Venetian wedding frenzy

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"Derek, is everything ok..." a concerned voice asked from across the miles, "I can hardly hear you."

"I'm trying not to wake up Meredith," he said quietly from the other end of the room.

"Dear, isn't it the middle of the night there, is everything all right? Is Meredith ok?"

"Mom," he said as she heard the emotion in his voice, "I'm getting married."

"I know Derek, the ring is beautiful. It was wonderful you thought to send a picture with it on her finger, because...well," she teased him, "not sure how many of her friends would believe it otherwise."

He chuckled quietly, "I guess I deserved that."

"Derek, I cannot believe you have kept that girl dangling, and you better get rid of the word but from your vocabulary."

"That's what we're both thinking," she chuckled lightly.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong, you are calling me in the middle of the night."

"I'm getting married Mom."

"Yes, dear I know," she said as she smiled at the anticipation she heard in her son's voice.

"No Mom, I mean, we're getting married now, here, in Venice."

"You're what?"

"We're getting married here. I asked her and she said yes, and we're getting married and I want you to be here."

"You want me to be there, but that..."

"Mom," he said interrupting her, "please, it would mean so much to me and I have to do this for her, she's never had a family that cared about her, and I can't let her get married without family, please Mom."

"Derek, I'm not saying no, I was going to say...if you had let me finish..."

"You put a but in there."

"Yes, I did, but what I was going to say is... that means I have to start planning this right now, and I needed to know how fast this is going to happen, and make reservations, and you really need to stop jumping to conclusions."

"Mom," he laughed, "I love you."

"I love you too dear, now ... fill me in."

"Mom, it's Sunday, aren't the girls there?"

"They're all at a game and should be here shortly, I'm here with two of the little ones."

"I want Kathleen to be here, I want her to come with you, and Mom I'm taking care of everything, all the expenses."

"Derek, that's not necessary... Meredith doesn't know does she?"

"She's sleeping Mom, I can't wait for you to meet her and please...I know you've been making her feel very welcome, but Mom...tonight, I thought she'd had a shit life...and then tonight we talked a lot...Mom...she's had no one, her Mother was never there for her, and she was the most loyal and caring daughter when that bitch didn't deserve it."

"Derek Christopher," she said raising her voice, "you do not speak ill of the dead."

"Mom, she was horrible...she broke her spirit..." he said as emotions got the best of him, "and to the end the end she was loyal, and I wasn't there for her."

"Listen to me, you and I are going to have a very long conversation...because I keep hearing bits and pieces and I want to understand Derek...and from what Meredith tells me...the two of you have been through a very rough time and she speaks of this sadness in her heart...but I don't understand Derek...and I want to help, and I have meant it when I've told her I want to be there to just hug her...and you..."

"She needs that Mom...and tonight...tonight," he said taking a deep breath, "I thought I understood what her childhood had been like...but Mom...she had no one, emotionally she was on her own...and I can't...I can't allow for her to be married without family around her."

"Derek...I will be there, but have you thought about how Meredith might feel about that, I know that she asked me to come visit you, but this is very soon dear, are you sure she won't mind having ..."

"Mom, she's been worried that we had to tell you first...she called you from New York to tell you I was going to propose, she wanted to make sure you heard from us first...Mom, she's looking for acceptance the only way she knows how...and I can give her this...I can have her family...around her."

"Derek, Kathleen and I are hardly a's just two of us."

"You are my family...and she is very close to Kathleen and I know it will be very special to her, and won't just be you..." he said and told her of his plans.

"I'm am very proud of you Derek, and I will make sure we are on a flight tomorrow night...Kathleen should be here shortly and we will make all the arrangements and coordinate with everyone."

"Mom, tell Kathleen she should consider this a fourth or fifth honeymoon," he laughed, "since they've already had a second...and all three of you, it's my treat."

"I've got to tell your sisters, you realize that?"

"Of course...I can already hear the buzz around the dinner table tonight, and Mom tell Nancy to lay off her sarcasm."

"You leave that girl to me..."

"Mom," he said a bit serious again, "Meredith, she needs you...I know she doesn't even realize this because she never had the nurturing and caring love of a mother, but Mom, she does...and she has been through a very sad time...and gentle with her."

"Derek...what is wrong, honey, you keep saying this...and are you sure Derek that nothing is wrong with either of you...neither of you is sick, this is not why you're getting married, oh my God...Derek, is one of you sick and this is why you're rushing this wedding?"

He chuckled lightly, "Mom, you are as bad as we were tonight, jumping to conclusions. I promise you, neither of us is sick. Suddenly it just made sense for us to be together, we know we want to spend our life together and there's no reason to wait."

"Ok...but if you're..."

"Mom, I love her...I adore her...I don't want to spend another day without her...and I want her to be my wife, and this...getting married here, it's special to us...there's a lot of special meaning to both of us. A tale to tell our children," he finished smiling.

"So...I can expect grandchildren..."

"Yes Mom, not right away," he said and she detected a recent and familiar sadness in his voice, "but can."


"Mom...we'll catch up when you're here...I promise...I know...I know Meredith will want to talk to you...she told you she would...when she saw you."

"All right dear, we will see you in a couple of days...

He could hear a familiar voice in the background, "Mom, who are you talking to, where are you going?"

"Oh, wait, here is Kathleen, she's apparently heard part of my conversation...seems I did not teach you kids not to eavesdrop," she laughed, "and she wants to talk to you, because she obviously wants to know what we've been talking about."

"I love you Mom. I'll see you on Tuesday."

"I love you too dear, here's your sister."

"Derek, what is going on, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong..." he smiled, "but the airport, you asked me if I got those feelings..."

"Oh my God...I said I had the feeling we'd see each other soon and that I'd need my passport, I was sort of joking about the passport,'s true...Mom, that's what she was talking about...she's meeting you in Venice," she paused briefly, "you're getting married," she said in a loud excited voice, "and I going to see you...I'm going to be there...well I'm not traveling alone, not to such a romantic're getting married, and where's Meredith, is she happy...she agreed Derek...this is huge..."

"God help me," he laughed, "I'm going to have the three ramblers together again," and continued talking to Kathleen for several minutes as they spoke of the arrangements before he disconnected and dialed another number.

"Why the hell are you whispering," a mocking voice taunted and laughed, "Shep, still not getting any sex, do you have any idea what that bottle cost?"

"I don't want Meredith to hear me."

"It's what, four in the morning there...what the hell are you calling me for? Unless you're finally admitting you need sex tips from the master."

"Don't be an ass Mark, we don't have a lot of time here."

"What's going on? Everything with Grey ok?"

"Yes. Mark, I'm getting married," he said quietly from the far side of the room as he quietly opened the door to the balcony and immediately felt the forty degree temperatures. "Shit it's freezing out here."

"Where the hell are you?"

"Standing on the balcony so Meredith can't hear me."

"Shep, she's not supposed to be sleeping, after drinking that bottle of should have been..."

"Mark, shut up and listen, I'm getting married..."

"We know Shep, we all got the text and email. Nice ring by the way, not worth quite as much as two months of your salary, but not bad," he laughed.

"Mark," he said as his friend heard the excitement in his voice, "we're getting married in Venice."

"What?" Mark repeated incredulously. "Grey agreed to marry you...there...on the spot..."

"She did."

"I don't believe you. No way my fellow Dirty Mistress is ready for that..."

"Stop calling her that. Yeah, she agreed...we're getting married, in two days."

"You're fucking serious."

"I am, and I want this to be very special for her, I want you to help me surprise her."

"She's shocked the hell out of me by the fact she agreed to this, but how are you going to surprise her?"

"I just got off the phone with Mom and Kathleen they're flying out to meet us."

"Derek...this is Meredith Grey we're talking about, she agreed to marry you, that's a pretty big deal, and now you're going to spring a mother in law she hasn't met on her."

"Listen...she's going to be fine with it, Mark she's never had a family, she has no idea what a Mother's affection is like and she needs that...I want to give her a wedding she'll remember...something special just for her, so I need for you to make this happen."

"Shit, Shep I was supposed to be your best man, you can't get married without me. I'm halfway across the world Shep, have you forgotten your geography."

"No smart ass. I want you to be here, that's why I'm calling you."

"You want me to be your best man in two days..."

"You should not have a problem...but here's the thing, I want to make sure we have time for a few days, our honeymoon, so you need to be on a flight tomorrow morning."

"What...tomorrow morning...I can't just pick up and go."

"Cut the crap Mark, you can...please...make it happen, tomorrow, same flight as we took over here gets you to New York," he said and told him of his plans, "so you'll meet up with Mom and Kathleen on the flight from New York to Venice."

"I'll be there," Mark said, "you sure about this...Grey's not going to back out...once she realizes what she said yes to...before the champagne..."

"Mark...we're not backing out...this is it...for us both."

"Ok...then...let me make reservations."

"Mark..." Derek said, "there's more."

"More what?"

"I need you to make sure Lexie and Cristina come with you," Derek said and heard Mark's diverse choice of expletives.

"Have you lost your fucking mind? You want me to get Lexie and Cristina there, an intern and a resident off the schedule four days to fly to Venice to attend a wedding...Shep are you on drugs?"

"Mark, I need to make this happen for her...Cristina is her person...and Lexie and she have become very close, and I am sure this is something that will mean a lot to her. She agreed for us to get married, but I know that to have all of you here will make this a very special moment...more than it already is."

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring the rest of the frat house roommates, Bailey...the Chief...nurses..." Mark asked sarcastically.

"Mark, you can do this...tell Bailey and the Chief...I'll make it up to them...I will...but I need to do this for Meredith...she deserves to have those closest to her at her wedding."

"You are really pushing your luck Shep, I don't know that I can pull this off."

" can...I'll call them...but, I need you to set it all up, make the arrangements for their tickets...that's it, everything else I'll take care of here. Mark, please...I owe her...all the times I screwed up...and...she's never had a family Mark. Her Mother, she...was never there for her...I owe her this, I owe her the hope of a fairy tale...for once in her life," he said and Mark heard the emotion filled voice of his brother, the man he knew would never loved anyone as he loved Meredith Grey.

"Shep.... I'll take care of it. Now, get out of the cold and get some sleep. I'll email you the arrangements."



"Thank you."

"I'm your best man, consider it my wedding gift ... to my brother, and my new sister."

"Good night Mark...thanks again ...and's a surprise, she doesn't know anything."

" realize I'm going to make a killing with this..." he laughed.

"Don't forget Meredith and I get part of the earnings," he chuckled.

"Yeah...yeah...I'll see you on Tuesday, and do me proud Shep...get laid," Mark told him laughing and disconnected the call before Derek could respond.

Derek shivered as he remained standing in the balcony for a few more minutes, the deep blue of the Venetian sky a reminder it was truly darkest before dawn, but the partially illuminated sliver of a new waxing moon brought a smile to his lips, the moon signaling a new beginning just as their new life together.

Meredith was sleeping soundly, her face buried in the pillow, her body half turned and the light familiar snoring filling the air. Derek approached the bed and stood watching her, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the serene and peaceful expression of her face. He slid in next to her and reached for her gently and she molded her body to his instinctively.

"Uhmmm..." she said after a few minutes, "your feet are freezing..."

"Sorry..." he said cuddling her close and keeping his feet away from her while they warmed up, and kissed the side of her neck as he gave in to sleep nearly at five in the morning.

"Meredith..." she heard his voice, a whisper upon her lips, "good morning."

"Uhmm...." She said in response as his lips brushed hers.

"I let you sleep as long as possible," he said quietly, "but you need to get up."

"Why...I'm tired...what time is it..." she said trying to snuggle closer into him but he wasn't in bed.

"It's almost eight , I let you sleep as long as I could, but we need to get going, it's the only way we'll get all our things in order...."


"Mer..." he said as softly as a lover's caress, and saw her eyes open slowly, "I love you,"

" never say that..."

"I love you...I've been telling you that several times a day...lately..."

" always call me Meredith..."

"We're getting're going to be my don't like for me to call you Mer..."

" make it sound so, it felt like a caress upon my lips."

"It's the voice in my heart..." he said smiling, "longing to tell you with my words...and a look," he said as he held her gaze and mesmerized her, "and my touch...what I feel for you."

"You said those words...that day...driving home... "

"I did...when you doubted if I could pull off a proposal or I was going to need to ask Xena for help," he teased her, "I think I may have said something about not pushing...waiting till you were ready."

"I love you Derek..." she said, her eyes shining with unshed tears, "thank you...for not giving up on us...for loving me..."

"Mer..." he said, emphasizing the intimacy of the moment by nibbling at her lower lip and cupping her face in both hands before capturing her mouth, "I adore you."

"Oh...Derek...I love you so much...I do...and...we're going to be married, here and I'm happy...are you happy, are you sure you want to do this...I hope you do...don't change your mind now...I can...but I don't want you to, I want to be your wife...know that your mine forever..."

"This is turning back you said..."

"No turning back," she smiled and brought her lips to his again, "why are you out of bed?"

"Well, you have to get up," he said, "we need to get to the consular office, and the hotel recommended a couple of agencies that handle weddings, and they're going to try to set up an appointment for us right away."

"Derek," she said, coming slowly awake, "what are you talking about?"

"What do you mean...don't you remember...we're getting married," he told her, as he continued to sit on the bed and she laid back against the pillows.

"Don't be an idiot," she laughed, "I mean...appointments and wedding planners,'s eight in the morning, when did you do all this?"

"I couldn't sleep...and I was up at seven..."

"Derek, we went to bed at almost four in the morning, how are you not tired?"

"I didn't say I wasn't tired, only that I couldn't sleep."

"Why...couldn't you sleep?"

"I kept thinking of all we shared yesterday...last night..."

"Derek..." she said as she lowered her gaze, "are you...any regrets?"


"I...I'm sorry, about everything I told you...I don't want you to think even less of my mother," she said quietly, but he knew there were tears in her eyes.

"Hey...look at me," he said as he lifted her chin, her eyes meeting his, "I love you even more...because you are so amazing."

"I don't want you to pity me...if that was the reason...I mean..." she was interrupted by his kiss.

"Stop thinking...I love you...and that is all about who you are...what you make me feel...the love of my life...for always."

"You make me feel so special," she said bringing her hand to his face, feeling the night's growth of stubble and kissed him softly.

"Because you are beautiful, talented...compassionate...loyal...truly extraordinary."

"Derek...if I am...if I'm really's because of you...of make me want to be that for myself...for you...and our made me believe ...and and I...that's what makes us both...extraordinary," she said and they both knew at that moment their lives had just begun. The beginning of extraordinary legends as only soul mates finally accepting their destiny could discover, and the work that only fate in its wisdom could provide, when two souls looked into the other's eyes and found the love of lifetimes coming together for eternity.

"We're going to be extraordinary...Meredith...and our kids..." he smiled upon her lips, "will be ever ever so embarrassed," and felt her smile on his lips before they lost themselves in the kiss that sealed their commitment and their hearts continued their healing journey.

The phone on the bedside table rang, startling them both and then he reached for it, "hello. Yes, thank you...we'll be there."

"What was that about?"

"Our wedding...we need to meet the lady at nine, now come on lazy bones, get up and get ready, breakfast will be here in a few minutes."

" did you plan all of this..." she asked as she sat up in bed.

"I'll tell you about it over breakfast," he said and got up, reaching for her hand and pulling her up and embracing her. "Hurry up," he murmured against her ear and kissed her softly and she walked away smiling.

Breakfast had been brought up while she showered, and a round table covered with linen had been set up I the room. A mall vase with one single, a pink rose caught her attention as she went to stand next to him and he pulled her to his lap.

"Derek..." she said, seemingly a bit distracted.

"Uh huh..." he replied nuzzling her neck.

"I thought you said we had to be out of here and have a meeting at nine."

"I did..." he said as his mouth traveled down her throat with a trail of kisses.

"We won't...if you don't stop that," she smiled.

"No self control," he teased her, "sad...very sad."

"You don't really want to make this about who has more self you..." she taunted him as her mouth covered his and both were soon breathless.

"You..." he said a bit short of breath, "will probably win," and both laughed.

"Probably," she said and started to get up, but he held her and kissed her softly again.

"We'll be two days..."

"Two days," she smiled, "and our honeymoon starts tomorrow," she winked at him.

"So it will," he smiled, "you ok?"

"Yes," she smiled, and hugged him then let her head rest on his shoulder, "no more yes...tomorrow night...two days...and the caged longer," she giggled, and got up and placed a soft kiss on his lips before going to sit across from him.

" let me tell you. I spoke to the concierge earlier, and well, I remembered when I was looking for information on our trip that weddings could be arranged for foreigners."

"Derek, you looked at this before? You knew before we left Seattle..." she asked him with a shocked expression on her face.

"No...I did not...I read about it, thought it was romantic, but no, I was not thinking about us getting married here, in fact, all I hoped was that you would agree to marry me," he said and felt her hand reach out to his.

"So...what did you do this morning, I mean Derek, you need to sleep, with jet lag, and the night before we left Seattle, you haven't had much rest...we should do know...we're going to need a lot of energy's been a long time Derek...we have lots to make up for," she teased him.

"I'm not worried about that..." he smiled as he caressed the hand in his, "are you..." he teased her, "worried you can't keep up?"

She had just brought a glass of juice to her lips and taken a drink when he said that, and her reaction amused him as she put her glass down, "are you...seriously...implying that I can't keep up with you..." she said raising her eyebrow, "are you forgetting..."

" more word...and we won't make it out of here this morning," he smiled, challenging her.


"I promised you...just when you didn't want me to take it slow...just then..."

"You won't be able to help can't take it slow...not...not after all this time," she said smiling and very sure of herself.

"Wanna bet?"

"You won'," she told him.

"You're on," he told her.

"Derek..." she laughed, "seriously, I don't want you to take it slow..."

"Uhmmm....that is not what you said...I couldn''s see...which one of us has more self control..." he continued to tease.

"Derek! We're caged beasts...remember...nothing slow...or controlled about that..."

"We'll see," he said...a knowing smile on his lips.

"We will," she said not giving him the satisfaction of having the last word, already anticipating their next night together.

"Eat your breakfast, the lady will be downstairs in about fifteen minutes."


"What are you thinking?"

"What time is it back home?"

"About one in the morning."

"I don't suppose I should call Lexie and Cristina now...they probably would kill me."

"Maybe you can call in a few hours, they'll be getting ready to go to the hospital, or later tonight."

"I kind of want to tell them...that we're getting married, but first, your Mom, I want you to call her first."

"We can do that..." he said, "after we make our arrangements we can call her."

"Ok, so who are we meeting with?"

"Apparently it's not so unusual for people to want to get married here, and they have wedding planners or coordinators, whatever...and the concierge after I spoke to him this morning said he'd make a few phone calls and as you hear, he was able to get us to meet with someone today."

"Derek, but we're not really planning a wedding, I mean, don't we just go to city hall or something?"

"We're in a foreign country...I think there's a few more steps to it, we may have to go to Milan to the consulate to get documents signed, so we'll find out in just a bit what we need to do, we just need to bring our passports."

They were on their way out of the room when she stopped and looked over to the breakfast table and told him, "Derek...I know you had nothing to do with it...but I don't like roses," and he looked over to the single bud and nodded, and she walked to him and reached for his hand and kissed him softly, "just for future reference..."

"Uhmmm..." he said kissing her back softly, "I'll remember...but...kind of like jealous Meredith..."

"Yeah...don't forget it."

They met with a pleasant young woman that explained the process and required documentation and that given the short notice there would be no option but to drive to the U.S. consulate in Milan. Derek agreed, and suggested they get going way and the rest of the details could be explained to them on the way. Soon they were on a gondola to meet the driver that would take them to Milan for the one o'clock appointment the agency had secured, explaining given it was not the height of tourist season, they had been very lucky to secure it.

"This is it," Meredith said when they were comfortably seated in the car, the young woman and driver in the front seat, an almost three hour drive from Venice to Milan ahead of them.

"It is."

"I can't believe it, we're going to be married two days..."

"We are..." he smiled as he put his arm around her and she relaxed against him, as the various procedures and options were explained to them. First, the most important documentation required they were told was the "Nulla Osta" an affidavit stating there is no legal impediment to the marriage.

"Once we have this document," she explained, "which you make this sworn statement at the consulate, we will get all the necessary stamps and tomorrow morning I will go with you to the City Hall and you present the documents and make a 'Declaration of intention to marry', and I will call now to see what time it is available to have your wedding. This, all the civil marriages they take place at Palazzo Cavalli," she said and went on to explain all the various services, including wedding receptions, gondola rides and many options neither Meredith or Derek were in favor of, deciding all they wanted was a simple ceremony. Then, they were left to their own thoughts, and the driver and passenger made small talk quietly amongst themselves.

"Hey..." he said when he noticed she was looking into the distance as the miles sped by, "you ok..." and felt some of her doubts.

"Yeah," she said absently, "it's a lot...really really fast," she said and his stomach clenched, small fears rising to the surface, but refusing to give in to their past behavior.

"You know I love you," he murmured as he kissed the top of her head.

"I know."

"Meredith..." he said, turning her face to look at him.

"It''re doing all of're taking care of me," she whispered, "it's all me."

"I want you to be happy, I want this to be special, something we will always remember," he said, and she too heard his doubts.

"Derek...I'm..." she stopped and brought her finger to the corner of her eye stopping a tear, "it's a lot...and...a wedding...and I'm emotional...and...nobody's ever done anything, taken that much care of's... a lot."

"A lot...good...or ..."

"A lot good...just emotional, and on top of hormones I feel are still all over the place," she said and buried her face in the crook of his neck, and reached for his hand and heard him whisper, "close your eyes, we could both use a nap."

He thought of the rest of his plans, and hoped she would be pleased. He could not imagine she wouldn't be, but then his Mom was coming and he hoped Meredith would not mind that she had to meet her weeks before she had expected, but he wanted her to have family around her on their day, and he was determined she would never have any doubts about how much he loved her, how much he was willing to do to make her happy.

"Mr. Shepherd," he heard the young woman say, "we are about fifteen minutes away, and after you make the sworn statement, I can wait for it and then start the rest of the paperwork. Our driver can take you back right away, or if you prefer you can go back with me later this afternoon."

"Maybe we will spend the rest of the day here, do you think you can find out the train schedule for us to return this evening?"

"Yes of course, Milan is a lovely city to visit, Ms. Grey may want to do some shopping, they have the finest Italian clothing."

They arrived at the Consulate and Meredith asked for a few minutes to freshen up, in reality also needing a few minutes alone before she and Derek took the first official step towards their marriage. She joined him, a smile on her face in response to his and they walked in to the corresponding office holding hands, and were asked to take a seat where the procedure and significance of the affidavit was explained by the consular officer.

They took care of all the requirements and fees, and the young lady, whose name they now knew was Lucia volunteered the driver would drop them off at La Scala, a good site convenient for sightseeing and shopping, but Meredith asked they suggest a good local restaurant for lunch first, and there is where their afternoon began.

"So..." she said, once they had ordered their meal, "we're getting married at ten thirty on Wednesday," she smiled, reaching for his hand and lacing their fingers.

"We are...that's a good day...right?"

"The perfect day," she smiled as he brought her hand to his lips, and they enjoyed a leisurely lunch, discussing the details and preparation of their wedding day.

"Meredith, are you sure you don't mind, it's just us?"

"It feels does, back home I would probably be stressing out over when and where and Izzie would go crazy with wedding plans, Cristina likely would murder her and there be lists about who would be invited and all of that, and I'd need to find a dress ...and..." she paused as thought she'd had a very important realization.


"Derek...a dress...I need a dress, I can't get married in jeans, and it's in the morning, and I could wear my black dress, you like that I know, but maybe not for that time, and Mark, Derek...he was supposed to be your best man, he's going to kill us..."

"Meredith," he smiled at her rambling, "Mark will be fine...and you...we're in Milan, you can get a dress...I'll go with you."

"'ll go with me...are you crazy, you can't shop for my dress, I mean, it's not going to be a wedding dress, not white, it's not a long dress that would be ridiculous now, but I don't think you can see my dress not till the wedding, it's bad luck or something, and it's my wedding day...I mean...I need a dress not jeans...and we're in Milan, and it's probably all designer clothes, and I didn't think of that...and I can look, around here they have fine stores, and I need to make sure I have my credit card, and no, I'm not taking any chances...we're not getting married with any bad luck over just can't..."


"What," she snapped as she fidgeted with her watch.

"I can help make things easier."

"How? I have today and tomorrow to find a dress..."

"Well, one, I'll give you my credit card..."

"You will not," she interrupted him, "pay for my dress."

" can find a dress today or tomorrow."

"It's my wedding day Derek...I mean," she said getting misty eyed, "it's not a big fancy wedding and long gowns..."

She'd mentioned this twice now, making him feel guilty that he was cheating her out of a true wedding celebration, that maybe that's what she wanted.

"Do you want a big wedding...we can have one at home."

"No...oh, no...that's not what I mean, this is perfect Derek, it is, getting married in Venice, but I's my wedding day...our wedding...the rest of our lives together, I want something special...that you can look back and remember...something special for our wedding."

"You'll find it...and anything you'll be beautiful."

"Thank you,"she said simply and squeezed his hand, "I got a bit crazy there."

"Wedding jitters..." he smiled.

"Wedding frenzy," she giggled, "I even forgot I wanted to talk to Cristina and Lexie, and your Mom and Kathleen."

"Call them now," he said.

"Yeah...when we leave the restaurant, I'll call."

They walked out and agreed they'd first visit La Scala as it closed at five, and they toured the world famous opera house and its museum before walking to Milan's Cathedral, a gothic masterpiece whose Duomo took over five centuries to complete.

They were taking a train back at seven, leaving them a handful of hours in one of the most fashionable and richest cities in Europe. They walked hand in hand through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuel II, the glass domed shopping arcade built in 1867 and named for the first King of a united Italy, a short walking distance from the Cathedral. Mosaics of cities that had formed the newly united Italy caught Derek's attention as he noticed people standing on one particular mosaic, and curiosity got the best of him and he asked is significance, dragging Meredith with him to do the same and shortly thereafter finding themselves standing on the testicles of the bull of Turin.

"Derek," she laughed, "why are we standing on the bull's testicles!"

"They say it's good luck," he answered kissing her, "and we're building on all the good luck...and happiness we can find."

"I can live with that," she said, kissing him back softly, and then walking away, again hand in hand.

They stopped in front of a jewelry store and looked at wedding rings. "Do you know what you'd like," he asked her, "there was a band that goes with your ring, but I wanted you to pick what you wanted."

"I want a thin band, something I can wear all the time. Derek, I don't want to take off my wedding ring, I won't be able to wear my engagement ring all the time, but my ring...I don't want to take it off, and I researched it...about surgery."

"You researched...wearing wedding rings...while in surgery..." he said stunned she'd thought of it.

"Yes...after we got back together...I did...well, after you said you were going to propose...I mean...we would be getting married eventually, and I wanted to know...and it's ok, I can, as long as it's washed properly before and after I scrub in and out for surgery, it should be fine, research says it's ok...but it needs to be a simple band, nothing to catch on the gloves."

"I love you Meredith," he said.

"Because I researches this..." she smiled.

"For many reason...this just one more...because this was important to you...wearing your wedding band."

"Derek...just because I didn't have any of that...those...childhood dreams weren't encouraged, doesn't mean I take this lightly...we're getting married Derek...for's huge...and...wonderful...with you...I want to wear my wedding ring."

"Do you see anything here?"

"Not really," she said as she looked at the wider man's bands, and briefly met his gaze before turning away.


"How do you know I'm thinking something?"

"I know tell me," he said wrapping his arms around her.

"Will you...I don't have too...but...I'd like..."

"I'll wear a ring...," he offered knowing what she was thinking, "of course...I will."

"Oh..." she said relaxing against him, "good."

"Marking your territory," he whispered in her ear.

"Damn right," she giggled, "don't forget it...and I want every woman at Seattle Grace to know you're mine."

"Meredith...I've always been yours...since the day we met."

"Well, let's not go there..."

"Maybe you're right," he said, and she turned around to face him smiling.



"Now that we're getting married..."


"I don't really want to think about them anymore."



"Meredith, I chose wrong with Addison, and you know I still loved you."

"I know...and it's over, really it is..."


"The nurse...I don't want to talk about her either."

"She meant nothing."

"I know...but it almost destroyed us."

" did not...we already knew what we meant to each other, that our lives without each other had no meaning...please...forgive me..."

"I have's over...we're getting married, in Venice...on Wednesday," she said upon his lips, and softly brushed them.

"I love you," he said.

"Me too."

They walked along as tourists do, and she caught a glimpse of color that called to her, and pulled him along without saying anything.

"Derek, I want to look at something..."

"Let's go."

"No, I mean just me."



"I'll meet you over there," he said pointing to a spot where a beautiful mural had been pained on the wall under the beautiful glass dome.

"I won't be long," she said hurrying to the store she'd seen, and about twenty minutes later met up with him again holding a large shopping bag with what seemed to be an exclusive shop's name outside and within it a garment bag, and a beautiful smile graced her face."

"You found something," he said.

"I did."

"Can I see it?"

"Wednesday morning," she smiled.

"Just a peek," he asked, reminding her of a child.

"Nope...not till then."

"What color is it?"


"I'm sorry...I'll wait...but not even a hint..."

"No...but...I'm sure...well," she stopped as doubts arose, "I hope you will like it."

"I told you whatever you chose, you'd be beautiful."

"Thank you..." she said, and handed the bag to him, "you can carry it."


"You love bossy."

"I do," he smiled. "Let's go...we have to be head for the station in about thirty minutes so we can catch the seven o'clock train."

They boarded the train and spent the next two hours talking about their day and the wedding, and their rings and how earlier they had simultaneously agreed to wait to get them in Venice as each wanted an inscription inside. Meredith fretted that she had not been able to reach either Lexie or Cristina, but was at least happy they'd reached Kathleen and his Mom on the way to the train station, and both had been delighted about their sudden plans, though Meredith had been left pondering some thoughts.

"Derek, did you find that both your Mom and Kathleen were a bit rushed?"

"What do you mean," he asked carefully weighing her words.

"I mean, they said all the right things, but it seemed like they were in a hurry, do you think...maybe they're not telling us how they really feel...and that we're being too impulsive."

"No...stop thinking...they told you, I heard them, they gushed about your ring, and how romantic it was...and how happy Mom was to be meeting you soon, That she was glad she was getting a new daughter in law...I heard her tell you, that was a mere title, that you were her new daughter, so stop fretting."

"You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I trusting you here."

"Music to my ears," he said and leaned over to kiss her.

"I'm starving," she said looking at her watch.

"Me too..." he said, looking at her with his eyes half closed....their look.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what..." he teased.

"Like you want to rip my clothes off and..." she whispered.

"But I do..." he laughed and she joined him, as he wrapped his arms around her, "I'll feed your appetites...dinner tonight...we're almost there...and tomorrow...all the rest."

"Tomorrow...that's the one I'm starving for," she smiled.



"Stop...before we ..."

"I know..." she giggled, "hey, we're almost there, less than ten minutes."

"Yep...we can drop this off at the hotel and get something to eat."

"Oh my God..." she said suddenly.

"What...what's wrong?"

" house...the trailer, we're getting married...we're going to go back to Seattle in a couple...and...where will we live... I house is fine, but roommates Derek it's a frat house and a brothel, and your trailer is too small...and we need to be together, and maybe we go back...and forth...for privacy and all, but...oh...I can't believe I hadn't thought about till now... but..."

"Hey...relax...we have time to think about it...we don't have to decide tonight, and we can live wherever you want...or ...we can get a place, our own place till our house is built."

"'s're right, we have time to talk about it, before we go back."

"Yes, we do," he assured her, an indulgent smile on his face.

"You don't know everything," she said smiling back at him and rolling her eyes.

"I know."

"Derek..." she said after thinking for a few seconds, "last night, you said if I hadn't enjoyed the proposal...on the gondola...I'd enjoy tomorrow's, well, it's tomorrow...what was it...what was today's surprise?"

"I was bluffing," he chuckled, "I was counting on you liking last night's."

"Oh..." she said holding out her hand and looking at her ring smiling, "I loved last night's."

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