Promised dreams - Part 1

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A/N: This is super long so be prepared. Word Count 12,172.

Dessert was a relatively quick transition, in spite of the many times one or another group of family members was asked to smile for a photo, though it was Kathleen that managed to get some of the most poignant moments of the evening without the subjects being aware. Most everyone seemed content to enjoy the sweet delicacies, and Derek took the opportunity to go upstairs and bring the gifts. Once the kids saw the three big shopping bags their uncle took into the living room, there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell to bring the noise level down again.

"Enough, all of you," Mike, Nancy's husband spoke several minutes later, "go in the living room, quietly."

"But Dad," one of his daughters said, "it's like Christmas...Uncle Derek brought gifts."

"Young lady," her father simply stated, and it was enough for all of them, as silence did reign for a rather short period.

"You guys are too damn serious," Derek said when the kids had walked out.

"Yeah," Mike said, "talk to me when you've had 16 years of raising kids, and trying to discipline them. Not just mine...but any given family gathering."

"Come on Mer," Derek grabbed her hand, "old people have no sense of humor."

"Old people," Mike said with a mischievous grin, "Meredith, you should know this one has been known..."

"Mike," Carolyn said, "you know how I feel about son in laws."

"Oh shit," Mike joked, "Shep, see what you did..."

Meredith looked around the room to make sure the kids were gone, "you know, I don't believe any of you any more," she said, and Derek smiled at the bossy tone, and more so that she felt comfortable enough with his family to call them, sort of, on the carpet. "You've obviously all been putting me on...what the hell's the deal with the son and son in law crap? Mom," she said as the word easily rolled off her tongue, "Jenna's right," and Meredith actually pouted. "It's not nice to keep secrets...or make a gullible idiot of me..."

"Meredith," Mike laughed, "she's not kidding. Her favorite is doubt about it. The rest of us...we're all on the shit list every once in a while."

"Meredith dear," Carolyn said, "do you think I'd lie to you?"

"Well," Meredith hesitated, "no..."

"Good answer," Jenna's husband Rob chuckled and turned to Jenna. "Right honey?"

"Meredith," Jenna laughed, "it's true. Kevin's really the only one that is always her son, since we've been stuck with him since before most of us were born. The rest...they all happen to be on good behavior right now...thanks to all the work they put in..."

They heard laughter and giggles from the living room, "we better go in," Maggie said. "Aunt Pat's with them, God knows what she's telling them."

"Maggie," Meredith said, "she's a nun...she's not going to corrupt them," then laughed, "is she?"

"Last time we talked of her sky diving," John, Maggie's husband said, "Aunt Pat showed them an old Flying Nun episode, and Emma, that's Nancy's little one," he clarified, knowing how difficult it was to keep everyone straight, "was convinced she could fly if she became a nun."

"She was six years old," Kathleen defended her niece, "and Aunt Pat can be very convincing."

"Honey," Kevin said, "it's ok. You don't have to psychoanalyze it. It happened."

"Ass," Kathleen said, and walked out of the dining room carrying some dishes.

"Let me help with cleaning up," Meredith said and started to carry some dishes to the kitchen.

"Absolutely not," Carolyn said, "my girls will take care of it. You're our guest tonight, you don't need to be in the kitchen." Meredith's reacted instinctively, years of rejection never a far enough memory, as she retreated emotionally, and Carolyn realized her mistake immediately.

Meredith responded quietly, shyly, "yes...of course...and I should have already thanked you for a lovely dinner." She turned to Derek, "we should...go, give the kids their gifts."

"Meredith," Carolyn turned to her, "please come with me."

"Mom," Derek's tone warned, he was not going to have anything else upset her today.

"We will be right back," Carolyn said and looked at him, her chin raised, with a don't even think of following me expression, and led Meredith to the large pantry adjacent to the kitchen.

"I..." Meredith began, "apologize...if I was rude, I was only trying to help. I don't do family gatherings...I'm not sure what the rules are...being a your home."

"There are no rules," Carolyn said softly, "I'm the one that should are not a guest in this home, I saw your expression when I said are my daughter," she assured her, "I had hoped you knew that by now...that there were no doubts...that we had gotten beyond that...that you know you are one more member of this family."

"We did...we have," Meredith told her, "it's just, I'm not always sure...about family things...and ..."

"Listen to me," Carolyn told her, "there's a reason...we don't want you in the kitchen..."

"I didn't break anything...before..." Meredith said defensively, "and I'm not cooking..."

"Oh, sweetheart," Carolyn laughed. "I don't care about that...even if you broke every plate and cup in my kitchen...material things aren't important, you are..." she told her, and as it reminded her of the same words Derek had used earlier, her eyes filled with tears.

"Meredith," Carolyn said softly, "sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Meredith said, and cleared her throat, "nothing...really..."

"I've lots of experience you know," Carolyn told her, and reached out to hug her, "with my daughters' tears."

"Carolyn," Meredith said, and remained quiet when she felt she'd start to cry all over again.

"Meredith," Carolyn soothed her, "you were crying...earlier...when we were coming downstairs...what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she repeated, " was hard...much harder than I expected."

"I know," Carolyn spoke softly, "and I'm sorry you had to go through that...sweetheart so many times today I wanted to hug you, and wished I had made sure you didn't visit until after the baby was born...we should have realized, how hard this would be for you'd you see, I'm the one that owes you an apology, because I should have made sure I took care of you...that you didn't have to relive all of your sadness...and then I was careless in the way I used my are my daughter Meredith...from the moment I met you..."

"Carolyn," Meredith admitted, "it was was...and my heart was breaking...when I felt the baby..." she didn't care that her tears were falling. "I kept thinking...that would have been me...and how I couldn't...I didn't ...Derek wants that...and I couldn't..."

"But you will," Carolyn said with steel determination, "you will have that...I know, as you do...remember you dream Meredith...your beautiful dream..."

"I want that," Meredith admitted, "I do...but part of me is scared, that it can happen again."

"It won't," Carolyn told her, "in my heart, I know it won't."

"Mom..." Meredith said as though weighing her words.

"That's my girl," Carolyn said, "hearing you say that...calling me Mom...sweetheart it warms my heart every time...don't stop using it...whenever you feel like it's me Mom."

"Whenever it happens...when...I'm pregnant again and it's time for the baby...will you be there...when the baby's born...please..."

"Oh...Meredith," Carolyn shed her own tears, "of course I'll be there...any time...all the time, whenever you need me or want me with you...I'm a call away...and I'll be there."

"Thank you," Meredith said, and hugged her mother in law tightly, "I love you...Mom."

"I love you too, Meredith...don't ever doubt it...or forget it," she said, "now wipe those tears, and go join my son before he comes looking for me to tell me off for upsetting you."

"Carolyn," she said, "I do I'm part of the family...just...ignore me...when I get all dark and twisty."

"When you get dark and twisty," Carolyn said, "sweetheart that's just when the Mom in me can't ignore you...that's when I have to make sure I'm there."

"Carolyn," she said again, "Mom...why can't I go in the kitchen?"

Carolyn laughed, " a surprise...and the girls will kill me if I ruin it," and with that, she linked her arm through Meredith's and led her to join the rest of the family.

"Where were you?" Amanda blurted out, "Aunt Meredith...we've been waiting and waiting."

"We have, Aunt Meredith," Rebecca, Kathleen's youngest said, "we still need to watch your wedding video and our attention span is not really great," she said and Meredith laughed at the nine year old's language, "at least that's what Mommy says to my brother all the time...tops a half hour, and the video is like two hours long."

"Rebecca," Kathleen said, "Dad can take you to your grandmother's...and you don't have to watch at all."

"Mom," Rebecca walked over to her, "I'm sorry...I want to see said it was beautiful...and I just don't want to fall asleep," she said so sincerely, her mother had to turn her face so her daughter wouldn't see her smile.

"Are you ok?" Derek whispered to Meredith.

"Yes," she whispered back, "they have a surprise for us, and they're hiding it in the kitchen, that's why she didn't want me there."

"You've been crying," he accused softly.

"Happy crying," she lied, and turned her face to kiss his lips.


"Promise..." she lied, and smiled at him, not wanting him to realize how much of an emotional toll this day continued to be for her.

"Uncle Derek," Katie, Jenna's oldest, said to him, "how come you kiss Aunt Merdith so much?"

"Because I love her, a lot..."

"That's what my Daddy says...he loves Mommy a lot."

"What do you say," he lifted the little girl in his arms, "if we start opening your gifts?"

"That's awesome..." she said, and made him chuckle.

"I guess," Derek said, "we should start with the youngest ones..."

"Uncle Derek," protested one of the older girls, "that's not fair..."

"What are you complaining about," one of the boys said, "you're number don't have to wait that much..."

"Number nine," Meredith turned to Jenna, "what does he mean?"

"Birth order...oldest is one...youngest is fourteen," Jenna said, "for a few weeks anyway, till this one becomes fifteen," she rubbed her belly gently.

"Who wants to be my helper...I need an elf," Derek said, and Jenna's little one, immediately ran over to him, "me...Uncle I be your elf..."

" get your present first," he teased her, "how are you going to help me if you have yours already..."

"I wait...Uncle D ... we give all the pwesents...just like Santa..."

"I like that idea," he said, fondly remembering past Christmas days, when they all had to wait until everyone had one gift, and then they could open them.

"I'm your elf too Uncle Derek," Katie said, "so we can go faster."

"All right then," Derek said, "here we go," he said, and looked for the names Meredith had written on each of the gifts she'd insisted he help wrap earlier that morning, before they came downstairs for breakfast. Within three minutes the presents were distributed and opened, to the exclamations of delighted surprise.

"Derek," Kathleen was the first one to react, "are you out of your mind? Actually, Meredith, you're out of your mind...I knew about Allie but that was because it's also her graduation...but this, know we have a thirty dollar limit on gifts...except at Christmas...I cannot believe..."

"Kat," he said, "I haven't been home in two Christmases...and Meredith ..."

"Had no time," Meredith said, "but to buy these...and some weren't thirty dollars..."

Maggie laughed, "no, not individually," she said, "but when you buy five different things of My Little Pony, it adds up to a lot more than that..."

"It was my first Aunt Meredith," she replied, "we won't spend so much next time."

"This is interesting," John, Maggie's husband chuckled. "you're bit..." he stopped himself from saying bitching, "complaining about their gifts...need I remind you...Kevin and I have visited the chiropractor twice since..."

Nancy smacked her brother in law playfully, "John..." but what she said next was not heard by Meredith and Derek as the youngest of the grandchildren ran to her mother.

"Mommy...look..." Meghan said filled with excitement, "baby pony like my baby sister...pony has pafire..."

Jenna smiled, "the pony has a pacifier, just like we bought for your sister."

"Look Mommy...he say I love you..."

"What do you say," Jenna asked her, "for your present?"

"Thank you Uncle D," she turned to him and smiled, and then ran to Meredith, "thank you Aunt...Mewe..." she became frustrated.

"Meghan," Meredith picked her up and sat her on her lap, "I have an idea..."

"What," Meghan cuddled her baby pony.

"You know how it was hard to say Uncle Derek, and you call him Uncle D," Derek was looking at her with such tenderness; both his older sisters exchanged smiles.

"Cause I was little and it be hard..."

"Well, Uncle Derek's name starts with the letter you know what letter your name starts with?"

"M..." the little girl beamed at her, "letter M..."

"My name, Meredith, starts with the letter M too, just like your name, maybe it's easier if you just say Aunt M..."

"Aunt M..." the little girl tried it out and wasn't too convinced, "Aunty M..." she said, "I like Aunty M..."

"Then that's what you'll call me..." Meredith smiled at her.

"Aunty M," the little girl smiled and held her pony out to her, "I love my baby pony...thank you," she said and put her little arms around her neck and kissed her.

"Your welcome sweetie," Meredith hugged her back, as her gaze met Derek's.

"And her pafire...that my favorite color..."

"It is," Meredith said as she held it out to her, "purple's my favorite color too," and the little girl giggled and smiled. "Cause you my Aunty M..."

"Yep," Meredith told her, "cause I'm your Aunty M..." and she held Derek's gaze, willing him to understand she was fine. That so far, she could do families.

The next hour was spent with each of the kids talking and thanking Meredith and Derek as each gift was a hit with the kids. Derek knew they would not get to spend much time together the next day as he intended to spend the night in Manhattan.

"Uncle Derek," Maggie's oldest son said, "this is great...I've been wanting one of these but Mom and Dad..."

"Don't thank me...Meredith picked them out," Derek told him.

"Thanks..." he said, "it's a great gift," he said a bit shyly, "it's really nice to meet you too. Mom said you were really nice...but, we weren't sure...if you'd be friendly or not...cause you know...Addie...she didn't have a lot of patience with us kids..."

"But you like Uncle Derek's woods...and living in a trailer," his younger brother said, "so we figured you were probably ok."

"Did I pass the test," she smiled at them and teased, "was I ok?"

"You're lucky, Uncle Derek," the younger boy, "she has a sense of humor too," he said, and thus began his light crush on Aunt Meredith, which did not go unnoticed by Derek.

"She's pretty smart too," Derek said. "She said you could come visit..."

"Mom said we had to wait till summer," the oldest one said.

"Time goes by fast," Derek said, "you'll see. But you have to stop growing. You're both as tall as I am."

The boys laughed, "you're not that tall Uncle Derek," the younger one said, "not like Dad," and Meredith giggled, earning a scowl from Derek.

"Ah..." she kissed him, "you're tall enough for me," then whispered seductively, "and I wouldn't trade a single inch of you..."

"Tease..." he laughed. "In front of your family...when you know there's nothing..."

"My family," she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, they're getting in the way of me...seducing my wife...they're your troublesome family right now," he said, and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Just what we needed," they heard one of the older boys say, "another kissing though four weren't enough."

"You weren't thinking that the other day," Jennifer, Nancy's sixteen year old told her older cousin, "when you were making out with that hussy...Olivia."

"What the hell do you know about that," Kyle responded much too loud.

"Son," Kevin said, "watch your language."

"What the hell are you talking about," Kyle pulled his cousin aside.

"She's not nice Kyle," Jennifer said, "and she's going to prom with a senior, so don't be fooled by her."

"Just because you don't have a boyfriend," he retorted.

"You're her boyfriend now? Are you out of your mind?" Jennifer said louder than intended.

"You have a girlfriend," his younger sister said, "Mom...Kyle was a girlfriend..."

"Nicole," Kathleen reprimanded, "mind your manners."

"But Mom, Jen just said..."

"We were talking about some friends, not that Kyle has a girlfriend," Jennifer said, careful not to hurt her cousin's feelings or betray his confidence. They were a few months apart in age, and had always been close, but she was very mature and levelheaded for her age and was very protective of him as well as the other younger cousins. "You and I will talk later..." she told him, the girl he was talking about was a year older than him, and typically involved with more than one guy at a time.

"Jen, honey," Kathleen spoke to her niece, "please call Alice, tell her we're about to watch the video. Boys," she called out to the older kids, "come finish helping me in the kitchen," she said and all five teenagers followed her, helping to finish clean up as well as take out the garbage.

"I'll get the girls ready for bed," Jenna's husband said, "they're probably going to crash after so much excitement, so they might as well have their pajamas on already."

"Help me up," Jenna told him.

"Stay," Rob told her, "I'll do it."

"I want to," she smiled at him, "it will help me burn some I can eat cake."

"You are incorrigible," he extended his hand to her.

"We're going to get the girls ready for bed," Jenna said, "while Kat finishes up in the kitchen and Alice gets here. We won't be long, so we can watch the video."

"Mer," Maggie said, "from what you said about the video, we thought we'd watch the wedding with the kids, and get them off to bed and then just the adults...we can stay and watch the reception...and talk..."

"Mom," Jennifer whispered to her mother, Nancy, "you said I could the whole thing."

"You will," Nancy said, "you're not a kid anymore," she smiled at her. "Who is Olivia?"

"Mom..." the young girl protested, "that's between Kyle and ..."

"Honey," Nancy told her, "I know you always look out for you do the other kids...but sometimes, there's things you may need help're still my know, even if you are sixteen..."

"Mom," Jennifer assured her, "if I can't handle it...I'll talk to you...ok..."

"Ok," Nancy accepted. "But...Jen, whatever it is, I'm always here."

"I know Mom," Jennifer told her, "I can come to you with anything. I'll go help Aunt Kat in the kitchen," she whispered, "with the surprise."

"Thank you," Nancy told her.

"Mom," Jennifer said before walking away, "she's really nice. You like her now."

"Yes, honey, she is, and I really do like her. I wasn't very fair when I went to Seattle."

"She seems to like you, like she's ok with ...whatever happened," the young girl said.

"She is," Nancy told her daughter, "and I'm very happy your Uncle Derek has found someone that loves him so much."

"She's not cold," Jennifer said, "not like Aunt Addie was, sometimes."

"She's not cold," Nancy said, "not at all."

Alice and her husband walked in and after the introductions to Kevin's father, the older woman smiled and handed them a thin box wrapped in silver, "it's a belated wedding present."

"Alice," Derek said, "there was no need."

"Of course there was," Alice kissed his cheek, and then Meredith's, "Kathleen's shared your lovely romantic wedding...and your gift."

Meredith did, and was taken aback by the obvious expense of the wedding gift; a silver Christofle picture frame. "It's beautiful, thank you."

"We saw so many beautiful photos of that day," Alice told her, "I was sure you'd want to have more than one of them displayed, and should have a special frame...for such beautiful moments."

"There were," Derek told her, "many special moments. Thank you Alice, Tom."

"You're like one of our kids Derek," Tom said, "family."

"Granma," Jenna's little one came rushing in the room and ran to Carolyn. "We gonna see a wedding."

"We are," Carolyn told her. "A very special wedding."

"Uncle D and aunty M's wedding," her eyes were wide open, "on a boat..."

"A gondola, baby," their aunt Patricia told her, "it's called a gondola."

"Why not boat?" the little girl asked.

"It's just like a boat, because it floats, but you'll see," Patricia told her, "it looks different."

"Aunty Pat," the little girl looked at her, "you drive to school when we get up?"

"Your daddy will take you tomorrow," she smiled at her great niece, "but you'll get to come home with me."

Kathleen came back in with the boys, and soon all the adults were settled on the two couches and various comfortable chairs that filled the living room that was always set up to accommodate at least twelve adults, and as many children scattered on the floor.

"Derek, are you going to narrate?" Kevin joked.

"I think," Kathleen nudged her husband playfully, "the video will speak for itself, but just in case," she settled back into his arms, "all you need to know is that it takes place in Venice...a very romantic city," and for the smaller kids benefits, "and there's no cars because it's an island where instead of streets, they have you travel from place to place...on a boat...or like we did, a water taxi, and later a gondola..." she finished just as they saw the images on the screen, an edited version of the women getting on the water taxi and their arrival at City Hall, and then the brief moments that neither Meredith or Derek had seen that morning, of each other as they waited for the moment of their ceremony; a small glimpse of Derek's nervousness and Meredith's exchange with her friends and his mother right before the wedding.

The light strings of the harp were heard with Mendelssohn's Wedding March from A Midsummer's Night dream, and Derek and Meredith's eyes met, their gazes locked, never wavering until she was at his side and not a single adult was unmoved by the poignant ceremony witnessed.

The boys grew bored, and one snickered, earning a light smack on the back of his head, either by his mother or aunt, and the others knew to keep quiet, even if they agreed it was rather boring to watch. The girls on the other hand, even the younger ones, watched the fifteen minute ceremony without complaints, but got restless as soon as the wedding party moved to the hall area where numerous photos were taken.

Meredith's sentimental tears were matched by Jenna's and all his sisters, as well as the three older women. Derek kissed her temple as he held her close to him, "happy tears..."

"Very happy tears," she whispered back, as she held his hand in hers.

"That was beautiful," Patricia said, "the most romantic...beautiful ceremony I've ever seen...I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to have shared this with you."

"Meredith," Alice said, "you were a beautiful bride. You were glowing."

"She was," Kevin agreed, "Mom...she was glowing, but so was Shep."

"Men do not glow," Nancy swatted her brother in law, "stop making fun of my brother. He never looked happier or more in love."

"On that note," Patricia said, "I've got lots of ducklings to take with me," she said "and get ready for bed."

"Pat," Alice said, "you stay, Tom and I are taking the kids with us. You enjoy the rest of the evening. Here's the key to the back door, you and Jen can come in later," she smiled at Nancy's daughter.

"Mom," Kathleen said to Kevin's mother Alice, "I'm going to come with you get them settled."

"Kathleen," her father in law said, "we can handle ten kids," he said referring to the fact that all the kids were sleeping at their house, with only Jenna's younger girls staying at Carolyn's with their parents. "We've had more than twenty grandkids at a time, ten kids will be a piece of cake."

"Wait," Jenna said, "before the kids go, we should have a family photo, all of us...I know Kat's been snapping away, but it would be nice to have one of all of us together," and with that another twenty minutes of joking and laughter ensued as they finally managed to get one perfect shot, according to the expert family photographer, who directed the group with precision.

"Aunt Pat," Meredith said, after the photos were taken, "guess I need to add professional photographer and director to my earlier assessment."

"Honey, you'll discover more," Pat laughed. "I just don't want to overwhelm you with all my talents," she said as Meredith giggled and Pat gave her a quick hug.

"Meredith," Carolyn said as she overheard the exchange, "she's also an expert at making you believe she's more talented than she really is..."

"Carolyn," Pat said, a tone that indicated this was an ongoing debate, "just because I'm more adventurous than you..."

"I was a navy nurse," Carolyn told her, "that was as adventurous as I could stand," and both sisters laughed.

"Especially," Pat said, "her attempts at keeping all those navy officers at bay..."

"Aunt Pat..." Nancy protested, "that's off limits," she said, and Meredith knew she'd have to ask about that... later!

"Dad," Kevin said once the kids were gathered to leave, "if you need us to come over..."

"We won't," his father said, "we'll see you in the morning at breakfast. Your wives are supposed to sleep late tomorrow, but each of you," he said to the three men whose children were sleeping at his house, "need to be there to help with breakfast in the morning," he said, and he and Alice gathered all the kids and walked across the back yard to their home.

"Mommy," Jenna's oldest said, "I'm sleepy."

"Daddy will take you up to Grandma's room, ok?" Jenna said.

"I'll take her," Maggie said, "Rob, stay here," she said as she smiled at her brother in law, who was gently rubbing his wife's belly, following their baby's movements.

"Good night Mommy," the little girl said, "Daddy," and gave them each a kiss, and then kissed her mother's tummy, "night baby...sleep tight."

"Come on, baby Kat," Maggie said, using an often used endearing nickname, as she'd been named Kathleen for her aunt, but they'd settled for Katie as soon as she was brought home from the hospital; then picked her up, "you get to sleep in grandma's big bed."

Conversation followed between the adults while Maggie was upstairs, and Meredith and Derek got to speak to Jennifer, Nancy's oldest daughter.

"You've become a beautiful young lady, Jen," Derek told her, "and sensitive. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with your cousin."

"Boys don't always think things know, and he's my cousin...I can't keep something important from him," she said without elaborating further.

"You're right," Derek said, "in looking out for him."

"Uncle Derek," she smiled, "it's really good to see you. We've missed you a lot."

"I've missed all of you too," he said, "but we should be visiting more often now."

Meredith had remained quiet, accepting that his niece must have many fond memories of Addison. "Mere...sorry," she said, "Aunt Meredith..."

"You can call me Meredith...I just met me, and it's been Aunt Addie for a long time."

"I only called her that when I was little," Jennifer said, "she was just Addie ..."

"What do you like to be called," Meredith asked her, "Jennifer or Jen?"

"Either's ok," she smiled at her. "Meredith," she said, and Derek did not really care for it, but was not about to say anything, he knew it was important to Meredith that the kids accept her. "I loved the gift you bought," she smiled, "you bought enough make up for the rest of the year...and next, I really like everything you picked out."

"I was hoping," Meredith told her, "it was going to be ok, I don't wear a lot of make up now, but I do like what they have..."

"I don't use a lot of makeup either, but all you got was just right. It's even the same nail polish color I use," she said, and they spoke for a few more minutes before Maggie joined them.

"Ok," Nancy said, "now that the kids are gone...we can enjoy the reception," she smiled as did her other sisters, and they played the rest of the video, pausing to make comments at their leisure, and then after Meredith noticed Kathleen had texted someone several times, her phone rang.

"Perfect timing," Kathleen said, "hold on, talk to Jenna while we get everything ready," and she handed her the phone as her other two sisters and husbands followed to the kitchen.

"What's going on," Derek asked and nobody answered him.

"Our surprise," Meredith smiled, "I'd guess."

"You're very calm...considering you don't like surprises." He told her.

"I trust your Mother," she told him, and Carolyn heard her and smiled.

"I'm putting you on speaker phone now," Jenna said as she saw Kathleen walk back in the room holding a small replica of their wedding cake, plates, champagne glasses and three bottles of champagne.

Meredith was stunned. "It's like our wedding cake," she said in awe of the detail that had been put into their surprise, "and champagne Grey," they heard Mark's voice through the speaker phone, "I can't be there to toast with you ...but Cristina and Lexie are joining me later for a drink at Joe's in your honor...yours and Shep's," he said, and stayed on the phone while they set everything up, including opening a bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider for Jenna to toast, and they all did...each with their own special message to the newlyweds.

Jenna naturally cried, and Meredith was not far behind with the shedding of emotional tears on this night, when his family truly became hers.

"Jen, honey," her father Mike said after they'd all had cake and she'd even been allowed a half glass of champagne, "I'll walk you to Tom & Alice's, you've got school in the morning," and she said goodnight to everyone.

"Uncle Derek," she walked up to him and Meredith, "it was a beautiful wedding," she said, "I'm glad you found each other...I hope I'm lucky one day to have someone feel about me, the way you feel about each other" she smiled and looked at Meredith. "I think," she told her, "I'd like to call you Aunt Meredith...if you don't mind."

"I don't mind," Meredith smiled, and couldn't help but to get teary eyed yet again today.

The young woman smiled at her and then hugged her and said quietly, "I wanted to make sure," she said, "that you're going to be around...for a long time, you an Aunt."

"I plan on it," Meredith said, "for a lifetime."

"I believe you are," Jennifer told her, "aunt Kat was right," she smiled at Meredith, "she said when she came back...she'd been to a wedding...of soul mates...and you can see that, in your wedding can see that."

"This is my cue to leave too," Patricia said. "When I have my own escort home."

"Am I driving you to the convent?" Mike teased her.

"Don't mess with me Mike, I can still tell your Mother what a disrespectful..."

"You're bluffing," he laughed. "By the way, are you allowed to spend the night out...sleeping around," he joked with her.

"You know," Carolyn, "I think this one is fast becoming a son in law."

"Don't worry son," Carolyn told him.

"Don't worry today," Patricia laughed, "since you're all riding the coattails of good behavior, after you had to take away that entire monstrosity."

"You're not kidding," John, Maggie's husband laughed, "I was serious when I said Kevin and I had to visit the chiropractor."

"You know," Derek said, "each of you has rambled on..." he smiled at Meredith, "not quite the rambles of Meredith proportions," he said, as she smacked him playfully and mouthed, "ass," and he laughed. "But, what's all the talk about chiropractors...and Mer what else was it they said...pot calling the kettle black over thirty dollar gifts?"

"Shep," Kevin said, "thanks to your sisters...every one of them, that nagged for weeks, and kept coming up with new projects to do, we had to carry all your old furniture out of here before the room was redone, and the new furniture was brought in. We spent a weekend painting the room and then retouching after the guys that delivered the furniture nicked the walls...and Mom had to have the entire house repainted for your welcome home..."

"Mom," Derek said, "why...there was no need. Mer and I didn't need for you to go through all that extra work...and expense..."

"Honey," his aunt Patricia said, "the labor was free...hence the in laws...for now," she laughed, "and the expense," she winked at him, "talk to your sisters..."

"Aunt Pat," Nancy said in a tone filled with warning.

"Don't use that tone with me," Patricia said, "we all know you can be," she smiled, "mcbitchy," she laughed, "it's so much nicer...than...just the word..."

Meredith buried her face in Derek's neck and laughed before she heard a whisper in her ear, "not nice to laugh at the nun," Patricia told her which only turned Meredith's laugh into giggles.

"By the way," Patricia grabbed Mike's ear and pulled on it, "you young disrespectful..."

"Aunt Pat," Mike protested, "that hurts."

"It's meant to," she said, "you should know that. You were in my first grade class, and experienced it plenty. Wise ass," she said, "don't look at me like that, Jen's heard the word before and the little ones are gone. Nuns, when they sleep out," she said with a serious tone, "get special dispensation..."

"Really," Mike taunted, "from whom?"

"My boss," Patricia said.

"Aunt Patricia," Jen joined in, "you don't have a boss."

"I do honey...but...if they don't know...can't get reprimanded."

"Just what I want my teenager needs to hear," Mike said.

"Oh, lighten up Mike," Patricia said, "she's got a good head on her shoulders."

"Come on, you old nun," he said, "it's too late for you to be out causing trouble," he put his arm around her shoulders, and his daughter followed, "Nance," he winked at her, "wanna walk home with me, so we can make out on the porch?"

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Nancy answered her husband.

"Do I ever," he said, as he reached for her hand and pulled her off the couch.

"I guess we'll find out," she smiled and walked out with him.

While Mike and Nancy were gone, the women, except Jenna whose little one, Meghan, had fallen asleep on what was left of her lap, picked up the flutes, plates and utensils and finished cleaning up the kitchen, and soon no trace was left of the dinner that had taken place.

"Mommy," the little girl said groggily as she woke up, "I want Big Bear."

"He's upstairs sweetie, how about if Daddy puts you in bed with Big Bear."

"I sleep with Grandma," she rubbed her eyes, as she lifted her face from her mother's lap and her mother reached up to hold her, while the little girl wrapped her hands around her neck, and Jenna asked her husband for help as Meghan clung to her very pregnant body.

"Honey," Jenna said, "take her."

"Daddy, you have Big Bear?"

"He's upstairs," he kissed the top of the little girls head. "How about you kiss Mommy goodnight," he said and sat down next to his wife to make it easier, and started to get up when the little girl stopped him.

"Daddy wait...I kiss my baby sister," and he put her down so she could follow her nightly routine since they'd told her about the baby, and she kissed Jenna's tummy, "nighty night baby," and then she smiled delightedly, "mommy...she said nighty night...cause she kicked me..."

"I believe she did," Jenna smiled, "and that's telling you she loves you too...just like Mommy..."

"And daddy," the little girl said.

"And daddy," Jenna answered in what was obviously a nightly routine, "and Katie..."

"And Grandma...Aunty Pat and Aunt Maggie...Aunt Kat...and Aunt Nancy," Jenna smiled indulgently at her little girl, and to move things along finished for her, "and Uncles Mike, John, Kevin...and Uncle D..." Mommy the little girl interrupted, "my Aunty M..."

"Yes sweetie," Jenna smiled at Meredith.

"Can I give her a kiss mommy?"

"Yes, you can."

"Aunty M..." the little girl looked up at her, "you love me too?"

"I do," Meredith said," sleep tight sweetie...and have lots of pretty dreams."

"Aunty M..." the little girl lifted her arms to be held, and Derek picked her up but she put her arms out for Meredith to take her, and when she did, Meghan put her small hands on her cheeks and kissed her, "Mommy forgot...God loves me too."

"Yes," Meredith said, past the lump in her throat, amazed at the flood of emotions awakened in her, emotions for family members she'd never expected to have.

"Rob," Jenna said, "honey, help me up..."

"I'll put her to bed," he said, Meghan now back in his arms.

"I want to change into something comfortable," she said, "it's going to be a long night."

"Jenna," he teased, "you're propositioning me...right here in front of the family..."

"You think," she looked at him, "I'm talking s-e-x...are you insane..."

"You didn't think that this morning," he whispered.

"I wasn't tired this morning," she laughed, "you know that," she said not as quietly, "morning s-e-x...that's ..."

Derek groaned, "can't get away from it..."

"Ah..." Meredith whispered, "we like morning sex too..."

Derek laughed, "my sisters...Mer...they're determined to talk about this in front of me."

"I think," Maggie walked up to him, "I'm the only discreet one," and then said, "John and I...we prefer..." she teased him.

"Stop," Derek laughed.

"Kat's right," Maggie said, "you've become a prude."

"He has not," Meredith defended him, and with that the three couples and their mother laughed.

"Derek, sweetheart," Carolyn said, "you should know better by now. Whatever you don't want...your sisters are going to feed you extra doses."

"I'll be right back," Jenna said, "don't think this slow waddle is going to stop me from getting back here quickly...and spending the night talking away with my brother and new sister."

"I'll be right back," Meredith turned to Derek, "she's got a good idea, I'm going to get out of these clothes," she referred to everyone being in their Sunday best, as jeans had not been an option this evening, "and get comfortable too."

"I think both of you girls had a very good idea," Carolyn said, "I'm going to take a shower now, since I know it will be early hours of the morning before the girls are done talking," and she went upstairs alongside Meredith.

"Carolyn," Meredith told her, as they reached the door Carolyn's room, "everything's been lovely...every minute of it."

"Even when you thought I'd turned into the hateful mother in law," Carolyn said, "keeping you out of the kitchen."

Meredith kissed her check, surprising them both, "thank you for being so accepting...even when you knew I wasn't always the girl moms would like..."

"Come in here for a second," Carolyn interrupted her and led her in her bedroom. "Look at this," she said standing by her nightstand and picking up a photograph. Meredith looked around her room, and noticed the nearby round table filled with photographs of her family, and then there were a few on this table.

"It's..." Meredith took the frame from her hand, "Kathleen took it ...when she first visited," and she recalled the moment that had been captured. She was sitting on his lap and they were smiling at each other, his hand on her abdomen, and moments after Kathleen had been overjoyed to discover Meredith was pregnant.

"I didn't know it then," Carolyn said, "but, when we came back from your wedding, she told when it had been taken."

Meredith took a deep breath, "we were so happy...and then..."

"I'm not showing this to make you sad," Carolyn said softly, "but for you to know how much you mean to me, and that you understand that I believe you are the girl, the perfect girl for my son to bring home and share his life with."

"You are determined..." Meredith's eyes watered, "to have two leaking faucets."

"I'm determined," Carolyn told her, "that you never again have any doubts about your place in my home and in my heart."

Meredith wiped away the sentimental tears, "I can't let him know I've been crying, he's already worried about me too much today..."

"He loves you, and is concerned about you, we both have been today."

"I'll be ok," she admitted, and it would be the first of many times throughout the years she did not feel she had to avoid her feelings, and would look for comfort from his mother.

"I know you will," Carolyn put her arm around her, and Meredith accepted the mother's nurturing. "Because, I've seen the depth of your love for my son and his for you, and how you are both first concerned about the other, and that in itself is enough. But, Meredith, even though I did not know how significant that moment was for you," Carolyn said, "and how much heartbreak if would bring as well, from the moment you spoke to me of your sadness I've prayed...prayed for you both, and then when I understood what this moment meant, that the look in your eyes held the joy of a new life, I've kept this photo here...and every morning and every night as I say my prayers, I ask God that one day He will bless my children with that same joyfulness...that same look of expectation...over the life they've created...and Meredith...I know he will answer this one. He already gave us a beautiful gift in Brianna...your dream...I know that will come true."

Meredith embraced her, "He already answered one of mine too," and she made no attempt to hide her tears, "first with Kathleen...then you...and now...a whole family."

"Oh, sweetheart," Carolyn smiled through her own tears, "and He gave me another daughter."

"I love you Carolyn," Meredith said tenderly.

"I guess," Carolyn teased her, referring to the back and forth between Mom and Carolyn, "I'm going to be the see-saw Mom..."

Meredith laughed through her tears, "probably...till I really get used to it."

"Now," Carolyn said, "go wash your face, and no more tears tonight."

Meredith sat with the frame in her hand, looking at the happy image of her and Derek, and then said quietly, "Mom...I brought some gifts for Jenna's shower, but I don't want to have to go through opening them's...I bought them, and that was difficult, but...her opening them...right's too much. There's one gift, it was very sad for me to buy, but so precious, but right now it would be hard for Derek to see...but he'll like it...after the baby's born."

"I'll take care of it," Carolyn told her, "she'll get them that day."

"They're all wrapped," Meredith said, "and I'll leave them in our room, and the one wrapped in'll see what I mean, about Derek liking it when he sees the baby wearing it."

"Meredith," Carolyn said, "you don't have to be the godmother. Sweetheart, I can talk to Jenna."

"I want to be...she's my first godchild...and that is very special. Jenna trusted me...and I don't want her to know about my miscarriage...not now..."

"She would understand," Carolyn insisted.

"I want to be...with Derek...our first godchild together, that's a blessing too..."

"It is," Carolyn agreed, "and she's a very lucky little girl to have such a beautiful all ways that matter...a daughter I'm very proud of."

Meredith pursed her lips, "you have no I hear a Mom say she's proud of me," and Carolyn Shepherd embraced her, and in that moment Meredith allowed his mother to become her own, even if would take a considerably longer time before Mom was the only name she used.

Derek had stayed behind talking to Maggie and Kathleen and their husbands, and was beginning to get impatient about Meredith and his mother being gone so long and was about to go looking for her when Jenna and her husband joined them again in the living room.

"Jen," Maggie laughed, "comfortable enough?"

"It's just us," Jenna told her, "and you've seen me in a nightgown before, and don't even think of mentioning how big I look..."

"You look beautiful," John, Maggie's husband said, "and I'm not joking," he looked at Maggie with a grin, "I loved when Maggie was pregnant...she always looked beautiful."

"He did always tell me that," Maggie said and surprised herself at the odd sentimental yearning of years past, "and you do look beautiful are not even as big as I're smaller than with the other girls."

"Kathleen," Meredith said as she walked in the room with two wrapped gifts, "these are for Allie and Laura," she mentioned Kathleen's oldest daughters, "since they'll be here this weekend."

"Meredith," Jenna said, "the girls loved their gifts, but you really should not have done that, you're going to really spoil the kids if every time you come home..."

"It was our first time here," Meredith said, "as Uncle Derek and Aunt Meredith, we won't break the thirty dollar rule again," she smiled.

"Likely story," Maggie said, "Derek's never been able to keep it straight..."

"By the way," Jenna asked just as their mother walked in the room, obviously opting for comfort as she'd donned a warm up suit, "Nancy and Mike aren't back yet?"

"They must be making out on the porch," Carolyn said.

"Mom," Derek joked, "what's happened to you? You never used to talk about sex...or what led to it...must be you're hanging around that liberal nun too much."

"Derek Christopher," she said, "it could simply be the fact I know a little bit about sex myself," and his sisters laughed at his obvious discomfort over the conversation.

"It's ok big brother," Jenna laughed, placing a baby monitor on the sofa table to hear if the girls woke. She took over one couch and found a comfortable position as she lay on her side and used her husband's legs as a pillow. "Mom's got a clue about the birds and the bees," she said, and reached for her husband's hand and placed it on her abdomen allowing him to feel their baby.

"First drink's on me," Kevin said and walked over to the liquor cabinet they all kept stocked with their favorite drinks, "now that's it's really all adults only...Jenna, I'll get your glass of milk," he teased her.

"Smart ass..." Jenna said, "just for that, wait till I send the baby to spend the weekend," she smirked, "when Kathleen's on call."

"It will be a year before you do that," Kevin laughed, "you'll never let her out of your sight before then, and then she'll be sleeping through the night."

"She may not send her," Rob joked, "but I will, with the other I can spend some time alone with my wife."

"Rob," Jenna said, "you'd do that..." and he knew he'd put his foot in his mouth. "You're already tired of the baby and she's not even here..." the tears gathered.

"Honey," Rob said tenderly, "you know I'm kidding...don't you remember, I didn't even want you to leave the girls with your away from our house, when I took you to your doctor's appointment...and Katie was six weeks old..."

"But you said," Jenna sniffled.

"Jenna," he caressed her belly gently, " know I was kidding," and she seemed to accept it as she was distracted by Nancy and Mike walking in the room.

"Nancy," Kevin joked, "Mom was about to send Derek out to scold you..."

"Whatever for?" Nancy said.

"Making out in the back porch," Kevin laughed.

"It would never happen," Nancy stated.

"Really," John laughed, "never made out on the porch?"

"Derek would never willingly risk witnessing any of us making out. When Kat was visiting them, he didn't even want to hear about Kathleen calling Kev for a bit of ..."

"Phone sex," Derek decided to play right along with them.

"Shit," Kevin said, "Shep, you're not supposed to talk about that in front of Mom," and everyone roared with laughter, effectively setting the mood for the hours that followed, where naturally after a few drinks, everyone felt fairly free to say what came to mind.

"By the way Jenna," Maggie said, "why do you insist in saying I have the majority of the boys...I only have two...and so does Kathleen, the majority would mean I have at least three boys..."

"I know," Jenna said, "it means you have at least three."

"Since I know you have not been drinking," Maggie told her, "when did you stop being able to count then..."

"Maggie," Jenna said, "wait, I can't do this laying down, Rob help me sit up."

"This is going to be good," Kevin whispered in Kathleen's ear, and she turned to kiss him and said, "I'm sure of it."

"Kat," Jenna said, "no secrets tonight."

"Of course not," Nancy said, "you're too damn nosy."

"Talk about nosy," Jenna said as she stretched her legs in front of her and used Rob as a cushion for her back. "Who flew to Seattle to find out about the ..."

"Jenna," Derek said very annoyed at the comment he thought was going to be made, "that is enough."

"Derek," Jenna said, "she did fly out to find out what was going on with you..."

"Actually," Meredith said, feeling as though she could say anything at this point, the couple glasses of champagne she and Derek had opted for probably influencing her candor. "I believe she also flew out to find out about the slutty married intern," she said.

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