Tease... fast...slow...enticing

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They remained nestled in each other's embrace, enjoying the tranquility of their surroundings, birds chirping the only distraction as even the close sounds of traffic seemed to be muffled against the backdrop of their serenity. Every so often pedestrians walked by, and then the universal joy of children's laughter was heard as a boy and girl hopped along beside their mother pushing a stroller.

His hold on her tightened and she rested against him, accepting the comfort she knew he wanted to convey as she felt his lips kiss the top of her head.

"Derek," she said several minutes later, and her hand inched its way under his sweater, smiling at his reaction when her fingers began to gently stroke his stomach, "I'm going to miss this...when we get back."

"You're going to give this up," he smiled, encouraging her lighthearted mood, and reached for her hands, bringing them to his lips, "no more fondling, when we get back," he joked as he began to kiss each finger, "you mean the honeymoon's going to be over when we cross the ocean?"

Seriously," she giggled, "you think that's ever going to happen?"

"I hope not," he said nibbling her lips, and she bit back playfully before embracing him once again.



"Do you," she paused, biting her lower lip, momentarily lost in thought.

"Do I what?" He hugged her closer, his lips kissing her neck.

"Do you ever think...I mean, we had a disagreement, and I don't mean to say things that upset you...but," she rambled on, "lately, this last few days...I think of things and I don't hold back and I want to tell you, but maybe you'll think it's too much...I've told you a lot about me, my mom...all just too dark and cloudy..."

He remained quiet, and when he felt her attempt to move away, held her closer. "It's ok..." he whispered. "Meredith, I want you to tell me how you feel, what you think without holding back."

"I don't even recognize me...Derek...wanting to talk...but it feels, it just feels that sharing things with you...it helps for you to understand me a little...even when there are times I don't understand myself."

"Meredith," he said, shifting his body slightly so he could see her face without releasing her from his embrace, "I love you, just as you are, and it means a lot to me that you are talking to me...sharing your thoughts, your life with me."

"Not too dark..."

"You are perfect to me...all of you... your past shaped who you are...and now we'll share our future...and I hope that as the years go by we will create new memories that will make some of those bad memories a little easier."

"Derek...remember at Joe's when my mother was lucid?"


"I did have a terrible childhood," she said. Her eyes misted, her thoughts traveling to a much darker place.

"I know," he said, and his mouth opened slightly before capturing her lips for a reassuring kiss.

"You're going to need to help me," she said as his lips left hers, "make sure our kids...have a wonderful childhood."

"I will..." he said softly, "but, you're going to have to help me too, because I've never done that before."

"You had a wonderful childhood," she said, misunderstanding what he meant.

"But, I've never had kids before," he smiled, "so we'll be learning together."

"Oh...but...you grew up ... with your sisters...your family...a happy childhood and you have tons of nieces and nephews..."

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