Married Bliss

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"Derek," Meredith whispered breathlessly, suggestively, as she smiled down at him, "you can't be..."

"Ready," he said, equally breathless, "for another ride..." and their carefree laughter filled the confines of his car, and then his hands cradled her face as his lips met hers.

"My..." she said upon his lips, as she continued to straddle him, "insatiable...panther..."

"Not so old," he chuckled, "tonight..." and captured her mouth.

"Not old at all," she said, and giggled at something he said. "I'm game...but...I never...ever want to tame the beast...I prefer him...always...ready to pounce."

"Meredith..." he said huskily, "you don't want to take on the challenge," he said as he teased her, his tongue on her breast; his mouth on her nipple.

"What do you think," she felt his arousal against her, "I'll definitely take on the challenge, but right now...I want to ..."

" want to what..."

"Unleash...the beast..."

"I think," Derek said in a low hoarse voice, as he took a deep breath when her hand caressed the length of him. "Mer..."

"Amazing night," she whispered and smiled as she saw the look on his face, his reaction to the lustful promises to be fulfilled, "and...almost...morning..." and then her lips teased his before their tongues began the age old mating dance; slow and tender, the prelude to insatiable desire; the prelude to untamed desire.

Much as he'd done the first time they'd made love in a car, he'd discarded the shirt she now wore and his mouth found the swell of her breast, "fond memories...aren't they?"

"Unforgettable," her voice sounded a bit hoarse, as she was truly exhausted and lay her head on his shoulder, "every single ride...with you..." and he chuckled as his hands caressed her naked back.

"Let me take you home," he hugged her close to him, "you need some sleep."
"Derek," she lifted her head to meet his gaze, "did you ever imagine...that first time, when Bailey found would be more than ...just sex..."

"It was never," he said, as he cupped her face, and they were barely inches apart, "just sex...with know that..."

"Soul mates..." she whispered.

"Soul mates..." he said reverently.

"I love you," Meredith brushed his lips.

"I adore you..."

"Need to have one up on me," she teased.

"No," he teased back, " adore me too..."

"You think..." she smiled.

"I know..."

"You do know," she said, as she relished the feel of his naked skin against hers.

"Mer," he chuckled, "I think that was a first."


"You got a quote right," he kissed her.

"Fluke..." she said, "must be all the sex..."

"More sex..." he teased her, "more sex...I say..."

"That was memorable," her eyes twinkled, "that first kiss in the elevator..."

"Oh yes," he said, as he kissed her again, "and kissing was never the same...again."

"Thank you," she snuggled against him, "for tonight...for thinking of this..."

"I thought," he said, "I'd have this wonderful surprise...romantic and..."

"It was," she told him, "very romantic and wonderful...and sentimental."

"But," his hands caressed her body, " the OR...." he shook his head, fighting the emotions he felt, "it was..."
"Derek," she asked, suddenly shy and wondering if he'd been embarrassed, "you didn't mind...did you...I mean...I exposed some of our private moments with those songs..."

"I loved it," he kissed her deeply as he held her face in his hands, "and I don't care...that the world knows what we mean to each other."

"Neither do I," she said, "and you do so many things...sentimental and romantic...I wanted that for us...tonight."

"Mer," he said, "I think the day in New were very sentimental and romantic."

"It's not a contest," she smiled, "who does more...just..."

"It's just what comes from the heart...what we feel for each other," he said, "that makes us mushy sentimental sappy...married people."

"Derek," she whispered, "don't ever tell anyone..."


"That...I love...all those've made me love all those moments."

"Mer," he hugged her tightly, "I think...we both blew that the OR..."

"Maybe," she giggled; the sound he loved to hear, "we did..."

"Meredith," he said quietly, "turn won't want to miss this..."

"Oh..." she said when she looked toward the horizon, "that is spectacular..."

"It is," he said, his eyes on her, the penetrating gaze made her look back and lock gazes with him as she gave him a half smile; "the most spectacular...breathtaking you...when I look in your now...the world disappears...only you..."

"I feel the same," she said, "when I look at you...and you allow me to see your very soul...and I know...that you feel... what I feel..."

"The love of my life," he said.

"The love of mine..." she said, "our souls entwined..."

"Three souls," he whispered, as he kissed the spot on her neck where the two small hearts rested against her skin, "together...for always..."

He heard the soft gasp and then her whisper, "that's what you said...of our baby..."

"It is..."

"We'll never forget her," Meredith said.

"We never will," he said.

"Derek," Meredith told him, and brought her hand up to his face and caressed him, then placed a tender kiss over his eyes, "one day, we'll tell our kids about an Angel...named Brianna...and it won't be sad...I promise..."

"I know," he said, "our Baby Bear...she'll be their Angel too..."

"Derek," she needed to make him understand how she felt. "When we were home...your home..."

"Hey," he interrupted, "this is my home...with you...wherever you are..."

"I know...but Mom's house, it's your home too," she said, and he smiled at the reference to Carolyn, "I think...our home too."

"It is," he said, "and Ma would be very happy to hear you say that."

"I just want you to know...that when we got was hard seeing Jenna, and all...but since we talked that night...I'm ok...I can talk about it, and like tonight, talking about the baby...about Brianna, I'm not sad Derek...I can't be sad that what we felt for each other...our love...and passion for each other created our baby...and...that moment...the day she was conceived, like so many many other moments between us...they're priceless..."

"You," he said, "are my priceless treasure..."

"I love you," Meredith told him, "don't ever doubt it...don't ever forget it...and Derek...I never knew, never understood what it have a priceless treasure," she met his gaze, their eyes both lost in each other, "until you..." she said, and their lips met tenderly, lovingly, sealing promises of forever.

"This is another one of those moments," Derek whispered in her ear as her back was now pressed against him, and the colors of a new day began to manifest fully on the horizon; the sun still hidden but already welcoming the day, and as the evening sky began to lighten, the darker shades of blue began to blend with the rising orange tones across the landscape, and the bright lights of the ferry terminal glowed over Elliot Bay.

"We have the best of both worlds," she said with a smile on her face. "From here, we can see the ferry boats...and Mt. Rainier...and our Island..."

"Our island," he laughed, "we now own Bainbridge..."
"We might as well...we have forty acres...and the most spectacular view of sunset...and have our own private spot for sunrises..."

"Undiscovered," he nuzzled her neck, "except by my very romantic...enchanting...wife."

"I wasn't your wife at the time," she said. "'re stuck with me now..."

"I'm glad you found this place...and brought me here..."

"The beginning," she said as she caressed his arms as they wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly. "A rainy night...that led to a the love of my life."

"Like today...this morning's sunrise..."

"Like today..." she said, and her voice became distant.

"What's wrong," he immediately noticed.

"I hope," she said, "that nobody finds this place and decides to develop it."

"I have a feeling," he told her, "nobody will."

"Really," she turned away from the sunrise, "just like that."

"Just like that," he smiled. "You should trust my feelings."

"I do," she said.

"We should go," he said, "we have to be at the hospital in a few hours, and I want you to get a couple hours of sleep..."

"Derek," Meredith turned to him, "thank you...for thinking of this...coming back here today. It means a lot to me...that you found it special...that first time..."

"Of course it's special," he told her, "every moment with you has always been special."

"I love you."

"I love you too Meredith," he said.

"We should get dressed," she smiled at him.

"We should," he said, and before long they were on their way home.

"Derek," Meredith said, her hand in his as he drove. "You remembered the wine we had that night," she smiled.

"I decided," he told her, "it was my lucky wine...just like the red shirt."

"You don't need lucky wine...or shirts..."

"Not anymore," he squeezed her hand.

"I'm glad," she said, and they continued their conversation on the drive home.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked as he looked at her and saw her grin.

"You never hint...about last night."

"The hint..."

"You forgot already," she giggled as she caressed the palm of his hand.

"I did not," he said, "a prelude..."

"Literally," she teased, " the OR...the prelude to our night..."

"I think," he looked over to her as they stopped at the light, "I never would have surprised me...completely...and the choice of songs..."

"A good prelude," she smiled at him.

"An extraordinary prelude..." he said, and leaned in to kiss her lips tenderly, before the light turned green.

"You're going on a picnic," Izzie asked as she came in the kitchen and saw Meredith and Derek with an open wicker basket.

"No," Meredith smiled at her, "we just had a picnic."

"Mer," Izzie said, "it's not even eight..."

"Last night," Meredith told her, "after Derek's surgery."

Izzie beamed, "Derek, were you surprised, when the music started playing?"

"You were involved too?"

"Of course I was," Izzie smiled, "I had to download the songs to Mer's iPod, she was stuck at the hospital when she found out you had a late surgery...wouldn't have enough time to do it herself before you came home...and she wanted to surprise you."

"She definitely did that," Derek pulled Meredith to him, "thank you for helping Stevens."

"I was thrilled to be able to help," she said. "It will probably be all over the hospital this morning. Get ready for that..."

"We know," Meredith and Derek said simultaneously.

"Dude...a picnic at this time of morning..."

"No Karev," Derek told him, "it was last night."


"We're going to bed," Meredith said and pulled on Derek's hand. "We'll see you later."

"Good thing we're leaving," Alex said. "Before we have to hear you..."

"Karev," Derek told him, "I've said it can always find another..."

"Alex," Meredith said, "just for that, clean up what's left in the basket..."

"Why, I didn't eat it," he said as he began to do just that, "or drink it," he said as he took the bottle of wine and placed it aside for recycling.

"But..." Meredith giggled, "if all that's gone when we get back to the kitchen...Derek may actually think there's a good reason to keep you around."

"I don't think there's any good reason to keep him around," Derek mumbled as they went up the stairs.

"Yes," she said, "you do."

"I do?"


"What's that?"

"You know," she said very certain of herself, "they're my family. I can't kick them out."

"Mer," he pulled her in his arms as they reached the top landing, "I know they're your family...and as much as I may want privacy's your decision."
"It's ours," she told him, "and I can't really kick them out...but if you ever's important...if it's making you that come first...our relationship will always come first."

"Luckily," he smiled at her, "we have the trailer..." and she smiled back.

"Forty acres," she said, "to be as loud as we want," and he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom and placed her on their bed.

"Now," he said, "it's time..." and he attempted not to yawn.

"To sleep," she said as she did in fact yawn.

"To sleep," he said, as their laughter filled the morning air, and they indeed spent the next several hours in each other's arms; asleep.

"Dr. Shepherd," Amy Lynn smiled at him, amusement written all over her face. "It's good to have you back with us...we missed you while you were gone."

"Amy Lynn," Derek said, "spill the beans."

"What do you mean?" she asked, and he saw Lisette lift her eyes from the chart, and look at them through the back office window.

"Where are the rest of your conspirators? Lisette, I know you can hear me...come out from hiding," Derek smiled at her.

"Who is hiding?" Meredith approached the counter, dropped off some charts and picked up others.

"The Fab4," Derek said, "are keeping secrets..." he winked at Meredith.

"We are not keeping secrets," Amy Lynn said and turned to one of the group that was joining them, "are we Steph?"

"I'm not," Stephanie laughed, "'re talking about Bokey's hidden romantic streak."

"You do know," Derek accused playfully. "Lisette," he said as he saw her smiling, "you're holding out on us."

"She's hiding today," Stephanie said, "because she bet against you."

"She bet against us..."

"Yes, she did," Tracy said as she caught the end of the conversation.
"Stop talking about me," Lisette said, as she put her call on mute. "I can hear you."

"I can't believe you bet against us," Derek said loud enough for her to hear.

They all got carried away talking and didn't notice when Lisette got up from the desk and joined them. "I did not bet against them. I simply stated that the rumors were wrong and unfounded."

"Lisette," Meredith said, as she looked at the nurse, "I haven't seen you in a couple're..."

"I'm huge..." Lisette said, resigned to the fact, she was much bigger than her first pregnancy. "I know. Everyone's told me."

"You were away," Meredith said, surprised at how pregnant she looked, and in the back of her mind could not help but wonder how she would have looked.

"We took a family vacation before the baby comes, even if it means two weeks less at home later. We felt it was important to spend that time with our daughter, make it easier when the baby comes, that she feels part of it...and understands the baby will need a lot of my attention."

"How long will you continue to work?" Meredith asked and felt the light pressure of Derek's hand on the small of her back, and found comfort in his touch, as he'd intended.

"I'm officially thirty four weeks," Lisette said, "and I'll work as long as I can."

"That's good," Meredith smiled, Derek's hand moved lightly with gentle caresses. "Jenna, my sister in law, is due in about three weeks and she's also planning to work as long as possible."

"That's right," Tracy said, "you've just been home. How was your trip," she said attempting to steer the subject away from pregnancy. All of them were protective of her feelings, given she and Lisette would have been due around the same time. "Mark said he spoke to you one night and got to participate in a toast, he really wanted to be there, but he said at least he could send champagne."

"Yes," Derek said, "he early anniversary present."

"Dr. Grey," Stephanie said, "it was so romantic," she could not hold back, "what you did last night...everyone's talking about it..."

"That's what you weren't telling us," Derek said. "Amy Lynn...the gossip's all over."

"We didn't want you to think we were gossiping..." Amy Lynn smiled at him.

Derek laughed, "are you kidding...we'd rather hear from you than anyone else," he said, as he kissed Meredith's temple.

"What are they saying?" Meredith asked and without missing a beat, "Lisette, shouldn't you be off your feet as much as possible?"

"I am," Lisette told her, "that's why I'm covering the phones and at the desk most of the time now. But, it's still really important to get some exercise and be active as well."

"Well," they heard Mark's drawl, "this is an unexpected reunion...with the FAB4," he winked at Tracy, "and the most talked about couple at Seattle Grace."

"Just remember," Meredith said, "whatever you bet on...half the money is mine."

"Why?" Mark asked.

"Because," Meredith told him, "you got insider information."

"Since when," he argued, "is Yang ..."

"Don't be stupid," Derek told him. "They tell each other everything."

"I do not," Meredith giggled and kissed him.

"I hope not," Derek told her, as he caressed the curve of her hip.

"Knock it off you two," Mark said. "You're making the pregnant woman jealous. Wow, grew overnight..."

The familiar sound of a smack at the back Mark's head immediately followed, "are you a moron?" Meredith said, "you never ever...tell a pregnant woman..."

"It's all right," Lisette laughed, "Dr. Grey, even my daughter told me that this morning."

"Well," Meredith said, "he should know better than to be so insensitive...even if it is true... I'm not saying it is...just that you are pregnant...and it's natural...but he...he's an idiot."

"Just for that," Mark said as his hand massaged the back of his head, "I'm not going to tell you who won the bet," he told Meredith, leaving the others confused.

Meredith glared at him, "I won't tell you what Aunt Pat said about you," she said smugly.

"That woman," Mark smirked, "full of vices..."

"Mark," Meredith said, "how can you say that?" though she was actually amused.
"You met her," he smiled at her, the endearing seldom seen boyish smile, "and you think she's not full of vices..."

"I loved her," Meredith told him. "I really did...I can't wait till Cristina meets her."

"Yeah," Mark smiled, "the two of them together," he chuckled, " the very least," and he and Meredith exchanged glances and their laughter made the others smile, even if they had no idea what the conversation had been about. Mark leaned over and kissed Meredith's cheek, "you're right," he told her. "Lisette, I'm sorry...I should not blurt things out like that...I had not seen you in a couple weeks...and Meredith is right, my comment was very insensitive."

"It's ok Dr. Sloan," Lisette told him. "I'm not offended at all," and she too wanted to change the subject away from babies as in spite of Meredith's smile, she could well imagine what she was feeling right now; how she would be feeling if it were she that had lost a baby.

"Tracy," Mark asked her, "were you able to change your plans tonight?"

"Not really," she hesitated, "but I'll try again."

"Huh," was Mark's only barely audible response.

"What do we have here," Miranda Bailey said, "a midday coffee wonder interns run amuck...attendings and residents are gossiping the day away with nurses."

"We don't have interns," Mark told her, "you do."

Miranda Bailey didn't say anything, didn't need to, as she stared him down.

"I'm going," Mark said, "I'm going..." and it made Derek laugh out loud that this tiny woman could make Mark cower.

"What," Derek said as she attempted to do the same with him, "I'm your won't work on me."

"Really," Miranda challenged.

"Really," he said, as he began to feel the intense stare. "Besides," he said, "I took your son fishing."


"We're friends."

"Shepherd," Miranda told him, "leave your wife alone, let her get to work...though I have to wonder, how much work she got done yesterday...since it seems...there was quite a production last night."

"Production," Meredith said, "Dr. Bailey..."

"Grey," Bailey told her, "spare me," and then surprised everyone by leaning in close to her, "just tell me what happened and how did you get Bokey to cooperate?"

"Bokey," Meredith said, "is an incurable romantic...and she likes my husband."

"Grey," Bailey said, "I don't have all day."

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith smiled as she winked at Derek, " don't like to hear...about personal things..."

"You want to see the inside of an OR this next week?" Miranda challenged, and the nurses laughed along with the married couple, and her hard core image took a beating during the next several minutes, but before she left, she said, "all of you...that conversation...the last five minutes...never happened."

"I'll have to tell Mark what he missed," Tracy laughed, though Meredith would comment to Derek later, something seemed off between her and Mark.

"I can't believe he fell for her stare," Amy Lynn said, "she's famous for it."

"She's an old softie as well," Lisette said, "she's been on my case about getting off my feet every time she sees me."

"Just don't let her hear you calling her softie," Derek joked. "Old's ok...but not soft."

"I know," Stephanie said, "she's made that very clear."

"By the way," Derek said, "Lisette, what was it you had heard?"

"'s all so silly," Lisette told him, "there was one song...the Clash? Awful band."

"You don't like The Clash?" Derek said, "how can you not?"

"Don't pay any attention to him," Meredith laughed, "I think it's awful too."

"You didn't think it was awful last night," Derek whispered in her ear. "Definitely did not want me to fact..."

"Derek," she smacked him playfully.

"Some idiots," Lisette said, "'s what they are...thought that it was about Dr. Grey asking if he really wanted her to stay, as though she had doubts about it, so they started talking about you two breaking up, and let me tell you...Bokey...was there, and she let them have it."

"Bokey did?" Amy Lynn asked. "She's so quiet and reserved."

"I heard her," Tracy said, "she was quiet ...and soft spoken as she put everyone in their place, and told them they should worry about doing their jobs...not questioning what was a very strong commitment between two happily married people celebrating their six month wedding anniversary."

"We'll have to thank her," Derek smiled at Meredith.

Stephanie smiled, "Dr.'ve been given a nickname."

"I have?"

"Yes," Amy Lynn smiled, "after last night."

"I'm afraid to ask?" Meredith rolled her eyes.

"It's not bad," Lisette said. "Not bad at all."

"Well?" Derek asked.

"Mrs. McDreamy," Stephanie said, and Meredith and Derek burst out laughing, and
and they all spoke for a few more minutes while she finished updating two charts, and brushed his lips before walking away.

Late that afternoon, Derek texted Meredith, but she was talking to a patient. She smiled when she walked out of the room and read what he wrote.

-Love you Mrs. Mcdreamy. Wanna have dinner in a while, before I go home?
-Mer you ignoring me?
-LOL Yes No
-You don't love me?
-Yes, you're rambling on texts like Lex
-Cute Mer. 7P?
-Yes cafeteria
-My office
-I'm hungry
-So am I
-Hot meal Derek
"Don't tell me," Cristina said as she saw the smile on Meredith's face. "Mcdreamied via texts?"

"You are a horrible friend," Meredith turned to her.

"What did I do?"

"Told Sloan Derek and I had quiet sex..."

"You did."

"You're not supposed to tell him...that was private."

"No it wasn't." Cristina told her, "they had emails back and forth with his sisters."

"You are impossible."

"Mer, you have to admit it was an interesting perspective. Everyone knows you're loud."

"And...who made that known to everyone?" Meredith challenged.

" did."

"We did not."

"Are you and Shepherd had sex...loud sex...all over this hospital...and your roommates...they heard...over and over..."

"We did not."

"Rewriting history?"

"Shut up..."

"See," Cristina smiled, "you know it's true."

"Doesn't mean you have to broadcast it..."

"I didn't. It was only Sloan and Lexie...and Alex..."

"Forget it," Meredith admitted in defeat, and turned her face to keep her friend from seeing her smile.

"Your reputation is safe though," Cristina said as she continued to walk by her side, "Alex changed his bet."

"What are you talking about?"

"Apparently," Cristina smirked, "he walked by Shepherd's office yesterday. Loud...very loud."

"Crap," Meredith said, and both she and Cristina laughed.

"Mer," Cristina said in what could be considered a sentimental moment. "Happy Anniversary...even if it was a total touchy feely...Manilow kind of moment."


"Barry Manilow...70's sappy...corny music..."

"I know who he is," Meredith laughed, "but it was The Clash..."

"Phantom of the Opera," Cristina teased her, "just like all the weddings at the adjacent church halls."

"You've never been to a wedding at ..."

"Moot point." Cristina said. "But...Etta James..." she paused and then surprised Meredith when she said, "Burke loved that song...her voice."

" was perfect," Meredith told her, "the first night...Derek picked that song," and the friends walked quietly to their next assignment and smiled as they parted ways.

"Hey," Meredith smiled as she heard his voice right before he wrapped his arms around her. "Ready for dinner?"

"I'm starving, and I mean...I want a hot meal...I've been living on sandwiches and salad for the past two days."

"I brought you something," Derek told her, "even if you didn't want to meet me in my's officially our anniversary dinner."

"I ruined your plans, I'm sorry...but...I know...if we were in your office...alone...and hell...I can't resist you...and I have another four hours and a surgery...and I really was starving."

Derek's laughter could not go unnoticed, and neither was the hug and kiss he gave his wife. "It's ok...we'll make up for it later."

"What did you get for dinner?"

"Your favorite," he smiled, as they walked in the cafeteria holding hands, and she saw George at the table Derek led them to.

"Italian," Meredith smiled at the take out containers before her.

"Thanks George," Derek said, "had to make sure someone was here to accept delivery."

"Anytime Dr. Shepherd," George smiled and started to get up. "Happy Anniversary."

"Don't go," Derek told him. "Join us, there's enough."

"You want privacy, I know."

"O'Malley," Derek told him, "join us."

"George," Meredith said, "we hardly see you anymore, please stay."

"Sure," George said and smiled. "'re the talk of the hospital...again."

"I know," she said, as she began to serve the meal before them. "What have you heard?"
The three of them laughed at some of the gossip going around, and she told him of their visit back home and how Izzie helped her to surprise Derek, and he in turn had made it so romantic to watch the sunrise at the same place they'd discovered long before.

"Dr. Grey," Meredith looked up to find Bokey smiling at them. George had already left. "I've been looking for are very sweet...there was no need...I was glad I could help you get started on your anniversary celebration."

Derek looked over to Meredith, unsure what the nurse was talking about. "You're welcome, we wanted to...both of us to thank you, not just for that...but I know you've been fighting off gossips."

"It's a never ending tale around here," Bokey smiled. "But, I've seen the two of you...since the beginning...and it's doubt about it."

"I'm not overly fond of roses," Meredith told her and the nurse smiled, "I was hoping you liked what I chose."

"Dr. Shepherd," Bokey smiled, "you're very lucky...both of have found each other," she leaned in conspiratorially, "they talk about you, we talk about you, the scrub nurses...we've seen it first hand, how it all began...the looks...the legend of Meredith and Derek," she winked at them, "don't forget it, and thank you again...the flowers were beautiful, so was the note."

"You got her flowers?" Derek smiled.

"I did," Meredith smiled, "from us both."


"You don't mind, do you?"

"Mer...of course I don't. What did the note say?"

"Just...thank you..." she said, and he detected a bit of embarrassment.



"It's ok to be sentimental...and..."

"Married...married me..."

"Married you?" he questioned, not sure what she meant.

"Fine. I was sappy...and I said...Thank you for your help last night, those songs are special to us, and being together at that moment was very important to us. We heard about your comments, and that means a lot to us both, and I signed it Meredith and Derek."

"Married you..." he smiled, "your first note..."

"Yes," she smiled, "never did that before...signed a note...or anything from us..."

"The first of many," he put his arm around her, "during our life together."

"I think so," she said, and rested her head against him, and if there were any doubts or rumors about the imminent demise of the Grey-Shepherd marriage, most were dispelled by the end of the evening.

"That was lovely Mer, I'm glad you thought of it," he kissed her temple, "I love you."

"I love you too," she said, "wish we could go home now."

"Me too," he said, as he spoke quietly in her ear, making her smile.

"Are you going home now?"

"Actually," he said, "I'm not. Going out to the trailer...make sure everything's ok since we haven't been there in almost a week. I thought ..."

"You want me to go there tonight, after my shift?"

"No...I'm coming back here. You have an early shift tomorrow, but since you're off on Tuesday, I thought we'd spend the night there tomorrow night."

"I'd like that," she smiled, "but you remember we have to stop by the Mulligan's? It's Sean's birthday...we said we'd be there, and we have to buy a gift."

"I remembered, and I'll take care of that tonight, I'm going to do that first..."

"I was thinking," Meredith said, "about what he would like...but he's one...what do you get a one year old that most likely has everything?"

"Maybe," Derek chuckled, "I'll take Mark with me..."

"For the right age inspiration," she giggled.

"Exactly," he said, as he openly demonstrated affection for his wife.

"I have to go," Meredith pouted, "need to scrub in."

"I love you Mer," he whispered.

"I love you too Derek," she said, and placed her hand in his as he helped her from the seat, and they walked out of the cafeteria after getting rid of their tray.

"I'll see you at home," he told her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you..." her eyes twinkled, " roar...again tonight..."

"Always," he laughed, "don't tempt change your mind...about now..."

"I'm always tempted..." she giggled, "just have more self control," she teased.

"Wanna bet?"

"Gladly...tonight..." she smiled, and kissed his lips softly before she had to walk away.

Meredith walked in the house about fifteen minutes earlier than he'd expected and followed the light to the den.

"Hey," she called from the door, "what are you doing?"

"You're early," he said.

"Surgery took longer than expected," she said and walked up to him and sat on his lap, "but, the resident on the next shift was early...and Dr. Bailey told me to go home."

"I'm glad," he said, "but, I didn't have a chance to run a bath for you...I thought..."

"You're going to torture me again tonight..." she teased him as she nibbled on his lips.

"Not tonight," he said, as his mouth found the spot on her neck she loved for him to linger, and bit playfully before gently sucking until he heard the satisfied moan as his hands roamed her thighs and higher.

"Let's go upstairs," she said, and then noticed the photos spread out on his desk. "What were you doing?"

"Picking a photo," he smiled, "for the frame Alice gave us. We don't have a wedding photo in our bedroom here."

"I like all of these," Meredith said as she picked each one up to look at closer.

"What about this one," he said, as he showed her the frame with the one he'd selected.

"I love this one," she said, and both smiled as they recalled the moment when she'd given him her wedding present. It was one where he'd grabbed Meredith and swirled her in his arms and then he'd stopped, holding her body against his, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and before he kissed her, they gazed into each other's eyes; and the moment was poignantly captured by the photographer on a beautiful sunny morning in Venice, amongst a garden filled with tales of romance and legends.

"Me too..." he said, and kissed her softly.

"Derek," she smiled as she looked just beyond the desk and saw he'd also put up the frame with the lion tamer. "You brought that too..."

"It was appropriate," he said, "that I find out...six months we're doing, you know...if the beasts were tamed...if the passion...and love..."

"The love," she said, and her eyes shone with sentimental tears, "is deeper than ever before..." she said quoting the note she'd written, as did Derek.

"And the passion," he said, their eyes locked, mesmerized with each other, "burns brighter...each moment I'm with you."

"I love you," she wrapped her arms around his neck before their lips met, "Derek...I love you so much," and photographs were forgotten as each took pleasure in tantalizing the the point where there could be no return. "Let's go upstairs...I want you now."
"I love you too Meredith," and gave her one last deeply satisfying kiss, before she got up from his lap and extended her hand to him, and they ended up racing each other up the stairs. "I'm going to run a bath for I'd planned...a long leisurely..."

Derek...stop talking," she said, and she pressed her body against him, gently pushing him along till his back was against the wall, "and do not...make me wait...I want you now."

"My insatiable wife," he teased as he took off her sweater and she wrapped his arms around him, bringing her body intimately close to his; his erection pressed against her as he unclasped her bra, cupping her breast then bringing his mouth to her nipple, but she ended any ideas of delaying things further.

"I want you...inside me," and he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him and with one quick thrust he entered her.

"Is that what you wanted," he asked, as he remained unmoving inside her.

"Yes," Meredith moaned softly, her muscles contracting, "you know it is," she said, and no other words were needed, as the lovers intimately in tune with each other's desires would spend the night pleasuring each other.

Long after, bodies still entwined, still intimately joined, he spoke softly, "Mer..."


"We didn't use condoms..."

"I know."

"Mer," his hands caressed her softly, his lips kissed her gently.

"It's ok...I won't get pregnant."

"'s too..."

"I love you Derek," she said, softly placing a kiss on his chest.

"I love you too...I just want to make sure..."

"I'm ok...I can't get pregnant right now...and I wanted...needed to feel you ...just you tonight. Like that night...on our wedding night."

"I love," he whispered, still a bit breathless, "the feel of you...with me buried deep inside you...nothing else between us..."

"We'll have that," she said as she met his gaze, "all the time...when it's time...time to try...for a baby...just us..."

"I love you," Derek told her and before he was able to slip away from her, she said. "Not yet..." she whispered, "not yet."

"Derek," she said a bit later, no longer joined, but feeling safe and loved, adored in the warmth of his embrace. "It's almost over...our anniversary."

"You think..." he teased.

"I don't know about you...but I think you pretty much wore me out."

"You mean you tamed the beast," he teased her, his lips finding hers.

"I guess not," she giggled, "I old panther would roar again..."

"I bet you he would," he laughed as he bit her neck playfully, "tonight."

"Tonight," she said, "I'm exhausted."

"Come on, Dr. Grey...I think I can make you change your mind."

"Derek..." she protested, "I don't want to move."

"You will," he told her, as he raised an eyebrow suggestively.

"Yeah..." she smiled at him.

"Uhmmm..." he smiled at her, "I'll be back."

"I won't have to move?"

"Not if you don't want to," he teased her, "but I'd bet that you..."

"Derek..." she smiled, "is there anything to eat...I'm starving."

"I thought you might feel that way," he said, and he got out of bed, and kissed her, and then he walked naked toward the bathroom and began to fill the tub before he grabbed a robe and covered his still naked body. "Don't fall asleep," he said and walked out of the room and within minutes was back in their room holding a tray with two slices of pizza and a piece of cheesecake.

"You planned this?" She smiled.

"I did...but you were early, so I didn't have time to fill the tub first. The bottle of wine though, is already in the bathroom...with glasses...and candles already lit."

"Perfect," she said, "just perfect way to end today..."

" begin tomorrow..." he leaned down to kiss her, "it's way after midnight."

"Are you going to join me?"

"Of course...last night was for's for us," and he extended his hand to her and helped her in the tub before he joined her, and she settled her back against him.

"No teasing tonight..." he chuckled, as she rubbed her body against his. "I don't have to be anywhere...but here...pleasing my wife."

"Promises...promises..." she said and almost immediately she moaned as his fingers began to roam and entice..."

"You were saying," he teased.

"Derek...tonight..." she turned to face him, "no condoms...all night..."


"It's ok...and if by some fluke...I'm wrong..."


"A baby...our next baby...whenever that is...can never be the wrong time..."

"'re not ready...we don't need to risk..."

"It's not a risk. I'll be ready...if it happened...if we conceived a baby...on a night like this...when it's not supposed to happen...I'd be ready."


"Derek...I love you," she said, and effectively ended the conversation, "now...let's take it slow...this time..."

"Slow...we can do slow..." he taunted, repeating what he'd said to her in the same tub long ago, "incredibly slow..." and they did, except they decided it was much better in bed, where they made love once more, and basked in the exquisite pleasure of their passion.

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