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They lay side by side merely inches away from each other, gazes locked, hands lovingly entwined, neither willing to end the intimacy of the moment.

"I'll do all I can, to always keep you safe," he murmured softly as he reached to gather her in his arms, and she laid her head contentedly on his chest.

"I love you so much, Derek, and I've been holding those feelings inside for so long," she said and snuggled closer, enjoying the gentleness of his caresses.

"I don't really deserve've...Meredith, to hear you say those words, I can't tell you how much it means, he paused, "my heart is bursting with gratitude...because, I...
I.... didn't think I'd hear those words...that I could earn your trust, for a long while," he sniffed, and felt a tear gather at the corner of his eyes.

"Derek, are you crying," she asked softly, easing away from his embrace, and searching for his eyes.

"I love you Meredith," he said unable to contain his emotion, "and today, the possibilities...just a bit overwhelming."

"Oh, can't do'll have me crying all over you," she said as tears gathered in her eyes as well.

"Guess, we're both just cry babies," he teased.

"I'd say, we're both be a bit sentimental."

"Yes...yes, we are," he said bringing his lips softly to hers, kissing her gently, tenderly conveying all the hope he has for them in that simple true love's kiss.

The knock on the door startled them, followed by the vibration of his pager on the nightstand.

"Meredith, Dr. Shepherd," they heard George's voice, "uh...sorry to bother you...but it's really need to leave in thirty minutes or you're going to be late."

"Oh, my God, Derek, that means you're late, your surgery was scheduled in the next few minutes."

"I guess it does."

"Derek," she said and started to get out of bed, "you're late, you're never late."

"That's right, I'm never late, so if I'm late today, that's fine."

"Are you crazy, you can't just be late for surgery."

"Meredith, surgeons are notoriously late for surgery."

"'re not, you always talk about that..."

"Yes," he said, and walked to stand next to her, "but today, I am, and I would not have traded this time with you for anything in the world."

"Neither would I...even at the risk of Bailey's wrath."

"Our priorities...Meredith...from now on, it's you and me...this...this morning was about our future, where we're heading...that was more important than anything else today."

"Ok," she said and leaned up to kiss him.


"What...what do you mean," she asked biting her lower lip gently.

"What are you thinking?"

"You can't know I'm thinking something."

"Yes, I can, so...tell me."

"Derek," she said shifting a bit from one foot to the other and nervously fidgeting with her hands.

He smiled, "you have that same look."

"What look?"

"Like the day you said you didn't want me to date other people."

"Oh...yes, well, I'm nervous as hell, Derek...but excited too."

"I like the excited a bit more..."

"Derek, I mean... can you believe just a week's time...Derek...100 steps...and now, I'm here...and thinking...well maybe... maybe...we're having a baby...and I'm excited...and scared...but more excited...and, it''s really big, Derek... this is so big...and I'm ok...I'm not running the other way...and never thought possible...I'd be excited about being a mom...Derek...a mom..."

"Did you even breath..." he laughed.

"Probably...or I'd have passed out for lack of oxygen," she teased, and they both laughed.

"We're going to be ok, Meredith, it's all going to be ok."

"But Derek...can you imagine," she said and laid her hand on his chest just over his heart and looking into his eyes, "me...a mom..."

"Yes, I can..."

"You can..." she whispered.


"Oh, Derek, you're so late, you have to go..."

"I a minute," he said and held her close, and murmured, " I can imagine you being a wonderful mom...and if you are pregnant, I can't wait till we can start to see our baby growing...and feel our baby...I can't wait to place my hand on you and feel our baby kick."

"You, are so unfair," she whispered, "to say things that you know are going to make me cry."

"They're happy they've been happy tears for us both."

"Yes, they have been," she said while pulling away to look in his eyes, "today has been all about happy expectations, and Derek, you're going to be a wonderful dad."

"You think," he said, emotion deeply engraved in his voice.

"I know so."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"See," he said, and placed his hand over hers still on his chest, "can you feel what hearing you say that does to my heart.?"

"It beats just a bit faster," she smiled, "just as mine does," and gave him one last kiss.

"Now, I really have to go," he said, "I'll see you after surgery."

He walked over to get his briefcase, while Meredith turned around quickly and said, "Derek, before I forget..." she started to say, as she felt the dizziness followed by severe cramping.

He heard her sharp of intake of breath first, and when he looked over saw she had gone considerably pale, and was at her side instantly, reaching out to steady her.

"Meredith, tell me, what's wrong."

She took a deep breath, "need to sit down."

He led her to the bed and sat next to her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't's been like this...the cramping...dizziness....but that was bad..."

"Lay down."

She didn't argue with him, which concerned him more.

"Is the dizziness gone?"


"How about cramping?"

"It's's like...I guess very bad PMS...but I've never really had that."

He sat holding her hand, leaning to kiss her forehead. "Maybe you need to stay home today."

"Derek, no, it's happened before, the goes away."

"Let me call the hospital."

"No, I'm fine.'

"Ok, you're fine. But, now I'm really going to be late, and need to let them know."

"Derek, just go...I'm going to be fine."

He reached for his cell phone and called the hospital, letting them know he'd had an emergency and to rescheduled his surgery for an hour later.

"Now, tell me, how long has this been going on?"

"You're not my doctor," she teased.

"No," he said seriously, "but I am the man who loves you, and very possibly the father of your child."

"Very possibly..." she said raising an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean...our maybe baby."

She tried to sit up, and he stopped her.

"Derek, it's ok, I need to sit up," and he helped her.


"Yes. But..."she paused and reached for his hand, "what just scares me...because it's happened before."

"I'm taking you with me, now, and we're getting your blood work done."

"You are already late, and need to go, I'm fi...ok."

"Meredith, I'm not..."

"Derek, look at me."

He did, and the look in her eyes frightened him, because it mirrored his own unspoken fears.

"Tell me why you're scared."

"We...we both did the same research...and we both talked ...Derek, we talked about...different possibilities...all except one."

"We being pregnant."

"Yes, until this morning, and now, Derek...we're...we're both dancing around it."

"What...what do you mean," he said, already knowing the answer.

"Derek, if all of this...all these symptoms...mean that I'm pregnant..." she paused, and he could see the tears in her eyes, "you know...we both know...there could be something wrong...the's not a good sign."

"I know," he said, gently squeezing her hand for reassurance.

"Hold me," she whispered.

"As long as you want...whenever you want," he said gathering her close, and letting her cry.

"I'm ok now, " she said after several minutes, "you should go."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Derek, I've been like this for a week, and maybe...maybe it's just the way it is for me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Today, remember, when we found out Lisette was pregnant."

"Meredith, what does that have to do with you?"

"Well, later, I was there when she had a dizzy spell, and I helped her to the back office, and we talked, and you know she told me both her pregnancies had been the same, where she had her period for the first couple of months, and she had a perfectly healthy little girl, and now another baby on the maybe...that's all it is, and I may not be pregnant at all."

"Who are you trying to convince?"

"Both of us."

"That's girl talks."

"Your girl?"

"Wrong choice of words..." he teased.

"It's long as you never repeat that in front of anyone."

"Let's see if you can get up...and you're ok," he said extending a hand towards her.

"See, I'm fine."

"Still, drive in to work with me."

"I'm not ready yet, and you have to go, I'll have George drive, will that make you feel better?"

"I'm going to talk to him."

"No, I'll ask him, I promise, I won't drive. I'll tell him I have to read up on something, and want to do it on the way to the hospital."

"Ok. I'll see you in a couple of hours," he said hugging her one last time, "I love you."

"I love you too," and watched him walk out of her bedroom, and immediately tried to dismiss the feeling that things were about to change drastically between them.

Derek's surgery had unforeseen complications that soon turned to almost five hours, pleased that the patient would make a full recovery, but frustrated that Meredith was in surgery, which he'd soon found out after his page went unanswered.

"Shep, what has you mad at the world?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You looked, like you wanted to hit that surgical board."

"Maybe I did," he laughed, "Meredith and I were meeting up, and she's tied up in surgery."

"I'll be damned, the GS on-call rooms are back on."

"I'll never tell."

"Shep, you're better off keeping your mouth shut. You see, that comment right there, you just gave it away."

"Gave what away?"

"You and sex yet."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell I don't...I can read you like a book, there's been no sex."

"Mark, it's not always about the sex."

"That's crap, what else is there ..."

"The anticipation....Mark, that's even better sometimes."

"Yeah, well, you'd know about that... I certainly don't"

"There's no argument from me. Man, I'd like to see you fall."


"Hook, line and sinker...whipped..."

"Never happen."

" the mighty will fall."

"Don't bet on it."

"Oh believe me, I will."

"Shit friend, wishing the plague upon me."

"You have no idea, how I'm going to enjoy your fall."

"Not as much as I am, watching you die of anticipation," Mark laughed.

"Let me break it to you, but you can ask Meredith, according to her, McDreamy is officially back.

"Shep, did you just really say that...McDreamy is..."

"Oh shut up."

"By the way, Shep, tonight, we're meeting at Joe's, you and Grey need to join us."

"Not sure Mark, Meredith and I have plans."

"You have to, it's the bet with the Fab4, their treat ...and you and Grey really need to be there...also celebrating the Fab4's newest addition and my perfect record."

"I'll talk to Meredith."


"Best feeling in the world."

"You're an embarrassment, Shep..." he said slapping him on the back, "all kidding aside, I'm happy for you...that you guys seem to have worked things out."

"Thanks Mark."

"Anytime...just remember...bestman...and godfather..."

"Meredith will have to decide, whenever that time'll have to be in her good graces."

Their schedules were just not meant to be coordinated that day, and to both their frustration, were never able to meet up for Derek to draw her blood. Almost at the end of his shift, he sent her a text message.

-hey, are you around
-post op critical patient and surgery in 15 min
-what a day
-mark wants us to meet up at joe's
-fab4 bet, baby celebration
-not us Lisette
-heart attack
-bit dramatic
-so, joe's
-love you
-love you too

Derek sat at Joe's uneasy that Meredith was not there.

"Dr. Shepherd, it's so nice that you joined us, it wouldn't feel right if you weren't here"

"Amy Lynn, how could I miss out on joining the celebration."

"From the looks of it," Steph quipped, "we've lost Lisette and hubby."

"Oh, I get the feeling we haven't lost them at all," look over in that corner.

"Guess your right Tracy, two love birds if ever I saw any," Amy Lynn snickered, "no doubt why there's a new baby on the way."

The group of "bet makers" had all found a way to sit in each other's proximity and one in particular was determined to tease Derek about his comment that Meredith said McDreamy was back, and had spread the word to the closest friends.

"Dr. Shepherd, isn't Meredith joining us?"

"Hey Lex, yes, she should have been here already, I've left her a message," he said, just as he saw her number flash on the screen.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I got tied up."

"I was worried, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

At the opposite end of the room sat another group of co-workers, amongst them, a dark haired nurse none too pleased with Derek Shepherd, and compensating her anger with alcohol. The look of contempt sent in Derek's direction was lost on most of his friends.

Meredith walked in to Joe's her eyes searching only for him, similarly he immediately saw her after the umpteenth time of looking towards the door at the chime of the bell.

"Hey," she said, "sorry I'm late," and leaned to kiss him softly, a smile on her face.

"I was worried about you," he said, and they ahd all d

"I'm ok."

"What delayed you?"

"Unexpected errand."



"What is it with you too, Meredith, you're acting like a school girl."

"Lexie, give Cristina a dose of pills."

"What pills Grey?"

"Ah...Dr. Sloan, that's not really..."

"Save it Yang, this we've got to hear."

Meredith and Derek were oblivious to all around them, and continued their light banter.

"Meredith...keeping secrets?"

"Secrets aren't always bad you know..."

"You're enjoying this aren't you..."

"Aren't you?"

He laughed, "so you admit you have a secret?"

"Nope...only that some secrets aren't bad..."


"But you love me."

"I do."

"Tomorrow," he stated.

"Tomorrow," she said. "I love you too."

"Ok, break it up you two, Cristina commented, "Dr. Sloan, what's this about the McDreamy bet being over?"

"Perfect timing...Lisette, glad you could join us again," he teased.

"Honey, don't mind Dr. Sloan, he's always the center of attention."

Think we can all vouch for that," Tracy commented and smiled at him.

"Tracy...uhmm.... I could tell stories..."

"Go ahead," she challenged.

"Just you wait."

"I can take know I can."

"Let me quit while I'm ahead."

"That, seems to be an excellent idea Mark," Derek commented with a smirk.

"Shep, I'd keep a low profile if I were you."

"Dr..uh, Mark...stop teasing him, or I won't support your candidacy," Meredith laughed.

"Grey, you promised...bestman...and..." he stopped, and looked at her and started to speak, but changed his mind, and simply smiled.

"Derek will have to decide."

"That's what he said, that you'd decide."

"Dr. Sloan, Lisette needs to get home to her daughter, plus she needs a good night sleep, so let's make our toast."

" you all know, bets are a most entertaining form of speculation at Seattle Grace, and I'm happy to have won this one, and especially that I have the Fab4 not United Against Mark Sloan...but actually a fabulous group of nurses, admitting defeat of their bet."

"Mark, that is not..."

"Tracy, you are too impatient..."

"Really," she challenged and winked at him.

"Ok, now, the real reason we're here, they didn't believe me when I told them Lisette was pregnant, especially Lisette," he said and they all laughed, " and even how far along she was, so here we are, celebrating the news of her new baby, congratulations to you both," he said raising his glass, and all joined in the toast.

Meredith and Derek reached for each other's hand under the table and gently squeezed, before looking at each other and smiling, and the small detail did not go undetected by Mark, who had already determined he had another bet to win.

"Thank you Dr. Sloan, you really shocked the heck out of me, but I can tell you, that we are both absolutely thrilled you maintain your perfect record," Lisette told him.

"It's my pleasure...and I'm willing to bet...well let's just say," he looked at Meredith, and she lowered her gaze, "I'm contemplating making another bet...what do you say Amy Lynn, I get the feeling..."

"Oh my God, bite your tongue," she said and all laughed, none aware of his intentional diversion.

"Dr. Sloan, clear up the other bet now."

"Sure thing Karev, that one actually has a bit of money riding on it."

Everyone was dying of curiosity except Meredith and Derek, and didn't catch on they were the center of attention. Izzie, Alex and George had been fairly quiet, but this outcome they all were curious about.

"Anyway, I have it on good authority that McDreamy is back," he said, letting the words hang in the air.

"Mark, what the hell are you doing?"

"Relax Shep, it's all about speculation... or is it anticipation?"

"Dude, fess up, tell us already."

Lexie looked at her sister and saw the satisfied look on her face and smiled, while Cristina's reaction was quite the opposite, "Mer, I can't believe you caved, he treats you like crap...kisses another woman and you caved, in what 3 days."

Murmurs of "Dr. Yang and Cristina," echoed from several sitting nearby.

"Don't worry about it," Meredith interrupted, "we all know Cristina prefers to look at the negative in this."

"Dr. Sloan, you said you had it on good authority, who said that?"

"It seems that what McDreamy himself think..."

"You are a dead man."

"Yeah, well, you said it..."

"Derek, it's ok, tell you what, Mark, maybe... just maybe by the end of the evening, I'll give you the answer you're looking for."

"Shep, she has more sense of humor than you. That's all we went Grey....we actually won't be unhappy to put this bet to rest."

"Let me think about it."

"You do that Grey, meanwhile, next round's on anticipation...let's say," and looked over to Derek and roared laughing, and his friend couldn't help but smile, and shake his head, while Mark raised his glass to him.

Derek had slipped his hand around Meredith's waist and she had snuggled closer, and without regard to those around her rested her head against his shoulder.

"I missed you today," he whispered, "didn't get to see you at all."

"It was sort of crazy."

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes, order me a burger, a cheeseburger and fries, oh, and bacon, I'll be right back, have to go to the ladies room."

"What do you want to drink?"

"Sparkling water and lemon."

"Your reputation Meredith..."

"Shot to hell," she laughed, "I'll be right back," she said, kissing him softly before getting up.

"Everyone, I get the feeling this bet is over..."

"Tracy, I get the feeling you are right," Mark laughed.

No sooner had Meredith left, when several in the group looked up and saw the dark haired nurse approach the table.

"Well, well, if it isn't Dr. McDreamy...all over his precious Meredith Grey..." Rose said slurring her words a bit as she came to stand by Derek.

"Rose," he said, getting up. "you are drunk, and this is certainly unbecoming"

"Listen to that, unbecoming, I'm unbecoming... what about her behavior, that slut's behavior all over the least I haven't slept around with..."

Derek stopped her, grabbing hold of her upper arm, "listen to me," he said dangerously low, "you will not ever speak about her again, you will not mention her name, you will not breath in the same space where she is at."

"Let go of me, you think you can just pretend nothing happened between us..."

Mark got up, "Derek, let me handle this," and started to pull her aside.

"Don't you dare touch me, either of you, and you, Dr. Whore, you better not lay a hand on me again, or I'll have a sexual harassment complaint filed so fast, you won't know..."

Derek had heard enough, "Mark, keep Meredith away, I don't want her to hear any of this."

There weren't many patrons that did not hear the commotion, including Joe, and he'd made his way towards the bathrooms, hoping to intercept Meredith, Lexie had the same idea, and decided to go and try to delay her sister.

The rest of the immediate group was for the most part flabbergasted, and not saying much.

"Derek, it's no use, she's going to find out."

"She doesn't have to, just give me couple of minutes. I've got a few things to say to this bitch and getting her in a cab out of here."

"Don't you dare call me a bitch."

"You're right, you're a vicious conniving lying bitch," he said and grabbed her by her arm and walked her out of Joe's in search of a cab, praying he had prevented subjecting Meredith to any further venom form this woman.

Oblivious to everything that had transpired, Meredith returned to the table and sat down, "where's Derek?"

"He walked out with Rose," Cristina stated, most likely, unaware of the repercussions here fateful statement would have.

Meredith spun her head around, "he did what?"

"That nurse, she came over to the table and he walked her outside."

"Cristina...Yang..." echoed a chorus.

"Dr. Grey, it wasn't like that."

"Dude, that was a robot like thing to say."

"Cristina, how could you," Izzie said.

"Yang, become human," Mark spat out with contempt.

"Meredith, it wasn't like that," she heard Lexie and Mark talking to her, but she was lost in her own private hell, he'd promised, and now he'd walked out with her, in front of everyone.

Lexie saw her face had gone white and she gripped the edge of the table, her eyes tearing up and a look of deep betrayal replacing the earlier happiness she had noticed in her eyes.

Meredith got up suddenly and reached for her bag, and before anyone could stop her ran towards the door.

Mark quickly followed, but nothing could o prevent the scene about to unfold.

Meredith ran up the stairs and all she saw was Derek as he argued with the woman, and then grabbed her upper arm and forced her to get in the cab, then he glanced up and saw her running to her car.

"Meredith..." he ran after her, but she'd already opened the door and started the engine, started the engine, and his attempt failed at opening the already locked door. She did however lower her window.

"You, have hurt me for the last time," she said, the iciness in her voice paralyzing him. He had never seen that empty look in her eyes, and knew that the progress they had made, the happiness they had shared in the last twenty four hours, the trust recently rebuilt, all had been destroyed in a few seconds time.

She barely got the words out, when she slammed on the gas and drove out of the parking lot.

"Why the hell did you let her come out here?"

"I couldn't stop her."

"Did you even try," he yelled as he rushed to get to his car, Mark following close behind, "I ask you to keep her out of this, and you can't even do that," he accused, and got in his car to follow her home.

A/N: This is what the writer said

*AN – I have avoided getting to the last page of this update, because I know what's going to develop next. However I want you to know, and I have said this before, this story has always been about Meredith & Derek rediscovering each other, rebuilding their trust, and in spite of their trials, they find their way back to each other in a nurturing, loving and committed relationship. This next chapter, is also where the idea of this story began, but it could not begin there without telling you all that you've read thus far. So, I plotted the story starting with the next chapter and a few that follow, and then began writing chapter one. The next few chapters are a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions, but, in a short period of time (maybe 5-6 chapters) there will be no doubts that Meredith and Derek are emotionally committed to each other for a lifetime. That dream they refer to, is in essence their story.

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