Family Bonds

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Meredith and Derek walked back in the trailer, after dropping off their family at Skiff Point Guest House, providing them a few hours to settle in before they'd drive out to the trailer. Earlier, on the way to the airport, they'd driven separately to the guest house, and parked Derek's sedan for their use during their stay in Seattle.

"Meredith," Derek said softly, "how about a nap?"

"Just a nap," she smiled mischievously.

"We do have at least two hours before your family descends upon us..." he said, locking the door behind him.

"My family," she laughed as she reached for his hand, and walked to their bed.

"Yes," he said and wrapped his arms around her waist, "they're all yours, because I'd be willing to bet they will show up here earlier than we told them to, and interrupt," he teased her, "our...nap."

"I love your family," she smiled, "my family now too..." she said, and then the hint of insecurity, "at least your Mom and Kat and Kevin, I know they like me."

"They love you," he kissed her softly, "and the rest of them, you know they think of you as family too..."

"I kind of think so," she admitted, her arms linked behind his head.

"I know so," he assured, deepening their kiss briefly, "and from your conversation with Jenna today, and how much you've been talking to all my sisters...I'm certain of it."

"Even Nancy," Meredith admitted, "she's been really trying...and she had some of the best ideas for the kids playing here a few weeks ago."

"Mer," he cupped her face, "let's not waste time, take a nap with me," and kissed her.

"Derek," Meredith said, as she pulled on his hand and they lay down, "thank you for the flowers," she smiled, referring to the lavender stalks he'd cut down to fit in the small vase by their bed.

"It's in bloom now," he smiled, "who was to know lavender grew on our island."

"Our island," she smiled.


"Nothing," she said, and snuggled closer to him, her head resting on his chest.



"Talk to me..."

"Just," she said, and she could not help the melancholy, "our island...our's progress, and we've come so far...from that night...remember..."

"It's progress," he said, trying to accept her thoughts were positive, and not concentrate on the shame he still felt over the events that followed the night she'd told him she did not want him dating anyone else. But, months had not passed and progress achieved without Meredith's share of immense emotional growth and perception.

"Hey," she said, meeting his gaze, "no brooding."

"I'm not," he said, a simple statement without much reflection in his tone.

"I hope not," she said, and lifted her face to kiss him softly, "because, what I said," she smiled, "is the voice of my heart...marveling at all those things we talk about now, freely speak about what's in our hearts...our family...our island," she laughed softly, "even if it's only forty acres worth of an day...our children..."

"Our home," he said, kissing her softly, "our lifetime...for always..."

" see," she hugged him tightly, "progress...after hours of therapy...but most of all, because of you...being there...loving me...always."

"I do love you Meredith..."

"I know you do...that's what made all the difference."

"But..." he began to say.

"Derek..." she said, "no buts..."

"But," he continued, "it's not because of me...loving's our loving each other...being committed to each me..."

"See," she said, "I knew the brooding would come up...we forgave each other...and we love each other, that's what made the difference."

"I adore you Meredith Grey."

"I adore you ... my knight in shining armor..."

"And...that progress," he teased, "includes finishing age old quotes..."

"Ass..." she giggled.

"Uhmmm..." he chuckled, "that one too..."

"Derek..." their gazes locked. "You do know...don't very much I love you?"

"I do..." he said, and captured her lips, and after his lips and tongue tenderly and exquisitely made her feel the depths of his feelings, he looked at her, "as I hope you do."

"Derek," she said, "I hope you also know that all we've been through...what it took for us to get to this moment, I'd do it all over again...for this... our lifetime together."

"If I could," he said, with deep emotion in his voice, "I'd spare you every second of pain..."

"We can't go back," she said, attempting to disguise the twinge of sadness "and...just know...that being here with you...right now, building our life together..."

"Meredith," he said, as he saw the sadness he'd witnessed earlier when she spoke to Jenna.

"There's," she smiled softly at him, "there's only one thing I'd pray could change..."

"Me too," he said, fully understanding, "Brianna."

"Yes," she said softly, "I'd pray...she could be with us."

"Is that what made you sad, earlier today?"

"I haven't been sad today," she said, reassuring him. "It's been a wonderful day."

"When you spoke to Jenna," he insisted, "you had this look, very similar to a few moments ago."


"Oh...what Meredith... you don't have to do it alone, and it will likely help us both to talk about it."

Meredith remained quiet for a moment, as she entwined their fingers, "Jenna," she paused, and cleared her throat, "mentioned maybe our trip, if we went at the end of summer, could coincide with her baby shower."

"I'm sorry," he said, and hugged her, "I'll talk to Mom and Kathleen."

"No," she said, and hugged him back tightly. "I'll tell them, I know they'll understand, and Kathleen said it would be ok to be sad about it, that it's normal...and it hasn't been that long," she spoke about her miscarriage almost four months before.

"I can do it Mer."

"I know you want to spare me that, but I'm ok talking about it Derek, I am...and I'll tell them, since I'm sure there's going to be lots of talking on our spa retreat days."

"I'm sure of it...the three of you will even have Mom and Cristina rambling."

"You love us anyway," she laughed.

"Yes...I love you anyway, and Kat...and Lexie..." he said, and paused as she looked at him, with a serious face, "as the most wonderful sister in law," he said , and their sudden laughter echoed through the place that felt like the perfect home.

"I love to tease you, both of you," Meredith said, "about that, except, if you ever...ever look at her, other than as my sister..."

"Meredith, come on... I was pissed at you the day I made that comment, and my feelings were hurt you were ignoring me completely and I acted like an ass, and I turned her down, and neither of us had any idea who the other was..."

"Yeah, well, I forgave you both...just don't ever..."

"Do you, think," he said now very seriously, "I'd ever...either of us..."

"No," she said emphatically and kissed him soundly. "No. I do not, and sorry, I'm just kidding around. I love you Derek, I trust you and I know you love me, exclusively."

"I do Meredith, I do..." he said, and the way he looked at her, the way he spoke those words so reverently, the way their gazes met and their souls spoke to each other, was just but a moment in time, a moment that would be repeated throughout their lives, where just one gaze told the other of the depth and commitment to each other, to the love that would last beyond their lifetime.

"So..." she smiled, their gazes still locked, "I think you owe me a nap..."

"Uhmmm..." he raised an eyebrow knowingly, "you want to nap?"

"Desperately," she spoke upon his lips, and felt the smile on his.

"Nap time it is," he said, as his lips devoured hers.

"Derek," Meredith said a couple hours later, as she snuggled into him, "answer the door."

"What door," he mumbled and his arms tightened closer around her naked body.

"Uhmm..." she said, "the trailer door," and snuggled.

"Who'd be knocking, we don't want company, do we..." he said as he began to trail kisses on her shoulders.

"Company," she said suddenly, "company..." and started to untangle herself from his embrace, "oh my God Derek... we fell asleep, it's your Mom...and Kat...and..."

"Oh shit," he said, and indeed scrambled out of bed, as they heard the slightly heavier pounding.

"Shep, get out of bed before Mom & Kat get back," Kevin said, unable to keep from chuckling and then roared laughing when Derek threw the trailer door open.

"We fell asleep," Derek said.

"So did your sister and I, but we still made it here on time," Kevin laughed.

"Where are Mom & Kat?"

"Kat convinced her, you probably went for a walk..." Kevin laughed again.

"Give us a few minutes, we literally just woke up."

"I believe you did..." Kevin said, "Kat and I managed to nap as well."

Seven minutes later, Meredith had brushed her teeth, put her clothes back, refreshed the already light makeup she normally used, and made the bed look as if it had not been used in days. Derek, put his clothes back on and brushed his hair, and pulled on Meredith's hand as they walked outside just as his mother and Kathleen reached the deck.

"Derek, sweetheart, this land is absolutely beautiful," his mother said. "We knocked, and your sister figured you'd be out enjoying a walk."

"We fell asleep," Derek said, his smile and twinkling eyes reminding Carolyn of the young boy years ago.

His mother laughed good heartedly, "oh sweetheart..."

"Mom, it's not nice to laugh at me," he said. "Unless, you share the joke."

"You look just like when you were a little boy and were trying to sneak another frog in the house and got caught."

"You remember," he teased her, as he reached for her hand and she took a stop up to the deck, "all those years ago."

"Every single time," she smiled, "one of my kids tried to pull the wool over my eyes."

"We fell asleep Carolyn, sorry..." Meredith said. "We should have been ready to greet you."

"You know dear," Carolyn said when she reached her side and hugged her, "we had a lovely walk," and then whispered, "you need to brush your hair Meredith, before the others get here, because their teasing is brutal."

"Oh God," Meredith said, realizing she hadn't looked at her hair, "this is the most embarrassing..."

"Don't let it be," Carolyn said, "in our day, I'd probably told Irish not to answer the door."

"Mer," Derek said as he glanced over at her. "Let's show Mom the trailer."

"Let her brush her hair first dear, before the others get here," and after the initial horrified look on Meredith's face, followed by Kevin and Kat's laughter, and Derek's stunned expression, Meredith's laughter echoed through their wilderness, and she wrapped her arms around his mother.

"Carolyn," Meredith said, as both women laughed, and then laughter turned to sentimental tears, "I could never have imagined I'd ever be as lucky as to have you in my life."

"I never imagined my son would find someone," his mother said, "as lovely as you," she said, and leaving an equally sentimental Derek behind walked in the trailer, where Kathleen and Carolyn soon shifted to hostess mode and helped get the food ready to be taken outside.

The two couples, relaxed in each other's arms on the lounge chairs, drinking wine, as did Carolyn when she spoke, "you know Kathleen, you made it sound as though they had nothing but four hard wood chairs to sit, and this is not..."

"Mom, this is all new," Kathleen laughed, "ask Mark, he had to carry the potted plants I pointed out earlier."

"Speak of the devil," Kevin said as they saw Mark's car pull up and three people get out. "Plot away Kat," he murmured in his wife's ear.

"What are you talking about..." she smiled as she saw the new guests approach them.

"Poor man doesn't have a chance," Kevin laughed, "wonder how long it will take."

"So," Kathleen turned in his arms to smile at him, "you agree?"

"I'm not stupid."

"Kevin," she smacked him playfully.

"Honey," he kissed her, "how can I fight the Shepherd feeling, you, Mom, Mer..."

"You're calling Mer a Shepherd..."

"Isn't she?"

"Yeah," Kathleen smiled at her husband, "she really is," she said as she glanced at the couple relaxed in each other's embrace, and as soon as their guests arrived, exchanged a smile and a quick kiss.

"Meredith..." Derek said right before he kissed her, "stop smiling."

"I'm not."

"Leave it alone."

"I'm not doing anything."

"Right," Derek said, "just like Kat and Mom are not thinking the same thing you are, this very second."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she giggled as the three guests approached.

"Well, this is an appropriately saccharine moment," Cristina quipped, as she was the first to approach, "not just one but two overly affectionate couples."

"Cristina dear," Carolyn said as she got up to greet her with a hug, "I'd missed your sweet disposition."

"You're trying to get a rise out of me," Cristina smirked, but allowed herself just a second of hugging her back, "won't happen you know, and you can say bitter," she taunted.

"I'm sure you're right dear," Carolyn smiled, "and I knew I could count on you to clearly interpret my meaning," she said and actually had Cristina smiling.

"You're one of a kind, Mama Shep," Cristina told her, "Mer's one lucky bitch," she said repeating what she'd said in Venice.

"Lexie, Mark, I'm happy to see you," she said and proceeded to first hug Lexie.

"Ailene...Carolyn..." Lexie smiled, "well, not sure what to call you...but I'm so happy to see you too...and the spa, can't wait till we get to do that, and Kat," she turned to Derek's sister, "it was so nice of you to do that."

"I'm delighted you were able to get the time off," Kathleen smiled as she kissed her cheek and hugged her, "both of you," she said, while she greeted Cristina with a kiss on the cheek, figuring she'd let her mom do the hugging.

"Mark dear," Carolyn commented as she hugged Mark, "I thought you'd bring your girlfriend with you," she said smiling.

"What is it with women trying to tie men down. I don't have a girlfriend; I'm in and adult relationship that works for us both."

"That's what I meant dear, I thought you'd be bringing her."

"Why," he said, hiding a smile, "to satisfy the gossips like Kat & Mer..."

"What," both women said, and then Kathleen continued, "Sloan, stop hiding behind us, and just call Mom a gossip, leave us out of it."

Ignoring Kathleen he said, "we spent the weekend away and I just dropped Tracy off at the hospital, she's covering a seven o'clock shift this week."

"Well, I'm sure I'll meet her when I visit the hospital this week dear," Carolyn commented. "Is that why you brought Cristina and Lexie with you? Since you had to go by the hospital?"

"No," Mark said, "Tracy just switched this morning to cover someone's illness, but I told Lexie on Friday that I'd give her a ride here, and since she and Yang had the same shift today, figured it was better than her riding that motorcycle of hers through the wilderness."

"That was very nice dear," Carolyn smiled. "Cristina, I haven't asked you, how's our bet going?"

"As well as you can imagine it is," Cristina responded, and both women laughed.

"Mark," Carolyn commented, "I'm so proud of you, three months later and still dating the same woman."

"Don't you dare start planning a wedding, or mention girlfriends or anything like that," Mark smirked, "I know you," he looked at Carolyn, "stop smiling, all of you," he said, not missing the exchange between the three women who were now once again comfortably settled in the lounge chairs.

"We wouldn't dream of it dear, well, I can't speak for my daughters," she said looking over to Meredith and Kathleen, "but I am a lot more discreet than that," she said, and every adult roared with laughter.

"Discreet," Cristina was the first to speak, "not to mention subtle, after telling me Burke's actions were those of a coward and dishonorable man, within a half hour of talking to me on the way to Venice."

Meredith tensed in Derek's arms. Cristina never spoke about this, and he whispered quietly to her. "It's ok," he said, "they seem to understand each other."

"I don't need a lot of time to make up my mind about obvious things. Cristina, you deserve better than that, and you'll have that, no matter how much you fight it, or believe otherwise," Carolyn Shepherd stated.

"Thank you," Cristina said simply. "But, that doesn't mean you're not nosy and indiscreet, or that you're wrong about me falling head over heels nonsense."

"Cristina," Lexie turned to her, "that's not very respectful."

"She's right Yang," Mark echoed. "She's a wily old fox, that likes to hold her liquor, but still, it's better to say it behind her back," he teased.

"Mark Sloan," Meredith spoke up, "you can't speak of her that way, seriously."

"Meredith," Kevin chuckled, "she's used to it, and she loves it."

"I'm not quite sure I love all the insults," Carolyn said, "but, thank you Meredith," she winked at her, "seems like the rest of these young folk have no respect for the elderly."

"The elderly," Kevin chuckled, "whatever you're cooking, count me out of it, Kathleen, stay out of it."

"I'm surprised Kathleen," Cristina said, "that you let him tell you what to do."

"Did he say something?" Kathleen said with a mischievous expression.

"So..." Lexie laughed, "that's the secret to marriage."

"Without a doubt," Kevin said, "right honey?"

"The secret Lexie," Kathleen said, as her husband wrapped his arms tighter around her, "is to know how to properly interpret each other's meaning," she laughed, "you see, that comment from him, was just his way of being able to come back later and say, I told you so, but he's dying of curiosity to see what it is, if anything, that is going on."

"You're serious?" Lexie asked.

"Twenty years worth...and on our way to a honeymoon," Kathleen smiled.

"Another one," Mark smirked, "shit Kev how many have you been on? Kathleen's way too high maintenance for me," he winked at her.

"Never enough Mark," he nuzzled his wife's neck, "in reality...everyday's like our honeymoon, and you're just jealous."

"Lexie, Yang," Mark said, "let's go for a walk before these overly sappy sentimental couples begin to rub off on any of us that still retain some sanity."

"You go ahead," Cristina said, "I'm going to help so we can get dinner going, I'm starving."

"I can help," Lexie too, "I'm starving too."

"No dear," Carolyn said, "you go ahead, there's not a lot to be done, and with Cristina's help we should be able to manage to get dinner ready fairly soon, not too mention there's not much room in that cylinder tube of Derek's."

"Ailene...Car..." Lexie began to say.

"Just call her Mama Shep," Cristina said, "make it easier than trying to figure out which personality suits her best."

"Come on Grey," Mark said, "before we need to hose those two down," he chuckled, as he watched Kevin kiss his wife's neck.

"If you are any more indiscreet," Cristina looked at Carolyn, when Mark and Lexie were gone, "all of you really, they're going to know exactly what you're stop."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Meredith said.

"Mer," Cristina said, "that's not going to fly, you're as guilty as Mama Shep, and Kathleen all of you stop with the innuendos, he has been seeing Tracy for three months, and bets are..."

"Yang," Derek chuckled, "I should have known better, you're as bad as they are. God help him, he doesn't have a chance."

"Hey," Meredith glared at him, part of her involuntary defensive, and started to get up, "you didn't do so badly, with a Grey."

Derek pulled her to a standing position and walked away for a bit of privacy and embraced her, holding her in silence before he spoke. "I," he kissed her softly, "could not have done better."

"It didn't sound that way," she bit her bottom lip, "more like ..."

"Meredith..." he locked gazes with her, "we're going to go over our quota today..."

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly, a half smile, before rolling her eyes. "I think Cristina's right," she said, playing with the curls, a bit long now, at the nape of his neck, "we are overly sentimental sappy people. But, is it wrong...I want this for them...for Lexie and Cristina, just a bit of what we have Derek...would be amazing."

"They can't have what we have..." Derek said to her, pressing his lips on hers, "what we have is extraordinary...because of you."

"Because of us..." Meredith said, and they shared an intimately tender kiss.

The next several hours recaptured the rapport they'd had in Venice; the easy banter, the mutual teasing, the oftentimes serious comment later followed by laughter, all bound by common threads of friendship and family, further cemented and woven into the imaginary tapestry of legendary lovers. Priceless threads woven into that treasured vision of a tapestry that continued to create lifetime bonds dictated by deep love and affection.

Sunset's approach had them all gathering at the infamous cliff, witnessing a spectacular display of nature's most vivid and vibrant hues of yellow, orange, red, purple and indigo, as each of the eight people experienced their own moment of peaceful tranquility, while all of them, if asked, would have also said they had the strongest of feelings they'd all gather again at that very spot for celebrations that would leave lasting and treasured memories.

Two of the eight, would be shocked to learn that three were absolutely certain of one particular future celebration, involving them in the not so very distant future. The group returned to the trailer and with everyone's help all traces of the meal were soon put away, as well as final discussion of the week's events.

Content and safe in her husband's arms, Meredith relaxed further into his embrace as his arms were wrapped around her, gently caressing her, while she waved goodbye to their family, and she smiled, at the thought of that, their family.

The night's sky, peppered with brightly shining stars illuminated their land. Fate, though, even Meredith would not be opposed to thinking it was God, was smiling down upon them, yes the winds of change were indeed upon them, the gentle path of their future had clearly begun for lovers once clouded by shrouds of avoidance, now freely expressing their feelings.

"I love you," he said quietly.

"Derek..." she paused, as he felt her intake of breath and heard the catch in her voice.

"Uhmmm..." he responded, giving her the moment he sensed she needed.

"He was right..." she said.

"Who was right...?"

"Denny...he was right..." she said her voice full of emotion, and she turned to face him.

"Meredith," he said, unable to fathom what had prompted thought that Duquette had been right, but once more the depth of her soul was displayed in her eyes.

"Thank you..." she said, and had to pause as the lump of emotions was permanently lodged in her throat, "for not giving up on me...on us..."


"No...let me are my miracle," she said and he captured the tears that began to escape, "you believed in us when I didn't...that night...when I gave up on us...and you called Kathleen."

"Please don't..." he said, kissing her softly, tears mingled in their kiss.

"You have to know...I have to tell you Derek...he said it was a miracle, so very rare someone like you existed," she sniffled through her words, "an optimist...believing in true love and magic and soul mates...and I knew I had to come back, for you...and then weeks ago...I let you words... what I said, please forgive me..."

"Meredith don't do this...we've already forgiven each other, I too had to be forgiven."

"I have to tell you...I're my saved so many believed in us...our love...and you changed my life made my life complete, and if by chance today I said or did anything to make you doubt that...please know that just as in our wedding vows Derek...I will spend the rest of my life...loving you always."

"You're my miracle priceless treasure, you saved me first love," he said, "you believed in us first...right here on this spot, on a night as this..."

"It was," she said, "it was... a night as this...and tonight I had to say all this...these feelings Derek, deep from my heart and soul...I had to tell you... I love you Derek...I love you so much," and tenderly at first, salty tears on their lips they kissed, and then the ageless mating of tongues turned to inevitable passion, and as that first night they came together on this land, she taking their future on faith, she now reached for his hand and with only the bright shiny stars as their witnesses, he closed the door of the trailer behind them, giving in once again to the love that was meant to last beyond their lifetime.

Meredith and Derek joined Carolyn, Kevin and Kathleen for what Meredith said was an insanely early breakfast at five before they all boarded the ferry, their guests heading to the San Juan Islands overnight and the couple to Seattle Grace, where they came across each other briefly during the day. Then, sixteen hours into her thirty-six hour shift, she felt his eyes on her before she saw him, and he stood at her side while she finished the last of her charts, and she smiled. She'd been craving a whiff of him, and he reached for her hand and led her to the on call room he'd secured in anticipation of her mandatory five hour break, and pulling her down on the bed, they simply held each other after their whispered I love you's and a handful of tender kisses, before succumbing to much needed sleep.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Mark said on Tuesday afternoon as he approached the three guests from the East that had just exited the elevators and immediately kissed Kathleen' s cheek, shook Kevin's hand and embraced Carolyn Shepherd.

"Disrespectful as ever," Carolyn mock scolded, and walked determinedly toward her goal. "I told Derek we'd drop by the nurse's station so he could be paged when we got here."

"Did he lose his phone?" Mark taunted.

"Not to my knowledge," Carolyn said unfazed, "why?"

"Seems to me," he drawled, "you'd call him to let him know, not have someone at the nurse's station do that."

"But then," she said without missing a beat, "I wouldn't get to meet some of your friends, now would I?"

"Don't you think" Mark said, "you could try to be a little subtle?"

"Whatever for dear, why waste time?" She smiled, seeing the little boy that had grown into a man, while retaining the emotional maturity of the lonely boy she'd welcome into her home over thirty years before.

"If you'd asked," Mark told her, "I could have told you Tracy was not on duty till seven."

"Really?" Kathleen said.

"Kevin, keep her under control," Mark smirked.

"He does Mark...he does," Kathleen laughed. "But...just so you know..."

"Hi Mark," Tracy said as she approached the nurse's station, "Kathleen, it's good to see you again."

"What are you doing here?" Mark asked.

"Patient from last night had complications, so I switched shifts tonight, came in a little earlier."

"You were saying Mark," Kathleen laughed, "if you had listened...I could have told."

"Mark dear," Carolyn interrupted, "shouldn't you introduce us?"

"Tracy," Mark said, "I'd like you to meet Mrs. Shepherd, Derek and Kathleen's mom."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Shepherd," Tracy said extending her hand, "Mark thinks the world of you."

"I'm very pleased to meet you too. He was one more added to my brood of five," Carolyn said and smiled at the young woman, "as was this one, meet my son in law, Kevin."

"You must have had your hands full," Tracy smiled.

"Believe me, they were definitely a challenge," Carolyn said, "but not much's changed with Mark in that regard."

"Mom," Kathleen said.

"It's true dear, he hasn't changed that much," and they spent a few minutes socializing, as Derek joined them and proceeded to introduce his mother to the rest of the fab4 on duty, and tell her Meredith would be ready to go in less than an hour, and then he made a point of introducing his family to Miranda Bailey, then dropped by Richard Webber's office and both he and his mother spoke of their initial meeting years before when he first mentored Derek.

The plans for the evening included a casual dinner at Joe's, especially after Kathleen's tale of the legendary lovers assignation, and it was pretty much established his sisters and mother would all end up at the place where it had all began. Meredith had just finished a brutal shift and opted to go home first to shower and change.

"Mer," Izzie called out from the kitchen, "is that you?"

"Yes, I'm with Derek and..."

Izzie's usual happy chatter did not hear beyond the yes response, as she started to talk and make her way to the living room. "Great and you don't have to worry about anything, I've cleaned the house top to bottom, stashed all the tequila, took the condoms out of the cookie jar and replaced all the trashy magazines with..." she stopped, stunned, in front of five people.

"Izzie," Derek said, "meet my mom, Carolyn."

"Isobel, the baker," his mom smiled, "it's a pleasure to meet you dear."

"Mrs. Shepherd, I''s...forget what you heard...all that stuff...not Meredith's, they belong to Alex and George, and the trashy magazines...all mine, but still you're visiting so we had to get rid of them, well not get rid of them, because that's like pretending, but just cleaning're the mother in law."

"What did you replace the trashy magazines with," Carolyn laughed.

"Annals of surgery." Izzie said, silently mouthing "I'm sorry," to Meredith and Derek.

"Good choice. I've seen lots of those at my girl's home. But, condoms in the cookie jar, haven't come across that, which is no surprise since there's fourteen grandkids," and the tension was broken as all five adults except Izzie laughed good naturedly.

"Mrs. Shepherd, Meredith, Derek...I'm so sorry...I didn't know...I don't know why I have to chatter and..."

"It's ok Izzie," Kathleen said as she greeted her with a kiss on the check, "she keeps telling us she knows about sex."

"Oh God," Izzie groaned, covering her face with her hands.

"Izzie," Carolyn said, "meet Kevin, Kathleen's husband, since she forgot to introduce you," and for the next several minutes, the three guests and Izzie made small talk, including the exchange of recipes while Meredith ran upstairs to take a quick shower, and Derek followed and though she refused to have him join her, they shared a few minutes of intimacy and laughed about the earlier incident, which not so long ago would have horrified his wife, and likely led to digging out the tequila before facing his mother again.

The evening at Joe's brought Meredith and Derek's family together for the first time, but unbeknownst to them, only one of two times where all would be together. The usual camaraderie that existed among Meredith's Seattle family of five easily embraced Carolyn and Kevin as the newcomers and the evening ensued with laughter and lighthearted teasing, while childhood and intern tales were exchanged and Meredith basked in the happiness of old and new family bonds.

"Lexie," Carolyn said after observing her behavior closely throughout the evening, "you like George, don't you?"

"What? No...why would you think that...Ailene...Carolyn...Mrs. Shepherd..."

"Honey, it would be so much easier if you'd just call me Mom, I'm sure Susan would not mind at all, and I'm in need of mothering you know, cause my kids, they've had enough."

"Oh...I...I couldn't...not, not because of Mom...but Meredith...she, she needs to call you Mom, she's never had that...and she's changed so much, since you've been in her life, you've shown what a mother's love is like...when she's ready to call you Mom, after that, then...we'll see."

"You're a good girl Lexie, your sister is very lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have her."

"So, tell me...about George?"

"He's my friend...that's all...and we're room mates."

"You like him, maybe just a crush...but you do," Carolyn said sagely.

"Maybe just a crush," Lexie admitted.

"Lexie dear, I'm going to talk to you like a Mom."

"Ok," she said and saw Meredith glance over to them and frown.

"He's not for you...a friend maybe, but need...well," she glanced over at Mark and shook her head, laughing silently at herself, what in the world are you thinking Ailene Shepherd, Irish, help me here, I'm crazy with what I'm thinking, and could have sworn she head his chuckle, remember us...Irish...remember us.

"Carolyn," Lexie said, "are you ok?"

"What," she was brought out of her reminiscing, "sorry dear, I got lost in thoughts...about my husband."

"You still miss him...after all these years," Lexie smiled and leaned over to kiss her check. "I hope I have that...what you found...and Meredith and Derek...and Kathleen."

"You will," Carolyn said, "I know you will...but dear, you need someone more...I'm not quite sure what the word is, not mature," she laughed at the absurdity of that word applied to Mark, "but...a little older maybe..."

"Older..." Lexie questioned, "why?"

"Just...I don't know...a feeling," Carolyn said.

"I'm not really ready to settle down or anything, but I like George...and I mean, want someone...and they keep you company...and even if I want to wait to get married when I'm older, after finishing my internship...and..."

"Yes dear, I know...a buddy..."

"Carolyn," Lexie said louder than she intended, and Meredith made her way to the table.

"You two ok?" Meredith asked.

"Of course dear," Carolyn said, and whispered to both girls, "I was just telling Lexie she needs an older man...even if know...a buddy..."

"Carolyn," it was Meredith's turn to exclaim, "it's my little sister you're talking about," and then the three women laughed.

"Well, I expect you can have a sister to sister talk...but, I still have some motherly advice to you both," she said smiling.

"Now," Meredith said, "tell me what else you were really talking about."

"Not the best place," Carolyn said, "but I'm sure we can catch up on it at the spa."

"Ok, just give me a hint," Meredith said, surprising herself once again at the ease of the relationship she'd come to cherish with her mother in law.

"George," both Carolyn and Lexie said at the same time.

"George?" Meredith questioned.

"One hint, that's all you get," Carolyn smiled, and leaned in to whisper to her, "and Mark. Pick one."

Meredith's laughter reached Derek, and he turned and smiled when he saw her and his mother exchanging what they obviously considered a secret. One he would surely get out of her later that evening, and, surely, he did, with the warning to stop any intended meddling.

"Derek," Meredith whispered early in the morning hours, "are you awake?"

"Uhmmm..." Derek mumbled, "not's night...go back to sleep."

"Derek..." she smiled, as her hands began to roam lightly over his body, "you fell asleep on me last night."

"Uhmmm..." he continued to mumble sleepily, until her hands roamed lower, and then, a smile, "uhmmm...don't stop..."

"Are you going to wake up...come on have to get up..." she continued to caress his body, intimately, as only she knew he loved.

Derek smiled, his eyes still closed, "I think you'll definitely manage to get a rise out of me..."

"That's not what I meant," she giggled, "well, it fell asleep last night," she teased and effectively woke him up.

"I fell asleep," he growled, shifting their bodies so he covered hers, "I fell asleep..."

"Well," she smiled seductively, "you let me fall asleep...same thing, now that we share marital assets and things..." she teased him.

"Is it now..." he teased her, the growth of the beard he had not shaved in two days, scratching her slightly.

"It is, when you're going to be gone three days...two whole nights...and you let me fall asleep...don't you want me anymore," she pouted teasingly, as his erection had become quite evident against her.

"Do you really need an answer," he said, "or should I just show you..."

"Both," she giggled.

"You were tired...after a thirty six hour shift, and you fell asleep on the drive home...I wanted you to sleep."

"I wanted you," she told him, as she nibbled on his lips, biting him playfully.

"I still do," he teased, "and I knew," he took a deep breath, as her hands caressed the length of him, "I'd have you...all of you...this morning."

"Did you now..." she smiled, as his lips captured hers and indeed they enjoyed pleasuring each other, and then lay in each other's arms talking quietly.

"It's almost time for me to leave," he said, "I have to get Mark at the hotel and Kevin at the dock. Kathleen and Mom will drive over here to get you."

Meredith snuggled into him, "I still can't believe you got Mark to go with and camping."

"I think he didn't want to be left out," Derek told her.

"Left out from fishing and camping...I hope he got the right pair of shoes," she laughed, referring to the ones Derek replaced.


"Then what?"

"Kevin and I have always been close. Like Mom said, he's been around since he's three. But Mark and I were inseparable and I think he needs to feel like he's part of the family, his family was never there for him, and think he adopted us emotionally almost from the beginning."

"That's sad," she said, "but at least he had all of you," and didn't anticipate the effect her words had on Derek.

"I wish you'd had a family growing up Meredith," he said, deep sadness evident in his gaze. "I'm sorry you didn't, but now, if you let them, my family...they'll always be there for you."

"Oh...Derek, I know...I already know...and it's ok," she caressed his face, "don't be sad for me...look at what I have now...don't be sad...I'm ok, you've made it ok."

"I love you," he told her, brushing her lips softly.

"I know...and I also know...your family is now mine."

"Mom loves you."

"She's very forgiving...and loving."

" more of that talk..."

"She knows I hurt you...and still, she's accepted me."

"She loves you, and she knows I hurt you too."

"I think she does," Meredith smiled. " know what?"

"What," he said, gently caressing her face, kissing her softly.

"I'm really glad she didn't like the wicked witch," she said, and the smile that followed made him beam with pride at how much this woman, this woman he absolutely adored had grown in such a very short period of time.

"She must have known," he said, "in her heart...that the one for me...was yet to come."

" day...I know I want to call her Mom."

"Whenever you're ready...she'll love to hear it."

"I've said it once or twice..."

"I know you have."

"But...all the time, I'm not ready yet."

"Meredith," he said, after they'd been silent in each other's arms. "Are you going to be ok, going to the spa? Is it too soon?"

Meredith kissed him deeply and then she said, "I'm going to be fine. Truly fine...because of you...because you were my strength and you've helped me heal, and because of that I can talk about it...and be sad about it, and still be fine, because I believe in our future, and our dreams Derek, and I know deep in my heart they will come true."

"I love you Meredith."

"I love you too," she said and then, raising her eyebrows suggestively said, "time for a quickie..."

"Definitely a quickie," he said as he entwined their hands and captured her lips.

The vibration of Derek's phone surprised them as Meredith filled Derek's coffee cup.
"Why in the world are you all on the ferry at five forty five in the morning, you're not supposed to leave till about nine this morning? Sure, I was just about to leave, we'll see you here in about twenty minutes."

"What happened," Meredith asked, and still craving her husband's embrace she walked up to him and hugged him.

"They're on east coast time, so they were all up and figured they'd just drive Kevin here," he hugged her, his hands soothingly caressing her back. "They're going to get Mark on the way here," he said and kissed her softly. "Wish they'd let us know earlier...that quickie could have lasted a lot longer."

"No quickies when you get back," Meredith told him, "well...maybe when you first get back...I might just jump you...this is the first time we're away from each other two nights in a row since we got married..."

"Probably," he agreed, "a hard...and..." he hugged her tightly and then kissed her until they both were breathless.

"You are not playing fair," she said, "they're going to be here any minute, and I'm not risking getting caught by your mother..."

"Mer..." Derek gave her their look, "if Izzie had left the condoms in the cookie jar, we'd have time for another quickie..." he said, and silenced her laugh with a kiss.

"My insatiable beast," she smiled, "I'll fill the cookie jar again...your mother already knows anyway."

"Please do..." he kissed her, and they heard the light knock on the door, and Derek went to answer, Meredith following.

"Good morning," Carolyn smiled and kissed both her children, "you both look wide awake at six in the morning."

"They've been having sex," Mark grunted, "can't you tell the satisfied smiles."

"Well, that's a very healthy way to start the morning, I remember it well."

"Mrs. Shepherd," Mark reverted to the childhood and most often used name for her, "don't do that...please, it's bad enough we had to learn about Kat's phone sex activities."

"You're just jealous," Kevin taunted him, "and you should be...nothing like sex with your wife first thing in the morning," he said, and just to annoy Mark, kissed Kathleen soundly.

"I think I'm going to change my mind, go back to the hotel and avoid the two of you whining about how horny you are missing your wives."

"Mark Sloan," Carolyn taunted him, "watch your language."

"What..." he suddenly seemed to wake up. "You even told me that yourself...the word that is, that I had the emotional maturity of a horny fifteen year old, and let me tell you, that least say eighteen...make it legal," he said, and had the five adults laughing at him.

"Meredith," Kathleen said, "Mom and I are on east coast time, so we're going to go to the grocery store and buy what she needs to cook Saturday night."

"Saturday night," Meredith said, "what does she need? We're going out to dinner."

"Sweetheart, what I'd really like, if it's ok with you," Carolyn said, "if I'm not imposing, is to make a home cooked meal for you...for us to stay home and enjoy our family being together, your home."

"'re our guests...we're taking you out to dinner...Derek...right?"

"We can do that," Carolyn said, "but it's been a long while since I've had a chance to cook one of Derek's favorites, and no smirking Kathleen, I know he thinks you're a better cook. But, this particular dish, I still make better than you do."

"What..." Derek said glaring at his sister, "I never said I liked her cooking better. I love your cooking."

"I know dear, and how can I get mad when she's a better cook than I am, since I taught her, but mind you...there are some...she still can't top. Now, stop glaring at her, she didn't say anything Jenna did."

"She what...that...wait till I talk to her," Derek said.

"Derek sweetheart, just wait till after she's had the baby, I may have to gag her if that girl cries over one more silly thing..."

"Mom," Kevin laughed, "she cries over silly things all the time...she's been using that for years."

"I know Kevin," Carolyn said, "but when she's pregnant I ignore it, and gag her afterwards."

"Good morning," they heard Izzie's cheerful voice, "I didn't know you were meeting here, I'd have been up earlier and made everyone breakfast."

"We didn't know ourselves," Kathleen said, "but seems like we're still on east coast time, so Mom and I are going shopping...I mean," she turned to Meredith, "if it's ok?"

"Yes," Meredith said, and put her arm around Derek's waist, resting her head on his chest, "I'd love your home cooking...Mom's home cooking," she said without thinking, but deeply touched everyone, including Lexie who was on her way downstairs. "I mean I'd like to taste your cooking too, but's your Mom's night."

"All right then, Kathleen and I will go to the grocery store, we passed one that was open twenty four hours and get everything we need."

"Grey, good morning," Mark said smiling at Lexie, "now I can tell Kelly you really do look good in pajamas," and she laughed, "you better not tell her that."

"Stop that," Meredith said, "both of flirting, Kathleen smack him for me," she said and laughed when she actually did.

"Shit, Kat, stop doing that," Mark said.

"Listen to her sister, stop flirting with Lexie."

"Who the hell's flirting, she looks good," he smiled and winked at Lexie.

"Meredith," Lexie said, "he's doing it because he knows it bothers you."

"Doesn't bother me," Meredith shrugged, testing a different tactic, "but I'm sure it would bother Tracy, and Lexie's boyfriend."

"Grey," Mark said, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend," not sure what the hell had just happened, Tracy knew he was friends with Lexie, nothing more, even thinking of it was crazy, so why did it suddenly bother him that Lexie had a boyfriend.

"I don't have a boyfriend," she looked at Meredith, "Mer where did you get that idea, surely not from last night?"

"Of course not," Meredith said, lying outright, refusing to meet Carolyn or Kathleen's gaze, lest they start laughing. She was testing the waters overtly.

"Meredith," Derek nuzzled her neck, "stop while you're ahead."

"Mark, I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, right now, but she will, it's just a matter of time, sooner I think rather than later, don't you think Carolyn?"

"Of course I do, she's a lovely girl, and I'm already thinking of possible candidates."

"Meddling old woman," Mark said.

"What did you call me dear?" Carolyn said.

"A meddling old woman...and these two," he pointed to Meredith and Kathleen, "meddling gossips."

"Mark," Lexie said, without realizing her words would cause additional doubts that would remain unvoiced for months to come, "I think they all just want to see us both settled down..." she stopped, "I mean...with a couple...but with other people, not us...together as a couple...but you and Tracy...and me...and someone..."

"That's my quota of rambling for the day," Derek said, earning a light smack from Meredith, "ass."

"Yes, dear... I love you too," he said, before his wife shut him up with a kiss.

"Kat, Carolyn, before we go to the grocery store, you may want to look to see what we have here," Meredith said.

"Don't worry about that, you can use whatever's left," Carolyn teased Meredith, "or anyone that decides to cook can use it."

"Derek or Izzie," Meredith told her smiling, "but you already know that."

"Yes, I do. Now, Mark," Carolyn said, "why don't you come outside with me and you can transfer Kevin's bag to Derek's car."

"Why," Mark said like a petulant child, "he brought ten suitcases, let him transfer it."

"Because, it's only one bag, they packed it all yesterday, and I'm asking you, so these two married couples can indulge in whatever form of private goodbye they choose."

"Damn wonder Kathleen's like that," he grumbled, though his heart knew the joy of family, of belonging in this family he was lucky enough had forgiven him. "Enjoy the spa Xena," he smiled at Lexie before walking out the door.

"Kathleen, kiss Kevin goodbye, I'll be in the car so we can go to the store."

"I'll be ready in a few minutes," Meredith said, "and join you."

"Meredith, kiss your husband goodbye," Carolyn said, "and go back to bed like you'd planned to do, Lexie can let us in."

"'re going shopping for dinner at our house, you can't..." Meredith argued.

"You've been working long shifts, get a couple more hours sleep and we'll leave at nine like we'd planned," his mother told her.

"Listen to Mom," Derek told her, "you were planning on going back to sleep."

"Thank you Carolyn, Kathleen," Meredith said, "I'll be ready for us to leave at nine, make yourselves at home when you get back," and Derek pulled her in to the study.

"I'm going to miss you," he said, and hugged her, "every bit of you, especially...your I wake up in the morning."

"I'm going to miss you too," Meredith met his gaze, and then kissed him softly, "first time...there'll be two nights I don't get to kiss you goodnight."

"We'll make up for it," he nibbled her lips playfully, "when I get back."

"We will," she smiled, and they lost themselves in a kiss.

"I'll see you on Friday," Derek said, "pick you up at the spa."

"Derek," her hand, rested on his shoulders, while the other caressed his stubbly face, "you'll be careful, look out for bears and wild animals...remember...when we went fly fishing...there were bear sightings."

"We're going to a different place, don't worry."

"I do'll be careful."

"Yes...Meredith," he spoke against her lips, "I love you."

"I love you too..." she kissed back softly, " careful."

They walked out of the study holding hands, just as Kathleen and Kevin broke away from a kiss. "Ready to go Kev? We want to avoid some of the morning traffic."

"Let's go rescue Mark, before Mom's feelings have him married with children," Kevin chuckled and pulled on Kathleen's hand.

"Mom, Kat and Mer's feelings," Derek laughed with him, "and Yang's bets, he doesn't stand a chance," he hugged Meredith to his side and kissed her temple and whispered, "and if he's lucky...very day..."

"We'll be godparents to his children," Meredith smiled, "or...their day..."

"Call me," Derek said, "if you need anything, my phone's charged, I'm turning off the emails not to drain the battery, so you can reach me anytime."

"Derek, can..." she said, meeting his gaze, and without even saying a word he knew what she wanted.

"I'll call you," he smiled, "to say goodnight."

"I love you," she said as she threw her arms around him and hugged him, "be careful."

"You too," he teased, "stay out of the kitchen."


"Perfect send off," he chuckled. "I'll call you each night, but don't worry, in case I don't have reception, and Mer..."


"At the spa, stay away from fly fishing, don't want to worry about you and bears either."

They held hands and she walked with him to the car, and gave him one last quick kiss before he got in the car, and stood by his mother and sister as they waved them goodbye.

"Go back to bed dear," Carolyn put her arms around her, "your neighbors are wondering why you're standing out here in your robe," she teased Meredith.

"Saying goodbye to my husband," Meredith smiled, "and his meddling mother and sister, before they insist on going to buy food for our third month's wedding anniversary," she said and hugged Carolyn.

"Appropriate," Kathleen said, "don't you think, that we're here, to celebrate that day?"

"Very..." Meredith said, "I couldn't be happier that you'll be here."

"Though," Carolyn said," we do promise to leave you can make the most of your private celebration."

"You do realize that it's rather embarrassing,"Meredith laughed, "you talking about our sex life."

"I don't see why," Carolyn, laughed, "it's healthy dear."

"Carolyn," Meredith hugged her, "I do love..." she stopped herself, "that you're here..."

"Get some sleep Meredith, you have a long shift tonight, and we'll be back in a while."

Kathleen linked her arms through her mother's and both watched Meredith walk up the steps to the house, "you can be mushy and sentimental Mom...I heard it too..." she said, and kissed her mother's cheek.

"She called me Mom," Carolyn smiled at her daughter, "I don't think she even realized it, she wanted Mom's cooking...and just now..."

"She'll be ready soon Mom, and if she'd let herself, she'd have said, I love you."

"They've come a long way...haven't they Kathleen, since the day he called you?"

"They've become truly extraordinary, they've grown so much, their bond and love, their commitment is so incredibly strong, and Mom...could you feel it...the other the Needle...could you feel Dad's presence there too?"

"Oh sweetheart, yes...and you know what I said to him, well you know I always talk to him...not like a crazy woman...but share my thoughts with him..."

"I know Mom, I do too," Kathleen smiled melancholically, as they walked to the car.

"I said, Irish," Carolyn Shepherd, shared her thoughts with her daughter, "what a view, not just the majesty of the mountains, but look at our kids...both of them happy...with their soul mates, like us...our first baby girl...and our son...both found what we had, and the others," she paused, "I had to make an editorial comment here," she smiled at her daughter, "so I said, well you know all about the others too...but these four, Irish, they're lucky, they have what we had...beyond a lifetime."

"I love you Mom..." Kathleen hugged her, uncaring of their display of affection as they stood in Meredith's driveway by Derek's car, "and I don't say that enough, but are the reason we have that, because we saw it, you and Dad...and since he's been gone, you've never stopped loving him. I love Kevin like that, he is my soul mate."

"You know what I love Kathleen," Carolyn said, reaching for her daughter's hand, "that Dad knew Kevin, and even when you two were little, he knew you were meant to be together, inseparable since you brought him home, and now he happy he's made you."

"You're determined to make me cry, aren't you?"

"Happy tears Kathleen," her mother said, "they're good for the soul."

"Mom," Kathleen hugged her once more, "I love you. You are the best mom anyone could ever have. I hope one kids feel for me even half of what I feel for you."

"Oh sweetheart," Carolyn embraced her. "They already do. I love you Kathleen, and Dad, he adored you," she said, and both women gave in to tears that nurtured their souls.

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