Treasured Memories

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They held on to each other for a few minutes, then, her pager buzzed again and she reluctantly looked at it.

"It's one of my interns, I have to go," she said, but remained in his arms, in fact snuggling closer to him, her head on his shoulder and her eyes closed, as though she did not want to let go of the moment, holding on to it and preserving it like a treasured memory, afraid it would not last.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he ran his fingers through her hair, and kissed her lightly, noting she was not usually this clingy, but enjoying the closeness, which was much more than just physical.

"Yes..." she said as her gaze locked with his, and he could tell there was something else she wanted to say, but was hesitating.

"Meredith...finish your thought."

"'re coming over tonight?"

"Yes...but that's not what you were going to say... is it?"

"You're a mind reader now..."

"I know you..."

"You're right...but... I have to go...but, we can talk later...tonight."

"Ok...your shift's over at 7?"

"I should be home by 7:30, but not sure what food we may have, so we can order something for dinner."

"Are you in the mood for steak...potatoes...?"

"Oh, yes, that would be wonderful," she said just as her stomach growled.

"What exactly have you been eating lately, " he laughed.

"I haven't had lunch... I was starving when I was paged to the nurses' station, and not really pleased I was missing the chance to grab something to eat."

"I hope it was worth the interruption."

"You know it was...thank you...again," she said as she got up and he followed.

"Let's go," he said, but first he leaned down to kiss her, and she responded with a kiss that should leave not doubts as to how she felt about him.

They walked out holding hands, and went towards the nurse's station.

"Do you know if everyone's home tonight?" he asked.

"Why ...what do you mean?"

"How many do I fix dinner for?"

"Derek, you don't have to do that."

"But, I'm going to...who's home, so I can grill steaks for everyone...even if I'm not on their favorite's list right now."

"You are on mine..." she teased, "well, working your way back ..."

"Really...working my way back..."

"They're all home... probably Lexie too...but not all at the same time."

"I'll take care of it."

When they reached the nurses's station, she said, "Tracy, can I get the box from you, please?"

"Let me get it Dr. Grey."

Derek took it from her, "thanks Tracy."

"Not a problem Dr. Shepherd," she said and winked at him.

"Meredith, I'll bring it home."

"Ok... have to run...oh... Derek," she turned around, "don't forget dessert."

"What are you all smiling at?"

"Dr. Shepherd, do you even have to ask?"

"Amy did I miss something."

All four laughed, "oh, no, absolutely not...given how long you and Dr. Grey were gone... I don't think you missed anything at all."

"She liked her gift."

"We can definitely testify to that...she loved her gift," Lisette chimed in.

"And whatever else you did...uhm...or said...cause she certainly walked away happy."

"Uhm... well...yes...Steph, we talked... and she is happy."

"No doubts in our mind...McDreamy may live again."

He laughed, "well...let's say, he's working on it."

"We'll be happy to spread that rumor...or rather that fact."

"Thank you ladies...for your help... " he laughed as he started to walk away, "by the way... Sloan is right... the nickname applies...the Fab4!"

Meredith hurried to meet up with her intern, to find Cristina as well, but addressed her intern only.

"What's going on, you paged."

"Well... well, Dr. Grey... it really was..."

"I had him page you."

"Why? You mean, you didn't need anything, you paged and I'm rushing to get over here for no good reason at all...I've been stuck in surgery all day... and now you're making me miss the only opportunity to get something to eat. Seriously?"

"Sorry, Dr. Grey... but... but Dr. Yang said it was important."

"Well, you know what...from now on, you make sure you forget what Dr. Yang says, and if she needs to, she can page me herself... and unless you have something important to page me about...DON'T!"

"Mer...I think... that's a bit too strong...I told him..."

"Yes, Cristina, you did tell him, and he should know better than to listen to you. Now tell me, what the hell was so important?"

"Excuse us...thank you...uh...whatever...your name...thanks. Don't worry, I'll handle this."

"Do not listen to her. You page me, only when you need me. Now...go, go do your job."
"What the hell was that... Meredith, are you on crack? You never talk to your interns like that."

"Well, no thanks to you... I'm hungry and that makes me cranky, and you screwed up the time I had for lunch."

"No, I did not... and if you had answered my page."

"Well, I was busy."

"Yeah, we know... doing McDreamy."


"Mer, the whole hospital knows you two have been at it like rabbits again."

"Don't you people have anything better to do...and for the record, not that it's any of your business...we have not."

"Really... so, I haven't lost my bet yet."

"This is why you paged me, seriously? I'm not listening to you anymore... I'm going to eat," she said and started to walk away, but Cristina followed.

"Then what is everyone talking about... the two of you apparently walked in this morning holding hands, and kissed like a cute little McDreamy couple before going your separate ways..."

"Ok. CRISTINA... this is ridiculous... since when do you have time for all this gossip crap."

"I've always had time...I'm just really good at managing my bets... but I don't quite have a handle on this one yet."

Just as they were approaching the cafeteria, Lexie and one of Cristina's other inter caught up with them. "Dr. Yang, we need you to look at this case, we're not sure about ..."

Cristina grabbed the chart and skimmed it, "Three, how would you handle it?"
She was still calling them by numbers, though outside the hospital, she'd warmed up slightly to Lexie, for Meredith's sake.

Lexie responded, as did Cristina. "Good. Two, do as she said, three don't go."

"Yes, Dr. Yang," both answered simultaneously.

Meredith had continued walking and was now sitting down, ready to practically inhale her lunch, when both Cristina and Lexie joined her, each with a cup of coffee.

"What now?"

"We're having a friendly chat..."


"Lexie, where were you last night?"

"Dr. Yang...not sure... what ..."

"Were you at Meredith's? Was Derek there, did he spend the night?"

"Well...I mean...I was there..."

"Then spill the beans... did he spend the night?"

"Dr. Yang... I don't think..."

"You see Cristina... she is being discreet. Discreet... and not blabbing about my personal life."

"Mer, wake up. There's no such thing in this hospital, especially about you & him."

"'s nobody's business."

"You, should have thought of that when you decided to screw an attending."

"I cannot believe you... you're supposed to be..."

"I am your person...don't forget it... but I can't fight the rumors or stop the gossip."

"So you might as well join in."

"Well... Mer... if you can't fight them..."

Meredith laughed, appreciating some of the humor. "Well, for what it's worth... I'm not giving you any details...go ahead and rely on your rumor mill."

"Lexie, if you want to see the insides of an operating room this week... fess up..."

"CRISTINA! You can't use that against her."

"Watch me."

"It's ok Meredith...I'm not going to talk about your private life."

"Three!!! You really will stay in the pit all week."

"That's ok," she told her defiantly.

Meredith glanced, smiling softly, at her sister. She would remember this moment forever, the moment when she knew she had been right to trust her instincts, she had been right to trust and confide in her. It was another special memory to treasure today, as she recognized the bonds that had begun to form with Lexie would only get stronger, and they would undoubtedly be there for one another in the future. She'd found a sister and a new person to trust.

Meredith reached out to touch her hand, "go ahead, answer what she asked."

"Meredith... really..."

"It's ok Lex...this time."

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd was there last night."

"Mer... you lied... so you did have sex... the bet is over."

Meredith continued eating, ignoring her questions and digging through the partially consumed salad, French fries with mayonnaise and ketchup, and cheesecake.

"Lexie, you can confirm that... right, they had sex."

"How could I know that...? I'm hardly in the room with them."

"Ok... did you not sleep in the same house?"

"Of course I did, I just said."

"And you did not hear them?"

Meredith continued eating, smiling inwardly.

"Dr. Yang..."

"Oh my God... you did not have sex."

"Mer... you really talk about all your private details like this?"

"Lexie, I'm not saying a thing."

"Lexie, let me clue you in about your sister and McDreamy...if they'd had sex, you'd know it, because they are incredibly loud. They do not do quiet sex."

Lexie had taken a sip of coffee at that very moment, and almost choked.

"Oh God...that's way more information than I needed to know."

"Well, you should...cause if you're going to sleep under the same roof, you definitely want to know, and possibly invest in some ear plugs."

"Lex, she's probably right," Meredith winked.

"'re admitting to no sex...interesting."

"I'm not admitting to anything."

"But you have this....this satisfied look in your face... of course... you two did the dirty right here in the hospital. That's why you didn't answer my sly dog..."

"Not that you deserve to know this... because you're not being very supportive... at all...but... since Lexie is here..."

"Oh, so half sister trumps your person...and gets to know information."

"No...discreet sister ...trumps indiscreet money grubbing bet making person," she said, and her sister comment did not go unnoticed by any of the three women.

"O.k. so, what's the deal with the secret...sappy smiles."

"We are trying to work things out...we have not had sex..."

"No...there's more to this than that."

"We're both trying."

"We did hear...he gave up the nurse."

"He did not give up the nurse...there wasn't anything to give up."

"If that's what he told you..."

"Cristina, why must you always find fault in him... why can't you just once give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Because I've seen what that has done for you in the past."

"I love him. You know that. You of all people know that. Why can't you be happy that we're trying to work things out?"

"As I said...we've gone past that road before."

"You know what...forget it...I'm just not going to talk to you about this..."

"Mer...I've told you before...I'm the hard ass... not you... what did he do that has you all in a tailspin and we have to put up with this soft ...mushy... sentimental phase..."

"You could pretend to be happy for me..."

"I want you to be happy...I'm just not sure how this is all going to work out."

"Well, let me worry about that...and instead of there for me... be my person."


"Have you told him?"


"That you still love him."


"Why not?"

"We...still have to work through things... it's soon... to soon... after.. this..."

"You don't trust him."

"I'm... we're...working on it."

"That's what I'm've been there before, and he hasn't."

"I've always been there Cristina, the not able to trust. I am not good at trusting people, but I'm not going to give up on our relationship without really trying."

Lexie intervened, "you know what Mer... I think it's great you're trying...and I know that Dr. Ya...that Cristina is going to be supportive...I mean...she even brought me your home...when things got really bad...she was really supportive...and I'm really grateful for that.. and that was just me...and you're her I know she's going to be supportive of you."

"Oh God...of all the people to be my person's sister... another rambler."

Lexie and Meredith both laughed. "You love me...I know you do...and I'm counting on you to be there for me...if... if this doesn't work," Meredith said to her friend.

"Yeah... whatever. I'm here."

"Mer, are you going to tell us what did put that smile on your face?"

"Yeah, since we know it wasn't sex," Cristina added sarcastically.

She had a grin from ear to ear, as she said, "he had a surprise for me...he bought me a gift."

"All that for a gift. Hasn't he done that before."

Her smile faded, "no Cristina, he actually hadn't, in fact no one really had...before."

Both Cristina and Lexie were stunned by her admission, and noticed the tears gathering in Meredith's eyes.

"Mer... I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean ... I'm sorry,"

"It's ok's not important," she said and started to get up, but felt Cristina's hand on her arm, stopping her.

"Mer... it is important...because it's important to you."

She wasn't going to allow Cristina's bitterness to get in the way of what she was feeling.

"Listen," she said, "Derek's coming over tonight, and he's cooking dinner, and he asked who's going to be home tonight...and he said he was making enough for everyone, so you're welcome to join us, if you want, you can just drop by, whenever."

"What was the gift," Lexie insisted, noticing how the mood had suddenly changed.

She was not as enthusiastic sharing the news, as before Cristina's comment, but she told them, and Lexie was predictably the most excited of the two.

She would just hold on to the treasured memories of the moment she saw the gift and the time she spent with Derek afterward, because, that feeling, those emotions, that was really all that mattered.

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