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"Derek, wake up," Meredith was already out of bed and nudged him, as she placed her hand on his shoulder for a second time.


"Derek, we have a lot of things to do, and you said you'd help," she said in a bossy yet nervous tone, "sleeping away the morning is not my idea of helping."

"Ok...ok..." he mumbled, and started to get out of bed, but first opened his eyes and looked over at the clock and couldn't believe she was up and about. "Meredith, it's six in the morning, what are you doing up?"

"Are you forgetting," she said, as she walked around the small bedroom area and grabbed the pillows off the bed and placed them aside, "we have guests coming over today and we need to make sure we have everything ready, and why are you smiling, I have to clean and we need to set up everything outside, and I don't want to have this be a total disappointment..."

"A total disappointment," he could not help but smile, "to a four year old that wants nothing more than to see a 'twailer' and play with bubbles in the woods," he said and made the mistake of chuckling.

Meredith stopped what she was doing as she held a pillow in front of her, "you're making fun of me and mocking me," she said quietly, and he saw the familiar detachment in her eyes, and immediately jumped from the bed and walked up to her, "I'm only trying to make sure it's nice...it's not like we have a home to welcome people..."

"We don't have a home," he locked gazes with her, forcing her to look at him, "Meredith, do you really mean that?"

"No," she said as he saw the glimmering shine of her eyes, "you know I don't mean that."

"You want to tell me what's really wrong?" he soothed as he cupped her face and kissed her lips softly.

"I've never done this before," she admitted.

"You've never done what before," he said, as he led her back to their bed and sat down.

"Company and entertaining people and cooking for them, and I don't want them to think I'm a total failure as a wife..."

"Uhmmm..." he brushed her lips with his again, "you're thinking all that..."

"Derek, don't make fun of me..."

"Meredith, it's six in the morning...we have nine hours to get ready for our company," he teased, "basically all for a four year old that has been waiting for weeks to run in the woods, and is likely already up with the sunrise driving her parents crazy to get here and see Dr. Shep's twailer...and Dr. Mewedith who promised she'd play with her and make bubbles, and she's excited that there's going to be a 'barbie' and possibly a campfire at the end of the evening to roast marshmallows. Now," he said as he reached for the hem of her shirt, and she slapped his hand away, as he laughed and continued with his intent, "I don't think there's absolutely anything you could do to disappoint our company, but...you sure as hell will be disappointing your husband," he nipped her bottom lip, "if you don't get your ass back in this bed for the next three hours."

"Is that the only thing you ever think about," she rolled her eyes, but smiled into his kiss.

"Would you prefer I think about being an old beast...and wondering if I can keep up with my wife's insatiable..."

"Uhmm...can't imagine why you'd ever have doubts about," she teased him as she placed her hand over his already evident arousal, "keeping up..." she laughed, as he devoured her mouth.

Later, naked and both breathless she turned to face him and reached for his hand to entwine their fingers, "Derek..."

"Uhmmm..." his hand was on her waist as he lightly caressed her body.

"You can distract me like that..." she giggled, "anytime."

"I believe," he said as his eyes sparkled, the renewed desire mutually reflected as their gazes locked, "it's part of my role," he leaned in to kiss her, "as a sex slave."

"Derek..." she smiled, as she paused to kiss him lightly, then deepened their kiss and he brought her body fully against him, "want to distract me again?"

"Where should we begin..." he taunted playfully.

"Are you game..." she laughed, "for...connecting the dots," she said as she raised an eyebrow seductively and their laughter echoed through the place they undoubtedly considered their home, before both delighted in reaching new heights of pleasure, their bodies each other's exclusive playground.

"Mer," Derek said as they lay utterly spent and sated, "I love you."

"I love you," she said and lifted her head off his shoulder to kiss him softly. "Derek...I'm sorry..."

"For what," he asked confused at her comment, and pushed some strands of hair away from her forehead.

"Saying we don't have a home..."

"I knew you didn't mean that," he smiled, and kissed her forehead.

"Still...I shouldn't have said that, because it's not true. I was upset, and I shouldn't say things like that...because Derek, wherever you are with me...feels like home..."

"I feel exactly the same way," he said and they exchanged a tender kiss.

"But...this...it really is home...much more than my house, so I'm sorry."

"I love you Meredith," he told her again as their lips meet, before they were interrupted by her cell phone ringing and she reached out to answer.

"No, you're not interrupting sex Cristina," she smiled, and then added, "we've already done that...twice this morning in fact."

Derek laughed as he'd heard Cristina's comment, and grabbed the phone from her, "you're right Yang, she's sharing too much information, and yes, she is driving me insane with the party planning for three kids, each with 2.6 adults to take care of them, unless you've changed your mind about joining us, which would make it three adults per child.

Meredith just glared at him, but secretly was happy he and Cristina were getting along, and since their wedding had often shared moments like this. Derek roared with laughter at Cristina's response and handed her the phone back and drifted off to sleep as Meredith spent a few minutes talking to Cristina who was obsessing about Erica Hahn keeping her out of cardiac surgeries.

"Derek," unlike the earlier wake up call, when she was filled with anxiety over their visitors, Meredith sat gently on the mattress next to him, and kissed him awake. "I have breakfast for you."

"Uhmmm..." he savored her lips on his.

"It's your favorite breakfast," she said.

"You?" he smiled.

"You've already had me for breakfast," she laughed.

"Yes..." he smiled, "I certainly have..."

"Derek," she smiled seductively, "you're my favorite for breakfast too."

"Does that mean..."

"It means," she leaned in to him, teasing him, nibbling at his lips and trailing kisses down his throat, "you can have me...again...after dinner."

"Tease," he laughed.

"Shepherd," she taunted playfully, "live with it. I let you sleep till ten, so now, you have to help me with everything I have to do."

"Nag," he mumbled intentionally.

"Oh yeah..." she said, but before she had a chance to say anything else he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him.

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you too, Derek," she said and gave in to the simple pleasure of being in his arms.

"Scrambled eggs for breakfast," he said a few minutes later as he kissed the top of her head, rattling off what he was certain was the breakfast menu, "muesli..."

"And fruit," she told him, "orange juice too this morning, and... freshly squeezed."

"Wifely duties," he teased, and they laughed as they had quite often since she had perfected her cooking of one meal.

"Love," she said, "all my wifely duties," and disentangled herself from his arms as she walked over to the kitchen and brought back a tray with their breakfast.

"What is it with the phone this morning," Derek grumbled as he reached over her and answered the phone, "oh it's you again. Didn't you spend a half hour on the phone with her yesterday?"

"Derek, you are so rude," Meredith said and grabbed the phone from him. "Jenna, don't pay any attention to him, he's been surly all morning," she smiled at him and winked. "That's what Cristina asked," she giggled, "and no you're no interrupting, we've already had sex twice this morning," she laughed at what Jenna responded, "I'll keep that in mind."

"What nasty thing is she saying about me," Derek playfully grabbed the phone away from her, "Jenna, you better be nice, or I'll just have to reconsider if I really want to..." he said, and then found himself immediately soothing his pregnant sister.

"Oh shit, Jenna, that's not what I meant, I'm sorry...please don't get all teary eyed and sniffling on me, I was teasing you...of course I'm not talking about changing my mind about being the godfather, how can you even think that...I'm honored and I can't wait," he paused to listen to his sister. "Jenna, I was just going to tease you by saying I'd reconsider if I really want you to meet Meredith over the summer, since all of you are clearly on her side...about everything," and then he felt Meredith's smack across the back of his head.

"Shit Mer, that hurt," he said and continued talking to his sister until there were no misunderstandings. "I love you too Jenna, and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I'm sorry...yes, you can talk to her."

"Jenna," Meredith said, "I only heard Derek's end of the conversation, but really, he's very excited about being the baby's godfather, he's just being his usual..." she laughed, "yes, brainless," she said and continued their conversation. "I'll email you, let you know how it went, and your suggestions were perfect, after we talked yesterday I found that Barbie Princess. Thanks for all your tips..." she laughed again, "yes, that one too."

"You, have got to be kidding me Derek," she scolded, "how can you even think of teasing her...she's pregnant and hormonal."

"How the hell was I supposed to know she lost her sense of humor," he tried to defend himself, "and you...you're no help."

"How am I supposed to help? I'm not supposed to know your sister better than you do?"

"You could have warned me she's this hormonal and no sense of humor," he pouted, "hell you've spent enough time on the phone with my family, it's like a floodgate the last three weeks since our anniversary. You talk more to them than you've talked to me, especially Jenna this week."

"I'm supposed to anticipate you're going to say something ...brainless," she said and then she smiled at him, he was acting like a five year old pouting, "you're jealous...you think I'm neglecting you...spending time on the phone with your sisters..."

"That's ridiculous, I love the fact you're getting to know my sisters."

"Derek," she snuggled up to him, "your sisters have been really nice, emailing and calling...and your Mom...but, there's no one I'd rather spend time with...or be talking with...than you," she kissed him softly.

"It's like with Cristina," he said, "you don't share any of that with me either..."

"Derek," she kissed him again, "you're pouting."

"I am not," he argued.

"I've never had this before, a relationship...with family, it's only recently...with my friends...and now with your family, and surprisingly, I'm enjoying it."

"I'm an ass," he said, "aren't I?"

"No...you're just not used to me being this open with people...with family, you're used to having to deal with all my doubts and fears...and most of the time, not sharing them, and now, I'm being open...with you...and with them...you were right, I didn't trust enough, and it's a good feeling...and you made me see that...you shared your family, and it's one of the many things that make me love you."

"Mer, I'm sorry...I was being childish," he admitted like a kid caught doing something wrong and hoping to get away with it, "and...brainless..."

"It's ok...I'll be dealing with kids all day today," she teased, and they cuddled in bed a little longer and talked about the very unexpected turn of their conversation as a result of Jenna's phone call.

"Let's get out of here," he said, "before the phone rings again, I'd bet money Jenna's already talked to at least one of the girls or Mom."

"Getting all Meredith like on me," she laughed.

"You mean...avoiding..." he smiled at her.


"No, just survival mode," he chuckled, "don't want to have Ma bitch at me for making Jenna cry."

"Derek..." she said, giving him one last kiss. "You want to know what she told me?"




"That...she'd had sex twice this morning too..." he interrupted her.

"Shit, Mer...that's not what I want to hear about my sister."

"Oh, shut up..." she laughed, "she said...that I should keep that in mind," and her hand caressed his cheek, "...when I'm pregnant. That at sixteen weeks....she now wants sex all the time."

It was several moments before he spoke, "you ok?"

"Yeah," she smiled, as he held her hand, "I am...and it's good to know...for when that happens."

"She doesn't know, about our baby...maybe I should tell her."

"No, Derek... we won't...maybe some day. But not now...not while she's happily expecting her baby...your godchild," she smiled.

"I love you Meredith," he said, raw emotions reflected in his voice, "you have no idea how much I love you...how incredibly precious you are to me."

"Oh..." she said, as they both locked misty gazes, "I think I do...because it's just as much as you are to me."

They held each other a little longer, as yet another poignant moment was woven into that symbolical tapestry of legendary lovers.

"No more lazing around," she said a bit later, "time to live up to what you said, and help me get this place in order," she jumped out of bed, "you can start by stripping the bed and putting these sheets in the washer."

"Mer, you just changed these sheets yesterday, we don't have to..."

"Derek, are you going to help me or editorialize? Of course they have to be changed, what if one of the kids need to take a nap, and Colleen or Dr. Bailey want to bring them in...fresh clean sheets Derek...not..."

He was close enough to grab her, "I get it Mer," he smirked, "I'll take care of it."

"Bathroom's clean. I did that this morning..."

"Here I was thinking, while the sheets are in the washer...we could shower together..."

"I'm going in to shower," she laughed, "alone, or we'll never get out of here," she said, and did just that, and within a couple hours, when she was satisfied everything was as it should be both in the trailer and outside, they drove to the grocery store to get the evening's meal.

"Stop fidgeting," he told her hours later, "it's a beautiful day, and we have everything we need for dinner...and for the kids...they're going to be in bubble heaven," he laughed, "we have an assortment of toys and bubble selection big enough to start a day care center," he said and earned himself a glare.

"Do you think they changed their mind?" she said looking at her watch.

"Do I think six adults changed their mind about joining us for a barbecue, four of whom have three kids they decided not to bring along?"

"Derek," she told him, "I'm nervous...ok...I've never actually had guests to my home...our home, well other than that time...with Susan and Thatcher and that turned out to be a disaster, and today there's kids Derek...that need to be entertained."

"Nothing to be nervous about, trust me, and...you got enough tips from Mom and my sisters to handle any situation that arises, and they're not dropping the kids off Mer, their parents will be here."

Meredith laughed, "Kat & Jenna did say that I was obsessing."

"That's all I'm saying," he chuckled and kissed her softly, then deepened their kiss, and when the broke apart, smiled at her, "better?"

"Much better," she said, hugging him, "much better."

"Let's go sit outside," he said, and pulled her along with him to the teak lounges, "they're not supposed to be here for another fifteen minutes."

Not surprisingly, the Mulligan's were first to arrive, and as soon as John opened the door for Kelly and unbuckled her seat belt the little girl ran toward Meredith and Derek.

"Dr. Mewedith," she raced to them, holding a small bouquet of flowers, "we founded them again," she said, once more bringing her lily of the valley, and without reserve threw her arms around Meredith's neck and as soon as she was lifted wrapped her small legs around Meredith's waist.

"Thank you Kelly," Meredith smiled, "I love these flowers."

"That's what my friend Bwianna said, remember Dr. Mewedith," she whispered and cupped Meredith's face with both small hands, "I tolds you that secret a long long time ago..."

"Yes, you did," Meredith hugged her, as her eyes met Derek's, "and she's right."

"That's," Kelly whispered secretively, "cause little girl angels don't lie."

"You're right sweetie," Meredith hugged her again, as Derek placed his hand on her back and caressed her gently.

"Dr. Shep, Mommy and Daddy, made me wait hours and hours before we come over, just like having to wait for morning when Santa comes," she said and had Meredith and Derek exchange a smile as her parents approached.

"Li," the bald chubby baby smiled and reached out to grab his sister's hair, and then Meredith's.

"Hi Sean," Meredith said, and earned a drooly toothless smile, "oh, but look at you, there's a tiny tooth coming in," and the baby boy babbled away.

"Daddy," Kelly said, "I tolds Dr. Derek and Dr. Mewedith that you made me wait hours and hours just like when Santa comes, and Dr. Mewedith," Kelly rambled on with excitement, "the door was locked so I had to wait till they waked up, cause it's a rule, if the door is locked I have to wait till Mommy and Daddy are done sleeping...cause they like to sleep a lot," she said innocently, and the four adults erupted in laughter.

Colleen smiled and exchanged amused glances with her husband, "well, sweetie, Daddy is a lot older than Mommy and he needs lots of sleep," she said, and blushed at whatever her husband whispered in her ear.

"You know Kelly," Derek said, "I'm think your Mommy's right, cause I'm older than Meredith, and need lots of sleep in the morning too ," he smiled unashamedly giving Meredith their look, and their gazes met in confirmation of promised 'sleep' when they were once again alone together.

"Dr. Mewedith," Kelly said, not liking being left out, "I know that's grown up talk, cause Mommy tolds my aunt Shannon this morning," she paused in thought, "she was teaching her about baby things, and I love baby things...and she said, sis, soon as that baby learns to open doors...you lock yours and they laughed lots just like you did."

"Colleen," John laughed, "I keep reminding you...little pitchers..."

"I know," she smiled, "getting bigger and bigger."

"Mommy," Kelly said, "you're so silly."

"Yes, sweetie, Mommy and Daddy can be silly if they don't get a lot of sleep."

"But Mommy, you slept lots and lots...this morning."

"Daddy slept sweetie, Mommy couldn't sleep cause he was snoring so loud," she said, and the two couples laughed, each for their own very private reason.

"Dr. Mewedith, I want to see the twailer now...can we go...please Dr. Shep," she actually batted her eyelashes at him, and Meredith laughed and put her down.

"Yes, sweetie," Meredith said, "we can, just follow Dr. Shep," and remained behind talking and laughing with Colleen about the little girl's propensity to repeat everything, as they all followed Derek to the trailer.

"Dr. Shep," Kelly exclaimed as she walked in, as the first thing she saw was his refrigerator, "you have my picture...you didn't forget..."

"Of course I didn't forget," he said, "I told you, it would be there so I can look at it everyday."

"Daddy," she turned to her father, "this twailer is so amazing," and he beamed with pride at her much older than four vocabulary, "daddy...it's awesome...it has a TV so you can watch when you're eating dinner..." she said referring to the small screen above the dining table. "Dr. Shep, are you putting the flowers in water," she asked as she saw Derek, who was holding the flowers Meredith had passed on to him as she lifted Kelly to hold her, and was indeed looking for a vase to place them in.

"Yes, I am, so they last as long as possible."

"Do you and Dr. Mewedith live here all the time?"

"Not all the time, but we like to spend a lot of time here."

"Dr. Shep, do you another twailer, cause you need more rooms...for when you and Dr. Mewedith have kids...like Mommy and Daddy?"

Meredith had walked in at the end of the conversation. "Kelly, the other trailer is there because a friend of ours lives there..."

"He doesn't have a house?"

"Yes," she said, thinking of the Chief, "but it's...it's being remodeled."

"Dr. Mewedith," she said reaching for her hand and tugging at it, "little kids would be scared to live all alone in a different twailer," she said very seriously.

"Kelly," her mother said, attempting to change the conversation about kids, trying to be sensitive to Meredith and Derek's recent loss, "how about we go outside now..."

"Mommy, I still gots to see all the twailer," she said and smiling at Meredith pulled on her hand, "can we see all of it?"

Meredith agreed and the little girl giggled at the size of the bathroom, and all the small partitions and thought it was amazing there was a window right above the bed that could be opened without even getting up, "oh Mommy look," she said, "Dr. Mewedith you have the same flowers we founded for you...they're beautiful."

"Yes sweetie they are," she said referring to the small vase by the bed that held the small bouquet Derek had bought for her earlier that morning.

"You went to get them at the flower shop?"

"No, Dr. Shep bought them for me today," she said as she smiled at him, and soon the two couples were on their way outside.

"Dr. Mewedith," Kelly asked her, "do you have the bubbles?"

"Do we ever," Derek chuckled, and winked at his wife. "Meredith, are you going to show her?"

"They're outside Kelly, I took the bottles outside so you could pick," Meredith told her, and above her head mouthed 'ass' to Derek.

"Dr. Mewedith," Kelly literally had her mouth open, "there's a million bottles..."

"That's a good description princess," Derek chuckled, and Meredith smacked him playfully.

"Oh oh..." Kelly said, "Dr. Shep...you're in twouble...cause when Mommy does that, Daddy's in big twouble, cause he said something bwainless."

"He's not in trouble Kelly," Meredith told her, "we're just being silly."

"Which one is your favorite, Dr. Mewedith?" the little girl asked as she looked at literally six different themed bottles that included fish, zoo animals, butterflies, plain old plastic colored bottles, princess crown and adorable red bottles with lady bugs.

"I think I like the lady bugs," Meredith told her, but Kelly chose the butterflies.

"Can we open them now," she said filled with excitement, "mommy I can go now?"

"Yes, you can," Colleen told her.

"Are you coming with me Dr. Mewedith...you tolds me you'd play with me."

"I am," she smiled and grabbed a bottle with the lady bugs, and held Kelly's hand as the descended the step from the trailer's deck

Derek watched his wife and smiled as she and Kelly giggled over the size of the bubbles, which the little girl thought would be fun to chase, and saw that Meredith too got into the game with her until she heard a car driving up, and reached for Kelly's hand, and walked over to where the adults were sitting, where Sean played happily in the portable playpen the family undoubtedly traveled with.

"Hi Sean," Kelly said kissing the little boys cheek, "want to blow bubbles," and the little boy smiled and she showed him a bubble he was determine to grab, which had the adults and his sister laughing.

"Shepherd," the familiar voice muttered, "you really are out in the woods...middle of nowhere."

"Welcome Miranda," he smiled.

"Dr. B," Kelly said, and ran up to the her, "you really came...can Tuck play with me?"

"He sure can," Miranda said, and mumbled, "good thing he's dressed to get all muddy...and grimy..." she smirked, and put him down, and the little girl grabbed his hand. "Just be careful, he's not as good at walking as you are."

"Dr. Mewedith, can we pick a bottle for Tuck?"

Meredith walked over with her and Tuck to the deck, and let him pick a bottle, and laughed when he grabbed two, both with fishes on it.

"Dr.Bailey," John Mulligan said, "it's good to see you, Kelly's done nothing but talk about playing with Tuck since she met him two weeks ago at the hospital."

"Well," she said, "Tuck had no idea what he was going to be doing, but he's very easy going, as you can see," she pointed to the little boy following Kelly around imitating the art of making bubbles and every once in a while would run over to his mother and show her his newly discovered game.

Shortly after, the last of the guests arrived, together, as Colleen and Meredith exchanged a smile, and Miranda Bailey raised an eyebrow.

"Cute kids," Mark's voice boomed over the playpen, "been a long time since you've had to entertain so many kids Shep."

"Dr. Sloan," Colleen said, "it's nice to see you again."

"You too," he smiled and accepted a beer from John, "and good to see Kelly's fully recuperated."

"She is, thank God that Derek was able to take care of her," Colleen said.

"Sloan," Miranda said suddenly, "where's your girlfriend?"

"Bit your tongue Bailey, I don't have a girlfriend."

"Really, that's not what I've heard...it's been a couple of months now, you've been seeing the same woman."

"That does not mean I have a girlfriend. I'm in an adult relationship, and Tracy's working till eleven tonight."

"Huh...wonder if she thinks the same way?" Miranda commented.

"Bailey," Mark said, "I'm not a girlfriend type of man."

"You don't say," she said as she noticed the smile on his face as Lexie walked over holding Tuck in her arms.

"Mommy, Daddy, look," Kelly ran over in front of her, "Dr. Lexie is here, and she's not wearing pajamas."

"Kelly," Mark smiled, the kid was cute he thought, "she only wears pajamas at the hospital."

"And...just what would you know," Lexie teased him, "about me wearing pajamas?"

"Lexie Grey," Meredith said, "you had better stop whatever you're doing."

"Lighten up Grey," Mark told her, "Lexie help me get things out of the car," he said as they walked over and indeed brought several items.

"What's she gotta stop doing Dr. Mewedith?"

"Playing with fire sweetie," Meredith answered absent mindedly.

"I don't see no fire," Kelly said.

"Sometimes," Colleen said, "sweetie, there's fires you don't see."

"Mommy that is so silly, you can always see fires, cause it's dangewous and you can see the flame and you have to stay away...from fire."

"Yes, sweetie, you certainly do," Colleen smiled at Meredith, "but sometimes, there's a fire that has started and it's still far away and you don't see it and then, all of a sudden...there it is, and you have to make sure you don't get burned."

John and Derek scowled at their wives simultaneously, but Derek laughed and John actually slapped Mark on the shoulder, when he joined them again,"God help you."

"What did I miss?"

"The analogy of fire," he chuckled.

"Mark," Meredith asked, "these are beautiful, thank you," she said referring to the variety of potted flowers he and Lexie had unloaded from his car.

"Don't thank me," he said, "Kathleen apparently thinks you needed these, to add more than just green to the landscape, and she asked me to get them for you. These are good by the way, about time we had some decent place to sit," he joked referring to the four teak lounge chairs and six scattered Adirondack chairs that now were part of their outdoor environment.

"We thought we better get these before Mom & Kat come out here next month. Don't want to hear more nagging that we have no place comfortable to sit," Derek said, as he put his arms around Meredith who'd joined Lexie in arranging the potted flowers around the sitting area they'd selected under the copious tree canopy.

The afternoon hours went by quickly as the group of adults enjoyed each other's company, while Tuck and Kelly eventually became exhausted by their running around, oftentimes with Meredith and Lexie at their heels, and Tuck surprised everyone by climbing up on Mark, and Kelly went to sit with Lexie.

"Dr. Lexie," Kelly asked, "are you Dr. Mark's girlfriend?"

"What," Lexie said, "no..."

"You don't like him?" Kelly whispered loud enough for all to hear.

"Oh, I do like him, he's very nice but he's just my friend."

"But you come here together," she said, "did you have a date?"

"Colleen," John said, "boarding school..."

"John Mulligan, it will be a cold day in hell," Colleen responded instinctively.

"Oh...oh...Mommy...you said a bad word..."

"Yes she did," John smirked, "she's going to be on time out..."

"Yep," Kelly said, "time out Mommy."

"Yep," John said, and pulled his wife up from the chair, "time out indeed," he smiled. "Derek...Meredith...you think you can handle these two for a bit...while Colleen gets time out?"

"I think," Miranda answered, "we can handle it...make sure you stay out of sight."

"We plan on it, Dr. B," John chuckled and pulled his wife along for a walk in the woods.

"Miranda," Derek said as he watched the sadness in his friend's expression, "you've never been here, let me show you around," he extended his hand to her, leaving her no option but to take it and walk with him, "how are you? Why are you here alone?"

"Don't do this to me Shepherd, if I talk...I don't think I'll be able to pull myself together ever again."

"I'm a good listener," he insisted, "and I can see you need to talk," he opened the trailer door and led her inside, where indeed Miranda Bailey broke down and talked to him about her rapidly deteriorating marriage.

A long while later, Kelly saw her parents walking back and called out to them, "Daddy, did Mommy behave?"

"Yes, she did princess. She behaved very well," her father smiled at his wife.

"Meredith, can we help with anything?"

"I wouldn't know Colleen, Derek's taking care of everything."

"Colleen," Mark drawled, "count your blessings. If Meredith cooked, we'd get charcoal for a barbecue."

"You know Mark..." Meredith said, taunting him, "you're not doing a lot to stay on my good graces."

"Meredith," Lexie said, "you can't keep doing that...you can't take anything back, and Mark's right, thank God you're not cooking."

"Grey," Miranda approached them, "what in the world possessed you to buy enough bubbles for a day care center."

"I see," Meredith commented, "you've been talking to my husband."

"Oh," Miranda smirked, "he told you the same thing?"

"Yes, Dr. Bailey he did," Meredith admitted.

"I think it's lovely Meredith," Colleen said. "I know we will be hearing about this for a long while," she said motioning to her daughter, who'd left Lexie's side and was sitting on a large rock not far away apparently telling Tuck a story since the little boy was looking around for whatever she was referring to.

"Derek," Meredith walked up to him, and put her arm around his waist, "everything ok?"

"We'll talk later," he smiled, "I left Mark and John in charge of the grill, told them we'd get it going in about an hour...it's only five thirty, and they've had plenty of snacks ..."

"Lets's walk over to Kelly," Meredith said and smiled, "I'm curious about her conversation with Tuck, it's adorable how he's just sitting there listening to her," and they heard her as they approached.

"Tuck, then there was this angel, and she was beautiful and little just like me, but she has blond hair just like Dr. Mewedith," she was very dramatic in her story telling using her eyes and hands to articulate her story, "and she has beautiful blue eyes...and I think you can see her," she leaned in to whisper to him, "but it's a secret just for little kids, so I can tell you...her name is Bwianna," and Tuck looked around, "and she was running around with us by that tree, and she tolds me her favorite bubbles was the lady bugs, just like Dr. Mewedith...cause she loves Dr. Mewedith..."

"Oh...Derek," Meredith said as she leaned back into him, "I'm so glad...so glad...she came into our lives," she said, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, "and you were wrong...she's more than a patient to you too."

"Yes...I was wrong..." he said, as he turned her to face him, "you're ok, aren't you?"

"I'm perfect," she smiled, "she's been the most healing therapy ever."

"For both of us," he said, and they shared a brief and tender kiss.

"Dr. Mewedith...Dr. Shep, you're kissing," Kelly giggled, and got up and grabbed Tuck's hand, "just like Mommy and Daddy," and slowly walked the little boy over to his mother, and told her. "Dr. B, I think he wants a nap cause he's yawning a lot."

"You think so," Miranda said, noticing the little girl's own yawning, "do you want to keep him company for a bit, while he lays down?"

"You mean to take care of him if he wakes up...but where is he going to lay down, on that chair?" she pointed to the cushioned lounges.

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith said, "you can put him down inside...we thought you may want to do that, and you can use all the cushions on the bed, and there's more pillows if you want..."

"He gets to sleep on the big bed...in the twailer," Kelly said excitedly, "Dr. B...I'll take care of him...so he's not scared when he wakes up in a strange place...cause I don't like to wake up at my aunt Shannon's house, cause it's new...and I only sleeped there one time, but at Nana Maggie's and Grandma's I have my own room...and I..."

"Kelly," her mother interrupted, grateful for the opportunity that after all her activity that day she'd be agreeable to lay down, though she was certain a nap would follow, "I think it's a really good idea, if you keep Tuck company, just in case he wakes up."

The two women took their children inside and they would indeed nap for the next hour, with Sean close by in his playpen. Meredith and Miranda Bailey sat outside the trailer deck, while the rest of the group walked over to the site where Meredith and Derek would build their home and marveled at the view, one which each of those present would enjoy for years to come, as the seeds of friendship became ties that bind beyond their lifetime.

Sean began to whimper and Meredith immediately went over and got him out of his playpen and snuggled him close to her, and he settled back to sleep, pacifier in mouth and drooling all over her, and fate smiled down upon her, this was a moment she'd always remember, the beginning of paths never imagined, destiny setting its course for generations to follow.

"Meredith," Miranda smiled at her, "you're going to be a wonderful mother one day."

"I hope so, Dr. Bailey."

"It's Miranda today, and I will never admit this ever again, but you are married to McDreamy, even if I still think he's got overly moussed hair," and they both laughed.

"Never Miranda, it's our secret, and..." she smiled, "he cares about you."

"I know he does, he's a good friend."

"If we can help," Meredith said, "anytime..."

"You already have," she smiled. "Thank you for inviting me today."

"I'm glad you're here," she said.

"So am I Meredith," she said and both remained quiet for a while. "She's good for you."

"Kelly," Meredith said, "she's been good for both Derek and me."

"No, I mean your sister, Lexie."

"Yes, she has been. You made me see that, actually, months ago, when you forced me to work with her at the clinic."

"Oh yes...called in my favor..."

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith said, "I don't think I've ever thanked you."

"For forcing Lexie on you," she laughed.

"For saving my life," she said, and both women exchanged a deeply emotional moment, as Miranda Bailey reached for Meredith's hand and squeezed gently, neither woman able to keep the tears away.

"Best save of my entire career," Miranda said poignantly, as they enjoyed the silence of the woods, until several minutes later they began to hear the chattering of the two children, and the adults walking back to the trailer.

Miranda Bailey smiled and turned to Meredith, "keep an eye on those two," she said as they watched Lexie walking by Mark's side and stumble on a rock, and he reached out to steady her and briefly they witnessed a moment when the two smiled at each other and he said something that made her laugh, a carefree laugh, before Mark hooked his arm through hers and they walked back the rest of the way.

Derek was greeted by a sight that warmed his heart, Miranda and Meredith both had smug complacent smiles on their faces, and then his wife snuggled the sleeping boy closer to her and kissed the top of his bald head. Tuck and Kelly, even from the distance he could see were rubbing still sleepy eyes, and the boy climbed up on his mother, while Kelly sat on Meredith's empty lap and rested her head on her shoulder, next to her brother. "Thank you," he said a silent prayer, thankful for the promises her dream had brought them and the healing power of children, he smiled, and angels.

The rest of the evening served to bring the new group of friends closer together, sharing stories and laughter mingled with the inevitable insight only children can bring. The gentle humorous digs at Meredith having gone overboard in buying enough toys for fifteen kids instead of three little ones, and her argument they had a very short span of attention, thus the variety she picked and quoted his sisters, but none of it mattered as she enjoyed the delighted surprise of Kelly's expression when she saw the Barbie Princess, which she chose to leave behind at the twailer, cause she had to come back and visit her, and she would indeed, very frequent visitor throughout the years.

Hours after everyone had gone home, long after they'd enjoyed a spectacular sunset on the cliff and the campfire the kids were thrilled with, they'd closed up the trailer and headed for the ferry, as Meredith had a six o'clock shift on Sunday.

"Uhmmm..." he said, as her slippery body pressed against his, "lots of bubbles today," he teased, as his hands caressed her body, his lips nibbling along her jawline, as she lay back contentedly with a smile on her face.

"I liked blowing bubbles," she said with her eyes closed.

"You know my favorite part of ..." he said, as one hand cupped her breast, and the other roamed to its heart content, "blowing..." he paused, "bubbles..."

"What," she said, and moaned softly...forgetting what she was about to say.

"Naked bubbles therapy," he said and captured her mouth.

"Know what I like..." Meredith said, when they finally broke their kiss, both breathless in anticipation.

"What..." he continued to tease her.

"You...naked...covered in bubbles...deep inside me..." and their laughter soon turned to the sounds of lovers, familiar with each other's bodies, each other's desires, each other's favorite things, as the sounds of ultimate fulfillment were heard more than once during the night, a night where destiny was smiling upon legendary lovers, smiling in celebration that finally the course was set for dreams to be fulfilled.

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