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This is my first day in this school, I'm a new transferee here. this university is really beautiful I love the luxurious vibe of this school. Well we half own this school and I know dad and his friend will really do their best to make the wealthy student study here.

Anyway, I'm wandering around the school because everything really caught my attention. I can sense all eyes are on me. Well who wouldn't? I'm hot and gorgeous.

I'm in my deep thought to the point I forgot that it's already time to go into my room. I back to my senses and hurriedly run to where the hell my room is.

I ran as I can so I will arrive there before the professor do. looking left and right to find my room until I finally found it. Before I enter I check again if this is My classroom.

I roam my eyes to find my best friend because I'm aware that we're going to be classmates for this year. I saw her seating alone and decided to surprise her "Chaeyoung!!" I whisper yell to her enough for her to be startled.

"Yah! You ugly monkey! You startled me! and you're almost late!" She said.

"I'm sorry. you know I'm new here so I just wander around. I didn't notice the time Luckily the professor is still not here" I said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you're transferee" she chuckles "Anyway! Welcome to our glamorous university! there are so many hot students here Lis! I'm sure you can easily fuck them one by one!" she said and wiggle her brows. This chipmunk! I thought she's a church girl? What happens?

"Yah! Do you hear your self huh? Did you forget that I already change and besides how can you say they will easily give in to me?" I said and chaeng chuckled.

"You're too stupid to notice. Look all girls here in the room are looking at you like they want to rip your shirt and fuck you" she said "Wait! Lisa did you know Your dick can be our new business" Chaeng smile mischievously.

I look at every corner of the room...and she's right all these not-so-beautiful girls are eyeing me. what the hell is she saying business?

"Whatever. I don't give a fuck to them" I said "and what the hell business are you talking about? Are you going to chop my dick and grill it then sells it for $5? Well, I don't want to because I'm expensive" I said and grin.

"No! You'll be our money machine. We will post online like 'You want to feel heaven? Come and get an appointment to our great Manoban for only $1000 per moan' see? I know you can give them more pleasure so we will earn more" She said and chuckled. This woman Is really insane!!

"Why don't we sell your not-so-big boobs huh? That's nonsense in your chest it's like you were just bitten by a bee and then swollen" I said and laugh hard.

"Yah! This is already big for me. But we can still sell this though" she said. I facepalm beacuse of her idiocy like seriously? She would really sell it?

"Whatever no one will buy that cause they want bigger than yours and inform those girls if they didn't stop looking at me they'll be gone dead" I said and give a cold shoulder to these girls to divert their eyes to elsewhere.

"Is that true? The womanizer and also known Lalisa Manoban is now telling me she doesn't give a fuck to those hot women?" She said somewhat amazed.

"As long as I remember You're not deaf so you heard it right" I said.

chaeng was about to say something but got cut off by our professor. "Good morning class I am Mr. Ya-roh I'm a science teacher of yours" he said and awkwardly smiled. the student stood up and great him back and sat down again.

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