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Meredith came awake slowly, as she heard the early morning commotion in the hall, and buried herself in the pillow hoping to get just little more sleep, but slowly turned to reach for Derek, and found he was gone.

She forced herself to open her eyes and focus at the time on the red lights glaring at her from the clock on the nightstand, and almost jumped out of bed, it was 5:57 and she had to be at the hospital by seven, but then Derek walked in just as she was about to get up.

"Good morning," he said walking toward her.

"Derek, I'm going to be late, why didn't you wake me," she said as she started to get up.

He came over and sat next to her, kissing her softly.

"You had a restless night, I wanted to let you sleep a little longer."

"But I'm going to be late," she said, unable to resist kissing him back.

"You're not, I'll drive you, and you have enough time to shower and get downstairs and have some breakfast."

"You're spoiling me," she said, enjoying the attention from him.

"Trying to...are you feeling better," he said, placing his hand on her abdomen and lightly caressing her, "you were up a few times last night."

"I am...feeling better, I don't know what was wrong with me last night. Did you already have breakfast?"

"No...waiting for you."

"I'll be right down...we need to leave here in 40 minutes."

"I'll see you downstairs," he told her and brushed her lips with his one last time.

Izzie was in the kitchen serving three plates when Meredith walked in.

"Good morning Izzie, is everyone gone?"

"George just left, Alex and Lexie rode in together, they had pre rounds, and Derek convinced me to stick around and fix breakfast, and I'd ride in with you."

"Derek, you asked her to cook for us?"

"She loves that, and you should start the day with a healthy breakfast."

"Thanks Iz, but you shouldn't let him talk you into cooking."

"Mer, I do this all the time...not a big deal, and he did cook last night."

"Yes, I guess he did," she said as she went to sit across from him, but first leaned down to kiss him. "No muesli?"

"Who says...eating that and protein this morning."

"You're planning on needing lots of energy today?" she teased him.

"I'm still here...if you guys want to make'll need to wait till later."

"Stevens, we do have some self control."

"Maybe you was pretty quiet last night," she joked, "guess tonight's the night for me to win my bet, six days...provided it's after midnight."

"Don't count on it," Derek muttered under his breath, and winked at Meredith.

"Iz, Derek needs all that energy boost so he can take me hiking to where he's building our house."

"Mer, you're going hiking? I don't see it..."

"Well, I'm making this exception, but he may have to carry me," she giggled, "though I fully expect there'll be a paved road in the future...right, Derek?"

"Well, it's..."

"'re not building where we have to hike to it?"

He laughed, and reached out for her hand across the table, "no, lazy bones, there will be a road...eventually."

"Eventually better be sooner than later...when we...when you build that is."

"Trust me...when we build," he said emphasizing 'we', "there'll be a road."

"I'm lazy Derek, I don't mind admitting it, hiking's not my cup of tea."

They ate breakfast quickly and made it to Seattle Grace just in time for Izzie and Meredith to reach the resident's lounge before their morning briefing.

Derek's first surgery wasn't scheduled until late morning, but he'd wanted to drive her to work so they could leave the hospital together and he could show her the site he'd chosen for their house. Now he was getting a little nervous, and hoped she'd like the spot as much as he did.

Derek picked up a cup of coffee and approached the nurses' station to grab his charts and get an early start to his day.

"Ladies, how are the Fab4 this lovely morning?"

"No offense Dr. Shepherd, but Dr. Sloan carries that off a bit smoother."

"AmyLynn, I'm hurt, not only have I lost McDreamy status, but can't seem to pull a line like that off either," he laughed.

"I wouldn't worry about that if I were you... rumors have're on your way back."

"The four of you having just a little bit to do with that I take it?"

"You never know...isn't that right Lisette?"

"Mum's the word around here."

"Who's the mum," Mark interrupted, "ladies, one of you expecting?"

"Dr. Sloan, I've never seen anyone jump to conclusions like you do."

"Hell Steph, that's how rumors get started," he laughed, "speaking of which, how goes the GS romance?"

"I'd be more concerned about yours," Derek told him.

"Mine? What are you talking about?"

"Don't know... just something I've heard...bets of some sort...I got to run...catch up with you later, thanks ladies...good job on information dissemination."

The three nurses laughed, as they saw Tracy approach the counter, "good morning Dr. Sloan, how was your evening last night," she teased.

"Best sleep I've had in a long while... no complaints...."

"You must share your secret...especially any new sleeping techniques, and all."

"Want to share again tonight?" he asked as he pulled her aside.

"Can't say I'd mind..."

"Lobby at seven fifteen?"

"See you then," she smiled as he walked away.

"Tracy, what the hell was that about," Steph asked, while Lisette and AmyLynn waiting for an answer.

"He's single, I'm single, and we had... a hell of a pleasure filled night, nothing wrong with that."

"Who says there's anything wrong," AmyLynn asked, "fill us in... is he as good as he thinks he is?"

"Better!" she laughed. "Mcsteamy is just... the perfect description!"

Meredith and Derek realized they'd been thinking along the same lines when she found herself almost colliding with him, as they both reached Tuck's hospital room.


"Hey, you didn't tell me you didn't have any surgeries till after ten this morning."

"I'm catching up with paperwork, plus I wanted to drive in with you this morning."

"I'm not complaining," she leaned in to kiss him quickly before going in the room, but not quick enough for Bailey to miss it.

"Shepherd, looks like the rumor mill may be right this time... and you may be gaining a bit of that overly moussed McDreamy status back..."

Meredith attempted to disguise her giggle, but Derek raised his eyebrow, giving her a you'll get yours later look.

"Hey, Tuck, you're looking great," Meredith said as she approached the crib, and gently caressed his forehead, "I bet you're ready to go home with Mommy."

"He sure is...aren't you baby, Mommy's taking you home today," Miranda's voice totally softened as she spoke to her son.

"It's great news Dr. Bailey, I just wanted to stop by and see him before you took him home, and wasn't sure if that would be today or not."

"Thanks Grey... and seeing that you two are here together...guess you're back to smelling each other in elevators, so all's right at Seattle Grace again."

"Miranda, how the hell do you manage to know all that is going on around here," Derek chuckled.

"You keep forgetting, I KNOW EVERYTHING," she laughed.

"You certainly do," he quipped, giving her a hug, "glad all turned out well with this little one, let me now if you need me for anything."

"Thank you, it's not going to be easy right now...and that means a lot to me," she said as she turned away hiding her emotions.

"Hey Tuck, you're getting so big, you're going to have to come around here more often, it's not very often we hear your Mommy laugh or cracking jokes around here."

Meredith and Bailey looked at him, and at the baby who had responded immediately to him, and now stood reaching out for Derek to lift him out of the crib.

"What? I'm not going to drop him, you forget I've got fourteen nieces and nephews, I'm an expert at this. Isn't that right, Tuck, I can certainly hold my own with a baby, and you know what Tuck... if your Mom let's me I'll have to teach you to fish..."

"Shepherd, don't even think about it, he's too small to be anywhere near a pond or lake... or whatever body of water it is you have on that forest of yours."

"Women... see Tuck, they have no idea of the importance of things...but, if Momma Bear here isn't ready to let you go fishing, maybe I can teach you a thing or two about being McDreamy."

"You are so pathetic Shepherd, give me that baby, can't have that infated ego rubbing off on him."

He walked over to Meredith, "see Tuck, it's never too early to start practicing...take it from a band geek...right Mer, think I still have some pointers on being Mcdreamy?"

She had never seen Derek interact with a baby before, and suddenly felt like the walls were closing in around her, this is what he wanted, when he talked about a family, this is what he wanted, and she wasn't sure if she was cut out for the mothering role.

He saw her demeanor change immediately, fighting the urge to run away.

Meredith forced herself to smile, and looked at Derek, "he doesn't understand any of your nonsense Derek."

"Of course he does, we also learn flirting at an early age," and just to prove him right, the baby reached out to grab hold of Meredith's long hair and smiled.

She couldn't help but laugh, and tried to free her hair from his little hands, but he was not letting go...which made all three adults laugh, followed by Tuck's giggle as he stretched his arms towards Meredith.

"Uh...uh... Derek... I don't think..."

"Go ahead, Grey, he won't break," Miranda encouraged, having noticed all the nuances of the exchange that has taken place.

"Tuck, this is Meredith," he said and placed him in her arms "isn't she a pretty girl."

"Hey there, you're just a precious boy, and your Mommy's so proud of you," she spoke softly to him, unaware of the longing look on Derek's face as she held him.

The baby giggled, and looked around for hi mom... "ma...mama...mamma."

"He's not too bad you know... he probably can still teach you about being dreamy," earning a smile and giggle from the baby, as he again reached out to grab a strand of hair. "But, we're going to have to work on him about being so cocky...oh, Dr. Bailey, sorry, I mean...sorry... not sure... if I should use that word..." she fidgeted.

"It's fine Meredith...he doesn't really understand that word right now, he's just reacting to your voice."

"Oh, thank God...I'm not...not very good...around babies."

"You're doing just fine....just fine," she said looking at Meredith and Derek, and hoping the two were really going to make it, hoping they would have their chance at being a family one day.

She'd never really paid attention before, but suddenly, she saw a different side to Meredith Grey, and it surprised her. It was true, she really did know everything sometimes, and as she looked over at Meredith holding her son, she just knew one day, she'd be an even better mother than she was a doctor, and she had the potential to be an extraordinary surgeon.

Miranda walked over to Meredith, "hey baby, you ready to come to your Mommy? We're going to get you ready to go home," she spoke in the most un-Bailey like demeanor, and all her features softened as the baby reached out for her and snuggled against her.

It was all she needed, right now, the hug from her son was all she needed to get her through the days ahead, as the inevitable reality of her broken marriage was no longer a secret.

"Derek, Meredith, thanks for everything, I know you have to get back to work. I'll see you in a few days."

"Just let us...let me know, if there's anything you need," Meredith said as she gently caressed the baby's back, and he surprised her, by turning around and giving her a smile.

"Bye Tuck, be a good boy for your Mommy," Meredith said softly.

"Miranda, I'm just a phone call away."

"I know."

"Well, buddy...I'll see you soon...and I'm going to make sure we get you some fishing gear, in spite of what these silly girls say."

"Sil - ly..." Tuck said, much to his mother's amazement, and reached out to grab a chunk of Derek's hair.

"Yes... baby, Dr. Shepherd is really really silly," she laughed and saw Meredith, reach out for Derek's hand.

"Derek, let's go before Tuck learns anything else from you."

Miranda smiled as she saw them walk out together holding hands.

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