Life's celebrations - Pt 1

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Familial bonds and its corresponding nurturing, love and support were newly found emotions in Meredith Grey's life; her acceptance of it all, even more so, as she and Derek made last minute preparations for the first of many family gatherings and life's celebrations in the months ahead.

Once, long before her mother alienated her family and subsequently succumbed to Alzheimer's, Meredith had memories of some gatherings, especially that one aunt that never failed to say, "say when." These were the thoughts that came to her mind very unexpectedly.

"Hey," Derek's voice snapped her out of her recollections, "penny for your thoughts."

"Hey," she turned and smiled at him, "I didn't hear you."

"What were you thinking about," Derek said as he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "You looked serious, yet...there was a smile on your face."

"I had an aunt," she told him, "whenever she poured anything, she'd tell us to say when, and of course we were kids, and never did."

"You've never mentioned that," he said as he nuzzled her neck.

"My mother," Meredith said, "managed to alienate all her family, long before she got sick."

"You could always get in touch with them."

"It doesn't matter," she said, "not anymore. With my Mom gone, what's the sense, I'm sure they heard about it, and they could have made the effort to get in touch with me's been so many years."

"Mer," he said softly, "if you ever change your mind..."

"No," she turned to face him, "I have a family...a wonderful thanks to you...your family too, and our kids," she kissed his lips softly, "one day will have what I didn't. That's more than enough."

"You had a smile...maybe..."

"She wasn't bad, that aunt. But, I'm happy...with your family, ours...I never knew what it meant to have that. Unconditional can see that amongst you...and the support's more than I ever imagined."

"What made you think of her?" Derek prodded, wondering if she really was ok with leaving that part of her mother's family in the past.

"I was thinking," she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "how very lucky I have my friends who are my family...and yours...and that I cannot think of more wonderful and amazing...quirky," she giggled, "aunts and uncles our kids will have."

"I think they will be very spoiled kids," Derek smiled at her, "and we're going to need to keep an eye on some of the things...those aunts and uncles are going to teach them..."

"You mean," her laughter always pleased him, "that you don't want crap or dude...being the first words out of their mouth, and that we may somehow have to control Jenna's pouting to get what she wants and what appears to be inherited betting tendencies from all our family members?"

"Something like that," he chuckled, and then cocking his head slightly and smiling at her made her lose all sense of time and place and gave in to the pleasure of his lips on hers and his tongue gently teasing hers.

"Dude, he must take something. He's old, can't possibly be up to sex all the time, they were at it this morning before they left the house...and last night."

Derek and Meredith pulled apart and found three pairs of eyes on them, and the sound of another car arriving followed by and doors closing quickly.

"Alex," Meredith said, as she settled back in Derek's arms, "you didn't tell us you found a new place to live."

"I didn't," Alex smirked, "Mer what are you talking about?"

"We gave you fair warning," Meredith shrugged.

"You idiot," Izzie smacked his arm, "see what you did. Now, I'll probably have to start looking for a place to live too, why can't you be more discreet like George," she referred to their friend who'd actually driven to Bainbridge.

"Karev," Mark drawled as he, Cristina and Lexie joined the rest, "what did you do? Bet on how loud they can get in the wild?" Mark chuckled, since they'd witnessed the romantic scene interrupted as they drove up.

Derek watched their family's interactions with mild amusement.

"Not quite," George mumbled.

"Come on Bambi," Cristina joked, "how much worse could it be?"

"What's the big deal," Alex said, "it's nothing to be ashamed of," he smirked, "so I suggested he needs a little help..."

"Have you not heard me mention Mr. Incredible?" Cristina asked him. "Are you stupid...questioning his...prowess, and expecting not to be kicked out?"

"I didn't question it," Alex said, "I just made a comment."

"Yes," Meredith glared at him, "one of many inappropriate comments."

"You're mad?" Cristina asked her, "seriously?"

"I think," Meredith told them all, "the obsession all of you have with our sex life is becoming a bit disturbing."

"Karev," Derek said, "doesn't matter what you think...or's only what Mer thinks," he smiled at her, "and I don't think she has any complaints."

"None at all," Meredith ignored her friends and kissed him hard on the mouth, and Derek purposely though briefly deepened their kiss.

"Mer..." Cristina said, "really...spare us...we get it..."

"Yeah," Alex said snorted, "but you're not."

"You are an idiot," Cristina told him. "Derek," she addressed him by his first name, "I agree with you, kick them out. Married people want privacy not a frat house."

"Cristina," Izzie said, "you already stole an apartment from me once, so just shut up...and don't encourage the idea anymore..."

"Relax Stevens," Derek told her, as he pulled Meredith close to him, "we're not kicking you out."

"Yet," Cristina mumbled.

"Yet," Derek agreed.

"Yet...Derek..." Izzie whined. "That's not very reassuring..."

"Iz," Alex said smugly, "he's not going to kick us out. Mer won't let him."

"Shep," Mark said, "just for that...and his earlier comment, I'd kick his ass out."

"I agree with Mark," Cristina said. "This is your chance. I think Mer's pissed enough to go along with it."

"You always do that...Cristina," Izzie started to say and more bickering followed as Alex joined in and their voices rose.

"Children...children..." George moved to stand in front of Alex and Izzie, "behave."

"George," Derek chuckled, "I think you have it right. Kids...behave, or we'll have to send you to your room...and..."

Meredith laughed at his comment and whispered something in his ear that made him laugh as well, "we should be so lucky."

"Lexie," Mark said, "you're awfully quiet."

"Yes," Meredith agreed, "you are. What's going on?"

"You know Lexie," Izzie said, "you're allergic to eggs...maybe you have more allergies...and you're allergic to all the pesticides in the apartment..."

"What...are you talking about?" Meredith asked.

"Their apartment," Izzie said in her usual perky tone, "kind of roach infested."

"It's what!" Meredith exclaimed. "Lexie, is she kidding, why are you two living like that?"

"Mer," George said, "it's not that bad...that was only at the beginning."

"It's not bad Mer," Lexie told her. "George and I fixed it up..."

George chimed in, "and the landlord agreed to hire a professional pest control company."

"Yeah...but that didn't solve the little critters," Izzie said. "George, remember Ratatouille? You can't even keep my muffins there."

"You had rats?" Meredith's tone rose. "You're living with rats?"

"Iz," Alex said, "what the hell's wrong with you? Pretty soon Mer's going to be kicking us both out and have Bambi and Xena move in since they won't complain."

"Mer," Cristina said, "you know the movie's about a rat? Since when do you keep up with kids films?"

"I didn't see it Cristina," Meredith told her. "But, there were plenty of commercials advertising it."

"George, Izzie, Alex," Derek said, "we're glad you could join us."

"What the hell are we?" Mark said.

"Chopped..." Cristina paused, "ratatouilles..."

"Not funny," Meredith told her, though everyone else laughed.

"The rest of you have been here," Derek said, as he reached for Meredith's hand and squeezed it. "But, we are glad we were finally able to come up with a date all of you could be here."

"Yes," Meredith squeezed his hand back. "I can't believe we had to postpone twice before everyone could make it," she smiled. "After all...dinner's courtesy your many bets."

"See," Cristina said, "we did a good thing, it paid for the meal," she smiled at her friend. "Thankfully, we knew we were safe since it was Shepherd cooking."

"Mer," Izzie said, "I baked a cake...chocolate, your favorite recipe," Izzie smiled at her, beaming in fact.

"Barbie," Cristina said, "you can stop gloating. We all know Mer was forced to admit she was falling in love with Shepherd...thanks to an overdose of sugar and chocolate," and she and Derek exchanged smiles, which did not go unnoticed by Meredith.

"Just for that Izzie," Derek chuckled, "think of that cake as your get out of jail card."

"Get out of jail card..." Izzie repeated, "as in Monopoly?"

"Good analogy. What's it going to get her Derek?" Cristina joked, "an extra three days before having to move out?"

"Something like that," Derek chuckled, while Cristina laughed.

Meredith decided, for the time being, to ignore the looks exchanged again between her husband and friend.

"You're seriously talking about a game...Mer...and joking about us moving out?" Izzie commented.

"Told you," Mer shrugged, purposely taunting her, "husband trumps..."

"Mer..." Izzie whined, "I can't help if evil spawn is an idiot..."

"It's up to him," Meredith winked at Derek.

"I saw that," Izzie said, "you winked at him...and that's really mean ...playing with our mind...really's enough to drive anyone insane."

"Hey," Cristina muttered, "if the shoe fits..."

"Bitch," Izzie mumbled.

"Ok then," Derek interrupted, "Mer and I wasted a lot of time this morning and..."

"Dr. Shepherd," George said, "I don't think you need to tell us about that."

Derek chuckled, "George, believe me, I'm not. But, you can all help set everything up. Mark, help out know where everything is," he said and the friends worked in unison to get firewood, food and drinks ready for what all considered a celebration with family, the first of many to take place on their land.

"Lexie," Meredith said before her sister could join the other, "will you help me bring some things out for the barbecue?"

"Sure," Lexie said and followed her sister.

"What's going on Lexie?" Meredith asked as soon as they were alone in the trailer.

"What...what are you talking about?"

"Lexie, you talk a lot...and ramble on," Meredith tried to joke with her, "unlike me..."

"Unlike you," Lexie took the bait, "you have got to be kidding...I've never heard anyone ramble on like you do Mer...even when I was a little kid and it would drive Mom crazy...and Molly could never get a word're much worse...or just as bad."

"My point," Meredith laughed, "you have been very quiet."

"It's nothing."

"Sit down," Meredith told her and joined her at the narrow dining table, "and tell me."

"Mer...really, I'm fine..."

"Are you?" Meredith asked, "because you see, I think we have more in common than rambling and liking strawberry ice cream," and demonstrating with her hands she added "and the hand thing you first brought to my attention...and for that reason I know that all is not fine."

"Meredith," her sister said, "it's not important...not right now."

"I think," Meredith told her, "it's very important, obviously it matters to you."

"I don't want to bother you with any of this..."

"Lexie, I'm asking're my sister and you've been there for me, just as I want to be there for you when you need me."

"Mer," Lexie said, "it's silly ok...and you...what you had..."

"Lexie," Meredith interrupted her as she placed her hand on her sister's arm, "I'm your sister, it doesn't matter what it is that makes us sad or quiet...I'm learning that it's important to be there, for whatever reasons...and I want to be here for you..."

Lexie placed a hand over Meredith's, "thank you," and smiled.

"Not to mention, it's embarrassing that the little sister is better at this than I am, but I'm trying...I'll learn I promise."

"You're wrong," Lexie smiled at her, "you're very good at it...being the older sister."

"If you say so," Meredith smiled at her.

"I do," Lexie told her.


"It's George," Lexie blurted.

"What about George?"

"I said something really stupid...and now it's been really awkward between us."

"What did you say?"

"I kind of hinted I had a crush on him...or was...or maybe I mumbled that I love him...and he doesn't feel the same way...and it's embarrassing and kind of uncomfortable sometimes...and Mark picked up on it, and he's been teasing me about it, and he didn't even ask for me after he passed his exam, you know ...he never really felt that way about me...doesn't even notice me... and you slept with him..."

"I did ask," Meredith took a deep breath.

"Yes," Lexie said and sighed, "you did," and melodramatically put her head down on the table top, and that was how Derek found the two sisters.

"Everything ok?" Derek asked.

"Yes," they both said in the same exact tone.

"Really," Derek questioned, "neither of you is very convincing."

"She knows about George," Meredith mumbled, "and thinks she's in love with him...or has a crush on him...which sounds like high school."

"Derek knows," Lexie lifted her head and muttered.

"He does," Meredith said.

"We were friends," Derek said, "friends share things."

"You told him you slept with George," Lexie repeated, "and it doesn't bother you?"

"I never said it didn't bother me," Derek responded.

"He was very angry with me," Meredith told her sister.

"I was not angry," Derek told her.

"Excuse me," Cristina popped her head in the trailer, "we're you're guests...and we're out what are you doing in here? You need better hosting skills Shepherd."

"That's Mer's job," Derek said very nonchalant, "she's the wife, that's what wives do."

"I'm what!!!!!"

"Mer," he chuckled, "I'm teasing."

"You better be," she said.

"Of course dear," he teased, "whatever you say."


"She loves me," Derek said as he kissed Meredith temple, and turned to the two women who were both sisters and friends to his wife, "you realize that right?"

"Shepherd," Cristina shook her head, "get your butt out there and start cooking, I didn't have breakfast and I'm starving," and turned before walking out the door, "Mer, Lexie...get your asses out there."

"Lexie," Derek said, "for the record. I wasn't mad, I was jealous."

Meredith smiled at his admission, "for the record...sometimes...I really am kidding when I call you an ass," she said and heard him and Cristina both chuckling after leaving the trailer.

"I think I'm going to begin worrying about those two," Meredith said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you noticed," Meredith said, "they've been friendly with each other, exchanging these though they are in agreement."

"But they are," Lexie said, "I mean they have been...both of them really just concerned about you, and he wouldn't even tell me about it, he just spoke to Cristina about..."

"Lexie," Meredith stopped her, "what are you talking about, and do not ramble. Focus."

"I think they really want to have our help out there."

" are not supposed to keep secrets from your older sister."

"You're not being fair. He's my brother in law, and I like him...and I trust him because he makes you happy. But he was right...I can't keep a"

"Lexie," Meredith said firmly.

"He's never going to believe me...when I say I can keep a secret," Lexie said melodramatically again, and plopped her head on the table top, before she told her sister what she'd been rambling about.

"Lexie," Meredith smiled at her. "I'm very glad you're in my life."

"I'm never going to find out anything...ever..." she whined, Meredith thought just like a kid, which part of her realized she kind of was at twenty four. "I'm going to have to hear everything through the rumor mill because Derek will never trust I can keep a secret."

"You knew," Meredith said, "you were going to be an aunt before anyone else did."

"Oh..." Lexie's eyes watered, "Meredith...I'm sorry...I am...I didn't mean to make you sad...and now..."

"You didn't," Meredith told her. "Hey, he knows if it's important you can keep a secret."

"Meredith," her sister smiled at her, "I really try...but...he was right, it's just like the betting...I can't bet on my sister...and I want you to trust I can't lie...and I'm a bad liar anyway," and she placed her hand over Meredith's arm this time, "and I'm glad I was right about him being my brother in law."

"So am I," Meredith said, as she lightly rubbed her wedding band. "You were bound and determined about it," she laughed softly.

"Meredith," Lexie said, "thank you."

"For what?" Meredith asked surprised.

"Letting me in your life..."

"Fate," Meredith said, as she rubbed the top of her wedding band again while a smile graced her face. "It was meant to happen ...for be sisters."

"Yeah," Lexie smiled. "I think," she said, "I know...Mom would be so happy."

"I think she is happy," Meredith said, "I think you were right about that too. That she knows," and squeezed her sister's hand.

"Mer," Lexie said, "I'm here...whenever you need me. Even if I act like an immature idiot sometimes."

"Well," Meredith laughed softly, though both sisters spoke through sentimental tears. "If that happens...I just have to remind you I'm the older sister."

"Yeah," Lexie agreed, "you'll have to do that. "Mer," Lexie said, "can you tell me...about George?"

"I can," Meredith said and told Lexie about her ill fated night with George.

"Thanks for trusting me," Lexie said. "I love you Meredith."

"I love you too Lexie," Meredith said, and the sisters spoke several more minutes before joining the others.

"We thought we were going to have to send a search party for you," George joked, and there was a hint of embarrassment, one that had been there since he'd realized Lexie seemed to have a crush on him.

"You got here just in time," Mark said, "we need to find some firewood for ..."

"Firewood," Meredith countered, "that you want us to find...instead of the four of you," the reference was clearly about the men, "finding and lugging it here?"

"Grey," Mark teased her, "you surprise me, that's a pretty sexist remark."

"I choose to spend my time in a trailer in the woods," she told him, "and you think I have a problem finding wood?"

"Mer," Cristina said, "you only do that so you can be loud; away from the annoying frat house."

"Yang," Alex smirked, "we're no frat house."

"I think she may be right," Izzie said, "given you act like an immature jerk bringing nurses home indiscriminately..."

"When did you become Mother Theresa?" Alex countered.

"At least," Izzie argued, "I don't go around..."

"Ok," George interrupted, "enough about the nurses."

"That's right," Izzie said, "I forgot you and Alex like the same type of women."

"Ouch," Mark mumbled.

"Dr. Sloan," Izzie said, "did you say something?"

"Not at all."

"Sloan, I didn't take you for a wimp," Cristina said, comfortable in the relationship that had been established between them since the wedding in Venice; both knowing when they could joke with one another.

"Yang," Mark warned.

"You don't want to say it, but I can," Cristina responded. "The same taste," she had a wicked grin, "or rather bad taste, got them both a nice case of syph."

"Cristina," George yelled at her.

"It's true Bambi, and then Alex was stupid enough to screw her, literally, when he knew Izzie was all infatuated with him."

"Leave me out of this," Izzie told her. "I don't talk about your relationship with Burke," and that was the beginning of an evening none of them would ever forget, as the five interns that met with only one thing in common, strengthened the bonds that made them a family.

"Izzie," Cristina said, referring to Burke's mention, "being around evil spawn is contagious, you used to be less...abrasive."

"Maybe," George said to Cristina, "that comes from hanging around you."

"Bambi," Cristina took it in stride, "I'm proud of you. Stood up to me...there's hope for you yet."

"Let's not forget," Alex said later in the evening, when it was fair to say all had enough drinks to make their tongues loser than normal, "we've all seen your panties..."

"What..." echoed the women.

"Izzie," Alex said, "you go around in Hello Kitty underwear; Mer had her black panties up on the bulleting board and Cristina...we all saw yours before Bailey ordered you back to bed after your surgery. Red, nice too," and in spite of themselves they all laughed over his observations, and the rest of their time together was spent relaxing and enjoying themselves; the camaraderie and genuine affection for each other an indisputable sentiment amongst them.

"Ok," Meredith walked up to Derek and Cristina when there was finally a moment the three of them were alone. "What the hell's wrong with you two?"

"What are you talking?" Derek said.

"What's wrong?" Cristina said, and again just the slightest exchange of glances.

"You...the two of you are agreeing and joking with each other. That tells me something's definitely wrong," Meredith glared at them both.

"Mer," Cristina said. "Chill out. You'd think we never got along before."

"You haven't," Meredith told her. "Need I remind you?"

"Shepherd," Cristina shrugged, and before walking away said, "do something about your wife. Maybe she's hanging around Lexie too know...sisterly and..."

"Derek," Meredith insisted, "something's definitely off here..."

"Can't you accept we're getting along better?"


"Meredith," he said softly, holding her close to him, "can you accept we both care about you..."


"That's all there is..."

"It started," she paused, "with...Lisette's..."

"Yes," he said simply, words unnecessary in regard to the attempt to keep her busy and distracted in the days that were to follow, and he and felt her arms tighten around him.

"Thank you," she said and kissed his lips tenderly. "I love you."

"I love you," Derek said before kissing her back, "there's nothing I wouldn't keep you from being unhappy," and ignored their friends briefly.

"Knock it off you two," Cristina said, "you can manage to keep your hands off each other long enough to..."

"Dude, you're lucky you don't live with us, we have to endure this constantly."

"Karev," Mark commented, "I'd keep my mouth shut in your shoes...I think Grey's probably willing to go along with anything Shep says right now."

"He's right Alex," George said, "I'd make an effort keeping my mouth shut, and just so you know there's a vacancy in our apartment building."

"George," Izzie said, "are you out of your mind? That place is a dump."

"Yeah," George answered, "but considering what little you both pay Mer for rent, it may be all you can afford."

"They're not kicking us out," Alex smirked. "And right now, they don't even know we're here...they should probably just go in that trailer..."

"That trailer," Meredith said suddenly, not so oblivious to their surroundings, "is our home. So, I'd say you should listen to George," she said and walked over to the gentlest of their friends. "And before you keep knocking our home, take a look inside," she said.

"It's nicer than what you own," Izzie glared at Alex.

"I don't see you owning anything either... Dr. Model..."

"You ass," Izzie glared at him again.

"I think those two," Mark leaned over to Cristina and Lexie who were sitting closest to him, "just need to screw each other senseless."

"Mark," Lexie chastised, "just because you think that's the solution to everything."

"No," Cristina said, "I think he's on to something."

"Kids," Derek said, jokingly referring to the three as his family had. "What are you conspiring about?"

"Nothing Dad," Cristina joked back. "We're behaving."

"Behaving ..." Derek chuckled, "I'd bet..."

"Derek," Meredith said, "don't tell me you're going to follow in their footsteps?"

"It's just an expression," Derek grinned at her, and placed his arm around her waist.

"What were the three of you talking about?" Meredith insisted herself.

"Alex and Izzie," Lexie said.

"What about them?" Meredith asked.

"They need to release all their sexual frustration," Mark said, "with each other."

"Stop talking about us," Izzie said, "we can hear you."

"Then," Cristina said, "you'd be wise to consider the advice."

"Manwhore's advice?" Izzie said, "seriously?"

"Yeah," Cristina said. "Can't hurt."

"Cristina, just because you're not getting..." Izzie contradicted her, "doesn't mean..."

"Iz," Alex mumbled, "I'm game."

"You" Izzie shouts him, "are...unbelievable," and walks away annoyed.

"That worked well," Mark drawled.

"Oh, shut up," both Lexie and Cristina tell him.

"Kids," Derek said again, knowing it annoyed them a bit, "help us clean up."

"Mom," Cristina whined to Meredith. "Dad's not being fair."

"You're all nuts," Meredith shook her head and played along, "listen to your father, do as he says and clean up before the bears come for a picnic."

"Bears," Alex said, " guys have bears...I don't like bears, they can rip you apart in seconds... I'm getting the hell out of here."

"Wimp," Izzie said.

"Wimp...dude, I'd like to see any of your reactions if you came upon a bear."

"We don't have bears," Meredith said.

"Mer ... Shepherd just said," George commented.

"George," Meredith said, "we've never seen a bear on this land."

"Yeah," Cristina quipped, "cause you pick up the food."

"We don't have bears," Meredith insisted, not quite as certain, "right Derek?"

"That's right," he said, "and we want to keep it that way."

"Whaaat..." Meredith turned to him.

"I'm joking," Derek assured her. "Let's get going, so we can get to the cliff while it's still light enough," he said, and everyone indeed helped with the clean up process leaving no trace of the barbecue that had included the finest cuts of meat, chicken, fish and so much food that all would be taking doggie bags home.

"Dr. Shepherd," George started to say as they all worked alongside each other.

"George," Derek said, "you're a of Mer's family, our family, can you please make it Derek?"

George O'Malley smiled at the man that he'd come to respect; as a professional it began when he'd admitted to his error over an anesthesiologists drunkenness, and on a personal level it had taken much longer than owning up to his relationship with Meredith. But now, had no doubts Derek Shepherd loved his friend and that they belonged together.

"Derek," George said, "there's no way the bet money covered what you spent here today," he referred to the food and liquor.

"It's the first time you're all here," Derek told him, "we had to make a good impression, given it's a trailer you know," and both men chuckled.

"This," Derek said once they'd all reached the cliff, and it was light enough to get an amazing view of Seattle, "is where Meredith and I will build our home."

"Wow," Izzie said, "it's beautiful...Mer...the view..."

Derek and Meredith's hands were entwined as they stood and smiled at each other.

"Derek," George said, "it's amazing...Mer said it was, but this is really incredible."

"Dude...this had to cost a fortune," Alex felt the smack on the back of his head.

"'s true. Shit, Iz that hurts."

"Alex, must you always be so crass?" Izzie reprimanded.

"He knows," Alex told her. "I bet he doesn't mind...and you're probably thinking it too, not the same kind of trailer park you grew up in."

"I don't know why I even talk to you," Izzie turned and walk away from him.

"I don't mind," Derek chuckled, not hearing the last part of his comment, while he and Meredith walked closer to the cliff.

"The plans you had," George said, "I think are going to be great for here."

"I hope so," Derek told him.

"I think you're pretty sure of it," George smiled at him and Meredith.

"Meredith wants some changes," Derek said, "and she can do whatever she wants."

"Totally whipped," they heard Cristina say, "Sloan you have him pegged."

"Told you," Mark said to her, "you're the one that still had doubts."

" you were right." Cristina said.

"Yeah..." Mark said, "which means you were wrong."

"Whatever," Cristina walked away.

"Yang," Mark said, "I admit when I'm you have to."

"Ok you two," Lexie said, "I heard enough of this on the way to Venice...and now, I think all three of us agree they've both become totally sappy and embarrassingly sentimental with their displays of affection...everywhere...which I think it's nice, I don't have a problem with it...but if they're happy."

"What is it with everyone?" Derek commented, "surely we're not the only normal couple they know that ..."

"Derek," Meredith giggled, "look around...are any of them acting like normal adults, and none are in relationships now...and do you really think we're normal?"

"I think we're perfectly normal newlyweds...that appreciate what it means to have found each other."

"My sappy...mushy...sentimental..."

"Who cares?" he nuzzled her neck.

"I don't," she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled in anticipation of his kiss.

"Good," Derek said, "cause neither do I."

"I'm perfectly happy with my sexy...insatiable...husband," she teased his lips.

"Mer," Izzie said, "Derek, you don't have to rub in all the happy Mr. and Mrs. McDreamy moments."

"You're just jealous Stevens," Mark drawled.

"So are you then," Alex said, "now that Tracy dumped you."

"Alex," Lexie defended Mark, "she did not dump him...they..."

"Of course she dumped him," Alex said. "She's dating someone else."

"You're just a jerk," Lexie told Alex, "ever since you had to show George up in the elevator. I don't understand you Alex...why you have to do that."

"Hey," Alex said, "I tell the truth. He knew all that shit cause he was repeating..."

"Enough," Meredith said, "let's enjoy the rest of the evening."

"You're a good kid Lexie," Mark told her.

"I'm not a kid Mark."

"You're Grey's younger sister," he told her. "I better think of you as a kid for a good long while," he said and Cristina frowned as she overhead him.

"I admit," Lexie said, "you're a lot older...but that shouldn't make a difference. Mark we've been friends, ever since we were going to be godparents...together..."

"Yes," Mark smiled at her, "we are, and we still have that role ahead of us one day."

"Mer," George said in a moment they had alone together, "after being here...seeing this is what he'd planned for don't know how much I wish I'd kept my mouth shut...about..."

"George," Meredith stopped him, "I have no regrets."

"You were hurt," George said, the reference related to the nurse, "it meant nothing...I should learn to be discreet."

"You know what," Meredith smiled at him and walked with him toward the cliff, "the fact that Derek and I are together, that all of you are here with us, sharing this place where we will build our doesn't matter how we got here...what matters is that we did...and every obstacle in our way made us stronger...and we're happy...and committed to each other and our marriage, and I think, we probably needed to go through all of that to get to this moment, so just know that every step we took...good and bad led us to this, and this is..." she took a deep breath, "it's just..."

"Spectacular," he said as he glanced to the view on the horizon and then back to the look of happiness on Meredith's face.

"Yes..." Meredith smiled and reached for his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, "spectacular."

The others had followed Derek's lead and gone to retrieve the blankets Derek had anticipated they'd need to just sit around comfortably to watch the sunset. But, Mark had insisted it be a hell of a lot more comfortable to sit on chairs, and drove back the short distance to the trailer to get some the recently acquired folding chairs and somehow a comment from Cristina and Lexie lead to building a bonfire and roasting marshmallows as the friends sat around and shared anecdotes and laughter.

"You're joking Mark," Izzie laughed, as they sat around the fire, "you're probably making that up."

"I'm not," he laughed, "ask Shep."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Derek said as he winked at Meredith.

"Mark is putting you on Izzie," Meredith said, "that's really a description of himself."

"Shep...Grey," Mark said with a glint of mischief, "you want to play it that way, fine..." he smiled. "Not only did he have an afro that weighed more than he did, and a bit of wind could topple him over in that band geek uniform of also took till his..."

"Whatever you are going to say," Meredith said to Mark, "you better make damn sure you don't..."

"Mer," Mark smiled at her, "are you always going to hold something over my head...every time I attempt to say something to embarrass your husband?"

"Probably," Meredith's carefree laughter made everyone join in, and they continued to find ways to make fun of each other, as well as share so many of the moments that had made them a family, not all perfect or appropriate comments, but they all had led to the support system they found in each other.

"Mer," George said, "remember the darts were right...Derek was an ass."

"I think the banana bag...the day of the train wreck...that day was bad...and you," Alex turned to Derek, "were an ass."

"I've never felt so loved," Derek joked, knowing they'd reached the point where they could openly discuss this without recriminations or anger.

"You made the wrong choice," Alex insisted; protective of Meredith in his own way.

"I know I did," Derek owned up to it, and felt her hand in his, squeezing gently.

"Mer..." Izzie decided to lighten the mood, "I was so mortified when I blurted out that I'd put away the condoms in the cookie jar and all the trashy magazines and Mrs. Shepherd walked in to your house and heard me..."

Derek actually chuckled, "she said she'd heard of them both, and went on to remind us she'd had five kids."

"Heard of them," Alex joked, "didn't believe in them."

"Thank God," Mark said, "otherwise...Mer would be missing half her family, and she likes the younger it's a good thing they had the five kids."

"Dr. Sloan," George said out of the blue, "how many kids do you plan on having?"

"Haven't thought of it O'Malley..." Mark said, and turned to Lexie, "what to you think Lexie, think I'd ever make a good father?"

"How would she know?" Cristina answered and looked over at Meredith.

"She went shopping with me," Mark said, "for some kid stuff, she can have an opinion."

"I think," Lexie said, though she first looked over at George with slight melancholy, "he would make a very good father. He gets along great with kids, I've seen him...he acts like them a lot."

"You're supposed to be my friend," Mark said indignantly, and the entire group began a discussion of the likelihood Mark could be mature enough for the role of fatherhood, which resulted in much teasing and laughter.

"So," Meredith wrapped her Derek's arms tighter around her body as she relaxed against him, both sitting on one of the two large comfortable chairs they'd decided to leave on the cliff months before, for the times they could enjoy moments as this. "Lexie told me all about your lack of trust in her..."

"That's not true," Derek turned her face to look at him, "I trust her...Mer...she actually said that, she doesn't think that I do?"

"Not quite like that," Meredith continued to speak quietly but then she paused.

"What are you thinking?"

"Look," she said, "Izzie and Alex...did you notice?" she asked him.

"I did," Derek said, "he helped her get up from the blanket...and now..."

"They're walking very close to each other," Meredith observed, "getting closer to the cliff."

"Mer," Cristina said suddenly, having noticed the same thing, "you don't think Alex's going to push her off the cliff do you?"

"More like Izzie would," George joked, "if he keeps making waves with Dr... with Derek and doesn't shut up about...well, you two are loud. I remember."

"George," Derek said, "I don't pay any attention to him. If they don't like that we're loud...tough..."

"That's why I gave you all earplugs," Mark said. "Use them," and they all laughed, and the banter continued between Cristina, Mark, Lexie and George as they alternated between sitting on chairs and the ground closer to the fire, a marshmallow roasted every so often. "Lex, want another s'more?"

"Yeah," Lexie said as they both went toward fire and began to put the chocolate and graham crackers together, and Lexie ended up giggling over whatever Mark said, "it's a good thing you remember to bring these."

"We had a campfire before," Mark said, "remember when the kids were here?"

"It was funny," Lexie continued talking, as they leaned in toward the other in intimate proximity. "That it was Bailey who thought to bring graham crackers and chocolate with bags of marshmallows."

"Think that was one of the hottest days of the year, who'd think of a campfire, but it worked," they both were smiling, "but today I knew the temperature was going to drop, and having a fire would be great."

"God help me," Derek mumbled.

Cristina exchanged glances with Meredith and they both smiled, "God help him," Cristina laughed, "if Xena 2 gets a hold of him."

"Derek..." Meredith glanced over to Mark and Lexie, "you said..."

"Meredith, you heard him, he knows he's too old...don't jump to ..."

"I'm not jumping," she said, "she's my younger sister."

"Don't worry so much," he told her.

"I have to..." Meredith said, "she worries about me...and..."

"Yes," Derek kissed her temple, "she does, and I'm glad...that you care and worry about her too."

"Cristina," Meredith said, "go over there..."

"I'm not a fifth wheel."

"Just do it," Meredith told her.

"Mer..." Cristina whined.

"Do it," Meredith told her, "besides, be a good friend, bring me a s'more."

"Get McDreamy to do it," Cristina said as she got up.

"I'll go," Derek said.

"Derek," Cristina laughed, "I'll get it. It's an excuse, she just wants me to play chaperone."

"Our kids," Derek teased as he heard the new quarreling followed by laughter.

"Can you imagine," Meredith turned to him, "one day...having kids that old?"

"Oh, yes..." Derek smiled and kissed her softly. "Making s'mores...right here...on this cliff."

"So can I," Meredith said, "I can feel clearly...and even...the three of them...bickering still...and their own kids," she said and he felt her shiver in his arms.

"Hey, you ok?"



"You know..." she said, "it's just odd..."

"What is..." he said as his hands caressed the length of her arms, warming her.

"I have this sense...such a strong feeling...of one day being here, just like we are now, roasting marshmallows at night and kids running around...and Mark and Cristina still arguing ...and Lexie and us...but...the others..."

"You mean Izzie and Alex..."

"And George," Meredith said, "it doesn't feel like they're's know..."

"Uhmmm...maybe not," Derek said, "we don't know where everyone will end up, opportunities come up..."

"Derek..." Meredith turned to him, "but...I feel...I really do...that we'll be here, grow old"

"I feel the same way..." Derek said as he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"Here you go Mer," George brought her a s'more. "Derek, Cristina said you wouldn't want one."

"He's right George," Derek said, "I'm not much into sweets."

"I am," George said, "going back for one."

"So," Meredith said, "back to our earlier conversation. Lexie said she understood that you went to Cristina instead of her about the shower," she had found that it as much better to talk things through with him, and very rarely did they keep things from the other; finding time either driving to work together, or stolen moments they came across each other at the hospital or at the end of the day just catching up on how their day had unfolded to simply comment on insignificant things that either of them felt like sharing.

"She can't keep a secret from you," Derek said, "she feels she's being disloyal, and gives some of it away, even if she doesn't tell you what all of it is."

"That's not true," Meredith attempted to defend her sister.

"Really...remember the spa? She almost gave it away..."

"Fine," Meredith said, "but I prompted her."

"Mer," Derek told her, "I know there's nothing she wouldn't do for you, and if she knew how important it was, she'd keep a secret. But, she'd be miserable because she was lying to you and she can't hide it."

"That sounds like Lexie," Meredith smiled, "I told her the same thing, that I knew she'd always keep a secret if she knew it was important to Brianna...she didn't ..."

"She'd never betray your confidence...that's the bottom line..."

"Derek," Meredith shifted positions, putting her arms around his neck. "This is the first time all of them are here...our Seattle family, on our land. Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Putting up with all of it...I know they're not the easiest bunch. The frat house, like Cristina says."

"Hey," Derek kissed her lips softly, "they love you...that's all I need to know."

"I love you Derek," she told him and put her head down on his shoulder.

"Meredith, I love you too," he said as his hands gently caressed her, while they watched their friends enjoying themselves in the ways they'd become familiar with over the years they'd been together, usually an insult or two making its way to the conversations.

"Derek...what are you thinking now?"

"That," he smiled, "this cliff...may hold special magical nights for others too."

"Our magical nights..." she smiled, "are too special to be shared by others," she told him as she kissed him, "but...they can have their own..."

"Fate," he said, and she felt the smile of his lips on her skin as he kissed her neck, and they watched Alex and Izzie in the distance, and the reflection of the moon exposed the kiss exchanged.

"Fate..." she said, "once upon a time...on a bright, filled night..."

"Your mommy and daddy," Derek teased, "were arguing while making s'mores and Aunt Cristina was playing they wouldn't burn their fingers..."

"Parents," she choked, "you're making them parents...together," and then laughed,
"Aunt Cristina was encouraging the fire..."

"Aunt Cristina," Derek laughed, "has been talking to my mother no doubt...and Kathleen...and my wife..."

"Derek," Meredith met his gaze, and he could see the twinkle in her eyes, "you know what I'm going to love..."

"What," he said as his lips brushed hers.

"To hear your story...the once upon a time...our kids will hear..."

"I'm going to practice..." he told her, "and make sure their mommy agrees..."

"As long," Meredith said, "as there's no mention of one night stands...and the wicked witch..."

"With red hair," he said and she giggled delightedly, "is never mentioned."

"Derek...we can tell mommy and daddy...knew...the first time they walked on this land together...that..."

"They had found the love of their lives," he caressed her face tenderly, "and Meredith, we were never a one night stand...we were meant to be together that night...and from that moment..."

"We were," she agreed, "for a lifetime..." and his mouth captured hers and their commitment once again was sealed with a kiss.

The evening was winding down, everyone sitting with some type of drink in hand around the fire; its warmth needed in the mid October night, as the high 50's temperature enjoyed during the day began their descent into the forties that would welcome the morning.

"I think," George said, "before we leave, we should drink a toast to Dr. Derek and Meredith at the place that will become their home," and each of the friends had something to add, from the obvious good wishes of good health and happiness to the less traditional toast to many years of loud married sex. The last of which was fulfilled as soon as they were alone together, and again with the rise of a new day.

"We should drink a toast to...relationships," Lexie said.

"Xena," Mark teased, "only one relationship in this group...sadly...only two people getting sex right now..."

"Seriously," Izzie said, "Dr.'re not...since...Tracy."

"I've mended my ways..." he smirked.

"Right," Cristina laughed. "Nurses still have their club..."

"You need sex Yang," Mark told her.

"I'm not disagreeing," Cristina said.

"I think then," Lexie said, "we should drink to ..."

"Sex," George slurred just a little, "for all of us...not together," he said and took a gulp of his drink.

"I think," Meredith interrupted, "we should drink a our friends..."

"Our family," Derek said.

"And," Meredith added, "that you each will be as lucky as Derek and finding...your soul mate."

"McDreamy," Cristina said, "you've ruined her..."

"But," Derek said, "you like me anyway."

"Apparently," she said and held the glass up to him and met his gaze, "our truce is holding," and in that moment two very important things were established; silently they acknowledged that if things had been different, in a few weeks time they'd all have gathered again in celebration of a new life, which had become a short lived presence that had changed their lives forever; then, equally important, they accepted, without any doubts that their truce had become a friendship that would become stronger throughout their lifetime.

The sun had set by six fifteen the evening before, and after spending all afternoon together and the quick drop in temperature, everyone had left by eight, leaving Meredith and Derek to enjoy the rest of the evening alone.

"Were you surprised," Meredith said as she snuggled close to Derek early the following morning, "it was George that made a toast to loud...married sex," she giggled.

"Who'd have known," Derek said, "he'd become so lose tongued after a few drinks. Not to mention," Derek chuckled, "how drunk...on each other Izzie and Alex..."

"Derek," Meredith laughed, "that is the corniest thing you've said all morning..."

"Mer," he said, "they were pretty obvious. I'm surprised we didn't see money exchange hands between the others last night, I was expecting a new betting pool to get started."

"I know," Meredith laughed, "he's always had a thing for Izzie I think, but they spend so much time being antagonistic that..."

"I guess," Derek said, "we'll find out soon enough. Now, Dr. Grey...I think we have better things to do..."

"I have to get to work by eleven..."

"The sun's not up yet," his hands roamed her body, "it's barely six...which leaves us four the wild," he joked about Mark's comment, "to enjoy whatever you..."

"Are you going to be my sex slave," she teased, as her hands reached for the hem of his t-shirt and then her mouth trailed kisses on his chest and came close to his nipple, "you haven't lived up to that in a long..."

"I haven't lived up to what," he said as he effortlessly and quickly pinned her body beneath his, and she forgot all but the pleasure of his mouth on her body.

This Sunday morning began as any other when they'd take immense pleasure in enticing each other awake; now the rising sun and the rays reflected directly from above on the bed, perfectly symbolized the warmth of their hearts and the undeniable heat and passion between them.

"Uhmm..." he smiled as her moans became increasingly louder and then, "oh my God, Derek...what are you doing...I ..." she took a deep breath, "Derek..."

"Connecting the dots..." he said breathlessly.

"Please," she said, equally breathless, "don't...stop..."

Long after satisfying her request, they lay basking in the pleasure of their embrace, "Mer...was I a good sex slave..."

Her laughter echoed through the place they'd always cherish as the one where for the first time they'd mutually accepted their love, even if not to each other at the time. "I think," she said, "if you fulfill your role of sex slave any better...I won't be able to function, I'll become totally and completely addicted..."

"Uhmmm..." he smiled, "addicted to what in particular..."

"Your tongue," she teased, "connecting...the dots...and finding...the spots..."

"It's quite amazing, that your legs...have all these adorable freckles...that lead me exactly...and perfectly to..."

"Stop talking," Meredith said and kissed him, "it's my turn..."

"Really," he said, "you're going to be my sex slave?"

"It's only fair..." Meredith told him, "after all," she whispered in his ear, and before long, he cried out in pleasure, as his wife perfectly and expertly dedicated the morning to all of his favorite things.

"Mer," he said, "can you wake me like that...every morning..."

"Can you?" she said, and they burst out laughing.

"Only if we never work another day in our lives," he teased, "or we get used to a lot less we can spend hours each morning...waking each other up..."

"Derek," she smiled, their naked bodies still intimately pressed together, "I love you."

"Meredith," he whispered, and her quiet moans followed, as his lips found spots that were left tingling with pleasure and desire, "I want you," he said, his voice hoarse "I love you..." she heard seconds before he joined their bodies for a second time that morning.

They had time for a little sleep before they had no choice but to get up; he did so first and made breakfast, and as the night had turned so cold, they chose not to go up on deck when they reached the ferry, instead sat inside, each enjoying a hot cup of coffee.

"Yesterday was nice," Meredith said as she sat back against him, "did you enjoy it?"

"I did," he told her, "we can do it more often."

"Derek," she turned to face him, "ever since we came back from Italy, you've made sure we get together at least once a month, and you cook...and I don't feel I do anything."

"I don't want you to cook," he teased her.

"I can learn you know," she challenged.

"I'm sure you can."

"Mom's going to teach me," she said and then smiled, "even if takes her months of visiting she said."

"And," he smiled at the thought of if, "you don't mind the idea of Mom visiting us months at a time."

"Maybe weeks..." she smiled back, "you know...I don't know how long I can keep up," she whispered, "with silent sex," and he laughed, uncaring of the looks they got.

"Mer," he lifted an eyebrow suggestively, "we can always escape to the trailer..."

"For loud married sex," she giggled quietly, "and unleashing the beasts..."

"For all that," he wrapped his arms around her, "and for those unforgettable morning wake up calls..."

"We've mastered lots of things," Meredith smiled, "since we got married..."

"Morning wake up calls," he smiled.

"All night...silent sex..." she whispered and they smiled, two lovers safe and secure in having found the love of soul mates.

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