Last Night Together

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Derek quietly turned the key to their room and walked in to the sound of Meredith's familiar snoring, and smiled at the knowledge this was their last night together before she became his wife.

He had been laying in bed when he'd been surprised by a light knock, and then shocked to find his mother telling him to go spend the night with Meredith, that they'd all had at least three glasses of champagne, and she'd likely already fallen asleep. He still could not get over her story about it being Maloney tradition and good luck, and he didn't care. He only hoped Meredith was not going to kill him. She'd been adamant about them not breaking any wedding traditions that would presumably bring bad luck, but they'd never thought about not spending this night together, not until his mother arrived.

He slipped into bed beside her, gently bringing her close to him and she settled into the comfort of his embrace, instinctively reaching for his hand and entwining their fingers, a small sigh and contented moan her response when he pressed his lips ever so lightly to the back of her neck.

He lay quietly, making sure not to disturb her, his other hand, resting ever so tender on her temple, a gentle caress followed as often as he could without waking her. His thoughts drifted to the last several weeks, finally settling on their journey since they'd left Seattle. The reflection of the waxing Gibbous moon illuminated the room, filtered by the gauzy curtains covering the antique doors leading to the balcony, allowing him to clearly see the bags that had been packed and left to the side next to his. He smiled and thought, surely that had not been Meredith, but likely a group effort much like packing in Seattle.

He was tired. He'd had a good night's sleep the night before, but he was emotionally drained, and knew it was the same for Meredith, much worse in fact as she was dealing with hormones still out of range. The last month had taken its toll, on them both, and now as much as he knew they were getting married tomorrow, doubts and fears intrusively appeared, as he let out a sigh and his body shivered involuntarily.

She shifted her weight slightly, cuddling closer to him and he softly caressed the length of her body, "uhmmm..." she murmured.

"I love you Meredith," he whispered against her ear, kissing the back of her neck.

"Uhmmm..." she whispered back, before suddenly coming awake, "Derek..."

"Uh huh..."

"You're here..."

"Yes," he smiled, "I'm here,"

"Tired..." she mumbled groggily.

"Just sleep...Mer...just sleep..."

"I love you too..." she said, enjoying his comforting embrace.

"Good night love," he said, just as she sighed deeply, a sign of soft snores about to begin, before they got loud enough to need the ear plugs, but tonight, he wanted to listen to her every breath and snore.

The night was cold, dipping into the thirties in fact when he felt the coolness in the room against the warm heat of their bodies, and drew the down comforter closer around her, as he allowed his mind to drift again.

He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, partially succumbing to sleep, but finding himself immersed in thoughts of his father, and some sadness filled his heart. Hey Dad, he thought, Mom's here...but I think you already know that, and that she's accepted Meredith. She sent me here to be with her tonight, even if I'm not quite sure that whole story was true, but she was right as always, he spoke silently and couldn't help but smile, and she doesn't let us forget it. I'm getting married tomorrow...and, this week...since I last talked to you...we've talked, Meredith and I...about everything and we're going to be fine...I wish you were here...I wish I'd never lost you...and I'm sorry for having disappointed you...but I'm going to make it up to her, Dad...and from now on be an honorable man, as you'd expect...and Mom. She still wears the bracelet you know, the one I'd hound you with questions about...and she was wearing today, and it brought back so many memories...she brought it up...she hasn't forgotten about you,Dad...not a single day...and today...she shared you with Meredith and that is the best gift...the best wedding present from her...and you, because she still thinks of the two of you together...and she's convinced, you're going to be here tomorrow by her side. I hope so Dad...I really hope so...she doesn't know and neither does Meredith, but the other day...even before Mom got here ... I remembered the bracelet, and I bought one for Mer, with our own charms...and I hope she'll like it...and that it will be something sentimental just as it is for Mom, and that our kids will ask about.

Derek's eyes began to droop, and he felt himself doze off in that moment right
before we realize we'd fallen asleep and are rudely awakened, and then continued his conversation, Dad we told Mom and Kathleen about Meredith's dream, and that was very emotional and healing for all of us. I love you Dad, he said and felt tears burning at the back of his eyes, you were the best father anyone could ever want...I day...I can be even a tenth of how great you were...and now...Dad...I believe just like Meredith does, that you're looking after our baby girl...please...don't ever leave her...Briana, I'm trusting you, because...Ellis I can't trust her, not after all Meredith has shared with me, be there for my little girl, please don't ever let her doubt how much she's loved...he finished the thought as he succumbed to sleep, certain he'd heard a familiar giggle, and the whispers of an angels voice, I love you lots...daddy...

Meredith stirred in his arms, making him slightly alert as she unexpectedly whispered,
"I love you lots too..."

Derek felt the tears escape, and he embraced Meredith closer to him, certain his father had heard him, and their baby girl knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was loved, and sent a silent prayer of thanks and then, "we love you baby bear...mommy and daddy love you lots and lots."

The frigid temperatures of the night began to rise, almost as soon as the reflection of the sun's rays were visible in the horizon, similarly capturing the reflection of the warmth harbored in the hearts of a newly found family, a non traditional family most still in slumber, but filled with hope for a new beginning where dreams would be fulfilled. The gentle swaying of the gondolas covered with their blue tarps and held in place at their familiar wooden posts spoke of age old traditions, and the glitters or rays the promise of new ones about to embark on the journey of a lifetime, and on the brink of becoming legendary tales of lovers fated to be together.

Derek woke again as the rays of sun brought their warming presence to the room, the light much like the moon's the night before, filtered by the gauzy curtains that remained uncovered by the heavier brocade of the draperies in the room. Today was his wedding day, the most important day of his life, because this...these feelings, these emotions threatened to overwhelm him, his heart filled with love and pride for the woman at his side, something he had never felt before, yet his doubts and fears plagued him and he prayed he would not fail again.

"Uhmmm..." he heard her murmur as she slowly began to stretch her body before nestling in his embrace once again, "what time's ... don't want to go to work..."

"Uhmmm..." he whispered, "so Mom was got her drunk..."

She was quiet for a few seconds before reacting, "what...your mother drunk..." she said as she became alert, and then, "Derek, you're here," she said incredulously, "you can't be here..." she continued as she tried to break away from his embrace.

"Why not?" he asked, holding her closer

"It's bad can't be here," she said becoming agitated, " can't be here, we can't do anything...please... we've had enough...not...we can't start our life..."

He held her even closer, "there is no such thing as bad luck for us...ever again," and turned her softly to face him.

"Derek...I can't...I can't deal with ..." she paused as she lowered her gaze.

"Can't deal with what...Meredith," he asked as he placed his thumb and forefinger on her chin and lifted it gently, regretting that the tone he used was transmitting his fears.

"Derek," she said looking at him intently, correctly interpreting his mood, "are...are you...have you changed you mind," she said, unable to conceal the catch in her voice.

"Of course not," he answered immediately to reassure her, as he caressed her face.

"You're sad...I can see it in your eyes," she told him, "you're's our wedding's morning's our wedding day," she said and tears sprung in her eyes, "and you're sad...that's...not good..."

"I'm sad..." he admitted, "I am..."

"'re taking it," she corrected herself, "'re're's something love me...I know you's something else, Derek...what's wrong, because I know you love me."

"I love you...Meredith, I adore you...there are no doubts in my mind...none...that I want to marry you...but..."

"Derek..." she said, "no buts...we promised..."

He did not look at her when he responded, "I'm afraid..."

"Afraid..." she said, softening immediately and forcing him to look at her by lifting his chin as he had done earlier, "why?"

"That," he paused, and continued quietly, "I won't be enough...that I'll fail you again."

"You're not going to fail me," she assured him, caressing his face as their eyes locked, "and I'm afraid too...but, we promised to be there for each other, not to let the other pull back...that we'd take our steps together...and when one would falter...the other one is I'm here...if you're faltering...but...your doubts mean you want to wait," she said and she felt her heart breaking as she continued, "if you...want...if you think we should wait...I'll wait...we can wait...we don't have to do this now."

"I don't want to wait...I love you and I want to be with you...I don't want to be apart from you another day...another night...I just want to make sure I can be enough, enough for be happy..."

"Derek...there's lots of things...probably tons of things I need to deal with...but, being with you...being married to you...starting our life together here, today...I want that more than anything because I don't want to face things alone anymore...I want to be with you when I wake up, when I go to sleep...but..."

"But...we agreed to get rid of..."

"I'll wait...if you need more time," she said and hoped it would not be his answer.

"I don't need more time...I don't want to be apart from you either...ever again..."

"Then...why....what brought this on..."

"I...was thinking...and talking to my Dad..."

"That made you sad...and afraid," she said softly.

"I was telling him how I felt, about you..." he answered honestly.

"And...being with me, what you feel for me...makes you feel that way?"

"Being with you makes my life complete...don't ever doubt that...I was just telling him how I wanted to be good enough for you," he said and shared some of his thoughts with her, "how I still miss hopes."

"You are going to be a wonderful father, and you'll have all those memories of him to share with our kids one day...and they will love the stories you tell them...just like you did...and I'll have my chatty husband and babies...just like your Mom said today..." she smiled and leaned into kiss him softly, "you'll be like one of the kids...changing the stories...and I'll have to learn each one and make sure to keep the stories straight..." she paused, and suddenly becoming very emotional she started to cry.

"Meredith," he said alarmed, "Mer...what's to me..." he soothed her stroking her back.

"You heard her...didn't heard her wasn't you...or my imagination."

"Yes...yes I did..." he said and gathered her close and whispered, and told her how he'd asked his Dad to watch over her and when he'd heard an angel's words.


"Yes love," he said gently.

"We got a beautiful wedding gift..."

"Brianna's words," he whispered, immediately understanding her meaning, "the most beautiful wedding gift."

"It was...she knows we love her Derek...and ..."

"Shush..." he murmured against her lips, "she knows...we'd have given anything if she were still with us...Meredith...she knows," he assured her and kissed her lips softly.

"She knows..." Meredith agreed, "we'll always love her," and deepened their kiss.

"I'm sorry...Meredith, for making you cry..." he said gently stroking her hair.

"They're not unhappy tears...and we talked Derek...we're not turning away...we're talking and being there for each other...that's what's much progress," he smiled.

"Meredith...when we get back...when we go home...we have to remember that...and make sure we don't go back to the old ways...when we get busy and things get hectic...and therapy....we need to remember this..."

"We will...we've promised Derek...and we need to hold each other to this..."

"We will..." he said holding her closer, "we don't have to be up for a couple of hours...get some more sleep."

"You want to sleep..." she teased him.

"You've got a long night ahead of you," he said nuzzling her neck, biting it softly.

"Promises...promises..." she giggled.

"Don't tempt me..."

"Tempt you..." she continued to tease as she pressed herself further against him, "didn't think I could do did turn me away...turn me down...from doing your favorite things..."

" are playing with fire..." he said pressing even closer to her, his erection leaving no doubts to his desire, "and as much as I want you..." he said as he quickly turned her to face him, " we've waited this long...I'm not going to settle for a quick..."

"You like quick..." she said, her hand reaching for him.

"I love quick," he said grabbing her hand, " deserve better than's our wedding...I can wait...a few more hours..."

"I may not want to wait," she said leaning in to kiss him deeply, making them both moan with desire and in frustration.

"I told you..." he laughed, "just when you'd want quick..."

"You...are not...going to hold out on me...just because..."

"No," he laughed against her lips, "I'm not...but...Mer...when we make love, again...I don't want to have to stop...I want to have you in my arms...for hours...bury myself deep inside of you...and then start all over again...and...enjoy...all our favorite things..."

"Teasing is not nice Derek..." she insisted, and continued to press kisses along his earlobe, and further down his neck her hands beginning to explore all the areas she knows so well.

"Teasing is not nice...Meredith" he laughed again, biting her earlobe, "especially when we know damn well, we're going to be interrupted..."

"Nobody's..." she said, just as the phone rang.

"You were saying..." he smirked as he picked up the phone.

"Derek...what are you doing answering the phone?" the woman's voice reprimanded.

"It's six in the morning, and the phone rang, what the hell else would I be doing?"

"You're not supposed to be there, Mom is..."

"Mom's in her room, and if you thought she was here, why are you calling at six in the morning?"

"Because I needed to talk to her, and she's always up by this time, and Kat told me last night I would find her in Meredith's room."

"And you think six in the morning is a good time to be calling to wake up Meredith on her wedding day," he said annoyed.

"Who is it," Meredith asked.

"Derek, did I just hear Meredith?"

"What do you want?"

"Let me talk to her..."

"Nancy, are you out of your mind?"

"Please. I didn't think you'd be there, I thought it was going to be Mom, and I wanted her to tell Meredith, I really do wish you both the best...I want you to be happy Derek...I do...that's all I make sure you were ok, that's why I came out to see you..."

"And we know how well that turned out..."

"'re my baby brother...I love you, and I want you to be happy, and if you let me talk to Meredith I want to apologize...I do...I'll make it up to her..."

"Why? Mom and Kathleen threaten..."

"Because, it's your fault I reacted like I did..."

"How the hell is it my fault you were a bitch?"

"Derek..." Meredith spoke up, "stop it..."

"What?" he turned to Meredith.

"I don't want any animosity...not today, please."

"Nancy, Mom's in her room, but I'd let her sleep a little longer, she's had a long day and jet lag does not help."

"Derek, she's already up...she just left me a message to call her."

"Fine, call her," he said curtly, and Meredith who'd heard the entire side of both conversations grabbed the phone away from him.

"Nancy..." she said hesitantly, "it's Meredith."

"Oh..." the woman said at the other end of the line, "Meredith..."

"Thank you, for the gift, it was beautiful."

"He said it was your favorite color..."

"It's his I think," she smiled and rested her head on his chest, knowing he'd hear the conversation, "and if not, it will be after the next few days ..."

Nancy laughed, a hint of nervousness in her voice, "Meredith...I'm sorry...about our first meeting...I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions...I should have known the facts first, but my brother is... he's just stupid...and brainless...and it's his fault, even if I know I was a bitch...I can be...but, I was there...I love him Meredith, I only wanted to make sure he was going to be ok, he'd missed Thanksgiving and Christmas...and I just needed..."

"'s our wedding day...after all we've been through...we're getting married today...and I can put all of that behind're starting our life together...and I want to put all of the past behind us..."

"I'm not so bad," she heard Nancy's sniffle, "I mean...I can be....very bad...but...only when I'm fighting...for those I love...and I love him...and I wanted to make sure he was ok."

"I love him too...and I want that for him too..."

"'ll give me a chance...a chance to be a good sister in law...not just mchottie and mcbitchy..."

" know about that...Kathleen..."

"Kathleen could not wait to tell me about mcbitchy...the mchottie...that slipped, she wouldn't have told me, knew it would be a compliment," she said laughing.

"I guess it would be," Meredith giggled, "I have to agree..."

"Meredith, I'm sure Derek has been listening, pouting just a bit and ready to pounce and punch me if I say anything wrong...I really would like to talk to him...but if he won't, give him my love...and my very best wishes, that you have a wonderful wedding...and I hope to see you both...soon."

"He's here...and you're right...he's pouting..." she smiled, as he motioned for her not to say that, "and trying to keep me from talking..." she said and kissed him softly, "and he's going to talk to you...but first...can I ask you a favor, about...for your Mom."

Meredith's face continued to rest on his chest while he spoke to Nancy, and wounds continued to heal as family ties were strengthened once again. Her hands continued to caress him as he spoke to his sister and every few seconds would feel his lips on her, the top of her head, her forehead, his hands stroking her always, softly and lovingly.

"That was surreal," he said when he placed the phone on its cradle, "you talking to Nancy...asking her for a favor...her telling us not to tell Jenna and spare her the crying because she didn't get to talk to us."

"I'd say," she giggled, "but more so was finding you in my bed...Shepherd, what the hell are you doing in my bed?"

"I thought it was our bed..."

"Semantics Derek...we are not supposed to be sleeping together the night before our wedding," she told him as she jabbed him softly with her finger.

"Mom told me to, you got her drunk, and that's what you get..." he smiled.

"I did not get her drunk, I had nothing to do with it...Mark provided the liquor, and I only had champagne..."

"She said something about three glasses of champagne and you should be sleeping when I got here, and ..."

"I don't believe you, she was adamant about traditions...and you screwed up...and you're going to make damn sure this is not bad luck Derek...I'm going to make you pay for this..."

"Mer...we were going to spend the night together till she got here and messed up our plans..."

"That is so mean...Derek...she's traveled all the way the drop of a hat and you're saying she messed up our plan," she argued, "so much for all that crap about you could wait one more day...and all that mattered was that I was ok...and your mother, who is not thirty any more Derek...travels all the way here...and spends all day being dragged everywhere and hasn't had any rest, and you're criticizing her...and making fun of her traditions...that is not nice, and you should be more sensitive," she said, and he saw the glimmer in her eyes, and kissed her silent.

"Remind me," he said, before capturing her lips again, "never to allow you near the rest of my sisters, I will be doomed for life."

"You ass..."

"But you love me..."

"I adore you," she said upon his lips, and deepened the kiss and enjoying every stroke of his tongue, repeated, "I adore you Derek..."

" you want to hear the story?" he teased her, kissing his way from her mouth near to her breast, "and how she told me she was certain I could hold out one more night."

"Oh my God, how embarrassing...she thinks...she'll think we've..."

"She won't...she'll think that telling me that was enough...for me to hold out..." he said as his mouth descended lower.

"Not if you keep traveling in this direction," she laughed, "there's only so much teasing I'm going to put up with lover boy..."

"Oh yeah..."

"Derek..." she said seductively, "we don't have to wait..."

"After waiting almost a month...I am not going for a that is always..." he was cut off by her lips.

"Yes..." she taunted.

"I think..." he said, "I'll tell you why she wanted me to join you..." and by the time he finished, had Meredith's tears falling softly on his chest, effectively assuring they would indeed be waiting for the taming of the beasts until the evening.

"That was beautiful...oh Derek...she would have gone to your Dad...I wish she could have had that lifetime...that her Irish was still with her..."

"In many ways...Meredith...he still is, in her heart every day," he said deeply moved by her reaction, "and what they so much more than many people every experience."

"You better promise me Derek..." she said with unshed tears in her eyes, "promise me...nothing...nothing is going to take you away from me..."

"You need to promise me too..." he said as he leaned in to kiss her softly, "our lifetime together...and we know...we'll have at least forty years when we come back for our gondola ride next year."

"You're serious...about that..." she asked him unable to hide her smile.

"We'll leap through every hoop....every bit of good luck and get me to one hundred a ten...with you in my arms," he chuckled.

"Don't make fun...of traditions," she said softly.

"Uhmmm... who'd have guessed I'd have a sentimental romantic on my hands..."

"Don't forget bring out that side of me..."

"I won't...and you bring out that side of me too...I love you Meredith."

"I love you too Derek, for always."

"For," he said snuggling close to her.



"Are you nervous?"

"Are you?"

"I asked you first."

"I feel like a teenager...nervous as hell...about the first kiss..."

"You do not..." she giggled.

"How about, nervous as hell that I'm going to screw this up somehow."

"You won't...everything is going to be perfect...perfect for us...even if there's glitches along the way."

"You're expecting glitches?" he asked.

"No...but just in case...if there are...they're still perfect...we'll be perfect."

"Where did you come from? Ms. Bright and shiny?"

" bring that out in me...that hope...those dreams..."

"You bring them out in me too Meredith...and it will be a perfect day today."

"Do you have our rings," she asked.

"I do..."

"Don't look at mine...yours I mean the inscription, till afterwards...till we're married."

"We can wait..."


"We're not going to sleep for another hour...are we?"

"Do you want to?"

"I want what you want," he said and kissed her softly.

"Thank you...for bringing everyone here...your Mom...Derek...she's so special...she's made me feel special...that I'm good enough for you."

"You are the only one for me...she knows that...she can see it..."

"You're the only one for me too..."

"I think she sees that too..."

"I'm thinking..."

"Why does that not surprise me..." he joked.

"I'm thinking that before we leave...during the reception, you should call your sisters...and we can call back home..."

"We can do that...maybe we'll send them some of the photos and then call them."

"I'd like share our day...with the rest of ...our family."

"I had a lovely shower Derek," she said and he heard the soft melancholy tone.

"What did you get?"

"You'll see later..."

"Nancy said something about lavender..."

"Uh huh..."

"I take it it won't stay on very long..."

"We'll see...won't we..."

"I can take things...very very slow Meredith..." he told her, kissing her until they both needed to breathe.

"Shepherd...don't you dare...there will be nothing slow about tonight..."

"Uhmmm..." he whispered against her mouth.



"Surprise me..." she moaned, "the first night ...of the rest of our lives..."

"The first night...of thousands..."

"Promise..." she said as she locked gazes with him.

"Promise..." he said as his eyes softly perused her before his mouth captured hers.


"Did I hear you say something about chatty husband..." he laughed.

"That's what your Mom said..." she giggled.

"I think she may have been talking about you," he laughed again.

"Lexie gave me a journal."


"She wrote something beautiful...and sentimental..." she said.


"You can read it...I want you to read it..."


"'s on the night stand."

"Meredith," he said when he turned to pick up the diary, "there's a small box...with a note and my name on it."

"'re not supposed to open that...not yet..."

"Ok," he said and opened the leather bound journal and read Lexie's words, "it's beautiful Meredith."

"She said she thought of me, of us...that I'd want to remember it though I could ever forget."

"That was a lovely you want to do that?"

"I will...I won't forget...I remember every detail...but I ...she's right...I don't ever want to forget...and I want you...if you ever want, to read it...and bring that to life again."

"I would like that...I would like that very much."

"We are really mushy and sentimental...aren't we..." she said sniffling.

"There's nothing wrong with that...nothing at all."

"I don't mind being mushy and sentimental...with you..." she said and cuddled up to him.

" you mind...I mean...I...would it be ok, if I write our wedding day..."

"In the journal?" she asked surprised.


"No...of course I don't's our dream Derek...that dream...was ours...and Lexie, she even picked...your favorite color...I want to share it with you."

"I love you..." he said and held her close to him.

"I love you too..." she said smiling, "I love you lots and lots Derek..." she whispered, and both gave in to an hour's worth of sleep.

She felt his lips on hers, "good morning love."

"Uhmmm..." she smiled, "my kissing alarm clock."

"For now..." he teased, "just wait till tomorrow morning..."

"Happy wedding day...Derek," she smiled upon his lips.

"I figured I'd skip out of here, before the herd flocks in..."

"The herd and the flock," she giggled, "the zoo continues."

"We'll never hear the end of it...if they find me here..."

"You're right," she laughed, "you're wide long have you been up?"

"Seriously?" he said lifting his brow.

"I see you've been in the shower already," she giggled.

"You are a cruel woman..."

"I told you...we did not have to wait..."

"I'm leaving now..."

" self control..."


"Uh huh..."

"Remember that..." he smiled as his mouth came down on hers, "remember that..."

"Derek..." she said suddenly, her voice warning him, "I'm scared as hell..."

"We talked about's going to be fine..."

"No...not us...we're fine...but today...and everyone's here...and we're going to be married, and my dress...I hope you like it...I picked it for you...and it's not white...but, now, I think...maybe something else..."

"Meredith," he said and silenced her with his lips, "I'm going to's you that next to me...saying our vows..."

"Ok..." she said, "I can do this...and their teasing...and Mark...and all of it...I can do this..."

" can..." he assured her, "I wrote your it, before our wedding, but...just for may want to put it away."

"You did...can I read it now..."


"You don't want me too?"

"It's sort of sentimental..."

"Then...let me read it with you here..." she said, and pulled on his hand to join her in bed as she reached for the journal and read.

Once upon a time ...on a storm filled night in Seattle, God smiled upon us and sent a priceless gift, an angel name Brianna. We love you lots baby bear, you will live in our hearts forever...our souls and yours entwined beyond goodbye... and then he smiled again, and on a beautiful morning in Venice...our hearts and souls were joined as one. I will love you Meredith, for always, Derek.

Her hand trembled gently as her eyes filled with tears and a small sob escaped her right before she was held tightly in his arms, "I love you...Derek...I love you so much," she said as they held each other close and whispered promises of love forever.

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