Fighting Bets

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"Everything ok?"

"Yeah...George, Derek just wanted to talk to me, make sure she was going to be ok."

"He didn't want to talk in front of me."

"It wasn't that, he just...wanted to talk to me, thanked me for being there for her."

"You were out there a long time for him just to say that."

"George, I'm sorry...he wanted to talk to me."

"You think she's ok, Lex, she was pretty upset when we walked in."

"He thinks she'll be fine, now that they've talked."

"He hasn't always been right or done the right thing by her, you know."

"Well, let's just see this time," she said hoping to change the subject.

"Hey, I guess we still have some more apartment hunting to do. Lexie, are you sure, you want us to be roommates?"

"Yes, I think it's great, we did get along from my very first day here. Have you changed you're mind?"

"No, no I haven't changed my mind. We'll just keep looking, till we find the perfect two bedroom apartment."

"There's a couple more we can look at tomorrow after work. Now, I'm starving, let me see what Mer wants and I'll be right down."

"She'll eat anything except Chinese food."

Meredith heard a light knock at her door, "come in."

"Hey, I wanted to know what you wanted to order for dinner."

"You actually knock before coming in the door."

"Yes...I can't just barge in...I's your just don't..."

Meredith laughed, "tell that to the rest of the inhabitants if you please, they don't know the meaning of privacy or knocking."

"Mer, that's just rude."

"Yeah... it is...Derek use to hate it...when he would stay here, and they would just barge in" she told her a bit of melancholy in her voice.

"Have you heard of locking doors?"

"Neither of us, I guess was used to rude people just barging in," she laughed. "This will be another reason he likes you."

"So, what to you want us to order."

"I'm really not that hungry, I think I'm just going to try to get some rest. A long hot bath and just go to bed."

"I don't think so...I mean... you can have a long bath and go to bed...but you have to eat."

"Really..." she smiled at Lexie, "mom."

"I had a really good teacher...and I was the older sister have to eat something."

"Sure...get whatever...sushi...that sounds good, but you'll have to bribe George to pick it up, no deliveries for that," she said scrunching up her nose, the mood having become much lighter than just an hour before.

" I don't think he'll mind, he's always so sweet about things."

"Just wait till you're roommates and he refuses to buy tampons when it's his turn to go to the store, and Iz and I feel like killing him."

"Mer... you make him buy tampons...poor guy... that's ...that's just not nice, guys don't want to do that."

"Oh, you two are going to be just perfect living together."

"I'll let you know when dinner's here."

The three of them enjoyed a quiet evening and all stayed away from discussing the current status of the Mer- Der relationship.

Meredith went upstairs right after dinner, which was quite early and George and Lexie were watching television when Izzie and Alex got home.

"Hey Lex, George, who won this round of the fight?"

"What fight are you talking about?"

"Oh my God, they apparently had a huge blowout and screaming match at the hospital after Cristina and I left, I mean he came to talk to Mer in the resident's louge, and apparently Dr. Bailey came in and was livid and told them to get leave the hospital and practically ordered Dr. Shepherd to drive Mer home."

"Is this a joke Iz?"

"Dude, it was all over Joe's. New pool of bets too, whether they talk to each other tomorrow or not."

"Well, I think it's just pathetic, that people have to stick their nose in someone else's lives instead of minding their own. You know what the say... 'people who live in glass house shouldn't throw stones'."

"Xena the rambler strikes again..." Alex laughed, and walked over to Lexie, whispering "want to practice a little one on one combat tonight."

"Don't be an ass."

"You know where to find me."

"Yeah, in the gutter."

Lexie could hear Meredith was still awake, so she went to the kitchen and fixed two bowls of ice cream.

She knew it was Lexie, and answered the minute she heard the knock on the door.

"Alex and Izzie just came in, and I could hear you were still up, so I thought you might want some comfort food, " and offered Meredith one of two bowls of strawberry ice cream.

"No coffee tonight."

"I thought your favorite is strawberry."

"It is... but somehow coffee would have been good tonight."

"Meredith...I ...Alex and Izzie...well, I don't mean to pry... but they said...and well, I just thought before you get to the hospital know, you might want to know about some things... at Joe's... but I don't have to say anything, but I think it's better to know you know... you're prepared."

"Lexie...would you please remind me...point out to me every time I start to ramble...I can't imagine I sound like you just did..."

" of do..."

"Tell me what happened. It is better to know."

At that moment, Mer reached for her phone when she heard the sound of a text message delivered, read it and smiled.

'Prefer to hear ur voice, but hope ur resting. I love you'

"From the smile on your face, I guess it was Derek."

She just smiled.

"Meredith, I really really don't want to pry...but but Alex and Izzie were at Joe's and..."

"Just tell me," she said, and Lexie recounted the conversation.

"Yes, we did have a horrible fight and Bailey did force him to drive me home," and proceeded to tell her sister most of what transpired from the hospital till the time Derek left. "What did he want to talk to you about, when you joined him outside."

"How did you know that?"

"The front door closed and his car didn't start right away, so I looked and saw the two of you talking."

"He didn't want to speak in front of George, and basically told me to look after you."

"And you told him you were on his side?"

"Why in the world would you say that?

"Because you've already admitted that to me..."

"Mer, the side I'm really on is yours."

"I know's funny...this ...this sisterly thing...I already know that Lexie...that you're really on my side...that you think he's good for me...even as bad as things are right now..."

"Yeah... I do...I really do think he's good for love him... you already told me that..."

"I guess I did tell you a moment of weakness."

"Mer, those moments...when we're most vulnerable...that's usually when our heart speaks the truth."

"Is that another quote I should recognize?"

"No... I just thought of that myself..." and in that moment both sisters shared a laugh, strengthening their bond even more.

"You know, I bet he said something sappy like he was glad you and I are speaking...that you're here for me."

"He actually did..." she smiled, "say something like that...and called me Xena...which I hate by the way."

"I'm sorry...that it's because of me."

"Oh, Mer, it's not a big deal...its just Alex and his stupid comments, I was always looking out for Molly too... "

"You'll be a great mom one day...Susan would be proud of you..."

"Well, I'm going to choose to believe... that she'll always be there to watch over me...and Molly and any grand babies... and you Mer...and your kids..."

"Oh...I don't now about that..."

"Mer, Mom really cared for you...and I know she wanted us ...wanted you to be part of our family..."

"I know...I was very fond of her too...I just meant the kids...not sure that's something I want."

"Doesn't Derek want kids...I mean... I thought..."

"Yes...he does...and I'm not totally saying I don't want kids...but who even knows if Derek and I will be able to work things out...and the kids...I don't know...I didn't have Susan as role model...and I don't know...maybe I just wouldn't ...I wouldn't be like you..."

"You know what I think..."

"You're about to tell me."

"I think you and Derek are going to find a way to work things out...he really loves you Mer...but he has some doubts too...whether you love him..."

"He does... I know... I haven't allowed myself to trust tell him that in a very long time...there's been a lot...that's happened between us."

"But Mer...I think... you will find the right time...and you and Derek, will be together...and I're going to be a wonderful mom..."

"You think as much as you ramble it seems..."

"Doesn't it happen to you sometimes...when you just have this feeling...and you just know things..."


"Well...the other night...I just knew, Mom was here watching over both of us..."

"You think?"

"Yeah...I do...and Mer...I bet your Mom watches over you too."

She was getting a bit too sentimental...and felt tears begin to gather at the back of her eyes..."maybe she does Lex...maybe she does..."

"Mer... I know you and Derek will be together..."

"Did you tell him that too?"

"No...I'm telling you that..."

"And what did you tell him?"

"Maybe... I might have said...something....about him being my brother in law..."

"Oh God...he'll be impossible, now that he knows you're on his side... cause he knows Cristina is totally on his ass all the time...," she couldn't help but smile, thinking she was glad Lexie was on his...their side... " he'll be happy that you're on his side."

"Mer...he said he's not going to push you..."

"You talked a lot..."

"Maybe, but he was really concerned about you, and he made sure it was just him and I talking."

"He told you about my panic attack...didn't he?"

"He did, but don't be mad... he just wanted to make sure I kept an eye on you...and he...he asked if it had happened before... and I couldn't lie to him...

"I really should be very angry with you..."

"I know...and I'm sorry... I'm not talking behind your back...really ... it's just he does care...and I believe him...and you're my sister...and that's what I know how to's what Mom would do... and sometimes it's so lonely without her...and now...there's you...and it helps... it helps to know I'm not so alone...and I have Molly, but she's away...and to think, that maybe...maybe you need me too...and I...we... won't be so alone...and we can be there for each other..." she finished and Meredith could see she was trying to keep from crying, recognized how much she must miss Susan. She did, sometimes, and she'd only been a part of her life for a very short period of time.

"You...Lexie Grey...are turning me into a total sap...and if you dare tell anyone I get all sentimental talking to you..." she said and hesitantly at first, she reached for her sister's hand and gently squeezed... "I think Susan is definitely watching over us tonight..."

"So, do I Mer," she said gently squeezing her hand back.

"I'm really tired. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night Mer."

"Good night...and no sneaking into Alex's room."

"As if I would...he's such an ass..."

"Yeah...famous last words..."

"Who's Xena the protector now?"

"Good night Lexie."

When Lexie left the room she buried herself under the covers and reached for her phone.

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