen, "hence the see saw. I told her that yesterday."

"See saws and swings," Jenna smiled, "do you think they want kids soon?"

"I think," Nancy said, "they may want to enjoy being newlyweds for a while. But," she smiled at her mother and Kathleen, "I get the feeling they won't be waiting years either."

"Can you just see it," Maggie said, "Derek a dad?"

"Hopefully," Jenna smiled, "they'll be spending more time with us, he definitely needs kids lessons before that happens," and all the sisters laughed.

"I think," Nancy said, "Meredith has more common sense than he does," and then just as Meredith was walking back in the living room she heard the last of her comment, "at least...when it comes to avoiding conversations about kinky sex and what you wouldn't want repeated with kids around...especially when they're in bed with you."

"Stop teasing us about that," Meredith laughed, "we said nothing about kinky sex...but you and Jenna..."

"Meredith," Maggie joked, "at this stage, all Jenna can do is tease about it. Believe me, sex may be feasible...but kinky...unlikely..."

"Mom..." Meredith said, fully realizing she'd used the more endearing term, "please tell them to stop embarrassing Derek with sex conversations around him."

"I'll see what I can do," Carolyn smiled, as Meredith handed her a package wrapped in plain brown shipping paper.

"She was going to ship it," Meredith explained, "when Derek told her we were flying out here, so she said there was no sense in going out and buying new paper."

"Sounds like Cristina," Carolyn said as she began to unwrap the square box, and was delighted at what she found. "These are just wonderful," she smiled as she took out three items, "she was with me when I bought some at the spa, and she asked me in an email if they were any good. This is very sweet of her."

"Mom, what did she send?" Kathleen asked.

"Pancake mix, oatmeal and spices," Carolyn replied.

"Speaking of food," Meredith said, "I'm going to help myself to a piece of chocolate cake," and smiled at her sisters in law, except at Jenna who could not see her face, and walked to the kitchen, returning with a plate that held a large piece of cake and sat next to Jenna.

"Carolyn," Meredith said when she sat down, "this is really the best chocolate cake I've ever had...I may even attempt to learn how to make it..."

Her sisters in law, except Jenna, laughed.

"What's so funny?" Meredith asked.

"The see saw Mom..." Maggie said, "Mom told us."

"Oh..." Meredith replied, "it's...just not used to it..."

"It's fine sweetheart," Carolyn smiled, "and I'll be happy to teach you how to make it."

"Maybe," Meredith said, "when we're here next time."

Carolyn removed the wrapping material from the box, and said, "there's a card, I almost missed it," and took an envelope from the bottom of the box.

Jenna, meanwhile, glanced at the cake and placed her hand on her abdomen, rubbing it gently, "I know're hungry...and your godmother is being very mean."

"Your godmother," Meredith giggled, and sliced a small piece of cake onto the fork, presumably for herself, "is being very your mommy," and smiled handing Jenna the plate, feeling she'd teased her enough by withholding the cake, and asked quietly, almost whispering. "Are you and Derek ok?"

"Your godmother is definitely Mommy's favorite sister in law," Jenna said as she took a bite, "just as I'm your Uncle Derek's favorite sister," she smiled softly at Meredith, their eyes meeting in understanding.

"I'm your only sister in law," Meredith laughed; her husband and sister were just fine.

"No you're not," Maggie laughed, "she has at least a dozen."

"She does not," Kathleen laughed.

"Mer," Nancy said, "Rob is one of eight kids, he had it worse than Derek; seven are girls."

"Eight kids..." Meredith said, "I can't imagine what that would be like...all together..."

"You mean our family with five is bad enough," Maggie said, "and you're right..."

"Hey," Jenna said in between bites of cake, "don't give her any ideas...just because you lucked out and John only has ..."

"She lucked out," Kathleen argued, "'d rather Mom & Dad had stopped; let's say after Nancy?"

"Oh, no," Jenna said, "that would have never happened. They needed to get to the kids that have a sweeter disposition."

"Bitch," Nancy said.

"Exactly..." Jenna smiled at her sister, "just ask Meredith, she experienced it first hand."

"We didn't call her a bitch," Meredith knew it was ok to laugh, "we softened it a bit and added the mc...and she's happy...with mchottie..."

"Thank you Meredith," Nancy chuckled. "The mchottie was totally worth the overnight trip."

"So we heard last night," Maggie joked. "How much you and Mike ..."

"You did not," Nancy said with a dead pan expression, "we had sex on the way back from Alice's," and her sisters erupted in laughter.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Kathleen said and Nancy glared at her. "What...we all know...even Mom..."

"What...wait," Meredith said, "you have to finish that...because, there's like five different conversations that remain unfinished...venial sins, Maggie's two kids...Navy officers asking Mom out on dates..."

"Speaking of pending things," Kathleen said glancing over at her mother. "Mom, what did Cristina say?"

"Let me read," Carolyn said and opened the envelope, to reveal not a card but a gift certificate. "Meredith, did you know what she sent, she included a gift certificate."

"She would not tell me," Meredith said. "Where to?"

"The spa where we went, it's too much, she should not have done this."

"You bring out a softer side of her Carolyn," Meredith said, "not too many do."

"Typical Cristina," Carolyn chuckled, "she sent me a copy of the email she wrote," she commented as she began to read and understand the deep bond of friendship; one she'd questioned months before on a small side street in Venice; while her daughters and Meredith continued to talk.

Mama Shep, Mer & Shepherd saved me a trip to the post office. Just printing this out, since I'd already started to write it.

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