Home Sweet Home

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"Derek," she said quietly, softly brushing his lips with hers, "we're almost home."


"We're about to exit on Western Avenue," she said softly, again kissing his lips, "wake up sleeping beauty," she smiled, teasing him as he'd often said to her.

"I fell asleep," he mumbled as he ran his hand over his face, "why did you let me?"

"We've been traveling over eighteen hours, it's the middle of the night for us, you were tired," she smiled, "and it was nice that I wasn't the one falling asleep on you in the car."

"Cab doesn't count," he said as his lips met hers, "and I can't be sleeping beauty."

"Rules for everything," she smiled, and rested her head on his chest as the driver switched lanes to take the exit that would lead them home.

"What are you thinking about?"

The last few weeks had highlighted the keen connection between, as both could and would immediately pick up the subtlest nuances of each other's emotions.

"The day I came back to Seattle," she told him, "how different it feels today...coming home."

"Good different..." he questioned.

"Extraordinary different..." she smiled, "happy to be home."

"Be it ever so humble..."

"There's no place like home," she finished with a half smile.

"You knew this one..."

"I know this one," she said, as they turned to one of the smaller streets, "it's actually a song, about one hundred fifty years old."

"Uhmmm...amazing you'd know that," he commented.

"I think," she giggled, "everybody knows that quote Derek."

"Maybe," he agreed, "but not too many people know it's a song, and that old."

"Derek, are you happy to be home?"

"I am," he said and kissed her as they made the last turn to their street, "happy to be anywhere with you," and as the cab pulled up to her house, he briefly deepened their kiss.

"I love you Derek," she said meeting his gaze.

"I love you," he smiled at her before opening the car door, "are you ready to face the mob that has apparently gathered for our homecoming," he said, and they looked at each other and smiled as the cars parked at their home revealed their close friends were waiting for them.

The cab driver unloaded their luggage and helped carry them to the door, and then Derek turned to Meredith.

"Well...Mrs. Shepherd," he smiled as blue met the sparkling grey green eyes, "are you ready...for the rest of our lives?"

"For always," she leaned into him, meeting his lips, uncaring of the six people they knew waited for them.

The door was swung open, "figures," they heard Cristina's voice, "can't keep you hands off each other five seconds."

"Mer, did you hear anything," Derek said as they ended their kiss.

"No," she buried her face in his the crook of his neck, and laughed as he held her.

"Knock it off you two," Cristina insisted, "don't make me have to call Barbie."

"Cristina, who are you talking to?" Izzie said in perfect timing. "Are they here?"

"We are Izzie," Meredith replied as she saw her heading to the front door.

"You're home," she said flinging he door wide open, and stepping out to hug them both, "let me see you ring," she said and Meredith held out her hand, "it's beautiful, oh my God Mer it's just beautiful, but, come in, what are you waiting for?"

"This," Derek said, and reached to lift and cradle Meredith in his arms.

"Derek," she scolded him, trying not to laugh. "Don't drop me."

"Have I ever dropped you," he whispered, as he carried her over the threshold.

"Still in shape Shep," Mark drawled as he joined them in the foyer, "Grey didn't wear you out."

"You're just jealous Mark Sloan," Meredith retorted smiling.

"I'm not the one that had to make up for lost time," he winked at her, "it's a safe assumption, he's not that young."

"Ignore him," Meredith whispered to Derek, and kissed him hard, oblivious to the photos snapped by Izzie.

"We had enough touchy feely in Venice, put her down Shepherd, I'm starving."

"You're home," Lexie said as she walked in from the kitchen, "welcome back."

"Home, sweet home," Meredith said as both she and Derek laughed before he put her down.

"It's good to be back," Meredith said as Lexie hugged them both, "and we're starving too."

"I just bet," Mark smirked, "how long has it been since the two of you..."

"Mark, make yourself useful, help me with the bags," Derek told him and they took the bags upstairs.

"Mer," Izzie said, "I can't wait to hear all about the wedding, and the proposal, all of it, I can't believe you're married," she said full of excitement.

"Where are George and Alex?" Meredith asked.

"Ah...they...well, they had to do something and they were delayed, so we're just ..."

"But their cars are parked outside," Meredith questioned.

"Lexie," Mark laughed as he and Derek reached the bottom stairs, and he ruffled her hair, "you're a very bad liar."

"I am not..."

"Yeah you are," he smiled at her, "that's a good thing."

"I was going to say," Lexie smiled at him, "I am not lying."

"Mark Sloan," Meredith said seriously, "what do you think you're doing?"

"I just helped put your excessive amount of luggage in your room, you guys were only gone a week."

"That," Meredith told him, as Derek reached her side and put his arm around her, "is not, what I'm talking about, and you know it."

"Lighten up Grey," he smiled, "we're friends."

"You better not..."

"Relax," he said, and kissed her check. "Welcome home."

"Hey Mer, Shepherd," Alex said as he walked out from the kitchen holding a beer bottle, and hugged her, "congratulations Shepherd," he said extending his hand.

"Mer," George followed Alex, "you look beautiful and happy," he said hugging her. "Congratulations Doctor...Derek," he smiled and shook his hand.

"They guys are finally back," Lexie said, and all except Meredith and Derek, just looked at her and shook their heads or smirked.

"Bad..." Mark chuckled and walked up to her and whispered in her ear, "bad liar."

"Oh, shut up," she snapped back at him. "You were supposed to help them with the banner."

"Derek," Meredith turned to him, "I'm going to kill him."

"Mer...I think she's flirting with him too."

"She is not," she said indignantly.

"Yeah..." he smiled, "she is."


"Meredith," he said and proceeded to silence her with a kiss.

"Dinner's ready everybody, we didn't want to keep you waiting since you're probably jet lagged and you have an early shift," Izzie told them. "But you may want to freshen up Mer, you've been traveling all day."

"Actually yes, we'll be right back," she said and pulled Derek along with her.

"Meredith...do not get involved," he said as they walked in her room.

"I'm not getting involved, but they're kind of flirting with each other, and he damn well better not get any ideas."

"Mer..." he smiled at her and pulled her into his arms, "it's our first night home...let's enjoy it..."

"Fine," she agreed smiling, and kissed him.

"Did you notice they were trying to keep us in the foyer before Alex and George walked in, and Mark's right your sister is not a good liar."

"That's not a bad thing," she laughed and walked to the bathroom, both taking a few minutes to freshen up and she slipped on a lighter sweater.

They heard the loud friendly banter as they approached the kitchen and she turned to him, "our family."

"Our family," he agreed smiling, and kissed her softly before they walked in holding hands.

"Oh...my...this..." she said as she looked around, as George snapped some photos, and saw the Congratulations Meredith and Derek on the wall, a chocolate cake with a bride and groom for decoration and several arrangements of flowers on the kitchen surfaces, including a beautiful centerpiece to compliment a beautifully set table.

"I know Mer," Izzie said, "we probably went overboard, well, Lexie and I did...but we had to do something to celebrate your first night back, and Dr. Sloan...Mark insisted on the finest champagne, and we couldn't just ignore your wedding...and George and Alex just finished putting the signs up...and Cristina was in charge of finding the bride and groom figurine..."

"It's beautiful," Meredith told her, and as she gently squeezed Derek's hand and walked over to hug Izzie and then her sister, "thank you...thank you both...all of you."

"Cristina," Derek said and roared with laughter, "was in charge of the bride and groom, Meredith you have to see this."

"Oh my God...are you crazy, Cristina," she laughed. "Derek, we won't be able to show these pictures...ever, to our kids."

"I thought it was very fitting," Cristina said smugly, "you two are forever lip locked...and more," she said as everyone laughed at the bride and groom displayed on top of the square cake, the couple's porcelain lips on each other as the groom stood holding the bride her legs wrapped around his waist.

"Wherever did you find it?" Meredith asked her.

"Google," she said, "Barbie had a list of duties the minute she found out about the wedding, and I ordered it while we were still in Venice, had it sent overnight."

"Thank you Cristina," Meredith said and walked over to her, hugging her briefly.

"Enough hugging," Cristina said, "can we get on with this?"

"I believe," Mark said cynically, "the sweet disposition had returned."

"Mark," Lexie said as she took a seat next to him at the table, "be nice."

"I baked the cake," Izzie continued in her usual chipper mood, "thought it was appropriate it be chocolate, and that we'd have dinner here in the kitchen, where Mer first admitted all her secret feelings for McDreamy ...but we had to order the food, because we all had pretty late shifts the last few days, though it's from one of your favorite places so we though you wouldn't mind."

"We don't mind at all," Derek said, "we really appreciate your thoughtfulness, it's the perfect celebration to come home to."

Everyone began to serve themselves and Cristina commented, "Mer, now that you're married Derek speaks in we terms."

"Yang," Alex told her, "stop the crap. You know you were just as sentimental as Iz and Lexie, telling us all the wedding details."

"Mind your business evil spawn," Cristina glared at him, "I've hardly spoken to any of you since we got back Friday night."

"Come on Cristina," George said smiling, making him look like a mischievous young boy, "you couldn't stop talking about it at lunch yesterday."

"That's sweet Cristina," Meredith smiled at her, "it does mean a lot to me."

"Don't let Bambi kid you."

"Yang," Derek said, "quit while you're ahead."

"Don't push it Shepherd..." she retorted, "our truce..."

"Is in no danger of being compromised," he told her, effectively ending the conversation.

"I don't know how you guys are still awake," George said, "isn't it close to five in the morning for you with the nine hour time difference?"

"It is George, but, no matter what we do, we're going to be jet lagged," Derek answered.

"And I am starving, I slept almost the entire five hours from Atlanta and we've had nothing to eat," Meredith chimed in.

"Mer," Izzie said, "start telling us all about it. You didn't do a very good job, keeping us posted, and we had to find out about the wedding from Cristina."

"Actually, that's my fault," Derek told her, "she didn't know anything about it."

"That's ok Derek," Izzie said, "we know some details, so just start from the begging Mer."

"Well," she said, in between bites of the meal presented, "the first surprise was when we got to the airport and Derek had us flying first class, which was great, but very unnecessary."

"Mer," Alex commented, "he makes two million dollars a year, enjoy it, he can afford it."

"I keep telling her, it's not an issue," Derek laughed, and they all continued listening to the highlights.

"Then as we were flying to New York he finally told me where we were going, well, I guessed after he gave me several clues...and when we got to New York..."

"She forgot to include the part where she needed to mark her territory," Derek teased.

"Oh yes," she lied, "Derek was flirting with the flight attendants..."

"He was what," they heard the echo of three women's voices.


"Derek, come on, you know...they would not have been flirting with you if..."

"She's lying," he laughed, "she just wants to hide the fact she was jealous even though I had no clue..."

"Brainless moron," Cristina muttered.

"That's something I've been hearing a lot lately," he mumbled.

"Derek," Meredith turned to him, placing her hand on his arm, and leaning to kiss him, "you know I'm joking."

"I know," he said, accepting her kiss.

"Anyway, we got to New York..."

"Before we got to New York, she told the flight attendant she was Mrs. Shepherd, and we had the captain congratulate us on our wedding..." he smiled at her.

"It's true," Meredith rolled her eyes, "I staked my claimed, and I wasn't going to let those hussies get away with flirting with my future husband."

"Mer, he wasn't your future husband yet," Cristina pointed out.

"He was going to be," she replied, "it was definitely our engagement trip."

"Dude, you knew you were going to get married in Venice?"

"No Karev, that was totally unexpected. It was only the proposal I had planned," he said, and found her hand reaching for his and she locked gazes with him and smiled.

"We got to the hotel in Venice," Meredith continued with the details, "and that evening right before sunset, Derek was all nervous and hurrying me to finish the light snack we were having so we could meet up with the gondolier he'd hired, and we got on the gondola, and I knew then..." she paused, and her eyes shone with tears, "he was going to propose...under the Bridge of Sighs...because there's this legend," she explained to them.

"We were on the gondola," Derek said, "and before I proposed, she said yes."

"What?" the room echoed.

"Mark," Meredith said, "you already know the story."

"I know, but it's fun to get a rise out of you," he said as he and Lexie exchanged a smile.

"Derek had our gondolier, Salvatore, pay the others to hold them up so we could be under the bridge right at sunset, and then," she said, and wiped a tear, "he proposed, the most beautiful...romantic moment...I could have ever hoped for...and then we kissed at sunset, and Salvatore snapped some photos..."

"The ring is beautiful," Izzie said reaching for her hand to look at it again, "that's what 2.25 carats look like," she smiled, "and you said yes."

"I did..."

"And I forgot to give her the ring," Derek said with a deadpan expression met with total silence followed by laughter.

"You forgot the ring?" George asked, "after all this time, you forgot."

"But he made up for it," Meredith said, "completely made up for it, and slipped the ring on my finger right before the gondola glided from below the bridge and headed to the lagoon."

"Oh...Mer..." Izzie sniffled, along with Lexie, "that is so romantic."

"Lexie," Mark said, "why are you crying, you already know this."

"It's still special...and sentimental," she said, and Meredith noticed how he placed his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her, and Meredith made a mental note to mention it to Carolyn when she emailed her later.

"Mer," Alex said, "that was right when you got there, so when did you decide to get married there?"

"That same night, we were having dinner and that's where I sent you the photo of the ring, and when we were walking back to the hotel, really just strolling along and there was this old square with a fountain," she said as placed her hand on top of his, letting him know how special the moment had been, in spite of what had followed, that she fondly remembered every detail of its outcome, "when Derek turned to me and said, marry me...marry me now...in Venice."

"That is so romantic," Izzie said, and wiped a tear, "Derek that is just so beautifully romantic..."

"It was, Izzie," Meredith said gently squeezing his hand, "the most romantic night of my life...well, up till that moment..."

"She means," Mark joked, "it got more romantic after they had sex," and felt a smack on the back of the head from either side, one from Lexie the other from Cristina.

"Don't you have any discretion," Lexie glared at him.

"Apparently not," Cristina snorted.

"Hey, it's true...and you're the ones that have been asking for details on the bet, and I fessed up, I lost...it was a lot longer than twenty three days..."

"Dude," Alex raised his lips in a half smile, "you waited longer...and you didn't have proposal sex..."

"Meredith," Derek said, "how do you put up with all this?"

"I ignore them," she smiled.

"Come on guys, we kept your secret, nobody knows you're married," Alex insisted, "we should know at least how bad we calculated."

"Their wedding night," Mark answered. "Mama Shep interfered and they had to wait to consummate the marriage."

"Meredith and Derek, waited," there were several comments and snickering heard from their friends.

"Mark Sloan," Meredith mockingly scolded him, "you are damn lucky you were already our best man, because if not..."

"Grey...no more threats..."

"I have one more..." she reminded him, referring to the godfather role.

"You're not going to take that back," Mark looked at her and met her gaze.

"No..." she agreed, "no I'm not."

"You guys," George laughed, "skipped proposal and engagement sex and went right to honeymoon sex."

"I'm glad you all find this so amusing," Meredith said, concealing a smile.

"We live with you Mer," George continued, " there's nothing amusing about keeping us up all night, we've endured break up, make up, sex and mockery sex."

"Speaking of that," Mark said, "I have a small wedding gift."

"Mark, you didn't have to do that," Meredith said.

"It's not for you," he said, "I still have to get you a wedding present. It's for your roommates."

They all looked at him expectantly as he got up and brought a small bag to the table, and took out the contents, revealing a set of wax earplugs for each of the house occupants, to the roar of laughter echoing through the kitchen.

"Dude," Alex smiled, "this is perfect."

"Meredith," Derek said seriously, "I think we need to set some rules."

"Yes, dear," she teased him.

"No more jokes about our sex life."

"Forget it Shep, your roars made it impossible to ever live it down."

"Roars?" both Cristina and Lexie asked.

"Yes, roars," Mark said and proceeded to tell the story, and had them all sharing in the laughter.

"Mer, how did you find out about everyone flying in for the wedding?" Izzie asked her.

"That was yet another surprise, no until they were in the lobby," Meredith continued with the rest of the wedding details, "and of course I had kept trying to call you the day before while were in Milan, and nobody answered the phones, and then I found out you were all pretending there had been this huge trauma case that kept you busy, and you already know how Mark found out and then made it happen for Lexie and Cristina to come out."

"You didn't freak out meeting Derek's Mom?" Izzie asked her.

"No she didn't," both Derek and Lexie replied at the same time.

"Izzie wait till you meet her. She's wonderful."

"Your mother in law..." Izzie said hesitantly, "she's wonderful."

"She is...and she's coming to visit."

"And you're ok with family visiting," Alex commented.

"I'm more than ok," she said, and smiled as she looked at Derek and he brought her hand to his lips.

"What I cannot believe," Izzie said, "is the four of you crashed their honeymoon."

"We didn't really crash it," Mark said. "Nature intervened, and the fog wouldn't let us leave the lake area that night."

"You could have gone to a hotel," George said.

"Not really," Derek commented, "there weren't any other options, and the villa where we stayed had plenty or room."

"But," Mark joked, "regrettably, it did not alter their evening plans at all!"

Dinner had been an enjoyable celebration with light teasing moments amongst friends, first brought together my life's circumstances and now shared the bonds of family.

Their flight had arrived early and they'd sat down to eat by eight that evening. Meredith and Derek were surprised when the doorbell rang close to nine thirty and Lexie got up right away and returned to the kitchen with two surprise guests.

"Shep," Richard Webber greeted and both Derek and Meredith rose from their seats. "Congratulations. Meredith, finally I can speak without fear of putting my foot in my mouth, again," he said and embraced her.

"Meredith," Miranda Bailey smiled as she hugged her, "you look happy and radiant, even with hours of jet lag. He better be treating you well."

"He is...Dr. Bailey."

"I think tonight, Miranda will do," she said, and kissed her cheek. "Now let me see the ring, because this stupid man," she turned to Derek.

"Thanks Miranda," Derek joked, "what would I do without you?"

"You wouldn't have been able to have a week's honeymoon..." she smiled, and Derek reached out to hug her.

"You're my favorite person at the hospital," he told her, "you know that Miranda, and I think she's happy," he said turning to Meredith and meeting a smile identical to his.

"I guess I don't count for anything," Richard said, and winked at Meredith.

"Of course you do Chief," Izzie smiled at him, "thanks to you we were able to get the trailer ready for their return."

"Speaking of which," Derek joked with him, "I leave you a key in case of an emergency and you let everybody in."

"Everybody..." Lexie and Izzie protested.

"I'm kidding..." Derek told them, "he's just been a damn busybody lately."

"I resent that..." Richard said. "Especially after you got the time off...even if I almost let the cat out of the bag."

"Richard," Derek reached for his hand, "you made the most important moment of our lives happen, and we will always be grateful," he said and the two men embraced.

"You too, Miranda," Meredith said, "Derek told me you knew all about our trip, thank you for making it possible to have the time off."

"What I didn't know," Miranda said, "is this fool was going to ask you to marry you right than and there...but he did good...finally, he did real good."

"He did Miranda, he really did," Meredith told her, and after she was released from Miranda's embrace, she showed her the ring.

"Beautiful ring Derek," Miranda said, "I'm very happy for you both."

"This was certainly a surprise," Derek said, "a very pleasant surprise to see you both tonight."

"We would have been here earlier, but we were stuck in a complicated surgery, but at least we knew we'd be able to make it for cake and champagne," Richard said.

"Speaking of which," Mark said, "Lexie, Yang, help me with that," and the three of them poured ten glasses of champagne.

"Mer," Izzie said, "Lexie and Cristina haven't said anything about the bouquet, if you threw it, I mean I was only the two of them and it looked beautiful from the pictures we saw."

"No," Meredith said softly, "I didn't throw it," and Derek pulled her into his embrace, "Derek picked it out, the lilies of the valley were beautiful."

"Meredith asked Mom to take the bouquet to a church they visited, and leave it as an offering," he said, and tightened his hold on her.

"I asked her," Meredith paused to regain her composure. She had not been expecting the question, "to take the flowers and place them at the church, in memory of our baby."

Silenced filled the room completely, as no one other than Derek had known that, and not one of its occupant remained unaffected by the poignancy of the moment.

Cristina was surprisingly the first to speak, "that was a beautiful gesture."

"Yes," Miranda said, and their eyes met in understanding, "it was, and there's no doubt your baby knows that."

"I think so," Meredith said softly, and squeezed Derek's hand, before turning to him, and kissing him softly. "We should make our toasts," she smiled.

"We should," he agreed, and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Here we go," Mark spoke up, "time for toasting the bride and groom, and since I'm the best man..."

"I think I should go first," Richard interrupted and the mood began to lighten.

"What," Mark said, "we're going to fight over this?"

"No, I'm just going to go first, Chief's prerogative."

"You're not here as Chief," Mark joked with him, "but if you want to go first because you're the oldest...we can do that."

"Meredith and Derek," Richard said, "I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am to be here to celebrate with you tonight. Meredith, I've known you since you were a little girl, and I know how very proud your mother would be of the woman you've become. Derek, you are a very lucky man, you both are...to have found each other. You deserve this and so much more, and I wish you both a lifetime of well deserved happiness."

The echoes of "cheers" were heard multiple times, as each friend took a moment to toast the newly married couple.

"My turn, and not because I'm the oldest, "Miranda said, daring anyone to contradict her. "You know how I felt about the two of you, at the beginning, but it was not long before I knew...yes, I know everything...it was fate that brought you together, and I am so delighted to be here in this private moment, to wish you happiness, and that God will grace you with His blessings every day of your lives."

Meredith wiped away a tear, as they all sipped the glass of champagne.

"Mer, Shepherd, "Alex said, "thanks for sharing tonight with us, just don't make the celebration too loud later," he added, and everyone laughed. "To many years of happiness," he finished and raised the champagne flute.

"Mer, Doctor...Derek," George said, "You do belong together. There's never been any doubt. I hope you will always be as happy as we see you are tonight."

"Mer...Derek..." Izzie said, "to every dream you've ever had coming true...to the happily ever after...you've been meant to be together for so long, I'm so happy to be here tonight and wish you happiness for the rest of our lives."

"Derek," Cristina began "don't forget we're all here for her...don't screw it up again," and unexpectedly continued, "yours, I know, is a love of legends...don't ever lose that."

Everyone was stunned. Cristina rarely spoke of any sentimentality. "Thank you," Meredith mouthed silently.

"To family and friends," Lexie shared a smile with her sister and Derek, "I'm trusting my brother in law, to make my sister's dreams come true...don't ever forget them...you've an Angel watching over you."

Mark cleared his throat, but made allowances for a brief private moment between the couple, as Derek hugged his wife after the last toast, "you ok?"

"Lingering hormones," she whispered.

"Meredith and Derek, thank you for allowing me to participate in your wedding. For sharing your family, gathered here today...all of us care deeply for you, and I too wish that all your future dreams come true."

"We..." Derek began, as he put his arm around her waist and drew Meredith closer to him, "are so touched and grateful for all of you being part of our lives, for doing this for us, our first night back home, and your wishes mean more than I can properly express. Your support, during this last month, helped us at a time when we had no idea if we were going to make it...but I can tell you tonight, that there is nothing we cannot overcome. Our sadness has begun to heal, and we recognized that we were meant to spend our life together....so when I asked Meredith to marry me, in Venice, and she said yes, it was the culmination of all we've shared and knowing that our commitment to each other would never waver. Thank you wanting to celebrate our marriage, tonight will always hold a special place in our hearts. To each of you...our friends and family, thank you."

"Shepherd, you are turning us all into sentimental watering pots," Miranda said, "and let me warn you both, don't you dare even consider keeping your marriage a secret like these two fools here," she said, pointing to Mark and Cristina, "are suggesting you do."

"We won't," Meredith and Derek answered simultaneously.

"How...how, do you know that?" Cristina said.

"Yang...I know EVERYTHING," she quipped.

"Miranda," Mark said, "it's only fair...you missed the conversation earlier, but...all of us have had to endure...let's just say the roaring symphony these two..."

"Mark Sloan, show some respect," the tiny woman wacked him across the head.

"How the hell could you reach my head," Mark said as he rubbed the back of it.

"I rise to the occasion," she mumbled, and everyone laughed.

"Let's cut the cake," Izzie chimed in, "I can't believe we forgot."

"Just keep the champagne flowing Stevens," Mark said as he opened up another bottle and Meredith and Derek did the ceremonial cutting of the cake, and throughout the evening George continued to snap photographs.

"Need I guess," Miranda shook her head, "Yang was responsible for the cake decoration."

"You're good, Dr. Bailey," Lexie laughed.

"Mer, you're wearing two rings, that's new too," Izzie said as she noticed the gold band and its delicate design on her right hand.

"It was a gift from Derek," she told her, "he surprised me with this on our wedding day. We had incorporated so many of the local traditions; he later told me this was going to be our own, and by the way Mark actually forgot to give Derek the ring."

George laughed, "a new wedding theme is born, the forgotten!"

"It was Mark's fault," Meredith laughed.

"How could it be my fault," Mark defended himself, "your husband bought it, he should have remembered."

"You had it," Meredith taunted, "it was your job as bestman to remember. I mean, will I have to worry one day, if I ever agree you can take your godchild to a Yankees game, that you'll forget you actually have to take care of and bring your godchild home?

Snickers and giggles were heard, thought mostly, the family gathered was grateful she could talk about the future, and the husband smiled as she spoke of their future children without the sadness they'd witnessed weeks before.

"Of course not, what kind of irresponsible idiot do you think I am?"

"Sloan..." Miranda smiled, "you don't really want an answer, do you?"

"You're a mean woman Miranda," Richard shook his head.

"Chief, I just call them as I see them," she retorted, but in a rare show of affection she turned to Mark. "I think she has no reason to ever worry. You will be a wonderful godfather to their child one day."

"I will," he pouted, "and besides, Lexie's coming along with me."

"Really," Meredith commented.

"Of course, we're in this together, right Xena?"

"Yeah...we are," Lexie smiled, and Miranda exchanged a questioning look with Meredith, who shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"Meredith," Richard said, "you mentioned your ring a new tradition, what is it?"

"A gift to pass on to our first son, for his bride," Derek said.

"What if you have all boys?" Cristina said.

"Then, I'll keep it..." Meredith said, and smiled at Derek, "just as the inscription says."

"You had it inscribed," Izzie sighed.

"Yes, our wedding bands too," Derek told her.

"You really gave her the perfect wedding," Miranda said, "I'm proud of you, McDreamy is truly back."

"I tried," he said.

"You did," Meredith said, and their eyes met as their hands intertwined.

"What do the inscriptions say?" Izzie asked.

"Well, let's just say," Meredith told her, "we didn't know till we got to Lake Como, and we were truly amazed to discover we'd chosen the exact words."

"You did," Lexie said, "we didn't know that, Derek that's ...well... I knew...just knew you'd be the perfect brother in law."

Meredith and Derek smiled, unwilling just yet to reveal the intimacy of the words selected.

"Izzie, this is really good cake," Meredith, "thanks for thinking of it."

"It was fitting Mer, chocolate wedding cake...in the kitchen," she smiled. "Tell us about Lake Como," Izzie asked that they sat around the table eating wedding cake, "we heard bits and pieces from," she hesitated, "from Mark but nothing like hearing it from you," and they spent another hour exchanging anecdotes of the very unexpected wedding trip.

"Well," Miranda spoke, "I've got to get going, I told my husband I'd be home before eleven, and Grey, wait, are you going to be Shepherd now?"

"She's going to be Grey for now," Derek answered for her, leaving no doubts he supported her decision.

"Saves us a lot of paperwork," Miranda replied, "but you still need to be in at seven tomorrow."

"Before you go," Meredith said, and both of she and Derek now stood near Miranda "I want to thank all of you for making this a very special homecoming. I shared some of this the night before our wedding," she said gently squeezing Derek's hand, "but since you weren't all there, I want you to know how much your support and affection has meant to us, individually," she paused as emotions overwhelmed her, "and now, as a couple."

"To friends," Richard said, "and family," Mark added.

"One last toast," Meredith said. "Lately, I've said it often, but never more appropriate than tonight, with all of you here that have been there...through the not always easy road that got us here...to my husband, my strength and comfort...my soul mate...for always."

"To my wife," Derek said, as he turned to face her, "my breath of fresh air, my second chance...for a lifetime."

"Beyond a lifetime..." she whispered against his lips, bridging the distance between them, and smiled as his lips met hers.

Silence followed briefly, all accepting that words were not necessary as the emotions and love between them spoke volumes, as even Cristina, the harshest of cynics, accepted theirs was indeed a love of legends.

"You may kiss the bride," Mark and Alex joked.

"Indeed," Derek said, and deepened their kiss.

"Time to say goodnight," Richard cleared his throat, "and give the bride and groom some privacy."

"Before we witness the same pose as the cake decoration," Cristina quipped.

"Let's go people," Miranda said, "time to go home."

"Chief, can we come spend the night at your house?" George joked.

Derek and Meredith smiled, listening to their friends, then he said, "thanks again, this meant a lot to us."

"Good night Shep, Meredith," Mark said, "see you in the morning."

Meredith smiled, and before leaving the kitchen, surprised everyone with a heartfelt hug, before walking to the stairs holding her husband's hand.

"Little do they know," Derek joked as they reached the first step, "we're too exhausted to do anything but sleep tonight," and their laughter resounded with each step in the home now filled with hopeful promises.

"There they go," Izzie laughed, "get your earplugs out."

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