Family & Trust

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"Mer, tell us about the spa," Izzie said, changing the subject regarding the hospital, "I'd read about it in Seattle magazine, but when Lexie mentioned she and Kathleen had showed Derek...sorry, Dr. Shepherd... on the website I looked it up and it's awesome, seriously, I'd love to get some of those treatments, and the menus..." she was interrupted when they heard someone at the door.

"Are you guys expecting anyone," George asked a bit surprised, "we're all here," he said and went to answer the door, and to everyone's surprise saw Mark stroll in behind him, truly completing the circle of family and friends.

"Dr. Sloan, it's nice you were able to join us, I'll get you a plate," Izzie got up and brought him one, as he walked over to Meredith.

"Oh my God, Dr.Sloan...that surgery was amazing today...I can't begin to tell you guys, it was just incredible, the way he works," Cristina commented, honestly seeming in awe of the surgeon, "and he explained every step as he went along."

"It really was, Mark it was unbelievable, and that you'd let Cristina and I scrub in, I've never seen anything like it...truly a perfect technique" Lexie jumped in.

"Grey," Mark said and leaned down to kiss Meredith's cheek, "took care of him for you," he said for her hears only, "are you ok?"

"Yes..." she said smiling at him, and reaching for Derek's hand, "I'm really ok."

"Guys," Cristina continued, "you had to see this procedure, but of course," she said with her usual cockiness, "you didn't, so you'll have to hope another one comes along, because, well, it was Lexie said, perfection."

"Hey, Xena," Mark said and came to sit by Lexie, but not before he put his hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair a bit, "you and Yang were fantastic today, I'll have you two scrub in more often," he said earning smiles from both women, and a scowl from Alex.

Derek and Meredith looked at each other and laughed.

"Ok..." Derek said, "we're gone a couple of days, and our friends have been taken over by aliens, Mark, what the hell is wrong with not only did you play shrink and have lunch with this group, but you taught them something? You actually had Cristina and Lexie scrub in and you taught them something," Derek muttered incredulously.

"Mark, what do you think you are doing," Meredith demanded, her bossy tone very much in place, "ruffling my sister's hair, don't you not even consider flirting with her, and you Cristina, what the hell is wrong with you...gushing all over him? Derek's right what's happened to all three of you?"

"Dude...Mer's right, you're too old to be messing with Lexie," Alex said, perhaps a bit too defensively.

Mark was unaffected by their outburst, and had already sat down and served a portion of lasagna on his plate, "Stevens, this is excellent, I thought you only baked."

"Mark..." Meredith reprimanded, "what is going on? You have Cristina sounding like a cheerleader, and you Lexie...what's with the smiles..."

" think," Lexie started to say and giggled, "Mark and I...that he's flirting with me...oh God, Mer, he's old enough..."

"Yes...Dr.Grey..." Mark interrupted.

"Mark...come know...we're're not flirting...we just...we've talked about it...we were going to be ..." she said and stopped, realizing she was about to say godparents, and how much that would hurt Meredith.

"Yes, Xena, we have a common bond...Meredith's going to be my sister in law and by default, we are going to be family, these two," he said pointing to Meredith and Derek, "you too Karev, they just have their mind in the gutter," he laughed.

The various conversations became a bit comical as erroneous assumptions ensued over the next several minutes.

"Oh my God,'re getting married, seriously, you're engaged...when did it happen, probably while you were away...that's must have been at the spa, that's so tell us..."

"Mer...Shepherd proposed?" Cristina questioned.

"Congratulations...Dr.Shepherd...that's great..." George told them.


"Derek...Mer...that's didn't say anything...when did you propose...I mean...I guess it must have been while you were we can start planning a wedding, I can imagine what Kathleen said..." Lexie rambled.

"Well, we're not...we... it's that, we're not getting married...I mean, Derek..."

"Grey, what are you talking about? Shep how the hell did you screw this up didn't tell me..." Mark said.

"We're not, I mean...Derek...he...he hasn't proposed."

Silence followed, all glaring at him accusingly, while Meredith was quiet, some of the old doubts creeping in, but determined she would not give in to them, and instead embraced the knowledge that they were together for good.

"I haven't proposed is what she means."

Everyone remained silent, until Meredith spoke up, "Izzie, to answer your question, the spa was wonderful, I've never been so spoiled in my life," Meredith said, and smiled at Derek and laid her hand over his, squeezing it gently while doing her best to hide her disappointment.

"Before, we change the subject, no, I have not proposed, well...I did in a way, a while back but I managed to mess that up, but, Meredith and I...we are getting married...she has promised to say yes when I propose, and she wants to be surprised...which I have every intention of doing," he said, and leaned over and kissed her.

Nobody had anything to add, but all marveled at the way they had both fallen into equally comfortable demonstrations of affection, which in the past they had not, and both were oblivious to their friends for the next minute.

"Derek...I wasn't know... complaining..."

"I won't disappoint you again..." he assured her, kissing her softly again.

"Mer...hold on, you want to be surprised, that's not like talk about us changing, but surprises, not like you." Cristina commented.

"Old ways weren't necessarily yes, I did ask Derek to surprise me," Meredith said smiling at him, her hand gently reassuring on his arm, while forcing herself to put the doubts behind, and not let it bother her that perhaps the days they were away, could have been a good time for him to propose.

"Shep...just let me know, how I can help...I seem to have a better way with the ladies," he said, at which the women rolled their eyes, "hey...I do," he said taking in their facial expressions.

"We have noticed you've overcome the nurse's strike against you," Alex smirked.

"Got that right Karev..."

"Speaking of which," Derek added, unable to hide the cocky tone, "all those better ways...yet you got stood up, because I clearly recall you had other plans for this evening."

"Derek, that's not nice," Meredith chided.

"It's ok, Grey, he can't help the need to downplay my ... shall we say..."

"Over inflated ego," Derek added, clearly enjoying the banter.

"Just for get no help with Grey's proposal..."

"Don't you worry...Kathleen's already helping..." he started to say, and realized his blunder.

"Kathleen," Meredith said softly and turned to look at him, clearly moved that he had not forgotten about it, "you...that's...that's why..." she stopped as he answered her.

"Yes...that's why I called her..."

"'t...didnt' forget..." she said quietly, her gaze never leaving his.

" think...of course not..." he said, and brushed her lips with his, and then captured the lone tear as his thumb caressed her face.

"She didn't say anything," Meredith told him.

"She's not supposed to..."

"I didn't really push her...I already said that..."

"Meredith, I me...please."

"I do," she said and leaned in to him for quick kiss, as he reached for her hand and caressed it.

"Ok all this touchy-feely is well and fine for the two of you in private, but the rest of us, we don't really care to watch," Cristina added.

"Yang, be nice," Mark told her.

"Dr. Sloan, come on, even you have to admit this display is a bit too saccharine."

"Yeah...but that's Shep...he can't help himself, always a geek," he said, and they all laughed, including Meredith and Derek.

" least I did not get stood up tonight," Derek reminded him.

"Shep, you're an ass...she had a patient that wasn't doing too well, and wanted to make sure they were stable."

"Dr. Sloan," Alex asked him, "can you tell us about the procedure today," and Mark proceeded to briefly explain.

"Tell you what Karev, next surgery, you're in."

"Mark, I think Derek is right, about the personality change," Meredith said smiling at him, "dare we assume it's related to..." but didn't get a chance to finish her sentence.

"Don't even go there Grey," he warned.

"Oh, Izzie, I almost forgot, we brought some of the spices they use at the restaurants, I thought you'd enjoy trying those, plus a couple of other things."

"Mer, that sounds didn't have to do that."

"I...I wanted to tell you, earlier..." she said, and squeezed Derek's hand for her own comfort, "it means a lot to me, all you've done, all your support...I can't thank you each enough, coming home today, the room...your note, this tonight, you're all my family, and we both...really appreciate it," she said, emotion echoing in every word she said.

"You are our family Mer," Alex was the one to speak first, "we all wanted to show our support."

"Thank you," she said getting teary eyed, "will never be enough, to express what I'm feeling."

"Lexie," Derek said, "the flowers you left at the trailer were lovely as well and thanks for tidying up," and reached into his pocket and handed a note to Meredith, where written on the envelope she saw both their names, "I forgot to give you this."

Meredith looked at the note and opened it, and as she began to read her eyes watered.

Dear Meredith & Derek,

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