Family Introductions

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The train began to decrease its speed as it neared the station while they sat quietly holding hands.

"We'll drop your dress off at the hotel," he said, "and then grab something to eat, any preferences?"

"Uh huh," she answered without elaborating.

"Uh huh..." he joked, "what's their specialty?"


"Are you going to tell me where you'd like to go?"

"I think we'll just walk there. Surprise you."

"Uhmmm...surprise me...the woman that's not big on surprises."

"I've had lots of them lately," she smiled, "some..." she said, and he saw the brief sadness in her eyes, "priceless...even ...if only brief moments..."

He caressed her face gently and whispered, "I'd give anything," and pausing for his own composure added, "anything...if I could ...anything to have spared you...our loss."

"I know," she said, and buried her face in his chest and squeezed the hand held in hers as she closed her eyes, and remained quiet until the train pulled in to the station.

"We're here," he said squeezing her hand while kissing the top of her head.

She smiled in response, and softly placed her lips on his, then got up and reached for the bag in the open overhead compartment.

"Derek, when we get to the hotel, I need to hang up the dress...I'll leave it in the garment bag, but please, you have to promise, you won't look at it...not until I wear it on Wednesday."

"Not even a hint...just the color."

"Not taking any chances...we're not jinxing this."

"There's no jinxing this...stop worrying."

"Ok," she smiled as they followed the passengers in front of them toward the exit doors and went to find a water taxi for the ride to the hotel.

It was after ten when they arrived at the lobby and went to get the room key, "I'll wait for you here," he said, "unless you're going to be long."

"I'm starving, I won't be long," she said, "just going to hang up the dress so it doesn't wrinkle," and was back in less than five minutes.

"So..." he said, as he sat with legs spread in front of him, cocking his head and smiling just in the way that made her want to forget waiting and dragging him upstairs, "where are you taking me?"

"Follow me," she smiled and extended her hand to him, "and stop giving me that look."

"What look," he asked with feigned innocence.

"Our look."


"Uhmm...tomorrow night...Derek...less than twenty four hours...and then..."

"No more censorship," he laughed as they reached the door, "in the way I look at you..."

She laughed along with him, "you can look at me...anyway want...but...I hope you're going to do more than look at me..." she teased, and when they were outside reached for his hand and turning towards the right, pulled him along.

"You can count on it...except..." he teased her, "it may be a bit slower than you like."

"Derek," she said and stopped walking, "I don't want slow..."

"You say that now..." he joked, and they both laughed as he put his arms around her and hugged her.

"You're playing with fire," she giggled as he placed his arm around her waist and they continued walking in the direction she led.

"You're sure you know where we're going?"

"Absolutely," she smiled, hoping he'd be surprised and would like her choice of establishments. "Here we are."

"Harry's Bar?"

"It's very famous Derek...and I would have come here on my trip, but never made it to Venice...when my mom got sick, and well I though you'd like it...I mean...Hemingway used to come here...and...your favorite book...and well, I just thought..."

"Mer...I love that you thought of it...thank you," he said and kissed her softly as they stood in front of the half frosted window with the famous Harry's Bar inscription, and then rounded the corner to walk inside.

They were seated by the window and as many other guests, Meredith decided to try the renowned specialty of the house and ordered a Bellini, while Derek stuck to his preferred double scotch single malt, and placed their meal order right away as it seemed the bar closed at eleven.

"Derek, are you happy?"

"What..." he said, realizing he'd briefly become lost in his thoughts, "of course I'm happy," he assured her while reaching over the table to cover her hand with his, "why would you ask me that?"

"I seemed so far away...maybe having second thoughts."

"I was thinking about what you said, but absolutely no second thoughts, and yes, I am very happy for so many reasons, and they all have to do with you being with me."

She locked gazes with him, "we're getting're sure..."

"Absolutely certain...I don't want to spend another day without my wife," he smiled and leaned in to her to kiss her lips softly, "for always."

"Your order will be out shortly," the waiter interrupted, and placed the drinks on the table, "we close at eleven, but don't feel you must rush, you will notice our patrons will stay a bit longer than that tonight."

He picked up his glass, "a toast," he said, "to our new life together."

"To our new life together," she repeated smiling, "cheers," and after taking a sip placed a kiss on his lips.

"You taste like peaches," he smiled.

"I'm supposed to," she giggled, "that's what's in this drink."

"Appropriate, don't you think... celebrating our a bar..."


"What...thank God for Joe's...that's where we met."

"Well, we already agreed we may have to change that story a little...later...for the kids."

"I doubt our kids will grow up without finding out about it...your friends talk too much," he said just as she took a sip of the drink and nearly caused her to choke as she looked at him and laughed.

"My friends," she laughed, "my friends talk too are the one that talks too much..."

"I do not."

"Oh yes, you don't think about it, but you do..."

"Give me an example."

"Well, you're the one that can't keep secrets to yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

"You have to share it with someone."

"I do not."

"You told Kathleen and Lexie where you were taking the spa; and when you got me the lavender you told the nurses, and you told everyone except me that we were coming here, and..."

"The nurses helped, so I could be here when you got it...and everybody did not know we were coming here."

"Bailey and the Chief and Kathleen..."

"But not the rest," he pouted.

"I'm sorry..." she giggled, "it was just funny, that you think they talk too much...but you're right, they do, so we're doomed...we won't be able to hide the fact we met in a bar and you got me drunk and took advantage of me and we had a one night stand."

"I thought we agreed...on that part of the story..."

"You agreed."

"Meredith...we agreed, we took mutual advantage of each other," he teased.

"Yes...I believe you are right," she smiled back, "we certainly did that."

"Mer..." he said as his lids closed slightly giving her an intimate and seductive smile, "it wasn't a one night was the first night of a life meant to be spent together."

"Yes..." she agreed, " was...and here we are..." she said and kissed him.

"Here we are..." he smiled, "and we'll be a year, for another gondola ride."

"We don't have to do that," she laughed.

"Oh yes we's a very romantic I think..."

"It can be," she agreed.

"With the right person...and you and I together...unquestionably the right persons."

"You better start buttering up the Chief and we can get the time off, because I think she was serious about me not taking any time off."

"We'll work it out," he said just as they brought their food.

"I'm starving," she said.

"I can tell," he laughed, as she reached for her fork the second the plates were placed on the table.

"Derek, don't you find it odd that no one has been in touch with us, I mean they all got our text and emails and they don't know we're getting married here, but they are not even curious to find out about our engagement, especially Lexie and Cristina that said they wanted me to call them."

"You did leave a message for them both, maybe they're just busy."

"You'd think they'd be more interested," she said sounding a little disappointed, "even Mark, I thought he'd be texting and bugging you by now since we didn't acknowledge the bottle of champagne".

"Meredith, I'm sure they are, but you know how crazy things can get without warning at the hospital," he tried to sound convincing, as he knew the reason for the lack of communication was they were on their to New York and would be landing shortly.

"I suppose you're right," she said and continued eating.

" have your wedding dress," he smiled, "is there anything else you need? Anything else you want to take care of tomorrow? The only thing we have to do is meet with Lucia and make our declaration at City Hall and after that we can do whatever you'd like," he said, hoping she'd tell him if she had anything else in mind, because whatever plans she had, he was going to have to work around the arrival of six wedding guests.

"Not really, this is all so unexpected, I haven't really thought about it, except there are a couple of places I would like to know the typical sites when in Venice, since we'll be leaving you said on Wednesday, after the wedding."

"We can do that, in the morning, after we're done."

"It's right around the corner, the Ducal Palace and maybe La Fenice," she said mentioning the world famous opera house, "but Derek, really...I just want to spend it with you...relaxing the day before our wedding, and then tomorrow night..." she winked at him.

"Uhmmm...tomorrow night..." he smiled, "taking it slow..."



"You'll lose that game..."

"Wanna bet..."

"No...because you'll lose...count on it...I can make you lose..."

"Meredith...wasn't it you who said waiting was fun..."

"You are seriously bringing that up," she giggled, "you remember I said that."

"How can I forget...sitting in a bathtub filled with bubbles, your naked body pressed against mine...and you...torturing the living hell out of me...wanting to take it slow...and it being fun...and bright and shiny...and all I wanted was to..."

"Derek..."she said as her hand found its way to his leg and then higher, "are you...absolutely sure you want to take it slow...tomorrow night?"

He took a deep breath, "you...are not playing fair," he said, and grabbed her hand and brought it to the top of the table.

"You've never minded that ...before," she smiled.

"I think...we will both be very satisfied tomorrow night...nice and and hot...and then..."

"We can...try that," she said smiling, "see who has more self control."

"I already know the answer to that..."

"Don't count on it," she said as she brought the last bite of food to her mouth.

"Well, speak of the devil," he said as he reached for his phone, and read the text message.

-Shep, in NYC, take it Grey still in the dark

"Who is it, surely not Cristina?"


-she's asking who it is, erasing this message watch what you say she'll want to read
-these 2 women are driving me nuts wanting details
-don't give any

"Derek, what is he saying?"

"He's just being crude, you know Mark."

"Let me see."

"No...seriously, Meredith, he can be very crude."

"Did he ask about the champagne?"

"Yeah, he did."

"Oh, come on, let me see."

He had anticipated that and had erased the earlier messages once Mark had caught on.

-Shep, you get laid? champagne cost a fortune
-don't be an ass, Meredith may read these
-I can just ask her
-go ahead


"Fine, here," he said and gave her the phone.

-Sloan champagne was great
-Grey that you
-still holding out on him
-you're nuts
-wrong answer grey, how's Venice
-not talking to you, you jerk
-come on
-was going to tell you something, now you wait like the rest
-holding out on your fellow dm
-what's up, haven't heard from anyone today
-bitch of a day chaos all over
-too long to get into
-you're plastics not real surgeon
-hey cut that crap
-teasing you have you seen Lex...Cristina others?
-all tied up with traumas Lexie just walked by
-tell her to text me
-ok and don't hold out on shep
-mer you ok?
-we're perfect
-yeah...may tell you more...later
-tell me now
-no...maybe later
-not nice
-it's very nice
-come on
-up to Derek
-great he may not tell me
-bye now

"Are you finished with your conversation?" he asked trying not to blurt out his secret.


"I could get jealous you know," he said as he read the messages.

"But you don't," she joked.

"He'd be a dead man."

"He wouldn't dare Derek, you're too important to him."

"So are you Meredith, he thinks of you as family."

"He's changed a lot, well, not really but just where you're concerned...and me... I can see that."

"You want to tell him...that we're getting married?"

"Yes...but I have to tell Lexie and Cristina too, and he may not keep it a secret."

"Why don't we do the same thing as before, and tell them all together."

"But, if they're not around?"

"He just told you he saw Lexie."

"Maybe we's impersonal, but then maybe we can call them."

"That's a good idea."

"Ok, let me have your phone."

"What is it with you and no phone?"

"Why carry mine if you have yours, and mine is not set up for calls here."

"Here you go," he said and gave her the phone.

"How does this sound," she said when she finished typing and gave him the phone back.

-Have news, the 3 of you find get to out at the same time but you can't say anything

"That's it?"

"Yes, make them curious."

"I think you better just tell them."

"You're no fun."

"I'll remind you of that tomorrow night."

"You're right, and he said it was chaotic at the hospital," she said as he gave the phone back to her.

-have news, 3 of you get to find out at the same time and can't say anything. But you can make money to your heart's content. We're getting married on Wed, here in Venice.

"How's this," she asked leaning close to him and holding the screen up for him to read.

"That's more like it."


The waiter came around to ask if they would like anything else, and explained they had a private party that would be staying late and they could stay as long as they wished even though they normally closed at eleven.

"What desserts do you recommend?"

"We have very exquisite desserts signorina, but my favorite, the chocolate cake...we call it sacher...but not like the Viennese, this is special , the best bittersweet chocolate..."

"I'll have that," Meredith said before he finished.


"No dessert, thank you, but I'll have another drink."

Meredith smiled as she got the first reaction to her text, and they spent a good twenty minutes bantering with their friends.

- you what? that was what you were going to tell me grey
-you're getting married and still no sex
-don't be an ass
-hey shep congratulations
-take advantage make some more money
-will keep that in mind
-glad you're happy grey
-I didn't say that
-you wouldn't be telling me otherwise know your both reading this
-we're happy mark
-I know shep happy for you
-listen got to go this place is very busy and 3 new patients walking towards me
-take care of it catch up about that later

Derek's last line let Mark know he understood his family had arrived.

"Oh shit, Cristina, Lexie we better stick to answering what she says or she's going to guess we're together.

"Sloan, you're the one who screwed up, we are not giving anything away."

-Mer have you lost your mind
-no cristina never been happier
-it's crazy too soon
-it's perfect be happy for me please
-you're sure
-yes never more than now
-happy for you Meredith
-thank you
-call me soon, got to go now traumas coming in
-ok thanks cristina
-yeah...glad you're happy Meredith
-talk later

-OMG mer sloan said to text you but got this first wow are you happy is Derek
-yes and yes very
-it's so romantic and we haven't even heard about the proposal and now this
-very romantic proposal
-don't tease how was it where when
-can you talk now will call you
-really hectic but ...well no trauma coming in cristina paging me
-ok we can talk tomorrow almost midnight here
-yes this is going to be long night we can talk in the morning
-long night lex it's midday there
-feels like night already got to go
-ok talk tomorrow

"Xena, you almost blew it."

"I know...crap, but I didn't."

"You almost blew it first Sloan," Cristina told him.

"That's what happens when with all of us being so nosy and not sticking to our own text conversations," Lexie commented.

"I wasn't looking," Mark said.

"Like hell," Cristina smirked.

"Come on girls, time to meet the in-laws."

"What in-laws?"

"You've already met Kathleen," he said looking across the room, and rising to greet them, "now it's time to meet the mother in law, that's Derek's mom and Kathleen's husband."

Lexie and Cristina looked at each other and for once both were left speechless and remained sitting down and a few seconds later Mark was being hugged by an older lady, any of them would have identified as Derek's mother.

"Mark dear, it has been too long," she said embracing him, "I'm very happy to see you, even if I still want to box your ears."

"I'm sorry, about everything that happened. You've been very forgiving."

"It all worked out, that's the only thing that's saving you, but honestly," she said, and playfully but not lightly smacked the back of his head and had both Cristina and Lexie unable to contain a laugh, "you are getting off way too easy here, so you and I are going to have a very long talk young man."

"Yes ma'am."

"Very well, now these ladies must be Lexie and Cristina," she said.

"Mrs. Shepherd," Lexie said, "it's such a pleasure to meet you," and extended her hand.

"Oh dear, we're going to be family," she said and hugged her, "I'm delighted to meet you and that we have an opportunity to talk on the way to Venice," she smiled.

Cristina looked at Mark and opened her eyes, and he interpreted correctly she was asking for help in avoiding talking all the way to Venice, and he laughed.

"What's so funny," Mrs. Shepherd asked.

"Nothing, just saying hello to Kathleen," he said as he hugged her, "missed you Kat."

"Missed you too," she said and hugged him.

"Hey Sloan, leave my wife alone," the man standing next to her joked, "you had her for almost a week."

"And what a treat that was," Mark joked back as they greeted each other with what each would describe as a brief and manly hug, that ended with a quick slap on the back, "good to see you Kevin, glad you're here to even out the numbers, it's not going to be pretty."

"Five women at a wedding and three men," he laughed.

"Yeah...but you haven't met these women, get ready to be overwhelmed with ramblers, including your wife, and Derek."

"Derek rambles?" the newly introduced Kevin roared with laughter.

"Like a girl, Kev, it's sad, really."

"Mark Sloan," he heard a sharp voice, "stop making fun of Derek."

"Yes, Mrs. S."

"Smart ass," she said only for his ears, and they both laughed, "what happened to calling me Mom?"


"You're still family Mark...Derek forgave you, so can I," she said and hugged him.

"Mom," he said, "this is Cristina Yang, she's Meredith's best friend."

"I've heard, and it's lovely to meet you."

"Likewise Mrs. Shepherd," she said and before she had a chance to extend her hand in greeting she found herself embraced by his mom.

"I am so delighted that Derek thought of this, I hope Meredith will be pleased."

"Mom," Kathleen interrupted, "I'm sure she will be...after she gets over the initial shock."

"That's for sure," Cristina muttered.

"What was that dear?"

"She's going to be pretty shocked."

"You don't think she'll be happy," Mrs. Shepherd questioned her.

"Oh yes..." Lexie cut in, "I'm sure she will be very happy that Derek thought of doing this, that she'll have her family there, well not her family...just me and Cristina and she's like her sister too, and not much more family, but Mark, he's the best man and he was going ...and well Kathleen and's family...and I'm sure Mer's going to really appreciate it all the effort Derek's put into this."

"Lexie," she heard, "I'm Kevin, Kathleen's husband...and I'm delighted to meet you, now I understand why she's been rambling more than usual lately."

"Oh...I'm sorry," Lexie said, "I guess I do that...and if I'm nervous."

"No need to be nervous dear," Mrs. Shepherd told her, "we're family."

"Oh boy," Cristina couldn't help but mutter.

"Cristina," Mark warned quietly.

Kathleen hugged Lexie, "don't mind him, he likes to tease, and he's going to make fun of us I'm sure, as will this big log over here," she said pointing to Mark.

"What is it dear," Mrs. Shepherd insisted, "you don't think Meredith will be happy that we're all coming?"

"Oh, no, truly...I'm sure she'll be very pleased."

"Thank you Cristina, it will be good to spend some time together, the two of us on the plane, get to know each other better," Mrs. Shepherd told her, and taking her aside without being too obvious continued, "don't worry, I won't ask you to betray her may not know she asked me to come visit, before she and Derek left for Venice."

"I'm sure she'll enjoy this," Cristina told her, being surprised by the comment that Meredith had invited her to visit.

"I'm very fond of her Cristina, and the last few weeks, she and I have communicated a great deal, I hope this is not going to upset her. Like you, I have her best interest at heart."

"I'm sure it will be fine Mrs. Shepherd."

"Thank you dear," she said and sat down as did the rest of them, and spent the next hour getting to know each other before while waiting to board their flight as well as echoing their surprise at the decision Meredith and Derek had made to marry in Venice.

Cristina was ever so grateful to find herself sitting alone on the window in the third row of business class, Mark behind her on the aisle, Kathleen and Kevin across from Mark in the middle section and Lexie and Mrs. Shepherd right behind them. However, she did not anticipate Mrs. Shepherd would be spending some time sitting next to her as well.

"Derek," Meredith said softly, "thank you for a lovely day."

"It was a very nice day, we should think about taking trips together more often."

"It's not likely I'll get any time off for the rest of the year, but when we will be nice to travel together."

"We'll figure it out, there's lots of years of traveling together ahead of us," he said.

"Derek, you knew about this place didn't you?"

"Harry's Bar, you mean?"


"I did know."

"Why didn't you mention it yesterday, we could have come here instead of that other restaurant we went to, you know before the gondola ride."

"I was nervous...and it was about you...what you wanted...the bridge...the legend...and I wanted last night to be about you...making sure the sun was setting at the perfect time...that it was special for you."

"You made it very special..." and then suddenly she said, "that was it...wasn't it...the initials..."

"What do mean?" he asked, not sure his brain was functioning at it's peak...he'd hardly slept the night before, not even close to three hours.

"VIP...B & L...the initials...what they meant."

"Oh already figured it out..."

"Not all of it, I knew Venice, Italy...and then proposal...but I get it Bridge of Sighs..."

"I was surprised," he chuckled, "after all the talk about Esme that you didn't get that right away."

"And the L...was it...legends? Because at first I thought love or lovers..."

"At first," he asked her, "what about later?"

"Then I thought legends..." she smiled.

"You were right on all of them in some way."


"The first time I told you...I said...L was a big part...I was thinking of love...that it was all about love."

"You did..."

"Uhmmm....then I thought...when I actually gave you that last letter...I thought...lovers and legends...legendary lovers."

"Oh...Derek," she said getting misty eyed, "you've made this so much thought behind it, the proposal...getting married here."

"Mer...tomorrow night, I'm thinking we can have a nice romantic can wear your black dress...just the two of us."

She giggled, "Derek...who else...if not just the two of us?"

"I'm just saying, it's the night before our wedding, we should ...a special evening."

"Our pre honeymoon night..." she smiled.

"Our...first night a very long time."

"A very long time," she said, melancholy inevitable in the tone of her voice as she fell silent and her look became distant, though she had merely lowered her gaze.

"Hey..." he said, reaching across the table to lift her chin and meet her gaze, "what's wrong?"

"I'm...I'm emotional...and I'm don't think...I mean, your favorite book...Jake and Brett..."

"You've read it?"

"After...after you told me...when we weren't together...I read it...but it's wasn't very optimistic...Jake...unable to consummate a relationship with her...and she...well, it wasn't a very uplifting story...not to me Romeo and Juliet, what...what did you see in it? Why is it your favorite book?"

"Uhmmm...that could be a long conversation."

"We have time...I mean...just ...I'd like to know, you don't have to tell me now, but I'd like to know why it's your favorite book, and I think it's interesting we're sitting here, where Hemingway spent time, I thought you'd appreciate that."

"I do...I'd probably have stopped by here with you before we left, makes you wonder if any of the dialogue or passages for his later works were thought of while he sat here."


"You're too serious Meredith...what's on your mind."

"I tried to like it, understand why you wasn't my favorite..."

"Well, let me tell you why it's my favorite book," he smiled, and lightly placed his lips on hers before continuing, and they spent time discussing The Sun Also Rises, until she saw his eyes begin to droop.

"Derek," she said quietly, "am I boring you...or is the book no longer your favorite?"

" course not, of course you're not boring me."

"I'm teasing you, you're eyes are drooping...and I know it's because you've had no sleep. Let's go, we should get a good night's sleep," she said, while he reached for her hand and held it between both of his.

"You're right. I hate to admit it, but I am tired, don't think I've had more than three hours sleep at a time in the last few days," he told her while motioning for the waiter, "not to mention three drinks tonight."

"Yep...that would do it too...notice I only had two."

"I noticed."

"Didn't want to be accused of having no self know...getting drunk and taking advantage of you."

He was exhausted. Being tired was an understatement he admitted to himself, thinking of not only the physical but the emotional roller coater they'd been on, but he smiled, "like the last time."

"Yes..." she went along with him, recognizing he was truly exhausted, "like the last time."

"Wait, did you just admit..."

"Come on Derek, let's go," she giggled and started to get up, as Derek had already settled the bill, but he got up faster and put his arm around her as they walked to the door and they were handed their coats.

"Thank you for joining us, hope to see you again."

"It's likely," he said, "very likely we'll be here again..."

He helped her with her coat and they walked outside immediately feeling the sharp drop in temperature, and it was Meredith that stopped to wrap the scarf snuggly around his neck, "it's cold," she said, and he smiled as he in turn helped to bundle her scarf around her to keep her warm, while both simultaneously and briefly wrapped their arms around each other before he placed his arm around her waist and they walked toward the hotel.

They'd reached the corner of the Ducal Palace, when both recalling the previous evening and their stolen kisses, turned to each other and smiled as their lips met, before he felt the phone vibrating, and she started to laugh.

"You've been vibrating a lot lately."

"Uhmmm..." he said ignoring her, and kissing her again until they both stopped, their breathing labored as they stood in the middle of an ancient street, undoubtedly witness to countless stories of lovers overcome by passion.

"Who's so eager to reach you..." she giggled, as she held him close to her.

"Ignore them," he murmured against her lips, "who cares."

"That's true," she answered and deepened their kiss, only to feel the vibrating phone again, and went to reach for it.

"No," he said, grabbing it first, afraid it could be one of the travelers.

" keeping secrets from me?"

-Shep we're boarding the flight see you soon

He smiled as he read, "maybe."


"You know I love you...right?"

"Of course I do...but...why...why are you saying that..." she asked as concerned filled her voice and slightly stepped away from him.

"No reason...just wanted to make sure you know matter what happens...remember that," he said, suddenly unsure how she would react to their unexpected wedding guests.

"Derek...not sure I like the sound of everything ok?"

"Yes...just perfect...just, I love you Meredith."

"I love you too...but..."

"Hey, not buts..."

"Derek...are you...what's going tell me you love me to avoid things."

"I do not."

" have...but, it's nothing bad...I're ok..."

"We're ok..."

"No taking the engagement back?"

"Meredith...of course I'm's...maybe...maybe I got you a gift...sort of a gift...and I hope you'll like it."

" you are keeping secrets..."

"I think...I'm pretty sure you'll like this."

"So why are you nervous?"

"I'm not."

"You've just ran your hand through your hair twice..."

"I want you to have a special wedding day...that's all..."


"Trust me...please..." he asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I have... I do..."

"Ok, then...let's go get some sleep," he said kissing her softly, and walking the rest of the way to the hotel, stopping at least twice to give in to the desire to kiss the other.

They reached their room and Meredith told him after spending all day away, the train and the water taxi she felt all grimy and wanted to take a quick shower, but when she saw him sitting on the bed and started to take off his shoes, she noticed how truly tired he looked and told him, " you want me to run a bath for you...I can join you...give you a back rub, you look so tired."

"I'd love nothing more than to be in a tub with much as I hate to say this...kill the romance of it and all...Mer...I'm so tired, I may be like poor Jake tonight," he joked..

"Bite your tongue..." she laughed, "still don't get why you like that book..." she laughed, "come on, I'll run a bath for you..."

"I'll just get in the shower...we can enjoy a bath...tomorrow...together..."

Meredith was in the shower as he got ready to slip under the covers and turn off his phone, when he laughed at the newly received email.

Shepherd, you're not so stupid after all...LOL! Congratulations, I wish you both the best, you deserve to be happy. Show her my message after the troops get there. I'm proud of you Derek, for wanting to make this special for her. Even if you've left me with a scheduling nightmare...get those two back here right after the wedding. Affectionately, Miranda.

You're a good friend Miranda, thank you for everything.

Derek was laying on his side, already asleep and she turned out the lights and tried to get under the covers without disturbing him, but as soon as he felt her body next to him, he wrapped his arm around her.

" smell good..."

"So do you..." she said.

"I love you, Meredith..."

"I love you too," she said snuggling closer to him and closing her eyes, and thinking it had been a very good day, yet some doubts remained and old patterns resurfaced.

"Meredith...stop thinking."

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I can't fall asleep until you're in bed."

She giggled, "that's going to be a problem."

"'re not planning on sleeping with me at night."

"Our shifts...they're not always going to have us in night...together..."


"Go to sleep Derek," she said and turned to kiss him softly and he pulled her into his arms, her head resting on his chest.

"What are you thinking...I can hear the brain ticking..."

"'re tired, I am too...let's get some sleep..." she said and hugged him tighter as her arm encircled his waist.

"Meredith..." he said, minutes later after she'd assumed he'd fallen asleep, "what's bothering you?"

He heard her intake of breath, "do you you think we're going to make it?"

He was stunned by her question, especially as he had almost no energy left, but knew it had to be addressed, and pulled her away from him so he could look in her eyes, the light reflection of a street light shining in the sitting area allowing him to see her face.

"Meredith...what...what makes you ask me that?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do," he said stroking her face softly.

"I love you."

"I know you do," he said.

"But...I was thinking," she said, "you many things have changed...we've changed...a little...the last few weeks...are we kidding ourselves..."

"Are you? Do you think we can't make it?"

"No...I do...I's just much has gone wrong before...I'm afraid Derek, I don't want anything to go wrong now...and I'm used to the dark and twisty and things happening and going have to admit this last year..."

"'re my life...I can't imagine living without you...and I'll spend every day, everyday of my life loving you...and doing all I can to make you happy...and nothing is going to go wrong with our wedding...and the rest of our lives...we're going to make it, I have no doubts about that."

"Oh..." she said, as tears gathered in her eyes, "I love you...Derek...I love you so much...and I'm going to try...really make sure I don't do this...these doubts...and you need to help me...remind me...that it doesn't have to go wrong...that we deserve our once upon a time like you said...legendary lovers..."

"Once upon a time," he said, kissing her softly, whispering against her lips, "on a beautiful night in Venice, two legendary lovers..." he smiled upon her lips, "began their life together..."

"And," she said, "that legend began with this kiss," she said as their lips met, their tongues hungrily exploring the other and each touch, each caress eliciting familiar moans in response to passion filled desires.

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