I Miss You...

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"I wanted to hear your voice too."

"You're not sleeping, you should be."

"Lexie is following your instructions, and hovering like a mother hen," she giggled lightly.

"Oh, Mer...how I love to hear that sound."


"Your giggling...I haven't heard it enough lately."

"Were you sleeping?"

"No, just doing some research online."

"Oh...on what?"

"Uh...just...just this case I have coming up."

"You're lying."

"I'm not..."

"Yeah...you are...you hesitated."

"Fine...it's a surprise..."

"For me?"

"Yes, of course for you."

"Is it a nice surprise."

"Mer surprises are nice."

"Not always...look at..."

"It's a nice surprise...at least I think it's a nice surprise..." he interrupted her before she finished her sentence, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"So... just trust you..."

"Yeah...trust me."



"You're not giving up?"

He composed himself before he answered. Her self doubts, which he had failed to recognize, where surfacing so quickly he didn't know how to react, without her noticing the shattering effect it was having on him. It wasn't guilt, like Lexie had commented, rather overwhelming sadness that he had ignored those tell tale sings for so long.


"I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Do you...do you... think we're going to make it?" she asked with a half broken sob.

"I know we will."

"I wish I could be so sure."

"I'll be sure enough for both of us... from now on...I'll be sure enough for both of us."



"I love that sound...it really turns me on."

"Are you sure you want to go there...right now...?"

"I wish I was with you right now."

"Me too."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, you have a good night Mer."



"I'm glad we talked, earlier tonight."

"So am I.."

"Derek...I'm happy I could hear your voice, before I go to sleep tonight."

"I love you Meredith."

"When I forget...will you remind me."

"For as long as you want."

"I... I'm..." she paused, as she felt emotions take a life of their own, and a single tear slid down the side of her face.

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