Anniversary bliss

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Meredith watched her sleeping husband, a smile on her face as she picked up his watch to glance at the time, waiting for the right moment to wake him.

Derek stirred, the absence of her body curled up to his disturbing his sleep, instinctively seeking her warmth he reached for her and frowned even before opening his eyes.

"Hey," Meredith said, as she lay on her side, smiling as his eyes focused on her.

He frowned for seconds, "you're watching me sleep again," and then taking in the still glowing embers of the fireplace, "why?"

"Just waiting..." she smiled softly, the half smile he loved.

"Waiting," he said reaching for her, pulling her in to his arms. "For what?"

"The right time," she said, prolonging the moment by picking up his watch again, a broad smile now gracing her face.

"The right time," he repeated, "for what? It's the middle of the night."

"It's not quite the middle of the night," she said, her hand pushing back the stray lock from his forehead and running her hand through his hair, "here," she kissed him softly, "but in Italy," she smiled and kissed him again, "it's already ten forty five."

He grinned knowingly and cupped her face in his hands, "you're waking me up to tell me it's ten forty five in Italy," he teased her, and then kissed her, "and that's something special?"

"Derek," she pulled slightly away from him, "don't mock me."

"Never," he said, stroking her cheek with one hand before he cupped her face again and pressed his lips to hers, "happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary Derek," he felt her smile on his lips, and when their kiss ended she whispered, "I love you."

"I love you Meredith," he smiled, "my wife," he kissed her again, "beautiful, sexy...sentimental wife of one week."

"Derek," she laughed softly, "we have become mushy and sentimental."

"We've earned it," he kissed her, "we just won't tell anyone," he joked.

"Oh," she laughed, "I think after tonight everyone knows."

"Uhmmm..." he smiled, wrapping his arms tightly around her, eliminating any distance between them as their naked bodies were pressed intimately against the other's, "you did a good job," he teased, "marking your territory."

She looked away, just for a split second but long enough for him to notice.

"Meredith," he said softly, "what's going on?"

"Nothing," she said with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

"Remember," he insisted, "no avoiding, and something just now..."

"Did it bother you..." she conceded, and spoke without looking at him, "we've joked about it, but does it bother you...that I said something...that I wanted no doubts about us..."

"About marking your territory," he joked, trying to soothe the doubts and insecurities that he knew would surface from time to time, as each continued their journey of healing.

"Yes," she said still looking away from him.

"Look at me," he said as he lifted her chin, and finally she met his gaze. "I love you, and I love that you wanted everyone to know," he kissed her softly, "I'm yours," he nibbled at her lips, "exclusively."

"I know it's probably all...mushy...and silly," she said softly as she ran her fingers through his hair, "but..."

"Hey," he interrupted her, "we've already agreed... mushy...all of it...we're in this together," and captured her lips before he finished his thoughts, "because I needed to let everyone know too," and kissed her again as he paused in between each word, "that you...are mine," his hands caressed her back, "exclusively...forever."

"I love you Derek...I love you so much."

"Even when I'm mushy and sentimental..." he joked.

"Especially then," she smiled, "completely mine."

"Completely yours..." he agreed, "as you are mine," he pressed their bodies even closer together if that was even possible without being intimately joined, "at last."

"I guess," she said, somewhat shyly, "you marked your territory as well...with what you said...and our song."

"Our song," he kissed her, "and everyone definitely knows you're mine..."

"At last," she said.

"Want to be mine..." his voice was low and seductive, "again..."

"My insatiable...beast..." she smiled, his erection pressed against her. "I'm yours...for as long as you want..."

"Mer," he said as he captured her lips and they became lost in the pleasure of their kiss, and then later, breathless and eagerly anticipating their lovemaking, "know what I of the many things...I love about you?"

"What," she said, equally breathless.

"Your faith in your old beast." he teased.

"Uhmm," she murmured, as she held the length of him, "old's never been a problem."

"Let's hope," he joked, "it never is."

"Derek," she said, gazing into his eyes, "stop talking."

"Bossy," he chuckled, "definitely love bossy," he said upon her lips, and all but their passion took over as they began the first celebration of a week's worth of blissful moments.

"Derek," she whispered much later, "are you sleeping?"


"Are you?" She snuggled closer to him, her arm around his waist.

"'s really the middle of the night now," his hand rested on her arm, caressing her softly.

"Did you know about this?"

"What," he smiled, resigned to postponing sleep, "that I'd be making love to you again tonight?"

"No," she laughed, "we knew that would happen for sure."

"Oh yeah," he said.

"Well, I guessed right...and you made it possible for us to leave early."

"I didn't quite work out the way you expected though," he teased her, and caressed her face and she lifted her face off his chest to kiss his lips.

"Not quite," she agreed, "but every bit as ..."

"Satisfying..." he completed for her as he deepened their kiss.

"Oh...yes..." she moaned softly. "Very...except..."

"Except," he said, trying to sound offended, "you have an except in there when you woke me from a sound sleep."

"I did not," she laughed, biting his ear playfully, "and you always jump to conclusions."

"I jump to conclusions," he chuckled, "do I need to remind you..."

"Shut up," she told him, "the except was referring to the rice kernels I can still feel on my naked body."

"You can feel the rice kernels," he laughed, "my princess and the pea."

"Are you mocking me," she challenged him.

"Mer, it's a fairy tale."

"What...does that have to do with ..."

"You never read that fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea?"

"Derek," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice, "you know my mother did not believe in fairy tales."

He gathered her in his arms, and told her the story, "we can go upstairs, sleep the next three hours in a comfortable bed."

"No," she said, "this is good...and I'm not a a few rice kernels won't bother me, and we can just fluff out the linens, get rid of any still remaining."

"Ah...but I're always going to be the beautiful princess...when we tell our children our are my princess."

"Derek," she said, looking up to him, her hand caressing his face, "when...when we have kids I want them to know all about fairy tales...and just be normal kids that know about fairy tales and dress up for Halloween and anything that makes for a normal childhood."

"They will have all of those things... I promise...and even better, they will know that their Mom and Dad had their very own fairy tale come true."

She took a deep breath, before she kissed him, "I love prince charming."

"I love you," he said, "my chatty princess."

"Oh no," she laughed, "chatty is your trait."

"Mer..." he teased her, "you're the one waking me up to talk in the middle of the night."

"Would you have preferred we sleep through our one week anniversary?"

"We certainly didn't do that," he joked with her, "it's now I'm talking about."

"Well, if you would answer my questions instead of making conversation."

"I'm making conversation," he chuckled, "I was trying to sleep and you woke me."

"But you only had to answer my question."

"Which one of many," he teased her.


"Ah...she hasn't stopped loving me," he kissed her. "What was your question?"

"See, you weren't paying attention," she continued to joke with him, "married a week and already ignoring me."

"Meredith, you're going to be sorry in the morning, when we have to be out of here in less than three hours."

"Derek," she said mischievously, a seductive smile on her face," where you're concerned, I've never been sorry in the morning," and their laughter echoed through the room filled with memories of the fated day, when a one night stand unexpectedly and amazingly brought two soul mates together for a lifetime.

"To answer your question," he said a few minutes later as he held her in his arms, letting her know he had indeed been paying attention, "no, I did not know about this, I found out at the same time you did."

"It was kind of hard to make it upstairs," she said, thinking about the moment they walked in the door and found the foyer decorated with balloons and followed the reflection of the fireplace to find paper wedding bells on the screen, and a sign over the fireplace that said, Roaring Honeymoon Sex, and they had reached for each other in laughter, and before long found themselves in exactly the same position as their first night together, but Derek had told her to wait for him, and run upstairs to bring pillows and linens and the comforter that now covered their naked bodies.

"It was very appropriate, wouldn't you say," he reached to entwine their hands, and both instinctively pulled back a little to be able to look at each other, "tonight...just like how it all began, Joe's...the floor..."

"Two nights..." she said, "to always remember."

"And once again," he smiled at her, cocking his head, looking at her completely mesmerized, "you took advantage of me."

"I'd say," she leaned in and brushed his lips with hers, "we took mutual advantage of each other."

"Uhmmm...yes...yes we did," he smiled, and they shared a tender kiss.



"Promise me something..."

"Anything you want..."

"We really need to get some sleep...but...tonight...will you let me take advantage of you again?"

"Uhmmm...I have to think about that," he teased, his lips on hers.

"Really," she taunted, nibbling his lips, biting his neck in playful flirtation.

"I think...I owe you something..."

"You do?" she asked, and intrigued by his comment raised an eyebrow.

"I recall something wanting a sex slave," he said, and laughter again filled the room, as they reached for each other.

"I love you Derek."

"I love you Meredith...truly...adore you."

"My slave...huh..."

"Mer...your old beast..."


"Need to wait for tonight, I need at least two hours of sleep."

"So do do've worn me out tonight," she said and he kissed the top of her head, as she resumed her recently preferred sleeping position and fell asleep in his arms, her head resting on his chest, hands lovingly entwined.

"Meredith," she heard his voice, "wake up..."

"I don't want to...tired...want to stay here..."

"Mer...we're late, really late...we weren't upstairs, we didn't set the have to get's six thirty..."

"What...late...why...we just went to sleep..."

"Meredith," he kissed her lips, "wake up...Bailey's going to kick our ass...and probably even make me pay for you being late..."

That last comment got her attention, "what...what time is it?"

"It's six thirty..."

"Six thirty," she raised her voice, "oh crap...Derek...Bailey's going to probably take my Sunday away," she said as she quickly got up from the floor and looked around, "and it's all your fault."

"How is it my fault," he said.

"It's always your fault."

"Since when...

"Since're the brainless..."

"That's not fair," he argued for the sake of getting a rise out of her. "I wasn't the one that got me up in the middle of the night."

She glared at him, standing naked in front of him, "you are seriously going to complain..."

He got up just as quickly as she had and reached for her and hugged her, " fact," he kissed her neck, "I'm willing to get in even later..."

She laughed and slapped his hands away, "I'm not...we'll finish this tonight," and ran up the stairs, and he followed her.

"We can save time," he told her, "take a shower together."

"In your dreams, we'll be a half hour late as it is, even if we leave in the next fifteen minutes, and you've already had a shower," she said looking at him and noticing his wet hair.

"Spoil sport."

"I'll make it up to you," she turned quickly and kissed him hard, "tonight."

"Derek," she said twenty minutes later as she rushed down the stairs, "did you make coffee?"

"No," he told her, "I picked up and took all our stuff upstairs."

"What are you holding," she said taking a blue rubber fish teething ring from his hand, "is this some kind of sex toy," she said purposely misleading him.

"Meredith," he looked at her, "you are joking?"

His expression was so incredulous, she could not help but laugh, and wasn't able to keep up the pretense, "I know it's a teething ring Derek, but what are you doing with it?"

"It was on the floor, when I picked up our things..."

"What else did you find on the floor? Do you think it's some kind of kinky toy left over from one of the inhabitants?"

"Just lots of rice kernels," he joked, "how much rice did they throw on us?"

"I don't know," she said as she raced around getting her things, "but maybe it all decided to nest on your hair," she laughed at her comment.

"You make fun..."

"I'm teasing you," she laughed again, "let's go Derek, I'm going to be in deep shit with Bailey."

"I've been waiting for you," he said, "I've been ready for..."

"You have not, or you would have made coffee," she looked over at him as they walked out the door, "where did that gift bag come from?" She asked, noticing the bag he had been holding, but she had not yet commented on.

"We missed it last night," he told her, "it was on the table with the flowers and a note, I brought it for you to open while we drive to work," he said and opened the passenger door for her, and placed the bag on her lap and kissed her lips briefly.

"Good morning," he smiled.

"Good morning," she let her lips linger on his. "We're going to be so late."

"I'm not scared of her," he laughed, "I'm her boss," and walked around to get in the car and turned the ignition.

"Right," Meredith laughed as he backed out of the driveway. "Keep on thinking that."

"What's in the bag," he smiled, and ignored her comment.

"Derek..." she began to say, "these people, seriously know too much about our private life."

"What have they done," he smirked, glancing over to her quickly, before concentrating on the road again.

"The teething ring mystery is solved."


She looked through the bag. "They got us condoms Derek...boxes of condoms...even glow in the dark condoms...and look, the card...they used a prescription pad, Derek..." she could not help but laugh, "I can't believe Bailey let them get away with it."

"I'm sure she didn't, what does it say?"

"Let's see," she said as she started reading the notes written in consecutive order, and showed him the cover where it just said, Meredith & Derek congratulations, and then she turned the page and laughed.

"Come on Mer...I waited for you to open the gift bag and the card, but you have to read it, I'm driving...being your slave."

"Really, driving is being my slave..."

"It's a start," he smiled. "Till tonight...your sex slave," and they both laughed before she continued.

"Should have know," Meredith said, "nothing gets past that woman."


"Uhmmm...yes, listen. If I know you two, you're going to be late to work tomorrow. My wedding gift...Meredith, you start at contribution to marriage. Miranda."

"Figures," Derek laughed, "she does not miss a beat."

"Derek...she knows EVERYTHING," Meredith said imitating her.

"Apparently so," he laughed.

"I'm the chief, should have written here first, but Miranda seems to delight in outranking me. Oh yes, using these old prescription pads was Yang's idea. Congratulations again, gift will be delivered now that you're back."

"He didn't have to get anything," Meredith said.

"We got married Meredith, wedding gifts are common."

"Yes, but we didn't have a wedding."

"Sure we did," he said, reaching for her hand, "and two wedding celebrations, three if you count the night we came home."

"Ok...we have less than 10 minutes to get to the hospital, so no more editorials," she told him, "let me read them all."

"Grouchy in the morning Mer..."

"I need coffee, and you didn't make any, and I'm not grouchy, I'm realistic, so just listen."

"Bossy..." he smiled and raised her hand to his lips. "I love you Meredith."

"Me too," she said, and squeezing his hand, placed a kiss on his palm.

"Go on...finish telling me what they said."

-Mer the sign idea was not mine, but we all agreed on the condoms. George.
-Boxes in the bag are extras, the cookie jar is filled again...enjoy. Alex.

"Oh my God, Derek, they really truly know way too much."

"Thought I couldn't editorialize."

"I had to," she laughed.

-You are free to make all the noise you want, we will be gone tonight and tomorrow.We need sleep, and you have the house to yourselves. Izzie
-Roar away...and enjoy the champagne this time, costs a damn fortune. Mark

"See," Derek said, "you forgot to say, you're going to kill him."

"The champagne was good," she laughed, "and the roaring...even better."

"Uhmmm...I aim to please"

"Your aim is excellent," she teased, "perfect in fact," and placed her hand on his thigh and massaged it gently.

"You realize," he said, as he put his hand on top of hers, "one day you're going to make me drive off the road when you make comments like that."

"Just make sure if that happens we're on our land, so you can stop and do whatever it is you're thinking of right now."

"Tease...not nice...not nice at all..." he said, lifting his hand from hers and placing it on her thigh began his own playful teasing.

"You like teasing...I know that for a fact," she said, as they flirted with one another.

They came to a stop at a light about five minutes away from the hospital, and he leaned over to kiss her, "Meredith...all the teasing...payback...tonight..."


"Count on it," he said, reluctantly pulling his lips away as the light turned green.

"Last one, I think from Lexie," she said.

-We are pretty sure you're going to be late and mess up our schedule, I hope you don't, but if you do...that may be the reason you get this bag without all the other stuff...we'll see...but, we know you'll enjoy the night alone.

"Oh wait, two more..." she said.

-Don't think we're going to cover for you being late every morning. This is it, hence the sign, make the most it.

"Mer...we need to disown our family."

"I think you're right," she laughed, "but you have to admit, even Cristina was helpful."

"She'll make me pay...somehow...she will," he said.

"You're probably right," she laughed.

"You said the teething ring mystery was solved," Derek said, "but you haven't said why."

"Oh, I read the last comment first, it was from Walter."

"Walter," Derek said surprised, "as in Joe & Walter."

"Yes," she smiled, "couldn't find anywhere else to write, think this was reserved for the doctors, but you guys were really late leaving the house, so I was the back up plan. Izzie gave me the key with instructions where to put everything, but I had the twins with me, and they wanted to play with balloons, sorry ... a few popped, and had to take some with me to shut off the tantrum. Who was to know eight month old little people could be so assertive. If you find any stuffed animals or similar toys, they're ours, these two have been all over your floor as I decorated. Hope to see you soon. Congratulations on your wedding, I know Joe will have told you about our future gift to you. Walter."

"Teething ring belongs to the twins," Derek said, "now that makes sense."

"It was a really nice gesture," Meredith said, entwining their fingers, just as they reached the hospital parking lot, and when he parked, she waited for him to come around to open the door for her.

"You're not late," he said, kissing her softly, "you have almost forty minutes now before you start."

"That's good," she said, savoring then deepening their kiss, "we can grab a cup of coffee together."

"We can," he smiled, "let's drop things off in my office, and we can have coffee together."

"Derek..." she smiled, "last night...was amazing."

"Every night with you," he said, "every moment with amazing."

"It is..." she agreed, "it is..." and she let him help her out of the car and they walked holding hands toward the hospital together, ready to face another day of saving lives, but most of all anticipating their night alone, a continued celebration of their first week of marriage.

They had to walk by the nurse's station on the way to Derek's office, "good morning ladies," Derek said, "thanks for joining us last night."

"It was our pleasure Dr. Shepherd, and we have coffee ready for you," Amy Lynn said.

"First of thirty days supply," Stephanie said, "my turn to pick up at Starbucks this morning," she said and handed them their coffee.

"This is great," Meredith said, "we didn't have time at home this morning," she heard the attempt at concealing the laugher.

"We figured," Tracy said.

"We overslept," Meredith said.

"Don't mind them," Lisette said, "they are laughing because the bets last night started as soon as you left."

"Bets again," Derek commented.

"Yes," Tracy said, "about how late you'd be this morning."

"Well," Amy Lynn said, "that was after the one about how late you were going to be getting to Joe's last night."

"There's just no end to it," Meredith said, "is there?"

"Probably not," Stephanie said, "it appears you continue to be the most entertaining couple at Seattle Grace."

"Shep," Mark drawled as he reached the desk and stood behind Tracy, whispering something to her. "Hope that champagne was worth it last night."

"It was," Meredith said, and walked up to him, "thank you for everything last night, you gave us a perfect celebration and a very beautiful and special gift."

"You both deserved that," Mark said quietly, unusually reserved and pensive.

"What are you doing here so early?" Derek asked Mark.

"Early surgery," Mark said, "in fact running late," failing to mention he'd agreed to let Lexie scrub in on his surgery and came in early to go over it with her.

"Lisette," Meredith said, "do you have a few minutes?"

"Of course Dr. Grey," Lisette said, "what can I do for you?"

"Actually, I have something for you...we, Derek and I bought some souvenirs for all of you... we told you, the same for everyone...they should be delivered this week, but I saw something I thought you might like and didn't think anyone would mind, it was a little something more for you...a baby gift..."

"Oh," Lisette said, surprised and unsure how to react given the circumstances, "that was very kind of you."

"Well, wait till you see what it is," Meredith smiled, and before she started to walk with her to the back office, she felt Derek's hand on her hip, and his whisper, "are you going to be ok?"

"Yes," she told him, and kissed him softly before she walked away.

"I'm sure I'm going to love whatever you got," Lisette told her.

"I'm not sure it's what you'd buy, in fact, it's not something I've seen here...not that I've paid that much attention to baby things," she rambled, "but this was Italy...and I thought...well, my mother in law got something similar for Derek's sister...and then...when I saw it...I's ...for your baby."

"I know this is not easy for you," Lisette said, "and it is so very thoughtful of you..."

Meredith took out a thin package, "they wrap everything there," she said referring to the gift paper, "even the smallest items, I had forgotten about that," and handed her the gift.

Lisette opened the package that revealed, an item she would not normally get, but was lovely nonetheless, "it's're right, normally we don't find this quality or designs here," she said referring to the cotton organza hand embroidered crib sheet and pillow case.

"They had several designs," Meredith said, as she reached out and traced the embroidery, "but, I thought, since you have a little girl already, maybe you'll have a boy...and she's old enough...and would like this," and looked melancholically at the design that showed a boy holding a large bath brush and a girl with pig tails giving a cat a bath as soap bubbles floated through the air. Lisette placed her hand on top of Meredith's, understanding how difficult it must have been to spend time selecting a baby gift, and they exchanged half smiles filled with unshed tears.

"I'm sure my daughter will love it, and we have a cat, and she's already talking about taking care of her baby brother or sister, so she will have a whole story about how they will bathe our cat together. Meredith, thank means a lot to me."

"I've got to go now," Meredith said, as she got up quickly to leave, "I'm glad you liked it...wasn't sure...I've never really bought baby gifts for anyone...not before this trip."

Derek had waited for her and immediately put his arm around her, "ready to go?"

"Yes," she smiled. "have a nice day ladies, I want to make sure to get out of here on time today, I've got a date with my husband," she said and then they walked away, and she felt the gentle squeeze of her hand before he took a small detour to a deserted spot and just held her in his arms.

"Are you ok?" he whispered.

"I am," she said. "I was fine..."

"You're fine," he said, caressing her back gently.

"I will be," she conceded, "I will be fine."

"I love you," he soothed.

"That's what's making it all fine," she said and hugged him tightly to her.

The rest of the day was chaotic and they would not see each other again till the end of her shift, which was now moved to six because of the morning's adjustment. Derek was in surgery when she was able to get away for lunch, and joined her friends, putting up with the increased amount of teasing about their late arrival to Joe's and the expected comments about their evening alone at home and the rescheduled for the morning. Then, when she tried to find him, when he was apparently scheduled for lunch, it seemed that he had left the hospital.

"Hey," Meredith said when he walked in to the resident's locker room at six, "I looked for you this afternoon."

"I was here," he said much too quickly, "when were you looking for me?"

"Around three," she said, with a frown on her forehead.

"I'm sorry I missed you," he said as he walked up to her and kissed her.



"Your car was gone," she said simply.



"I had a good reason."

"To lie to me?"

"I didn't lie..."

"You're right," she said, "technically you didn''s fine, you don't have to tell me where you were."

"You'll know when we get home, ok?"



"It's ok..." she assured him, brushing his lips, "I trust you."

"You're saying that now to make me feel guilty," he pouted.

"I am not," she actually laughed at him, "stop pouting."

"You won't mind...once you know."

"Ok," she said again, "take me home..."

"Mer," he said when they walked in the door, "wait here...just for a few minutes...I'll be right back...please..." he said, and kissed her lips, "just wait for me here...ok?"

"What are you up to?"

"Sit down...relax...I'll be right back..."

"How about if I get us both a glass of wine, while you do whatever..."

"That's good...very good, there's actually a bottle out and the glasses..."


"Really..." he said, "I was here...this afternoon...I stopped by the house."

"You are going to have to tell know..."

"I know...I'll be right back," and he disappeared up the stairs and joined her about five minutes later, "all right...let's go Mrs. Shepherd, join me in our room."

"Uhmmm..." was her only reply, as she sipped from her wine, and he pulled her along with him to their bedroom.

"Happy anniversary Meredith," he said as they walked in the door, and she could see the reflection of candles surrounding her tub. The water was running to fill the tub, and there were flowers on her nightstand, and he'd made the bed with the red sheets they'd purchased in Switzerland, and on top he'd placed one of the several items of lingerie she'd received as gifts at her shower.

"You did this," she turned to him, "this afternoon?"

"Yes," he smiled, "and also...this," he said as he walked over to his nightstand and picked up a silver photograph frame, the one she'd admired the afternoon spent shopping, a 1927 art deco frame, hand crafted to display its tortoise shell design with silver details at each corner, and when he placed it in her hand a quiet gasp escaped her.

"Our wedding photo," she was speechless, "how...when..." she continued to look at the photograph he'd placed in the frame, recalling all the memories the moment evoked, though she did not remember posing for that particular photograph.

"We got them today, they were delivered this afternoon, and I decided to also take our disk and get our photos printed, so we could choose what we want for our wedding album, but this...when I saw this one..."

"It's beautiful," Meredith said softly, "I don't remember posing for this," she said.

"I don't think we did," he said, "but I thought you'd like it."

"It's perfect, it makes me remember every single emotion I felt at that moment," she said, and the reflection in her eyes matched his, both reliving the moment they'd shared alone when she'd given him the lion tamer gift. She'd been in his arms, his arousal against her precipitating the desire to walk away from their families for a much needed moment of intimacy and privacy, and she'd had his arms around him, slightly leaning back as they smiled into each other's eyes, and then a photograph had been snapped capturing the poignant moment between them.

"I thought," he said, "I know you said you wanted this for our wedding photo, but I thought...when I saw this one, was our moment...our private moment to share and we could pick another one to display...but this one..."

"This one," she said, looking at it again, "is intimately ours, for our bedroom."

"I love you Meredith."

"As I you...adore you...completely."

"Are you ready for the rest of our week's anniversary?"

"Are you?" she teased.

"Your husband," he joked, and kissed her, "and sex your beck and call."

"When do we get started," she laughed, and began to undo the buttons of his shirt, but he stopped her.

"No," he said, "my turn at this...your slave," he smiled.

"Derek..." she warned, "if you think...for one're going to keep me're out of your mind."

" a virtue you know."

"Not tonight it's not," she laughed.

"I bet I can change your mind..." he reached for the hem of her sweater, his fingers gently caressing the exposed skin, delighting in her reaction to his touch, before he took off her sweater, and pulled her along with him to the bathroom and first shut off the water before the tub overflowed. He then continued to undress her, slowly, frustratingly so, kissing every inch of exposed skin, and she did the same to him before they immersed themselves in the warmth of the bath water filled with the lavender he'd bought for her weeks before.

"You're going to smell like lavender," she teased him.

"I love lavender," he whispered in her ear, as she lay back against him.

"You love lavender on me," she teased, "not sure how your patients will feel about a whiff of lavender on their doctor."

"They'll get over it," he said as the laughed.

"Derek," she said, as his hands on her body made her forget to form coherent thoughts or sentences.

"Uhmmm..." he said, his mouth on her neck, kissing her, sucking gently knowing the likelihood of leaving a love mark, uncaring of anything but bringing her pleasure, as she moaned while his hands roamed her body.

"Don't even think of taking things slow..."

"Why like slow...especially when it comes to baths," he teased her, referring to her long ago attempt at taking things slow.

"Not anymore," she said, "I want"

"But," he teased her, his hands caressing her most intimately, "aren't you going to wear that flimsy piece of nothing on your bed..."

"Sex slaves don't talk," she said, and quickly shifted in his arms, and kissed him hard, and started to get out of the tub, when he held her back.

"You're leaving..." he smiled knowingly, and laughed at her answer, as she bit his bottom lip playfully and got out of the tub. He followed wrapping a towel around her but before they had a chance to dry each other off, he lifted her and carried her to their bed, and at that moment began a night of the most intimate of pleasures, where each touch, each caress further enticed the other, and the moans and appropriately the roars of passion gave testament to the lifetime commitment made one week earlier, and now thousands of miles away from the place of legends, the lovers unselfishly and exquisitely fulfilled the other's deepest desires.

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