Unexpected Emotions

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The sun began its routine morning rise on the cold March morning, the mist rising off the lagoon ever so often capturing the light orange reflection, while the glow of lamp posts illuminating the gently swaying gondolas began to fade. A timeless ritual bringing forth the birth of a new day, one that would prove to be quite extraordinary as the tale of two sad and lonely people turned a page, a new chapter would begin as with each second the deepest of foundations were laid, ready to create and capture memories that would last beyond their lifetime.

Meredith awoke in the early hours to the welcoming presence of the sunrise, its rays dancing off the mirror atop the desk, the fluttering dust particles a reminder of days gone by when she would marvel at the ever moving specks floating through the air as she would become lost in her own world of daydreams. Childhood memories came flooding back and sadness settling deep within her as she remembered the days after she thought her Mom might be gone forever, and she was relegated to the care of relatives, none of whom were now a part of her life, Ellis had alienated everyone.

She lay quietly, making sure she did not disturb him, though his arm was resting around her waist, and her thoughts drifted to the night they met, and unexpectedly found herself in deep reflection.

Mom...she spoke silently, though her emotions were unable to keep the tears from falling as she shared her feelings openly. I'm getting married tomorrow. It kind of surprised me too...but...I love him Mom, you were the first person that I admitted that to...and he understands me, he does and he is trying so hard to make me happy. We've had a rough year, maybe you know about that...well, it's been rough for the last five years...I wish you were here Mom...I wish you and I had another chance...it was here you know, I was in Italy when I had to go back home when you got sick...and I'm sorry Mom that you got sick, I wish we'd had more time...I would have wanted for you to know Derek...for you to know me...and Mom, you were right... that last day we had together, when you said I was a force of nature...and passionate and focused... a fighter...I'm all those things Mom...I'm sorry you didn't see that, but maybe...maybe now...you get a sense of me...I'm all those things...and I've been fighting forever...and I had to tell him, nobody else...I promise nobody else knows...but he had to know that I knew what it felt like...that I did not want to give up...that I would never do that to him...or our children, and I want that ...I want that with him, and even though I have doubts and I'm scared I may not be good at this...I'm going to try...and I'm going to tell him, not going to keep my feelings from him...I'm going to fight for us...for our dreams like never before, because what he makes me feel...the way he loves me...the way I love him... that's worth everything.

Derek shifted slightly, bringing her closer to him, and she lay on her side and watched him sleep, thankful for the peacefulness that seemed to have settled within him, and that he'd finally had at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.

She wanted to touch him, needed to see his eyes on her, the reassurance of that look he always gave her as he would kiss her awake, and she leaned to him softly placing her lips on his.


"I love you Derek," she whispered upon his lips.

"Hey..." he said quietly, eyes coming awake, alive when he met her haze.

"Hey..." she said, and her breath caught as he brought his hand to her face caressing her.

"You were watching me sleep..." he smiled, his hand now gently stroking her hair.

"I was...you look rested...you got some sleep."

"I did...and now I get to wake up to you..."

"You fell asleep on me last night," she teased him, "must have lost my touch."

"I did not...you insisted..."

"I'm teasing Derek...you needed sleep, so did I..." she said and looked away from him.

"Hey...what's going on?"

"I kissed you..." she said, "you didn't kiss me back..."

"I was waiting to brush my teeth," he joked, "following your orders."


"Oh...no...no...you don't..." he said and placed his lips softly on her forehead, "I'll be right back."

"You don't have to go... stay with me."

"I want to kiss you...the way I want to kiss you...let me go brush my teeth."

"I'm sorry, you know... I should never have brought that up..."

"But you did," he said smiling and jumped out of bed, and was back just as quickly and reached out to embrace her and capture her mouth.

"I love you Derek."

"I love you too," he said, kissing the top of her head and pulling away from her to look in her eyes. "Now, tell me what has made you sad, since I opened my eyes this morning, something's wrong."

"I'm ok...I am..."

"Meredith..." he coaxed her, "we're talking remember."

"I've never talked so much in my life," she tried to joke.

"Well, neither have I it seems, but it's working...isn't it..."

"I was thinking about my Mom..." she admitted, "I wish things had been different...you know...I'm getting married...she should have been here..."

"I do know..."

"I'm sorry, Derek...that was insensitive...I know you miss your Dad too, and you're family is not here either..."

"Hey... you don't ever have to be sorry for sharing your feelings with me...that's what's going to make the difference...in our life together, in our marriage."

"Derek...it helped me...I was talking to her...and hoping she's heard me."

"I'm sure she does," he said as he kissed her softly, "do you want to tell me about it."

"I said," she started and told him her conversation with Ellis, "and...Derek...last night...when we talked, and my doubts...my question if we'll make it, it's not about you...you've been wonderful...but, so many years...bad habits...I'm not going to change overnight...I'm sure it will happen, when I least expect it...but ...I love you Derek...and I'm going to try...and with therapy...I'm going to try...because like I told her...you and me...how we feel for each other...how much we love each other...it's worth everything, I have no doubts about that...and I'm never going to give up on making our marriage work...our love for each other...we're going to make it...I wanted you to know that...in my heart...I have no doubts...that we're going to make it..."

"You're the love of my life...Meredith, I adore you...and that is never going to change," he said, "thank you...for sharing that with me...we're going to make it...for always," he said and they both embraced and their lips hungrily found each other, satisfying and frustrating their desires as the ring of the telephone echoed through the room, the prerequisite wake up call for the start of the new day, their new life together.

"We have to get up," she said, disentangling herself from him, "we can't be late...Derek, we have a ton of things to do."

"We do..." he teased, "I thought we just had to show up at City Hall and make this declaration...intent to marry...and that was it...nothing else."

"Derek...don't be dense...rings...Derek...we need rings...and things...I'm sure we need things..."

"What things?"

"I don't know...but I'm sure we do...we're getting married and I'm sure we need things...talk to Lucia, I don't know...I was thinking, maybe we need photos, we didn't think of that...and photos...we need at least one..."

"Meredith," he said, and silenced her with a kiss, "we do need things..." he laughed, "let's get our day started."

"Derek...this is it...our last full day...before we're married."

"Uhmmm..." he said and kissed again, "happy?"

"Very happy," she said kissing him back, before he reached for her and got her out of bed.

"Wear comfortable shoes today, we're going to be doing lots of walking."

"I know...we also need presents Derek..."

"Presents...for what?"

"Wedding presents...I mean... I have to get you something, so I need some time alone...oh God, I had not thought of that, and we only have today, and I have to find something, you've given me so much already and I don't have anything for you...and my hair...I have to do something with my hair...and it's not just wedding presents, but there's some things...little things to buy for everyone back home...you even asked Lexie what she'd like."

"Meredith...we have more days in Italy, we can look for that later, but...today...you're perfect the way you are, your hair, how you look...everything about you is perfect, and you don't need to find a present...you...marrying me...what you said this morning, that's all I need."

She stopped what she was doing, looking for something to wear, and went up to him and hugged him, "you are...without question...my knight ...my McDreamy...my love."

"You think...I've earned my name back..."

"Completely..." she hugged him and kissed him and enjoyed being held in his arms, secure in the knowledge they were going to make it.

They were meeting Lucia in the lobby at eight forty five, and Derek managed to slip away telling Meredith he wanted to ask some questions about their next destination.

"Dr. Shepherd good morning, sorry I was calling you Mr. Shepherd, but the front desk this morning they corrected me."

"That is not important, don't worry. But, Lucia I wanted to talk to you, Meredith does not know, it's a surprise but some friends and family are flying in this morning and my sister, I'm going to ask her to speak with you about the wedding, and whatever she decides will be fine. I'm thinking of an early lunch after the ceremony, and I know Meredith hasn't thought of it, but a wedding cake...simple, but we need that, and flowers for her, if you can find something small but please have a sprig of lavender in it, and no roses anywhere, and we need a photographer, I think that would be fine, but my sister Kathleen, she will make all the arrangements for us, I want this to be very special for Meredith."

"Dr. Shepherd, don't worry about anything...I have an idea...I think you will both like, the Hotel Cipriani they have a lovely garden..." she paused, "good morning Ms. Grey."

"Please, call me Meredith, you've been wonderful helping us plan all of this, we don't need to be so formal."

"Thank you, but it wouldn't be proper, I was just telling Dr. Shepherd we have confirmed the appointment at nine thirty, so after ten you will have all day and no worries about the arrangements."

"Lucia, I was thinking...Derek, I haven't said anything, but I just thought of it...I think...we need a cake...very small...but...we should have a cake...take a piece home, you know... store it for a year, that's the custom...I think and we need to do this right," she rambled, "and we need a photographer, Lucia I don't think we said that yesterday, right?"

"No, but the photographer can be arranged, and we can have a cake...I can show you, on the way there is a very wonderful bakery...and they bake wonderful cakes."

"We'll cut it right at the Palazzo, is that right, and we'd want to take a piece home, that's the custom, so maybe it can be packed properly and then shipped to us?" Meredith asked.

"Yes, we can do that," she said looking at Derek, who smiled, mouthing the words, Kathleen, later, "now, we should go, so we can look at the cake and see if you like what they have."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Meredith said reaching out for Derek's hand as they walked out together, and as Lucia had mentioned stopped at the bakery and Meredith chose a simple cake design.

"Meredith, we're going to have pictures...I don't want people to think I'm cheap when they look at a tiny cake," he joked.
"Derek, it's just the two of us...I'm sure nobody is going to think that."

"Come on, Meredith...we need a bigger cake," he sounded like a kid she thought, and went along with him.

"It's just a shame, it will go to waste, but we can have a bigger cake."

"I'm sure Lucia can help find some people that will eat the rest...even our witnesses tomorrow can enjoy it," he winked at Lucia who told the baker she would be back shortly to place the order, and Derek meanwhile ordered a small chocolate pastry to keep Meredith occupied and away from the conversation, when Lucia explained in Italian there would be more guests and it was a surprise for the bride that they were having a reception likely at the Cipriani, and she wasn't sure if they would require the cake be ordered from the same location.

They were walking to City Hall (Palazzo Cavalli) when Derek's phone vibrated, and he looked at his message.

-Shep, landed 30 min late, text you right before we get there, you can prepare Grey to withstand the shock
-you still love me
-brainless...only excuse
-see you later

"Who's that Derek?"

"Mark, telling me things are finally back to normal, just getting to go home."

"Must have been one hell of a day at the hospital, unusual, don't you think?"

"Maybe...just a bit," he admitted, worried about how Meredith would react.

They took care of the necessary documentation and Lucia told them they would meet at ten the following morning at the hotel, and Meredith and Derek had several names of reputable jewelers in the city, which they proceeded to visit until he noticed the way she looked at one particular ring at the second place that had been recommended.

"You like that?" he asked, looking at the wide yellow gold ring with intricate detail she was admiring.

"I do...but I won't be able to wear it, the design would catch on gloves," she said, and he insisted she try it on, and he knew she liked it and it fit her perfectly, but she said she'd like a simpler wedding band.

"It doesn't have to be your wedding ring, if you like this...we'll get it too."

"No, you've already bought enough things for me...let's look for our rings," she said.

They were shown a wide selection of rings, and she chose a simple platinum band two millimeters wide. "You don't want anyone to see it," he teased her, "it's smaller than what George got Callie."

"What..." she replied, "you think that...I just want to be able to wear it all the time, and if it's too big I won't be able to. Derek...you think that, you don't like it?"

"Lighten up Grey..." he joked, using the same words she'd said to him lately.

"This...is no time to joke Derek..." she said, her tone surprising him.

"Why not...anytime is a good time to joke," he told her as he circled her waist and placed a kiss on her neck, to the amusement of the sales lady.



"This is serious," she said, "just because...you've ..."

"Just because...I what..."

"You've done this before...maybe it doesn't mean as much to you..." she said quietly.

He pulled her away to the other side of the small store and forced her to look at him, "do you truly believe that? That this is not as important to me?"

She didn't answer him right away, as she fidgeted with her engagement ring, and added barely above a whisper, "I'm...I'd hope it was more important."

"Meredith...please look at me," he said, without touching her, resisting the urge to lift her chin and meet her gaze.

"I told you..." she said lifting her face to look at him, and her eyes shined with unshed tears, "there'd be doubts...and I'm afraid Derek...it's there...always...that we may not work...and I know what I told you this morning, but you say things like this now, and you say you're joking, but she...she had other rings...and I'm choosing something simple, and I'm not sure...except..."

"Ok..." he said, "we need a little time alone here," and walked to the sales lady, and told her they would be back shortly.

"Would you like some privacy, we have a small sitting area..."

"Yes, thank you," he said and walked to Meredith and reached for her hand and followed the woman as she opened the door to a small private area, and closed the door behind them.

"I don't know," he said, as he looked at Meredith who was standing in front of an old antique desk, slightly resting against it with her head down, "what else I can do for you to understand what you mean to me...for you to believe me when I tell you that I have never felt for anyone...especially Addison, what I feel for you...the idea of living my life without you makes my heart ache and all I can feel is emptiness at the thought of you...not being in my life...please...talk to me...tell me...what do I need to do?"

"I've never done this before...I don't know the rules...she did...and your family...they loved her...and I'm just...it's..." she started to say, as she bit her bottom lip, still not meeting his gaze.

"What aren't you sure of," he said softly as he walked to her, inches apart, "you said...you weren't sure except..."

"I wanted...my wedding ring...to be something I could wear all the time...and it's not fancy...but I'm not, and she...I can't compete with her...and maybe...you'll regret how things turned out with her..."

"You don't have to compete with her...Mer..." he said caressing her face, "where is this coming from...you have never had to do that...yes, I was with her, she was my wife, and I loved her when we got married, but since you came into my life...it's only been you...you made me realize what love truly was...the love of my life...and I even told you, she knew, Addie knew...what we had together it was special and unique and that once in a lifetime love...what's made you think like this...I thought we had gotten over that," he told her lightly brushing her lips with his.

"I don't know...just..."

"Just...what love...what made you doubt us...when last night and this morning..."

"She was perfect Derek...from the day I met her...just perfect...and my life all dark and twisty...and a resident...and I can't cook or ..."

"She was not perfect...far from it...believe me...I could never...ever regret that things ended with her...she was far from the person I knew...very very different, and she changed...and you...are...without any doubts the only woman that has made me feel as alive as I do...fulfilled...and daring to dream...of our life together...that is all because of you...I love you...only you...and I don't care if you can't cook...I can...or we can hire a housekeeper...our life together can be whatever you want...because all I want...all I need is you in my life...to go to sleep at night with you in my arms...and when I wake up...seeing you makes my life perfect...and that is never going to change."

"You..." she sniffled, "you...really don't care...that I'm not perfect...like her...she had it all together..."

"I love you...just the way you are...and one of the things I love most is that you are nothing like her...you are loyal and compassionate...and kind, and I know...no matter what happened between us...you would never betray our love..."

"I love you...Derek," she said and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm sorry," she murmured as she buried her face in his neck, "I don't mean to put you through all of this...but...when you said that about my ring...all these emotions just surfaced...and doubts...and I don't want you to regret being impulsive...with our getting married so quickly...I don't think I could stand it...if you had regrets...about us."

"I have no doubts about how I feel about you, and wanting to spend my life with you, so waiting...made no sense...I want to be with you forever...starting now..."

"Derek...so do I...I swear...I do..."

"All right then..." he said and kissed her softly, letting her take the next step, which she did, as she deepened their kiss and molded her body to his.

"I love you...Derek...thank you...for being so patient...and loving me..."

"I will love you...always...remember that, our legend...beyond eternity..."

"Let's get our rings..." she smiled.

"I thought we had yours already," he smiled.

"We do...but yours...it's going to be wider than mine."

"Uhmmm...." He teased, "you're going to camouflage yours, but I'm going to be branded with mine."

"Damn right...I already told you...everyone is going to know you're completely and absolutely taken and off the market."

"I can live with that...a bossy wife."

"But you love me..."

"I adore you...and this...choosing our rings, it is very important to me," he said kissing her lightly before walking out and joining the sales lady.

"We're going to take this one, but we need it for tomorrow, and I'd love to have an inscription, is that possible on such short notice?" Derek asked her.

"Yes, absolutely, the store it's not so big out front but we have a very exclusive workshop in the back, and we can get this done for you without any problem. Is the size correct," she asked Meredith, holding the ring out to her again.

"Yes, it is," she said as she slipped the ring on again, and showed Derek, and then she took off both rings, and tried only the wedding band.

"It's lovely Meredith, it's the perfect size," he told her while holding her hand as he ran his thumb over the ring.

"You really like it?"


"Now...yours," she said.

"My branding," he teased, "go ahead...it's only right you pick it out," he said and she looked at three rings, which he tried and then settled for the one she picked, a platinum 3.5 millimeter simple band, with a square finish rather than her rounded one.

"You're going to wear it...everyday..." she said.

"I am..."

"You deserve a medal..." she giggled.

"I do?"

"For being so patient," she said and leaned to him letting him hug her, and then she asked the lady for a piece of paper to write down what she wanted the inscription on his ring to read, and did not let him look at it.

Derek took out his credit card and Meredith took out hers. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Derek, that is a dumb question."

"Meredith...I'm going to pay for this."

"Yes, you are, for my wedding ring. I'm paying for yours, that is the custom."


"Derek, we're not going to argue...I told you, we're getting this right."

"It's ridiculous...I can well afford..."

"So can I...remember...my mother was a very reputable..."

"Fine," he said, as he kissed the top of her head, "we follow traditions."

The sales lady looked at his credit card and said, "Mr. Shepherd, what would you like for the inscription on Ms. Grey's ring?"

Derek wrote what he wanted and added a note indicating he also wanted the gold ring and what he wanted inscribed. The lady read it and smiled, as both had chosen the exact words for their wedding bands.

"The rings, I will make sure are ready this evening, and we will deliver them to your hotel," she said, and they thanked her after they had settled the invoices and walked out holding hands.

They walked at a leisurely pace for the next fifteen minutes on the way back to the hotel, window shopping for the most part, when Derek got another message.

-we've checked in, it's 11 let's meet up at 1 for lunch? Get chance to settle in, damn long flight.
-ok at hotel lobby
-get rid of these, next one you can show grey

"Mark again, I thought he'd be sleeping, isn't it like almost two back home?"

"You know Mark..."


"Look for yourself," he said handing her the phone with the last message

-shep, long fckng day, hope you got laid last night
-don't be an ass
-sure grey feels the same way
-g'night mark
-get laid man

"He is incorrigible," she laughed, "I feel a little bad Derek..."

"About what..."

"He was so excited about being best man."

"We can redo our vows you know...if you want...when we get home."


"What...you don't want to..."

"We could...that could be nice...maybe, when your Mom comes out...and Kathleen, she said they'd be visiting soon...maybe...it can coincide."

"You really don't mind," he said treading carefully, "I mean...you're ok...with meeting Mom...when we get back? It's not too soon?"

"I told you...you'll probably have to deal with a minor crisis the night before she gets there, but...I want to meet her Derek, I really do...I'm ready to meet her when we get back."

Her answer reassured him just a little, but not enough to forgo all the nervousness, and she picked up on it as he ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times.

"Derek...what's going on?"

"What...what are you talking about?"

"You're nervous...you're acting all weird...well, not weird, just you when you're nervous about something, not that you're nervous that often...but just...Derek...what have you done?"

"Nothing...I have not done anything," he said, and continued walking pulling her along with him.

"I don't think I believe you."

"We're getting married tomorrow...I want it to be a special day for you...I asked him to do me a favor."


"Yes...I think, you'll be pleased."

"What is it?"

"You'll find out later...trust me...please..."

"I trust you," she said, a bit anxious, but she'd already caused him enough stress earlier, and went along with him and continued to stroll along the streets of Venice, and found herself giggling.

"What's funny?"

"Thinking about Mark..." she laughed.

"Meredith...not a good thing...you thinking about Mark."

"I know you trust me and him..."

"Yeah...but still..."

"I love jealous Derek..."

"I'm not..."

"Uh huh..."

"Ok...fine...but I still trust you," he pouted.

"I love you Derek," she said and stopped and put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Diversion...again..." he chuckled.

"I was just thinking that if he were here, I could tease him...that Venice is the birthplace of the world's greatest lover...and he even wrote a book about it..."

He laughed, "you'd tease him about that..."

"Uh huh...lots to live up to the conquests of Casanova."

"Uhmmm....maybe you can still do that...when we get home I mean..."

"You'll have to remind me," she laughed and continued walking with him, recognizing some of the familiar streets that led back to the hotel, and stopped in front of an antique store, and as they were ready to move along something caught her attention.

"Did you see something you like...do you want to go inside?"

"Actually...Derek...can I have a little time alone..."

"Why...we were going to spend the rest of the day together..."

"We will...but Derek...I ...just a while...I need to look for something...and I want find out if I can do something with my hair..."

"Meredith, I told you...you're perfect the way you are...and you're hair, you're not going to cut it...or anything drastic are you?"

"When have you seen me do anything drastic with my hair?"

"Well...you did say..."

"Since you've known me?"

"Ok...fine...but...how long..." he asked, now concerned she may not be back in time to meet up with everyone.

"I don't know a couple of hours...maybe not that long," she said again looking at the window.

"Ok...how about if we meet back at the hotel...say...twelve thirty...twelve forty five?"

"That works...maybe twelve forty five...I'll meet up with you," she said and kissed him goodbye.

"I can't believe I have to spend time alone in Venice," he pouted.

"I think you can survive," she told him and waved him off, as he walked in the same direction they'd just come from, and walked in the store and asked to look at what caught her attention. Twenty minutes later, she left with a wrapped gift and a smile, and walked over to the salon they had suggested , where they told her they could fit her in immediately.

-can't meet you at 1245 got appointment right away; meet you at 2

Derek was disappointed, but he knew she had wanted to do something about her hair, which he could not understand but it was her wedding day, he smiled, and after having taken a wrong turn, finally found his way back to the jewelry store where they'd purchased their wedding bands.

The sales lady was surprised to see him again, but he told her he had something in mind and wondered if they could make it, and after describing what he wanted she called in someone from the back, and was assured what he wanted could be made and delivered in three weeks time in Seattle.

He went back to the hotel after having told Mark to move their meeting to later thus allowing the very tired travelers extra time to rest, all that was but Mark, where Derek headed to wait for Meredith and found himself sharing her earlier insecurities about Addison. Mark was a good listener, the deep connection between them quite evident as the repentant brother heartily congratulated Derek and thanked him for allowing him to share this very important day of his new life with Meredith. They also joked about the flight experience, both cracking up at the relationships that had unfolded between Lexie, Cristina and his Mom.

"Ok...Shep, get your ass out of here, I want at least an hour to sleep."

"You realize that's the worst thing you can do..."

"Yeah...but I'm still going to do it...I'm not twenty anymore..."

"Yep...that's for damn sure," he laughed.

"Hey...my body is tired after twenty four hours of traveling...I can assure you nothing else has been affected."

"Whatever you say..."

"Ah...I get it... that's why you haven't gotten laid...Shep, man...there's these little blue pills," he laughed.

"You ass..." Derek scolded, "if you remember...Meredith just..."

"Sorry...man...I should have realized..."

"It's ok...we should be...just fine...tonight..."

"Don't count on it..." Mark roared laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing about..."

"Let's talk tonight..." he laughed again, "you may be in for a surprise."

"Don't be an ass...Mer and I...we've already planned this evening."

"You're right," he said, still laughing, "now get the hell out of here...I have to get at least an hour's sleep."

Derek went to his room, by this time he was starving and munched on some fruits he'd picked up while he was out, and stretched out on the bed waiting for Meredith and fell asleep.

"Derek," he heard her voice, "I'm back," as she murmured against his lips, "and I'm starving."

He opened his eyes slowly, "uhmmm..." he responded by capturing her lips.

"Uhmmm...I could forgo food...and stay here...I'm starving for this...too..."

He gave in to her kiss as she pressed her body into him, "wait," he said suddenly, "what time is it..."

"Who cares...we have all day...and night..." she said kissing him deeply again... "staying here...room service...much better idea..."

"No...we can't, it's...oh my God, it's almost two..." he said as he looked at his watch.

"Derek... what is wrong with you..."

"We have to go...I mean...downstairs, I agreed to meet someone..."

"Meet someone...Derek, we don't know anyone here..."

"Meredith...please...trust me..."


"Meredith," he said, noticing her hair, and smiling sat up on the bed next to her, "you look beautiful, I love the lighter shades...the highlights...your hair looks like the night we met."

"You noticed...really... I wanted something lighter...and my hair was lighter that night...and I thought you'd like this...for our wedding."

"I love it, but they cut it too..."

"They only trimmed the length, hardly anything..."

"Mer...you look beautiful..."

"I thought you said I didn't need to do anything...that I was perfect..." she teased him.

"You always look beautiful to me...but I love how you look right now..." he told her as he cupped her face and kissed her.

"Derek...I think...we should stay in...the rest of the day..." she insisted, kissing him deeply...enticing him...very convincingly.

"Uhmmm...I would...I want to...but...we'll come back here...just right now...we'll meet downstairs, and then ..."

"Derek...that but...is not very assuring...we don't do well with buts..."

"It's nothing like that," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Ok...Derek Shepherd...you tell me what's going on right now," she demanded, her hand on her hip.

"Meredith...just...fifteen minutes, that's all...come on..."

"Fifteen minutes..."

"Yes...and...you...maybe you want to put some lipstick on..."

"What...you've never told me to put lipstick on...what in the hell..."

"Meredith...put lipstick on...you look pretty with lipstick, I don't care if you wear any or not, but later... if you don't wear lipstick...or whatever else it is you do...you'll get mad at me if I didn't tell you...so...just...do whatever..."

"Derek you better have a damn good explanation..."

"I hope so..."

"What..." she said as she put on lipstick, "you're ...Derek...I'm going to kill you," she said as he pulled her along and walked out of the hotel room.

They were walking down the stairs, they'd been doing that instead of taking the elevator when he saw the group sitting down by the bar, all but his mother, and he frowned.

"Derek...you're frowning, what is going on," she said and stopped, "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me."

"Do you remember what I said...that I wanted this to be special, our wedding..."

"Derek," she interrupted, and fidgeted with her rings, "what...what's going on..."

"Just remember...I love you...and all I wanted was to make our wedding day special..."

"Derek," she said, reaching for his hand as he pulled her along with him, talking the last few steps and turning towards the bar.

"Meredith...I love you..." he said and kissed her softly, "that's...that's the only reason...I did this...to surprise you..." he said and trailed off as she looked up and saw four familiar faces sitting down, drinks sitting on the small table in front of them, while one lone figure watched from the stairs where they'd stood moments earlier.

She stood motionless, and then slowly turned to him and her eyes filled with tears as she let go of his hand. He was about to panic when she put her arms around him and buried her face in his chest and cried softly, and murmured "I love you...I love you so much...thank you," she said and then looked up at him, "thank you...you brought my family...our family," and she placed both hands on his face and brought her lips to his.

The lone figure watched, a single tear escaping as she raised her hand and stopped its flow, and closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer; then an intimate message, they're like us Irish...just like us, she said using the nickname they'd shared during the short years they had been together, a love which had withstood the painful and final separation.

"Hey," he whispered, "I think there's some wedding guests that would like to say hello to you," and he kissed her forehead, "and some would like to meet you."

"It's Kathleen's husband," she said.

"Yep...that's who that is," he said, as he wiped away her tears and holding her hand walked closer to the group, all of whom stood to greet them.

Kathleen was the first to reach her, "I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here," she said hugging her, "meet my husband..." she said pointing to him and reaching out to embrace Derek.

"Hey little brother...my feeling was right...I'd be seeing you soon...and my passport came in handy."

"It certainly did," he laughed, extending his hand to his brother in law, "Kevin, this is Meredith, since Kathleen forgot to mention his name."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Meredith," he said extending his hand to her.

"I'm so pleased to meet you as well, and glad you are both here."

"We would not have missed this," Kevin said, and then both men embraced, patting each other on the back, "I've missed you Shep."

"Well, that won't happen again, since Kat said you're coming to visit."

"Damn right I am, as soon as I we get back...I'm planning..."

"Not for a while honey," Kathleen told him, "wait till the honeymoon wears off."

"Kat...if you and I are any indication..." he smiled as he hugged her, "we'll be waiting twenty years," he teased and kissed her.

"Ok, you two, break it up...we had enough of that on the nine hour flight."

"You're just jealous Sloan," Kevin laughed.

"Probably," Mark laughed and enveloped Meredith in a hug. "Grey...you look beautiful."

"You...you knew all along, you and Derek, " she said kissing his cheek, "when did you plan this... how did you get the time off...and you..." she turned to Lexie and Cristina.

"Don't ask me," Cristina said, trying to remain unaffected at the happiness she had seen on her friend's face, "Sloan called and said be ready for a six thirty flight, and all hell broke lose."

"It did not," Lexie laughed as she hugged her sister, "Mer...you do look beautiful, your hair is lighter and you're radiant."

"I'm happy Lex...really happy," she said and hugged her sister back, "I'm so glad you're here...to share this day with me...with us," she said and reached for Derek's hand and squeezed it gently earning a smile from him in response.

"Cristina...I'm glad you're here," Meredith told her and stood next to her, "thank you..." and she found herself hugged very briefly, "I'm glad too...Mer...that I could be here for my person."

The welcome greetings out of the way, Meredith felt more composed and her happiness was evident even as she attempted to scold, "Derek Christopher Shepherd," she smiled, "no more secrets," she said kissing him soflty, "tell me...how you pulled this off, when, how did they get the time off...you didn't know...I mean...we had not planned on getting married here...so...how...I can't believe you did this...all of them."

The lone woman descended the stairs, a smile upon her lips as her gaze met his, and he walked up to meet her and allowed himself the comfort of her embrace, "I have missed you so much," she said, "you have no idea...how very much I've missed you."

"I love you," he said, hugging her tightly, "thank you, for being here, for me...for her..."

"I love you, Derek...and now, it's time you introduce us, don't you think?"

Derek looked at Meredith's shocked expression and walked up to her a bit unsure of her reaction, "Meredith," he said reaching for her hand squeezing it gently, "this is my Mom."

"Meredith," she said, "it's wonderful to meet you," she smiled, unsure of the reaction she was expecting, and her smile faded as Meredith extended her hand to her.

"Mrs. Shepherd," she said quietly, surprising both her and Derek with the formality, and the others understanding the significance of this meeting, quietly walked away as the two most important women in his life stood, facing one another and holding each other's hand.

"Sweetheart, you are beautiful..." she said breaking down the barriers, "Meredith, finally I get to meet you...I have a new daughter," she said as she reached out to her and embraced her, and Meredith for the first time in her adult life felt what it was like to be hugged by a mother, without reservations or expectations, and his mother heard the soft and deep intake of breath, and the suppressed sob, "it's ok...it's all going to be ok...I'm here...from now on...if you let me...I can be a very gentle mother..."

Derek understood their need for each other, and took a few steps back giving them privacy, and he sent a silent prayer. God...thank you...for letting me give her this...for Mom wanting to love her...and Dad, he said as he felt his heart fill with the deepest of emotions, I can feel you're here...your presence is here...with Mom...but I wish you could be here with us, you'd love Mer...I love her Dad, just I as know you loved Mom...and Derek closed his eyes, certain he'd felt his father by his side, a smile upon his lips as he watched the woman he'd loved holding Meredith, his daughter in law, in her arms.

"You came..." Meredith finally said, "you're here...for our wedding."

"Sweetheart, where else would I be?"

"He needs you," she said as she wiped her tears away, "I'm so glad...so glad you're here."

"I'm hoping," Mrs. Shepherd said, as she reached up and stroked her hair, "just a little...that maybe you need me here too."

Meredith, choked back the tears, "I do...I didn't know how much...how much I've needed your hug."

"That's the first of many, Meredith," she said, still holding her close, while as only a mother could, expertly located her son and with her eyes motioned him over to her and when he was next to her, brought his and Meredith's hands together.

"I have waited a long time," she said, "to hug my children, to help heal their sadness," and embraced them both, as she swore she felt his presence and the all too familiar echoes of a voice from far away, "I'm here Irish...I love you," and she smiled with her own silent message, "Irish...I've never stopped loving you...and now...it's their turn...watch over them love."

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